#regardless of what he may or may not want hes completely loyal to him. he'll do pretty much anything rand needs him to --
luckhissoul · 1 year
i rarely post ooc on here but here's my long winded rambling about something that i keep seeing in regards to the show. like i've seen these different takes that somehow in the show mat's been given more layers and depth. but like i can't see where or how tbh all the show's given me so far is
his "gritty" backstory. supposedly to "explain" why he's the way he is. even though in the show he's not at all the way he is supposed to be ---
his disloyalty. abandoning his friends to possible death, abandoning egwene in the tower. they took one of his biggest driving points and just erased it entirely. this is not the mat that chased an assassin all the way to tear to save the wondergirls. this is not the mat that turned back towards a literal war when he had never fought in one before.
his innate darkness that drew him to the dagger. no mat couldn't just want gold, he couldn't even be greedy. he needs to have a darkness that made moiraine so sure he'd choose the dark. and apparently ishamael saying he belonged to him since birth ? like uhm did i hear that right?
these are literally the only traits he's been given. -- how does one do a more complex mat than the one robert jordan wrote anyways? he's confusing af - no one understands what's going on with him not even himself. like i always see sando getting flack about how he wrote mat. like he did better than anything the shows done so far tbh.
but this leads me to the whole 'the show did it better than the books' or that "the show fixed things" about every single little or major change that the show makes.  like prefer one over the other, love one hate the other. cool nbd. but -- i've never seen the source material of an adaptation so -- idk hated by the fandom? it confuses me how much flack robert jordan gets for writing a certain thing or a certain character but the show gets praised for a basically hollowed out poorly done adaptation. like i can enjoy the show, there are good things ( hello josha ) and there are bad ( the over the top age drops of the aes sedai. alanna's lowkey creepy with much young warders - they do know they don't get the same life span right? - and moiraine didn't give up her life for the search for the dragon. how long did she live before his birth ?? etc etc ). but i don't know how one could "understand" the characters or world better than the person that wrote it. i don't get how anyone could be interested in a world or characters from a book series that they seemingly hate ? by an author they basically hate, too? that's just my take i guess. i for one love the books. so ---
i'll go crawl back into my corner now ---
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terabyteturtle · 9 months
if Tekken requests are still open, may I request a SFW alphabet for Lars?
💙 Lars Alexandersson SFW Alphabet 💙
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I apologize for taking so long to fill this out! I've been flooded with so much schoolwork over the past couple months, it's unbelievable! Happy holidays and I hope you enjoy it regardless.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Initially, Lars will be apprehensive to give you affection. He's not averse to it; he just wants to make sure you're okay with it first. He understands that not everyone enjoys or is comfortable with physical touch, so he wants to respect your boundaries as much as possible. Once you give him the OK, he'll show you small, sweet gestures of affection. With Lars, everything is simple. Being the gentleman that he is, he won't ever smother you or cling to you incessantly. Instead, he'll opt for hand-holding and gentle kisses to the cheek or temple. When it comes to showing you affection in public, it really depends on your personal preference. Lars doesn't mind PDA, so if you don't either, that's perfect. He'll give you the exact same treatment as he does in private (except for hugs, those are strictly done when you're at home together). If you do mind PDA, then he'll reserve everything for when you two are alone.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
After everything he's gone through (and is currently going through) with the rebellion, Lars has grown to appreciate the little things in life. As a result, he's very chill and easygoing. It doesn't take a lot to make him happy, so no matter what you want to do, he's down for it. Lars is also extremely loyal; if you ever need anything from him, he will be there for you without question. He probably won't be able to offer the best advice, but if there's something you want to talk to him about, he's all ears. The friendship would probably start at Yggdrasil HQ, with you being part of the rebellion. Lars always tries to take as much stress off his troops as possible, especially during tense situations. So, he'll make an effort to keep pleasant conversations going, even if it's about something as simple as the weather. It won't take long for you and him to start speaking to each other, and as time progresses, you guys become two peas in a pod. In your free time, you talk about anything and everything, temporarily distracting yourselves from the worldwide chaos. 
C = Comfort (How do they comfort you? Are they good at it or are they kinda awkward? How do they like to be comforted?)
