lizaluvsthis · 3 months
Art dump from @dreamteamredstinger 's Triple Threat AU!
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The song "Big Brother Best Friend Forever" sang by Twilight Sparkle from My little pony- yes- yes I hear angst.
(This is Eratica's Brother / Abel )
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This part is after the events of Puzzles- peach giving his forehead a lil smooch (i suck at foreheads-)
Anyways I missed this ship- AAAAA
And then theres also this one because eratica is very beloved by many people
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unknownartistml · 2 months
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The Mightiest Meggy
Meggy Spletzer, who she was "deleted" by SMG3 and sent into a different world instead of Internet Graveyard, has become an even stronger fighter after months of intense training with Princess Silvia.
In addition to increased ATK, DEF & SPEED, she is able to gain abilities like creating fake Leggy clones, helicopter mode and even detach her own head. She can also use her new and improved Splattershot, which can fire not just ink but also missiles, homing shot, flamethrower, etc.
This makes her surpassed all of the S-tier characters like Mario, Melony and Steve, earning her the title: "The Mightiest Meggy".
(This art is heavily inspired by Pokemon Scarlet/Violet's 7-Star Tera Raid Event where Pokemon appeared with The Mightiest Mark.)
Eratica & Trigar, OC seen on the upper-right corner of this art, by RedStinger665.
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askthesmg4crew · 7 months
Ships will not be considered canon, similar to SMG4 canon. However, references or brief snippets of couples may appear, but nothing will be established as canon. You can ask characters questions related to canonical events or inquire about crushes or feelings towards others. But just like in SMG4 canon, romantic relationships will not be acknowledged as canon in this blog. -
Other Characters will be included, as the blog is called, AskTheSMG4Crew. Everyone will make appearances at various points, allowing you to ask them questions and potentially include them in plots or storylines. However, please understand that I won't be able to add your favorite character right away, as I'm only one person with other responsibilities. creating different renders of their facial expressions to make the interactions more lively takes time. Rest assured, all characters will eventually make an appearance, but not all at once. -
Responses should not be taken seriously as they are all fictional and represent how a specific fictional character would respond. Anything said should not be taken to heart and is absolutely NOT reflective of my personal thoughts towards you! While I enjoy kindness, not all characters are written to be that way, so please don't be discouraged if a character's response seems a bit mean. (most of them are assholes so this is to be expected.) -
MA! (Magical anon) are allowed! However, there will be long cooldowns after one is used up. This may affect storylines, but nothing too big. I won't answer anything beyond my abilities, especially if it ruins a plot. -
NSFW content is NOT allowed, and I will be deleting any asks related to it. Jokes are okay but will be kept brief, as it's a huge discomfort for me. If you're looking for that kind of content, this blog is not the place for it.
Bare with me as this is mods like first ever Ask Blog
DNI: MxM, Homophobes, Transphobes, SMG12, NSFW, Zionists, Proshippers.
13+ for NSFW (JOKES ONLY) Dark stuff (bc yknow smg4)
HUGE CREDIT TO AnEyeArtist (@TheEyeArtist) / X (twitter.com) FOR MARIO MODEL
Huge credit to RedStinger665 (hiatus...) (@redstinger6651) / X (twitter.com) for the smg4 textures :3
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lizaluvsthis · 4 months
Destiny has already decided
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- What if (in Triple Threat AU) - 
- Eratica got to talk to her inner self? (Eri) -
Summary: Eratica got sent to the abyss where she happens to meet her inner-self
Talked to @dreamteamredstinger about couple of Lore drops Eratica has and the AU itself, since eri's my fav this story is about her and her innerself ^^
Anyways enjoy lovely fans and to people who love Eratica!
Especially to RedStinger since this is one of the first gift fic he's getting
A white light suddenly burst into the plain white space, revealing a lone woman caught off guard by the unexpected appearance. 
Time seemed to slow down as the person’s eyes widened in realization. For a brief moment, fear consumed her, but she refused to let it control her. 
With a clear and steady mind, she quickly assessed her situation and decided to use her sword as a makeshift stair; she stabbed it into the ground just before her body could touch the floor.
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Her boot landed on the top handle, and she gracefully landed safely on the ground, her sword still firmly embedded in the floor.
Her feet stabilized as she took in the surroundings around her. 
Her eyes darted around, taking in the endless white spaces that seemed to stretch indefinitely. 
With a determined look, she pulled her sword from the ground, its weight firmly gripped in her strong grasp.
"Where in the hell am I?" She said aloud, her hood falling to her shoulders revealing her face and her mask hanging loosely around her chin. She took a deep breath, taking off her mask momentarily as she looked around the space in confusion.
