#ref: warren family
writermuses · 4 months
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whispercddesires · 7 months
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bunnieswithknives · 2 years
Finally got around to making a masterpost! I tried to keep it to the relevant stuff because I’ve posted a lot for this AU, but If you still want to see everything then you can search the whole tag here.
Also feel free to join the Discord: https://discord.gg/hkCKGQrDtK
Plot relevant stuff roughly chronological in order:
Two of us AU (Video) [bonus]
You don’t remember what she looks like? (Video)
David tries to convince Red murder is OK, [pt2]
Hey, that’s not how stairs work!
Low power, what's with your eyes?
Argument (Video)
New Invention (Video), stupid stupid
Memory problems
Clayhill Killer
David feels bad for murder
Full of electricity
Kills you to death
Worms (Video) [Bonus]
Post Cannon:
Long long time ago (Video)
Puppet David,  Headache, little guy
Home sweet home, New clothes, Roller-skating 
Ratburger?, Sons a worm
Puppet Antics:
IDEAS (Cannon episode)
Hug me (Video) [Bonus]
He died but he’s OK, [2], [3], [4], [5]
Family road trip!
Brain friends, Prank , Siblings
uncreative Brendon
Workplace relations,
call that human trafficking 
History lesson, cobbles and rhymes!
Beach day
Warren fucking dies, Shrignold gives a pep talk
Homophobic butterfly, terrible advice
swear words,  Duck rambles
Lesley BITES, Toothbrushes
puppet crossover
Some things never change
car accident, oh no!, Trauma 
Punk David
They’ve been gone a long time
References, Worldbuilding, and Misc:
Magic system, Reanimation, Consequences for my actions!???
Roy and Lesley, Alive Roy and Lesley
David ref, Red ref, Duck [Color ref], More duck
Teachers, alive teachers
Big boys and bigger boys, Brain friends, pallet swapped,  Recolors
Perfect Case In Point (Video)
Reanimator poster
Red’s family
Hostage AU, Dress up, Home is where the heart is
Red but he’s an angry ghost AU
Spider David AU, Spider lore, monster, Mother of puppets, mind control , Puppet Rowan, Ochyro
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sniigura-archive · 2 years
i know you and i like you anyway (1)
chapter 2
nathan prescott x reader ; warren graham x reader
summary: when the pressure and eyes are on you, it’s hard to stay afloat. especially when your not so forgotten best friend comes back into your life. and they are ready to mess up the plans others have for you.
having parents and peers constantly nag you about your grades, interests and lack of an significant other can bring you down. but meeting the new kid in the academy can change at least one of your mocking points.
yn is implied to be afab (lives in fem dorms) but is genderneutral otherwise!
tw/cw: mentions of poverty, mental health issues, canon typical violence, swearing, implied/ref drug use, modern au as in its not 2013, huge canon divergence and messed up time line, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, tell me if i missed smth!
read on ao3 for better formatting and tagging
unlike popular belief nathan prescott did not grow up in arcadia bay. the heir to the prescott name grew up in fort lauderale, florida. his family, from his mother side, lived there. she was able to convince his father to let them live there, bless her soul.
(“it will be good for him! for us! the pressure will destroy him. just look at how kristine treats us.. i don’t want to lose another child.”)
he spend his time at prestigious elementary and middle schools. and at middle school is where he meet you. people started quickly talking about you, simply because you were the only scholarship student. unlike everyone else you didn’t come from money.
your uniform was constantly 3 sizes too big, your hand was constantly raised and when you got anything less than an A there was clear panic on your face. the biggest difference to everyone else were your empty eyes and constant deadpan. seemingly nothing truly got a reaction out of you. there was a boy who tried to, by pulling at your hair and messing up your homework.
you beat him up so bad that the whole class just decided to leave you alone. and fact is, everyone who was near you also got left alone, so nathan was naturally pulled towards you. he wanted nothing more than to be left alone.
middle school was hard, simply because nathan`s problems started to really show, he wasn`t a child anymore who threw temper tantrum’s. he was now a boy with violent emotional outbursts. and quite frankly, children are cruel. getting a rise out of the weird prescott kid was more entertaining than torturing their maids and nanny’s.
because you were the only one who could handle his temper, simply because you didn’t care about it as long as he didn’t touch you, you got paired up for different projects.
and that’s how you meet his family. his father didn’t like you, but he doesn’t even like his own children, so his opinion didn’t matter. his mother and sister loved you, simply because you were very polite. dinners were filled with you being questioned to hell and back while you were trying to eat as much as possible.
“uhhh.. i have an older brother, he’s 2 years older than me…i have a twin brother, too. and another 3 little brothers. my father works at a la…actually he’s unemployed right now. my mother works as a teacher and during the summer break she works..where ever they need someone. what i want to be when i grow up?…middle class.”
meeting you after school was hard, responsibilities which nathan couldn’t even imagine carrying were put on your shoulder.
(“sorry. i have to study and babysit. so sorry, i need to grocery shop and take care of dinner. i wish i could, i have to cut the hair of all my brothers and clean the house. if i don’t pass this test my father will murder me.. i have to study. thank you for being so understanding.”)
to be honest, at first nathan didn’t even want anything to do with you. his mother insisted for him to invite you over. he now knows she pitied you. he now knows, too that you even were able to pull on the heartstrings of his father, because he would ask when you would visit again.
when nathan asked you, why did you have to care for everything, what did your brothers do to help? “have fun, i guess.” he felt angry for you. “how can you just roll over and take it? what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“well, who else would do i? why are you angry? i’m not angry, and i’m the one with the responsibilities.”
nathan learned to love you and the emptiness you carried around.
just like everything good in his life, your friendship (or was it more? it felt like more. he misses you, he misses your mean comments, your eye bags and exhaustion.) ended slowly.
once middle school was over, and he was able to graduate with a dirty record of violent outbursts, which was magically clean once he looked over it. the prescott family moved to arcadia bay. he was enrolled in the blackwell academy.
he found this out at the end of the summer break. to be honest he was getting suspicious, because all his questions regarding the highschool he was supposed to attend were being ignored. his father send him away, his mother smiled at him with sadness, he insisted to go to the same school as you.
“please, don’t forget me at your new cool school.”