Lars is an absolute sweetheart, so as soon as he sees that you're upset, he'll provide you with as much comfort as possible. He'll do anything and everything to make you happy again, so consider him your personal butler. Want to watch a movie? He'll put one on for you. Want some snacks? He'll bring you your favorites. Want him to cuddle you for a while? You don't even have to ask because he was just about to do it anyway. He'll tend to your every whim without hesitation; if it makes you feel better, he'll do it. Lars is great at comforting, as he's very soft and understanding. He's a great listener, so if you decide to open up, he'll hang on to every word you say. His presence is calm and soothing, making you feel safe and secure. When Lars needs comfort, it's best to sit down and talk to him about the cause of his distress. He'll be completely honest about what's upsetting him and talk through it with you. Honesty is important to him, and he sees no reason to keep you in the dark. If you have any advice to offer, he's completely willing to listen. All he asks is that you lend him an ear. Aside from that, he doesn't need anything other than your presence, which always brings him solace.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Lars absolutely wants to settle down with you at some point. He's been smitten with you since the very beginning, and he honestly can't imagine a better way to live the rest of his life. Lars is more than capable of handling household duties. As someone who grew up without siblings or a father, he spent a lot of time helping his mother with stuff around the house. He's an excellent cook, especially when it comes to Swedish food. It's what he grew up making and eating, so he knows all of the recipes like the back of his hand. When it comes to cleaning, Lars is like a housekeeper. He enjoys keeping things tidy, and he'll catch every last speck of dust, lint, and hair without fail.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)
Lars is a man who values practicality over sentimentality, so if he had to break up with you, it would definitely be for a logical reason. If your life was put in danger because you had connections with him, for example, Lars would end it. Even if he still harbored feelings for you, he wouldn't cling to the relationship if it wasn't practical. This isn't to say he wouldn't be emotional about it, though. In fact, it's just the opposite. He would be as direct as possible and would try to keep a neutral expression, but you can tell he's holding back tears. It hurts him to do this, and he never thought he'd have to, but if it's what's best for both of you, Lars sees no other option.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment is a serious thing for Lars. He believes it's an important step in a relationship, one that finalizes everything and seals your love in a sacred vow. He'd definitely want to marry you at some point, but it would take a while for him to pop the question. Before taking such a large step, he wants to make sure that he's gotten to know you and trust you over a long period of time. Additionally, he would rather wait until the war ends before considering something that important. Lars wants to wait for the perfect time in which to ask you to marry him, so despite the fact that this man wouldn't dream of having anyone else, it'll take him a while. Rest assured, though, you have his heart.
G = Gentle (How tender are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Lars is incredibly gentle, both physically and emotionally. Every touch is soft and light, not because he's afraid of hurting you, but because he believes it's kind and considerate. To be rough with you is unnecessary and rude in his eyes. Emotionally, he's very compassionate and considerate, always taking the time to make sure you're okay or give you reassurance. His voice is soft whenever you're upset, and he's always willing to provide support when you need it.
H = Hugs n' Cuddles (Do they like hugs/cuddles? What are they like? How often do they happen?)
He loves hugs and cuddles, as they ground him in reality and reassure him that you're alive and breathing. Lars is a simple guy, and that translates into the way he holds you. When he hugs you, his arms go over one shoulder and under the other, the way a traditional hug would. They're long and full of love, enveloping you in warmth and making you feel safe. If Lars has been away for a while, he'll hold you tight and plant a soft kiss on your collarbone. When he cuddles you, he has an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close to him, resting his head on top of yours. Every so often, he'll pull back a bit to kiss your temple, then put his head back where it was before. Unfortunately, hugs and cuddles don't happen very often, as Lars barely gets time to relax. However, on the rare days when he does, he makes every second count.
I = I Love You (How quickly do they tell you they love you?)
Despite his preference for being practical, he's a very passionate guy. Naturally, his feelings are sudden and powerful. Lars is a hopeless romantic, but he isn't aware of it at all. When he first met you, he was actually kind of scared of how quickly he fell for you. If he were being completely straightforward with you, Lars would've said those words a long time ago. However, since building trust is so important to him, he'll hold off on saying them for a while. Relationships take a lot of time and effort to build, and Lars wants to make sure yours is no exception. He doesn't feel that it's right to tell you too quickly, no matter how certain he thinks he is. He wants to make sure you both trust each other and that neither of you feel rushed or uncomfortable about the course of the relationship. This might be one of the only things that he isn't honest about right away, as he wants to wait until the time is right.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
For the most part, Lars is pretty chill. He understands that not every person you talk to is going to be obsessed with you; that's just not how the world works. He knows that you probably have male friends that you like to hang out with or that you might bump into some polite guy and strike up a conversation sometime. Because he trusts you, the thought of someone flirting with you doesn't even cross his mind. Even if someone does flirt with you, he'll step in and politely let them know that you two are together. He'll only lose his cool if the other person touches you. Lars is perceptive; he can differentiate between friendly touches and flirtatious ones. If anybody tries anything with his lover, he'll be quick to tell them off and make it clear that you're his. If the other person is a jerk, then things'll start to escalate quickly, especially if a hand is laid on you. Lars will try his best to contain his temper, but it's very difficult for him to do so when your safety is being put at risk.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
With Lars, his kisses are almost always soft, slow, and sweet. The only time he won't be gentle is if he's been away and hasn't seen you for a while. Even then, these kisses aren't that much rougher than his usual ones; you can sense more passion and longing within them, but it's not like he's sloppy or eating half of your face. If he does slip up and catch himself being far rougher than usual, he'll tone it down immediately. Lars' biggest fear is making you feel uncomfortable in any way, so he's somewhat averse to being more passionate. Lars loves to kiss your forehead the most, as it feels protective, and he's noticed that it helps you relax. As for himself, he adores it when you kiss him on the lips. Every time you kiss him there, he's in heaven.
L = Little Ones (How are they around children and what are their thoughts on them?)
