#referenced bootlicking
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Larry is a 20-ish year old roboticist and the son of Bolivar Trask, on a mad revenge quest to punish mutantkind, and especially the X-Men, for his father's death in the first Sentinel story. This is despite the fact that Larry is, himself, a mutant — his father had been using a magical medallion to suppress both Larry's clairvoyant abilities and his knowledge of them for almost his whole childhood. Larry uses his crop of Sentinels to try and capture as many mutants as he can, using his tech skills to suppress their powers — until he meets 18-21-year-old Alex, who is mostly naked and freshly manifested his own uncontrollable powers. Larry gives Alex the mutant name Havok, as well as his iconic black suit to measure and help control his abilities, and what Larry wants in return is never really made clear, though an agreement is referenced. When Larry's mutanthood is revealed, the first vision we see him have (pictured above) is of Alex dead under a pile of rubble, something that upsets him so much that he fights to free Alex so he can presumably escape. Then, when Alex is buried under rubble anyway (he's fine, don't worry), Larry has a catatonic breakdown, which allows Bolivar's old friend Judge Chalmers to put the medallion back on Larry, forcing him to forget everything. They haven't interacted since, but Larry's coming back this fall in a new Sentinels miniseries while Alex is doing some X-Factor bootlicking, and I think it would make sense for Something Undeniably LGBT to Happen To Lawrence Trask, should they meet again.
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menalez · 1 year
its really evil how literal males with lesbian fetishes can freely say that "they can get behind stealing shit from "terfs" (actual lesbians)", accuse "terfs" (actual lesbains) of being a nazi for using the labrys flag and get shit ton of support from men-in-dresses bootlickers. its insane how males with lesbain fetishes has more of a say on what lesbians should and shouldnt do than actual lesbians: https://www.tumblr.com/loathsomespider/174712152599/aquilarios-thevriscourse-machonaroja?source=share
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these people are so vile and dishonest. the labrys wasnt referencing some fucking greek regime from the 1930s, it was used bc its a feminist symbol!!! the amazons!!! female strength and matriarchy etc!
the black triangle was chosen bc it was a symbol used to mark several groups INCLUDING LESBIANS during the holocaust. theres variations without the triangle now but it wasnt used to praise fascists or sth. + the flag has nothing to do with "terfs". this lesbophobe just wanted a reason to pretend that "lesbian fascism" is a thing. anyways, these people are just lesbophobes.
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untouchable234 · 6 months
I saw one of your top posts about how you're anti feminist but not because you're sexist but because you're disappointed in how many feminists have become angry man haters, this is something I 100% agree with
Back in 2022 I stopped labelling myself as a feminist for 2 reasons, 1 was because other feminists said I (a man) couldn't be a feminist, 2 I was tired of people assuming I was a male radical feminist who hated all other men and bootlicked women, right now if someone asks if I'm a feminist I just reply with "I believe in equality" or something like that
Even some of my female friends who are 100% for womens rights are now embarrassed to call themselves feminists, because they stand for women to be equal to men, not for women to be above men
Not only is it disgusting and disappointing to see a movement that started with so many brave women who did not wish to be above men but simply wanted to be equals become so toxic, not only do feminists hate men they also hate other women who do not agree with them
I've seen feminists get so angry at other women and call them pick mes for having a mostly male friend group, not labelling themselves as a radfem man hater or just doing anything that "doesn't break female stereotypes"
For example on TikTok there is an account where a woman makes cooking videos and she mainly cooks for her husband and kids, people in the comments say she's a conservative mormon with an abusive husband and makes these videos to "brainwash" other women into becoming "slaves of the patriarchy" when in reality she has never done videos on politics or mormonism, and in a few videos her husband cooks as well and they seem to have a loving relationship as well as their kids
Its funny how radfems say "women can do anything they want!" Yet they get so angry at a woman simply cooking for her family, radfems in general are on otherworldly levels of hypocritical
I am also of the belief that a woman (or anyone tbh) can do as she pleases as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, whether that be playing sports, cooking for her family, having a mostly male friend group, having a mostly female friend group, having a friend group thats a mix of both genders, wearing masculine clothes, wearing feminine clothes, etc
I have seen a few feminists online and IRL who genuinely care about keeping the two sexes on equal footing (Gloria Steinem and Lauren Faust are two great examples of this), but yeah, like I said in the post you referenced, a lot of them are just misandrists and transphobes masquerading as feminists. It’s a shame, too, because there are women in third-world countries who are legitimately oppressed by a patriarchal society, but these so-called “feminists” are too busy hating/stereotyping men to care about them.
“Girl power”, I guess?
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cassierobinsons · 7 months
maybe u are just unhealthily addicted to boots
stop i thought this was hatemail and you were calling me a bootlicker 😭 like what did i do to get called sam-coded??? took me a full 30 seconds to realise you were referencing this post
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catboy-jesus · 2 years
Why does your queen theory prof hate NPH?
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Great question! Just to give some context, I love my queer theory professor. He's a middle aged gay man who identifies as a fairy and was involved in a lot of queer activism in his youth. He explained to us near the start of the year that the term "straight" initially just meant "bootlicker" and has this idea of "straight gays" i.e. gay people who align themselves with straight hegemony in their actions and behavior. He sees Neil Patrick Harris as a guy who's spent his whole career trying to sanitize and play down his gayness and who is aligned with straight hegemony. Keep in mind I don't follow actors and I've only seen NPH in a few things so I'm not sure how accurate his assessment is, but I think the fact that the guy on the initial post this ask is referencing didn't know NPH was gay is an example he would point to.
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ausetkmt · 2 years
Kanye West Causes KKKomotion With 'White Lives Matter' Shirt
Calculated clickbait bootlickers Kanye and Candace Owens are making headlines again for sporting ridiculous KKKommotion-causing t-shirts.
