writingevanhansen · 3 years
can’t even lie, guys. after ghosting for a few years, the DEH trailer brought me back here. i am an evan hansen apologist. yes that is toxic. yes he was wrong. but if my fatal flaw is staying true to my roots, i am okay with that.
how yall doin?
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writingevanhansen · 5 years
oh my god they’re bringing hamilton back. i thought we got rid of this shit once and for all
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writingevanhansen · 5 years
Hi guys!! I forgot this account existed for a while because of senior year and also college. But the fact that I’m still getting notes is incredible :) Since it’s December 1st now, I’d like to look back on the good ol DEH mems. Happy holidays!!!!
25 Days of DEH Masterlist!
thank you all so much for being so supportive of this series!! requests and ships will re-open once i finish all of the ones in my ask. thanks again!!
General PSA
Day 1 - Playing in the Snow (Sincerely Three)
Day 2 - Sledding with Jared
Day 3 - Decorating the House with Evan
Day 4 - Hanging up Mistletoe with Connor
Day 5 - Jared Decorating the Outside of the House
Day 6 - Picking Out a Christmas Tree with Evan
Day 7 - Decorating the Tree with the DEH Sqaud
Day 8 - Madrigals (Sincerely Three)
Day 9 - Listening to Christmas Music (Sincerely Three)
Day 10 - Connor’s Christmas Cards
Day 11 - Christmas Shopping with Evan
Day 12 - Writing Letters to Santa with Evan
Day 13 - Making Ornaments with Connor
Day 14 - Watching Christmas Movies with Jared
Day 15 - Being in The Nutcracker (Sincerely Three)
Day 16 - Hiding the Elf on the Shelf with Jared
Day 17 - Making Gingerbread Houses with Connor Moodboard
Day 18 - Taking Connor Christmas Caroling
Day 19 - Wrapping Gifts with Jared
Day 20 - Looking at Lights with Evan Moodboard
Day 21 - Spending Christmas with Jared Moodboard
Day 22 - Office Christmas Party (Jared)
Day 23 - Gift Wrap (Evan)
Day 24 - Alone Together (Connor)
Day 25 - Christmas Day (Sincerely Three)
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
how do one know what their squip is
asking for a friend (the friend is me)
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
Heyy, can you add me to your taglist??💕
You bet!!
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
Winnie Foster: *throws away a chance at spending an eternity with Andrew Keenan-Bolger*
Me: Okay… that sounds fake but okay.
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
Flannel - pt. 3 (Modern!Race x Reader)
summary: now that race and (Y/N) are a ~~thing~~, (Y/N)’s “friends” have something to say about it.
word count: 2,934
(Y/F/N) = your “friend’s” name (friend uses female pronouns yeet) (friend is in quotations bc like someone not good)
alexa this is so sad play santa fe
pt. 1   pt. 2  masterlist
It felt like everything was happening so fast. Ever since you had held hands at the movies, you weren’t sure there was a moment where Race wasn’t by your side, his hand glued in yours. However, if you were forced to use your hands for normal human functions, he would always have an arm around your waist or his hand pressed against the small of your back. Not that you were complaining- oh no. You loved every minute of it. The only time you were apart was at lunch, where you still sat with your separate friend groups.
Your friends began to notice after a few days of this. They knew you were going to prom together, but had no idea that you shared an interest in each other, which made sense, because you had been spending more and more time with Race and his amazing friends Spot and Albert, and hadn’t got the chance to talk to yours as much outside of school. You didn’t see a problem with it until one of them pulled you aside in the hallway.
“(Y/N), how have you been?” (Y/F/N) said sweetly.
You smiled. “I’m doing well! Listen, I’m sorry we haven’t seen each other as much lately but I promise we can go get dinner or something soon. I’ve just had a lot of fun with Race and his friends, and-”
“No, I get it.” She said, placing her hair behind her shoulder. “I just…” She hesitated, sighing before resuming. “I’m worried.” Her frown was subtle yet noticeable when she spoke.
“About…?” You asked.
“You.” She paused, tilting her head. “And Race.”