“i will NEVER forget you, idiot. you’re the only tolerable person i know.”
the way you smiled at him was still clear in his head. you were beautiful in a way he has never seen, and the older he gets the more he realises he never will see anyone quite as pretty as you.
when nathan is 13 he meets dr. jacoby and starts treatment for the anger he feels. he knows that he fells ptity for him. nathan misses you, when he told you about his father, about the bruises and pressure he is under you simply talk about an escape plan. a way you both will be free from the shackles your family put on you and live happily everafter.
maybe you pitied him, but that would never stop you from treating him normally. you didn’t try to avoid his outburst, his meltdowns, you were always direct to him and never lied. he respected you more than anyone. he sees it in his mother, and relatives, how they dance around him as if he is fragile.
when nathan moved away, the first year he visited every break he could. summer, fall, winter and spring spend together. when he wasn’t there with you, he texted you. sending letters, postcards and hour long phone calls. his father hated this, more than anything.
(“depending not only on someone, but on such a low class person? don’t you know that you’re being used? they only see you as a walking wallet! i will put an end to this.”)
the only time dr. jacoby has seen sean prescott in person is when he expressed his concern regarding a codependent friendship with someone from florida. looking back on it, the doctor realised he was lied to and he was able to convince nathan to stop the contact, the only stable and positive influence in his life.
nathan wishes he could say that he got back in contact with you, that you were best friends again, but life is cruel and he’s a coward. he misses you, more than anything. he thinks he’s obsessed with you, dreams were about you (both dreams and nightmares), his day was spend imagining what you were up to, what you look like now. the silly thing is, nathan has never told anyone about you. victoria knew that he had an ex best friend in florida, but she didn’t know any details, rachel knew he was hung up on someone, jefferson knew that there was someone inhabiting his heart and mind.
and well. the school knew somethings. see, the thing is, when you’re high some things slip out. sometimes you mumble a name once or thrice when you’re passed out, and when you (try) hooking up with someone, you moan the wrong name. more than once. with different people. yeah. when one person claims he said the wrong name it’s one thing, but three? he was in deep shit.
victorias nosiness didn’t help, she wanted all the gory details, but he couldn’t say anything. what was he supposed to say? i fucked it up with the best person, because i couldn’t stand up to my shitty father and useless psychiatrist? sure. part of him was sure that she saw the pictures of you he has in his drawers, in his albums, hidden away.
for a short time nathan thinks he moved on, when he met rachel. she was pretty, smart and nice. she was less than you and much more. and he thinks he’s ok, ok with the distance and unknown which surrendes you. why did all your social media accounts have to be private?
nathan is 18 and it has been nearly 4 years since he has seen you. blackwell turned into the senior focused art academy, just like it was planned. he entered his first year in the 2 year programme and finally he was able to make a name for himself. victoria turned the vortex club into a group for the elite just like how she planned, with nathan’s help. he wasn’t the victim anymore, he finally ruled over the school grounds. summer passed and before he could register it, it was fall break.
it was the last few days and students started to move back into their dorms. the talk right now where the new students attending, some students dropped out because they were catched with drugs on their person, some couldn’t afford the rising tuition prices and others simply moved away because of their parents. nathan couldn’t careless, those who left aren’t close to him, but who is truly close to the prescott heir? he can’t lie though, he lost one of his best customers, or more like frank did.
victoria was in nathan’s dorm room, she was checking out the new student’s. according to her, there were no new people in the girl dorm’s who fit in the vortex club. how tragic. outside on the hallway was some commotion,
“please, move and unlock your door before i decide against helping you with your furniture.” could be heard from the outside, spoken by an unknown voice. the room besides nathan was being occupied. sad. he will miss the privacy and silence. especially now, with furniture being build. fucking hell.
“oh my, hottie alert. two of them even.” victoria was peeking out of his door.
“oh yeah? found some new members?” she hummed, “let’s go over and introduce ourselves. first impressions are everything. before the freaks come and snatch `em away.”
nathan groaned, “give me a minute. i’m still fucking hangover from yesterday. fuck, frank needs to stop stretching his shit or one day i’m going to die, for real.” victoria only chuckled at her best friend.
stepping away from the door she got out here phone and looked herself over in the camera, fixing a few strands and wiping away lipstick which started to smear over her lips. in the meantime nathan got up from his bed, going through his har with his hands and putting on his iconic jacket. with that he left the room, victoria right behind him. looking his door before they make their way over to his new neighbours.
and honestly, he should have expected this, because you always meet someone twice. or that’s what you always said. the door was open, and some guy had his back turned towards them. damn, he’s tall. it’s kinda overkill. turning around, the stranger nearly ran into him and victoria,
“shit! my bad, i didn’t see you there…do we know each other?”
you weren’t who nathan saw when he found out you were back, or more like you were here. in his life. instead, he saw face to face with your twin. the guy was freakishly tall, nathan remembered how small he used to be, now he was over 6 feet tall with clear defined muscles.
nathan with his proud 5`7 feet felt his fragile ego being tested, simply by the fact that some guy he used to know when he was, like, 13 was now way taller than him. and part of him wants to lash out, yell at oliver for not watching where he’s fucking going. but nathan was aware that this would kill any chance of reconciling with you. starting a fight with your brother would immediately put him on your shitlist, even if you hate oliver. sometimes.
(“he’s still my brother. if you talk badly about him again, i’m going to throw you out of this window.”)
“jesus himself could stand before you and you wouldn’t recognise him. stop bothering people, this is the third time you have asked someone this. get your stuff already.” your clearly annoyed voice rang through the room. thankfully this took away n
oliver scratched his head, “man, not my fault i can’t recognise faces for shit. my name’s oliver. nice to meet you guys!”
victoria the angel (or devil) took over the conversation, noticing that nathan was a tiny bit overwhelmed, “hi! i’m victoria and this is my best friend nathan. we just wanted to welcome you to blackwell. if you need any help don’t be afraid to ask us.” she put on her best mask of friendliness. “we are the leaders of the vortex cub, a group for blackwells elite. i’m sure you will fit right in.” taking out a flyer she gave it to him.
reading it over oliver said, “me? for sure. i don’t know about grumpy bear back there.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“you’re my twin, and i love you but you’re mean. like, even teachers are afraid of you. well, i better get going before you throw something at me.” with that oliver left his spot at the door and nathan finally can look at you. you were sitting in the middle of the room, an unfinished shelf laying on the floor and a toolbox was at your side. in one hand you held a screwdriver and in the other hand, raised into the air you held a pillow, obviously ready to throw it.
you look just like he remembered and at the same time it feels like he’s looking at a stranger. you’re not quite as skinny anymore and your eye bags weren’t as dark anymore. wearing a oversized hoodie and jeans, just like when you were a kid. but now he knows it’s probably more a fashion choice instead of only owning hand me downs and extra big clothes to grow into. of course, you still have to be stupidly attractive. now you wear glasses, too.
you lowered the pillow back to the ground, now that your target left. looking down at the shelf you pouted and said in a small voice, “i’m not mean.” your piercing gaze drifted over to victoria and then nathan, “hi, i’m the mean y/n, apparently.” when you saw him, you did a small double take. victoria and her awareness immediately caught that. stupid artists and their eye for details, especially since she has heard that name mumbled many times.
