#ref: mads starters
writermuses · 2 years
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marimelwrites · 2 years
@writermuses - continued from your reply to this starter here!
If Catia had been nervous before, the moment that she saw Matthew's smile, it seemed to ease away some of those nerves. He had always been able to make her feel comfortable and relaxed around him. It had been one of the qualities that she had noticed first, one of the things that drew her to him in the beginning. Hearing him call her his favorite girl gave her that familiar butterflies in her stomach sensation that she'd been so accustomed to before she'd left for work. Surely, if he was saying that, he couldn't possibly want their relationship to end after all, could he? Matthew wasn't the sort of man who would say something like that, and not truly mean it. That was another thing she had loved about him, he wasn't the type of man who played with another's emotions.
An easy smile grew on her face at his insistence for her to share all the details of her trip and her work. "You have plenty that I would like to hear about and catch up on as well. Don't leave me to be the only one rambling on and on tonight. Promise me?" She asked as she reached up to touch his face gently, her gaze drinking in his features. She walked with him towards their table so that they could relax before getting into all the stories and detail to catch each other up on the things they had missed. "I can't believe we're finally here. It almost felt like I'd never be back home, I'd been gone so long..."
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bum-scum · 1 year
From the hug starter. Here 
Excuse me for grammar and tense ( past and present) mistakes. Just warning you now. I dont type things that make sense. Set in DSOD ( for ref) 
Yugi sat there on the roof top. He had finished his lunch and watched as his other friends laughed and talked from afar it was then he realized the pang ache thudding in his chest; 
The loneliness. 
He couldn't be mad that his friends had found someone for themselves, but Yugi felt that stab of jealousy of the bonds his friends had made without him, even together as a group, he felt like the odd one out and Yugi hid the pain with a smile. It was something he couldn't understand why.
He’s got all the friends he’d ever wanted, even his mother and grandpa exist in his life. Still, that empty space kept brewing in his heart, no matter how much he was surrounded with the best people ever. 
 Yugi smiled absently. Now staring into nothingness but the blue colour of the sky, trying to forget the horrible feeling in his heart.
“Unusual for you to be alone.”
Yugi snapped out of his dazed state, startled by the figure standing next to him.
Yugi watched intently as Kaiba sat next to him. ‘The tall tower’ Yugi had dubbed him as a slight joke of his own fondness, straightened himself once he got comfortable. Yugi eyed at how The CEO’s school uniform was starting to become tight around the chest area. He had been working out it seemed; biceps slightly bulging as Kaiba folded his arms across his chest. Now Yugi was staring at his chest more than he would like to admit.  
Ripping his eyes away from the tempting development of Kaiba’s muscles, Yugi looked down at his feet. His own shoe laces were about to become undone from PE earlier before lunch. He tensed when he heard Kaiba sigh. 
Yugi turned his head and saw Kaiba staring back at him. Their eyes locked, but what Yugi didnt expect next made everything around him go silent in time. Strong arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace, pulling him closer to Kaiba’s warm and welcoming body. Yugi quietly gasped as he felt Kaiba’s cheek gently rubbing against his own, his big hand cradling at the back of Yugi’s head, fingers threading through his wild locks. 
Yugi’s face was nestled comfortably in Kaiba’s chest. This was completely out of character of Kaiba. He wasn't the type to hug anyone except Mokuba, and Yugi had seen how Kaiba hugs Mokuba. 
But this hug was different, different than the brotherly hug that he would give Mokuba. This one felt far too close, more than friendly. It felt rather quite intimate.
Personal, even. 
Yes, this felt intimately personal. 
it was then reality settled back in. Yugi now noticed why Kaiba was hugging him. 
He sobbed as tears welled up and fall, feeling Kaiba hugging him tighter, the gentle rubbing of his cheek and hand at the back of his head held a little more firm made Yugi cry harder. 
The loneliness he was feeling was overwhelming like a tidal wave, drowning him to sink at the bottom and he felt like Kaiba was shielding him from it. The patch of tears soaked the fabric of Kaiba’s uniform as he rubbed his eyes to wipe them away, but to no avail. He kept crying.
“Let it all out, Yugi.”
As if Kaiba couldn't get anymore out of character that hearing his soothing voice tugged at Yugi’s heart strings. 
As the world and time had stopped, he felt himself moving along the motions of rocking. Seeing this side of Kaiba was melting his heart, making his face burn warm as the pounding organ throbbed against his chest. His feelings of loneliness ebbed slowly and was replaced by warmth; a medicine to remedy the sickness that was attacking him.  
His crying had settled down into sobs, and then sniffling. The hug continued for a moment longer before the rocking motion had stopped, and the warm embrace of this strong arms and chest moved away. 
He felt Kaiba’s hands caressing his wet cheeks, thumbs wiping stray tears away. Looking at Kaiba’s blue steely eyes, he could see the slight, puffy redness in them.
It looked like he was about to cry, too
But what's more surprising is that Kaiba’s facial expression was out of this world and Yugi had the honor to see it first hand for himself.
Kaiba’s soft, sadden expression showed empathy and kindness. Eyes weren't squinted in anger, his scowl looking non-existent, and the downturn of his lips are now upturned in the most heart melting smile.
“Shh, Yugi. It’s okay. I know, I already know. You don't have to tell me.”
With Kaiba standing up, his hands no longer caressed his cheeks. He felt Kaiba’s hand squeezing his shoulder, reassuring him of their hug moment ago. 
“You know where to find me,” He said with a slight nod. 
Kaiba’s hand left Yugi’s shoulder and turned around to leave, and before he left, Kaiba looked over his shoulder with a soft smile.
“You’re never alone...
I’ll always be here.”
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zawazawanightmares · 1 year
Zola Malfeazium & Desperate Lesbian
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You, Zola Malfeazium, are connected to Desperate Lesbian Your partner selected the 18+ server. Your partner has a starter. Type /starter or tap here to see it.
Zola Malfeazium: /starter
Desperate Lesbian : We could have fun with my OC Viola (mid-20s), who is a werewolf with a rebellious attitude, or alternatively I make up a character based on an idea you have. I primarely play as sub with some switch tendencies Kinks: teasing, overstimulation, bondage, petplay, many more- ask about anything you'd like to implement I prefer semi-paragraph style rp with actions written out and spoken words in quotes, though don't care too much about reply length example: "Oh, I don't know..." She looked aside with a faint blush. LOVE transwomen no men pls
Zola Malfeazium: (Hey.)
Desperate Lesbian : (hi!)
Zola Malfeazium: (How's it going?)
Desperate Lesbian : (good, you?)
Zola Malfeazium: (Doing fine. Are you familiar with Girl Genius?)
Desperate Lesbian : (sadly no)
Zola Malfeazium: (It's a Webcomic about a Victorian era mad scientist. Zola is a princess who acts sweet and innocent but is extremely selfish, vindictive and malicious towards those who take attention from her. Do you want a ref?)
Desperate Lesbian : (ohhh that sounds cool- and sure!
Zola Malfeazium: https://twitter.com/RainGames_Kenny/status/1308395002058416129
Zola Malfeazium: (It's funny because Viola is also the name of a character in the comic...your character can still be named that though. We'll chalk it up to coincidence.)
Desperate Lesbian : (oh that is funny tho I guess it's not an uncommon name for fictional characters what would be your idea for this?
Zola Malfeazium: (Zola runs into Viola in the woods and decides to keep her as a pet?)
Desperate Lesbian : (that sounds fun! hehehe (she will be a challenge to train tho~
Zola Malfeazium: (Zola's a lot more stubborn than she looks so it'll be fun for them both.)
Desperate Lesbian : (do you want to start this off then?
Zola Malfeazium: (Sure!)
Zola Malfeazium: Zola grumbled as she walked through the forest. "Stupid Heterodyne cu---that should be my throne! My legacy! My Gil! I'm not done with you, not by a long shot..." She kept down the path in the darkened forest, ignoring the howl she heard in the distance...
Desperate Lesbian : She was on the hunt, hungry, lead by instincts and craving as she rushed through the woods. There is a woman that caught her eye- all on her own, easy prey... presumably... She stalked up to her in the shadow of the trees, waiting for the right moment to pounce.
Zola Malfeazium: At some point, Zola finally realized she was being followed. She stopped in her tracks, frowning while taking out a small pistol. "Hey, please...I'll do whatever you want, just spare me!" She put on her best scared timid voice, fully intending to put one between the eyes of her attacker when they fall upon her.
Desperate Lesbian : She couldn't help a grin at her scared little voice. Typical. A feral growl sounded from her as she jumped out of the pushes right on top of the woman to pin her to the ground.
Zola Malfeazium: Zola immediately pointed the gun at the wolf woman's eye, ignoring the agony from being pinned to the ground by a fast heavy force. She was going to pull the trigger...only to freeze and blink. "A doggy?" She asked in confusion.
Desperate Lesbian : Her predatory gaze turned wideeyed when faced with the barrel of a gun. Not what she expected after the other called out so helplessly. "I am no doggy" She growled back with a huff, seeming insulted.
Zola Malfeazium: "A doggy!" Zola grinned like a child on Christmas. "What's your name, girl? Is it something pretty like Nitro, Cyanide? Maybe...Hemlock?"
Desperate Lesbian : "I am not a doggy!!" She insisted with a louder snarl this time, attempting to knock the weapon out of the other's hand with a swing of her claw.
Zola Malfeazium: Zola willingly dropped her pistol...to cup the wolf woman's face and plant a cheerful kiss on her muzzle. Pulling back, she smiled. "I'm gonna call you Carrion...on account of how you taste!"
Desperate Lesbian : The kiss certainly caught her off guard and she soon after attempted to pull away from the other's grip. "What the fuck! My name is Viola, and I am not a fucking pet!"
Zola Malfeazium: "Shh, Carrion...Mommy's gonna take care of you..." Zola reached inside her shirt, giving Viola a sultry look as she took out a chain...along with a leather collar.
Desperate Lesbian : "No you will fucking not" She pushed the other away to get up and get some distance between them. "You will not put a fucking leash on me!"
Zola Malfeazium: "A wild one, aren't you? Well, you are a stray..." Zola's grin turned predatory as she began to advance on the rightly outraged wolfwoman. "I'll take good care of you...most of my pets last a few months. One of them even made it to the end of the year!"
Desperate Lesbian : One moment to another the hunter became the hunted. There is no way she would actually catch her though, right? She is much faster than a human. "Fuck this--" Turning around she took off the run. Though... part of her, one she would never admit to... wanted to be caught.
Zola Malfeazium: With a deft motion, relying more on accuracy than speed, Zola had the chain wrapped around Viola's neck by throwing where she was heading instead of directly after her. She smirked as she began to drag her back. "You might be a cutie, Carrion...but it looks like someone needs to learn some discipline."