You smiled at the mention of Race’s name. “Wh-I’m confused.” You said, your repressed laughter slowly turning into concern. “Why are you worried about us?”
Her frown slowly disappeared into a neutral expression as she talked as if this was common knowledge. “I just don’t think he’s right for you. He’s loud all the time-which is super annoying-actually, he’s just annoying a lot of the time. He’s not smart, and not to mention, we all know he’s a huge flirt. He could have any girl here at the snap of his fingers, and is that really something you want a relationship with?” She stood, looking at you as if this was just a normal thing people said. Your smile quickly disappeared into a look of shock. “I just don’t want you to get hurt, (Y/N). Someone had to tell you the truth.”
The bell rang, giving (Y/F/N) an excuse to walk away before you could give any form of response.
You knew the things she said weren’t true, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. What shocked you the most were her parting words, “Someone had to tell you the truth.” Were there other people that believed that stuff, too?
Floating through the rest of the day in a distracted and insecure haze, you landed in your bed upset and confused. Your nightly conversation with Race was cut short as you decided to go to bed early.
“Is everything alright? You sound...off.” Race asked with a concerned tone.
You shrugged and then realized that you were on the phone. “Yeah.” You mumbled.
“Okay, I’ll let you go now, even though I really don’t believe you.” Race sighed. There was a pause over the phone, neither one of you having the heart to end the call. Race spoke up. “Will you open your window?”
You slid off your bed and trudged over, pulling up the blinds. Race was standing there with his hands in his flannel pajama pants and a concerned look on his face that quickly melted into a smile when he saw you. Your concerns softened and you gently smiled back, too.
“Goodnight.” He said softly.
“Goodnight.” You replied. You reached over to pull the blinds back down.
“I-” Race spoke, and then stopped himself.
“What?” You asked.
“Nevermind. Sweet dreams, (Y/N). See you tomorrow.” He said, walking back over to his bed. You watched him sit down before you lowered the blinds.
“See you then.”
You turned off your bedroom lights and got into the bed, plugging in your phone. Closing your eyes, you tried to sleep, thinking of Race. Keyword: tried. But you couldn’t. (Y/F/N)’s stupid words were still rattling relentlessly in your brain. You picked your phone back up and sent Race a text.
Y/N: can i sit w you at lunch tomorrow?
Race: ofc
Race: why don’t u wanna sit where u usually do?
Y/N: tell you tomorrow
Race: ok
You sat your phone back down, only to hear it buzz again as you closed your eyes. You picked it back up.
Race: be warned the boys may not be on their best behavior…
Race: but are they ever lolol
Race: i’ll talk to them tho Race: ok. i’ll stop spamming u now
Race: gnight
Race: ♡
Now smiling, you rolled over again, finally falling asleep.
The next day, you walked into the cafeteria, summoning your courage to walk directly past your friends to the other side of the cafeteria where Race was. You hoisted your backpack up higher on your shoulders and kept your eyes fixed on the back of Race’s head as you walked to the other side of the room. You could feel your friends’ eyes on you as you walked past them, but none of them spoke up. Getting closer to the table, Race turned around and smiled, patting the empty space between him and Katherine at the long table.
Setting your bag down, you greeted Race and sat next to him.
“I didn’t know you’d be joining us today, (Y/N)!” Katherine smiled, wrapping her arm around your side and squeezing. You smiled and gave an excited hello.
“(Y/N), these are the fellas.” Race said proudly, gesturing to all of the boys, who either waved or smiled with the occasional finger gun. ��Fellas, this is (Y/N).”
“How’d you like to be Ms. Romeo?” The boy, who you assumed was named Romeo, stuck out his hand from across the table, palm facing up. Confused, you laid your hand in his. He brought it to his lips and kissed it, making you laugh.
“Hey, paws off.” Race said, slapping his hand away as Romeo winked.
“The name’s Jack Kelly.” You felt a tap on your shoulder and looked towards it. An older looking boy leaned from behind the other side of Katherine, hand stuck out. You shook it with a smile.