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Source: Edward Berthelot/GC Images / Getty
This time instead of the “Blexit” tees that Kanye designed for Owens before distancing himself from them, Ye and his sunken sibling sported “White Lives Matter” shirts during his surprise Yeezy season 9 fashion show.
Variety reports that Kanye wore the design Monday before kicking off the runway portion of the night while referencing several topics.
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They add that he did not clarify or give attention to his use of the “White Lives Matter” slogan that’s been reactionarily used by white supremacist groups and far-right organizations in response to the Black Lives Matter movement.
At least one Black model wore a “White Lives Matter” shirt as well.
The sunken shirt controversy comes after Kanye previously sported a MAGA hat in support of [now-defunct] Oxidized Orange Juice in Office, Donald Trump.
In 2020, he told Forbes that he no longer backed Trump…
“I am taking the red hat off, with this interview,” he told the publication at the time. “One of the main reasons I wore the red hat as a protest to the segregation of votes in the Black community. Also, other than the fact that I like Trump hotels and the saxophones in the lobby.”
but while on Drink Champs in November of 2021 he changed his stance.
“I’ve still got a red hat on today, I’ll let y’all know that,” said Kanye.
Celebs React To Kanye’s “White Lives Matter” Shirt
As you can imagine, people are rightfully pretty pissed at Ye’s latest shenanigans…
and he’s being blasted by the likes of Jaden Smith and even Lil Boosie.
What are YOUR thoughts on Kanye and his favorite Dorito Dusted Deplorable wearing “White Lives Matter” shirts?
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Source: Marc Paisecki/ Jason Davis / Getty
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selamat-linting · 1 year
watching scarface rn and oh my fucking god. tony's bootlicking the immigration officers is somehow more cringe worthy than sonny fucking up his bank robbery. nice acting and in character for a gusano but yuck! yuck! my man even referenced hollywood movies and us presidents like some nk defector. lmaooo
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ocean-blue-whump · 3 years
Not Today, Satan
For @amonthofwhump Twelve Days of Whumpmas! Day Two--Human Shield
Trainee era 501 and 236.
Tagging @ashintheairlikesnow
CW: drugging, pet whump, BBU, facility whump, lady whump, beating, shock collar, muzzle, Romantic whumpees, 1 use of derogatory language, bonded whumpees, referenced bootlicking, starvation
501 watches from the corner, her head a cloud of drugs. Handler Hanford is circling 236 with his baton fully extended. The small boy is hunched over on the ground, his ribs visible through his white t-shirt. 501 snarls behind the muzzle, and Handler-in-Training Finch grabs onto her shoulder. She whips her head around, trying to snap at his hand, but is stopped by the muzzle digging into her skin. 
“Cool it, 501,” Finch whispers into her ear. “Don’t make this worse.” He’s not threatening her, he sounds almost...sad. 
501 snorts into her muzzle. 
Handler Hanford’s perfectly polished shoes click against the floor. She would know that they’re perfect, he made her and 236 clean them with their tongues. He rolls his wrist, swinging the baton around. “236. Submit for punishment. Position two.”
236 pulls himself onto his knees, his blonde curls flopping in his face. 501’s heart is pounding, it’s the only thing she can think of.
Handler Hanford nods, the only appreciation he has for the boy’s perfectly straight posture. “What am I punishing you for?” he asks. 
236 keeps his blue eyes on the ground. Pets don’t get to look at their superiors when they’re punished. They’re not worthy of that. “I’m sorry, Handler Hanford.” His voice wavers. 
Handler Hanford cracks his baton against his baton, and both pets flinch simultaneously at the sharp noise. “That’s not what I asked you, 236. I’ll make you sorry, but right now, I want you to tell me what you did. Keep your fucking eyes down, slut. Use your words. I didn’t wipe those out of you.”
236 shifts uncomfortably, and the baton cracks down right next to him, barely missing the shaking boy. 236 yelps, and 501 presses against Finch. She can’t watch him suffer.
“Don’t move. Answer my fucking question.”
236’s eyes dart around. He runs his tongue over his pink lips, searching for the right words to use to please Handler Hanford. “I tried to take off 501’s collar while she slept.”
Slept. Too kind a word. Handler Hanford sedated 501 after a training session, she was unconscious when 236 tried to take her shock collar off. 
Handler Hanford clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “And why would you do that, 236? You’re supposed to be the good one. Why would you break the rules?”
Sunny’s perfectly jeweled eyes glisten with tears. “I wanted to help her. She’s--she’s been shaking from the shocks.”
Hander Hanford looks down at him, cold, unemotional. “No. She hasn’t. You’re imagining things. You’re fucking crazy.” He spins the baton around, drawing both pets’ attention to it. “You’re pets, both of you. You don’t take off the collar. So it’s time to be punished.”
501 is moving before she understands, just as Handler Hanford brings the baton towards 236, just as 236 whimpers and braces himself for the blow. She’s moving and despite how much skinnier she’s gotten since she was pulled from the Guard Dog program, she’s still strong and scary and just a feral mutt and she can move fast and strong. She can throw herself in front of the blow and take it, take it across her sore ribs. 
236 wails, watching 501’s body shudder under the force of the baton. It doesn’t keep her down for long. She jumps up onto her feet, legs bent, still crouched over. 501 snarls from underneath the muzzle. 
She doesn’t think to take it off, she’s used to it now. 
236 is softly crying behind her, but 501 tunes him out, looking up at Handler Hanford like he’s a god. 
No. The devil. 
Why else would he exist in her nightmares? 
There’s a fraction of a second of pure silence, no sound in the room except for the air conditioning pumping into the training room and 236’s small cries. No sound, no movement. 
501 strikes out, swinging wildly at Handler Hanford’s legs. 
He retaliates by kicking up, the steel toe of his boot smashing into 501’s jaw. 501 falls back, all thoughts leaving her head. Blood drips from her mouth, running into the muzzle and choking her. 