Desperate Lesbian : The chain catches on her and she chokes on it, making her trip and fall over before being dragged back. Panicked, she growled and thrashed, trying to tear and rip the chains apart. "Fuck you!!"
Zola Malfeazium: "If you're good." Zola teased as she dragged her back to her feet, finally releasing the grip on her throat to let her breathe...only to sit herself on her face. "What's the matter, Carrion? Don't I smell good?"
Desperate Lesbian : She just about caught her breat when the woman lowered herself on her face- smelling the aroma of arousal through her pants. She can't help getting a little heated at it herself and she squirmed, though now firmly pinned in place.
Zola Malfeazium: "I'm guessing it's time I gave you a treat, so you know how nice I am." Zola said as she crouched up to pull down her leggings, exposing her wet pussy to Viola before sitting it on her face again. "Go ahead and lick to your heart's content; it's what you'll have for dessert every night."
Desperate Lesbian : She... could easily bite, couldn't she? Sharp canine teeth ready to rip and tear and prey, but... her scent is far too enticing in another way, awakening other cravings- even stronger so as she undressed and pressed those delicious lips against her maw without any barrier. A whine escapes her and she runs a tongue over the slit, tasting her. It let a shudder of arousal run through her.
Zola Malfeazium: Zola let a smug expression come over her face, allowing herself to drip into the wolf woman's mouth as she looked down at Viola's own crotch. "Mmm...does my puppy have a special treat for me...?"
Desperate Lesbian : Soon she lapped her tongue hungrily at Zola's pussy, unable to resist her taste. She indeed is squirming with need herself now, beneath fur her slit is glistening with arousal- inviting to be played with.
Zola Malfeazium: Zola reached down, almost purring at she rubbed at the lips underneath the fur. "I guess I'm spoiling you...but you're cute so I can't help it." Clutching the chain with her other hand, she pulled her fingers back and sucked the juices off of them.
Desperate Lesbian : A moan sounded from the wolf woman muffled beneath the other's thighs. She rolled her hips in search of more friction and whined as the hand pulled away.
Zola Malfeazium: "Looks like Mommy needs her own treat. Excuse me..." Zola pulled on the chain as she bent over, practically trapping Viola's lips against her slit as she herself began to lap at Viola's wet pussy, eagerly licking up her fluids.
Desperate Lesbian : She moaned louder this time, even harder to catch her breath with pleasure flooding her mind and her being pressed nose-deep in Zola's delicious slit. Nothing else to do than to lap and suck at it with increasing hunger, whines muffled.
Zola Malfeazium: Zola kept enjoying her captive meal, paying special attention to Viola's clit as she leaked cum in the wolf woman's mouth, ready to climax at any second...
Desperate Lesbian : The bucks of her hips get more desperate, breathing hitched as the close attention to her sensitive clit quickly worked her towards the edge as well. Any pleading is completely muffled, words swallowed by those lips she laps at and feeds so hungrily on, slightly rough tongue repeatedly running over her clit.
Zola Malfeazium: Zola moaned with her mouth over Viola's button, cumming directly into the lupine vixen's mouth while shivering, giving a tight tug on the chain to make the air flow more restricted for the wolf woman.
Desperate Lesbian : She whined as the chain choked her again, struggling against it- her lightheadedness only increased when soon after her own climax hit her, shivering all over with the afterwaves- panting for breath with the restricted air flow making it hard to recover.
Zola Malfeazium: Zola released her grip, getting off of Viola's face to lie down next to her, circling her finger on her chest. "Well, ready to be my pet, Carrion?" Not even waiting for the answer, Zola attached the collar around Viola's neck.
Desperate Lesbian : She is too exhausted to get up, much less fight the other as the collar is put around her. Her instincts are no longer to be trusted either, not hungry what she got a taste for... urging her to stay close, stay close to a mate. "I-I'm Viola..." She protested weakly, still catching her breath.
Desperate Lesbian : (maybe the chain and also part of the collar are silver, making it impossible for her to remove because of the power it has over werewolves?=
Zola Malfeazium: Zola frowned, tugging on the chain again to bring Viola's face inches away from hers. "I'm not looking for a correction. I'm looking for "Yes, Master." Got it?"
Zola Malfeazium: (Yes! Lucky break for Zola.)
Desperate Lesbian : Pulled close, she frowned and first instinct is to growl at her... before she submissively averted her gaze. "Y...yes master..."
Zola Malfeazium: Zola's smile returned, kissing Viola on the nose. "Good girl..."
Zola Malfeazium: (Thank you so much!)
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everdaring · 1 year
ooc ✨ i’ll get to the other starters & replies soonish, been making a mad dash to finish sparky’s visual refs for art fight uwu
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tizzymcwizzy · 4 years
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Recently did some expression practice with Conner and Eerie! Check out the starter pack for this story it's very good 10/10 would recommend
Conner's hair is super weird and I can't figure it out. But! This time I used some refs and I think I've got it down. I know it's basically Chat Noir's hair but I like to think that they're different. And I draw them different!!
Also, I showed that first face to my mom and she liked it a lot, do with that what you will.
Every time I draw Eerie I realize that i can't draw makeup. Can someone please tell me how Lauren gets it to look so perfect every time?? i cri. Like, her lips??? Have you seen this shit??????? Mom get the camera-
I was scrolling through the chouette tag for these sketches and I have been revitalized, it's so good please check it out if you have not I'm begging you it's very good and I get this dumb giddy smile on my face every single freaking time. I love it.
Also also!!! I got a spaghetti stain in my sketchbook while drawing this and I'm like, hold on a diddly darn second, I remember getting a spaghetti stain in my sketchbook while drawing chouette another time as well and I'm like, Conner???? Is that you??? What???? The ghost of the dumpster man is haunting me,,,
Ps (lol this post is super long sry) they're all mad and I'm like, aaaahh I wanna draw them smiling and being dorks but all I have is angwry and I dunno what to do. Drawing Eerie smiling is super hard for some reason even though in my head she's really smiley aaahhffffffggh
Okay, okay I'm done now, thanks for reading this really long ramble if you did I appreciate you ( ˘ ³˘) mwah
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lieutenantcactus · 4 years
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Here's a girl who, in my opinion, has probably one of the most interesting stories of my ocs
The tragedy in young Madison's life started when she was only a few months old and both her biological parents sadly past away in a car accident. Now in the care of her older brother Paris, who was just shy of 19 at the time, Maddie was raised as best as the young man could handle, and boy! Could he not handle it. Especially when it came to her shock diagnosis of Meningococcal meningitis. Suddenly, she was whisked away into intensive care, where she remained for weeks. She was touch and go for a while, blood vessel damage becoming so great that she ended up with both her legs amputated below the knee. And, of course, poor Paris was stuck with the medical bills, on top of...well everything else. The full details of what Paris did to keep him and his sister afloat is best saved for his separate ref, but, safe to say, it wasn't pretty. It was around this time that one Mr Joseph Collard came into their lives. A bouncer at the, uh, "club" Paris worked at, Joseph had grown a real soft spot for the young man, which grew into a soft spot for little Maddie once he met her. Which eventually led to him officially adopting her when she was around three years old. Of course, Paris was still in her life, as the three moved across the country to start a new life far away from the old. But not everything was perfect. You have to understand, witnessing and going through the things Maddie did in the first five years of her life...It was traumatising. And the thing with that childhood trauma: she doesn't remember any of it. It just affected her in a major way. This led to her being what teachers would call "a problem child". Acting out, unable to control her emotions properly, prone to meltdowns. Plus, being over attached to her brother and father. And not liking when things came between them. Or PEOPLE for that matter. She reacted VERY poorly to her brother in law when they first met. It had always been just her, Paris and Papa. And, if she had her five year old way, it would remain just them, thank you very much. But, unfortunately, her brother HAD to go and fall head over heels for the man. Honestly, she could do without seeing the way Nick would kiss him goodnight when dropping him off from a date. Then came the horrible news: Paris was moving in with him. Maddie cried and begged, trying to offer alternatives; like Nick moving in with them! But, Paris calmly explained how impossible that would be, what with Nick having a daughter and their apartment only having two bedrooms. Paris even light-heartedly added that this would mean that Maddie would finally have her own room. But of course, this caused the girl to throw a tantrum and lock herself in said room. She didn't talk much to Paris for a while, though she did eventually come out her room. Paris, of course, was heart broken, but figured (more like hoped) that she'd come around eventually. Joseph... was stuck in the middle. Happy for his best friend, but unsure of what to do about his daughter. Like any misguided dad, his mind eventually turned to one solution: a pet! Maybe a pet could knock the blues out of Maddie. So, he took her to the shelter and told her "pick out anyone you want! Well, uh....so long as our apartment complex approves of em". They ended up coming home that day with a little cream calico scruff ball with mucky eyes and a scratchy little yowl of a voice, which Maddie named Bubblegum (Joseph could only assume this was due to Maddie's near obsession with the candy). Bubblegum did help some, but ultimately, it was time who was the biggest healer, and she did eventually open back up to her brother, though she would remain cold to Nick for some time to come. It was around the time that they got the news that Paris and Nick were getting married (gross) that a little white cat rushed into their apartment, causing a middle aged man to rush after her and crash right into Joseph, the man haphazardly catching him in a dip. The moment they locked eyes, Maddie had but one thought: "Oh god, it's happening again". Robin, however, proved himself a lot better than Nick. Well, for starters, he only lived across the hall from them, so he wouldn't be dragging her father TOO far away from her. And he also had a young son, Phoenix, who was pretty cool! So maybe, just maybe...she'd give this one her blessing...begrudgingly... She would grow to be happy she did.. As a young adult, Maddie has chilled out A LOT. She loves her fathers and her little brother (though, sometimes she acts too cool for them). She's buried the hatchet with her brother in law, just in time to welcome her nephew into the family (plus she loves to tease Poppy by calling herself her "step aunt"). Then came the day her fathers brought sixteen year old Natalie home. Both agreeing that they were too old to handle a younger child, they had had their hearts set on adopting an older teen and, well, they fell in love with Natalie just about as fast as they fell in love with each other. Mads is fiercely protective of her little sister. Perhaps her brother rubbed off on her in that aspect... 
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shari-berri · 4 years
TR James x reader
Your POV
My boyfriend James is gone again to "work". I am curious to what he does for a living. I guess I can't be suspicious of him, I never told him my last name or anything about my family.
My name is Y/N Ketchum, older sister of Ash Ketchum who wants to be a Pokémon master.