“This here’s Davey.” Race said, gesturing to the boy sitting directly across from you. He gave a gentle smile and a wave.
“And you already know Albert and Spot.” Race concluded, pointing at the two boys, who smiled at you.
The next couple of days you kept this routine, and since your friends didn’t say anything about it, you didn’t either.
“(Y/N), you’re just not acting like yourself. You seem down.” Race spoke into his phone, stretching after his dance class.
“I know, and I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to worry about it.” You said, sitting on your bed.
“Listen...if we’re going to be in this...for the long haul...then I’m ready to listen to whatever problems you have.” Race said slowly, nerves forming. His words made you stiffen. Was he for real?
You paused. “Do...do you want to be in this...for the long haul?” Butterflies began to swarm in your stomach.
Another pause. “I mean, I do. But I don’t want to pressure you into anything, I swear.” You could hear shuffling in the background.
“Well...what if I said I do, too?” You could feel the smile growing on your face.
“Wait just a sec.” Race said. Your posture softened, but your smile didn’t. Through the phone, you heard clambering and Race walking around.
“How long is this gonna take?” You said with a laugh.
“Just a second, I swear.”
You heard your doorbell ring, and you laughed again.
“You did not.” You smiled through the phone.
“I told you it would be just a second!”
You ran as fast as you could to the front door, pausing a second to catch your breath before swinging it open. There was Race wearing his shirt from dance and a pair of sweatpants, still holding the phone to his ear. He didn’t even have any shoes on, just his socks. The sun had just set, the porch light giving him a gorgeous glow. His skin was dewy, which may have been from rehearsal or the fact that the air was warm, a sign of spring coming soon.
“(Y/N),” Race said, still talking into the phone, but maintaining eye contact with you. “This may be a little sudden, I don’t know.” You both chuckled a little. “But, will you be my girlfriend?”
“I’d love nothing more, Race.” You smiled and ended the call. You both stared at each other with what felt like unending happiness. You finally broke the silence with, “Would you like to come inside?”
“Sure.” Race beamed. You held the door open for him, and he held your hand as you both walked to the couch. “So what’s wrong?”
“Losing friends is always hard.” You say. He nods in agreement, pulling you closer to him. You throw your legs across his lap and lean your head on the side of the couch, arms folded in front of you. He puts one arm behind you, holding your waist, and the other on your leg. “(Y/F/N) just said some hurtful things the other day, and I don’t want to be around that kind of mentality, yknow?” Race nodded again.
“What did she say?” He asked. After he saw your frown at his words, though, he spoke up again. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“No, I will.” You sighed. “She said we weren't right for each other. That you were annoying. And flirty. And other stuff that’s untrue. And I don’t even feel like talking to her anymore because I don’t want her to say more stuff.” He rubbed up and down your side.
“I’m sorry to hear that, (Y/N). Is there anything I can do?” Race’s face grew concerned.
“You’ve done enough just by being here, Race.” You smiled.
“Well, you always have me and the boys. We’ll be here for you. And Katherine, too, of course.” Race said proudly. You nodded, eyes feeling heavy. Today had worn you out. “Do you want me to leave? You look tired.”
“No, no.” You said, waking yourself up. “Just put on Netflix or something.” Race obliged, turning on the TV and then The Office. You got through about half an episode before your eyes felt as if there were weights tied to them.
You don’t know how you got there that morning, but your phone’s alarm woke you up in your own bed, still in your pajamas from last night. You rolled over and looked at your phone and saw a text from Race.
Race: sorry for leaving u. i let u sleep on me for a couple hours before i had to go home.  woke u up and helped u walk to your room, but i don’t think u will remember. also, pls tell ur mom thanks for letting me stay so late. ♡
Another day of school, another day closer to prom, and another day of sitting with Race’s friends (now your friends). Walking to the parking lot, you noticed Race turn a corner. Usually, he rode with Spot or Albert, so you weren’t sure why he was walking the opposite way. Your curiosity got the best of you and your eyes followed him. You quickly sat in your car, continuing to watch Race. Suddenly, he stopped on the sidewalk, looking at his phone. That’s when you noticed (Y/F/N) approaching him. ...Weird. After a minute of them talking, you felt awkward. You couldn’t read either of their expressions from where you were. You trusted Race, and you could always just text him later.