“oh? where are you guys from?” she asked, smiling at you.
“uhh…florida,” when you saw her raise a brow, hinting at waiting more details you continued, “fort lauderdale, to be exact.”
“what a coincidence! nathan here also grew up there. do you perhaps know each other?” the way victoria smiled reminded you of a dog barring it’s teeth in a warning.
nathan knew you and you would play along with whatever lie he went with, but part of him doesn’t want to lie. here’s his chance to actually start a path, to be friends again (or to be more. but you probably hate him, on the other hand who doesn’t?).
“…long fuckin` time no see, y/n.” what a lame way to say hello after nearly 4 years, but it’s not like he can rewind time.
before he could register it he was hit square in the face with the discarded pillow, “what the fuck? what happened to forgive and forget? huh?”
“woah..” only now did nathan register that fucking warren was also in the room, sitting on the bed. the guy was impressed, he never thought he would see someone attack nathan fucking prescott. warren is putting you on a pedestal right now.
“what the fuck are you looking at, loser?” in true nathan fashion he had to lash out at someone and it couldn’t be you. warren quickly put his hands up in surrender, regretting ever speaking.
“no fighting in my room, guys.” oliver returned in his hands two boxes stacked on top of each other. looking at nathan, he said “so i do know you, what kind of unforgivable act did you commit for grumpy to punish you with the pillow of hatred?”
“stop calling me that!”
oliver walked further into the room, dropping his boxes near you and asking you something, in a hushed voice and a language unknown to the others in the room. when you answered his eyes widened in shock.
“the rich kid! of course i remember you, dude. in fact, y/n will forgive you for whatever you did and marry you. so we- you guys can be rich and shit, together.” oliver nodded wisely, while you looked so tired. shaking your head, you simply started to screw around with the screws in the shelf.
quickly dismantling the shelf, you dropped the screws messily on the floor and stood up, pointing to your brother you said, “you’re horrible,” pointing to nathan, “i’m incredibly angry with you,” pointing to both warren and victoria you spoke your last words, “it was nice to meet you both. warren, i will take you up on that offer to show me around.” and then you walked out with the tool box in hand.
“are you finally going to tell the story about y/n?”
“…fuck, i don’t know how to put up any furniture.”
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This day in history
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hello-there-world · 1 month
more Fnaf Rewrite Modern Era stuff!! yippee!!
just about everyone of the original gang who's still alive is in therapy (so like Mike, Jeremy, Andrew, Sammy, and Evan, for example). understandable.
after everything was said and done, Mike and Sammy finally exposed William. Mike just kinda went "Oh it's the funniest thing haha so my dad called me on the phone and told me all of that and said he was dying well that sure is something, ain't it?" and. it certainly shook the town up, i'll say that!
Vanessa is actually the niece of one of William's '87 victims (specifically the Toy Bonnie kid).
Vanessa's last name is Warren. there's an interesting meaning behind that one, so if you figure out what it is, you get a sticker!!
Cameron (Mike and Jeremy's oldest son) has a bunny fursona. Mike is seriously wondering why so many people in his family is obsessed with rabbits and/or hares.
Cam is also the Gen 2 kid who knows the most about "past events."
Cameron, after hearing about his grandfather, really hoped that he'd never meet his ghost somehow, and Mike reassured him that it'd be unlikely. Apparently, However, Not Even Being Stuck In Actual Hell Will Stop William.
Mike and Sammy are so cagey about telling their kids anything because A) 2/3 of the kids are literally first graders, and B) there's basically no way they can talk about their childhoods without it pretty much being traumadumping.
Cameron's middle name is 'Liz' (Mike's way of remembering Elizabeth).
Cameron sometimes thinks about all the aunts and uncles he never got to meet, and it makes him sad.
Gregory got Cassidy's old room in the house, as well as his old toys.
Cassie literally looks like a younger version of Charlie. hairstyle and all.
since Sammy had dedicated his entire life to avenging Charlie's murder, he doesn't really know what to do with himself now. even Henry, the man who'd give him some form of direction for other things to do in between looking for evidence, is gone now. with the new restaurant open, as well as the fact he now has a daughter, he's got some things that he can work with.
Cassie is very much a Daddy's Girl :]
Charlie visits Cassie in her dreams, and occasionally in person. as a ghost, obviously.
Sammy got Cassie a smartwatch (that he fooled around with) that functions as an advanced version of the old security bracelets that his father had used in the original pizzeria. it's even green...a bright green, too.
Gregory had no idea who Cassidy was until the end of Security Breach.
when no one really showed up to Cassie's seventh birthday party (save for a few people in their class who thought she was cool), Gregory got a bit petty and threatened to not invite anyone to his own party, purely just to spite everyone. quite literally the only reason he didn't go through with it was because Cassie told him not to and that it was fine. he did make it clear that he was still upset about it when a lot of people showed up to his own party, mostly by saying something to the effect of "Oh, so you've got time for my super awesome sixth birthday party on a Tuesday, but apparently coming to Cassie's super awesome seventh birthday party on a Saturday was too much for you 😒 I see how it is. Uh huh."
huh...petty kid...KINDA LIKE CASSIDY WAS-
like Cassidy, Greg also has partial/sectoral heterochromia in both of his eyes, though while Cassidy's heterochromia was green and greyish blue, Gregory has light brown and amber brown (close to what his canon eye color looks like). i'll draw a ref for him eventually.
Greg's hair looks like Cassidy's if it were brown and halfway down his neck.
I love them! Poor Vanessa... does she still sometimes go by Ness?