Lars is awkward around kids, but he's as sweet as can be. He wouldn't know what to do around them, but he'd try his best to keep them happy and entertained. He thinks kids are interesting; they're tiny people with innocent perspectives on everything. It reminds him of when he was a kid, living life without care and being curious about the world around him. Unfortunately, most of them can't afford to do that right now. Lars' heart breaks every time he sees a child affected by the war, and even more so if that child has no one left to turn to. He'd love to start a family with you in the future, but definitely not anytime soon. Right now, he wouldn't want to raise a kid in a devastated world, not to mention it would be impossible for him to help out when he's constantly going out on missions. Additionally, there's so much that burdens him at present that he'll need some time to recover after the war is over. But one day, when justice prevails and hope is restored, Lars would like nothing more than to live out the rest of his life with you and a bunch of little ones of your own.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Lars will either be super chill or super hectic; there's no happy medium. On his off days, he'll wake up early, but will stay in bed for a while just to hold you. He won't force you to wake up and wants to let you rest as much as you need to. When you wake up, he'll make you whatever you want for breakfast. As said before, Lars is an excellent cook, considering he'd had a ton of practice growing up, so he'll make anything and everything for you. You guys will eat breakfast, talk, and take in the morning sunlight together. On hectic days, however, it's the complete opposite. Lars usually has to get up for a mission, so he needs to head out the door as quickly as possible. As soon as he gets the call, he'll shoot straight out of bed and haphazardly get dressed, probably knocking a couple things over as he does so. He'll stumble around the place trying to brush his teeth, comb his hair, prepare, and fix himself a quick smoothie all at the same time. As you can imagine, it gets loud pretty quickly, waking you up with a start. All throughout the morning, Lars will apologize profusely to you from the moment he wakes up to the moment he shuts the door. He feels really bad about waking you so suddenly, but unfortunately, there's no way around it.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are much like mornings; sometimes they'll be chill, and other times, he'll be rushing out the door. Chill nights are full of cuddling and watching movies, which never gets old, considering that each day he's above ground is a blessing. However, when Lars gets called in for a mission, he'll hastily pack his things and prepare before giving you a sweet kiss and heading out the door. He always feels horrible doing this, especially when the two of you are in the middle of something, but it's his job and a very important one at that. When he's not there, it gets lonely pretty quick. Oftentimes, he'll call you and tell you about what's going on. He'll tell you that he'll be back soon and that he loves you and wishes you a good night. If he doesn't have time to call, he'll send you a quick text. No matter what, Lars will always make the effort to do something. The last thing he wants to do is worry you by not responding.
O = Open (At what point would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or take their time with it?)
Lars would be pretty average when it comes to revealing stuff about himself. He'd start off with the more basic stuff first, then slowly tell you deeper things as the relationship progresses. He wouldn't splurge out all sorts of information on the first date, nor would he wait years before telling you any of his deeper details. He'd definitely want to establish trust first before delving into more personal matters, but he wouldn't take years to be open with you.
P = Patience (How patient are they?)
Lars can be a little quick-tempered with people he doesn't know or like right away. In general, he has very little tolerance for people who act entitled, cocky, or rude. Other than that, he's a pretty patient guy. With you, his patience is astounding. He'll help you out with whatever you need, and he'll try his best to walk you through things you might not understand. Lars will make an effort to stay patient with you, no matter the situation. If you act unnecessarily rude or take your anger out on him, he'll be a lot more forbearing with you than he would be with someone else. If you take it too far, though, his patience will run thin.
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every detail or kinda forget everything?)
Lars has an amazingly sharp mind, which helped land him his high ranking within the Rebellion. Even after having recovered from amnesia, he's still retained his quick instincts and vivid memory. When it comes to you, he'll remember as much as humanly possible, guaranteed. Something random that you mentioned in passing? Lars remembers it, even if it's completely slipped your mind. A specific childhood memory you told him about? He'll memorize every detail. Favorite color? Favorite food? Favorite movie? Lars has it all locked in. And if something manages to slip his mind, he'll feel really bad about it and will want to make it up to you.
R = Remember (What is one of the most important moments of your relationship?)
After having been with you for a couple months, Lars decided it was about time to introduce you to the people closest to him, starting with his best friend Alisa. At first, he was a little nervous. Considering the fact that she was a flying, chainsaw-wielding automaton, he wasn't sure what you would think of her. Awkwardly enough, Lars was actually preparing himself to break it off with you if you didn't like her. After all, he has known her and trusted her for a long time, so it would be upsetting for him if you didn't respect or get along with her. Lars is the type of guy where if you don't like his friends, he doesn't like you. Luckily, he ended up having nothing to worry about, for the two of you quickly became two peas in a pod. You thought she was super sweet and cool, and she thought you were amazing and that Lars was lucky to have you. She even gave you a flying piggyback ride, which was as awesome as you can imagine it to be. Lars thought the two of you were adorable together, and he couldn't help but chuckle the entire time.
S = Security (How protective are they and how would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
With everything going on, Lars is definitely protective, but not overly so. If he's with you, then he'll stick by your side and be on the lookout for danger. If he's away, he trusts you to take care of yourself. Every day, he'll give you a call to check in and make sure you're okay. He'd definitely be worried sick about you regardless, but he's not the type to try and constantly monitor you. He values your personal space and would never dream of going to such extreme lengths. For him, he feels the most protected when he has full trust in someone. Lars feels safe and secure with the people he's closest to, especially you. He knows his secrets are safe with you and that nothing bad can happen to him if you're there. After all, you're the light of his life, so there's no reason to feel sad or unsafe with you around.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
As a whole, Lars would put a ton of effort into everything. Date, anniversaries, gifts—no matter what it is, he will try to make it extra special. He's a very thoughtful guy, so he would definitely take time to think before planning romantic dates or anniversaries. Nothing is sporadic with him; you always know what's going on and when it's happening ahead of time. He'll also take your schedule into account and make sure everything works for you. When it comes to gift-giving, he's the same way. Whatever he gives you, it's bound to have some thought and meaning behind it. Lars doesn't want to give you something that he knows you're not gonna need, use, or like. The only time Lars will be spontaneous with anything is if he's been away for a while and just impulsively wants to do something with you. Other than that, he's not the type to drag you out anywhere on a whim.
U = Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs?)
Lars is usually crystal clear about how he feels, but there's one emotion that he refuses to acknowledge entirely—anxiety. In his line of work, there's no room for nervousness, so Lars constantly has to keep his cool even if he's feeling petrified. It's not that he doesn't want to be honest with you; it's just that he's so used to staying stone-faced under pressure that he just can't express his anxiety in a proper way. The guy tries his best, but concealing it has become his default setting.
V = Values (What do they value in a partner?)
Patience is a virtue, especially with someone like Lars. He frequently has to travel for missions, so he needs someone who will be willing to wait for him. Additionally, he's aware of his faults and appreciates someone who will be patient with him while he works through them. He also likes perceptiveness. Anyone with a keen eye is sure to win Lars' admiration, especially if they're able to spot when he's bottling up emotions or having trouble expressing himself. Finally, self-reliance is a big thing for him. He values an individual who can take care of themselves. Although he'd be more than willing to give them the world, he knows that he's not gonna be around all the time, at least not while the war is happening. He needs the assurance that his lover can keep themselves away from harm while he's gone.
W = Wedding (How are they on the big day? How do they help plan it out? Are they emotional or stoic?)
Lars is completely shocked. He honestly can't believe this moment has arrived. As hopeful a guy as he is, there was a dark part of him that worried he wouldn't make it out of the war alive. Luckily, this wasn't the case, and he couldn't be happier. All that aside, he can't wait to marry you! He was honestly ready to make a commitment a long time ago, but with everything going on, Lars wanted to wait for the right time to propose. When it comes to preparation, Lars will help you with everything. He'd have a whole checklist complete with deadlines and due dates to help with getting everything done. When the two of you finally stand on the altar together, he'd be grinning from ear to ear. But beyond that wonderful smile of his, you can tell he's holding back tears. As he looks into your eyes, Lars can't help but think of how grateful he is to have you in his life (and that you both still have your lives, for that matter). When he kisses you, a tear slips out, but you quickly brush it away for him so no one can see it.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
You told him once that he reminded you of a lion, so he bought you a big lion plushie to cuddle with whenever he had to leave for a mission.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they can't stand, both in a partner and in general?)
He doesn't care for anyone who's super clingy, mainly because he knows he's gonna have to leave sometimes, and he needs his lover to be self-reliant. He doesn't want to be around someone who'll act like they're gonna die without him. Additionally, clinginess will only make goodbyes harder for him. Lars also hates people who are frequently dishonest. Truth and honesty are important to him, as he sees them as two key factors in any type of relationship. If there's anything Lars is 100% sure of, it's that liars aren't loyal.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleep habits of theirs?)
Before bed, he makes a habit of brushing his hair. Due to the unique way it's shaped, it can get knotted easily. To save himself hassle in the morning, Lars makes sure to comb out the day's knots before laying down next to you. Lars enjoys being the big spoon and holding you from behind as you both sleep. He doesn't snore, nor does he move. He'll stay in the exact same spot for the whole night. Thanks to his training as a soldier, Lars can wake up at the drop of a hat. Sometimes, he'll jerk awake at the slightest noise or movement before realizing it was nothing and drifting back off to sleep. Also, expect a goodnight kiss every single night before you go to sleep. Even if it's over the phone, you will receive one.
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frozenmoonshine · 2 years
Headcanon - Tips & Tricks on how to date Sanzu Haruchiyo:
I just wrote this to cope with my unhealthy obsession with this fictional man. He's my absolute favorite TR baby, so forgive me for being shamelessly self indulgent! ...or don't.
If feminine terms of endearment and/or hinted hetero relationship trigger you for any reason, please skip this one. Cheers.
Haru is a lovebug, but that cannot be seen by just anyone. It requires a person with thick, and I mean: THICK nerves and patience to handle him right. He's prone to jealousy, he's headstrong, and he holds his grudges like Mikey's life directly depends on it!
If not handled properly, he will ghost you for days, try to make you jealous, be deliberately mean and controlling/manipulative, or in more extreme cases, turn full on yandere stalker on you! But all of that is triggered by his innate need to be loved and deeply, deeply rooted fear of being abandoned and being less than. So don't make him insecure!
It's highly recommended to build trust with him first, so if you guys start out by being genuine friends first, before you start dating, and then let the things develop naturally from there, there's a lot more chance that he'll open up to you and let you in, and he won't be as afraid of you leaving him or "betraying" him.
Seriously tho, don't leave him! He needs someone to love him, and to love back, way more than he realizes! He desperately needs someone to call "home", someone who will stay, who will accept him, and not judge him for who he is. And who he is deep down is just a soft little baby, that would do anything and everything for his loved one!