Pulling out of the parking lot, something felt off. Your gut dropped. Something wasn’t right.
You knew your gut was prophetic when the following day, Race seemed distant. He didn’t talk as much, he wasn’t as smiley, and he didn’t touch you once throughout the day. After he refused to even look at you at lunch, you decided to text him during class.
Y/N: hey, is everything okay?
Race: no
Race: we need to talk
Y/N: ??
Race: meet me in the parking lot after school
For the next two and a half hours, you were a mess. You weren’t able to focus in class, and you couldn’t calm down for the life of you. Finally, the final bell rang, and you quickly walked to the parking lot, scanning for Race.
You found him standing next to your car with his red hood pulled up over his head, looking at his phone. You locked your car, making the horn honk and making Race jump. You giggled as you walked over to him, trying to ease the tension. Race’s face remained unreadable. When he didn’t say anything, you offered to give him a ride home. He simply nodded and sat down in the passenger seat, slumping down after buckling.
The ride was eerily quiet, aside from the soft music playing on the radio. Race scrolled mindlessly through his phone, avoiding any conversation.
You reached Race’s driveway and parked the car, turning to face Race, who finally sat up and took his hoodie down, still not making eye contact with you.
“You said you wanted to talk.” You said gently. “What’s up?”
Race inhaled, eyes fixed straight ahead. “I don’t think we’re going to work out.”
You could feel a hole forming in your chest, heat rushing to your neck and shoulders. “Race, we haven’t even been official for a week, what’s making you say that?”
“I just...I just know.” Race said. He still wasn’t looking at you. You weren’t even sad yet, you were livid. How could he give up on you so quickly? And for what reason? You could feel tears beginning to form in your eyes.
“Race. If you’re going to break up with me after not even a week of dating, you could at least look at me when you say it.” Your voice was commanding; it was obvious that you were now angry. Race listened, and his hard expression turned into hurt when he saw your face. You clearly had nothing to lose, so you spoke up again. “I saw you talking to (Y/F/N) yesterday. Is that what this is all about? Why she doesn’t want us together? Why you’re breaking up with me? Are you with her or something?” Race remained silent, mouth slightly agape. The silence was deafening as you felt yourself begin to choke. You had grown so attached in such a short period of time and where had it gotten you? You felt weak...used, almost. And to make matters worse, you still didn’t have an explanation  “Race, please.” A mix between a cough and a sob slipped out as a couple tears fell. “Say something.”
Suddenly, Race lunged at you from across the armrest, his arms wrapping around you. “I’m so sorry.” He said as you began to cry into his shoulder. “I’m so, so sorry. I take it all back. I’m so sorry. I thought it would fix everything, but I-I’m sorry.”
“What?” You say in between tears, now even more confused. Race began to run his hand through your hair. Your anger melted away. The confusion remained, but you were so relieved you didn’t care. Race quietly whispered more “I’m sorry”’s while your crying slowed, your face never leaving the crook of his neck, his hands never leaving you, rubbing gentle circles on your back. When you finally collected yourself, you sat back.
“I thought you would rather be with your friends than me. I thought I was in the way. That’s what (Y/F/N) told me. You guys used to be so close but I’m taking you away from them.” Race said, holding your hand as you wiped your face with the other. You shook your head, laughing through the tears.
“They aren’t my friends, Race.”
“They aren’t?”
“No, if they were...they’d be understanding.” you sniffled. “They would be supportive. That’s what real friends do.” You sighed. “I’d rather be with you, a friend who is supportive and understanding and kind, than be with fake friends who aren’t.” Race smiled.
You pulled down the mirror to look at your reflection. “God, I look like a mess, don’t I?” You laughed.
“No, you don’t.” Race said. You turned to face him, smiling. “You look beautiful as always.”
“Thank you, Race.” You said.
Something shifted.
Everything was happening so fast, and the number of feelings you had right then was too much to not act upon.
