#reddit keeps forcing their garbage opinions on me
sapphic-agent · 6 months
I can understand hating Santana.
I can understand hating Quinn.
I can even understand hating Britt.
But Mercedes?!
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Can you tell I've been on the Glee sub again?
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So can I ask something legit? How come in all choice games, it's always the white girl lesbians that get all the praise and the love interest that is a person of color is hated on and their fans get doxxed and threatened with violence.
But what I realized is that, in this fandom is that you have to love Violet. If you don't get called Homophobic or a misogynist. Why does this happen? Why can't we have a favorite character and they can? Why do you get hate for liking Louis?
Well, racism is the first thing to come to mind as to why this is a thing. 
I mean, I’ve been on reddit. It doesn’t take long before you come across a Louis post that has someone commenting racist slurs about him. Most of them get deleted but they also keep popping up so it’s an active thing that’s happening and it’s disgusting and why I hate going outside of tumblr for twdg content. 
And yeah, in a lot of more toxic areas of the fandom, there is this idea that if you don’t love Violet, you’re homophobic. I don’t doubt that there are people who are actively homophobic about Violet/violentine, because I’ve come across it and it’s disgusting, too, but that isn’t the one and only reason why someone wouldn’t like Violet. 
The way I see it, you’re allowed to not like Violet. You’re allowed to not like Louis. You don’t have to force yourself to like a character just because other people are assholes. Just because you don’t click with Louis or Violet or any other character within these games, that doesn’t automatically make you racist/homophobic. 
If you go out of your way to attack people and these characters with racist/homophobic/sexist/violent language, then you’re garbage and we don’t want you here. Good-bye. 
This fandom and our twdg community should be a safe place for everyone to come here to talk about the games and characters we love, and we shouldn’t be afraid to have different opinions or disagree with one another and have respectful conversations, not nasty arguments. 
And I wanna make it perfectly clear that this blog is a safe space. If you treat me and others with respect, then we’ll respect you back. Everyone is welcome here and you only get that welcome taken away if you’re an antagonistic asshole looking to start a fight. 
Look, I’m a Louis blog but if you’re someone who just didn’t click with him and felt a much deeper connection with Violet? That’s perfectly okay, you’re welcome here. I’m happy to chat with you about your feelings for this series. I’m not going to judge you for not liking Louis the same way I do because odds are, you’re a decent human being, not some asshole from reddit who hates Louis because he’s black. 
If you prove you are like that, you’ll be blocked super quick because I don’t tolerate that shit. I don’t tolerate racist/homophobic/transphobic/sexist/bigoted/ect assholes on this blog.
So yeah, anon, unfortunately, there’s a lot of toxic bullshit within the fandom just like in most fandoms. We’re doing our best to build better communities that feel safe for everyone and look out for another. 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
1. What did you do on the last nice weather day? I’m guessing ‘nice’ here universally means sunny and fair, even though that isn’t my weather of choice. But that said, yesterday I just stayed indoors and caught up on rest by binge-watching Friends, which I haven’t done in a while. I also ordered another embroidery kit online since my first kit, which I had mostly used as a trial since I’ve never done one before, has since run out of the given floss.
2. What do you love the most about your work? I work in an agency, so I’m not forced to do PR under just one company which I think would get boring for me pretty quickly. With the nature of my work, it’s fun working with many different brands/companies at one time because I get to be exposed to and learn about different industries, and I’m also challenged to come up with campaigns that would best fit the different groups that we work with which is always fun. Also, PR is a great way to keep up with the trends and always remain hip because I always know about upcoming campaigns or promos before they’re even unveiled to the public, lol.
3. What do you think about what is going on in the world today? I think wealthy people and big corporations are a crucial, if not the main, root of the world’s problems and it’s frustrating that the task of mitigating those issues is always delegated to everyone below them.
4. What is your favorite way to work out? By not doing so, hahaha.
5. What motivates you? I don’t know if anything has been lately. I’ve been taking life slowly and easily these days and I’m allowing myself to just go through the motions as I digest all these big adjustments currently going on in my life. For now I’m not putting any pressure on myself to be motivated to do anything big. I’m still a little overwhelmed with everything as it is.
...where’s #6?
7. What is something people do that drives you crazy? When people need something from you so they message you, but do unnecessary small talk before asking for a favor. The fact that they need my help does not bother me; the fact that they are only talking to me because they need something from me does not bother me. It’s the small talk that irks me. I’ll be ready to help anybody at any time and it doesn’t matter how long it’s been since we’ve spoken – but just go ahead and ask for the damn thing and don’t waste my time trying to sound like you care about what’s going on in my life.
8. What are some things on your bucket list? Go to Wrestlemania, travel with my own funds, have my own place, have kids.
9. What are some of your deal breakers in a relationship? Do I even have any? Gab dropped so many red flags in our relationship that should have been dealbreakers and my dumb, ever-forgiving ass always saw past them. I think the thing with me is that I think I have a list of dealbreakers, but when actually confronted with them I’m too afraid to speak out about it, so I just forgive and forget and eventually they just stop being dealbreakers. I have to work on that.
10. What do you never leave your house without? My top three are phone, keys, wallet. And of course, as a given – a face mask and face shield.
11. What was your most memorable vacation? Sagada and Singapore/Malaysia, since that was my first trip abroad.
12. Do you have any phobias? Needles and fire.
13. What is your favorite ethnic food? Indian, Thai, Indonesian, and Korean. 14. I love Italian/Thai etc. Would you like to go to my favorite place sometime? I love both, though I like Thai a tad bit more. And yessss, I’m always open to anyone’s recommendations so long as it’s got something to do with food.