Until he gets properly comfortable with you and the fact that someone genuinely cares for him (which is a big challenge for him!) he may occaaionally act inconsistent (not messaging back for hours on end, standing you up for dates, being generally unavailable, etc.) It's either all due to his gang duties, fights, and devotion to Mikey, or simply just his struggle to adapt to love. But you can always be completely certain that he's not cheating!
Why? Because he's simply the type that falls in love for life, stays loyal and faithful even after death does you part (regardless of who dies first), and is so overprotective that it can be too much to deal with sometimes! ("Why is that ugly bitch over there giving you the side eye?! She wants me to explain to her who you are or what?!" - "No one talks like that to my Queen, I'm gonna rip his fucking skeleton apart!" etc.) And yeah, unless you stop him somehow, he will commit homicide just because someone stepped into your lane a bit too rudely for his taste.
Also, once you have successfully conquered his tattered, lonely heart, he would totally call you his Queen, and treat you as such as well. He's a lowkey simp, but a high key gentleman and super respectful in every sense of the word. His manners, albeit a little bit oldschool (legacy of having been brought up by his grandma and Takeomi), are always impeccable! If you didn't know better, you'd easily think he was some rich, spoiled, stuck-up "bocchan".
He'll be very reserved at the beginning of your dating, not exactly shy, but somewhat distant. But he'll never fail to open the door for you, move your chair for you, walk next to the car track making sure you're on the safer side, hold your coat for you or offer his if you don't have one, etc. But even holding hands will only happen after three dates or so.
And the first date is at Cozy Corner, and you guys are getting cheesecakes, it's just a fact, I don't make the rules! Once the relationship gets a bit more established it will become your monthly tradition.
On another negative side of dating Haru, however, be prepared to "share" him with Mikey! Although his attachment to Mikey is not romantic in nature, and Mikey isn't exactly someone to be jealous of in that sense, he will be a significant part of your relationship, as Haru will either talk incessantly about him, or flat our refuse to spend time with you because "Mikey needs him", and to him that is a perfectly valid reason.. But, if you (ideally) share, or (at least) understand his obsession with his King, and support his ambition to be Mikey's right hand man, he'll marry you, no joke!
* * * BONUS * * *
He used to be self conscious about his scars around you at first, not taking the mask off in front of you for 3 whole months of dating. You even "kissed" for the first time over the mask. When you asked him why he always wears it, he tried avoiding the subject at first, but when he realized he can trust you, he admitted he was afraid of your reaction when you see his face (you of course find him nothing less than drop dead gorgeous).
He hates PDA, but is quite affectionate in private, though never smothering. He'll hug you from behind when you're in the kitchen, randomly kiss your temple when you're cuddled up watching a movie together, he always speaks to you in a gentle, loving tone, he rubs small circles on the back of your hand with his thumb when holding hands, he always praises the food you make for him, he tries his best to learn to make your favorites, etc.
When the Kanto Manji-kai started getting seriously corrupted, he tried pushing you away, but you insisted on staying by his side no matter what, and he greatly appreciates you for that. Despite all, you are his safe haven.
In his KMK/early Bonten days, you half-jokingly asked him to teach you to use a sword. He taught you to play shōgi instead. It almost became a weekend tradition for the two of you. Since you started keeping scores, you've been in the lead with 139 wins, over his 137. (He may or may not have let you win on purpose, more than once.) You tease him that it's because he's such a good teacher.
As Bonten's 2nd in command, he's still as loyal to you as always, but you're never his first priority. It's Mikey and Bonten's business, and you know it. However, you can't say you haven't felt jealous of Mikey in some cases. Whenever Mikey calls, Haru will immediately leave, even mid-sex.
He always tries to make it up to you later if Mikey interrupted your time together, tho.
He avoids meeting you on the days when he's had to kill. Not just because he doesn't want to "taint" you, but also because he doesn't like himself when he's high. He'd rather wait for the drugs to wear off before meeting you. If you guys live together, then he'll just spend the day at the Bonten HQ instead.
Once you start living together, he's a godsent to have around the house! You don't have to do any cleaning ever again, his OCD kicks in and your apartment will always be spotlessly clean. He occasionally nags at you to be more tidy tho.
He's even more overprotective as an adult than he was as a teen. if you're going somewhere that is not owned by or affiliated with Bonten, and he can't go with you for whatever reason, you will unavoidably have two of his most trusted subordinates escort you and stay by your side at all times as your bodyguards. And no, he's not trying to contol where you go or what you do, (those two guys basically work for you, not him, at this point, anyway) he just won't leave anything to chance and risk you getting targetted by any of his numerous enemies when he's not around to protect you by himself. When the two of you are together out, he never leaves your side, and always has an arm around your waist or back.
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thrawns-backrest · 1 year
Listen, what do you think about how the fandom perceives Ronan? This may be a strange question, but I saw post here about how Thrawn is an ambiguous character, he does both good and bad things, he is not an innocent kitten, etc. And I completely agree with this. But it seems to me that in relation to Ronan, the opposite situation very often manifests itself. If Thrawn is sometimes too idealized by the fandom, although he is a more complex person, then Ronan often appears as some kind of universal evil in posts and fanfiction. And…I don't know, it just doesn't seem right to me. He has a adverse nature, that's true, and his loyalty to Krennic sometimes pushes him to do not the best things, but there are enough moments in the canon that show his good traits too. At least he is really loyal man and not as stupid as he might seem. I just saw your post recently where you talked about him, so I was interested to ask your opinion!