It seemed that Race had that same idea, his eyes flicking towards your lips before back up at your eyes.
You couldn’t stand it anymore. If you were going to move fast, why stop now. You leaned towards Race, no hesitation.
Your lips connected, and Race immediately got into the kiss, placing his hand on the back of your neck. It was sweet, soft, and mildly uncomfortable leaning over the armrest. It felt perfect.
You decided fast was good.
Taglist: @seriously-ceci @pastel-songs
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
jusssss me talkin
just a personal update, sorry for my inactivity.
i’m taking ap classes this year including the infamous amazingly difficult calculus and music theory, and i’m currently in the running for valedictorian at my school. it’s really tough this year, so i’m focusing a lot on my schoolwork.
i was also recently cast as sally brown in a community production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown!” and i think it’s safe to say that it’s probably going to be the best show i’ve ever been in.
college applications and auditions are also coming up soon, so a lot of my time is dedicated to figuring out how to do that.
i’m also the president of a couple clubs and i’m involved with a select singing group at my school that meets at 6:50 am mondays/tuesdays/thursdays
and on top of all this i have auditions for the addams family in march, and i have some tough competition if i want to be wednesday, so i’m taking lots of private voice and dance lessons.
so, yeah, i’m a little busy.
i’m definitely going to write the last installment of flannel, and i’ll be reblogging content, but my writing from here on out will be kinda sketch.
this blog is so fun for me, and i hope it’s fun for all of you.
thanks for sticking with me.🧡
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
preview of flannel pt 3. coming tomorrow morning
message me or comment if you’d like to be on the taglist :)
pt 1      pt 2
“Is everything alright? You sound...off.” Race asked with a concerned tone.
You shrugged and then realized that you were on the phone. “Yeah.” You mumbled.
“Okay, I’ll let you go now, even though I really don’t believe you.” Race sighed. There was a pause over the phone, neither one of you having the heart to end the call. Race spoke up. “Will you open your window?”
You slid off your bed and trudged over, pulling up the blinds. Race was standing there with his hands in his pajama pants and a concerned look on his face that quickly melted into a smile when he saw you. Your concerns softened and you gently smiled back, too.
“Goodnight.” He said softly.
“Goodnight.” You replied. You reached over to pull the blinds back down.
“I-” Race spoke, and then stopped himself.
“What?” You asked.
“Nevermind. Sweet dreams, (Y/N). See you tomorrow.” He said, walking back over to his bed. You watched him sit down before you lowered the blinds.
“See you then.”
You turned off your bedroom lights and got into the bed, plugging in your phone. Closing your eyes, you tried to sleep, thinking of Race. Keyword: tried. But you couldn’t. (Y/F/N)’s stupid words were still rattling relentlessly in your brain. You picked your phone back up and sent Race a text.
Y/N: can i sit w you at lunch tomorrow?
Race: ofc
Race: why don’t u wanna sit where u usually do?
Y/N: tell you tomorrow
Race: ok
You sat your phone back down, only to hear it buzz again as you closed your eyes. You picked it back up.
Race: be warned the boys may not be on their best behavior…
Race: but are they ever lolol
Race: i’ll talk to them tho
Race: ok. i’ll stop spamming u now
Race: gnight
Race: ♡
Now smiling, you rolled over again, finally falling asleep.
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
newsies fans are fucking Wild like you point out one dude in the back and suddenly theyre giving you a name, backstory, height, weight, actor, blood type, time of birth, and various headcanons like damn bitch he was on screen for thirty seconds and had two lines 
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
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Look at how good he looks!!! Omg I missed him
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
Cady: Hey, so I just found out about isis.
Cady: Not good.
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
how is one man allowed to be this adorable ???
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
A career in acting is literally faking it until you make it.
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
Writing Advice: it doesn’t matter if an idea has been done before. It’s never been done by you. So long as you do it well, and in your own way, it’s a wonderful contribution.
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writingevanhansen · 6 years
“if you ship tree bros or write connor lives/happy aus, you’re erasing the musical’s message, stop it”
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