#regal psyduck
kahellelikha · 11 months
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psyduck portrait circa 1973
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ivepetthatpokemon · 2 years
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Catching up on Inktobers because I’m having a rough time and can’t do it some days.
So, I pet Willis the Krabby and his favourite Wishiwashi plush; Leslie the Braviary, looking all regal; Cornelius the Psyduck, always forgetting he had a snack in the fridge; and Bless the Togetic, handing out goodies to anyone who needs it today.
Expect another batch soon
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read7sai · 10 months
What if,
A new pokemon Legends game just doesn't have pokeballs yet? Like pre pokeballs being created.
The protagonist is obviously a timetraveler who has very little survival instincts; But can make sweets and its how you befriend your starter, they'd follow you with out a pokeball.
-anyways you'd get hints on how to create modern-ish technology through a pokedex? Which guides you to the questline.
The rest of this is gonna be written as if its a Hoenn legends game..
Aura warriors are a maybe part in this, Either they're 'Monk-ish' or the Villains.
Psyduck, scroomish and Numel, Are the starter options; a couple pokemon will have a third 'Aura/Region' evolution. Their evolution are gonna have a hint of Regal/Guide/Service.
The 'pokedex' is written with three ranks,
Study is a completed entry.
Bond would have personal notes; giving a lore aspect into the aura bond mechanism. -When you gain a high enough friendship with a sol pokemon they gain the Aura function.
Aura would be a Boost to All stats, only aura guardian have it in this time.
I sleep now.
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i-write-boop-spoops · 4 years
A job well done - Blue Oak x F!Reader
Got a request for one shot about Blue motherfucking Oak with a workaholic reader! Hope you like it anon!
The word count ticks upwards, much like seconds on a clock. Your fingers cramp, but you pay them no heed, continuing to diligently clack on those silver-coloured keys. Your eyes strain, feeling dry from staring at the bright screen for hours. You’ve been working for so long, your favourite playlist is beginning to repeat tracks. You’re hungry and tired but…
You’re just so close.
Finish it today, edit it tomorrow, submit it on Monday, that’s what you said when you got up this morning, and you always kept to your word. That promotion you want so much  is in reach, you just have to extend your hand and grasp it!
Your beloved Blue would argue that you already have it in the bag, your admirable work-ethic, helpful attitude and excellent performance in the office proof enough of that.
But you disagree, for you it’s not enough to just earn it- You need to own it! Be the absolute and only choice! And with your report that’s so close to completion, long before it’s due, it seems certain that this will be the case.
All you have left to do is the conclusion, a cool two-hundred-fifty word wrap up on the thousands of words you’ve already typed. Easy-peasy, you plotted it out the other day. You shake out your hands and wriggle your fingers, before placing them back on the keys, ready to resume.
The sound of keys jangling manage to catch your attention, even through your laser-focus and the music blasting from your speakers. You smile to yourself and save your document, allowing yourself a small break to say hello to your gorgeous boyfriend.
You push your seat out from under the kitchen table, it squeaks a bit against the tile. You close your laptop and stand up, walking into the living room of your shared apartment. Your espeon is curled up on the couch, purring as she snoozes.
The door swings open, and he strolls inside, his brown eyes shining in delight as he finds you there to greet him. He flashes you a brilliant grin as he takes you by your hips, bringing you close to him. “Hey babe,” he says nonchalantly, his breath tastes strongly of mint as it brushes your lips. You kiss him before he kisses you, you can feel him smile against your mouth.
“Hey yourself” you purr tenderly as you part from him, he pecks your forehead and gives your butt a light pat.
“How’s the report going?” he asks.
“Nearly finished” you answer, quite proud of what you’ve done so far. “How’s the gym?”
“They didn’t even come close” he claims triumphantly with his classic smug, but oh-so-sexy, smirk. “Naturally” you remark as you peck his lips softly.
“Damn, I’m hungry” he mutters as he moves away from you, slipping off his jacket and hanging it on the coat rack. He runs his hand through his spiky ginger hair before placing it on his hip. “We should go out for food.”
Your stomach rumbles in agreement before you can even nod, you both laugh at the sound. “Yeah we should” you giggle, patting your abdomen.