Thank you for your attention and sorry if I disturbed you :c
please don't apologize, I love asks like this!!! If anything I should probably apologize because this is about to become ridiculously long :D I really like Ronan as a character, he's one of my favorites from Treason. He's entertaining, competent, somewhat churlish and has that posh attitude where you really want to ruffle his feathers to see what he'll do.
Those last two are part of the reason why it's fun to make him the butt of the joke and why the fandom does it so often. But having said that... you're absolutely right. I've also noticed that the fandom tends to be excessively antagonistic towards him (as it is with some other similar characters but more on that later).
And you're right to bring up Thrawn because he's the golden child here, him and Eli, and any character that disagrees with or doesn't like him automatically gets blacklisted. Which is odd to me since Thrawn is supposed to be controversial and Zahn does a good job of portraying that by giving us different characters' perspectives and reasons for liking/disliking him.
Sadly for Ronan he's very unfriendly towards Thrawn and Eli and ends up making a decision that goes against Thrawn's goals which now garners him a lot of hate. An interesting development given that Thrawn himself doesn't begrudge him for it in the books and even trusts him enough to send him to the Chiss. Which honestly means so much coming from Thrawn? It's as close to a stamp of approval as you can get from him, be it of Ronan's trustworthiness or simply his skills.
So if people really hold Thrawn in such high esteem, they shouldn't forget that his own assessment of Ronan was ultimately positive. No matter what role he plans for Ronan to play in the Ascendancy (even if that role is for Ronan to come to specific conclusions he can then take back to the Empire, ie feeding him some kind of information) Thrawn trusts him enough to, again, send him to his own people. People with lost of secrets that make them vulnerable.
And it's honestly a shame because as you say, Ronan has so much going for him as a character. The very idea of someone who's loyal to the Empire while being critical of Palpatine is so cool. It's literally something that can get him killed yet he's ready to face that danger if it means adhering to his principles.
Of course loyalty to the wrong party makes him pretty culpable but regardless, there is a good basis for him to grow as a character. As already mentioned he's loyal, he's competent, he disapproves of Palpatine and all the petty political games that dominate the Empire's higher echelons. He feels guilty for tricking Eli despite believing that he's a traitor. He even comes to respect Thrawn's skills by the end and modifies his answer when reporting to Tarkin so as to ensure Thrawn isn't accused of treason.
So very good foundation to build from. There's still his loyalty to Krennic (who is a pretty damn morally corrupt guy from what I've read) but an overzealous attitude like Ronan's understandably makes him liable to blind idolization so we can't really say for sure that he has a nasty motif for admiring Krennic.
From what Zahn tells us, Ronan seems to admire Krennic for his, quote, leadership, competence and brilliance and he does so to an excessive degree. He sounds pretty starry eyed is what I'm trying to say. Enough to cloud his better judgement perhaps.
Moral or immoral though, he's still a pretty cool character. Which is the same thing you can say about Thrawn. Funnily enough they're almost parallels of each other - Thrawn has honorable end goals that he pursues through corrupt means and Ronan (unwittingly or not) works toward a corrupt end goal but is pretty morally upright in the way he does it.
And come on you can't tell me he doesn't have one of the coolest descriptions (like Savit noting his eyes look older than he does) or some of the coolest inner monologue (like the "half a victory is still half a defeat" line). I also love how he hates politics yet ironically those political mental gymnastics are exactly what he's good at.
But I digress. My point is that you hit the nail on the head when you said the fandom idolizes Thrawn to the point of having a skewed perception.
Another character that I personally like a lot and whose standing in the fandom is very similar is Thurfian. Thurfian doesn't do anything overtly evil in the books and yet he's very often demonized as some kind of villain. Which I bet you is because he's in opposition to Thrawn and other fan favorites like Thalias (something that annoys me because people tend to victimize Thalias so much in their dynamic when she's actually a very brave and resourceful character. Who once held Thurfian at gunpoint might I add).
The thing is, people need to stop the whole pigeonholing characters into 'good' and 'bad' categories. Because especially with Zahn, things are rarely so black and white. Our prejudices as readers can be influenced by both limited and omniscient povs.
In Ronan's case, seeing him from the pov of beloved characters who he opposes is what paints him in an overly negative light. In Thurfian's we forget that these characters don't have the same insight into Thrawn's motives and logic as we do and that Thurfian is perfectly justified in thinking that Thrawn will one day overthink and overplan to the detriment of many. And if those words sound familiar it's because that's what Ar'alani herself says to Thrawn at the end of the book.
But to cut a long story short, I don't think Ronan deserves the hate he's getting. He's a very interesting guy - he's got a good foundation of principles, a quick mind and an amusing personality. Sure, he's prone to extreme bias, both positive (Krennic) and negative (Thrawn, Eli) that can cloud his judgement but barring that he's displayed an impressive amount of competence. Impressive enough to catch Thrawn's eye and we know Thrawn has a good sense for these things.
So basically love Ronan y'all, he's really neat. Even if he's not some paragon for moral goodness which honestly few of Zahn's characters really are.