15. What TV shows have you binged lately? I’ve been rewatching Friends again and I’m in between seasons 5–7, which I believe to be the show’s peak. Currently, I’m several episodes away from the Ross/Elizabeth storyline and Chandler’s proposal.
16. Send me a funny meme that you shared recently. I haven’t been active on social media, so I haven’t seen any new memes lately. I hate missing out.
17. What do you hate about technology? This is more nitpickiness on my end than anything else, but battery power. I hate being constantly cautious over my gadget running out of power or dying on me especially when I’m out. I often find myself wishing for technology to evolve to the point that we won’t need batteries or to charge stuff anymore, which idek if it’s even possible haha.
18. What sites do you find yourself visiting the most? YouTube, by a mile.
19. Do you have any favorite apps? Again, YouTube. I also like going through Reddit at the end of the day.
20. What is the best part of your day? Any point I don’t find myself feeling miserable.
21. What time period would you like to visit the most, if you could time travel? 70′s punk/rock scene, maybe? < Ooh, this is a good one. Also, late 90s Attitude Era-era WWF/E. And whenever Pompeii was around.
22. What scents do you really enjoy? (a certain flower, cut grass, fireplace, perfume) Bakeries, a newly-cleaned hotel room, coffee shops.
23. What is something that you are terrible at? Giving and following directions, drawing, and cooking.
24. What are some favorites on your playlist right now? Because I mentioned The Japanese House on a survey last night, I am ALL over Saw You In A Dream again. Seriously, god-tier. One of my favorites ever. Outside of that, haven’t been listening to music lately because I’m still sad; but I might find myself back on Spotify soon. As much as I haven’t been tuning into music, I do miss it.
25. What comedy movie is your favorite? Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Also, a bit of a garbage choice but White Chicks.
26. Have you ever meditated? No. I don’t think I have the patience/required attention span for it.
27. What is your dream job? I wanted to be in PR. I currently work at an agency which is my dream for now so yay for me achieving that, but like I’ve said before it would be such a dream come true if I can come work for WWE, my dream company, in any capacity. Getting to work for their in-house PR team would be the perfect icing on the cake.
28. What comes to mind when you think of a great moment in your life? Being in a relationship, and how much I miss that feeling. Now that I’ve experienced both singlehood and having an SO, I can definitely decide that I don’t particularly enjoy being by myself.
29. What do you miss the most about college? The independence I learned to gain. My campus was such a freeing environment and it allowed me to grow so much, to wear whatever I want, to join whatever protest or rally was going on, to meet new people, to hear different perspectives from my classmates. I miss being there.
30. Whenever you text it makes me smile! ???
31. What are you planning this weekend? My weekend is nearly over, actually...for the remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes of it, I willllll probably just watch a bunch of wrestling and maybe find something to watch on Netflix just so that I have something interesting to share for the weekly check-in tomorrow with the team.
32. Who is your favorite band? Paramore, but you knew that already.
33. How do you like to spend your free time? If I manage to find a few free minutes while at work, I gobble that shit up by lying in bed and finding a video to watch. On weekends I like doing embroidery, taking surveys, maybe even find a black hole of articles to read on Wikipedia. I’m also looking forward to playing video games once I’ve finally bought the ones I’ve been eyeing to get.
34. What do you like about springtime? I don’t know. I can’t relate, we don’t have that season.
35. Is your personality similar to anyone in your family? I’m most similar with my mom, but I share traits with my dad as well.
36. How have you handled having to stay in? It was sucky at first, but after eight months you kinda get used to it and just make the most out of things you can do only at home.
37. Are you able to work at home? Yeah, we’re all on a WFH set-up right now.
38. How would your friends describe you? The most popular opinion would probably be ‘shy.’
39. Did you ever take a really big risk? Sure.
40. What do you want to be known or remembered for? Anything but negatively.
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flistan · 5 years
How I take testosterone shots.
...with shots... of whiskey. I  kid, I kid...  >->
Hello!  I’m here to share all of my combined knowledge and experience about taking testosterone shots.  There’s a lot of information online, and it can be quite overwhelming.  I hope this helps!
Some quick things to note.
The more relaxed a muscle, the less it will hurt, if at all.  BREATHE.
Try experimenting with heat and cold.  I used to take my shots after a shower, but my doctors recommended using an ice pack instead.  I find cold actually works better, so you can use that ice pack (not directly on your skin of course) to reduce swelling and pain.
When sterilizing, give your alcohol a few seconds to dry, that way it’ll sting less or not at all.
Note I will be using the words syringe and needle a lot.  Syringe is the tube-part that holds your liquid.  The needle is the pointy metal part.  This is important to distinguish when it comes to measurements and what I’m trying to communicate.
Skin is made up of layers.  There’s a thin soft part on top and then a really dense layer of subcutaneous tissue.  This is a little tough to get through.  Once you start injecting, you may feel your needle hesitantly stop at this point.  Once you break through, it’ll seem your needle will just RUSH downwards.  The tissues below are much less dense.  Think trying to inject into a balloon filled with gel (without it popping).  Don’t let it startle you too much when it starts going in faster after that layer.  (See image below)
Store your testosterone bottle in a prescription bottle.  It’ll help keep it sterile, upright, and keep it from leaking in case that self-heal rubber seal thing doesn’t quite heal.  It’ll also be harder to lose since the testosterone bottles can be quite small sometimes.