The woman's face revealed signs of battles past. A scar on her left eyebrow, a scar on her cheek, and hints of corruption on the left corner of her cheek that crept down her neck. 
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"What is this place...?" she asked aloud, her voice echoing faintly in the quiet space, the volume seeming out of sync through the emptiness surrounding her.
Her gaze fell beneath her feet, and she looked at the tile reflecting her appearance. 
Suddenly, a faint glow caught her eye, and her focus shifted towards it.
Her senses tingle with anticipation, bracing for a possible encounter yet to come.
The surrounding atmosphere suddenly darkened, the glow intensified to an explosion of brightness. 
In a quick motion, Eratica shielded her eyes with her cape, protecting them from the blinding light that engulfed them all around her as the explosion occurred.
As the brightness faded and the abyss returned to its previous state of blank white emptiness, Eratica slowly lowered her arm, eyes opening once again. 
She steeled for the unknown, preparing to face whatever may come.
Only to find that she was staring back at...herself?
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Her eyes widened in surprise to beheld her inner self, transformed into a young, healthy, and unblemished version.
The other version of her wore a purple sleeve and sported long, flowing hair, and eyes appearing innocent.
She couldn't help but take notice of the other version's stature, as she seemed shorter in comparison to her own. 
This difference was both unsettling and yet strangely captivating.
Eratica felt frozen in place, her hands remaining firmly clamped onto her sword's handle as her eyes locked onto her past self. 
Astonishment washed over her, prompting her to utter "You're...me..." 
Her brow furrowed, deepening the frown that now adorned her face.
Eratica's confusion only deepened as her eyes locked with her past self, the glowing yellow aura around her adding to the surrealness of the situation. 
“But how? How is this possible?” Yet no words came from her past. 
The silence between them felt almost deafening.
As the memories flooded back to Eratica, images of the past came rushing to her mind. 
She remembered the rise of the memes, their dominion over the territory, and the chaos that ensued. 
Bloodshed and destruction ravaged the lands, cities were reduced to heaps of rubble, and an army filled in vengeful hearts was ready to strike. 
The most haunting memory of all was the moment where she had taken her own brother's life…
Eratica could feel the weight of the memory as it pressed upon her conscience, its presence overwhelming.
In a desperate attempt to deny the reality of her past actions.
She took a few steps backward, her body instinctively distancing itself from the horrors she had inflicted. 
Her inner-self, Eri, now stood before her, an expression of anger evident on her face as she posed the question, "Why...?"
Eratica's body stiffened slightly as her mind wrestled with memories, her feet momentarily rooted in place. 
With a deep, purposeful breath, she managed to center once more, bringing clarity to her thoughts. 
Her attention returned to Eri, watching as her former self stood there, tears welling up in her eyes and a look of anger and hurt painted across her face.
"Why did you do that...? You..." Eri started, her voice trembling in a mixture of sadness and betrayal.
Eri's voice rang out in anguish, blaming Eratica for the death of her brother.
“You killed my brother!"
 However, Eratica responded to a cold, impassive tone, her face lacking emotion as she firmly stated, 
"He is not our brother. He has become a parasite. And parasites always will be parasites until they've grown to harvest from the mind of each being's existence..."
Eri's eyes dropped to the ground, her fists clenching tightly as she digested the harsh words spoken by Eratica.
Eratica remained cold and unflinching as she listened to Eri's outburst. 
"Why are you sad? I did what we were supposed to do, we finished our job," 
she stated matter-of-factly, in a hint of confusion.
But Eri's anguish only intensified, her frustration and anger reaching a boiling point as she yelled, "THIS ISN'T RIGHT! ALL OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" 
To a surge of emotion, she ran up to Eratica and lashed out to a weak punch, but Eratica dodged the attack effortlessly.
Her glow intensified, illuminating the space around her. 
In a sudden motion, she conjured up a small sword that bore a striking resemblance to Eratica's own. 
To a determined push forward, she issued a battle cry, her voice implied with anger.
Her swing came down hard, the force behind it powerful enough to almost knock Eratica off her feet. 
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But the present Eratica stood her ground, her blade held firmly as a shield, defending herself from the onslaught.
“And who are you to think of that to yourself?!”
Eratica's anger flared, visible in the purple glow of her eyes shifting from red. 
She dodged Eri's attack, knocking the sword out of her grasp and pinning her to the ground. 
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Her sword pointed menacingly at Eri, Eratica issued a harsh decree.
"You are nothing. You are not worth being yourself anymore," she declared, her voice cold and commanding. 