Cassie and Gregory being protective at each other my beloved. :}
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arhaaong · 1 month
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#ARHAAONG: if there was anyone to ever get through this life with their heart still intact, they didn't do it right.
connections  pinterest  playlist  musings visage
full name: jordan arhaa warren ong
nickname: just arhaa
age/date of birth: 37 / may 8th, 1987
zodiac sign: taurus ☼ libra ☾ cancer ↑
gender identity: cis man (he/him)
hometown: hermosa beach, california
current location: wilmington, nc
neighborhood: wrightsville beach
time in town: since february, 1999 till 2005, then back on april 2013
sexual orientation: demisexual
occupation: author
labels: the phoenix, the benefactor, the mediator
positive traits: gentle , reliable , caring , trustworthy , allocentric , dutiful
negative traits: obstinate , reticent , stubborn , secretive , deceitful
hobbies: cooking, reading, musical theatre, camping, sports, volunteering
languages spoken: english, malay, french
instruments played: guitar, piano
favorite color: blue, red, green
favorite food: anything, but specially pies (he has memories attached to pies)
allergies: n/a
height: 6'1
distinguished characteristics: multiple scars throughout his body; a blink and you’ll miss it type of situation. some are from childhood and barely noticeable if you look closely whilst the most prominent ones are around 4 years old, situated in his ribs. there is no itemized list yet, but it is something he is acutely aware of.
tattoos: aphoenix on his back, a minimalist tattoo from the song ‘from eden’ by hozier where the word idealism sits in a small prison and it’s located on his left ribcage, the date of his mom’s passing and his sibling’s disappearance on his chest, the phrase ‘when i was drowning, that’s where i could finally breathe’ on his right forearm. ( ref )
piercings: n/a
right or left-handed?: right-handed
parents: robert warren (whereabouts unknown), lili ong (deceased)
sibling(s): johan warren (deceased) (there may be half siblings, who knows?)
children: two adoptive children, a six year old called mia and a a thirteen year old called jack
pet(s): a seven year old labrador named pollux
other family members: tbd
tw: death, car accident, substance abuse
It’s easy falling in love with the sun when all you know is darkness. That much Robert Warren learned when he first met Lili Oong, a ballet dancer who was in California as the new ballerina for Los Angeles Ballet who had moved recently from a little town called Kismet Harbor, Oregon. Her warmth eclipsed the harrowing black hole in his chest the moment he laid eyes on her and so, he asked her out on a date that same night. 3 months later, Lili was moving in with him after a shotgun wedding and a positive pregnancy test on her hand, giving up her dreams of becoming a worldly-known dancer for a bigger dream of hers: becoming a mother. 
The first few months were a dream; with Robert landing a promotion and Lili having an easy enough pregnancy, using all her newlyfound free time to enrich herself with tools to help her become the mother she never had. Soon, however, their luck changed and their future was forever shifted. 
Robert, savvy in his ways but with darkness lurking deep within his soul, was offered a new business venture when an old friend of his opened his mind to the world of the fabrication of off-the-shelve opioids. Knowing soon he'd have a child to take care of and money would stretch thinner than it already was, he agreed without telling his wife and mother-to-be, ultimately becoming a consumer as well as a maker and a seller. The fairytale began to crack, the man who had once been charming and loving became cold, distant and began showing a violent and angry nature that had been unknown to Lili who by now was due to give birth at any day.
Arhaa was born in Hermosa Beach, California into an already broken household with a negligent, abusive, narcissistic father and a loving and caring but mentally exhausted mother who had sadly been drawn to the world of opioids addiction by her very own husband (who made a living out of not only dealing but fabricating said drugs) only a few weeks after giving birth to her second son; Adam. Although the family lead a chaotic and rather dramatic life, the two siblings became inseparable from the very first day Arhaa held his little brother in his arms and vowed to protect him. Despite the trials and tribulations that came with their upbringing, the two siblings had quite a normal childhood. With their father disappearing every other day the remaining three members of the family did their best with what they were handed; providing eachother the love and support they needed to get by with their mother working tirelessly to provide for her family while Arhaa did his best to take care of his little brother, only a few years his junior. Their lives changed a few months after Arhaa's 12th birthday when their father arrived home after yet another escapade to inform his wife he was leaving for good to never return. Free at last, the mother of two packed all the essentials, sell the home her children had grown up in and decided to move the family to Wilmington, her hometown. For a while, the new breath of fresh air worked on their favor; bringing the cursed family a new wave of tranquillity they hadn't known before thanks to the Ong family, yet it was short-lived the day the siblings found their mother passed out on the living room coming from school, lips blue and skin translucid and cold to the touch; he was pronounced dead on the way to the hospital. Unbeknownst to her children and her family, she had been on a battle with substance abuse since Arhaa's birth and it had finally caught up to her, leaving her children heartbroken and alone.
Arhaa's aunt, his mother's sister, decided to take the two siblings in in honor of her sister and although they learned to love and care for eachother in the long run and it ultimately reshaped the way the eldest viewed love and family, the first few years were difficult for everyone involved as each member of the family was in their own way, dealing with the grief of losing the most important person in their lives. One of Arhaa's methods to cope with his new reality became planning for his future; from high school grades and activities and a part-time job to save money, he planned an escape route: NYU. He worked tirelessly for the next two years to earn a spot in the prestigious school and was rewarded with not only an acceptance letter but a partial scholarship.
The eldest Ong sibling moved to New York for college leaving his little brother with a promise: he'd work hard to build a life and a home in the new city and once Adam was done with school, he'd move in with him and they could leave their past behind them. For two years, Arhaa spent his mornings attending lessons and his evenings and nights working two, sometimes three jobs to hold his end of the bargain and find a home the two siblings could share only for Adam to ultimately decline the offer, claiming he was better off in Wilmington. With no room to overthink or even discuss the issue, the eldest sibling spent the next year dedicating his full attention to college, ultimately graduating with a major in English Literature and a minor in Creative Writing. It took a couple years and a few odd jobs here and there for the writer to fully earn a space in the New York literary society ultimately making friends with an indie publishing company's owner that upon reading his very first draft of a book, offered him a deal to publish it the minute he was done editing it. At age 25, Arhaa saw his biggest dream brought to fruition when his first novel was published, quickly gaining enough momentum to become a moderate success not even 4 months after its publication.
In a streak of luck, the indie publishing company that initially trusted in him and his vision offered him a new deal to become an associate, offering him a third of the company and a new contract for his next books. The now renowned author happily accepted and worked tirelessly for an entire year on both his next book and signing new talent, wanting nothing more than making other's dreams come true.
