#regarding selling
nashvillethotchicken · 6 months
Sometimes I think about how loustat are in a placage marriage and make myself insane.
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the summoner hesitates.
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ink-the-artist · 9 months
no that makes total sense. i think it's cool to see your art have that kind of wide reach, but it's also nice for it to be like. well documented somehow that it originated with you if someone wanted to check, you know? like it can grow a life of its own but the roots are visible. if that makes sense.
YEAH exactly. im thinking of defunctlands video about the disney channel theme song composer and how hard he had to work to find him and all his other works. you put parts of yourself in your art and want to be seen through it, and when people dont know its yours or think its someone elses it takes away from that a bit
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buttercupart · 24 days
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Gaster with Dess vs. Gaster with Chara & Vessel
based off this
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konakoro · 7 months
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vintage-bentley · 1 year
How in the fuck are you going to be anti trans and a Good Omens fan as if both the book and the show don’t explicitly establish the existence of several nonbinary characters and both Aziraphale and Crowley themselves are genderless beings
Not to mention both David and Michael’s staunch support of the LGBT (really emphasizing the T here, since you love to drop it) community as a whole, and David literally has a trans child
Part of me is even asking this in good faith because how do you see a series that is so incredibly queer and like it considering how much you shit-talk trans people on your lackluster TERF blog
There’s many reasons, actually! I’ll explain them in good faith, because I think that people who ask questions like this don’t understand the perspective of so-called “terfs” and assume we think like you do.
Firstly, I’m a feminist, so I’m used to media not aligning with my politics. I expect it, actually. Down to very simple things, like knowing I’m never going to go into a show and see a woman just existing with body hair like men do in shows all the time. But I’m comfortable and confident enough in my beliefs that I can consume media that doesn’t align with them. This extends to my feelings regarding gender. A they/them character doesn’t make my head explode, it’s just the same for me as seeing a Christian character (like Ella from Netlix’s Lucifer) or a female character who’s pro-beauty culture (like Elinor from First Kill). It’s a representation of a belief I don’t agree with and personally don’t believe in, that’s all.
Secondly, Good Omens is set in a made up universe with fantasy themes. I can easily get behind the idea that the true forms of angels and demons are genderless, because that makes sense to me in the same way God being genderless makes sense to me. This doesn’t have to carry over to me believing that humans can be genderless (I don’t believe in the concept of internal gender identity, because I don’t believe in souls. So I guess the better way to put this is that I don’t believe humans can be sexless unless we’re using gender and sex as synonyms). In the same way that it makes sense to me that angels and demons have souls that are put into bodies issued to them…but I don’t have to believe that also applies to humans. Or how it makes sense to me that Aziraphale and Crowley could survive without food, water, and sleep…but I don’t have to believe that also applies to humans. Etc. etc.
Basically, just because something is in a fantasy show, doesn’t mean I have to believe it’s real.
Thirdly, what the actors do in their own lives is none of my business. I don’t agree with supporting the TQ+ especially in relation to LGB (considering they’ve made it a primary goal to harass lesbians into pretending we can like penis, and to take every chance they get to express their hatred for homosexuality. I love to drop the T because they dropped me and my fellow homosexuals years ago). If two straight male actors want to do that, whatever. I also don’t agree with Sheen having a baby with a woman his daughter’s age, but that hasn’t stopped me from watching the show or appreciating his talent.
This all takes me back to what I said about believing you don’t truly understand the perspective of those you call “terfs”. Just because you might not be able to comprehend watching and enjoying something that doesn’t perfectly align with your worldview, doesn’t mean others feel the same. For example, many radical and rad-leaning feminists enjoyed the Barbie movie, despite it not being radical feminist. We’re capable of watching and enjoying things we don’t agree with, and of having discussions about why we don’t agree with it.
A much simpler answer to your question would be: I’ve always loved angels and demons and all things supernatural. I’ve always loved old cars. I love Queen. Religious/moral commentary and critique interest me. I love lighthearted comedies. I’m gay and starved for representation of healthy gay relationships. I love gay star-crossed lovers stories (go watch First Kill). Naturally, I’m going to love Good Omens, even if it doesn’t perfectly align with my worldview.
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kisstoru · 6 days
toji is not a good father nor a bad father ... but he is a father
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awesomefringey · 1 year
This made me laugh out loud 😭😂
Like, is this something that just happens now lol ??
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🔥 It is very clever to advertise Louis’ show at Harry’s. Whoever made that connection - kudos to you. 🥹
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reegis · 8 months
Hey sorry to ask, but am I tripping or is some of your Redbubble stuff removed?
(Also can I be wheat anon? )
i did private my tma stuff on redbubble! i dont use twitter or many other social media so i was unaware that they are apparently vehemently against people selling fanart for tma, i was just naively thinking well if they had an issue with an art piece theyd ask me to take it down (& i 100% would, of course) but if its something theyr outspoken about then I cant in good conscience continue selling it, even if it was my main seller on there 😔
(you absolutely can🌾)
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lauriel816 · 3 months
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I think we need to call this lady back
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fayevalcntine · 3 months
Genuine question but what is it with The Count of Monte Cristo adaptations that almost always lessen the female characters's unique traits and important moments even when they're marketed as "modernized"? You'd think that 21st century writers would know how to keep the characters' defining moments while bettering lesser aspects, yet they're still outdone by Alexandre Dumas somehow.
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vaugarde · 4 months
the existence of “dating companies” in isat has…. interesting implications
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cappurrccino · 1 month
a problem with me is that I sure do love to go shopping, which is decidedly at odds with the fact that I do not have any money with which to go shopping, and that I do not have any space to store new books or trinkets
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camgoloud · 1 month
anybody on here read fucking. uh. the magicians
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frogaroundandfindout · 2 months
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Dick thinks about how he’s always taken it for granted that he’s always the “good guy” in the fight (Nightwing vol 2 #75)
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un-monstre · 2 months
I’m so obsessed with Jeeves and Wooster that I when I saw a Wooster brand paintbrush at the store I immediately thought “just like the blorbos from my books!”
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