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hello, hello. Jamie here with another trash baby. I have sacrificed Emily to bring you this broody lil shit, so settle in for a ride on the Daddy Issues train. 
Full name: Raymond Nathaniel Blackwood Jr. Nicknames: Nate. He rejects any other names but this one, but call him whatever you want if you wanna piss him off because that’s fun. Gender: cismale Pronouns: he/him Birthday: April 27, 1990 Sexual orientation: heteroflexible  Marital status: single Residence: Sunstone Beach
He’s a junior, but if you call him Raymond, he will eat you.
Disappoints his father simply by breathing. He’ll say he doesn’t care, but the minute dear ole daddy tells him to jump, he fuckin jumps.
He has spent his entire life desperate for his dad’s approval and it’s turned him into an insecure lil dickhole with feelings of inadequacy that manifest as a short fuse. He gets frustrated if he doesn’t pick things up right away, he’s got a chip on his shoulder, and he just generally feels sorry for himself. 
Stop feeling bad for him.
He dated Avery in high school and they’ve remained super close through the years. Mess with her and... he’ll... just don’t mess with her, okay???
When he was 17, he stole his dad’s boat one night and took out a mahonia harbor girl he’d been sort of dating in secret because daddy would never approve (wc anyone?) but he accidentally crashed it when he was bringing it back in. No one was hurt, but shit was damaged and his dad threw money at the problem and made it go away. But people talk.
Shortly after that, a young woman struck up a conversation with him at one of his father’s dumb ass parties and he was a lil drunk and a lot interested in how flirty she was with him, so he didn’t think anything of it when she asked a bunch of questions. The TLDR version is that he basically told her he thought his father’s politics were bullshit. As it turned out, she was a journalist. And I’m sure you can figure out how that ended. His dad couldn’t exactly throw money on that, so instead, he sent Nate off to a “prestigious” boarding school (you know Papa Blackwood spun a story about what an honor it was for Nate blah blah blah) for his senior year because he was “tired of cleaning up Nate’s messes”. Natey boy took the banishment really hard, but wound up staying in New York for college.
He went to school for business because he has been so conditioned to be a carbon copy of his father that he has no idea what he actually wants. But even still, he began to finally carve out a life for himself separate from the politics of being a Blackwood. But then his dad’s mayoral image starting taking and in an effort to boost his image and push this ‘united family front’, he told Nate to come back to Redwood. He put him in charge of the Blackwood foundation (like it was an honor instead of a massive headache) but you know Nate jumped at the chance the minute the offer was on the table. Now he lives in a cushy house in Sunstone Beach paid for by daddy dearest. He’s really good at keeping Nate in his back pocket, please someone shake some sense into this man.
Animals really like him??? But he has no idea what to do with affection so they kind of make him uncomfortable.
He doesn’t like hugs. So hug him a lot.
I’m not saying he’s loosely based off Zuko, but I’m not not saying it either.
I’m gonna be honest, this is going to be basic af. But I’ll work on a legit wc page. Probably. 
the friend with benefits - pretty self-explanatory. everyone needs to blow off a little steam from time to time and he prefers the no strings attached variety. the ex - (this could be coupled with the Mahonia Harbor girl in his bio) but this is a relationship that could have been something if Nate wasn’t so far up his dad’s ass. he regularly chose his family obligations over her and it was the source of a lot of tension. bonus points if she’s not from money and he kept her a secret from his family. the rival - maybe this is someone that works closely and gets along with his dad in a way he just can’t seem to. the good influence - keep him in line. god knows the boy could use an angel on his shoulder. the bad influence - gotta keep it balanced, you know?
idk, unrequited crushes, drinking buddies, friends from high school, friends from nyc, give me all the things !!
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mrisclnvrro · 4 years
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name: marisol ‘mari’ navarro
dob: february 8 , 1988 (aquarius)
age: thirty - two
pronouns: she/her
status: single
sexuality: pansexual
job: graphic design consultant
ABOUT: tw: physical abuse
full bio here 
lived the first five years of her life with her mother who filled her head with ideas of an adventurous life
father found the both of them. turns out mama navarro ran away with marisol after she gave birth
they decided to try to be a family. the deciding factor was papa kaplan threatening to sue for custody
marisol ignored their fights even when things got physical. she developed the same tactics when girls from her school tried to bully her.
met angel emmerson at the age of seven: the only friend she trusted / the only friend she let get close.
dated in high school but decided it wouldn’t work. is now her best friend. 
at age eighteen, mama navarro left without an explanation. papa navarro supported marisol until she graduated with a degree in graphic design. (is actually pretty good at it; working with top influencers, their brands, and their branding)
once she saved up enough money, she would travel to random places with no plans and no end goal. somehow something would always go wrong and she’d come back to redwood.
recently she messed up big time and is planning on staying at redwood a little longer than she’s used to. 
back in redwood since march.
denial queen. will never tell you what’s wrong.
likes to deflect questions concerning her feelings.
because of that, she’s always ‘happy.’
angel is the only person she can be real with
runs away from problems , flight risk 
BEST FRIEND [ 1 / 1 ]: Angel Emmerson. Childhood friend since she was 7. Dated in high school but figured they’re better off as friends. The only person who knows the ‘real her.’
ROOM MATES [ 0 / 2 ]: Marisol lives down town in a three bedroom apartment. Muse A and Muse B have their own rooms. Although they do live together, Marisol is still a bit hesitant on getting close with them. 
HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS [ 0 / ??? ]: Your muse knew her as the one who wouldn’t shut up about getting out of there. While she didn’t let you get close, she was friendly. 
COLLEGE FRIENDS [ 0 / ??? ]: Marisol got her degree from the local university. She was the type that carried her sketch book everywhere (she only chose graphic design because her father wouldn’t pay for an art degree). Could be study buddies? Could be Chad McFratboy/Becky McSororitygirl that she went to whenever she needed some lovin’. 
HOOK UPS / FLINGS [ 0 / ??? ]: Marisol isn’t one for feelings so if your muse needs a quick romp with no strings attached, she’s the gal for you.