(Thank you for this ask, I had a lot of fun answering it! If I get my act together, I'll hopefully finish my fic about Ronan where I plan to explore more of his motivations and how he could potentially find a place for himself in the Ascendancy. So fingers crossed for that!)
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senseiofbullshit · 3 years
Honestly idgaf if part 2 is very angst or sum shi ALL I NEED IS THE HEAVY ANGST OF DYING EMBER I MUST. NO. I NEED IT.
Ughh I can imagine dad gojo ignoring his daughter and can't look at her face since it reminds him of y/n 😵 I can't count how much I've re-read it.
Alsoooo can u see gojo finding a new partner? Will the child like her or noh?
First of all, thank you haha! I'm glad you enjoyed the angst and like it enough to reread it! I laugh when people are like "give us a happy ending" and I'm just like "I mean this in the nicest way possible but suffer". I'm glad there are others like me who actually enjoy heart wrenching angst!
Read what anon is talking about here
I don't think I'll be writing part 2 because I wouldn't even know where to start. Believe me I've tried. I have a Google doc with like seven sentences on it as a testament. One thing I will give Gojo is that he will try. He will try to be the parent that s/o was preparing him to be. He'll try because he loves his kid and it's what s/o would've wanted. HOWEVER, I think Gojo would just fall flat in a lot of areas. It'd be very hard for him.
His kid would be a constant reminder that his partner, who he was supposed to grow old with, is no longer around. He'd probably be very emotionally closed off (as if it isn't already hard enough to get a read on him). I can see him being the type to never really want to talk to your kid about you because it's too painful. The kid will know that youre their mother and that you loved them, but that's probably about it. Maybe every now and then, Gojo would divulge more details about you, but it'd be far and few between. I don't think they'd grow up believing that Gojo resents them in some way, but they'd probably have their moments where they think he does. Maybe when they laugh and for a second, it sounds like your laugh. Maybe when they inherited one of your quirky habits and they do it in front of Gojo one day. Maybe one day they cut their hair a certain way and Gojo almost mistakes them for you when he sees them out of the corner of his eye. Maybe they buy a perfume silimar to what you used to wear.
All in all, Gojo would love his kid and he'd be as good of a dad as he can be, but it'd be difficult for him. He'd have a few areas where he falls completely flat. He never lashes out or makes his kid feel like it's their fault that he's raising them alone. I don't think Gojo would ever date again. I think he'd be done after you. Even tho Gojo is canonically a hoe, I think once he settles down with someone, it's for life. Regardless of how...fickle he may appear, he's extremely loyal. He would probably never date again and would close himself off to dating. If he did date again, I think he'd be looking for you in everyone. I think the kid might want Gojo to be happy but they may also know that Gojo is just trying to fill a void in his life so they might be indifferent to anyone Gojo did date.
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border-spam · 4 years
Leech Lord: Quirks
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Handling critique:
He doesn't know them by name and they aren't showing respect when he turns to apprehend who just dared interrupt him rudely in front of others?
Dead. Immediately. There's no pause to hear them out or explain themself, their head will be crushed in that spined fist before he even finds out what they were about to say was criticism. There is no concern or regret over this later, he won't even care enough to remember their face.
Far more forgiving in private as he’s not needing to play up to his persona, but still - respect has to be shown.
Someone he is aware of by name/rank, or sees as having value?
Stay polite and factual and he'll listen. Hands clasped behind his back and shifting his eyes down their body as they speak, like they’re being measured, or read. He'll listen. The more numbers they can provide, the more clear data they can give that shows his information or his actions are wrong and what they are suggesting is better, the more likely he will take it on board. The God King is surprisingly polite and coldly calm when approached correctly, regardless of if he likes what he is being told.
- A close friend?
Nervous, picking at his teeth with the tips of his nails and finding it hard to meet their eyes. Hunched over himself and back bent even if he still towers over them, like a child who just wants to go hide. Stuttering. Apologetic to the point of becoming self deprecating even if what they were raising was only minor. It's not a big deal Troy, it's not, it was just some feedback. Calm down pal it's not worth getting worked up over, really. No you don't have to redo the whole thing, that's stupid come on y.. no you aren't stupid Troy, don't delete it all.. Oh, Troy.
Tyreen -
She does not hear, she does not see.
From anyone. It doesn't matter who they are. Unless you are her you're wrong, because she cannot be incorrect. She is infallible... you get it, right sweetheart?
She is omnipotent. She is a GOD. It's not that she's not listening to them, they don't mean enough for her even to be able to hear.
A stranger she views as someone below her in position?
Lol who are you. Who the fuck are you to think your opinion has any value, let alone matter to her? She's not even hearing what you're saying, you should be out of her presence by the time she stops eyerolling by the way, she's a busy woman. May not be healthy to waste more of her time.
Above her in authority or experience?
Silence. Not quite making eye contact, she's focusing on breaking down what you're saying and digesting useable information. A quick "Got it, I'll consider what you said" afterwards is genuine. She will consider it. That doesn't mean she will take it onboard, but she knows not to waste valuable data.
A mix of both. She'll make it clear there's a very good chance her opinion on this is going to supersede yours, but that yours still has value for her. She might not make change changes right now based on it.. but it could affect how she approaches things in the future.