Designate a sharps disposal receptacle.  Sharps disposal bins are just too damn expensive and don’t fit a whole lot.  Sure it’s safer for the environment and for those handling your trash, but you can also safely re-cap your needles and put them in a thick plastic bottle.  In design school, we disposed of our xacto blades this way to keep our housekeepers safe.  We don’t live in a perfect world, save your money, use a thick water bottle, fill that bottle up, recap your needles, etc.  I’m not sure if hazardous waste accepts water bottles full of needles or not, who knows.  If you’re afraid of your receptacle ending up in an ocean, I’d maybe try talking to your hazardous waste people (for the hormones as well as the needles).  Otherwise...  *shrug*  --AMENDMENT--  I recently found out that some cities like LA search your garbage for more recycling which can make this method dangerous for people searching through your garbage.  Take precaution, and unfortunately, you may have to buy a sharps disposal.  Sorry.  :/
Make sure you’re in a safe, quiet space away from pets, kids, annoying siblings, etc., anyone who can bother you or startle you or mess up your sterile space.
If you see any blueish veins on your skin, obviously don’t inject into those.  You will have pain and a bloody mess.  Ouch.
Speaking of, have your band-aid handy.
Don’t worry if some leaks out.  Testosterone can be absorbed through the skin, plus it’s such a little amount.
Learn your favorite needle gauge.  Inject-able testsosterone is a thick substance because it’s suspended in oil.  Therefore, you need larger gauge needles than for something like insulin (I swear insulin is like thinner than water and those needles are teeeeeny)(we have a diabetic cat).  Anywho, as with needles or tubes or piercings, the LOWER the number, the BIGGER/THICKER the size.
EXAMPLE: 25 gauge = holy shit this is too thin, injecting will take hourssss is it even going in WTH.
I use 18g needles to draw my testosterone, 22/23g to inject.  Therefore, I buy 3mL syringes with 18g needles (any length) PLUS 23g 1 inch needles.  1.5″ is also available but unnecessary.  So if you want to go to the pharmacy and use what I use, ask for... (however many) 18g 3mL syringes with 23g 1″ needles.  Make sure they MATCH.  Some will say something like “Laura-Lok” or something like that, others won’t.  They either both have to say this or not say this- it’s the kind of twisting mechanism at the base of the needle.  Otherwise, you’re stuck with the same needle you use to draw and inject for the week.
You -can- use the same needles to draw your testosterone and to inject it, but each time you puncture something with a needle, it becomes damaged and more coarse.  This may make injecting harder or more painful.  I have a friend who prefers doing this with his size gauge because he feels the sharpness hurts him too much.  It’s all up to you.
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Image from this --> source.
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This one’s from reddit, idk.  Don’t reuse needles, kids.  Unsanitary plus this.
How to prep your shot.
1- Sterilize the top of your testosterone bottle/vial.  If it’s new/capped, it doesn’t matter too much.  It’s a good habit to have though, especially if you’re uncapping it with dirty fingers.
2- Draw air into your syringe equal to your dosage.  This will help displace the liquid in your vial to make drawing it up easier.
3- With the vial down and your needle pointing down, insert the needle and inject the air into the vial.  Flip your syringe and vial upside-down so the vial is on top with your needle inside.  Draw up your dosage without bubbles.  **If you are swapping out needles, draw up an extra teeny bit as needles will retain some of the liquid.  So if you’re drawing to a line like .4mL, maybe hit juuust over that line.
4- Turn your bottle back down and withdraw your syringe/needle.
5- If you are swapping needles, turn your syringe up with the needle in the air.  Recap your needle, twist off, and twist on your new needle.  INJECT THE AIR OUT OF YOUR NEEDLE HEAD.  Do this by pressing gently on the plunger until you see no air bubbles in the needle’s base and you see a drop or two of fluid come out.  This is why you drew a slight bit extra fluid in step 3.  Getting the air out of the base can be hard, don’t worry.  This is because they’re built to trap the air from coming through for safety, but we don’t want to risk even that.
6- Your shot is ready!  Woo!  If you need to, you can gently recap your needle.  Try not to hit the tip of it.  If you do, it’s not the end of the world.
How to do your shot yourself.
The “proper” location in which to give yourself your testosterone shot, according to my endocrinologists’s nurse, is in your rectus femoris.
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So sit down, relax, and measure about 1/2 of a hand away from your knee and a hand from your hip.  Stick towards the chunk of muscle that lays on the top outer side of your leg.  That’s your safest zone for painless injection.
After you’ve chosen a spot, sterilize it, and sterilize your fingers (a personal precaution I take).  Take your not-dominant fingers and gently press down and pull apart the skin near the injection site.  This helps reduce distance and toughness of injection.
Take a deep breath, keep breathing (lest your muscles tense up).  Insert your needle with your dominant hand.  Although it is advised to press the plunger with your non-dominant fingers, I prefer to do it with the same hand I’m injecting with.  (***This is where you aspirate.)  And inject.
You don’t have to have your needle in ALL the way, although it is recommended, especially if you’re a little chunkier than most.  If you inject in fat, that’s okay, it just may take longer for testosterone to hit your system.  Just make sure at least half an inch is in or more, k?  Try going in all the way if you can (if you have a 1″ needle).
After all of the testosterone is in, gently pull out the needle and you’re done!
If you’re shaking, that’s okay too.  My nurse laughed because as she was teaching me, it looked like I was giving myself a tattoo.  It was awful.  Awfully funny.
How to have someone give you your shot.
Prep your shot.
You’ll have to take off your underwear, or at least one buttcheek’s worth of cloth there if you can manage.  Chose your side.
Now, a lot of people, especially on TV, will inject into their own (or each others’) gluteus medius, which is like the side of your backside.  My nurse, however, told me this method which is in the gluteus maximus, the butt of your... butt.
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From Rick and Morty, “Something Ricked this way Comes” No, testosterone is not pink.  Yes, I wish it was.
Lean over a counter or table, probably about as high as your waist maybe.  Whatever is comfortable and stable.
