#redfloon text
redfloon · 1 month
trying to read more recently released stuff in my favorite genres instead of older books, but often get surprised with poorly written gen, poorly written "spice", or odd things like randomly reinvented common words 🥲 it seems petty to be annoyed over, but I am very much annoyed over someone needing to reinvent the word squirrel
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redfloonrising · 8 months
unfortunately, I also wish to hatch an egg
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redfloon · 1 year
joined moderneopets and have been obsessively playing since my application got accepted ✨✨
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redfloon · 1 year
dog child ripped one of her nails clean off and is running about as if no mere flesh wound can stop her 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 I'm hoping the vet can get her in tomorrow, she's already slipped one temporary dressing off in the span of 15 minutes. I have no idea how she's not limping bc I've had a nail ripped off before and it hurt like a bitch
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redfloon · 1 year
can't believe I forgot I wanted to get a customized license plate when I renewed my tags :'(
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redfloon · 1 year
hoping the dog wants to sleep on the bed with me after her morning romp 🤞🤞
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redfloon · 2 years
head hurty :(
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redfloon · 2 years
got my new laptop and it’s rainbow u__u
it’s been so long since I’ve used a laptop/computer on my own for fun I don’t even know where to start tho. did the standard uninstall of preinstalled things I don’t want (except the xbox app bc I don’t know if I’m gonna use it), then added my own antivirus, firefox +addons, steam, discord, and logged into like 3 of my favorite pet sims. what next tho
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redfloon · 2 years
I am stressed and the fact that there's a dust storm starting feels appropriate
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redfloon · 2 years
debating buying myself a new computer or laptop this week. tired of using my phone so much and my laptop and desktop are Old™. if anyone has basic recs that aren't apple products lmk, I'm gonna be running art programs, stupid little computer games, and idk probably spreadsheets for my dumb pet sim games.
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redfloon · 2 years
randomly logged into my wisdom panel and discovered my girl's sister!! they matched up, but don't have any socials linked up 😓 but definitely another pasta puppy, since her name is Riggy I'm guessing she was Rigatoni at the shelter (Daisy was Rotini).
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redfloon · 2 years
unreasonably excited that I've gotten nearly as many real followers as bots in the past month.
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redfloon · 3 months
my dad was just diagnosed with lung cancer, almost 10 years to the day my mom got her cancer diagnosis 😓
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redfloon · 3 months
it's amazing how many people's reaction to a locked restroom for is to just try harder to open the door 😮‍💨
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redfloon · 7 months
sour wildberry Skittles my beloved
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redfloon · 8 months
what a time to get sick 🤧
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