She can’t fight Handler Hanford, they both know that. Can’t save both of them. 501 clenches her teeth and positions herself in front of 236, her back to him. 
If she can’t fight back, she’s going to sit here and take the pain.
Fury crackles over Handler Hanford’s face and with no care for which of the pets he hits, swings the baton down. Once. Twice. Over and over again, right on 501’s torso, back, and arms. 
They don’t hit the face here, don’t scar the face, don’t cause too much brain damage so no false memories come up. 501 takes the pain and doesn’t complain, just grunts with each impact. If Handler Hanford keeps going like this, he could break 501’s ribs. 
501 thinks her ears are going to break, though, from 236’s wailing as the baton misses him, time and time again. 
But 501 doesn’t care. 236 is pretty. 236 is good. He’s meant to be a Romantic. She’s supposed to be a Guard Dog, and even though she’s not anymore, she’s still just a shield. 
501 goes still as the pain overwhelms her senses, as she can feel her body going numb. 
Baton on skin on bones, ribs slightly visible through the white t-shirt. 
Bruises, purple, green, blue, yellow, exploding across her back and side like miniature supernovas in her skin. 
Eyes going glossy, too much pain and not the right kind to be pleasure. 
The boy behind her screaming, his hands on her shoulder, even when the baton hits his knuckles and he sucks in a breath. 
Finch is screaming now, too, screaming at Handler Hanford to stop this, he’s going too far with the pet.
501’s skin is splitting from the blunt force now, and she’s trying to work around the muzzle so much that it’s chafing her skin.
She’s going now.
At least she could save him, at least she could save her love from this horrible violence. 
Why would she want this? What drove her to sign up for nothing but pain, pain, pain every day for the rest of her life? 
She’s going now. 
She kept 236 safe for as long as she could. 
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sasukeillness · 2 years
Naruto never doing anything to change the shinobi system is so ooc and one of the worst things to come from the ending of the series.
You can argue that Naruto is ignorant, selfish or whatever the hell you want but its ridiculous to say that its in character for him to not change shit when it was literally established in the first arc that he couldn't bear how cruel it is for shinobis to be treated as nothing but emotionless weapons/tools.  
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Naruto just saw Haku die right before his eyes to protect zabuzu, hes screaming out questioning why zabuzu is not doing anything and he answers saying shinobis are either users, tools or both. Naruto is a literal child and he understands how cruel that is and he won't stand for it. That's why later, at the end of the arc he says hes going to create his own ninja path. 
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His character is set on the notion of rejecting how the system operates and wanting to create an alternative where shinobis are valued and treated as people. 
His ninja path is being a shinobi which is not an emotionless weapon for the state to use. That's why a big part of his character is evoking emotions from others, especially his enemies who have been deeply wronged by the system. 
Naruto himself is a victim. The “dark naruto” scene shows us basically what real narutos true feelings are. 
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I’ll admit this whole scene was handled and written poorly, it didn't resolve anything and naruto still hasn't truly moved past his trauma but its enough to indicate that he has a lot of repressed anger towards Konoha and the shinobi world in general. 
I’m mentioning this because through out the series we see naruto have this constant motive to bring change and peace. He is deeply impacted by the injustice others face and his own personal experiences and suffering, which kishi purposely wrote like so, are what drives him for that change.  
We even have a character like Nagato, who has been severely impacted by the corrupt system, be affected by narutos words and actually have faith that he in the future can help bring the change the world needs. 
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So if this concept of naruto acknowledging how cruel the system is and wanting for it to change is established in the first arc of the series and is then later referenced and expanded on multiple times, him even being referred to as the hope for the future. Then its very obvious his character is set to change the shinobi system (most likely alongside sasuke). Their are complications with how this narrative was written and naruto should've truly addressed his trauma caused by the village and how it affected him to progress, but I won't get into that now.
You can dislike and disagree with naruto (I dont agree with all of his ideologies) and say he was always some brainwashed bootlicker but his character has always hated how shinobis lives aren't valued and been driven to changing the system. The entire story was set up for that conclusion but of course boruto came into the picture and the ending adjusted to cater to that (their were others factors to it but that's the main reason). That's why its so extremely frustrating, ooc and honestly tragic that he never did anything in the end, especially with all the promises he made to characters like nagato, neji and sasuke.  
So anyways Narutos was done dirty, his character conclusion, as well as Sasukes, was absolutely awful and ill forever be mad about it. 
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First Kiss
bringing to you the content that matters in life... (tntduo funnies instead of angst in this trying time) seriously shoutout to @tntduo-brainrot-is-real because I haven’t written this much in this short a time period (even tho i’m not doing the official timeframe) for ages. can’t believe prompts can actually work giving you ideas if you’re determined enough lol
TW for referenced (mental) hospitalization in this one (it’s vaguely a university AU) (still using Nicholas as headcanon cquackity name to differentiate between cc)
The first time Wilbur saw him, he knew. He had found his match. This one, this one — he will be my rival. He walked too confidently, spoke too much, and had the most annoying voice Wilbur had ever heard. 
His name was Quackity — Nicholas Quackity, but people only ever called him by his last name; he was that kind of bastard. Wilbur Soot f*cking hated people who go by their last names — pretentious, “popular” pricks, the lot of them. Quackity fit the bill, attracting friends and admirers alike. Wilbur assumed they were all vapid. 
The first time Wilbur spoke to Quackity, he was rude. He looked surprised, and then hurt, but Wilbur didn’t feel bad because they were already enemies. The pathetically short man just didn’t know it yet. (Much later, Wil would learn that Quackity had even admired him before this fateful first conversation. He felt a bit sorry then, having developed a more amicable relationship with him.)
Their relationship progressed from there, escalating from passive-aggressive exchanges to pranks and even sabotage. Things that would be too cruel towards other people they did without question, their relationship occupying some space apart from normalcy. 