A little after his 26th birthday with a bestseller and a deal for three more books, Arhaa decided to move back to Wilmington to both work on his second novel and to be closer to his brother. It was then that he met Safia De Castilla, his brother's girlfriend. Their relationship began friendly; like any big brother, Arhaa was rather concerned of his brother and how the life they had had affected them and knowing there was someone who cared about the youngest as much as as he did was comforting and quickly he found himself drawn to the woman, establishing a friendship with her. Things turned sour when romantic feelings got involved from both sides and hard as they both tried to erase them and move on with their lives, it got to a point when denying themselves and how they felt about eachother was impossible. A plan had been made: he was to confess himself to his brother with no hopes other than a clean mind. Acutely aware of the wrath this would unleash, his process of grief for the relationship he once had with his brother started way sooner than he had expected however, life would prove to be the cruelest jokester when, on his way to see Arhaa and Safia, the youngest Ong sibling was killed in a car accident only a few miles away from his final destination. The news were soul-shaking for everyone involved and it send Arhaa into a spiral as he had lost both his best friend and the woman that he loved in the same night after Safia, in her own grieving process, decided to cut ties with him.
For months, he let his pain guide him. Drinks, parties, drugs and bodies passed through him in an attempt to heal wounds that had followed him from birth with little to no result. He'd live life with just enough conscience to get by and spend most nights wide awake, turning in bed letting each and ever skeleton in his closet keep him company in pain and anger. He let grief write his second novel, pouring out every part of him in his magnum opus that ultimately became his salvation. With the help of that second body of work and therapy, slowly but surely the author pulled himself out of the dark whole he made for himself and allowed himself to let go of some of the pain and heartache when he published his novel, two years after his brother's accident earning him another best seller weeks before its release.
Time passed and with enough help, his life began to make sense again. He cemented his name as a renowned author and made a life in his Wilmington; got a dog that became his trusty companion and closest confidant and on his 30th birthday, Arhaa decided to give his life a new spin by becoming a foster parent, both to play a homage to his family who took him in and his brother when they needed it the most and wanting to be that safe space for kids who needed it. ears of preparing and waiting for the right pick later, he welcomed Jack and Mia into his home, the first children who were put under his care; their tragic story a mirror of his own, their pain and fear something he could not only relate to but was personally affected by. With enough care and love, Arhaa managed to gain the children's love the author managed to get their trust and later on their love, ultimately asking for their consent to fully adopt them as their own so they could become the family the three of them had been searching for their whole lives and officially becoming their adoptive father at age 35.
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olliethescribe · 1 year
20 for the fic writer ask game :)
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
An excellent question! Thank you, Sofia :] - Spent some time looking through my fics for this and came away with the following (these all come with a ‘I’m sure there are more I missed but google docs exploded when I tried to search for more than twenty minutes so here we are’):
Recurrent words/expressions include: “I love you”, “fuck” (and its variations), “this just in”, “magic”, and “I’m sorry”.
Recurrent themes include: acceptance, grief and mourning, love prevailing despite surrounding circumstances, and found family.
Recurrent common settings include: bars (it started with Brows and then it went from there), both Warren and Hypno’s apartments, the road (technically - I’m counting a fic that hasn’t been published yet), parks, and under the stars (both in parks and in an observatory they broke into).
Finally, recurrent everything else (aka stuff I just noticed while searching that I forgot the terms for): characters heavily doubting themselves and their ability to be loved for who they really are, secret keeping, absolutely gods awful flirting, inherent trans and queerness, things happening at pride parades that lead to plot advancements (two for two with them both involving Leo), characters get dressed up for fashion montages, Hypno’s love of David Bowie, Warren having prosthetic legs, vampires being brought up somewhere (I’ve snuck them into so many tiny spots), incredibly romantic and poetic monologue that ends in tears, Ron ‘Hypno’ Pewhairangi can never have both parents living at the same time (this was not planned), Warren’s family is terrible (also not planned but then I got attached to the idea - people who have good childhoods don’t stand like that /ref /lh), Donnie is make-up enthused, Leo is super into magic, Warren and Hypno cannot escape being uncles no matter what, Hypno isn’t a good driver (including the unreleased fic, this tracks across four fics of mine), and lastly (but not the last - there’s so much recurrent stuff) Warren is completely smitten with Hypno just as much as Hypno is smitten with him :]
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writermuses · 6 months
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nightsidewrestling · 2 years
D.U.D.E Bios: Quirino Marino / Rino Marino
The Third of Damien's Hounds Rino Marino (2020)
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The brother of Billie and one of Damien's Hounds, Quirino Marino, is a very athletic man. Quirino is a wrestler and a third generation wrestler, being part of the youngest generation of wrestlers in the Marino family.
"Rule five of wrestling, Refs are made of glass, don't harm them."
Full Legal Name: Quirino Gabino Marino
First Name: Quirino
Meaning: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of 'Quirinus', which is possibly derived from the Sabine word 'Quiris' meaning 'Spear'
Pronunciation: kee-REE-no
Origin: Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Middle Name: Gabino
Meaning: Spanish form of 'gabinus', which possibly referred to the ancient city of Gabii in central Italy.
Pronunciation: ga-BEE-no
Origin: Spanish
Surname: Marino
Meaning: Derived from the given name 'Marino' which itself is the Spanish and Italian form of 'Marinus'. 'Marinus' comes from the Latin word 'Marinus' meaning 'of the sea'
Pronunciation: ma-REE-no
Origin: Spanish
Alias: Rino Marino
Reason: Ring Name
Nicknames: Rin, Rino, Gab, Gabe, Gabi
Titles: Mr
Age: 28
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Cuban
Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino
Birth Date: August 27th 1992
Symbols: Athletic Wear, Hair Gel
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Catholic
Native Language: Spanish
Spoken Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese
Relationship Status: Engaged
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Theme Song: 'Regulate' - Warren G, Nate Dogg (2012-)
Voice Actor: Adam Rodriguez
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba
Current Location: On the road / Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba
Hometown: Bayamo, Granma Province, Cuba
Height: 6'2" / 187 cm
Weight: 190 lbs / 86 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Shaves when wrestling
Facial Hair: Clean shaven
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 4
Piercings: Navel
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Laurence Winter, Eira Pritchard, Desmond McDougall, Bruce MacGregor
Colleagues: Too many to list
Rivals: N/A
Closest Confidant: Matrona Volkov
Mentor: Yago Marino
Significant Other: Matrona Volkov (27, Fiancée)
Previous Partners: None of note
Parents: Yago Marino (57, Father), Florencia Marino (58, Mother, Née Palomo)
Parents-In-Law: None (yet)
Siblings: Bienvenida Marino (37, Sister), Urbano Marino (34, Brother), Judith Marino (31, Sister), Natividad Marino (25, Sister), Macario Marino (22, Brother), Rosaura Marino (19, Sister), Isaac Marino (16, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Hortensia Marino (35, Urbano's Wife, Née Lozano), Xavier Ibarra (32, Judith's Husband)
Nieces & Nephews: Emperatriz Romero-Marino (17, Niece), Antonio Huerta-Marino (14, Nephew), Triana Santos-Marino (11, Niece), Lorenzo Marino (14, Nephew), Paz Marino (11, Niece), Casilda Ibarra (11, Niece)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: The Underworld
Trainer: Sabas Marino, Yago Marino, Tercero Marino, Ramiro Marino, Pastor Marino, Olegario Marino, Nicanor Marino, Jair Marino, Heliodoro Marino, Facundo Marino, C.R.C Wrestling School
Managers: Florencia Marino
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 2012
Debut Match: Rino VS Eira. Rino won via pinfall
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Grappler
Stables: The Lucifarians (2012-)
Teams: The Hounds (Rino & Bano / Judi / Natividad / Macario / Rosaura / Isaac)
Regular Moves: Hangman's Neckbreaker, Knife Edge Chops, Moonsault, Multiple Punches, Short Armbar, Snap DDT
Finishers: Piledriver, Sleeper Hold, Spinning Toe Hold
Refers To Fans As: The Watchful Eyes
Backstory: Quirino is the second eldest son of 'disgraced luchador' Yago Marino, wrestling is in his blood and he grew up around luchadores. He joined the Lucifarians as one of Damien's hounds in 2012, being a hound means he's mindless and does everything Damien orders him to.