While he got his Pikachu as a partner who didn't like him at first, my partner liked me immediately, becoming overprotective. My starter Pokémon that I first received was a male Riolu. Along the way, Riolu evolved into Lucario. We ended up bumping into Korrina, a gym leader and we became friends. She was about to give me another Lucario with Lucarionite but she saw my Lucario and just gave me the mega stone. Of course, I had to get one for myself and then something to put them in. I ended up getting Lucario a bracelet like Korrina's Lucario, and I got a ring. Anyways, today I am going to investigate, okay spy on my boyfriend to see what he does. My Lucario is coming along also, like he always does. Like my little bro's Pikachu, Lucario also doesn't like his pokeball.
Time skip
I see James getting together with Jessie and Meowth. I never liked Jessie simply because she is always around my boyfriend. Meowth was alright but he has an attitude. Seeing them grabbing a net, I pull Lucario and myself closer into the bushes. They start to creep up behind a group of trainers and then they threw the net on top of their Pokémon, trapping them and stealing them. Gasping, I look closer at the trainers. Spotting a familiar hat, I narrow my eyes.
Squeezing Lucario's wrist, I point to the boy who I found out to be my brother, Ash. Coming to a realization that I should help, I step out of the bushes, Lucario at my side, ready to protect me if necessary. “James! What on earth do you think you're doing?!" I screech, running to my brother's side and pulling him into a hug, glaring at my boyfriend. Looking at James, I see him shocked. Ash seems surprised that I am here and that I know who James is, and this ugly blonde girl is glaring at me for hugging Ash. “Ash are you okay?! Do you need help getting Pikachu back?" I ask, gripping my brother closer. Blondie just glares at me harder and I glare back. It seems James has recovered in the amount of time it took me to reassure Ash. “Y/N! What are you doing here?! And why are you defending that twerp!" He screams. I rest my chin on Ash's shoulder and sigh, waiting for Ash to say for me. “She's my sister." He says plainly. James falls to the floor along with Jessie and Meowth in shock.
Blondie is no longer glaring at me so that's good, I still hate her though. “James! Leave him alone! All of you stop doing this. I understand now that this is your job that you've been leaving to, but stop." I calmly stare. James and his friends just look back, grab the net, and release the Pokémon, feeling ashamed. “James, I still love you, but leave. I need to talk and catch up with Ash." I command. They nod and James runs up to me, kisses me, and runs off.
“You have some explaining to do." Ash says, half glaring at me. “Sooooo hekindasortamightbemyboyfriendthatihabebeentalkingabout." I rush. Ash's eyes harden and he reaches for his pokeball. “Alright bro, battle me to release tension. Oh and make it a double battle with Blondie on your side. You two against me." I confidently state. Ash just nods and Blondie glares at me. “You know, we're going to beat you. Ash is really strong and will defeat you." She whines. I just glare. “Who do you think taught him?" I counter. Ash's other friend, I believe Clemont is his name, took his stance and began reffing. “You are each allowed 3 Pokémon!" Clemont announces. I nod and wait to see what Pokémon my opponents send. Ash sends out a Talonflame and Blondie, or Serena sends out a Braixen. I sigh and look at my pokeballs. Grabbing one, I kiss it before I throw it onto the field. The red and white capsule bursts open and a Pokémon appears. Feraligatr lands on the ground with a thud, dust flying up. When the dust clears, Ash and Serena look at my giant crocodilian Pokémon. Both of their jaws drop and their Pokémon shake in fear. I forgot to tell Ash that I have more Pokémon than just Lucario. Feraligatr smirks and looks at me, nodding. “Feraligatr! Quickly use surf to get both of them!" I scream. He nods and a giant wave floods the field. It hits the opposing Pokémon and with a super effective type advantage, they are barely standing. “This is just sad!" I snicker. Feraligatr snorts and grunts in agreement. That seems to have triggered Ash since be called out an attack. “Talonflame don't be intimidated! We can still win this. It's two against one. Use double team and then steel wing!" He commands. Talonflame then becomes many and they all dive at Feraligatr, wings shining. “Focus! Find the real one and grab it in your jaws. Don't let go!" I say. Ash and Serena just laugh. “There's too many, your pokemon won't be able to tell." They say sneakily. “Just watch." I growl. Feraligatr looks around before settling his eyes on one Talonflame. As it gets closer, he jumps up and grabs it in his mouth, locking his jaw. Serena panics and commands Braixen to use ember. “Feraligatr, just ignore the stupid fox and use hydro pump." I yawn.
I smile as I see Serena get mad. Feraligatr nods and releases a giant stream of water onto Talonflame who is still in his jaws. Feraligatr then releases the bird and it falls to the floor, swirls in its eyes. Feraligatr looks at me for another command.
I just point my finger at Braixen. Feraligatr nods and knocks it out with another hydro pump.
Ash and Serena call back their Pokémon.
Ash sends out Pikachu and Serena sends out a Pancham.
Despite the disadvantage, I keep Feraligatr in.
“Pikachu! Use thunderbolt!" Ash screams.
“Dodge it!" I try to call out but I am too late. Feraligatr got hit. He struggles to get up but manages to, only to be hit with electro ball and faint.
Returning Feraligatr, I grab a pokeball with a cat sticker. Kissing it, I throw it out. Out pops a pink flying cat, shocking everybody. “T-that's a Mew!" Serena stutters. “Yeah, obviously. What, are you blind or what? Have you never seen a legendary before? Oh wait, I forgot you have trash Pokémon." I retort. Serena turns red with anger and pouts. “Mew we have to make this quick, I want to bring out the big guns soon. Use rock slide on Pikachu!" I scream.
Mew unleashed a landslide of rocks onto Pikachu, type disadvantage hurting him and making him trapped under the rocks. “Alright! Good work! Now use dazzling gleam on the panda!" I command. Mew unleashed a beam of pink at Pancham, causing it to stagger back. “Again." I say, flicking my wrist. Mew complied and hits Pancham again. Pancham falls to the ground, fainted. Turning my attention back to Pikachu, I think. “Use confusion." I say. Pikachu gets hit and becomes confused. “Pikachu! Snap out of it and use thunderbolt!" Ash strains. Pikachu only hits himself with the thunderbolt, hurting it further. “Mew, lets finish this with brick break." I nod. Mew hits Pikachu and he faints as well. Ash sends out a Hawlucha and Serena sends out a Sylveon. I call back Mew and both of them look confused. Nodding to Lucario, he steps up to the field. “Lucario, lets start with using flash cannon on that Sylveon." I state. Lucario puts his paws out and a flash of light launches at the eeveelution. Sylveon cries out in pain and falls. “We need to wait longer, use psychic on Hawlucha." I say. Hawlucha is hit but isn't hurt that much. “Hawlucha! Use high jump kick!" Ash calls out. Hawlucha launches into the air and kicks Lucario in the face. Lucario growls and gets into his stance once more. Sylveon uses fairy wind but it doesn't do much. Karate chop!" Ash says. Lucario is hit once more in the head. He turns to me with that certain glint in his eyes. Holding my hand out, Lucario grabs his bracelet. “Lucario! Connect our souls and hearts. Make our bond greater together and mega evolve!" I scream out. Ash and Serena look shocked but excited to see Mega Lucario. “Lucario! Car!" He cries as he comes out in mega form. “Okay buddy, use psychic on Hawlucha and then throw him into Sylveon. Then use flash cannon!" I command, sweat dripping down my forehead. Lucario lifts Hawlucha into the air before yeeting him into Sylveon. He then holds out his palms as they both get hit with a enhanced flash cannon. Ash and Serena cry out for their Pokémon. When the light clears, they both have swirly eyes. Lucario returns back to normal and walks over to my side. “Thanks for that. But I have to go see my boo." I say over my shoulder as I walk away. I am suddenly pushed to the ground. I hear Lucario grunt. Looking up, I see Serena in Lucario's arms trapped. It seems that she was the one who pushed me. Her intense glare in her eyes makes it even more evident. “You know, I always wanted to know what happens if a human is hit by a Pokémon move. I wanted to test it but didn't have the right circumstances. However, you just volunteered. Lucario, hit this bimbo with a full power power-up punch." I screech. Lucario's paw glows orange before he punches Serena, causing her to fly a few yards away before hitting the ground and not getting up. I hear Ash sprint towards her as I just walk away. “Thanks bro for not caring about me!" I call. Time skip cuz idk what else to do. As the sun goes down, I am content cuddling in bed with my James, even if he is a thief, Ash and his friends deserve it. James is playing with my hair, calming me before sleep overtook my vision, my last image being my lovely boyfriend.
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defensefilms · 3 years
Giannis And The Bucks Outlast Nets In A Classic Series
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The 2021 NBA post season has been marred by injuries and covid protocols and precautions. Chris Paul and Kawhi Leonard’s absence from the early part of the Western Conference finals is the absolute worst case scenario.
When you look at it like that, you can definitely see how the NBA needed this Bucks-Nets series and it delivered drama on spades.
The Brooklyn Nets were on the ropes and searching for answers after the Bucks tied the series in game 4. Kyrie Irving’s injury hurt the quality of basketball for sure but it also added to the drama and Durant’s performances kind of showed why NBA fans miss the days of a single all-star caliber player leading a team.
They responded in game 5, a visibly slower James Harden returned to help the Nets get a 114-108 victory.
Stephen A Smith’s prediction proved to be correct when he guaranteed that the Bucks would win game 6 on their own court and the Bucks did winning by a score of 104-89.
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The stage was set then. 
Game 7 in the Barclays Arena started out as nervously as it could. There were several times I walked away from my screen in a fit of emotion because it really felt like the refs were trying to screw the Milwaukee Bucks. At one point I was convinced that big market bias was going to sway this series and the NBA were trying to pull a Tim Donaghy.
To add to that Khris Middleton and Jrue Holiday were absolutely struggling to make shots in the first half. Brook Lopez and PJ Tucker’s shooting helped the Bucks not get swallowed up completely.
The 2nd quarter was the most nervous for me because the Nets lead the whole quarter and they took their biggest lead in the final 2 minute of the quarter and the Bucks will have felt very lucky to have cut that to a 7 point lead going in to halftime. 
Milwaukee’s shooters managed to shoot 41.1% from beyond the arc in this game it proved to be important because Brooklyn only managed 30.8%  but the other facet they killed Brooklyn in, was on the glass. They finished this game with 18 offensive rebounds. 
The 3rd quarter was still a close run affair but again the Nets looked like they were closing out the quarter stronger and had it not been for Middleton’s steal on Durant and a Giannis’ dunk to give the Bucks a 1 point lead going in to the 4th.
The 4th was when Milwaukee’s depth finally starter to matter. Khris Middleton made some big time contested jumpers and Jrue Holiday with a pair of pull-up jumpers with under 3 minutes to play. Durant was being Durant though and when the Bucks failed to score with just 5.2 second left in the quarter and up by 109-107, the Nets would in bound the ball to Durant who appeared to have shot the game winner over PJ Tucker. The replay showed Durant had his foot on the line and the made shot was worth just 2 points and not 3. 