“When I’m finished my report.”
He frowns cutely, he’s adorable when he’s annoyed. “Ah c’mon babe, are you serious?”
“Yep” you confirm, turning to walk back into the kitchen. “Work first, then food”
He follows you and huffs. “But you’ve worked so hard today, and so have I!”
“Two hundred fifty words” you say softly but firmly, “Two hundred fifty words, that’s all I gotta do. Then we can go”
He, somewhat reluctantly, concedes with sigh. “Fine, fine, but I’m leaving in thirty minutes with or without you”
It’s an idle threat, you’d be ready in twenty.
“Yeah, yeah, you silly psyduck” you giggle as you take your seat again, opening your laptop. “A psyduck has sense enough to feed itself” he insists. You laugh lightly at him. “You’re so cute when you’re annoyed.” He rolls his eyes, but a genuine smile cracks through.
He comes to sit next to you while you work, regaling you with stories of his day. You’re only half-listening, he loves talking about himself so he doesn’t appear to mind.
“So then my blastoi-”
“Done!” you exclaim as you press the save button, cutting him off as you do. Your word count stands mighty and proud, at a cool five-thousand-three-hundred-seventy-five. “Awesome babe!” He says with a grin, standing up from his seat. You remain fixed in place, fingers still tapping away at the keyboard.
“Just making a few copies” you explain, “One to my external hard-drive and one to Lysandre Docs, just to be safe”
“Arceus!” he grumbles under his breath, sitting back down. He’s quiet as you finish up, eyeing you fondly as you eject your external drive and turn off your laptop.
“Now are you done?” he asks. You nod, happy with your work, and happy to grab some food. He smiles. “Great, you wanna go to that place that does the great dumplings?”
You lick your lips at the thought of those dumplings, your stomach rumbles again. “Yes please!”
He chuckles and offers his hand, it’s warm as you take it. He stands up and pulls you out of your seat with ease, then he brings you into a hug. His embrace is loose and tender, he smells good, like cosy cologne and rain. He rests his chin on your head, letting his right hand gently stroke your hair.
“I’ll pay tonight, my treat” he murmurs as he kisses your forehead. You look at him, honoured but confused by his proposal. “You serious? We always split…”
“Hey,I gotta reward my hot girlfriend for a job well done,” he says with a suave wink. “And besides, once you’re promoted, you’ll have all that cash to spend on me instead!”
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wanderingrustus · 3 years
Allow me to regale you with the tale of my first Nuzlocke run of Pokemon.
I decided to give it a try on a randomized version of Blue. I randomized encounters, trainers, and starters... but not move sets. This would come back to bite me in the ass later.
My starter choices were Bellsprout, Drowzee, and Ponyta. I chose Drowzee because reasons.
The early game wasn't that bad. I ended up with a Machoke before Brock, which was pretty killer.
Brock went by without a hitch. His team ended up randomized to a Porygon and a Raticate. Machoke go brrr lol
We get to Mt. Moon. I get just before the part with the Super Nerd and the fossils... and disaster struck.
Death came for me with fangs, rage, hate and the (then unknown) knowledge that Gyarados knows Dragon Rage and Hydro Pump if encountered in the wild... something not ordinarily possible in Blue.
That Gyarados wiped my party.
It ended just as it was getting rolling.
Pour one out for Randy the Machoke, Rex the Drowzee, Ink-Eyes the Ratatta, Don the Diglett, Migraine the Psyduck, and Klaw the Sandshrew.
Maybe next time.
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amorremanet · 7 years
oc pokémon teams, because reasons
Said reasons being, “Because I felt like it.”
I used hover text to add in some explication and extra feels. Names that are in italics are their, “companion” Pokémon — i.e., the ones they have the strongest bonds with, like Ash and Pikachu levels of devoted to each other (…or as close as they can ever get while staying in-character, since some of them — I say, glancing pointedly at Margaret and Conrad — would absolutely treat their Pokémon more like tools than sentient beings).
SEBASTIAN: Sylveon (Intertwining Pokémon; Fairy) // Stantler (Big Horn Pokémon; Normal) // Snubbull (Fairy Pokémon; Fairy) // Stoutland (Big Hearted Pokémon; Normal) // Crobat (Bat Pokémon; Poison/Flying) // Clefairy (Fairy Pokémon; Fairy) // Shiftry (Wicked Pokémon; Grass/Dark).