The first time he touched Quackity, he had grabbed Wilbur’s hand as he was trying to swipe his pencil. Wilbur, in a fit of lacking any thoughts whatsoever, grabbed the wrist grabbing his with his other hand. He didn’t even realize he had never touched Quackity before until he could feel the blood under his skin. Quackity ran warm. 
He blushed, for some reason. It was effective (the wrist-grabbing, not the blush) in getting Quackity to let go of his hand. Wilbur also dropped the pencil, but he held on to Q’s wrist. 
“Soot.” Quackity always called him “Soot” because he knew he hated it. He paused, trying to figure out what to say, then slightly shook his head to dismiss any unusual thoughts. “Let go of my wrist,” he demanded. 
Wilbur let go. He had the strange urge to punch Quackity in order to get him to grab Wilbur again. 
(He gave into the urge a few weeks later.) (It was worth it, it was totally worth it, consequences and all.) 
Quackity was probably the most interesting part of his life, he reflected. Wilbur didn’t have many friends, especially since he was hospitalized last year and that scared some foolish people. Quackity didn’t care about that. He hated Wilbur like he would any other person — or rather, he hated Wilbur especially much in a special way (Wilbur was certain about this because he wanted them to be special) but not because of the mental illness at all. 
He enjoyed hating Quackity back, because he was unpredictable. Fascinating. Captivating. If Wilbur ever realized he was as enthralled as the groupies he despised, he would have been ashamed. 
The first time he realized he was attracted to Quackity, it was Tommy’s fault. Wilbur was ranting about him again, going on and on about how Quackity had such an insolent look on his face all the time, how he (probably) was a goddamn capitalist bootlicker who (probably) thought money had real value, how he made such repulsive dirty jokes that made Wilbur feel all wrong. Tommy got a funny look on his face when the topic turned to how Quackity’s eyes were too unique, what a bastard, I could look at them for hours, and have you seen his face? It’s unfair that he’s blessed with that pretty face with those pretty f*cking lips. 
Wilbur paused. “What?” he exclaimed, needing to know the reason behind Tommy’s strange face. 
“Nothing, nothing!” he said, throwing up his hands. He had his phone in one, which showed a “how to support a gay or bisexual friend” page that Wilbur either ignored or didn’t notice.  
“Seriously, tell me, Tom.” Wilbur got serious. “If it bothers you that I complain about him too much, I’ll stop.” He didn’t want to #toxic. 
Tommy quickly shook his head. “No, no, it’s not that. It’s just…” He sighed. Deeply. And painfully. Long-suffering-ly. “Are you sure the only thing you’re feeling for this guy is hatred, Wil?”
“What? Yes, of course! What do you even mean?” Wilbur asked animatedly, afraid of where this was going. 
Tommy’s cheeks turned pink, and he turned his face away. “You seem to ah, you seem to be a bit hot for him, a little, y’know….” 
It was Wilbur’s turn to blush, but he pretended his face was red out of anger. “Me? Be attracted to Nicholas Quackity? I'm offended that you would even think that possible!" He jumped up. “I need to take a walk, Tommy, after hearing you habour that ridiculous notion.��� He ran out of the room to promptly daydream about kissing Nicholas Quackity. 
He would continue to deny it for about two days, before resigning himself to the fact that he was miserably, hopelessly, pathetically in love with the guy he hated most. 
He didn’t even need to act different to get romantic payoff out of their interactions: They had long ago started teasing and flirting with each other. Gratuitous touching went along with that territory, and keeping his face cold let any amount of staring pass unnoted as glaring. 
The worst part was not knowing what went through his rival’s pretty little head. Did he really blush just then, or was that anger? When he talked about wanting Wilbur carnally, was any part of that serious? As an unpracticed liar himself, Wilbur was no good at figuring out what was an act. Being left in the dark nearly drove him mad, trying to figure out Quackity’s true intent behind every action. 
The first time Wilbur Soot kissed Nicholas Quackity, he wasn’t sure if he meant it back. It was a dare, or a challenge, or something. (Maybe it was an excuse.) 
“Yo, you taking out your girl for dinner?” Quackity had called out upon seeing him leading Niki to his car. He casually strolled over to them. 
Wilbur instantly turned away from his car and closed the door he just opened for Niki. “Not f*cking cool, dude,” he said, “Niki is my platonic gal pal. slash gen.” He crossed his arms. 
Niki looked at him weird, and then simply sighed. Quackity smoothly replied, “Well, maybe you can fit me into that opening in your schedule, baby.”
Wilbur scoffed. “Please. You wouldn’t be able to handle my charm, dear Quackity.” Figuring that statement needed elaboration, he added, “You would perish on the spot from the sheer power of even just a kiss of mine.” 
Quackity laughed. “You’re so full of yourself, Soot. Prove it.” 
Niki preemptively opened her phone to look at #girlbossing posts on Instagram. “What?” Wilbur startled. 
He took a step forward. “You heard me. Prove it. Kiss me.”
Wilbur laughed. Nervously. “Well, Quackity, there’s no chance you’ll actually perish from my kiss, I’ll admit that, so I see no way for me to win here.” He didn’t move away. 
“You win,” Quackity said, “if I say you’re a good kisser. Objectively. And remember, I’ve kissed a LOT of guys.” He winked, just to be an asshole like that. 
Well. Wilbur was fairly confident, having gone through a few casual relationships himself, some of them with the same people as Quackity, and he was never one to back down from a challenge, at least not one from his beloved rival. And here it was, a chance to finally kiss him  with no possible repercussions. “Okay,” he said. 
Quackity drew back in shock. “Wow, I didn’t think you’d agree to go this far. I kinda thought you were homophobic because I’m gay and you hate me.” At Wilbur’s concerned and then affronted  look, he said with a glint in his eye, “Oh no, I’m still very much up to kiss you. Let’s do this, sweetheart.”
