#reg sits on the counter and watches james make the perfect blueberry pancakes
ultravioletbrit · 17 days
“sip” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 198 words
Regulus likes routines. He likes order and consistency, and normally he puts in a lot of effort to maintain that order and consistency.
But this routine? This routine is effortless and happened so naturally, Regulus almost didn’t realize it had become a routine at all.
A soft yawn breaks him from his thoughts, and he looks up to see James padding into the kitchen. Regulus just finished making two mugs of tea and slides one to James. James leans down and kisses Regulus’ temple before taking a sip of his tea and hums in approval.
“Morning, love.” James says in his beautiful, husky morning voice.
“Morning.” Regulus whispers and wraps his cold hands around his warm mug.
“Pancakes?” James asks.
“Blueberries?” Regulus tilts his head up to look at James.
“Yes, blueberries.” James runs his finger down the tip of Regulus’ nose.
“Then, yes, pancakes.” Regulus scrunches up his nose and smiles at James.
James leans down and kisses Regulus before walking over to the fridge.
Regulus takes a sip of his tea and smiles fondly as James gathers the ingredients for them to make pancakes together.
It might be a simple routine. An effortless routine. But it’s Regulus’ favorite routine.
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