PETE: Luxray (Gleam Eyes Pokémon; Electric) // Houndoom (Dark Pokémon; Dark/Fire) // Absol (Disaster Pokémon; Dark) // Umbreon (Moonlight Pokémon; Dark) // Seviper (Fang Snake Pokémon; Poison) // Sceptile (Forest Pokémon; Grass) // Mimikyu (Disguise Pokémon; Ghost/Fairy).
MARGOT: Purugly (Tiger Cat Pokémon; Normal) // Lycanroc (Wolf Pokémon; Rock) // Sableye (Darkness Pokémon; Dark/Ghost) // Donphan (Armor Pokémon; Ground) // Arbok (Cobra Pokémon; Poison) // Salamence (Dragon Pokémon; Dragon/Flying) // Gengar (Shadow Pokémon; Ghost/Poison).
JOSIE: Espeon (Sun Pokémon; Psychic) // Alakazam (Psi Pokémon; Psychic) // Raichu (Mouse Pokémon; Electric) // Psyduck (Duck Pokémon; Water) // Mismagius (Magical Pokémon; Ghost) // Gardevoir (Embrace Pokémon; Grass/Psychic) // Lucario (Aura Pokémon; Fighting/Steel).
LUCY: Arcanine (Legendary Pokémon; Fire) // Blaziken (Blazing Pokémon; Fire/Fighting) // Salazzle (Toxic Lizard Pokémon; Poison/Fire) // Flareon (Flame Pokémon; Fire) // Gyarados (Atrocious Pokémon; Water/Flying) // Volcarona (Sun Pokémon; Bug/Fire) // Talonflame (Scorching Pokémon; Fire/Flying).
STEPHEN: Milotic (Tender Pokémon; Water) // Blissey (Happiness Pokémon; Normal) // Delcatty (Prim and Proper Pokémon; Normal) // Glaceon (Fresh Snow Pokémon; Ice) // Primarina (Soloist Pokémon; Water/Fairy) // Ninetales (Fox Pokémon; Fire) // Whimsicott (Windveiled Pokémon; Grass/Fairy).
TODD: Smeargle (Painter Pokémon; Normal) // Raticate (Rat/Mouse Pokémon; Normal) // Girafarig (Long Neck Pokémon; Normal/Psychic) // Heracross (Single-Horn Pokémon; Bug/Fighting) // Zangoose (Cat Ferret Pokémon; Normal) // Lickitung (Licking Pokémon; Normal) // Ludicolo (Carefree Pokémon; Water/Grass).
SARA GRACE: Vaporeon (Bubble Jet Pokémon; Water) // Breeloom (Mushroom Pokémon; Grass/Fighting) // Wailord (Float Whale Pokémon; Water) // Flygon (Mystic Pokémon; Ground/Dragon) // Dragonair (Dragon Pokémon; Dragon) // Meganium (Herb Pokémon; Grass) // Pyroar (Royal Pokémon; Fire/Normal).
CONRAD: Malamar (Overturning Pokémon; Dark/Psychic) // Hypno (Hypnosis Pokémon; Psychic) // Dragalge (Mock Kelp Pokémon; Poison/Dragon) // Grumpig (Manipulate Pokémon; Psychic) // Golbat (Bat Pokémon; Poison/Flying) // Wobbuffet (Patience/Endurance Pokémon; Psychic) // Gyarados (Atrocious Pokémon; Water/Flying).
JULIAN: Banette (Marionette Pokémon; Ghost) // Spinda (Spot Panda Pokémon; Normal) // Kecleon (Color Change Pokémon; Normal) // Quagsire (Water Fish Pokémon; Water/Ground) // Sudowoodo (Imitation Pokémon; Ground) // Zoroark (Illusion Fox Pokémon; Dark) // Tentacruel (Jellyfish Pokémon; Water/Poison).