BET [ 1 / 1 ]: Rose Bennet. Marisol likes to do a lot of things out of spite. Because she gets bored real fast, your muse would be the one to challenge her with crazy pranks, dares, and everything in between. You both try to one up the other and it results in either running away from authorities or something as simple as owing money to the other.
NEIGHBORS [ 0 / ??? ]: Marisol works from home and the need for a distraction comes through with bothering her neighbors for things. Your muse could welcome this or be annoyed by it.
THE ONE THAT BREAKS HER [ 0 / 1 ]: This will be based on chemistry bec yknow. But there’s gotta be that one person that breaks Marisol’s heart. 
i might add more :’ )
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bashlandrya · 4 years
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he’s nice, he’s nuts, he’ll punch u in the guts.    hello there (general kenobi) i’m linnea but you can call me lea if you want and i’m bringing you another landry sibling; this really tol dumbass sebastian who cannot get his shit together. you’ve most likely met him hung over, drunk or at least with a beer in his hand. or you think he’s a god damn myth?? who knows?? he’s really nice tho??? like surprisingly lmao unless you piss him off ig……. anyway he’s also a dork and this is long so here’s a read more !!
 &. basics
full name: sebastian damien landry
nickname(s): bash, seb, idiot.
date of birth: march 22d, 1991.
age: twenty-nine.
gender: cis male.
height: 6′5″ (195cm)
sexuality: heterosexual bicurious
occupation: bouncer.
marital status: single.
hometown: new orleans, louisiana.
education: bachelors degree in humanities.
religion: just calls himself a ‘believer’ because of his faith in his mother’s beliefs.
moral alignment: chaotic neutral.
western zodiac: aries.
positive traits: adventurous, kind-hearted, fun-loving, spontanerous, humorous, clever, generous, sweet and caring.
negative traits: troublesome, sarcastic, deceitful, somewhat arrogant, temperamental, impulsive and a bit selfish.
nationality: american.
languages spoken: english.
hair color: dark brown.
eye color: brown.
height: 6′5″
dominant hand: right.
piercings: n/a
tattoos: a seven of spades on his left bicep (x). an arrow on his left outer forearm (x). the moon cycle on the right side of his torso (x). a sloppy drunk tattoo his friend gave him a year after his mother’s death, on his right knee that just says ‘mom’.
&. more info
His family moved to Redwood Bay after the mother in the family died when Sebastian was seventeen years old. He has six siblings, two older and four younger.
He once ended up staying on an island for two weeks because he got super drunk and hopped on the ferry and had no money to get back — and of course he left his phone on the mainland.
He’s often called an alcoholic, however he has no trouble not drinking (for example the two weeks he wandered around the island broke and without his phone) it’s just that he doesn’t really feel like it when he has the possibility to.
Working as a bouncer he literally does to others what other bouncers do to him all the time and then dares to complain about bouncers and rowdy drunk people……. it’s hella ironic.
Sebastian loves cooking and was at first not at all good at it… like, real bad, but he’s getting much better. He loves experimenting, it relaxes him and is something to do when he’s not drinking heavily or out on dumb adventures. Also, dude loves pasta.
He’s way too distracted with other shit to even reflect over his sexual orientation. He likes girls, at least he knows that. Seb will however, kiss his male friends on the mouth.
Usually seen with a bit of a beard or at least stubble if he just shaved. Has some hair on his chest but shaves downstairs now and then. His legs are left a god damn forest, in his opinion.
Playful and funny whether he’s drunk or not and loves adventures such as hiking, going on spontaneous trips (even McDonalds and 4am counts okay) and camping. 
Has slightly bad eyesight but you will rarely see him in glasses, he wears contacts and always has an extra pair with him in case he’d lose one. Which he did once when he was drunk and far away from his apartment and had to nagivate home half-blind and tripsy.
He clearly has ADHD.
Lost his virginity at 16 with a girlfriend he had at the time, a couple of months before his mother died. Started sleeping around in Redwood Bay when they had moved but ended up with chlamydia when he was 19 and has since then not slept with anyone he doesn’t know. He also had a 3 year relationship, even though it was on and off again he only slept with one other girl during a break (Leslie). His usual go-to is finding someone he can hang out with as friends, and have sex with. 
&. connections
EX-GIRLFRIEND: (age 26-29) - this couple had an on and off again relationship for about three years during which Sebastian was locked up for short periods at a time for a variety of misdemeanors; alcohol, drugs, fighting, etc. they met during college and had lots of fun together (partying, adventures etc. maybe she even woke up in a drunk tank with him once or twice). however, she managed to grow up and change while he stayed the same which was the reason she finally dumped him for good four years ago. (i’ll send in a wanted connections thing for this one probably! with some wanted fc’s eheheh)
BEST FRIEND: probably someone he met in high school or college. either they clicked immediately or met through friends and started hanging out on their own. sebastian is def the bad influence but they are probs inseparable.
FRIENDS: he’s lived in town since he was around eighteen so some friends he met briefly and partied af with in high school or college friends or just people he’s met somehow through other friends or family or work !!
PAST HOOKUP: he doesn’t hook up much but it happens so like… at least one?? maybe they’re friends now/were friends/still friends. they probably stopped sleeping together because this girl got in a relationship.
ENEMY: i mean…. he probably has a bunch. someone he’s punched in the face or a friend of them? a neighbor? lmao go wild
FWB: he doesn’t sleep around much and prefers an fwb who is also his friend i think.
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aimee-morales · 4 years
Heyoo y’all know who it is, himbo number 5 coming at you with Quinn’s baby mama. a few notes about her below, i will hit y’all up for plots ASAP so get ready 😘😏
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Aimee Morales | 32 | Redwood Bay Parks & Rec Director | Proud Mama
Quick Facts:
Redwood Bay native
Grew up in Mahonia still lives in Mahonia though her parents live in McLoughlin Park now. 
Quinn’s baby mama which means she’s the proud Mama of 16 year old Mason who she loves to the ends of the earth but having a teenage boy is a HEADACHE.