Wilbur leaned down, but stopped. “You’re too short,” he said with a grin. Quackity was, indeed, a full head shorter than him. 
“No, you’re too tall. Bastard.” He sighed. “Lift me into the roof of your car,” he said with the air of someone tired of having to solve all the problems in the relationship.  
Wilbur did just that, and for a fleeting moment Quackity was in his arms. He put one hand on the car to balance and he leaned in. “Don’t knee me in the balls,” he whispered. 
“Don’t give me ideas,” Quackity replied. His breath was hot on Wilbur’s lips, and he suddenly couldn’t bear it a second longer. 
Wilbur didn’t bother to start off soft, pressing into him, so Quackity reciprocated. Damn, this is as good as I hoped. Wilbur scraped his lip, too afraid to bite him outright. Quackity bit him outright. Okay cool. He moved his other hand to tip his head back, and Q pulled him down. Wilbur felt him run his fingers through his head and shivered. They kissed way longer than was necessary and there was definitely a lot of germs exchanged. 
“Okay,” Quackity admitted, breathless, when they finally pulled apart, “I will give you this one thing: you are a good kisser. Let’s do this again sometime.” 
Wilbur couldn’t help but push his luck. “Do it again, like, for fun?” He turned away. “Or, y’know, seriously… with. feelings,” he mumbled out. 
Quackity stared at him. “You f*cking idiot. I’ve had a crush on you since at least a few weeks after we started flirting. Even Slime could tell, and you know it can’t distinguish between romance and friendship.” He neglected to mention that Slime “Charlie” Slime figured it out because 1) Quackity explicitly told it that kissing was romantic previously 2) Quackity talked to it quite a lot about how much he wanted to kiss Wilbur. 
He refused to let Quackity trap him like this. “Okay, then can you tell me how long I have liked you?” he retorted. 
Quackity blinked. “Um. Either forever or a week.” He had no idea. 
“Wrong. Kiss me again,” Wilbur requested, leaning in. 
The second time Wilbur kissed Quackity, he knew it was meant fully, which made it even sweeter. 
Niki turned to Tommy, who had magically appeared at the scene, unable to ever escape the homoerotic tension between these two, and handed him five British pounds. “I really thought they were going to announce they have been secretly dating for weeks. By the way, I’m homophobic now.”
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RWBY RWDE/Discourse Bingo 2
PART TWOOOOO. Again, I like stirring the pot, so here's a part 2 for anyone brave enough to try.
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Explanations down below!
"Ironwood's plan was to abandon Remnant entirely." People think that Ironwood's plan after finding that chess piece in his office was to lift Atlas up into the atmosphere and just exist up there until the end of time. Abandon Remnant entirely and just float up there indefinitely, at least Salem wouldn't be able to get the Staff.
"Adam was significantly older than Blake." To me, this feels like one of those things that got retconned into the series after Adam's initial retcon. We still don't have an official age for Adam, but in the comics it was revealed he's like, maybe 5+ years older than Blake? And considering they met when she was 12... Is this something you gathered from the beginning? That Adam had always been intended to be significantly older than her?
"Neptune's "keep your hands above the waist" comment was sexist. People really didn't like that one at all. During the tournament he tells NDGO to do that and a lot of the FNDM went >:T
"Arryn and Barb are fetishizing lesbians." Basically the way that these two are constantly promoting the ship and talking about the characters- also the fact that they even read some Bumbleby fanfics on stream a while ago- seems fetishizing.
"Emerald's redemption was poorly handled." I don't think anyone was expecting a Prince Zuko level redemption but do you feel they could've at least done a little more?
"WoR's worldbuilding should've been explained in the show." Kinda self-explanatory. They made us do homework and took a week off every 5 weeks for like 3 whole volumes just to drop lore videos that should've been incorporated into the show.
"Ruby isn't allowed to be sad." Again, kinda self-explanatory, but I think most of this discourse happened pre-v7. There were a bunch of moments where Ruby could've been sad or upset or frustrated and she really wasn't allowed to feel those emotions. I haven't seen this one since v7 so I think people are happier with how she's been emoting in recent volumes
"Ren was bootlicking v7." Did you feel Ren was kinda Ironwood's Pet during v7?
"Raven wasn't a bad person." This one got me yelled at a few years ago 🤭. Basically people believe that Raven isn't really a bad person. That everything she's done has an explanation that excuses her behavior. What do you think?
"Jaune and Neptune's v2 conversation was sexist." People felt that that entire conversation was objectifying Weiss. Specifically the "you can have her" line.
"Jaune harassing Weiss = bad, Nora harassing Ren = good?" People felt that Jaune's harassment of Weiss wasn't being treated the same as Nora's harassment of Ren. Basically "why is it okay when Nora does it but not when Jaune does it?"
""Monty's vision"" The thought here is that some of what RT has done with the show contradicts some of what Monty had said would be happening and had laid out when he was still alive.
"Pyrrha's death only affected Jaune until v6." Pyrrha's death was only referenced once before v6, and it was through a recording Jaune was watching while training during v4. It never came up again until v6. Did you feel that Pyrrha was basically fridged for Jaune's (and maybe Ruby's) growth?
"Penny's unroboting was bad." This one has a couple reasons behind it. People either felt that it was handled really poorly (a lot of the language that RWBY used to convince Ambrosius to do what he did treated Penny as if her robotness was some external entity and not an intrinsic part of who she was), or that because Penny's story really fit in neatly with a trans narrative that her "becoming human" in the way she did felt kinda squicky. If you agree with either of those, this one's for you.
"RWBY men are purposefully written to be irrelevant and useless." I used to hear this SO MUCH in the past but haven't heard it much since Qrow's become a recurring character. Basically all the dudes in the show are purposefully written to be useless. Jaune has no combat experience, Ren gets folded every fight he's in, Team SSSN hardly exist, etc.