On the side you chose to take your shot on, take that foot and turn your toes inwards towards your other foot, probably at about 30-45 degrees.  This moves your leg in a way that forces that injection muscle to relax.  
Your injection site will be between the tail of your spine and the lower outer corner of your buttocks if you draw a line.  (I should really have drawn a picture for this one.)
Sterilize injection site and fingers (***and aspirate if desired) and inject.
(I’ve never had this particular injection done, but this is how my nurse taught me.)
***What is aspiration?  Do I have to aspirate before injecting? Aspiration is when you insert your needle and draw up (before injecting your testosterone).  This method is used to see whether or not you’re drawing up blood; if so, you would be injecting into a vein or artery.  This is a controversial topic as injecting testosterone into a vein can be very dangerous, but all of the nurses I’ve seen have expressed that this is not an issue with testosterone injections at my injection site.  Many people agree and disagree.  Still, if you’re concerned, attempt to draw fluid up before injecting your testosterone just to be sure.  I don’t aspirate now.  I may or may not aspirate in the future, who knows.  
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Other injection locations...
There’s a lot of different opinions out there and methods as to where to inject.  I’ve done it a few different places myself.  I’m just going with what nurses have told me and what’s been best for me.  You do you.  (But please for the love of God I implore you do not inject in your inner thigh it is soft tissue all of your nerves and veins are there it hurts I hit a lymphatic vein once and that pain does not go away for like a week solid omg doooooooooon’t.)
Hope this helps!  I’ve been meaning to do a video or some illustrations, but I currently ain’t got no time for dat.  Maybe if I had a patreon, idk.  Oh well.  Enjoy your shots shots shots shots shots shots erryboday.
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So can’t message you for some reason, doesn’t work when I send a message so why don’t we put everything under a read me so it doesn’t get so damn long.
You know what if you won’t take my word for it listen to James Grossman the Executive Director of the American Historical Association:
James Grossman, the executive director of the American Historical Association, says that the increase in statues and monuments was clearly meant to send a message.
"These statues were meant to create legitimate garb for white supremacy," Grossman said. "Why would you put a statue of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson in 1948 in Baltimore?"
Or Doctor Mark Elliot:
“All of those monuments were there to teach values to people,” Elliott says. “That’s why they put them in the city squares. That’s why they put them in front of state buildings.” Many earlier memories had instead been placed in cemeteries.
The values these monuments stood for, he says, included a “glorification of the cause of the Civil War.”
I know you like to use your opinion instead of sources but I’m excited to see how you explain this away or discredit these people. Especially the guy in charge of the American Historical Association.
Oh yeah because few people on the left are burning stuff that suddenly means everyone who is left leaning is for that. Are you out of your fucking mind? This is fucking ridiculous you think they speak for the entirety of the Left?? Like show me facts. Show me statistics that it’s a wide spread thing on our side then maybe I’ll take these people seriously until then chill the fuck out.
Also let’s talk about this article in regards to colleges. First and foremost again with the misuse of freedom of speech unless you’re going to fight all the times students have gotten expelled from Universities for saying slurs and shit you really need to chill out with your problem you have with a University exercising their right to not allow someone on to the campus and people exercising their right to protest until they are heard.
There is a code of conduct at Universities and it’s beyond ridiculous if a school is okay with inviting someone that has said/done things that go against that code of conduct when if I a student did any of that I would be fucking expelled. Them bringing that person in shows what the schools values are before you say “well they aren’t students.” If I owned a school and decided I was going to let Sean Spencer [a neo nazi who has called for ethnic genocide] come speak to my students that would say something about myself and my schools values.
Ann Coulter has said some fucked up shit to include the homophobic word f*ggot. She’s said "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity." She’s said "I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo." She’s said “ Jews would be “perfected” once they became Christians.”
Do I need to keep going about the fucked up shit she has said? No one owes this woman a fucking platform she’s garbage. I read something once about how speech can be violent because of the effect it has on the body and the brain but there’s something that stands out to me:
The scientific findings I described above provide empirical guidance for which kinds of controversial speech should and shouldn’t be acceptable on campus and in civil society. In short, the answer depends on whether the speech is abusive or merely offensive.
Offensiveness is not bad for your body and brain. Your nervous system evolved to withstand periodic bouts of stress, such as fleeing from a tiger, taking a punch or encountering an odious idea in a university lecture.
Entertaining someone else’s distasteful perspective can be educational. Early in my career, I taught a course that covered the eugenics movement, which advocated the selective breeding of humans. Eugenics, in its time, became a scientific justification for racism. To help my students understand this ugly part of scientific history, I assigned them to debate its pros and cons. The students refused. No one was willing to argue, even as part of a classroom exercise, that certain races were genetically superior to others.
So I enlisted an African-American faculty member in my department to argue in favor of eugenics while I argued against; halfway through the debate, we switched sides. We were modeling for the students a fundamental principle of a university education, as well as civil society: When you’re forced to engage a position you strongly disagree with, you learn something about the other perspective as well as your own. The process feels unpleasant, but it’s a good kind of stress — temporary and not harmful to your body — and you reap the longer-term benefits of learning.
What’s bad for your nervous system, in contrast, are long stretches of simmering stress. If you spend a lot of time in a harsh environment worrying about your safety, that’s the kind of stress that brings on illness and remodels your brain. That’s also true of a political climate in which groups of people endlessly hurl hateful words at one another, and of rampant bullying in school or on social media. A culture of constant, casual brutality is toxic to the body, and we suffer for it.
That’s why it’s reasonable, scientifically speaking, not to allow a provocateur and hatemonger like Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at your school. He is part of something noxious, a campaign of abuse. There is nothing to be gained from debating him, for debate is not what he is offering.