She works for the parks dept which has been an extra headache since the fire. But she’s the director so she’s the big boss and can often be seen driving around her Parks & Rec pickup truck. 
She’s a real community person in the sense that she’ll always sign up to volunteer for an event or a school fundraiser. She’s super organized and very punctual, she’s determined and hates when her plans get derailed. 
She’s at her most calm when she’s on a hike or with her hands in the dirt. She wanted badly to travel the world and has never gotten over that regret. 
She doesn’t drink a lot and absolutely hates drugs for obvious reasons. She tries to stay as in control as possible but on the nights her son stays with her parents she allows herself to get loose here and there. 
She HATES Quinn. LOLOL she use to love him with everything in her but now she can barely stand the sight of him and anyone who mentions him WILL know that. 
She’s also Queer af because of course. 
She’s pretty friendly in the sense that she’s good at keeping up conversation, she has to deal a lot with folks all over town for work so she’s pretty approachable. 
But when it comes to deeper relationships, aside from the few friends she’s known since forever, she’s terrible at trusting and maintaining good relationships. Quinn fucked her up!!! And she has no urge to fix that. 
Her anger fuels her. And she plans on staying #bitteraf
Let’s plot, bitches!!
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annabelcastillo · 4 years
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you already know there’s gonna be a shit show under this read more... however, please love and adore her at all costs. that’s all i can really ask. please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about her or if you wanna plot!!
* basics
full name: annabel river castillo.
nickname(s): anna, bel, the short one, river.
date of birth: november 13, 1989.
age: thirty-one.
gender: female.
sexuality: bisexual, but has a slight preference for females.
occupation: trauma nurse in the emergency room.
marital status: divorced.
hometown: tampa, florida.
education: bachelor’s degree, contemplating a masters.
religion: raised catholic.
moral alignment: true neutral.
western zodiac: scorpio.
chinese zodiac: snake
positive traits: courageous, dedicated, and passionate.
negative traits: unrealistic, obsessive, over-critical.
nationality: american.
languages spoken: english, spanish.
hair color: honestly, it changes. currently, it’s brown.
eye color: green.
height: 5′6″
dominant hand: left.
piercings: cartilage piercing on the left, and basic ear piecing.
tattoos: she has a crescent moon on her hipbone.
* overview
as the first child born to a schoolteacher and an experimental artist, she was the center of their world, their blessed child ⏤ until her brother mateo came along. born eight weeks early and with a congenital heart defect, mateo was deemed the fragile child in need. this never changed, but her expectations of her parents did. 
annabel was close to her father, or at least she wanted to be. she would watch him work for hours on end, amazed by his talent and also in hopes of getting what attention she could without her brother lingering. though, at this point in her life, she’d taken over the role of protector for him.
her parents packed up and left tampa when annabel was nineteen, leaving her to attend college on the west coast, when all she’d ever thought about was the east. she was accepted into washington state on a full ride scholarship. after she graduated, she came back to redwood, of course.
she did her experiential learning rotations at the local hospital, which ultimately led her to trauma nursing. with her dedication, passion, and ability to perform well under high levels of stress, annabel was offered a permanent position.
it was at the hospital that she met her now ex-wife. they argued, which turned into apologizing over coffee, which turned into a marriage that crashed and burned. they both got busy, though she’d easily argue her ex is the one who gave up first. she tried to save the marriage, but it got to the point that she wasn’t sure there was much left to save.
the divorce is still fresh to her; she’s trying to balance her pain with the pressure at work, which has led to her working insane work weeks in order to stay distracted.
she lives downtown in a nice studio apartment. she’s been in redwood for a total of thirteen years now and she’s honestly beginning to wonder if she’ll be able to make it through 13 more?
* connections
CLOSE FRIEND: this would be someone she met thirteen years ago? it could’ve been a quick friendship before she went off to college that eventually blossomed into something much closer. it could also be someone she met in college?
WORK FRIENDS: this goes for anyone she would interact with in terms of work. so, cops, other doctors, or any profession that would led them together.
FLIRTATION: this is someone she definitely finds attractive, but hasn’t bothered going for yet. she’s a damaged woman, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t like the attention it brought to her.
NEIGHBOR: anyone that lives downtown? could be a good connection, or a bad one. we can work out the details.
PAST HOOKUP: anyone she could’ve slept with after her divorce was final.
BIG MISTAKE: so, this is someone she slept with ONE time before her marriage had officially ended. she knew it was going downhill and for a chance to make herself feel better, she was unfaithful. she’s not proud of it. she never told her ex and honestly never plans on it. more details can be worked out for this!
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mackxjones · 4 years
okay okay okay. i finally caved and brought in a third moron, so please come love her.
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riley jones / crescent local / twenty-nine / licensed therapist / survivor winner
born and raised in crescent harbor, grew up in a small home off the harbor.
grew up with a poor family, but great parents. 
was a little distant in school, as she was helping the family a lot, as her mom suffered from bouts of depression.
got a scholarship to UCLA for college and went there to major in cognitive psychology.
but she joined a sorority and became that bitch that parties too hard and spends all her scholarship money.
so she started stripping to make extra cash. as one does, really.
and then the owner of the strip club offered her a deal. he’d pay off her school if she would do some favors for him. so, ofc she took the money and ran.
did a few kind of shady things for the guy, but never made much of it.
graduated with her four year and applied to be on the tv show survivor. 
ended up being great and winning the show and a cool mil for her bank account.
shipped out to Florida to get her Ph.D. in counseling psychology at UF. 
took her a lot of years and a lot of work, but she did the thing. 
moved back home to crescent to start up her own practice and has been back for two years.
thought life was great and fine and all was well, but then got a letter from the guy that paid for her undergrad. 
turns out he’s a real piece of shit and is now blackmailing her to give him dirt on all her patients so he can scam them too. 
so she’s guilty? and hates herself? but also ain’t tryna go to jail so she’s ready to betray all you bitches.
Childhood friends; anyone from the area that she could have grown up around and been friends with. 
High school crush; someone she crushed on hard through school and was a total idiot around. she had. no game. and probably just fawned over this person and died every time they were around. like total puppy dog about it. 