ANNIE: Gloom (Weed Pokémon; Grass/Poison) // Primeape (Pig Monkey Pokémon; Fighting) // Zebstrika (Thunderbolt Pokémon; Electric) // Scoliopede (Megapede Pokémon; Bug/Poison) // Mightyena (Bite Pokémon; Dark) // Nidoking (Drill Pokémon; Poison/Ground) // Crawdaunt (Rogue Pokémon; Water/Dark).
ABE: Tropius (Fruit Pokémon; Grass/Flying) // Girafarig (Long Neck Pokémon; Normal/Psychic) // Altaria (Humming Pokémon; Dragon/Flying) // Bibarel (Beaver Pokémon; Normal/Water) // Swanna (White Bird Pokémon; Water/Flying) // Whimsicott (Windveiled Pokémon; Grass/Fairy) // Charizard (Flaming Pokémon; Fire/Flying).
ADELAIDE: Hydreigon (Brutal Pokémon; Dark/Dragon) // Furfrou (Poodle Pokémon; Normal) // Pangoro (Daunting Pokémon; Fighting/Dark) // Rapidash (Fire Horse Pokémon; Fire) // Raichu (Mouse Pokémon; Electric) // Tyranitar (Armor Pokémon; Rock/Dark) // Greninja (Ninja Pokémon; Water/Dark).
AMBROSE: Decidueye (Arrow Quill Pokémon; Grass/Ghost) // Leavanny (Nurturing Pokémon; Bug/Grass) // Slurpuff (Meringue Pokémon; Fairy) // Xatu (Mystic Pokémon; Psychic/Flying) // Delibird (Delivery Pokémon; Ice/Flying) // Aromatisse (Fragrance Pokémon; Fairy) // Delcatty (Prim and Proper Pokémon; Normal).
ELIZABETH: Slowking (Royal Pokémon; Water/Psychic) // Metagross (Iron Leg Pokémon; Steel/Psychic) // Aggron (Iron Armor Pokémon; Steel/Rock) // Espeon (Sun Pokémon; Psychic) // Skarmory (Armor Bird Pokémon; Steel/Flying) // Audino (Hearing Pokémon; Normal) // Lucario (Aura Pokémon; Fighting/Steel).
EMERSON: Heliolisk (Generator Pokémon; Electric/Normal) // Aerodactyl (Fossil Pokémon; Rock/Flying) // Reuniculus (Multiplying Pokémon; Psychic) // Jolteon (Lightning Pokémon; Electric) // Volbeat (Firefly Pokémon; Bug) // Victreebel (Flycatcher Pokémon; Grass) // Porygon-Z (Virtual Pokémon; Normal).
JEREMY B.: Psyduck (Duck Pokémon; Water) // Marowak (Bone Keeper Pokémon; Ground) // Abomasnow (Frost Tree Pokémon; Grass/Ice) // Gogoat (Mount Pokémon; Grass) // Lopunny (Rabbit Pokémon; Normal) // Wigglytuff (Balloon Pokémon; Normal/Fairy) // Haxorus (Axe Jaw Pokémon; Dragon).
JOANIE: Pinsir (Stag Beetle Pokémon; Bug) // Lilligant (Flowering Pokémon; Grass) // Golem (Megaton Pokémon; Rock/Ground) // Mudsdale (Draft Horse Pokémon; Ground) // Stunfisk (Trap Pokémon; Ground/Electric) // Gigalith (Compressed Pokémon; Rock) // Bisharp (Sword Blade Pokémon; Dark/Steel).
MARCELINE: Torterra (Continent Pokémon; Grass/Ground) // Meowstic ♂ (Constraint Pokémon; Psychic) // Garchomp (Mach Pokémon; Dragon/Ground) // Sawsbuck (Season Pokémon Pokémon; Normal/Grass) // Lapras (Transport Pokémon; Water/Ice) // Lanturn (Light Pokémon; Water/Electric) // Blastoise (Pokémon; Water).
MARGARET: Kangaskhan (Parent And Child Pokémon; Normal) // Chansey (Egg Pokémon; Normal) // Miltank (Milk Cow Pokémon; Normal) // Walrein (Ice Break Pokémon; Ice/Water) // Bewear (Strong Arm Pokémon; Normal/Fighting) // Staraptor (Predator Pokémon; Normal/Flying) // Illumise (Firefly Pokémon; Bug).