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The Nets open the scoring after Bruce Brown makes a lay-up.
That was Brooklyn’s only mad bucket in 5 minutes of over time.
Giannis was absolutely Kareem Abdul Jabbar-like when he made a post hook over Kevin Durant. Durant’s attempt at a response was blocked by Brook Lopez. 
Then Khris Middleton made a turnaround jumper over Bruce Brown for the lead.
Durant was poised to try again and would have been happy to see Jrue Holiday guarding him on the final possession but he airballed his shot and Milwuakee had knocked out the Brooklyn Nets.
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Kevin Durant may be the media’s pick as far as the player to watch in this series and he may have been. He was big time. Averaging 35.4 points, 10.6 rebounds and 5.4 assists for the series. That’s no small feat. You have to remember that the Nets had a 2-0 lead at one point in this series and were still up 2-1 when Kyrie went down.
If you ask me this game and this series was a showcase of Giannis Antetokounmpo.
Dude literally faced every type of adversity throughout this series.
Blake Griffin was as smart and as savvy of a Giannis-stopper as they could have asked for. They’ll probably regret not playing Deandre Jordan at all but Blake and the Nets defense tested Giannis throughout.
That crowd count-down in game 7 could have easily turned in to a meme and Giannis is not a guy that get credited with the fabled “clutch gene” but he was 8-14 from the line in game 7. 
There was also that 3-pointer he made in the 3rd quarter and he trash talked the Nets on his way back up the court for leaving him open. Was not phased at all by the stage he was on.
All told Giannis averaged 31.9 points, 12.9 rebounds and 3.6 assists for the series. He was incredible despite what the media may try to tell you.
His game 7 output was 40 points, 13 rebounds and 5 assists on 15-24 shooting from the field. He was every bit the star they needed.
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commander-titania · 5 years
i find sylvari really hard to draw cause of all the planty details! do you have any tips?
Oh boy howdy do I ever! (For starters, here’s my sylvari ref gallery! There’s an absurd amount of screenshots, assets, and concept art in there!)
These are all random tips with no real organization, but I hope this helps!
If you’re struggling trying to draw your character’s face EXACTLY like it is ingame, it never hurts to simplify it! That’s actually how Titania’s custom face came to be! I find customizing how you draw your character lets you create someone unique and recognizable at a glance!
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Personally, I find that sylvari faces grow in two different ways;
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Sylvari hair can be interpreted as simple shapes! Don’t bother going fully detailed with the sketch before inking, your hand will thank you!
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No one’s ever gonna get mad at you for using a reference (and if they do they’re a fucking idiot, I mean come on), don’t be afraid to get in the makeover kit preview and zoom in + rotate around to get a good look at your character! You can also toggle the lighting off and on to check out their glow pattern!
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TLDR: Refs are your friend! Don’t be afraid to experiment and simplify details to your hearts content! Have fun!
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queeniewriteshockey · 6 years
Hospital Stay | Carter + OC
Original request here
Word Count: 3,325
It’s long so it’s going under a readmore
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He rarely, if ever, had a moment before a game where he considered the idea that maybe he should be somewhere else. That wasn’t in his nature. The moment he was in the arena his mind cleared of all outside thought. He was zoned in on the task at hand, which was stopping as many shots as were sent his way. He was known for being hyper-focused. With a pair of headphones over his ears and some tunes blocking out the rest of his team, he left everything behind him and looked only to the game in front of him.  
For years, that had worked for him. He had done so much and gone so far in his twenty years never looking behind him when what he wanted was in front of him. It wasn’t working now, though. He was a shell of his normal focus, his mind wandering back and forth between the moments before he left for the Wells Fargo Center and his current view, which was nothing more than blurred players flying down the ice chasing a small black object. His eyes tracked the puck like they normally did, watching, waiting for the moment when he would be needed. Sometimes, though, just for the briefest moment, his eyes unfocused and he lost the puck. In those moments his mind was transported back to his home. To where Emily lay on the couch, miserable and sick.
He didn’t like the split focus, he didn’t like losing the puck on the ice. It was a dangerous game he was playing, focusing both on his girl and on the game. He explained it away as best he could, refocused himself in the seconds before the puck shot forward and his gloved hand caught the speeding bullet without so much as a thought or real effort. His heart beat a little unsteadily in his chest as he handed it to the ref, though the smile on his face showed none of the spike of fear that had coated his veins.
He allowed himself a moment to think as the rest of the players queued up off to the side of him. He had made a choice. He’d call her during intermission and make sure she was okay. If there was one thing he knew about his girl, it was that she was watching the game. From the comfort of her couch, in a pair of sweats, she’d stolen from him. He could do nothing but deliver a half-hearted protest when he’d found her in them. They looked better on her than they did on him, plus seeing her in his clothing fed a deep seeded primal urge in him. She was his, she was telling anyone that saw her in them that she was taken. The beast inside him purred contentedly with that knowledge. It was another feeling that just was so out of the ordinary for him until she’d come along.
Emily wasn’t like anyone else he’d been with. She was sweet and sexy and humble, but she was so smart and didn’t back down. She didn’t put up with his moods, which weren’t as extreme as some he knew (Patty). He still suffered from the lost game blues. The goals he let in were on him, the team’s losses were his losses and sometimes he took that to heart more than he should have. It was particularly hard when he was actually pulled from a game. Possibly that was the worst feeling in the world.
Though… no. Maybe he was wrong about that. Maybe the worst feeling wasn’t being pulled from the game. The buzzer sounded, indicating the end of the first period and Carter skated off the ice. For the life of him, he couldn’t remember making any of the saves he’d made. He couldn’t remember tracking the puck even once while he stood between the pipes and readied himself for war. Somehow he’d gotten away with it, though. Somehow, he’d saved all nine of the shots that had been fired at him. He breathed a sigh of relief as he deposited his gloves and helmet on the bench beside his locker and rummaged through his suit for the phone he’d left there.
During intermissions, it wasn’t shocking for him to find he had a few messages. Some from his mom, a few from Parker or other Tips cheering him on back in Washington. They knew he wouldn’t respond, but they also knew he liked their encouragement. As much as he loved where he was, he missed where he’d been. Or rather, he missed those he’d been with. The friendships he’d made in the WHL and playing in the World Juniors had netted him a lifetime of memories and friendships. Each one cheered him on and chipped at the ego the fans threatened to give him with all their praise and love. He never had missed calls, though. Everyone that would call him knew he was in the middle of a game.
So naturally finding not one, but three missed calls, all from the same number, a number that he knows, sends a stronger spike of fear curling through his body. It shivers down his spine and twists in his guys. A moment of unfiltered panic wells up in his throat before he puts the phone to his ear to listen to the voicemail that was left after one of the three calls.
“Hey babe,” Emily’s voice soothed him the second he heard it, but it didn’t last long. She sounded stressed and strained. Her voice wasn’t smooth like normal and the coughing that broke up her words lasted longer than was comfortable. He could hear her getting sicker the longer she talked. It worried him, but he was at work, for lack of a better explanation and not going hadn’t been an option. “I don’t want to alarm you,” she said which instantly alarmed him. “I drove myself to the hospital after you left. I’m being admitted. They want to run a bunch of tests. I’ll keep you updated.”
Carter’s mind went blank as he listened to the message. One time. Two times. Three times. It was torture. An auditory loop of torture that sent shock waves through his body and locked up his mind.
“Hart,” someone called from the corner of the locker room, forcing him to blink dumbly out of his stupor. “You coming?”
Carter looked around, finding the voice in the nearly empty room. Nolan’s hooked nose and pink cheeks caught his eyes, his face the only thing visible around the corner. “What?” Carter asked, not really understanding what was happening.
Nolan’s brown furrowed and he pinched his lips between his teeth as he walked back into the locker room, coming into full view. It was a look Carter knew, it typically meant Nolan was thinking. “Are you okay?” He asked.
Was. He. Okay? “No,” he Carter said without thinking. It wasn’t something he would normally voice, deciding instead to keep his life private, even from his teammates.
Nolan’s eyebrows rose slightly and his chin dipped in recognition to both the answer and the fact that Carter had been genuinely honest about it. Not that he normally wouldn’t be, he just would have explained that he was fine. He’d take care of whatever it was after the game. “Who was on the phone?” Nolan asked, reading correctly into the situation and understanding that whatever had shaken his teammate had come from the small gadget in his hand.
“Emily,” Carter admitted. There was no going back after what he’d already admitted. “She’s in the hospital. I don’t know why.”
His team was lined up down the hall, the siren would blow any moment. Both he and Nolan knew that, but Carter was physically incapable of moving. He wanted to go to the hospital, he wanted to find out what was wrong, but he always wanted to stay, to play the game. To win for his team.
“Do you need to go?” Nolan, not one for words or comfort was at least willing to try and Carter appreciated it. “We can put Stoli in if you gotta go.”
Did he have to go? Carter couldn’t decide. It must have shown in his eyes, the war the raged in his head because Nolan shook his head before letting his chin jut up toward the showers. “Get cleaned up and get out of here. I’ll let Gordo and Giroux know.”
Before Carter could say anything, Nolan was gone, down the hall, skates hitting the ice. Only slightly behind his teammates. What happened after that, Carter had no desire to pay attention to. He did as he was told, by getting cleaned up and on the road to the hospital. He hoped she wouldn’t be mad at him for leaving the game for her. He just… He needed to know she was okay.
Carter had made up his mind even before Nolan had made it up for him. The trick had been convincing himself that it was the right thing to do and not a wholly selfish one. Leaving his team in the lurch, having the replacement goalie come in without warning. Vanishing without a word. Those weren’t behaviors people saw from Carter Hart, star starter for the Philadelphia Flyers. He’d examine what it all meant when he was done breaking characters. Once he was sure Emily was okay and he could breathe again, he would let himself contemplate just what this change in personality meant. Until then, he refused to let himself feel bad for the choice he had made.
Stolarz was a good goalie, better than people wanted to admit. Carter knew his team was in good hands, which made the act of getting dressed in his suit and packing up his hockey gear all that much easier. Not that it was easy. Every moment that he spent in the locker room and not either in his car on the way to the hospital or on the ice was a moment that he spent second-guessing himself and losing his mind a little more.
Worry and fear plagued him with every step but he told himself not to jump to conclusions. He was a rational and level-headed man, he could remain calm when a puck was flying at his head, he could make game-winning saves under pressure and not blink. He could do that here as well…
Before leaving the locker room, Carter stopped, bag and keys in one hand, phone in the other, and decided to give Emily a call. He didn’t really expect that anything would come of the call, but hearing her happy voice when the voice mail picked up still made him smile, internally anyway. He didn’t figure she would be able to actually answer her phone, but what kind of boyfriend would he be if he hadn’t at least tried?