""BMBLB is about the bike"" I am trying so hard not to present any of these in a biased way, but basically people were legitimately, 100% non-ironically arguing that the song BMBLB was about Yang's bike "Bumblebee" and not the ship. I am not making this up.
"Prom arc was wasted time." The argument here was that prom arc was like... almost thirty minutes of screentime that was pretty much wasted time of Jaune trying to convince Weiss that he should have a shot.
"Penny's death was nothing more than a plot device." So the finale of season 7 and the entirety of season 8 all took place in less than 12 hours. And all that really happened in terms of Penny's growth was that she became the Maiden, got unroboted, then died and passed on the powers to Winter- the woman who was supposed to receive them in the first place. Do you feel that there was a better way for Winter to get the powers besides killing a popular character like Penny off for a second- and probably final- time?
"Adam's brand." Do you hate the way Adam's brand was revealed, or the backstory behind the brand? Basically RT said in the director's commentary that some rando "gave Adam a good one" with the branding iron during a fight because "Adam's always been such a bad person" and that's how he got that scar over his eye. Do you absolutely hate that explanation because you know how brands work? Do you think that further vilifying Adam that he was branded as SDC property in a way that he was the aggressor in the altercation is garbage for the racism subplot?
"Ilia was introduced as a "psycho lesbian" trope." The first time we meet Ilia she's working for Adam, and ready to literally kill Blake's parents and best (boy?)friend and cart her off to her abusive ex that's already threatened to kill her numerous times.
"Vine didn't have to die." Vine was able to stop that nuke's shockwave from leveling Mantle from the inside of his stretchy arms... why couldn't he do it from the outside?
"Weiss never apologized." Do you feel that Weiss never apologized for what she'd said to Blake during Black & White? Do you feel that she should have?
"V4&5 Quality drop." Kinda self-explanatory. Do you think there's a drop in animation and fight choreography quality? Or instances of the lore contradicting itself? Some people's least favorite volumes were 4 and 5 for this reason.
"Jaune endangered his team throughout the Beacon arc." This dude literally has no combat experience and every time he and his team go out for missions he's putting them in danger, especially considering he hadn't officially told Ren or Nora about this until way later.
"Shane's letter." PHEW. This is a big one that's definitely gonna start arguments. Here's the whole fucking letter so you can read the thing yourself, but basically Shane Newville- Monty's... I guess "apprentice" would be a good word, was fired from RT in 2016, about a year after Monty's death. This letter goes into some detail about him working with Monty, and goes into further detail on how things were like after his death while working on RWBY, and how RT fired him. This letter was also corroborated by Sheena Duquette- Monty's wife who was also let go by RT (and the inspiration for Neo Politan), and Kathleen Zuelch- Glynda Goodwitch's and Tex's (RvB) VA who also had a falling out with the company in 2013. This whole letter is super controversial, and it's discussing a LOT (it's 36 pages), but do you think that Shane's discussion of RT stepping on toes to get the people closest to Monty (including himself and J.J. Castillo (Mercury's first VA before Yuri Lowenthal took over) out of the company to have full control over RWBY has any merit to it?
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e--mporium · 3 years
Intro post
Call me ecuffs. I'm a 20 yo vers trans man and this is my nsfw blog. When it comes to this fetish I am bi leaning gay but when it comes to this kink, I just want to see you get fat 💗
I try not to intact with non kink blogs and stay mostly in the gainer and wg kink sphere, but if I interact with your blog and you are uncomfortable please feel free to block me.
Being dominated/ sub top
Cock warship 🙏🙇‍♂️
Weight gain, real and fantasy/scifi
Mutual gaining
Muscle and height gain (sometimes on me lol)
Pussy, anal and belly stretching/expansion (self and others.) (bonus points its permanent 👑)
Being forced masc or fem
Gainer shakes, heavy cream, cake, sweet stuff
Permanent transformations
Impact play
Bootlicking 😏
Not into but might be referenced in rbs
Pig or cow stuff
Extreme / hard feedism
Please block me if you post
Raceplay and racism
Creepshots or stolen pics, especially of anyone who might be under 18.
Detrans kink
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sophieinwonderland · 2 years
“Bootlicking shouldn’t be sexualized!!” It literally originated as a kink. It’s not a real thing people do outside of kink.
I don't think that's true.
From my limited research, it looks like it evolved from "foot-licker" which dates back to at least the 1600s and was referencing how people would literally kiss the feet of monarchs, slavers and other authority figures to gain favor. It's hard to find accurate sources though, but it actually doesn't seem to be have originated in kink.
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iggysmice · 2 years
bootlicking vietnam apologist scum
I have no special love for veterans, especially those that went willingly.
I do however love people who suffer from PTSD like it's clear the man in the post you are referencing did. I find it just plain cruel to do something you are aware may be triggering to veterans, in a group you are aware contains them. I don't care what he did to your country in his youth, whether or not you approve of him visiting the country, or if he did actually join willingly, his mental health is as much a human right as anybody else's.
You don't lose your human rights just because you did bad things or are a bad person.
Don't fuck with peoples' PTSD triggers. Don't do triggering things as a joke. It's mean at least and actually damaging at most.
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feminist-pussycat · 2 years
That wshington times author sourced her non-duplicated,non peer reviewed study info from an openly conservative Black that writes reactionary tripe for Quilette, and also sympathetically platforms auotes from out and proud fascist collaborator & apologist Andy Ngo. 100% reactionary dogma using culture war tactics politically. Either recognize sharing talking points w/Andy Ngo is a bad idea or just admit you're ideologically aligned with modern conservative & fascist world views already
Let's go through the inaccuracies and then logical fallacies in this ask, shall we?
1. "sourced her non-duplicated, non-peer reviewed study"
It's not a study. It's one person who bothered to analyze the numbers reported by the Human Rights Campaign in their year-to-year study of every known transgender person killed. Literally anyone if they cared could go evaluate the numbers in that report.