Trivia: Nothing of note
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Dark Forest Resident: Peanutfur
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Aliases / Nicknames: Peanut-brain, Traitor, Number-one Dad
Gender: trans tom
Sexuality: pansexual, polyamorous
Family: Pumpkinmallow (mother), unnamed father, Gulltuft (brother), Rosykit (adopted daughter), Stormwater, Thornspeckle, Blazesnow, Iceheart, Nettlefang (former mates)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: killed former mate in revenge for his daughter. Stole prey to resurrect his daughter
Number of Victims: 1
Number of Murders: 1
Murder Method: blunt force trauma
Known Victims: Stormwater
Victim Profile: former mate
Cause of Death: killed by Rosykit
Cautionary Tale: ??
He loved everyone with every fiber of his being.
When Rosykit was found, he took care of her, and tried to ignore the way she looked at other kits like they were freshkill.
When he came to the nursery and found it smeared with blood and the remnant of her denmates, he had asked Rosykit what had happened, his voice raising to fever pitch.
She had looked up and said, calmly, “there was a dog.”
Like a fool, he believed her, and helped groom her blood-matted fur.
His mates didn’t believe Rosykit or him. They left him for each other, and soon, Stormwater moved into the nursery with a fresh litter of kits courtesy of Nettlefang.
Or, he had a fresh litter.
One after the other, Stormwater’s kits died, and he started yelling at Peanutfur, blaming him for the deaths. Nettlefang came to his aid, but Stormwater kept blaming Peanutfur.
Gulltuft came to help, helping with Rosykit and keeping her safe, but even the most watchful of cats has to take a break at some point.
His little Rosy, dead. Her blood coating the den floor, Stormwater staring down at her in shock.
He left the Clan. He had to leave, and never come back. But first, he killed Stormwater. Crying as he did it, apologizing even as blood coated his fur. He took Rosy with him, so she wouldn’t be buried by the Clan who had killed her.
During his flight, he briefly shared an old rabbit warren with a warrior named Sapfur, who spoke of a ritual to bring back the dead. He warned, however, that the thing that came back would not be all there, that his Rosy would have to feed daily on flesh.
This didn’t faze Peanutfur.
He started killing that night.
Not cats, of course.
But prey. All kinds, from the smallest shrew to a chicken from a twoleg backyard. He piled the bodies high, and completed the ritual.
He didn’t think she’d wake up so hungry.
As his little Rosy drained him dry, he soothed her, calling her his precious, and telling her that he was so blessed to have her as a daughter.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor​
--Rosykit only kind of cares about him.
--Stormwater didn’t kill Rosykit.
--He’s a chimera! Hence the gold and brown eyes.
--His design was adopted from Chloriineacid on Etsy.
--Ref by Turukhan
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paulinawoodpecker · 2 months
Watership down: a horror story sneak peak
Londons greatest leader
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General woundwort: then it’s official Hazel…
Hazel: but I won’t let you hurt our Warren…
General woundwort: *chuckles* well then…
General woundwort: game on…alien…
Hazel: *laughs* alright then…
~Hells greatest dad playing~
Hazel: ah ha!
Hazel: *singing* Looks like you could use some help, From the big boss of London himself; Check out hazel's glowing reviews on Yelp (Five stars! Flawless! Greater than great!)
Hazel: *singing* Oh, with the punch of a pentagram. I wap-bam-boom, alakazam! Usually, I charge a sacrificial lamb but you get the family rate
Fiver: thanks Hazel!
Hazel: *singing* Who needs a busboy, now that you've got the chef? (wow) Michelin-tasting menu, free à la carte. I'll rig the game for you because I'm the ref! Champagne fountains, caviar mountains, that's just a start!
General woundwort: *singing* Who's been here since day one? Who's been faithful as a nun? Who makes you chuckle with an old-timey pun?Your executive producer?
Fiver: That's true!
General woundwort: I'm your guy, your day-to-day. Your chum, your steadfast hotelier. Remember when I fixed that clog today?
Doe: I was stuck, thank you sir!
Fiver: Oh you!
General woundwort: *singing* I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond
Fiver: aw
General woundwort: *singing* You're like the sibling that I wish that I had
Hazel: uh, what?
General woundwort: *singing* I care for you, just like a brother I spawned
Hazel: hold on now!
General woundwort: *singing* It's a little funny, you could almost call me mate!
Hazel: *plays a violin*
General woundwort: *plays a piano*
Hazel: *plays a accordion*
General woundwort: *singing* They say, when you're looking for assistance. It's smart to pick the path of least resistance
Hazel: *singing* Others say, that in your needy hour. There's no substitute for pure angelic power!
Fiver: 😍
Hazel: *singing* Who just happens to also be your blood!
General woundwort: *singing* Sadly, there are times a birth sibling is a dud
General woundwort: *singing* They say the family you choose is better-
Hazel: what a bunch of losers!
General woundwort: Can you butt out of my song?
Hazel: Your song? I started this!