The trip from the Wells Fargo Center was a long and arduous one. Traffic in Philly was no joke. It wasn’t unlike Seattle, but Everett was a small town, getting around had been a bit easier, even with the base there. Everything was much closer in Philly but there was also more cars and a lot more pedestrians. What should have taken ten minutes took nearly 30. It was agonizing. The music in the car was the only thing that helped to calm him, though he had considered listening to the game on the ride over. Long slender fingers tapped on the wheel, the beat of a tuneless song. It kept his mind from screaming and consequently kept him from screaming at the drivers that simply could not be bothered to drive. All it did was making the nerves tingle and the stress grow.
Calm was not in the cards at the moment, but he tried. He’d never been so happy to pull into a valet spot at the hospital. Refusing to waste more time looking for a spot he put the Lexus in park, handed over some cash and pushed his way through the double doors of the large hospital. He barely remembered even getting out of his car. The inside of the hospital was a rat maze that he honestly didn’t have time for. He was not above asking for help. Not when it came to this.
“Excuse me,” he said once he’d made his way through the throngs of people and up to the information desk.
The lady on the other side of it looked up, the bored look on her face vanishing the second she saw Carter. The double take was noticeable, but he didn’t say anything. He was still getting used to actually being noticed. “How can I help you?” She asked, deciding to stick to her job rather than to probe as to why he looked so familiar.
“I’m looking for a patient. She was admitted earlier this evening. Name’s Emily.” A generic name but her last name narrowed it down for them.
“Are you family?” She asked.
He considered the answer for a moment, lying wasn’t beneath him, though he didn’t typically make it a habit. “Yes.” He said, not leaving any room for argument.
Without having a way to disprove his affirmation that he was in fact family, the woman shrugged. Her fingers clicking on the keys as she looked up the information he had been in search of. “Fourth floor, room 240. Take the green elevator.”
As with most hospitals, this one was colored coded by wing, specialty, and floor. Typically, this wouldn’t be an issue, except for the fact that he was color blind. He was so glad the word was clearly stated when he arrived at the green elevators. “Fourth floor,” he said to no one as he pressed the button. The doors slid shut and for the first time since the voice mail, he took a moment to actually breathe. Deep calming breaths pulled in through his nose and out through his lips. His chest puffed up with the action and his body sagged with every exhale.
Everything was going to be fine, he told himself as the doors to the elevator opened and he stepped onto the ward that held not just other sick people, but his girlfriend. He hated how antiseptic it smelled. It wasn’t the kind of clean one was familiar with at home, this scent lingered in the hair like a noxious gas. It was medicinal. Liquid. He could feel it filling his lungs as he walked the hall, each number on the door a number closer to the room he was looking for. The scent was suffocating and dizzying. His vision tunneled as he got closer, his focus sliding back into place.
In the quiet ward, the sound of his knuckle hitting the solid wood door of the hospital room sounded like a shot echoing around an empty room. The pace of his heart beat a little quicker, not slowed by the lack of response from the occupant in the room. He took a chance, fingers wrapping around the handle of the door and pushed it open.
The beep of the monitors were the only sounds that filled the room, it was a sound that instantly put him on edge. Not that he hadn’t been on edge before. The curtain hid Emily from view until he pulled it back but the sight of her, sleeping in the bed; wires and tubes leading from her body to the machines didn’t do anything to soothe him. The sound of someone entering the room must have tipped her from the brink of unconsciousness because her eyes fluttered open at the slightest sound of his shoes on the floor.
“Carter,” she asked confused. Her voice was groggy from meds and sleep; raspy from a cough. “What are you doing here? You have a game.”
His fingers drag lightly along the linen of the blanket that covered her legs, he just wanted to make sure she was real, that he wasn’t still in the elevator having a massive panic attack. He wasn’t prone to them, but then, a lot of what he’d done so far was out of character. “Family emergency,” he said, the words catching slightly in his throat. He could explain better, but he had no words to do so. Everything he’d felt from the moment he got the call to the moment he realized she was okay knotted up in his stomach. Words felt like ash on his tongue, he could only look at her.
Her face went from puzzled and shocked to something softer, something warmer and a smile spread over her pale lips. “I’m fine,” she told him softly, her hand reaching out for his. “It’s just a little bit of pneumonia. Really. I’ll be about of here in no time. They just want to make sure I’m not dehydrated.”
Carter’s fingers threaded through Emily’s and he pulled her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to her skin, mindful not to disturb the iv that had put give to her. He came to a stop beside her bed, eyes taking in the sight of her before him. She looked so much smaller in the bed than he remembered seeing her ever look. His thumb brushed over her knuckles and he sighed softly. For a man as tall as he was, with a profession like his, he was one the kindest and gentlest people. “Okay,” he said before leaning over the bedrail and placing a kiss on Emily’s head. His lips stayed pressed to her skin, eyes shut for a moment while he let himself find his center. He was not accustomed to actually being scared but Emily had scared him. “I’m not leaving until you’re discharged. I’ll take you home.”
There was no room to argue and Carter had made sure of it. They’d have to find someone to come get her car at some point, but he didn’t care. He’d pay for a service to get it if he had to. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight. A bit of pneumonia, there was no such thing. Especially not in the middle of a Philly winter.
“Okay,” she said softly, her body relaxing back into the bed as she acquiesced.
Carter smiled, actually smiled, for the first time since finding out the Emily was in the hospital, pleased to know that she was okay and that he was able to be there for her. He looked around the room, found a chair and pulled it over to the side of the bed so that he could sit beside her for the rest of the stay. He’d been torn between letting go of her hand and finding a seat, but the fact that he would be able to sit right beside her made it a decision worth making. 
“Can I ask you a favor,” he said suddenly into the silence once he took a seat and made himself comfortable. He’d taken her hand again, his fingers twisting gently against hers. 
“Of course,” she replied. Even as sick as she sounded, Carter loved her voice. 
“Can you just… Not do this again? You scared me half to death.” Admitting his fears didn’t feel like an admission of weakness when he was talking to Emily. It felt like more. Like he was confessing more than just fear or worry. She knew he loved her, though, so he wasn’t sure why it felt different. “I don’t know what I would have done if I’d was out of town when this happened.” Lose his mind, probably.
A laugh bubbled from her lips and she nodded. “I promise. No more hospital stays. For either of us.”
The laugh shattered the remaining stress that had settled in Carter’s shoulders and he joined her in her light-hearted laugh. “Deal,” he told her with a nod. “Now get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
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writermuses · 2 years
Open to: MUTUALS ONLY (mun/muse/fc should all be 21+) Plot: Your muse is supposed to be cleaning the Delmore mansion that's home to the new heir and CEO to the Delmore empire. He's home early, way early, and your muse is sleeping on his bed.
Matthew's parents had been very open with their children about letting them follow their dreams. The merger of the Cartwright and Delmore empires in one marriage came with a lot of expectations. As the eldest, there was always a weight of wonder, would he choose to be CEO of the Delmore Fortune 500 business or go into medicine like every Cartwright before him. In a twist, he was vocal about making sure that the Delmore endeavors under his leadership would be focused on medical innovation. Taking on the roll after his Aunt Samantha's retirement went well enough, but he'd been keeping long hours and he'd decided to take a few half days through the rest of the year for the sake of his sanity. As such, he was pulling off his coat, tie, cufflinks, and shoes in a long trail of careless undressing en route to his bed only to find someone there. Pausing in the doorway, Mads looked at his watch and realized this was cleaning day. While he had no complaints about the service, he was wondering if they'd been doing this every time they came to clean the mansion. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, he approached them slowly, pulling the blankets over them and taking a seat on the love seat to the side of the bed, pulling out his phone and clearing emails with hooded eyes. When their own phone went off, stirring them awake, he turned and raised an eyebrow, "Have a nice little siesta?"
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brendamariesmith · 5 years
Let’s talk about MONEY during the End of Days. 
In good fun and in celebration of the novel IF DARKNESS TAKES US, coming out October 15th from SFK Press. Pre-order here: https://www.amazon.com/Darkness-Takes-Brenda-Marie-Smith-ebook/dp/B07WK9BQHN/ref=sr_1_1?
 14.       CASH:
When the power goes down for good, so will the banks. Credit and debit cards will be useless and inaccessible. Long gone are the days when banks kept a hard reserve of actual cash or gold to back their money. Our money is mostly electronic now. It only exists in the ether and in our minds. Staging a bank robbery and cracking its safe won’t do you a lick of good.
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Burying money in your back yard won’t save you. Building a vault to hold your cash won’t help a thing.
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 I’m no economist, but my practical take on money as an accountant is this: 
Money is a construct, a means of exchange with certain values we all agree on by participating in its use. For money to maintain value, it must be backed by a government. After an apocalypse, government either won’t exist or will have retreated to underground bunkers. OR they will be busy rounding us all up and herding us into FEMA camps. They won’t have time to bother with ensuring the value of money.
Barter will become the means of exchange, as in, “I will give you these beans if you give me some tomato seeds,” or, “I won’t shoot you if you give me your gun.”
Here’s a swap meet scene from the 2015 movie JACK’S APOCALYPSE. There’s also one in the classic 1959 Pat Frank novel, ALAS, BABYLON, and JACK’S APOCALYPSE follows much the same plot. Swap meets are a standard trope in many apocalyptic tales: e.g., Barter Town in MAD MAX: BEYOND THUNDERDOME.
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 Some preppers think coffee will be the new medium of exchange. Hmm… Having at least some coffee on hand will help ease you through the transition from real coffee to ersatz coffee made from acorns. You might be better off eating the squirrels and other critters congregating under your oak trees. You can grind acorns and add them to your flour to make the flour stretch farther. Good news for those of us who live in live oak country, if we have a stock of flour, that is.
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Money only works when we all agree on its value. Don’t expect there to be much agreement on anything in the end days. All that gold and silver you’ve been stockpiling will be virtually worthless, unless you know how to make something useful out of it – if you can figure out how to fix your cell phone with it, for instance, or use it to help transmit solar electricity. You might need copper for that.
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Not buying my thesis? Okay, think about this. What would you rather trade your precious gallon of water for: food or shiny metal? Not much food value there.
No rapid electronic trading, and no Wall Street. Some may see that as a reason to rejoice. ‘Nuff said.