2. "openly conservative Black"
He isn't openly conservative. He's even participated in debates against the far-right people, because he is one of those old-fashioned people who sees value in differing opinions. He is a political scientist. In what I'm sure to you is the ultimate test of loyalty, he's anti-Trump. Just because someone isn't a sycophantic leftist bootlicker doesn't mean they're conservative or whatever you're going for here.
3. "reactionary tripe for Quilette"
He writes pieces published on Quilette. Sure. It's a platform dedicated to free speech and including ideas that they call "dangerous ones". There's leftist shit on there too. Pretty intellectually shallow of you to cry that there's people you don't like on there so no one associated can be good.
4. "sympathetically platforms quotes from... Andy Ngo".
The only thing I can find regarding Andy Ngo is him evaluating Andy Ngo's pictures of people being violent at BLM protests and finding that like 90% of the violent protesters are white. That's hardly 'sympathetically platforming' him, it's straight up evaluation. Do you think mentioning a 'bad' person at all in your writings is 'sympathetically platforming'? Absolutely pathetic.
5. "sharing talking points w/Andy Ngo is a bad idea"
Unclear what these talking points are, because all he's said is he looked at his pictures and noted the racial breakdown. And you know you can agree with a person on some points and not others, right? Just because a conservative said the sky looks blue from the earth doesn't mean you have to think it's orange?
6. "admit you're ideologically aligned with modern conservative & fascist world views"
This is just lazy. I, reposted an article, written by a person, that cites a breakdown of publicly available statistics, from a political scientist who, in a different article, mentioned someone you dislike and think is fascist, and in your mind that makes me fascist. You're really making McCarthyism proud here. I associated with an associate of an associate of a 'fascist', so I'm "ideologically aligned with modern conservatives and fascists”. Do you seriously not realize how dumb that sounds?
Logical Fallacies:
False dilemma - pretending there are only two sides when there can be a wide range of opinions. Either you agree with me, or you disagree and you’re the same as a modern conservative and a fascist.
Straw man - instead of addressing what someone is saying / writing, just twisting it to an exaggerated, silly version to defeat that instead. Instead of reading the article I reposted, you just took issue with the someone the author referenced having referenced someone else you don’t like, so the article was definitely fascist and so am I.
What I refer to as the Hitler-vegetarian fallacy: Hitler was a vegetarian, therefore vegetarians will behave like Hitler. Taking one vague similarity between something very bad (hitler) and deciding that if any characteristic of your opponent is the same, no matter how frivolous, they’re as bad as Hitler. Hey anon do you breathe air? Wow, andy ngo breathes air. Either admit sharing the characteristics of life with andy ngo is a bad idea or just admit you're ideologically aligned with modern conservative & fascist world views already.
If you have a problem with the article, and you can find legitimate criticism of certain points or calculations, I’d be interested in hearing them. not this bullshit.
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bestworstcase · 3 years
Your opinion on diadem au zhan tiri ?
😭 my beloved
oh boy
further thoughts under the cut because i have some highly controversial™️ things to say
& to be clear. yes i read the entire fic.
so. the premise here is there are “mythics,” a group encompassing both magical creatures and human mages, and at some point an indeterminate amount of time prior to the beginning of the story, the kingdom of corona drove its mythics out and pressured five of the other seven kingdoms into signing the “mythic accords,” which made it illegal for mythics to exist in these countries. diadem—the dark kingdom analogue, this is a dark prince cassandra AU—was the only country to abstain.
zhan tiri’s family (henceforth zitifam) were among the coronan mages forced out of their homes. they, and six kingdoms worth of other refugees, sought asylum in diadem. the zitifam pledged fealty to the crown of diadem and ultimately became established as a family of court mages and advisors. further notes:
1 - a fan wrote an epistolary fanfic of the fic that is an account of a group of child refugees coming from corona to diadem, which reveals in the end that these children are the orphaned offspring of mythics whom corona disappeared when they resisted the forced exile. this is directly referenced as an in-universe text in the final chapter of diadem proper, so it can be considered as ‘canon’ within the universe of the au.
2 - while it’s unclear precisely when all of this happened, it began a long time ago; in chapter 18, zhan tiri describes her family’s desire for vengeance as “centuries-old.”
3 - diadem’s streets are evidently “overflowing with mythic refugees with nowhere else to go.”
4 - 18 years ago, there was a “peaceful advocate group” of mythics known as the nightingales. their approach to reversing the mythic accords involved “lend[ing] their magic to anyone who needed help,” with the intention of “showing the people that magic is nothing to be afraid of and encouraging them to open their minds.”
king frederic turned to them for help when arianna fell ill whilst pregnant with rapunzel. their leader, an unnamed sorceress, agreed to help in exchange for the lifting of the accords in corona. it’s a little unclear precisely what happened, but the story as recounted by rapunzel (who learns of this via a vision) seems to imply that frederic intended to execute this woman after arianna was saved, and she chose to kill herself first and, in the process and unbeknownst to frederic, bequeath her magic to rapunzel.
after the apparent murder of their leader, the nightingales planned an uprising—but rapunzel was kidnapped before they could enact this plan, and frederic assumed they were to blame and raided their homes, arresting and imprisoning or exiling every mythic the guards could catch. lady caine was among the children orphaned by these raids; her father fled to diadem without her, settled down and got married, went eighteen years without trying to contact her, and kept on with the “peaceful advocacy” thing because he is a useless bootlicking centrist.
5 - the pertinent part of #3 and #4 is that the situation in corona is ongoing. the original purges and creation of the accords happened centuries ago, enforcement appears to have lapsed for a while, and under frederic’s reign corona’s persecution of mythics ramped up again, resulting in a second purge around eighteen years ago and subsequent decades of extreme hostility. when rapunzel is outed as a mage, frederic sets the royal guard on her, that’s how bad it is. even the literal princess of corona is not safe.