General woundwort: I'm singing it, I'll finish it!
Hazel: Oh, you tacky piece of–
Dandelion: *singing* It's me, yes it's me! I know you were all waiting for me! I'm here, what a gas. Took a while, but I'm present at last! It's me, it's me: DANDY!
All: …
General woundwort: Who?
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stephenwarren · 3 months
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full name: stephen adrien warren
nickname: steve, stevie, mr warren, s. w reynolds (pseudonym)
age/date of birth: 39 / may 8th, 1985
zodiac sign: taurus ☼ libra ☾ cancer ↑
gender identity: cis man (he/him)
hometown: hermosa beach, ca
current location: new bellevoux, la
neighborhood: lafayette hills
time in town: on-and-off, 27 years
sexual orientation: demisexual
occupation: high school teacher, novelist
labels: the phoenix, the benefactor, the mediator
pos traits: gentle , reliable , caring , trustworthy , allocentric , dutiful
neg traits: obstinate , reticent , stubborn , secretive , deceitful
hobbies: cooking, reading, history, musical theatre, camping, sports, volunteering, board games
languages spoken: english, french, italian, asl, a bit of mandarin & russian
instruments played: guitar & piano
favorite color: blue, red, green
favorite food: everything, big foodie
allergies: n/a
height: 6 feet
distinguished characteristics: multiple scars throughout his body; a blink and you'll miss it type of situation. some are from childhood and barely noticeable if you look closely whilst the most prominent ones are around 4 years old, situated in his ribs. there is no itemized list yet, but it is something he is acutely aware of.
tattoos: a phoenix on his back, a minimalist tattoo from the song ‘from eden’ by hozier where the word idealism sits in a small prison and it’s located on his left ribcage, the date of his mom’s passing and his sibling’s disappearance on his chest, the phrase ‘when i was drowning, that’s where i could finally breathe’ on his right forearm. ( ref )
piercings: n/a
right or left-handed?: right-handed
robert warren (whereabouts unknown), alycia reynolds (deseased)
sibling(s): one younger sibling (whereabouts unknown)
children: jack (adopted child, 12), alexandra (adopted child, 7)
pet(s): a four year old labradoodle named Pollux
tw: drug use, abuse, death mention
Stephen was born into an already broken household with a negligent, abusive, narcissistic father and a loving and caring but mentally exhausted mother who had sadly been drawn to the world of opioids addiction by her very own husband only a few weeks after giving birth, who made a living out of not only dealing but fabricating said drugs. It became obvious to Stephen at a very young age that he was on his own. Despite all that, he had a pretty normal childhood ( as normal as one can be with a parent who half of the time isn't there and whenever he is around, leaves you wishing he wasn't ) which only became brighter once his parents announced to him the arrival of their second child.
For a while, the new breath of fresh air worked on their favor; bringing the cursed family a new wave of tranquillity a new bundle of joy can bring, yet it was short-lived once his father started spiraling down once more. Home became hell on earth, Stephen making himself the primary target of his father's wrath for the upcoming years until a couple months before his twelfth birthday, the fateful day his father lost his job and the reigns of his own life. He began selling again to make meets end and shortly after, consuming and the aggressions escalated. Worried teachers and friends got in contact with officials and one day CPS showed up to the Warren household while Stephen was at school and his mother was out and took his little brother from his father, promising to come back soon for the oldest Warren. The patriarch, scared, left the family household there and then only leaving behind a note explaining what had happened to never be seen again. Stephen and his mother searched tirelessly for two whole days yet quickly panic overtook Stephen's mother who, scared of losing her remaining child took all their belongings and move them both to New Bellevoux, her hometown.
The three following years were bittersweet. Although they were now safe, at peace in a place filled with people who cared for them and they were starting to heal from the years spent in the Warren household, the grief of losing the youngest of the family didn't let them quite move on. Tragedy struck once again when, only a few months before his sixteenth birthday, Stephen came home after a party to find his mother unconscious and unresponsive. He called 911 as quickly as he could but it proved to be in vain, as she was pronounced dead by the time they had arrived, due to drug overdose and thus, he had lost the entirety of his family in a span of three years. For months, he changed from being a loving and caring kid to what seemed to be the shell of a person, barely speaking to anyone and constantly angry but with the help of his family on his mother's side and closed ones, he managed to overcome his grief and continue with his life, as hard as it was. He even managed to not only graduate after missing a month worth of work after his mother's passing, but graduate with good grades and good possibilities of applying to any college he set his mind to.
He was accepted into Monroe College on their Criminal Justice department and Stephen moved to NYC the day after graduation, a shared dream he and his mother had had for as long as he could remember. 3 years and endless jobs to provide for himself later, he graduated and a chance to dream bigger and seek higher education became a possibility when he enlisted to NYU's online program for a master degree while he moved to Virginia and started the Quantico program to become a federal agent. Two years split between Virginia and New York stretched him and every relationship he had thin, but he worked through it and even managed to find a significant other that he inevitably proposed to a year later. Stephen ultimately enlisted in the FBI and was assigned to New York once again where he remained for the next 3 years. After a work related accident that nearly costed him his life and a sour relationship that ended with a broken heart, Stephen decided to leave New York for good and moved back to New Belloux, where he worked tirelessly at day to become a teacher and at night, he used his now permanent state of insomnia to write down every experience he had had in his lifetime.
Thanks to a close friend of his, Stephen decided to turn one of his memories into a novel of one of the cases he had been a part of and with the help of a friend with an indie publishing company back in New York his debut novel that wasn't meant to be one, was published in 2012 under the pseudonym S. W. Reynolds, in honor of his late mother. The novel became a success and before he knew, the now teacher assistant was signing a deal for two more books, a part of the publishing company, and the chance of his novels striking a deal with a streaming platform for a movie or show. He took his time to publish his second novel, occupied with his new career as a high school teacher but ultimately published the much anticipated sequel in 2018, it's success surprising even the author himself who promptly grew burnt out when avid readers began demanding a third book.
He considered quitting, taking the money he had made with his previous works and go back into keeping his writings private but ultimately decided to take a break to focus on his teachings and his next big project: becoming a foster parent. It had always been a dream of his, especially due to his past and the situation with his little sibling so the high school teacher attended every class and lesson, mandated by court or not and ultimately, after almost two years, he was assigned 2 siblings in 2021 whose backstory resembled his own, terribly so. Their relationship was difficult at the beginning and it came with the trial and tribulations proper with normal human relationships and the nuance of their distinctive case and yet, the three persisted and after a few months, they began to fall into a rhythm that truly allowed them to not only find themselves but a family of their own and a year after first welcoming them into his home, Stephen was working on fully adopting them and becoming their legal guardian.