College flings; girl was a mess in college, so anyone in the LA area that she could have hooked up with or had a fling with, come at her. 
Patients; she owns a therapy/counseling practice in town, so anyone that needs help (aka half the town let’s be honest) she’s here for them. 
Patients that she’s selling out; since she’s being blackmailed for dirt on patients, any of them that you’d be chill with her giving all their secrets up for money, hmu, we can figure out some drama there.
Anything else; come at me with all your ideas, I’m ready.
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delaneyliu · 4 years
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Full Name: Delaney Michelle Liu
Nicknames(s): D, Del, Laney
Gender: Cis female
Pronouns: She/her
Birthdate: December 30, 1981 (38)
Occupation: Corporate Lawyer, Abernathy Pharmaceuticals
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Marital Status: Divorced
Current Residence: Sunstone Beach, Redwood Bay, Oregon
Hometown: Redwood Bay, Oregon
Financial Status: Upper-Class
Education: Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, double major (Business and Law); Doctor of Jurisprudence
Religion: Atheist
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Temperament: Choleric
Western Zodiac: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Positive Traits: Ambitious, pragmatic, social
Negative Traits: Controlling, obsessive, reserved
Nationality: American
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Mandarin, some Italian
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5′8″
Dominant Hand: Left
Piercings: Double lobe on both sides
Tattoos: None
Mother: Christine Liu, née Emmerson
Father: Jonathan Liu
Sibling(s): None
Spouse: Annabel Castillo (divorced)
Children: None
Pets: None
Full biography here.
Delaney was born the only child to a pharmaceutical executive and a local politician. Her childhood in Redwood Bay was spent grooming her for success, which is a nice way of saying that there simply wasn’t a lot of time for fun between the social and academic activities her parents put her in.
Fun came to her in the form of time spent with her cousins, the Emmersons. At every family function, she got roped into their shenanigans and developed a bit of jealousy toward them, if only because there were so many of them and they seemed so carefree.
When she was sixteen, she had her sights set on a career in law and marriage with Santiago Casillas. He was a year older than her, smart and popular, destined for success, and her parents adored him. He was her first love. Unfortunately, their relationship didn’t survive college. When Delaney arrived on the east coast to study, she found her boyfriend had changed in the year since he’d started at Harvard ⏤ he was partying hard and abandoning his studies.
Heartbroken she couldn’t help him, she broke up with him and immersed herself in her studies, eventually completing her undergrad before attending Harvard Law.
Following graduation, she returned home to Redwood Bay and went to work as an intern at Abernathy Pharmaceuticals, where her father was CFO (#nepotism). Over the years, she scaled the corporate ladder to become the company’s General Counsel, the in-house legal point person.
Early into her new position, she was called to the hospital to do some clean-up on one of the executives who was facing legal trouble. It was there that she met her future wife, Annabel Castillo, the attending nurse. The women were married two years later, after moving in together in the house that Delaney’s parents had gifted her. Their marriage lasted nearly three years before things fell apart. Her workaholic tendencies were only the tip of the iceberg for the tensions that rose quickly between the pair.
Delaney and Annabel’s divorce was finalized ten months ago. Since then, Delaney’s tried her best to carry on like she’s okay, but..... she’s not.
Y’all...... I have written so many connections for these intro posts that I don’t even know what to say here anymore. Friends, enemies, one night stands, etc. etc. I’m down to clown. Has anyone even read this far? If you have, I’m proud of you. Anyway, DM me and let’s talk.
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santiago-casillas · 5 years
Heyo friends, below is a bit about my newest dumbass. If you like this post I’ll come hit you up and if you don’t like this post I’ll probably come hit you up anyway. Read more below!
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Santiago “Santi” Casillas | 40 | Chief Communications Officer at Casillas Winery 
drug addiction & alcoholism tw
Born & Raised in Redwood Bay, Sunstone Beach to be specific
The eldest son of Victor & Elena Casillas
Student Council President when he was in high school. Once a bit of a shy boy who had a full glo up moment in high school and let it all go to his head. As a teenager he was super involved with school politics, involved in the debate team but also ended up becoming very popular socially, mostly because of his last name. 
Went to Harvard for college where everything went down hill for him. He became a huge party boy, hardly went to class. (he’s v naturally smart so he still managed to pass his classes at first..until he stopped trying.) and only graduated because of his parents interference. 
The Casillas had once had plans for Santiago to be a prominent politician in Redwood Bay, Victor and Elena had so many dreams about him one day being able to get that mayor seat. 
But his addiction and alcoholism pretty much threw him off track, spending more time snorting lines off of a club bathroom sink or someone’s car keys instead of with his head in the books. He just loved the thrill of being able to drop money, to have people draped all over him, to have attention he would never have gotten when he was younger. 
He graduated and moved back home and after being in and out of rehab and working for the winery, he eventually managed to find some steady footing when he fell in love with a girl from Mahonia Harbor. 
She was the catalyst to getting life on track, to cutting out the drugs, drinking less (it wasn’t like he could totally stop drinking wine) took on more responsibility and eventually was named Chief Communications Officer for the Winery. Meaning he handles a lot of their ads, a lot of their relationships with their buyers, charms companies into buying cases and cases of their wine and making sure the Casillas name carries far and wide. 
He married Daniella, the woman from Mahonia Harbor when they were 30 and spend two years married with her and living in their large house in Sunstone Beach before he found out he had been #scammed and came home one day to his entire house wiped clean and nothing but a note to let him know that his love had been a lie. 
After that he immediately relapsed and has not recovered since. Santi still manages to do his job well, not sure he could turn off his charm if he tried. However, though he hasn’t yet had any public breakdowns (his divorce was mostly seen as something that was bound to happen, the Casillas spreading the rumor that he was cheated on instead of admitting what had truly happened.), it’s a well known rumor/whisper around town that he isn’t as well put together as everyone wants him to be. Whether it’s the residue on his nose, the walk of shame he’s been caught doing or the fact that he can be seen at any bard or club in Redwood on any given night. 