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 If you have stocks and bonds on actual paper (I realize this is rare), you can use them for fire starter and toilet paper. Or you can make confetti for your end of the world soiree. If you’re lucky, you’ll have the band R.E.M. for neighbors and they can play (acoustically, of course):
“It’s the end of the world as we know It, and I feel fine…”
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Or perhaps the band Imagine Dragons will wander past in search of food, and you can share your boiled squirrel dinner with them in exchange for the song: 
“This is it, the Apocalypse… I’m radioactive, radioactive.”
Might want to check them with your Geiger counter before you let them get too close, though.
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sisyphus-prime · 5 years
Ref for Tri the complete peacock asshole
One Sentence description: Spiteful, Stuck-up, and record holder for how many things someone can rank third, thiis drama-obsessed bird hates everything Dead Bird Studios
Full Name: Tri Damian Pfau
Reason for name: Third born in his family, that is what Tri means. Damian has no meaning. Pfau means peacock in german
Nickname: Duke of Drama
Reason for nickname: EVERYTHING about this bird is dramatic, from their outfit to their manner of speech. You have tea to spill? Darling, this bird wants every juicy detail~
Age: ~45
Sex: Like they’ll tell you
Gender: Genderfluid, though typically on the Agender side of things. Pronouns are based off whatever mood they’re in
Place of Birth: ~insert planet name~, pfau estate
Birthday: 6/11
Currently living in: Pfau estate
Species/Race: Peacock
Ethnicity: Albino, but normal. commonly mistaken for  white peacock
Blood Type: O-
Occupation: Movie developer
Sexual Orientation: Going with Bi until i figure this out
Social Status: rich bitch™
Relationship Status: single
Status: ready to outdress you
Body Build: slender
Height:  taller than grooves, shorter than the Badge Seller
Weight: uh
Skin colour: idk, their feathers are a stark white
Hair style: slicked back top feathers, but they stand up when he’s mad. Like Zoidberg
Hair colour: BIRD
Eye colour: Deep Pink
Distinguishing Features: Other than being albino? Missing a great deal of tail feathers
Preferred Clothing: Something extremely masculine/feminine/plain, in your face, I’m better than you
Accessories: loves to wear bracelets
General health: very good
Posture: stands tall and regal
Any physical illnesses?: no
Any mental illnesses?: dysphoria 
Take drugs?: no
Smoke?: tried once and was nearly murdered by their father
Mental/Emotional State
Archetype: The Creator
Mental age: 30s
Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Think before acting
Emotion-wise, generally: the grownup of the issue
Way of speaking: eloquently
Common conversation starter: Oh! I see you’re here too!
Swears?: not often
Made-up words?: no
Made-up language?: god no
Likes: DRAMA, rom-coms, soap operas, seeing their enemies fail
Dislikes: Action, DEAD BIRD STUDIOS, Western films, all things disco, when their assistant fails
he likes sewing
pluck out feathers when nervous, typically chest feathers
Strengths: Movie making, making things dramatic, planning, poking at others weaknessess
Weakness: being nICE, making anything that isn’t just drama for dramas sake
Education: The best he could get
IQ: I don’t know how this works
EQ: the fuck is an eq
later la
to get first place in something
Views/Opinions on...
Government: broken
Religion: corrupted
Economy: why would they care, they’re on the top
Technology: latest ad greatest
Food: Raspberries
Colour: Fuschia
Animal: Those little black birds
Number: 42
Holiday: Valentines
Season: Spring
Time of day: Dawn
Thing to watch: Rom-coms
Movie: his
Show: newest focus in the bird world
Type of art: traditional
Genre of music: Classical
Genre of literature: Romance Novels (Not NSFW)
Genre of shows: DRAMA
Genre of movies: D R A M A
oh i have a lot for this
They’re nothign but a no good, stuck up, spiteful, smooth talking, insult redirecting, sarcasm spewing, entitled PECK NECK
R elationships
Family: Parents are gone, and his siblings left eh planet. Not soon enough in his opinion
Love interest: You think they have time to care about that
Friends/Allies: Kunto... thats itT
To the Conductor, when he lost taht one time “*gasps* Me? A peck neck! You accuse me of greeting you just to mock you both? If I really were such a peck-neck, conductor, would I have brought DJ Grooves a gift to congratulate him on his first win? Granted, you have gotten cocky lately, so there wasn’t much for the judges. I don’t really know how they judge, they should change it. Grooves has always been the better movie maker. I’m not mocking you, I’m just being honest.”
To DJ Grooves, after losing 20 times in a row “Oh! It’s the DJ himself, what a pleasure it is to see you! Did you come to support your friend? Is he your friend, I’m not really sure.. You come every year to support him.. Or is there another reason? Wait, hold on.. I remember now. You ALSO make movies! OH, I am so sorry darling, I simply forgot! I always see him up there.. Anyway, I need to give him his congratulatory gift. I’m sure you’ll win! Eventually.. Though, frankly, you’ll probably need the Conductor to die first..”
They HATE Dead Bird Studios... But they will admit, there is some drama inspiration coming from there.
add more later
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zawazawanightmares · 2 years
Sweetie Belle & Red
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You, Sweetie Belle, are connected to Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter) Your partner selected the 18+ server. Your partner has a starter. Type /starter or tap here to see it.
Sweetie Belle: /starter
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): A 4'11 cat girl with pale skin, long red hair that's braided back, bright red eyes, and matching red ears and a tail with a white tip. She doesn't have much in the way of breasts (think A cup), but she makes up for it with a slim waist and a perky butt. Regular outfit is a frilly pink crop top with a bouncy black skirt, red fishnets, and black flats. She's also wearing one of those leather choker with a metal heart in the front. She's shy and willing to do anything to please whoever she sees as in charge. Kinks: Anything but limits is on the table Limits: Snuff, toilet stuff, hyper attributes (dicks, tits, etc) Looking for: gentle sex, public/risky sex, thigh fucking, fingering, creampies, cum in panties, collaring, oral, and facesitting All is adaptable except limits!
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): Like the MLP character?
Sweetie Belle: (Yup. Using the older version.)
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): ((Fair enough o3o))
Sweetie Belle: (Still, do you want a ref of her?)
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): ((Sure))
Sweetie Belle: https://www.deviantart.com/andoanimalia/art/Older-Sweetie-Belle-821832612
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): ((Ooo cute! :D))
Sweetie Belle: (Would you like Sweetie and Red to interact?)
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): ((Sure! Do you mind her being an anthro cat girl though? I remember there being one in the movie so there is a precedent))
Sweetie Belle: (I absolutely do not mind Red being a catgirl.)
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): ((cool, how should we start?))
Sweetie Belle: (Maybe Sweetie screws up a spell and it sends Red into her dimension?)
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): ((Sure!))
Sweetie Belle: (Do you want me to start?)
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): ((If you don't mind ^ ^;))
Sweetie Belle: Sweetie cleared her throat as she prepared for incantation. Should be simple enough: she was just trying to create a portal to an opera house in another city. So what if Twilight said that a spatial spell was way too advanced for her at this stage? She could pull it off...she spoke the words, focus her energy, a red portal opened up...wait, red? Aren't they supposed to be blue or purple? Sweetie quickly began to regret a lot of decisions leading up to this moment as the portal shot out a short, furry, cute figure onto her floor. "Um...hello?" Sweetie awkwardly greeted while silently thinking Please don't be mad, eldritch beast...!
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): Red was just eating a cookie in an alley when a big, spiraling red thing appeared beside her and starting sucking her in. She tried to get away, grabbing her pack and scrambling away, but it was too close and too late. She screams right before she's sucked in, dropping her half eaten cookie. She's tossed onto the floor of this new, strange land, clinging to her pack as the poor thing trembles like a leaf in the wind, whimpering quietly.
Sweetie Belle: If Sweetie was guilty before, she definitely felt worse now. The poor girl was shaking like a leaf and she couldn't blame her. She was suddenly dropped into a new place and, judging from her appearance, she may not even be from this dimension. She made sure to approach her slowly when trying to comfort her. "Hey...I'm sorry about the mix-up. Are you okay?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): Red slowly looks up, and is met with a big, white horse with something pointy on its forehead. She whimpers, eyes darting to try and find the human that had spoken, not yet realizing it was the unicorn in front of her.
Sweetie Belle: "Yeah, I'm speaking." Sweetie realized that Red's people might look much different so she might not know that this is what people (i.e. ponies) look like in this dimension. "I'm Sweetie Belle. May I know your name?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): Red's eyes snap to Sweetie the moment she starts speaking again. She scoots a little bit away, slowly pushing herself to sit up. "R... R-Red..." She whispers, trembling.
Sweetie Belle: (Sorry. Had to take a phone call.)
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): ((No problemo ^ ^))
Sweetie Belle: "Red, I'm sorry about this!" Sweetie gave her a sympathetic look. "I messed up a spell and...I'm not gonna hurt you or anything so please don't be scared."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She gulps, still watching her warily. "W... Where am I?" She asks, a hand going into her pack to try and find something to defend herself, just in case.
Sweetie Belle: "You're in Ponyville. Well...you're in my house in Ponyville. Everyone here is a pony so...heads up." She gave a nervous smile.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): Everyone's a... pony? She frowns, watching her, "O...kay..." She looks down, pulling her hand out of her pack again, not sure what to do now. She's calmed down at least.
Sweetie Belle: "So you're Red. You're a cat...something and you're from another dimension." She summed up. "Do you have any questions for me?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "I'm a... hybrid... cat and human." She sighs, rubbing her eye, "And you're Sweetie Belle... a pony from... this dimension..." She looks at Sweetie Belle, frowning, "... am I likely to survive here?" She asks.
Sweetie Belle: "I mean, yeah! Considering the basic necessities are food, water, shelter and clothing, you should be fine because we have all of that here!"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She nods, "Okay..." She rubs the back of her neck, frowning as she thinks. It might be nicer here than back home... not much of a home in her dimension anyway. She rubs her eyes, her ears flat against her head as she stresses about what the hell she should do.
Sweetie Belle: "Still, I understand that this is a very new environment for you. Would you like me to send you back? It'll take some time but I should have a way of returning you by the end of the day."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She thinks, then shakes her head, "No... don't got anything to go home to..." She sighs, slowly getting up. She's about Sweetie's height while Sweetie's down on all hooves.
Sweetie Belle: Sweetie gave her a sad smile. "Well, I got you into this so you're welcome to stay here for as long as you like."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): Red nods, slinging her pack over her shoulder, "... thank you." She murmurs and starts to leave.
Sweetie Belle: "Um, where are you going?" She asked out of concern. "I said you could stay here? In this house?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She pauses, then looks at her, "You... you meant here?" She asks, frowning.
Sweetie Belle: "Yeah, here! Is it not good enough? I mean, my sister lives not far away with her husband and children so she has a bigger fancier place but it might be a tough sell to get her to let a stranger stay over..."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "O-Oh no no this place is fine! Just..." She grips the straps of her pack, "I'm just... not used to having a home..." She looks down at the floor, quiet.