On the other hand, when the political scientist Charles Murray argues that genetic factors help account for racial disparities in I.Q. scores, you might find his view to be repugnant and misguided, but it’s only offensive. It is offered as a scholarly hypothesis to be debated, not thrown like a grenade. There is a difference between permitting a culture of casual brutality and entertaining an opinion you strongly oppose. The former is a danger to a civil society (and to our health); the latter is the lifeblood of democracy.
By all means, we should have open conversations and vigorous debate about controversial or offensive topics. But we must also halt speech that bullies and torments. From the perspective of our brain cells, the latter is literally a form of violence.
Now can you say that being anti-Semitic [Jewish people will be perfected by becoming Christian] calling for the invasion, murder and forced conversion to Christianity [man that has a long history of fucking up countries] saying that we should televise and condone torture AND drop fucking bombs [daisy cutters] throughout the Middle East isn’t fucking abusive and oppressive? I mean you could but it’s garbage.
I love that you left out what that statement was in reference to. You said no one who is affected by it cares which was a blatant lie and you’ve obviously ignored the copious amounts of NA that have called for this stuff to be removed.
Your facts were called bullshit because they didn’t support your original statement.
You do realize it doesn’t fucking matter if 4.7 million don’t care right? Those 520k+ NA still exist and they give a damn so your statement the people affected don’t care is a fucking lie and using that article to push your narrative that is fucking wrong makes it bullshit. It’s not because I don’t like evidence. It’s because the evidence you have provided is garbage and doesn’t support the statement YOU FUCKING MADE. You don’t get to fucking decide an issue doesn’t matter because the majority of said group doesn’t care about it.
Nothing you said changes that the article detailed how to help the NA community. So either your article is good and the information is sound or it’s bad. You can’t pick and choose. You can’t use part of the articles information to back up your statement then trash the rest of it. Do you know how that makes a source look?
Doesn’t matter why you omitted it. The point remains it proved my point that the government was fucking the NA community over. Your source that you provided agrees that what the government is doing with the land [along with the cigerrets and the casinos] are hurting the community.
Hmmmm that’s fair the US has provided that but uhm just a quick thing:
 Since it was first established within the old U.S. War Department in 1824, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has distinguished itself as the most corrupt, ineffective and abusive agency in the federal government. Although the BIA now professes the greatest respect for "tribal sovereignty" and "tribal self-determination," there is precious little evidence of genuine concern for tribal autonomy in its administration of federal Indian policy as its recent illegal intervention into the internal affairs of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma substantiates. The overwhelming weight of evidence tells a very different story about BIA policy making. By any standard, the BIA is a colossal failure as a government agency and the dead weight of its administrative wreckage represents the single greatest obstacle to the freedom, prosperity, cultural integrity and progress of Native Americans. Until the BIA is abolished and federal Indian policy is fundamentally reformed, the future holds little promise of a significant change in the lives of Native Americans.
I don’t use reddit. Ever. So like again I say just say the shit you wanna say so I don’t waste my fucking time responding to it??
So the fact that they haven’t paid there bills somehow means they deserve to be living with dirty fucking pipes? They deserve the city officials to not fix the fucking pipes that a lot of them have been prosecuted over for their role in it?
The first thing that you said in this post was this: We’ve given you everything you want, but you just want more you greedy layabouts. So  you didn’t originally say anything about people only complaining on twitter. Try reading through your own statements.
You know how you said that I was misquoting you [which I wasn’t lol] it’s nice to see you doing the same thing. Here’s what I said:
ALSO I don’t know if you know this but not everyone is able to go out and do the stuff I do whether it’s age, whether it’s economical, whether it’s because they have a disability of some sort so calling them a lay about is so many levels of wrong not to mention talking this stuff on the internet can and often does get people involved who can do stuff to do so. You discounting the power of words and the internet is illogical and just to ridiculous for words.
At no point did I say that no one out of the people I listed could go out in protests but the fact remains that for every child, poor person, disabled person that can go there’s someone that can’t so again you calling these people layabouts is fucking garbage, but I love that you think the links you provided mean EVERYONE in those particular communities can do something.
Yes. It’s quite possible since you’re more likely to live in poverty if you were in poverty as a child (https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/rich-kids-stay-rich-poor-kids-stay-poor/) (http://www.nccp.org/publications/pub_911.html) (https://www.brookings.edu/blog/social-mobility-memos/2016/02/19/a-college-degree-is-worth-less-if-you-are-raised-poor/) (http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/06/the-long-shadow-poverty-baltimore-poor-children/) and having literally all your money, land and shit stripped away from is a sure fire way to put people in poverty if I ever saw one.
I honestly can’t expect much from someone that thinks institutional oppression doesn’t exist. I mean I can’t blame you for not understanding this “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” thing is garbage and has always been garbage
Read the following: (http://www.aaihs.org/slavery-the-13th-amendment-and-mass-incarceration-a-response-to-patrick-rael/) (http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/gilmoreprisonslavery.html) (https://www.afsc.org/story/slavery-mass-incarceration) (https://www.democracynow.org/2016/10/3/from_slavery_to_mass_incarceration_ava) (https://eji.org/enslavement-to-mass-incarceration-museum) (http://racism.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1470:institutionalized-slavery&catid=137&Itemid=155&showall=1&limitstart=)
 Also let’s talk about your articles
The one talking about Black leaders: I’m all for admitting there were other circumstances as well but the idea that the war on drugs wasn’t to attack Black communities (http://jezebel.com/nixons-policy-advisor-admits-he-invented-war-on-drugs-t-1766359595) or that drugs weren’t funneled into the community (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/10/gary-webb-dark-alliance_n_5961748.html) is factually incorrect.
