usnewsper-politics · 3 months
UK Immigration System Overhauled: New Rules for High-Skilled Workers and Fair Immigration #Brexitreferendum. #caponmigrants #controlofborders #discriminationinimmigration #EUandnonEUcitizens #fairandbalancedimmigration #highskilledworkers #joboffer #lowerskilledjobs #reducingimmigration #regionaldisparities #salarythresholds #shortageoflowskilledworkers #skillsshortage #STEM #UKimmigrationsystem
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visamintglobal · 4 months
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Unlocking Opportunities: France's 'Talent Passport' for High-Skilled Workers
France's 'Talent Passport' program offers a gateway for exceptionally skilled non-EU workers and self-employed individuals to reside and work in the country for up to four years, presenting a promising opportunity for professionals looking to contribute significantly to the economy. This initiative caters to a wide spectrum of fields including science, literature, arts, academia, education, and sports.
The 'Talent Passport' program encompasses several official categories to accommodate various applicants:
Self-employed or engaged in a liberal profession
Individuals making a direct economic investment
Those involved in an innovative economic project recognized by a public body
Corporate appointments in a French company
Activities related to science, literature, the arts, academia, education, or sports
Performers or creators of literary or artistic works
Self-employed performers
To qualify for the professional work visa, individuals must intend to stay in France for a minimum of three months. Key points to note about the Talent Passport visa include:
Salary requirements vary across categories but generally meet or exceed the legal minimum wage in France.
Companies can sponsor employees for up to four years.
The higher education mission category necessitates a master's level qualification.
Language proficiency is not mandatory for eligibility.
Visa holders' families can accompany them, and dependents over 18 years old can seek employment in France.
The highly qualified employee category demands a minimum one-year employment contract in France.
The visa is renewable every four years.
For a seamless application process, it's advisable to consult the official French website to clarify any uncertainties regarding the visa application process within each category. Ensure all required documents are attached according to the relevant category for your application.
If you are considering relocating to France and fall within the professional categories outlined by the French government, VisaMint Overseas Services stands ready to provide comprehensive assistance in document preparation and visa application processes.
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yzkr · 7 years
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usnewsper-politics · 4 months
UK's New Immigration System: Fair and Balanced Approach to Skilled Workers and Borders #affordablehousing #caponmigrants #controlofborders #EUandnonEUcitizens #fairandbalancedimmigration #highskilledworkers #joboffer #lowerskilledjobs #publicservices #reducingimmigration. #salarythresholds #shortageoflowskilledworkers #skillsshortage #STEMworkers #UKimmigrationsystem
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usnewsper-politics · 4 months
UK Immigration System: New Rules for Skilled Workers and Fair Hiring #agricultureandsocialcare #braindrainofskilledworkers #caponmigrants #EUandnonEUcitizens #fairandbalancedapproachtoimmigration #focusonskillsandtalent #freedomtohiretalent #highskilledworkers #impactofBrexitonfreemovement #joboffer #lowerskilledjobs #negativeimpactonindustriesandcommunities #salarythresholds #shortageoflowskilledworkers #skillsandqualifications #UKimmigrationpolicy #UKimmigrationsystem
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
UK Immigration System Overhauled: New Rules for High-Skilled Workers and Fair Immigration #Brexitreferendum. #caponmigrants #controlofborders #discriminationinimmigration #EUandnonEUcitizens #fairandbalancedimmigration #highskilledworkers #joboffer #lowerskilledjobs #reducingimmigration #regionaldisparities #salarythresholds #shortageoflowskilledworkers #skillsshortage #STEM #UKimmigrationsystem
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
UK's New Immigration System: Fair and Skilled Workers Welcome, but Concerns Remain #Brexitimpact #Britishbusinesses #Englishlanguagerequirement #EUcitizens #fairandbalancedapproach #freemovementofpeople #highskilledworkers #HomeSecretaryPritiPatel #joboffer #laborshortages #lowskilledworkers #lowerskilledjobs #negativeimpactonindustries #nonEUcitizens #reducingimmigration #salarythresholds #selectiveimmigration #skillsbasedsystem #strategicimmigration #talentfromaroundtheworld #UKimmigrationsystem
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
UK's New Immigration System: Fair and Balanced Approach to Skilled Workers and Borders #affordablehousing #caponmigrants #controlofborders #EUandnonEUcitizens #fairandbalancedimmigration #highskilledworkers #joboffer #lowerskilledjobs #publicservices #reducingimmigration. #salarythresholds #shortageoflowskilledworkers #skillsshortage #STEMworkers #UKimmigrationsystem
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