With a new mindset and a new perspective, he began to write again. He is currently finishing the final draft of his third novel while simultaneously teaching history at New Belleveoux High School and raising Jack and Alexandra, his adoptive children. Pollux, his trusty labradoodle accompanies him through it all.
0 notes
arhaawarren · 4 months
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#ARHAAWARREN: i've reached a rarer height now that i can confirm all our weight is just a burden offered to us by the world.
connections pinterest playlist musings visage
full name: jordan arhaa warren
nickname: just arhaa
age/date of birth: 36 / may 8th, 1988
zodiac sign: taurus ☼ libra ☾ cancer ↑
gender identity: cis man (he/him)
hometown: hermosa beach, california
current location: kismet harbor, or
neighborhood: cresthill meadows
time in town: since february, 1994 till 2006, then back on april 2018
sexual orientation: demisexual
occupation: owner of lillypad theatre, former fbi agent
labels: the phoenix, the benefactor, the mediator
positive traits: gentle , reliable , caring , trustworthy , allocentric , dutiful
negative traits: obstinate , reticent , stubborn , secretive , deceitful
hobbies: cooking, reading, musical theatre, camping, sports, volunteering
languages spoken: english, malay, french, italian, russian
instruments played: guitar, piano
favorite color: blue, red, green
favorite food: anything, but specially pies (he has memories attached to pies)
allergies: n/a
height: 6'1
distinguished characteristics: multiple scars throughout his body; a blink and you'll miss it type of situation. some are from childhood and barely noticeable if you look closely whilst the most prominent ones are around 4 years old, situated in his ribs. there is no itemized list yet, but it is something he is acutely aware of.
tattoos: a phoenix on his back, a minimalist tattoo from the song ‘from eden’ by hozier where the word idealism sits in a small prison and it’s located on his left ribcage, the date of his mom’s passing and his sibling’s disappearance on his chest, the phrase ‘when i was drowning, that’s where i could finally breathe’ on his right forearm. ( ref )
piercings: n/a
right or left-handed?: right-handed
parents: robert warren (whereabouts unknown), lili warren (nee: ong, deceased)
sibling(s): none that he is aware of (there may be half siblings, who knows?)
children: two foster children, a five year old called mia and a a thirteen year old called jack
pet(s): a four year old labradoodle named pollux
other family members: tbd
biography can be found here.
For the most part, arhaa is a very loving and caring person. He genuinely cares about making those around him happy, he is very protective of those he loves, sometimes to a fault. But he always has good intentions, unless you hurt someone he loves, then he can be hell on earth
He can get VERY hot-heated, he is a very passionate guy when something really interests him.
He’s basically tired ???? all the time??? he doesn’t sleep that much but he’s getting better at it now that he doesn’t sleep alone) but yeah, big part of his personality, either tired or drinking coffee.
Kind of a mess, he tries to hides it because he knows people around him need him and he wants to be there for them plus he is like, someone in the literature world now so, he has to appear to have it all together but... yeah
Honestly, just a very tired old golden retriever with an awful past he is still trying to deal with.
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crystalstarpaws3011 · 5 months
Just a stupid family tree of the Oliclives
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Yep,still bad at taking pictures and yes,Clover has a living brother and some...kids.
'Poison' babies are well...babies that are formed from a specific monster poison.The poison doesn't kill you,it just mess up your reproduction system.You need to be above 12 to have a 'poison' baby.No its not like normal human birth.You just literally throw uo a certain egg and just wait for a couple of weeks.
Minky and Blip are non-indentical twins from the same egg.
Syrup,Melon and Puffcake are triplets from three different eggs.
Sora's the first child and Nova is his 'poison' baby in the future timeline
Seabo came around in Book 4 and has a special growth change amomg the others.
I haven't decide on Warren's kid yet,but Clover knows a thing or two taking care of her kids,somehow.
The gang has their own 'poison' kids as well.Probably giving they ref later and the monster with the poison i was talking about.
Still making my 3 years of animating special blep.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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“Chinese Zodiac - Year of the Rabbit” © Damon Hellandbrand, accessed at his ArtStation here
[Be vewwy vewwy quiet... The achaanwaapush, or Cannibal Rabbit, appears in a Cree story. And I’m always down for more low level monstrous humanoids. I gave it an axe in reference to the Bunny Man of Fairfax County. If and when I do a block of Gamma World monsters, this stat block would be a good launching point for a hoop.]
Achaanwaapush CR 2 CE Monstrous Humanoid This creature is a humanoid rabbit, with clawed hands and a leering expression. It clutches an axe.
An achaanwaapush, or “cannibal rabbit”, is a ferocious humanoid with leporine features. They have keen hearing and excellent jumping ability, but use it to pounce on prey instead of flee from predators. Most achaanwaapush carry an axe, spear or other melee weapon, but they use their claws and teeth in combat as well. An achaanwaapush is motivated by a desire for creature comforts, and will often bully people into giving them food or a place to sleep, and then butchering them for their trouble. They are foolish, however, and easily deceived into letting down their guard or chasing a fantasy.
Achaanwaapush dwellings are typically below ground, dug out into a series of tunnels where multiple families reside. These families constantly bicker and fight with each other, rarely lethally, as well as interbreeding. Children are barely raised, seen more as a nuisance than anything, and those that can’t stay out of the way and learn to be vicious may be killed by their peers.
An achaanwaapush is tall for a Medium creature, usually standing around seven feet tall.
Achaanwaapush               CR 2 XP 600 CE Medium monstrous humanoid Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +4 Defense AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) hp 19 (3d10+3) Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee battleaxe +4 (1d8+1/x3), claw +2 (1d4), bite +2 (1d4) or 2 claws +4 (1d4+1), bite +4 (1d4+1) Statistics Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 11 Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 16 Feats Multiattack, Skill Focus (Intimidate) Skills Acrobatics +3 (+11 when jumping), Intimidate +8, Perception +4 (+12 hearing), Stealth +7, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics when jumping, +8 Perception with hearing Languages Common SQ hop Ecology Environment temperate and cold plains and hills Organization solitary, pair, gang (3-6) or warren (7-12) Treasure standard (battleaxe, other treasure) Special Abilities Hop (Ex) As a swift action, an achaanwaapush can move up to half its speed without provoking an attack of opportunity. It may use this ability three times per day.
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