"I am in control here. And no such parasites shall live."
Her vision fixed on Eratica, a look of empathy and contemplation on her face as she uttered the question, 
"What have I become...?"
Looking down at her younger self, Eratica remained cold and neutral, her eyes devoid of kindness or mercy.
The anger and hatred that resided in her heart radiated outward, consuming her without a trace of compassion.
Eri's voice trembled in regret as she confessed, 
"I've become the worst to everyone, haven't I?” 
Eratica spoke “They think I'm the villain, but I tried everything to save their lives for this." 
Her grip tightened on her sword, anger welling up within her, but she fought to keep hers in check, slowly calming down.
Eratica's voice trailed off, choked in anger. 
She took a deep breath before speaking again, 
"And yet, what did I get in return? Nothing but the loss of my brother, all because of those damned pests."
There was a brief moment of quiet as the two versions of Eratica stood facing each other, both reflecting on the shared struggle and the pain that had driven them to such extreme measures. 
Though separated by time and circumstance, they shared a common bond in the loss of their brother, 
a pain that had consumed their hearts and led them down a path of anger and violence.
Eri's words echo a sense of self-blame and regret. 
She held accountable for the choices made.
 On the other hand, Eratica remained steadfast in her belief that the memes were the root cause of their troubles.
 She wholeheartedly believed that the chaotic influence of the memes had led to all the suffering and chaos.
"But- what about Minion...?”
Eri's words brought up an old and painful memory, and Eratica instinctively flinched at the mention of Minion.
"No- don't bring this up now, she doesn't matter to me” Her response was brief and dismissive, trying to suppress the guilt connected to their past.
But Eri persisted, her voice added frustration as she yelled. "Then why did you stop?" Eratica paused, caught off guard by the question.
She followed by turning her head to the left at her prompting, and her eyes widened at what she saw.
She stood silent. “Don't you see the other side? The bright side of life? Can't you see how it is for other people that can have different paths?" 
Looking to her left, Eratica was met to an unexpected sight—a vibrant, colorful world filled in joy and laughter. 
People moved about, their faces etched that had radiant smiles and eyes twinkling in mirth. Life seemed to hum with energy and optimism. 
Everything here is so... vibrant and alive.
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Eratica turned to the other side and saw the scene unfolding before her. 
The white plain abyss loomed, and SMG3 was there, defending SMG4 with his arms protectively wrapped around him.
Minion had bravely stepped in front of the meme guardians, a look of determination and fear mixed on her face.
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She was frozen, unable to move, the weight of her feelings pinning her in place.
Eratica's eyes, something stirred within her. 
She was quiet for a moment, the weight of truth sinking in.
"We were different from our world. We killed our brother... and what did it cost? All of it, just because others turned into those insane meme parasites? Was it all just for our brother to return? Hoping everything would finally end? Go back to normal?”
Eratica walked up to the front, she stared at Minion's face. 
Regret and guilt seeped into her expression, the weight of her actions and the consequences they had brought upon them all. 
"LOOK AROUND YOU, ERATICA!" Inner Eri's voice cut through the air, feeling frustration and despair. 
"I did it to protect the people!" Eratica retorted, her voice firm and resolute, standing unwavering in her convictions.
But Inner Eri's response was equally intense. "THIS ISN'T OUR WORLD! IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!”
As Eratica's resolve cracked, the pieces of her facade falling away, she stood there, dumbfounded by the realization that hit her. 
Inner Eri's blunt words struck a chord, causing her to question everything she thought she understood.
"Take a hint," Eri urged "What do you think the people around this world act like? Four's crew, who weren't even affected by the meme parasite?"
Eratica paused, letting the question sink in as she looked around, seeing the world differently for the first time.
"It's because they're good people, they protect others from the dangers that are a threat to their world. Look outside. 
Don't you see that nature is still living? On its peaceful side, you wonder why. 
Because they're the main guardians. 
They guard to protect whatever is harming their own home! And what do you think you're doing?!"
Eri's eyes glanced at the sword, she urged, 
"Please... think about your decisions... think it all through... I don't want us to... to go insane again... please..." 
As she spoke, she slowly raised her right hand, offering it to Eratica, hoping for her to take it and embrace the path of understanding and healing.
As Eri stood there, offering her hand to Eratica, she noticed that her hand was fading away, slowly vanishing before her eyes.
Eri's time is running out.
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Eratica stood there, torn apart to her and the weight of her past actions. 
Eratica's voice was soft and strained as she spoke, "Please... make a decision... I don't want ourselves to end up in a big mess like this... let it all go... it was all... in the past…"
Eratica felt confused. 