Also there being other contributing factors to Mass Incarceration doesn’t suddenly mean it didn’t start with slavery.  That’s not how that works.
The first article:
Is the fact that Black politicians are on board with this and that there’s some racist black guy trying to put Black people in more economic poverty supposed to prove anything?
Have you ever experienced poverty? Have you ever experienced being so poor you can’t feed your own children [due to racism in the job market and a slew of other things] that you turn to crime to feed said children? If the choice is between starvation for yourself and your children and committing a crime that’s not a real choice.
One I didn’t bring the law in to this [despite the fact there are numerous racist legal practices] but I’m glad you can recognize that stuff from 100 years ago can affect today albeit even if you’re saying so in just a legal capacity. But please tell me how your comment is right but mine is wrong when I say stuff from 100+ years ago can affect people today?
We are having a debate/argument/discussion whatever you want to call it and while you are right it’s not a research paper when you do this stuff you need to have your fact straight.
 For example I haven’t gotten stuff wrong here that’s fine but nothing I’ve gotten wrong has presented me as a possible racist liar [your own actions even if they were by accident are the same actions that racist people have done. People I’ve had this conversation with before so if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck until I know otherwise. AGAIN that was your fault. My initial evaluation of you was your own fault.]
Don’t really care. If I’ve got the facts to back me up I’ll cuss all I want especially when it’s about topics that directly affect me and others like me. If you allow my insults to detract from the facts that’s something YOU need to work on not me because even if you had cussed me out I still would have read your sources and I would have replied to them in kind.
If my argument is supported by facts and you think me being mean to you delegitimizes my argument that is supported by facts that means you don’t care about the facts because someone was mean to you. People need to stop using people being mean to them as a way to negate facts.
So I realized I didn’t actually link my source apparently lol?? I thought I did so that’s on me but it was a list of articles from google talking about the issue but I already know we are gonna run into this problem again later down so I’ll save what I am going to say for then.
So all you’ve got is your opinions didn’t I say don’t bother responding if you couldn’t give me something other than your opinion?
However there is something I will address. Yes we commit more violent crimes I won’t ever deny that because I know it’s a fact. I frequently use those FBI tables in conversations. What I will say though is violent crimes doesn’t encompass everything so let’s talk about that other stuff:
Even more surprising is what gets left out of the chart: Blacks are far more likely to be arrested for selling or possessing drugs than whites, even though whites use drugs at the same rate. And whites are actually more likely to sell drugs:
Whites were about 45 percent more likely than blacks to sell drugs in 1980, according to an analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth by economist Robert Fairlie. This was consistent with a 1989 survey of youth in Boston. My own analysis of data from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows that 6.6 percent of white adolescents and young adults (aged 12 to 25) sold drugs, compared to just 5.0 percent of blacks (a 32 percent difference).
This partly reflects racial differences in the drug markets in black and white communities. In poor black neighborhoods, drugs tend to be sold outdoors, in the open. 
To compound on this cops just don’t seem to care about white people doing this stuff. (https://www.aclu.org/issues/mass-incarceration/smart-justice/war-marijuana-black-and-white) (https://privacysos.org/blog/there-goes-your-overtime-cop-explains-why-police-dont-target-powerful-whites-in-drug-enforcement/) The CIA definitely didn’t care when they were targeting Black people and Hippies.
Not to mention white people are now calling for a gentler war on drugs now because of a fucking heroin crisis (https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/31/us/heroin-war-on-drugs-parents.html?mcubz=1) but I mean fuck the Black community right? Let’s support laws that put them in jail (http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2014/08/racial_bias_in_criminal_justice_whites_don_t_want_to_reform_laws_that_harm.html)
 Black people are more likely to have their cars searched despite the fact that they find more illegal stuff on white people (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/10/27/police-are-searching-black-drivers-more-often-but-finding-more-illegal-stuff-with-white-drivers-2/?utm_term=.e402ec8667c4)
Black people are more likely to be stopped and frisked despite the fact that white people carry more contraband (https://thinkprogress.org/white-people-stopped-by-new-york-police-are-more-likely-to-have-guns-or-drugs-than-minorities-9bf579a2b9b3/)
And there’s this too: (https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/07/data-police-racial-bias)
So that information about violent crime doesn’t suddenly fix everything.
ALSO Black people are more likely to be in poverty so there’s a racial aspect to all of this isn’t if it isn’t the single contributing factor. One of the reasons is probably this: (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2915472/) or this: (http://www.epi.org/publication/african-americans-are-paid-less-than-whites-at-every-education-level/)
Columbus was also trash and his statues need to be removed and Columbus day should be replaced with Indigenous People’s Day [it’s already happening but all of America needs to get with the times] again books, museums and mandatory curriculums exist that’s not gonna change.
Have you heard anyone call for the removal of museums that are about educating people? I know for a fact that the African American History and Heritage Museum has a section about Civil War and there’s no way people would remove that. Now a museum glorifying the actions of the Confederate sure remove it. History like that should be remembered not glorified.
Educating isn’t glorifying and if you can’t tell the difference between those two words I can’t help you. NOT TO FUCKING MENTION it’s the people that are supporting this shit that are ALL FOR revising ACTUAL HISTORY BOOKS that teach kids about this stuff. We aren’t the ones doing what you’re accusing us of. The right is.
Soooo you’re against pedophilic material being censored since no one should be forcibly censored? I mean that’s cool…I guess….I can’t even.