You can read his full bio here
Possible Connections:
He’s 40 so anyone in his age range for high school friends/exes/flings/enemies, etc
Anyone from a founding family, I imagine they’d be connected in some way?? If not just be friendly 
Any flings / short lived relationships he’s had in the years since his marriage crumbled 
Any friends of his ex wife
Anyone who was at Harvard or in the Cambridge area when he was there 
Friends in general tbh, if ur charas likes to party then they will likely see him. Especially if they like to drop dollas all the time. 
Any clients of the winery! 
And anything else that u can think of he is here to bring some MESS. 
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ssgtalexwatson · 5 years
Hi, so I’m not sure what I’m doing, but here’s a red hot crack at it. Meet Alexandria Watson...
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Alex (she may kill you if you call her Alexandria) was born and raised in Redwood Bay and didn’t leave for the first time until she was 18.
She joined the US Marines and went on multiple tours, earning herself the rank of Staff Sergeant. She completed the MOS31K training and spent the end of her career as a canine handler.
In her final tour things didn’t go well and there was an incident that sent Jett (her canine companion) into surgery and then he was sent to be adopted out. This was the end of Alex’s contract so she retired and found Jett adopted him and brought him home with her.
She tried to enjoy unemployment but realised she can’t not be doing something to help, so now she is a part time firefighter.
She can be quite cold and regimented from her training. Often finding it hard to open up or show emotions. But if she cares for someone she’ll find a way to show it. She is very loyal and currently struggling with ptsd and anxiety
That’s all I’ve got for now, but hopefully you guys like her!
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ewangraham · 5 years
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Okay hey, it’s Jamie again. Back at it with this adorable little angel Ewan. I would post my bio, but apparently, I didn’t save it in my drafts because I’m smart. So that will have to wait. A wanted connections page will be added soon, but I welcome any and all ideas!!! 
This dude is 25, the twin brother to Arwen, and co-owner of a yet-to-be-named bookshop. He’s an aspiring writer with an impossibly naive (but also incredibly endearing) optimism about life and happy endings. (tw illness below the cut)
Ewan and Arwen were born prematurely and as a result, Ewan was born with a heart defect. He was in and out of the hospital regularly until he was eleven (so he spent most of his time growing up inside books instead of outside running around). It was an emotional and financial strain on the family and though his parents probably thought he couldn’t see the toll it took on them, he did. And blames himself, of course. After he received a heart transplant at eleven and appeared to be making a full recovery, his mom became less and less a fixture in his life until she was just gone completely. 
Their dad took it pretty hard and he was kind of a mess as a single parent, but he did his best. His job transferred all of them to Seattle. It was cool or whatever, but at that point, Ewan had seen so little of the world outside of the walls of hospital rooms or his bedroom that he sort of put himself into isolation. America was a whole new world and he was not ready for that magic carpet ride. But it’s where he learned that he not only loved to read, but he also had an affinity for writing.
Writing made him realize he should probably get out more. Which really just meant signing up for online dating because of course it did.
He met someone online and they began talking all the time. They never met in person, but they’d talk at all hours of the day through texts and IMs. Nothing fishy to see here, folks.
After a year, Ewan made the very rash, very out of character decision to move to where she lived to be with her. 
As you can probably imagine, it went well.
And by well, I mean your boy was catfished.
(Arwen told him so)
And while he was very obviously brokenhearted over the whole thing, he still felt like he owed it to himself to stick out his decision. He’d never made such a big, important decision for himself in his life and he had Arwen with him and damn it, he wanted to write a story. And you can’t write a story without a little life experience.
So now Arwen and Ewan live together and run a cute little bookshop where Ewan brings along his cat, Keats, so stop by for kitty pets. He also plays the ukulele. (Ewan, not the cat, unfortunately.)
He’s just a sweet little naive boy who needs friends, come love him.
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sanemreid · 5 years
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hey hey everyone, it’s your friendly neighborhood trash bin ( aka ari ), definitely excited to be here, maybe a little nervous too 👀 but still shoutout to ashley for convincing me to join ! ANYWHO this is my dancing queen Sanem, HERE i’ve already got her full bio posted, it’s kinda wordy, my bad, so i’ll try my best to sum her up down below, and hope you all enjoy reading on !
name: sanem yasemin reid
nickname(s): san, emmy ( mainly used by her adoptive mother :// ) 
d.o.b. / age: march 15th / 28
zodiac: pisces
gender: cis female
pronouns: she / her / hers
sexuality & romantic orientation: pansexual / panromantic
occupation: choreographer / owner of momentum dance studio / youtuber
faceclaim: one of my many wives melisa pamuk
trigger warning for mentions of death.
born in turkey, to very young parents, that while excited to be having her, were met with a harsh reality of traditional and unsupportive families, with no real means otherwise to raise her themselves, so they reluctantly gave her up for adoption. 
lawrence & alanah reid; who already had a 3 year old son and unfortunately unable to conceive anymore, had already been considering adoption when they scooped her up at just a few months old, giving her exactly the love and care her biological parents had been hoping for.
because of their respective careers, the family spent the majority of her childhood hopping all over the world, allowing sanem to call various cities & towns home. quickly fell in love with music and dance as a result of immersing into all the different cultures she’d grown up around.
at 15 her world came crashing down when her adoptive mother passed away while on a shoot when they were in argentina, slipping off the edge of a ravine, with rescue efforts not being able to get to her on time. 
after that, her father hauled them to redwood bay, her adoptive parents hometown, for a permanent stay, accepting a job in portland. sanem lost a lot of her spark for the next few years, becoming a lot more closed off and stopped dancing. until eventually her father sat her down for a much needed conversation, reminding her of the light she was, and how alanah would always be smiling down on her.
it was enough of a kick to pull the old her back, slowly yet steadily. at first with joining classes at the local dance studio, before eventually becoming an instructor, and starting her own youtube channel that showcased her class routines, and the tutorials to them. 
from there her career took off faster; from teaching classes in various studios across the country & abroad, to ending up on the world of dance tour, and choreographing routines for a few different artists. her styling ranges from hip hop, being the more prominent one she teaches, to jazz, latin, fusion and more. 
today she lives in meadowlark hills; with her bengal cat nyx, and shiba inu cairo, keeping herself based out of redwood bay, especially when the previous owner of momentum announced he was leaving and handed the keys to the studio over to her. 
has also been in touch with her birth parents, and family in turkey, after seeking them out not too long ago, always curious about them, and finally wanting to learn the reason they’d given her up. they talk pretty consistently, and she’s gone back to visit a couple other times, in order to get to know them, and her 2 younger siblings more.