In her world, the guardians had always been in control. But now that she saw them in this world, they seemed different. 
She tried to find why they seemed so different, but it made her doubt what she had thought was true.
As Eri pleaded with Eratica, the urgency in her voice was palpable. 
"Promise me you'll change," she began, her voice barely holding back tears as she spoke of her brother and their world. 
"For us, your brother, the world we were in... promise me," She begged, her hand still extended, the promise hanging in the air. 
"PROMISE ME!" she cried, the weight of her request clear in her emotional outburst.
Eratica's gaze fell upon the sword before her, the embodiment of her identity and the symbol of her convictions. 
It took a moment of deep contemplation for her to reach a decision. As her sword clattered to the ground, a sense of resignation washed over her.
A form of a heavy sigh, she admitted.
"I can't promise that." 
The words hung in the air, went to a mixture of regret and acceptance.
Despite her problems, Eratica knew that some things couldn't be guaranteed.
As the weight of the decision bore down on her, Eratica had self-doubt. 
Her inner self slowly fading away and leaving her to choose her own, the significance of the moment magnified.
The silence seemed to only amplify the tension of the moment as Eri stood there, knowing that whatever decision she made would have far-reaching consequences.
As Eri's words echoed through the air, a bittersweet chuckle escaped her lips. 
Forming a gentle, saddened smile, she continued.
“Then you are an idiot." 
The weight of her statement hung in the air, a stark contrast to the finality of her fading away into the ether.
Eratica stood there, alone in the silent aftermath, grappling the weight of her choice and the consequences that lay ahead. 
The absence of Eri's presence left a void in her heart, and the echoes of her words still resonated within her mind, a bittersweet reminder of the choices made and the paths that had led them there.
As Eratica gripped her sword tighter, determination burning in her eyes, she declared in a firm voice, "There is nothing WORTH for me to give... I've paid the price, and I must end it." 
As Eratica sat there, a wave of emptiness washed over her like a merciless tide. 
She finds it hard to understand, grappling the question at her thoughts. 
“Why does it hurt?” It was a question that had no easy answer, and as the weight of pain and loss settled upon her, she wept without restraint, shedding tears that seemed to come from the depths of her wounded soul.
As tears streamed down her face, Eratica felt a touch on her shoulder and provided comfort.
The faint figure of a familiar soul stood beside her.
Its voice cutting through the haze of her pain as it spoke words that offered both guidance and purpose.
The red gleam flickered in the dim light as the familiar soul urged her on, 
"Come on, Eratica. It is your DUTY to save everyone. Before it is too late, you must fulfill your destiny"
A determined glint in her eyes, Eratica wiped away her tears and stood upright, gripping her sword tightly.
The voice of the familiar soul's encouragement echoed in her mind, reminding her of the weight of her responsibility.
"You're right," she acknowledged, her voice firm yet in a hint of sadness. 
"I must... for the people and everyone," Eratica took a deep breath, filling her lungs to a mix of resolve and lingering guilt. 
Despite the conflict that gnawed at her heart, she steeled following the path she was setting her upon.
In a final swing of her sword, Eratica sent forth a cutting arc that tore open a portal, its shimmering light rippling in the surrounding environment.
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With a heavy heart, (I'm sorry) the words tinged in regret of the path laid out before her. 
"But destiny... has already... decided."
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lizaluvsthis · 1 month
Arts I have made relating to SMG4 Triple Threat AU!
[Triple Threat AU by @dreamteamredstinger ]
Context of images are in "ALT"
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Late posts I havent posted the ones for Triple threat au yet!
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lizaluvsthis · 4 months
If anyone is interested I have a new fanfic coming up! (Its some what an oc from the fandom smg4)
Oc doesnt belong to me! This belongs to @dreamteamredstinger whos oc is... Eratica!!!
Redstinger couldn't wait what kind of surprise he'll be getting, including the people who are also invested with his works for Triple Threat AU! (Which involves mostly Eratica since she's my favorite)
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
I have a drawing request.
Can you draw Eratica from RedStinger665's Triple Threat AU?
Heres Eratica! From Triple Threat AU By @redstinger665
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I mightve lend out some couple of reference sheet to do their character in details! Thanks redstinger!
Man I like how it turned out-
The au itself is fascinating aint it?
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lizaluvsthis · 4 months
BIRTHDAY ART FOR @dreamteamredstinger WOOOOO!!!
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Happy birthday Red, made you this gift for your birthday! Ever since I was introduced by the yuris the first time I came- yea gotta love em!
Consider my two version of the lovely art and the eratica fic I gave you as your presents :) thank you and your welcome!
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