#regardless of race or gender
This is a genuine question: I know you enjoy lady whump as you have some characters that are female and are whumpees. I enjoy it too, sorta. Truth is that I feel guilty.
I know it’s kinda problematic to see lady whump as taboo and immoral but I can’t help but feel like it’s wrong, I come from a country that HATES women (shocker all countries hate women but I mean mine has a huge femicide problem) and I know how stupid I sound “I can’t feel but it’s wrong” like duh it’s whump! But I honestly don’t know how to get over those feelings, it hits too close home.
My question here is did you ever got those feelings of guilt and if you did, how did you get over those?
It's understandable to feel guilty at times, especially when creating or enjoying dark content (and especially if it's something that hits close to home)
Initially, I had some reservations about lady whump, since in mainstream media, violence against women tends to be a sensationalized thing that exists for shock value or to motivate the male lead in some way
(it's worth noting that the media has a history of doing this to trans, gay, and otherwise queer characters and non-white characters as well)
Initially I was squicked out by the idea of lady whump because I was so used to seeing it through that lens (not to mention, as you've said, the real-life examples)
However, I've seen again and again that whump as a genre tends to handle that material well (with all genders, not just females). Instead of the shock value, whump focuses a lot on the emotions, how the harm affects the character being harmed, and more often than not gives that character a fulfilling recovery arc
Personally, that's what shifted my opinion on it
Even then, if it's something you're uncomfortable with, you're not at fault for avoiding or disliking it. It all comes down to personal preference, and whether you'd like to explore it more or just stay away, it's your choice, and you shouldn't need to explain yourself (/gen)
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alcestas-sloboda · 2 years
One more tweet about “blond haired blue eyed Ukrainians” and I’m bleaching my natural colour and buying blue contacts
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midnight-puppy · 1 year
Look, I like Tumblr but it suffers from the same problems as many other communities.
Some people, and by that, I mean most people, are so close minded it's crazy. Like, sure it's more inclusive (i.e. sexually inclusive) than other websites but that's just because historically it's been a nsfw blogging site and some people took it on themselves to make it good and inclusive.
But boy oh boy, you guys are always ready to jump at the guns at anything that sticks even by an inch out of your narrative?
"wow, this anon left a note with a well-put opinion but different from mine." Slur time babey
"this guy is showing a personal preference that has nothing to do with me." Time to call him an idiot in a comment
Like, sure, some opinions suck balls (kink Nazis on the nose) but all opinions are at least worth listening to and judging at ground level. No goal in pointing fingers without trying to understand.
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orgasming-caterpillar · 7 months
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Mard when pasandida aurat
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arte072 · 8 months
don't pay attention to these comments, pls, your art style is lovely and unique 👑
thank you so much, anon!! 💖💖💖
tbh more than anything, I'm just baffled that anyone thinks my feminism should be centered on "not drawing too much anime faces"
like yikeeeesssssss 😭😭😭😬😬😬
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Content creators are humans too. Be kind.
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istoleherheart-3008 · 8 months
Anyways, enough hatred for today remember I Love You all
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robotpussy · 2 years
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"I wonder why it only took a few months of weirdos before you guys made an article but TO THIS VERY DAY actresses are still sexualized non stop, even sometimes underage actresses. People post about them wanting them to be 18 and the day after their birthday they'll get a weird nsfw Reddit dedicated to creeping on them. But yeah, sure, this is the REAL problem."
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#its still gross to sexualize celebs #but tbh we need to address the sexualization of feminine bodies #in like every piece of media we have #and stop oggling celebs like they arent real people #im just annoyed that when it happebs to women it seems like it doesnt even matter #like no one even cares #both are fucked up but on has been around suvstancially longer than the other #and i feel like its being allowed?? #like no this should not be allowed
like they said this in their response but when I go to look up Sydney sweeny the FIRST article that comes up is one discussing how sam Levinson disgustingly sexualises and harms the actresses in his work and I know this isn't the best example to use AT ALL but I wonder why they came out and proclaimed nobody is talking about how the same thing and even worse happens to actresses and famous women and girls when for years I have been reading articles about this kind of thing.
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(written 3 days ago)
and the initial article isnt the best, by claiming to end misogyny is for women to do to men what they do to women but they didn't even bring that up, just "how come this article exists?" as if people are not currently talking abt this happening to women right now. a circulating tumblr post is not the entire landscape of the internet! and all I said in my response was 'this article existing isn't really taking away from anything.... like at the end of the day sexual harassment is wrong regardless of who it is happening to
(og post)
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bunnyboy-juice · 2 years
i think a lot more ppl need to get comfortable with the fact that some ppl self describe as ugly not as a way to tear themselves down but as an acknowledgement of the beauty standards that exist and how, even with "expanding" the definition of beauty, we still Do Not fit into that expansion and NO amount of expansion of beauty ideals is going to change that.
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livelyhappenings · 2 years
I really hate it when people hate on boys when they wear skirts. Especially women.
Like- now it's completely normal and no one bats an eye but only like- what last century women weren't even "allowed" to wear pants. They had to fight tooth and nail to even wear something in resemblance to pants.
"He who is ignorant of history is condemned to relive it" - Kennedy
We already had this fight once and won, okay. So don't try to start another losing battle.
So next time- whoever it is- sits down and starts to write/say something hateful to someone who's wearing a skirt (or whatever they please) because they're not "fem or not female enough" for you, just stfu.
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the-crow-binary · 2 years
People really be projecting their values, way of being and sexuality onto their favorite fictional characters aren't they :/
(I'm people)
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the-everqueen · 2 years
finished the (current version of the) dei statement for relevant applications. i’m not sure i did a good job, but i did my best to balance ‘real equity is fundamentally at odds with the present iteration of the university and therefore i am obligated to side Against the institution no matter my position’ with ‘i have a personal stake in trying to transform the university into a more equitable space and here is how i plan on doing that.’
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cleverhottubanchor · 5 days
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athalantan · 2 months
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stormbreaker101 · 2 months
had an experience that can ONLY be described in greentext so
> be me
> unemployed, job hunting
> specifically i wanna do theatre shit
> lots of theatre job listings are stuff outta my scope. im freshly graduated and cant take on any supervisor sorta roles
> find a job listed as "Production Assistant"
> thismightbegood.jpg
> i open it in a new tab
> first words: H4RRY P0TT3R (in leetspeak to avoid this showing up in the search) AND THE CUR53D CH1LD
> ugh
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