Sweetie Belle: "And I'm not used to cat humans. But I'll adjust. Maybe you can adjust to this for both of us?" She walked closer, giving a hopeful smile.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She looks at Sweetie, and smiles back, "Okay..." She giggles softly.
Sweetie Belle: Sweetie smiled wider as she saw Red's first real smile. "Perfect! What do you wanna do first? We can do karaoke, or we can meet up with my friends, or we can even find you new clothes!" It seems the new company had brought out her inner child.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She giggles again, "Ah... I get the feeling your clothes wouldn't quite work on me..." She looks down at her bipedal self, then at Sweetie again.
Sweetie Belle: "Well...I can make some?" Sweetie said with a noticeable embarrassed blush.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She blinks, "... you make clothes?" She asks, tilting her head a little.
Sweetie Belle: "Yup! I come from a family of fabric designers. My sister is pretty famous around here and even makes clothes for royalty!"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Wow! That's so cool!" She grins, purring audibly.
Sweetie Belle: She held her head high, proud of her sister's achievements. "That's right! She's has the Element of Generosity and she's friends with our Ruler of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle!"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Whoa... that's even cooler." She giggles, bouncing a little on her feet.
Sweetie Belle: "Yup! I've always thought my sister was the coolest. I wanted to be just like her...but, my talents lied elsewhere." She looked at her flank, indicating her cutie mark.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She blinks, peering at her cutie mark. "... you do tattoos?" She asks, not sure what she's looking at.
Sweetie Belle: "Oh no, this is my cutie mark. Everypony gets one eventually. It shows off your talent." Sweetie turned to give her a better look. "Mine is for singing."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Ohh... my world doesn't have anything like that." She shrugs.
Sweetie Belle: "Really? No cutie marks? Hmm..." Sweetie thought. "How do you know how to set yourself apart from your other pon---uh, cat humans?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She frowns, "Just... by our selves? We don't really have anything telling us what we're best at and what we should do for our entire lives..."
Sweetie Belle: "Oh...that must be kinda confusing..." Sweetie raised her hoof and tapped her own head, thinking. "So you just change jobs and goals all the time?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Well not all the time, it's just... we gotta figure out what we like to do, what we're good at, stuff like that."
Sweetie Belle: "And when you realize that...you don't get a cutie mark?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Nope, and sometimes it changes, sometimes it takes a really long time to figure it out. Like, well into adulthood. Some people never find out, but honestly? I think it's okay to not know for sure... when do you normally get cutie marks here?"
Sweetie Belle: "When we figure out what sets us apart from the other ponies. So...around pre-teen to teenage years, I guess?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Huh..." She rubs the back of her neck, "Must be nice..."
Sweetie Belle: "I mean, being able to switch talents and goals sounds pretty nice too..."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She snorts, "Guess we're a little jealous of each other's worlds..."
Sweetie Belle: "I guess Applejack was right: the granny smith is always greener in the other orchard."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): Red blinks and tilts her head, "... we've got a similar saying, but it's the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."
Sweetie Belle: "That sounds funny!" She said while laughing.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She snorts softly, smiling, "Yeah I guess so." She giggles.
Sweetie Belle: "So, what would you like to do first? Did you eat?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Oh- yeah, I-I-" her stomach growls at that exact moment and her face flushes bright red, "... i-it's a thing I can do." She mumbles.
Sweetie Belle: She smiled. "I know a girl who can feel your stomach right up! Come on." She walked out the door for Red to follow.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She follows of course, "Who?" She asks, tilting her head. She makes sure her pack is securely on her as she walks out with Sweetie.
Sweetie Belle: Sweetie led her through Ponyville where Red's different appearance got her a few looks but no lingering stares as Sweetie led her into Sugarcube Corner. "Hello Pinkie!" "Hiya Belle!" Pinkie waved from behind the counter. "Ooo...new friend?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She kept a hand on Sweetie's shoulder as they walked, her tail fluffed up as she tried to keep herself calm. She looks at the vibrant pink pony and blinks a couple times, tilting her head. "Hi..." She says, her tail swishing slowly.
Sweetie Belle: "Pinkie, this is Red. Red, this is Pinkie Pie. She owns this bakery." Sweetie Belle explained. "And...?" Pinkie leaned forward expectantly. "And...she's super good at parties." Sweetie added with a roll of the eyes. "Yes! The "super" part is important." Pinkie clarified.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She giggles softly, "I-It's nice to meet you..." She says quietly. The idea of a party already started to scare her, her tail fluffing up and wrapping around her own leg.
Sweetie Belle: "Hmm...judging by your fluffed out tail, your timid demeanor and your cute stammer...I can tell you're the type of girls who LOVES parties!" Pinkie pointed at Red. "How about I set up a welcoming party in your honor?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She blushes when called cute, gripping the strap of her pack. "Ah, i-if you want to- s-sure." She gulps, shaking very slightly.
Sweetie Belle: "Awesome! I'll prepare one for you right now!" Pinkie ran in the back...only for Sweetie to telekinetically pull her back with magic from her horn. "Pinkie, we actually came here to get Red something to eat." Sweetie pointed out. "Oh! Well, you should said so! How was I supposed to know you wanted treats from a bakery?" Pinkie asked before looking at Red. "What are you in the mood for?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "I-I um... wh-whatever you can spare I-I guess..." She shrugs, fidgeting with her pack strap now.
Sweetie Belle: "Hmm..." Pinkie's mane began to fluff. "Something tells me you like...cookies?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She perks up a little, nodding, "Mhm..." She remembers the cookie that had been ripped away from her when the portal opened. RIP cookie.
Sweetie Belle: "Then how about...a cookie...for cats?!" Pinkie took out a tray of cat-head shaped cookies.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She giggles softly, "Ah, thank you..." She takes one and starts nibbling the ear.
Sweetie Belle: "How does it taste?" Pinkie asked, bouncing.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "T-Tastes good..." She mumbles around the cookie. Her stomach growls again and she presses her forearm to it, blushing brightly. She wanted so badly to disappear right then and there.
Sweetie Belle: "Another satisfied customer! Hey, take the whole tray on the house." She wrapped up the cookies for her. "First timer's special!"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She blinks, "O-Oh! Um- th-thank you!" She says, taking the tray when Pinkie hands it to her all wrapped up, the cookie now hanging from her mouth as she holds the tray with both hands so she didn't break it.
Sweetie Belle: "Remember to come again! Oh, and your welcoming party will be held at Sweetie Belle's house tomorrow afternoon!" Pinkie explained while waving at her.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She nods, not wanting to talk with food in her mouth. She waves with her tail, walking back over to Sweetie, a bit confused about what exactly just happened.
Sweetie Belle: Sweetie smiled and led her out. "Looks like you got the Pinkie Experience on your first day. I'm so jealous!"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): Red carefully shifts her hold on the tray of cookies so she had one hand free. She takes the cookie out of her mouth, "She also said that the party's gonna be in your house tomorrow afternoon..." She says, already a little anxious about it.
Sweetie Belle: "Yeah...don't worry, I'll talk to her tonight to keep it small. At least it'll give you an opportunity to meet my friends?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She smiles a little, "I suppose..." She sighs, "Ah... just, g-guess I never really expected something like this so soon." She shrugs.
Sweetie Belle: "Things happen fast here. It seems like yesterday my friends and I were in the Cutie Mark Crusaders, on a quest to get our cutie marks..."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She looks at her, "Is it weird for pe- er... ponies to not have cutie marks?"
Sweetie Belle: Sweetie stopped walking. "I dunno...it's never happened before."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She frowns, "Well, like... before you get your cutie marks. You said you have to discover what sets you apart before you get it, right?"
Sweetie Belle: "Oh! That's right!" She smiled, pushing a dark thought out of her head. "Everypony is born with a blank flank. They discover their cutie marks later in life."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Okay, that makes sense... is it weird when everyone else has their cutie marks but you don't?" She asks, continuing to nibble her cookie quietly.
Sweetie Belle: "Eh, some are late bloomers...I know my friends and I were!" She remembered fondly.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She smiles softly, nodding, "That's fair... I'm uh..." She stops herself before going any farther than that. "Wh-What uh... what do ponies do for fun?"
Sweetie Belle: "A lot of things!" Sweetie Belle trotted around her. "What do cat humans do for fun? We can help you with it!"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Uh..." She pauses, thinking, "I... I dunno... I haven't had a lotta time for fun... chasing mice is kinda fun I guess." When she's not on the brink of starving...
Sweetie Belle: "Um, we got mice so we can definitely do that...but...how about I get you some new clothes? We can make some at the house."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Sure..." She smiles a little at Sweetie. She felt a little bad, but she didn't have much in the way of non-concerning answers when it came to things like leisure. She didn't have much of a leisurely life, but she didn't quite want Sweetie to know that.
Sweetie Belle: Sweetie smiled and led her back in the house. "We can start designing in my room."
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Okay." She giggles quietly. She follows Sweetie back home, finding a place to set the trey of cookies down. Her arm was starting to get tired, and at one point she'd cut a small hole in the wrapping to get another cookie out.
Sweetie Belle: Sweetie took her inside her well-furnished room. "Besides what you got on, what do you usually wear back in your dimension?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "... this." She shrugs, "I uh... don't have anything else, really..." She rubs the back of her neck, frowning.
Sweetie Belle: "Hmm..." She circled her. "Maybe...a miniskirt, with nice stockings...and a sleeveless shirt?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She rubs her upper arm, "Well... m-maybe it could cover more? S-Sorry just, um..." Her tail wraps around her waist, "Honestly i-if I could I'd be wearing big sweaters 'n long skirts..." She mumbles.
Sweetie Belle: "Then that's what I'll make you!" Her horn shined as she summoned wool and string from a big chest. "Got favorite colors?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "... do you guys have cotton candy here?" She asks, tilting her head a little.
Sweetie Belle: "Sure do! Blue and pink?" She asked.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She nods, smiling, very glad she wouldn't have to try and explain. "Is there anything you need me to do?"
Sweetie Belle: "Just stand there and look pretty. I'll have something for you in a few minutes!" She said cheerfully.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She blushes and giggles softly, "Okay..." She stands somewhere out of the way, finishing her cookie, licking her lips and fingers of crumbs. They were strangely filling, though cookies never actually filled her tummy back home.
Sweetie Belle: After a while a cute sweater and long skirt that was a blend of blue and pink was formed in the air. "Ta-da! What do you think?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She looks at them curiously, "Ooo... they look really cute!" She giggles, purring loudly.
Sweetie Belle: "Want to try them on?" She offered.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She nods, gently taking them from the air, "... where can I go change?" She asks, blushing.