Now obviously, I don’t actually believe you believe that but your stance is no censorship is good but if you budge that means in certain circumstances it is. So who are you to decide what those circumstances are? Mine reasons are based off the racist history of the statues and their continued presence in a society that claims to be post racial/racism
So I’ve already proven that you’re wrong about why those statues were put up from two very reliable sources but I am eager to see how you plan to discredit them or if you’re even gonna bother providing sources and are going to use your opinion again which will not hold up to that.
Anyway those statues were put up to glorify the reasons the south seceded [racism along many other things] and to terrorize Black people. It wasn’t solely about memorializing their fallen [I’ll agree that was part of the reason] but like that part shouldn’t matter since the racism is quite clear now. At least to anyone that cares about sources.
Things happened in the past that effect the present [which you agreed with] and therefore reconciliation should be made.
Also you didn’t have a single source to back up your opinions so you saying it’s not real doesn’t mean shit to me because your opinion doesn’t mean shit without fucking sources. Your word isn’t fucking fact.
OH MY GOD yes because a Black man managed to do that with some KKK members that means they can all have that happen? Didn’t you get “mad” at me earlier for something along these lines? You are a joke if you think the people he convered represent the entitirety of the population of the KKK which is said to be 3000 people (http://www.epi.org/publication/african-americans-are-paid-less-than-whites-at-every-education-level/) We don’t even have a number of how many people he converted but you wanna use that as proof that all these racist fucks aren’t gonna stay that way?
Fine I will change my stance THE MAJORITY OF THESE FUCKS will continue to be the way they are unless there are serious consequences for the fucking behavior whether it’s getting expelled from college, losing their job or someone beating the ever living shit out of them. This is not me saying I condone violence but my point stands.
Do you realize the KKK have been marching around the US before this? Do you realize the Nazism and all that was on the rise before this happened? Also when it comes to PoC people claim the victim narrative is bullshit but let it be the KKK and Neo-Nazis all of a sudden it’s got legitimacy that’s racist bullshit.
Their beliefs don’t change facts. Their history is racist. The KKK is racist. Neo-Nazism is racist. The Confederacy seceded for multiple reasons but one of them was RACISM. The fact that people are claiming to agree with them is just more proof that our country is racist but of course no one will go for that because these people are the actual ones trying to erase fucking history.
Things aren’t always black and white. Things don’t always happen because of racism but you acting like systematic oppression doesn’t exist is factually incorrect, moronic and doesn’t help shit in tearing down these systems in order to help people.
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i’ve been playing starcraft 2 since literally day 2. not day 1 because i was in middle school at the time and my parents wanted me to finish my homework that day, and also at the time i shared a copy of the game with my dad (i finally got my own account when legacy of the void came out) and he was busy playing it on day 1. but still, day 2 is still incredibly early. if someone tried to argue with me for calling myself an old-school SC2 player, i would feel pretty confident dismissing their opinion as completely ridiculous.
however, even after ten years, i’m not really that good at it.
i’m not terrible! i was, once upon a time, absolute garbage; i didn’t really know how to play starcraft until 2014 at the earliest. but nowadays, i’m pretty good at the campaign at least; i can beat Very Hard bots; and i got into Gold league the last time i actually bothered to join a season, back in 2018, though that was probably a fluke. i’ve already gotten more than half of the new tenth anniversary achievements, and i can handle Hard difficulty campaign missions fairly easily and i’m probably gonna start tackling Brutal soon.
but i lose the majority of multiplayer games i join against actual humans, and when i do win, it’s either because my opponent made a huge mistake (in one of my recent wins, my opponent admitted that they probably waited too long to move out) or they were even worse than i was (in another of my recent wins, my opponent seriously reminded me of how i used to play back before i really knew how to play, like they had a single Zealot by the time i had like ten Marines and a couple Marauders).
part of my problem is that i don’t exactly play consistently. i often take breaks for months at a time. so that does mean that even though i’ve been playing for ten years, that doesn’t exactly mean i have ten years of experience. but it’s not that big of a handicap. i do get rusty during these breaks, but it doesn’t take long to get back into the swing of things, so i do consistently improve.
another is that my anxiety keeps me somewhat away from the multiplayer. even co-op. i’m just afraid i’m gonna humiliate myself, or irritate other players.
anyways the main reason i’m making this post is because i’m considering my options on how to improve.
i started following r/starcraft recently, and while i don’t exactly keep up with Reddit, i do read all the highlight emails Reddit sends me and there’s always one r/starcraft post in there. and a lot of it has been pretty informative, but not... fully. should i start asking questions there myself? i’m considering it.
i’ve also been watching more professional games. now, i’m not expecting my games to go anything like that- pro starcraft is its own world. but i am trying to get a feel for what kind of force is big enough to start moving out, how to scout, etc.
i’m also considering playing some games against AI at Normal speed instead of the default Faster. my line of thinking is that at Normal speed, i have more time to react, and thus can do better micro and macro. and sure, playing at Normal doesn’t necessarily make me better... BUT it’ll help me train my reflexes, and i think that’ll transfer over to Faster speed too.
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automatismoateo · 8 years
I (an atheist) just erupted at my very-Christian family over abortion and I don't know how to feel about it or where to talk about it so I'm posting here. The reason I exploded was because my daughter died 1 year ago and they keep posting this shit and I could not take it anymore. via /r/atheism
Submitted January 05, 2017 at 06:37AM by I_See_With_Sound (Via reddit http://ift.tt/2jcxEog) I (an atheist) just erupted at my very-Christian family over abortion and I don't know how to feel about it or where to talk about it so I'm posting here. The reason I exploded was because my daughter died 1 year ago and they keep posting this shit and I could not take it anymore.
So, some background. I have a 6 week old daughter now, but 1 year ago my wife and I watched as our first pregnancy ended with our daughter dying from Turner's Syndrome complicated by a cystic hygroma. She choked to death on her own lympathic fluid and then had her head explode like a water balloon (which I witnessed).