6 - further, in chapter 8, it is implied that the mythic accords may have required that participating nations intercept mythics fleeing through their borders (to what end is unclear; imprisonment or execution seems likely, but we learn this by way of arianna noting that antipe chose *not* to intervene when mythic refugees passed through en route to diadem, in defiance of the accords). antipean scholars recorded the stories of these refugees and collected artifacts and enchanted heirlooms from them which are now housed in the spire. it is worth noting that when the accords are repealed in the final chapter, these items are not returned to their rightful owners.
7 - arianna, who is antipean, privately thinks the accords are bad and expresses that she has “no personal grief” with mythics and “looks back with fondness” on mythic friends she met as a young woman, but she has done nothing about this because “that matters little when you are the queen of Corona.” her hands are tied—until frederic chases rapunzel out of corona, at which point she finds the wherewithal and public support to stage a coup against her husband within a matter of days. rapunzel is a mythic and likewise just kind of sits on her ass doing nothing except pining for cass and occasionally angsting about how her father hates mythics, until the point where she’s driven out of her home, at which time her first priority is reconciling with cass and her second priority is making sure corona doesn’t face any consequences. she can understand genocide but she draws the line at going to war to stop genocide. and prince cass i’m pretty sure isn’t even aware that there’s a refugee crisis happening in her own kingdom because she is an ignoramus. our heroes, ladies and gentlefolk.
hokay. i’m pretty sure that covers everything.
it is never referred to as such in the text of the story itself, but… calling it what it is, the premise of the diadem au is that corona instigated a centuries-long genocide of mythics, resulting in a massive refugee crisis in the one kingdom that refused to participate. the zitifam escaped this genocide, eventually secured a high station in the country that offered them asylum, and now seek to use their influence to persuade diadem’s queen edith declare war against corona and end things once and for all. this is framed, in the story, as a cruel and selfish desire for revenge, but like.
corona is actively doing genocide? hello??
anyway, diadem zhan tiri.
she gets her first POV section in chapter 10, which establishes her basic goals (inciting war against corona to avenge the lives destroyed by corona’s genocide and put an end to it) and also establishes that she is viscerally terrified of her own family because she will be “disowned or worse” if she fails to accomplish this. (she is also baffled to discover that prince cass actually cares about someone, which is funny because she’s completely right, considering how utterly miserable, paranoid, and unpleasant cass is in this au)
she discovers at this point that cass’s mysterious “friend” is the princess of corona and that they’re meeting up every couple weeks to fuck in the woods. she is, understandably, alarmed by this, and takes immediate and drastic steps to interfere with their relationship before cass can do something crazy like pursue a closer alliance with corona, the kingdom that is engaged in genocide against zhan tiri’s people,
which is to say, zhan tiri makes a pact with demons to grant herself enough power to singlehandedly incite a war, in exchange for her own life. it is…pretty clear that she considers this to be a desperate last resort, and she psyches herself up for it by thinking about the anguish of her family and the plight of all the impoverished refugees living in diadem. i. i’m not even exaggerating here:
Zahn Tiri closes her eyes, breathing deeply as she disrobes. Her heart pounds in her chest, as though begging her to reconsider this desecration, but she tightens her grip on the blade’s hilt and banishes her doubts. She thinks of the sorrow in her elders’ faces when they speak of their regrets that they will likely not live to see their homeland again. She thinks of Diadem’s streets, overflowing with mythic refugees with nowhere else to go. She thinks of the stubborn queen, of how she only needs one good reason to send her warriors marching on Corona. She thinks of the day that King Frederic falls on a Diadem blade, repaying the debt of blood that he owes.
in chapter 13, we learn a bit more about what exactly zhan tiri does to herself:
This ritual is irreversible, and corrupts the magic and the very life-force of the caster forever. Such practices are incredibly dangerous, and have historically been attempted only by the very desperate. In addition to risking their own lives, mythic clans and societies do not hesitate to banish practitioners of dark magic.
and she uses this power to - rapid fire plot summary:
1 - cast a decay spell on cassandra’s hand a la RATGT in such a way that it appears to be a failed assassination attempt by rapunzel
2 - persuades queen edith to declare war against corona
3 - does her damnedest to manipulate cass into going along with this
4 - when she’s caught, flees and transforms into a massive monster a la Plus Est to attack corona by herself
which. like. good for her? good for her.
she’s canon cass with a heroic motive. she’s canon cass if the reason cass took the moonstone was to literally stop a genocide. i… i don’t know how else to say it SKDJFKSKS
1 - self-sacrificing to the point of self-destruction
2 - burning up with rage over the real injustices done to her (& her people)
3 - only “friend” is a prince(ss) with no empathy who never listens to a word she says and doesn’t give a damn about her problems
4 - out of sheer desperation turns to a dangerous and destructive source of power in order to achieve her goals
and the key difference between them is that when canon cass loses her shit it’s because she’s trying frantically to prove that she matters and when diadem zhan tiri loses her shit it’s because she is TRYING. TO. STOP. A. GENOCIDE.
meanwhile the “heroic” characters suggest that hating corona is just as bigoted and wrong as corona’s genocidal hatred of mythics, that going to war is wrong because it would be “catastrophic” and “people are going to die,” and that the right way to end literal centuries of genocide is to politely ask the people in charge to please stop because anger is bad and violent resistance is never okay.
and then like after she turns into a monster and attacks the coronan palace, cass and rapunzel kill her and everything is okay because arianna staged a coup and they can just repeal the mythic accords! and at the end when rapunzel feels vaguely uncomfortable with the fact that they killed zhan tiri, cass is like don’t be! she was awful and deserved to die! and it makes me want to yeet myself into the stratosphere.
i just 😭😭 diadem zhan tiri
she deserved so much better my heart aches
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