Sweetie Belle: "Oh! Hmm...how about in the closet? If you don't want me to watch...which I wouldn't!" She said with a blush.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She snorts softly, "Closet's fine, thank you." She's spent lots of time in a closet. She changes in the closet and comes out, her old clothes stuffed in her bag. They're both a little loose on her, but she seems very happy about that, smiling brightly, bouncing a little and purring very loudly.
Sweetie Belle: "I should have definitely taken measurements first..." She looked at how loose they looked with a worried expression. "...But are they comfortable?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She nods, starting to spin around and around quite happily, looking down to watch her skirt go out.
Sweetie Belle: The mare smiled at the cat girl, happy to see her clothes making someone so happy.
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): She stops spinning after another moment, stumbling a little, giggling brightly. She walks over to Sweetie and hugs her around the neck, careful not to hurt her, "Thank you so much!" She giggles.
Sweetie Belle: Sweetie nuzzled into her hug. "It's no problem. There's Harmony in Friendship, right?"
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): "Right." She pulls back and looks down at herself, then starts spinning again, giggling excitedly.
Sweetie Belle: Sweetie Belle just watched, already looking forward to how she and her new friend would get along.
Sweetie Belle: (We can stop here?)
Red (f, 18, pan, shy sub, desc in starter): ((Sure, this was fun! ^ ^))
Sweetie Belle: (Thanks for the Rp!)
You left the chat
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lovewhatyoudodolan · 7 years
Number One Fan || Grayson Dolan
Request: Could ya do an imagine where you’re a really good lacrosse player and one of the boys is your boyfriend coming to watch you? idk where to go from there but its just an idea 🤗
Word Count: 2067
A/N: I’m so glad my roommate plays LAX because I am clueless being a softball player and all haha
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Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d be starting for your universities lacrosse team as a freshman, let alone be named the conference player of the week. Your first game was last week, and did everything in your power to lead your team to victory. After scoring seven goals and assisting on another three, your team won with thirty seconds to spare in the game. 
When you walked on the turf, you knew you were a good player. It was like you were an entirely different person; confident, calculating and even a little cocky. Anywhere else though, you were quiet and usually kept to yourself which surprised most of your teammates. 
Today was game day, so you were awkwardly sitting in your history lecture waiting for the clock to strike twelve. This was your least favorite class this semester, so you just did your best to make it through without falling asleep. 
As the professor turned around, a piece of paper slid onto your desk, and you knew it was your teammate Jesse. She was the other freshman starter, but was a midfielder. ‘have you heard from your boy yet?’ 
You roll your eyes at the question before writing back a simple ’no’. Everyone on your team was obsessed with Grayson. When he visited you last fall for homecoming, you could’ve sworn everyone almost fainted. A few girls on the team followed he and Ethan when they were on vine, and were mad that you hadn’t informed them of your famous boyfriend. 
The thing was, you never found it to be a big deal that you were dating Grayson. You grew up with the twins and Cameron back in New Jersey, even playing lacrosse with Cameron most years. So it never really clicked in your mind that Grayson actually WAS well known around the world now. You still viewed him as that goofy kid from middle and high school.
You flipped your notebook closed as the older professor finished his lecture on the French Revolution. Next semester you would definitely be using rate my professor before choosing any of your classes, because this was ridiculous. 
“I can’t believe you haven’t heard from Grayson yet,” Jesse perked up as the two of you walked out of the cluttered classroom, “He said he was coming this week right?”
You shrug and glance down at your phone in hopes of having a notification. At the mention of Grayson’s supposed visit this week, your stomach dropped. The last time you spoke to the brunette boy was almost a two weeks ago and that worried the hell out of you. Had something happened? Had Grayson changed his mind?
“Y/N?” Jesse brought you out of your dark thoughts causing you to sigh, “Is everything alright between you and Gray?”
“I honestly don’t know Jess,” She pushes the door open so you could walk out of the building, “He’s been so busy lately and every little thing is stressing him out. His constantly traveling isn’t helping either...”
She nods before patting my back, “I heard about the whole Australia trip and how the fans were saying he got this girls number and took her out.”
“It’s just hard to have trust when things like that are circulating,” Your hand comes up to push stray hair out of your face, “I love him but I also don’t want to be played a fool. He’s attractive and girls constantly throw themselves at him...”
Jesse stopped walking and turned to face me, “Grayson loves you. There’s no doubt in my mind when it comes to that. He didn’t waste any time showing that when he visited last semester.”
“A lot can change in a semester though,” You sighed. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to trust Grayson, but sadly rumors got around and some were seemingly TOO accurate.
My teammate was at a loss for words after my comment. She stared at me, jaw opening and closing as she tried to formulate a coherent sentence. “Let’s not focus on him then... You’re about to play a phenomenal game tonight, so just keep your head in the game.”
‘Easier said than done Jesse,’ At this point your head was reeling with thoughts about my missing boyfriend. Since I last saw the brunette, I’ve done a great job hiding my insecurity but this conversation brought all of it out. Grayson could’ve actually hooked up with a number of girls while he’s been away, and I would never know.
A hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality, “I’ll meet you in the lounge at two to head to the fields okay?”
“Yeah sure,” You sign and scan your id to unlock the door to your building. Some days are always harder than others, today was obviously one of those days. You slide your iPhone out of your back pocket, quickly pressing Grayson’s contact only to once again get his voicemail. “Great...”
The walk to your room was silent other than random giggles coming from other rooms on your hall. Since the building you lived in was older, it was common to hear peoples conversations between the thin walls. When you reached your room, you were confused to hear music playing lightly. Last you checked, your roommate had already departed for her spring break trip with her family...
You slammed the door open and felt your heart skip a beat at the familiar brunette boy lying on your small twin bed, “Finally!”
“W-what?” Grayson dropped his phone on your pillow before jumping off the half lofted bed, “Gray?”
A giddy smile was on the boys perfect features as he pulled you into a tight hug, “I’ve been hiding here since you left for your classes earlier. Your roommate snuck me in before she left for the airport.”
So that’s why he wasn’t answering my snaps. “I just called you idiot,” you groan and feel tears brimming your eyes, “God what if something had happened and you hadn’t answered. Damn it Gray...”
“Whoa,” He cups your chin lightly so you were looking him in the eye, “Is something wrong? Why are you crying?”
You swallow down the lump that had formed in the back of your throat before composing yourself, “I’ve been worried sick because you’ve hardly talked to me lately Gray. Jesse almost had be throwing up from worry earlier when she asked if I had heard from you recently...”
A frown etched it’s way onto his features, “I’ve been planning this trip with Ethan for thee last week. Before that I was filming so I could actually make the trip without people wondering where I had run off to. I wanted to be here to support you.”
“God I’m an idiot for worrying so much,” You sigh and hide your face in his chest, “I don’t even know where the thoughts came from Grayson. You’ve never given me a reason to question your loyalty, but all of a sudden I thought you had cheated and were leaving me.”
Gray rubbed loft circles into your lower back, “Not gonna happen. I’m sorry I made you worry, especially when you have a game tonight.”
“I could care less about the game tonight now,” It was nice being back in the boys strong arms, “I’m just glad you’re here.”
He just nods before placing a soft kiss on your forehead, “Well you’re still going to kick ass tonight. I have no doubt in my mind.” You don’t even let him finish before your lips are smashing against his in a eager kiss. Every second he is here, you were going to take advantage of.
Never in your life had you had such a rough start to a game. Even if this was the best team in your conference, you should’ve been blowing them out of the water. Instead, you were lagging behind on every play occurring. In the first ten minutes, you blatantly missed five passes that you could’ve received in your sleep. 
When your coach called for a time out, you push your mask off your eyes in order to wipe the sweat from your face. Over your teammates shoulders, you could see Grayson sitting anxiously on the bleachers. He knew you hated when games started like this, and he also could tell you were frustrated with your playing.
“Y/L/N are you going to be able to pick yourself back up, or do you need me to swap you out with Laney?” Your grip on your stick tightened at your coaches words. Laney was one of the other attack players, but since she never showed up to practice anymore she didn’t play. 
There was no way in hell you were going to let her walk onto the turf, “I’m good coach.” It was as if a switch flipped after that meeting. You and Jesse were the perfect team as she would continuously pass the ball to you in order to make goals. If your shot was blocked, you’d pass back to her in order to find a new position. 
As you made yet another goal, Jesse jumped on your back in excitement due to the sudden comeback. “Y/N you’re kicking some major ass!”
“I guess,” I chuckle and dump the girl off onto the ground, “Let’s get this last goal before we celebrate though.”
There was only a minute left in the half, so this was the teams last chance to steal the win away without going into overtime. “Kick their ass!” Grayson’s voice drowned everything out as your head snapped towards him. The entire crowd was watching the famous boy as well, some even taking out their phones to snap a picture “Go Y/N!”
You just nod and wait for your team to get possession of the ball once more, and with the way Jesse was playing that day it didn’t take long. The blonde quickly cradled a throw from one of our defensive players before passing it to you. 
“Here we go...” Without a moments hesitation, you threw for the goal. As soon as the goalie took a wrong step, you knew it was going in. You dropped your stick on the ground for inspection and ran off towards Jesse to pull the girl into a hug. “I can’t believe we came back.”
“I can’t believe you pulled your head out of your ass so quickly,” She joked before the rest of your team ran over to hug the two of you as well. When the ref approved the goal the crowd went wild, and the buzzer went off signalling that the game was over. 
Since the game went in your favor, your coach didn’t keep the team in the locker room long. You quickly took a shower and changed before returning to Grayson who was now waiting in your car. “You kicked some serious ass our there babe. I’m so proud of you.”
“Gray the entire crowd was watching you,” It was like the high from the game had completely wore off and the reality of the situation was setting in. No one knew you were dating Grayson, and now that people knew he was watching a LAX game at your university questions would begin circulating.
He scratches the back of his neck lightly before biting his lip. “Yeah... I was thinking about that.”
“What the hell are we going to do?” Worry was etched into your features by now as you stared the boy in your passenger seat down. “Someone is bound to figure it out.”
He shrugs, “I was thinking we could just make the announcement, but that’s totally up to you since it’s your right to have privacy.”
“I...” Of all things you weren’t expecting Grayson to suggest going public. Honestly, it would make things for you two easier if you were. At the same time though, it could be a living hell due to the amount of publicity that would be shining in your direction. “Is that what you want?”
He nods, “Only if you want to though.”
You sigh before smiling at the happy brunette next to you, “Grayson you mean a lot to me and this is your life. I want to be apart of it as much as I can.”
“So... Is that a yes?”
“That’s a hell yes.”
GraysonDolan: Guess you could say I’ve known her for awhile... @y/u/n #yesiamtaken
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