OHHH AND uhhh she happens to be elaheh’s muse / not really secret affair and catch her constantly making the only heart eyes at that woman kjdgkdfjgn
FRIENDS: whether close or not, anyone that might’ve broken through her guarded shell when she first moved to town, or that she’s gradually made over the years.
CONFIDANT: i mean i would like to have that one best best friend that she can go to for any and everything, like platonic soulmates if you will. 
(FRI)ENEMIES: they may not always get along, or at all even, just gimmie all the pettiness thanks.
HOOKUPS: self explanatory really, and open to pretty much anyone.
EXES: she’d never truly been one for commitment, but i don’t see why there maybe couldn’t have been one or two short lived things.
STUDENTS: idkk anyone interested in learning to dance, she’s always down to teach her passion to anyone who’s up for it.
literally anything.
that’s it i’m done, and if you’ve made it THIS FAR wow bless, and please plot with me <33, feel free to hit my i.m.s or message me on d*scord ( gay van buren#4248 ) not gonna be in the ooc chat, simply due to bad experience and, while i’m sure you’re all LOVELYYYY, they make my anxiety flare up. 
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emeryhawthorne · 5 years
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Hello, I’m Luna and under the cut you’ll find basic information, background and connections for Emery, the last ⏤ and very least ⏤ of the Hawthorne family. There’s probably some mistakes... just pretend you didn’t see them?
Full Name: Emery Grey Hawthorne
Nicknames(s): Em
Gender: Cis female
Pronouns: She/her
Birthdate: December 19, 1994 (25)
Occupation: Housekeeper, Riverside Motel
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single, babey!
Current Residence: Downtown, Redwood Bay, Oregon
Hometown: Redwood Bay, Oregon
Financial Status: Working/Lower Class
Education: High School
Religion: Atheist
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: Sanguine
Western Zodiac: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Positive Traits: Bold, friendly, spontaneous 
Negative Traits: Blunt, impulsive, moody
Nationality: American
Languages Spoken: English
Hair Color: Blonde 
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5′2″
Dominant Hand: Left
Piercings: Triple lobe on both sides, left forward helix, left orbital conch, right helix and both nipples (former/removed: nose, belly button)
Tattoos: Small elephant on her right wrist, “Stay Wild” on her ribcage (right side), floral piece on her hip (left side), various finger tattoos (lightning bold, smiley face, heart)
Mother: Rachel Hawthorne 
Father: Christopher Hawthorne
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
Pets: N/A
(tw: mention of drug and alcohol use) 
You can find her full biography here.
Emery’s conduct growing up (and today) has damn near torched any remaining respect for the Hawthorne family. Her disruptive behavior and academic failings were routinely the subject of lengthy parent-teacher interventions, and when she wasn’t terrorizing her bullies at school, she was seeking out trouble elsewhere ⏤ drinking underage, getting high in the botanical gardens, and fooling around with the wrong people. Even at 24, she’s still a bit of a shit disturber. She likes to have a good time, damn the consequences.
By her 18th birthday, Emery had a juvenile record colored with charges that ranged from truancy to criminal trespassing. Her father helped her file an application with the courts to have her juvenile records expunged. With the slate wiped clean, her parents hoped their youngest daughter would see a new path before her. But she was never one to follow rules or appease their expectations, and she wasn’t about to start. 
Not three months after her birthday, she was arrested once again, this time for possession of alcohol. That charge eventually became company to others: disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, assault. Needless to say, she’s something of a hellion.
The pressures of going to college were insurmountable, despite the absence of money to fund her education; she had neither the grades nor the inclination to take on the challenge and debt that college presented. So after narrowly graduating high school, Emery went to work full-time.
Between run-ins with the police and dodging parental lectures, she cycled through a number jobs around Redwood Bay ⏤ cashier at the hardware store, dock attendant at the boat rental, merchandiser at the health food store ⏤ but nothing ever stuck. Every time she found work, whether it was serving slices of pizza or sweeping up hair trimmings, anything to bring a paycheck home, she was kicked to the curb. She’s worked at most of the businesses in town; it’s likely most people have a story about her.
Eventually, Emery’s parents tired of her antics and took the “tough love” approach to parenting by kicking her out. For a while, she slept on couches and in the beds of friends and strangers alike until she found a place downtown with someone willing to take her in as a roommate.
Emery has been working as a housekeeper at Riverside Motel for three years now. She got the job when the current owner took over. The two-star establishment (whose clientele is almost exclusively comprised of truck drivers, traveling salespeople, and cheating spouses) isn’t by any means her dream job, but it’s something that pays the bills and keeps her entertained in the process. 
Her relationship with her parents is tenuous at best; their want to restore their image in Redwood Bay and for her to become their ideal daughter, and her refusal to play a part in it or atone for her transgressions, has left them in a contentious place. As far as Emery is concerned, the sooner they accept the way things are, the better.
Exes & FWBs ⏤ Emery is the type of person to have plenty of these in and around Redwood Bay. One night stands, two night stands, a FWB situation where someone was close to catching feelings. Maybe they tried dating but it was awful and wound up friends. Maybe they slept together and your character kept it quiet because it wasn’t a good look to be fraternizing with a Hawthorne (but especially Emery).
Roommate ⏤ This person is either a Saint or incredibly resilient and patient. Emery doesn’t go out of her way to be a bad roommate, but she’s not the best one, either. She has a tendency to leave mess in her wake and entertains often. At least she pays her share of the rent on time? Most of the time.