My family are ultra-right-wing Christians and they love to post their opinions all over social media, and they frequently rail about abortion despite knowing full well what my wife and I went through and that both of us wish we had aborted our daughter rather than waiting 6 months until she suffered and died.
I've never responded to their anti-abortion militancy, although my wife has a few times and she has literally begged them to have compassion for people in situations that they have not been through. Instead, they still feel the need to throw these very cruel, judgmental, and hurtful little videos and stories all over the place with no concern for anyone's feelings, just wanting to be holier-than-thou in every way possible. When my wife asked my sister to have some thought for parents put in a position where their child will suffer horrendously and die, my sister's exact response was "Well maybe suffering isn't a good enough excuse to kill a child." Still I kept myself in check, for family's sake...
Until my sister posted this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDmwPGrZkYs
And I just lost my fucking mind. Like, I really lost it. If they had been in the house with me I'd have hit someone, I'm still shaking with rage. I cried from how hurtful it is to see shit like that.
But I also think I went too far, but I don't know. It breaks my heart to hate someone I love, but I swear every time someone posts something like this I lose my shit and I do hate them. My heart fills with so much hate every time someone tries to shove this garbage into my face. I don't think I have any less empathy or any more hatred for anyone on this planet than for the "prolife" movement. And I used to be one of them (which fills me with immense shame).
I have no idea how to think or feel about what I said or how this all went down, I'm still shaking, I'm still enraged. I'll include what I wrote. I'm not looking for affirmation for what I said, I just need people who can understand why I am so angry, and (yes) tell me I need therapy. But mostly I just need people who can understand my absolute, blinding-red rage. Because I could not be angrier than I am right now.
Ben's welcome to come tell the mother of a child with anencephaly that she must carry the baby to term until its brains melt out of its skull and flop onto the floor of a hospital in a pile of slop as the amniotic fluid spends nine months chewing away at its body while it is dissolved alive. Sure would be nice if the mother could choose to not put its child through that, oh well, not in Ben's world, fuck those women and their children I guess.
You know how many abortions happen in the third trimester in America every year? It's 100. That's it. And ALL of them are from severe abnormalities, chromosomal defects, and 100% fatally dead children. All of them. ALL of them. The same happy fun place I was in one year ago today.
You know what would have been nice? Not having my daughter's skull explode like an overripe melon in front of my eyes. That was a bit unpleasant. Sure could have done without that image until the day I died. OH WELL, at least Ben fucking Shapiro approves of my daughter's head exploding naturally and not from saving her from suffering until she died, so I can live with THAT comfort can't I?
And while that was a bad day, watching her choke to death on her own lymphatic fluids for six months was a bit harder to deal with. Just a wee fucking bit. Ending her suffering before she had a functional nervous system would have been the kind thing to do. I, selfishly, and cruelly, chose to pretend that she wasn't going to die and instead forced her to choke to death and die in agony. I wish I could do that over again, but not in Ben's world, nope, fuck me for wanting to not force my daughter to gag to death on her own plasma and piss. You know what I wonder whenever someone shoves this shit down my throat? How they would react watching their child suffer and die for six months? How the FUCK they would react watching their infant's head go POP and leak out on the hospital floor? It was oodles of fun, maybe I should've made a video so you could share in the joy.
Maybe people like Ben can tell me how they would deal with having a profession where it's your job to give this SAME NEWS to parents every day. That's my job. I go "HEY! my daughter's head exploded like an overripe melon and splattered the doctor in the face like a waterballoon, that's what you're in for! WHEEEE". Maybe Ben could then tell them they can't do anything but let the fetus suffer because Ben fucking Shapiro said they don't get to choose how their terminal child dies: in agony or instantly. Good thing Ben fucking Shapiro is the moral arbiter of the universe and the judge of other people's medical decisions.
Maybe someone can explain to me why it's better to force someone to birth a child with a cystic hygroma and no chance of survival? Anyone? Anyone care to tell me what a good boy I am for making my daughter's head pop like a melon? Or what about mothers with fetuses with iniencephaly? (Google images it). How about hydaditiform moles? (Google it) How about ectopic pregnancies? (Google it) How about trisomy 13? (Google it) How about Bowen Conradi Syndrome? (Google it) How about anencephaly? (Google it) How about Alobar Holoprosencephaly? (Google it) How about an acardiac/acephalic twin that has no heart or head and if you don't abort it they both die. Maybe Ben has a medically informed explanation for them? Or maybe an ounce of fucking empathy...? Oh, no, they're just stupid evil whores for not wanting to force their children to liquify in the womb. Of course. Ben's got it all figured out with his bachelor of arts in political science. I wonder if Ben could tell me what a single chromosomal abnormality is off the top of his head? What do you think the odds are...? I'm betting it's a touch low.
Maybe Ben would like to tell the mother of this child she didn't have a choice but to let it die in agony and pain in an inevitable death as its critically malformed brain turned to soup. What an evil bitch right? Good thing we have Ben to spit in her face and call her an evil whore for having a child with a chromosomal abnormality. She's obviously responsible for her own genetics, right? http://ift.tt/2j6FprU...
And maybe Ben can explain to me why 45% of all pregnancies end in dead fetuses and grieving parents? For every person on this planet there's one that didn't get past the womb because its guts were turned into a tumorous soup, or its brain never existed at all. Maybe Ben in his infinite medically-uniformed wisdom would like to take it up with his fucking god and not spit on people who WANT children and have to choose between instant death or 10 months of suffering and turning into fetal soup.
But I guess that'd require something a bit harder than telling grieving parents how evil they are.
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