wintersmitth · 2 years
For 50 question ask meme. 3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Thank you!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
*clenches fist*
💫 Men crying 💫
No, seriously, i recently reread a big portion of the fics I have posted, and almost in every one there were men crying. I didn't reread earliest ones, but I'm pretty sure they have they feature too.
And how can I not mention the weirdest fucking crossovers? This girlie wasn't scared to put on ao3 Supernatural/Hobbit, Supernatural/Harry Potter, Hobbit/Harry Potter, Marvel/Harry Potter fics.
Actually, they Marvel/HP fic was rather cleverly written, I'm not going to be ashamed.
Aske me ficwriters questions!
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