MAX: Leafeon (Verdant Pokémon; Grass) // Ampharos (Light Pokémon; Electric) // Meowstic ♀ (Constraint Pokémon; Psychic) // Cubone (Lonely Pokémon; Ground) // Trevenant (Elder Tree Pokémon; Ghost/Grass) // Noctowl (Owl Pokémon; Normal/Flying) // Dragonite (Dragon Pokémon; Dragon).
MELANIE: Vikavolt (Stag Beetle Pokémon; Bug/Electric) // Purugly (Tiger Cat Pokémon; Normal) // Sharpedo (Brutal Pokémon; Water/Dark) // Glalie (Face Pokémon; Ice) // Oricorio (Dancing Pokémon; Flying) // Politoed (Frog Pokémon; Water) // Samurott (Formidable Pokémon; Water).
TAMSIN: Bellossom (Flower Pokémon; Grass) // Mienshao (Martial Arts Pokémon; Fighting) // Excadrill (Subterrene Pokémon; Ground/Steel) // Vivillion (Scale Pokémon; Bug/Flying) // Liepard (Cruel Pokémon; Dark) // Nidoqueen (Drill Pokémon; Poison/Ground) // Cinccino (Scarf Pokémon; Normal).
TITUS: Galvantula (EleSpider Pokémon; Bug/Electric) // Persian (Classy Cat Pokémon; Normal) // Slowbro (Hermit Crab Pokémon; Water/Psychic) // Froslass (Snow Land Pokémon; Ice/Ghost) // Fearow (Beak Pokémon; Normal/Flying) // Poliwhirl (Tadpole Pokémon; Water) // Serperior (Regal Pokémon; Grass).
XAVIER: Honchcrow (Big Boss Pokémon; Dark/Flying) // Gliscor (Fang Scorpion Pokémon; Ground/Flying) // Cacturne (Scarecrow Pokémon; Grass/Dark) // Dusclops (Beckon Pokémon; Ghost) // Toxicroak (Toxic Mouth Pokémon; Poison/Fighting) // Wobbuffet (Patience/Endurance Pokémon; Psychic) // Relicanth (Longevity Pokémon; Water/Rock).
YAEL: Empoleon (Emperor Pokémon; Water/Steel) // Steelix (Iron Snake Pokémon; Steel/Ground) // Mawile (Deceiver Pokémon; Steel/Fairy) // Umbreon (Moonlight Pokémon; Dark) // Scizor (Pincer Pokémon; Bug/Steel) // Kangaskhan (Parent and Child Pokémon; Normal) // Gallade (Blade Pokémon; Psychic/Fighting).
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flaaffy · 8 years
Alola, Kanto, blizzard, swimmer, eevee!
Alola: Who were your team members in Pokémon Sun/Moon?
+ sulis (♀ primarina), + spira (♀ toucannon), + ysa (♀ lurantis), + azter (salazzle), + una (♂ butterfree), the last slot changes but it’s lately been ciefel (♀ ribombee) or my solgaleo, but props to mrs. puff (♀ alolan persian) and gloop (♂ alolan grimer) ; (bold are my pokechamps, iirc ♥)
Kanto: What is your favourite gen one Pokémon?
aaaa i dunno actually, but i love how eevee can become so many different pokemon and how ditto can transform, but then again wigglytuff and clefairy are so cute but then again mew…… (then there are others that are so good like bulbasaur and victreebel that aren’t faves but i love enough to consider them faves??? i make no sense)
Blizzard: What is your favourite ice type?
alolan vulpix is so fluffy and i love ninetales too!! but glaceon is super adorable and cubchoo… that snotty bear reminds me of the cute kid in wind waker!! smoochum’s so cute and froslass is really regal… dewgong’s cute too but the winner probably goes to lapras!! i have a really soft spot for lapras tbh
Swimmer: What is your favourite water type?
ngl i love psyduck, we share chronic migraines and we’re both duck-related (it’s even in my last name) AND psychic types!! but i love the pink ones so much and my 2 gals, samurott and primarina♥
Eevee: Your favourite eeveelution?
i love sylveon bc it’s so me and so aesthetic✨ but espeon is my #1 baealso can you tell i’m very fickle with my decisions orz
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