Friends, Frenemies & Enemies ⏤ These can take the form of new residents or lifers; they can be people she was close to as a kid and grew apart from, people who bullied her and people she bullied, people she knows situationally (i.e. regulars at the bar, friends-of-friends), and so on. There’s probably a healthy amount of people who dislike her, either for the stained Hawthorne name or her rowdy conduct. Maybe she slept with your character’s partner once upon a time and they’ve never gotten over it. Maybe she egged your character’s house growing up.
Motel Guest ⏤ Your character has a secret. Whatever it is (cheating, a private hobby, a sketchy side hustle), they spend a lot of time at the Riverside Motel and have run into Emery often. Maybe she knows this secret. Will she keep it? How far will your character go to keep it under wraps? Alternatively, they could be new to town and staying in the motel while they house hunt or maybe an issue with their housing (plumming, a flood, fire) has forced them to bunk in at the motel for the time being.
Anything Else ⏤ Emery is someone in which a lot of potential connections and plots may apply to, so if you have a connection you’d like for your muse that she seems like she could fit, come at me! Alternatively, we can brainstorm something that best suits our characters. The sky’s the limit.
character updates.
This part will be updated regularly (and maybe later moved to a page) and lists any connections that have been made via plotting so I can keep track and not go batty in the process.
The Hawthorne kids are Emery’s siblings. Fuck with them and you’ll incur the wrath of the youngest.
Emery’s best friend in this world is Nash Price. They’re an unlikely duo, given the respective statuses of their families, but their personalities complement each other and she can’t imagine anyone else by her side.
Some people make for easy targets. Unfortunately, Grayson Eldridge is Emery’s favorite.
Emery has history with Leona Landry ⏤ a one night stand that was well-intentioned but now, in hindsight, is quite complicated.
Guilliver McPherson is one person Emery can count on to understand the struggles of life growing up in Mahonia Harbor. They’ve been friends since they were teenagers.
Ewan Graham matched with Emery on Tinder, kicking off what would become an epic journey in confidence and navigating the dating world.
More to be added! 
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finnhawthorne · 5 years
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finley hawthorne, eldest of the hawthorne family. accountant. “NO ONE IS GOOD OR BAD, BUT IF YOU WANT, I’M THE BAD ONE.”
finn works in portland, meaning that he drives three hours a day back and forth. this is fine with him, because he literally does not care
he’s making serious bank as a ~certified public accountant for a ~pretty big company, but doesn’t know what to do with any of the money he earns
the biggest chunk of his salary goes to supporting his family, the second biggest goes to charity work, an apt amount is kept for living expenses, rent, and all that other adult shit, and a tiny bit is put into savings and the occasional spending money for his hobbies
spending money on himself makes him uncomfortable in general
he lives in mahonia harbour, close to his childhood home, in a flat that’s a lot smaller and a lot more shithole-y than his childhood home
the walls of said flat have been covered in handmade paintings of murals that are changed four times a year, once every three months
his life is mostly made of routine because of a need to be in control: he wakes up and sleeps the same time everyday, wears largely the same clothes in his everyday life (whether work or casual attire), buys the same groceries regularly because he doesn’t need anything ~special, allocates the same amount of hours every week for “free time”, etc.
the most exciting things about him are most likely his hobbies, which include an eclectic mix of athletics and arts of all sorts
he likes to skateboard, waveboard, rollerblade, and play ping-pong
he likes to sketch and ink and paint on all kinds of surfaces
he loves to write music, both in terms of lyrics and melody
he even performs at a bar in portland twice a month, both for original and cover songs, and is quite good at what he does
he’d play anywhere that’d let him share his music in general
but he’d die before he makes any money from it
he’s got a genius intellect, and-- after being raised with the full intention of being a lawyer one day-- could very well go to law school, ace the bar, and become amazing at it
he quite likes being a jack of all trades and master of none in terms of smarts, though
and more than that, prefers that people think him an idiot instead of anything especially incredible
he’s never been good at connecting with people or understanding them beyond what they present to him on the most visible level; you can think of this as finn knowing that people communicate through more than their words, but nonverbal cues are so vast and complex that he’s no good at extrapolating anything conclusive from them beyond the most basic forms of emotion
(he secretly has a sketchbook full of drawings of facial/body cues and brief anecdotes of his experiences whenever he sees people pulling them)
in the past, people’s tendencies to bully him or view him in a poor light without relent had manifested in finn refusing to care about them
these happened both because of his being the first child born to the hawthorne family (see: the infamous failure of a founding family) after their fall from grace and because of his numerous differences from the societal norm
to keep himself both safe and functional, he decided other people didn’t matter, and if he didn’t think about it or dwell on it, then that meant the problems had no power over him
as he grew up, however, and had the steady support of siblings who love him unconditionally, he realised maybe he ought to make the initiative as far as caring for others goes
at this point in his life, finn’s doing his best not to be a negative presence in the world to the best of his ability
but he wouldn’t go so far as to be a positive presence-- he doesn’t know how to be one at all-- and so would be happy just being neutral and small and unremarkable
all the same, finn is lonely. extremely lonely. exhaustingly lonely. all those years of shutting the world out means he’s done this to himself, though, and he’s resigned himself to it without any bitterness
as long as he has the freedom to be himself and make his own decisions, he’s fine with the life that he’s living
similarly, he’d never impose his own will on another living being
exceptions arise only when another living being is hurting others, in which case finn’s more than happy to interfere (whether it’s literal fist fighting or rallying for politics or global warming or queer rights)
this is especially true in the case of his cat, bruce, who is an idiot that shouldn’t be clawing his curtains up to begin with
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emily-duncanarchive · 5 years
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hey everyone! This is Emily, your resident nerd queen. She is a voice-over actress, occasional audiobook narrator, and D&D champion. You can read her bio here, but I’ll post a few bullet points under the cut because TLDR. 
Emily was born in Plano, Texas. She lost her father young and her mother never really recovered. Neither of them should have had kids, tbh, but clearly, they did. 
For a long time, Emily stopped speaking. Until she was accidentally placed in a drama elective in high school. Acting helped her find her voice again and she flourished.