Pet Peeves:
A pet peeve, one she's irked by but doesn't spend a huge amount of time lost in rage over, is people treating her like she's airheaded. It happens often, especially when she's around Troy. She's not dumb. At all. Just because she's not a giant, brooding, scowling asshole who stands in silence while death-glaring everyone in the room, doesn't mean she's vacant or stupid. Just because she's louder, and more animated, doesn't mean she's ditzy.
In talks, the conversation always gets pointed to him for any discussion regarding anything with business or technical depth, she hates it. He's good at this shit, he's great with numbers and logic, but just because she communicates differently doesn't mean shes terrible. It's irritating.
Bullshit. She cannot abide hearing someone talk complete wank, and wants extremely direct clearcut conversation at all times bar if she's talking shit with friends. That's totally different.
She wouldn't manage to be in the same room as someone like Rhys or Katagawa for more than 5 minutes before she'd be ready to peel her own face off and eat her hands, so takes a lot of comfort from the "Please fucking kill me oh my god" gestures and grimaces Troy makes towards her from out of the speakers sight in meetings where they are dealing with the waves of verbal shite emanating from some corporate tool.
Sleeping. It's just a fucking waste of time. It's completely pointless. Shut yourself down for hours so your body can release chemicals it needs? Fuck sake, just take the chemicals and stay awake, wow, well done, now you have 1/4 of your life back!
Dreams suck, waking up feeling like death sucks, spending hours laying awake staring at your ceiling while trying to make your "brain be quiet for once, just please.. be quiet.." for hours till you eventually pass out sucks, it's all stupid and wasteful and humans are dumb. He's dumb. Everyone's dumb.
She'd see wanting it as being weak in a way, Ty doesn't need anyone for any reason, so she doesn't need intimacy or tenderness. Why would she? She's not weak, or soft. Not being able to touch others isn't even a factor here, don't you dare imply it is. Intimacy is for people who aren't strong enough to exist alone, don't insult her by thinking she'd ever want it. She watches those romcoms for the PLOT and the character development, did you see in that last episode of Skags of fire that Miguel finally got with Santia-
Seifa: Born 2 Tender (physically and monetarily)
She thrives off receiving and giving affection to close friends and partners, it's a part of herself she masks off from her general authoritative persona for a lot of reasons, people often see being caring or gentle as weak, and that's not something she can afford in day to day life.
People close to her know she's very tactile platonically, and an arm around a waist or shoulders is the norm if you're spending much time with her and she's in good spirits. She doesn't shy away from touch in general and has no problem initiating contact with anyone she trusts and is close enough with that she doesn't feel like being caring is a risk around. Intimacy and close tenderness with a partner is her main love language, and something she absolutely expects be provided to her.
Troy: Viciously envious of it
The last time he encountered freely platonic intimacy was in his childhood, both with Leda and Tyreen before Ty started to resent showing affection more and more as they got older. He's desperately, pathetically lonely and fully aware of that, even if he lies to himself that he's fine.
He can't request it from the people he sleeps with as it means showing them the real man under the persona, and he's learned that people do not like the real Troy, so he's starved of real intimacy despite having so much access to other people's bodies nightly.
Not all bad:
His intelligence.
It's one thing he can think back on and remember only ever receiving positive comments on, right from as early as he can recall. He's always been able to consider problems in a way that lets him break them down and approach them from a unique angle. Dad said he was able to "Think outside the box", but he never really understood what that meant till the twins landed on Pandora and he watched so many people run themselves into the ground when such simple solutions were right there. Maybe not moral solutions, but simple solutions regardless! He absorbs and retains information very easily without any real effort, and when he found out that wasn't the norm, it became a genuine point of pride for him. Something he was great at, unrelated to his persona.
Hips and thighs
While most of his upper body causes him physical pain or he dislikes in general for multiple uhh.. reasons, he's never had any issues with his lower body. He loves the definition of his hips and lower stomach, his knees haven't ever had any joint pain, his legs have always been toned and strong without really needing any focus on them. He's worked himself to the bone trying to fix the things about his upper body that he hates, but his legs? Nah. Nice :ok_hand:
He's really good at looking after plants
He's really good at it. Lots of people can't keep plants alive but he can :) No one knows about it, but he does. It's nice to be good at something. It's just ...nice. :)
Her waist and stomach.
Sei is relatively curvy for her height and is very thankful for her narrow waist, or she'd look like a solid rectangle in heeled boots no matter what she wore. It helps her keep up the soft fem aesthetic she likes to mix with punk bullshit without much effort, gives her a shape in baggy engineering overalls, and keeps belt pouches ON. Like, ON on. Shit is never going to move. She has a slight soft curve to her lower stomach she used to hate, thinking it made her look overweight , but as she grew into her twenties learned to love. Other people liked it, she was just being a dumb kid.
Physical strength
Years of working with lugging heavy machinery has given her an unexpectedly solid core, and she'd have no problem lifting something, say, Troy weight, and flipping it over her low center of balance without a sweat. Which is very fun. On things that are Troy weight.
The loyalty she builds with others without trying
She's not sure what it is exactly she's been doing to prompt it, but over the last few years she's come to realise she has a genuine support network across the system of people who are very loyal to her, and are there when needed to back her up in trades, or filling positions she needs, or getting her in touch with a group she's got no foot in. People she works with or gets to know trust her and remember her even years later, it's been a nice thing to find out about herself, though she wishes she knew what exact thing about her was the source of it.
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