After high school, she went to college at UT Dallas for theater but got a once in a lifetime opportunity to do voice-over work with Funimation for a popular anime. (in my heart it’s Dragon Ball Z)
She worked on the show for half a year and her passion was ignited. She moved to LA shortly thereafter and the struggle was real. She nearly gave up when she hit the freaking gold mine. She landed the role as a lead in a popular video game franchise. With that came cons, signings, actual notoriety. Emily was on cloud nine.
She became heavily involved in the gaming world, her inner circle introducing her to TTRPG games like Dungeons and Dragons which she absolutely loved. 
But as the story goes, Emily was passionately involved with her coworker. They were a whirlwind of romance and were married after only a year of knowing each other. They figured out pretty quickly that passion does not a love story make and after only two years of marriage, they both knew divorce was on the horizon.
But soon thereafter, she learned that her father’s mother-- whom she’d never met-- had passed away, leaving her estate to Emily as her closest living relative. The ‘estate’ was a little bed and breakfast tucked away in the small town of Redwood Bay and Emily thought it was a sign and packed up her life.
The bed and breakfast, as it turned out, had not been used as a functioning business for years, and required a LOT of tlc to bring it back to life. And she decided to bring her love of tabletop roleplaying games to this cozy little town, opening her own TTRPG supply store called Natural Twenty. And with the success of D&D shows like Critical Role, she decided to start her own campaign and stream it live on Twitch once a week. It’s actually starting to gain traction now (so much so that she and her group have been invited to Rose City Comic Con!) and honestly, she’s living her best life. Come love her.
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adelaidelandry · 5 years
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Name: Adelaide Landry. Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her. Date of Birth: May 15th, 1998. Age: 22. Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana. Length of time in Redwood Bay: Eleven Years. Neighborhood: Downtown. Occupation: Student at Redwood Bay College and part-time barista at Brews Brothers. Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer.
Hello hello my babes, here I am being booboo the fool trying this again and I have a good feeling about this one so pls love her down and hmu for plots and headcanons and pretty much anything for my sweet lil babe. Heads up for the tw death mention like, once in here but it’s a big part of who she is and why she is and she’s just a girl who misses her mom ok.
Okay first, you can find her bio HERE. It is infinitely better than anything I’m going to give you in the next few lines so if you wanna get a feel for Adelaide, reference that little one-time masterpiece (and also her siblings’ bios for more info on their family). 
Adelaide moved with most of her family to Redwood Bay when she was roughly eleven after the death of her mother. She has six siblings out there running around somewhere and being the youngest out of them, she was always quiet but more so because she just liked to pick her words and mean them when she did, so while she may appear quiet and shy, she actually has no qualms about telling someone how it is if they’re in the wrong or not thinking logically about something.
As a family unit, the Landry kids were always close, but Adelaide found herself closest to her twin brother and her mother, despite the fact that she was born with her dad’s personality through and through. Her relationship with her other siblings varies, but in the end, they’re family and that’s all that matters to her.
She grew up following her mom around, always on her lap as the woman flipped cards over and predicted futures and the entire practice had her mesmerized. There was no doubt she was going to follow in her mother’s (and her mother’s family before her) footsteps one day. That was until her mother died, leaving Adelaide with a grudge against the magic of fortune telling, her love for it she buried deep within her. 
Uh, what else okay. She’s currently living with her sister, Leona, and they’re sharing an apartment downtown. She’s a senior at Redwood Bay College who’s going to be graduating at the end of this semester and she works part-time as a barista at Brews Brothers, but she only likes tea and not coffee. She loves books and fairytales and romance and can often be found at the Redwood Library. 
I think that’s the gist of my new lil bean, but I highly recommend reading the far superior and more in-depth bio if you wanna get to know her and plot with me.
Quick Wanted Connects:
Ex-Boyfriend - Maybe? Kind of? Sorta? She’s lived in Redwood Bay since she was eleven years old she’s gone through the school system and for sure probably dated someone in high school that ended before graduation. Whether they ended good, bad, neutral is totally up to plotting. 
Friends - Ah yes, the good ole friends. As stated above she’s been here for a hot bit so anyone in the range of 20-25 would work as a friend. 
Best Friend - Jk this is taken by Ewan sorry I don’t make the rules.
Enemies - Wanna be an enemy for the lil bean? Be my guest. But also maybe not she’s like ten pounds soaking wet she can rumble nothing. 
Idk give me some angst and fluffy connections y’all, you know how i do.
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katiehawthcrne · 5 years
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Katherine Hawthorne
prefers to go by Katie
35 years old, born on the 15th May 1984
oldest of the four Hawthorne siblings
works as a primary school teacher
lives in a small house in McLoughlin Park with her golden retriever puppy named Tinker (because Tinkerbell was one of her fave animated characters as a child)
from the moment Katie was born, her parents hoped that she would restore the reputation the Hawthorne name once held. she was pushed to study hard, get good grades, and leave an overall good impression.
although she was a sweetheart and knew how to win the teachers over, she was bullied in school (mostly because of her family). she eventually started sneaking out to go to parties, partaking in any drinking game the others deemed fun, and handing out free milkshakes at her little job at a diner around the corner from her home.
Katie was supposed to study law after high school, but she didn’t want to follow her parents’ plans. she told them she did enroll for law classes, but instead studied to become a primary school teacher later on
to nobody’s surprise, her lie was discovered eventually, and her relationship to her parents has been tense at best. they didn’t speak for a whole year after the secret got out, and they still only get together for family festivities.
Katie never regretted her choices and moved into a small house with her then boyfriend in her late twenties. she was ready for the whole cliché: house, dog, marriage, children. unfortunately, he ended up telling her that he had been cheating on her with one of her closest friends on the night of her 32nd birthday
she’s lived in the house they bought together ever since and while she got over her ex, she still finds it hard to trust others, and constantly thinks about the life she could have had by now if all of that didn’t happen.
loves to drink wine and eat nachos. goes running every morning before school. loves children and is one of those woman who immediately make you feel like they fear their biological clock is ticking. an amazing host and friend. loves decorating her house new once a month.
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