#red trio? because they've all got red?
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gamebunny-advance · 10 months ago
I need a better name for this trio.
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I've been calling them "Flame Trio" for a while (because they're all 'fiery' in their own ways), but there's gotta be something catchier than that for them.
Anyone got any better ideas?
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writtenbyan-aries · 1 year ago
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Summary: a request by @morchilluv - "we definitely need a slow burn story of Sam and the reader with some sexual tension and being smutty"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, kind of a sad slow burn romance, a dash of sexual tension (I feel like I make up for it), flirting, real feelings being masked, not so secret jealously, passive aggressive comments/actions, slightly angsty, biting, scratching, hair pulling, unprotected passionate sex, filth
Word count: 8.6k | NOT edited
I didn't mean for this to be as sad as it actually is, but I like it regardless. Sorry if it's not exactly what the request asks, I tried!
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Your family has always been friends with Sam's family, so naturally, anytime there was a party, you and Sam would always run off to hang out.
You had a massive crush on him, and since you were young, you didn't really know how well to conceal it, so your cheeks were always red and your smile never faded with him.
You had a habit of taking pictures, the sunsets, the clouds, animals. You even have multiple blurry pictures of the moon. You took pictures of literally anything that made you happy, and eventually, you got comfortable enough with taking pictures of Sam any time you wanted to.
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He always posed or smiled, but that was always when he knew you were taking a picture. He'd even send you selfies throughout the day on days you weren't hanging out.
You snapped canid pictures of him, too. One of your favorites is him playing the guitar.
You were just kids at the time, not really knowing what love was exactly, but you knew that you didn't want to be without him, even if you were just friends.
That's what it was for a while. You mainly had his attention, even when he did get a girlfriend or talked to a girl. It was puppy, middle school love, so it never really lasted long.
Eventually, Colby started to hang out with you guys, becoming the trio that you are today, but we'll get into that.
Colby would always tease you about liking Sam. He knew before Sam ever did, which honestly to you, took a while for him to understand, or so you thought.
As you became friends for some time, Sam started to flirt back on occasion, mainly when it was just the two of you. When Colby was around, or anyone else for the matter, he wouldn't flirt.
He treated you like he treated Colby, on some levels that is, and it was like that for a while.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Sam and Colby grew big on Vine, quickly building a platform for themselves on YouTube.
You weren't in any of their videos, mainly because you just thought it was weird and you didn't think you could do it.
They've tried and tried again to get you to join them, and you did for maybe one or two videos, but you just sat back mostly, helping them with certain ideas and skits.
You were the girl who always got accused of being one of their girlfriends because you were always with them.
For a while you all took turns replying to certain tweets, denying it, but eventually, you all came to the realization that with fame, comes persistent fans, so all three of you decided to just let people think what they wanted.
You still wished that the rumors between you and Sam would come true, being a teenage girl, you were always told that a girl shouldn't chase a guy, but before you actually realized it, that's exactly what you were doing.
Once graduation hit, you moved from the place you grew up in, to LA.
Sam and Colby got a nice, lavish apartment, with an extra bedroom for editing and one for you, of course.
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You traveled with them. Explored with them.
You really became a big part of the 'XPLR' team and an even bigger part of you fell deeper in love with Sam.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Sam has been heavy on your mind lately, mainly because you thought it was finally time to tell him how you were really feeling.
For years, you've convinced yourself that he knew and liked you, too. The constant flirting back and forth, finding yourself in moments to where you weren't really sure what was going to happen, but it was full of tension, but in a good way.
Sexual tension.
It was there, always surrounding the two of you at the best such as when you're filming a reaction video and he the way he looks at you is just pure lust, or even when you're at home, watching a movie and a sex scene comes on.
Your mind instantly goes to recreating it Sam, and the way he looks at you makes you think that he has those same thoughts with you.
Then there's the worst times, where you're out with friends, drinking. You take one tipsy look at Sam and you feel like you're done for. The only thing stopping you is completely making a fool out of not really yourself, but Sam.
So as usual, it doesn't go anywhere but shoved to the back of your mind.
You kept falling in love with him all over again, doing whatever it took to keep him in your life, but then everything took a turn and you suddenly felt yourself almost hating him.
Girl after girl, situation after situation, you found yourself wanting to distance yourself, save yourself from a massive heartbreak, but it was a little too late for that.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Where are you going?" Sam asks, looking up at you as you get up from your chair.
"To get a drink." You laugh, "You want one?"
He nods, looking back down at his phone, "Yeah, can you bring me one of those strawberry smoothie things?" You purse your lips, "I think there's only one left."
He looks up from his phone dropping it into his lap, "Really?" You nod, "Yeah and that's what I was going to get."
After a few seconds of silence, you find yourself racing to the kitchen, trying to beat Sam to the fridge. He grabs your waist, pulling you back and spinning you away from the door, "No, it's mine!"
You turn, pushing him backwards, "No! I wanted it first!" You laugh, "It's mine!"
He wraps his arm around your waist, lifting you up so your feet are just off the floor, "No, no. It's mine." He walks you back to the couch and throws you onto it with a laugh, "Stay!"
He turns, running towards the kitchen but you leap off the couch, catching up to him and jumping onto his back.
His hands grip the back of your thighs, "Big mistake, missy."
You cover his eyes, "Oh yeah? Try finding the fridge now." He laughs, reaching one arm out in front of him, "You act like I don't have this kitchen engraved in my mind."
He walks over to the fridge and you extend an arm out, trying to stop him. He reaches up, you still clung to his back, and pulls your hand from his face, "Just.." he opens the door, "Let me.." he groans as he reaches forward for the bottle, "Have it!"
"No! It's mine!" You can't help but laugh, "Sam!"
He leans back and you slam your hands to his chest as you feel like you're going to fall, "No! Don't do that!"
He laughs and walks back, "Sit."
"No." You tighten your legs and he sighs, "Fine, we can stay here all day. I don't care." He laughs and you tilt your head, leaning over to look at him, "I'll sit.. if you promise to share it with me."
He sighs, "You're asking a lot." He smiles and looks over at you, "fine."
You hold out your pinky, "Promise."
He brings his hand up, locking his pinky with yours, "I promise."
You slide off his back onto the counter, keeping your eyes on him as he walks forward to the fridge and grabs the bottle.
He turns around, pretending like he's going to run away and you move forward, stopping when he stops, "Ha! Gotcha!"
"I hate you." You smile, rolling your eyes as you sit back comfortably, "Now, give me some." You reach out and he walks over, standing between your knees.
You take a quiet breath, looking up at him as he cracks open the drink.
You've always wanted him to fuck you on the counter. Every time you're in the kitchen with him, you have hopes of him just bending you over and-
"Y/n." Sam waves his hand in front of your face and you blink, "Hmm?"
"I said here." He holds the open drink up and you laugh, "Oh, yeah. Sorry." You take it, bringing it up to your lips.
"What are you doing? Daydreaming about me?" He teases with a smirk and you about choke on your drink, "Mm." You cover your mouth with your wrist, "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
He shrugs, "That depends."
"On what?" You tilt your head, taking a sip again and he sighs, laying his hands on your knees, "Tell me and I'll tell you."
"Mm, I see." You nod, "Okay. I was daydreaming about you... giving me the rest of this drink."
"I'll give you the rest of something." He mumbles before snatching the half full drink from your hand. He drink a little bit more of it, keeping his eyes on you as he tilts his head back slightly.
"Please do." You smirk and he shakes his head, "You'd like that too much." He hands you the drink back and steps back, "I'm going to go edit."
You let out a quiet sigh, "Okay."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
A Few Hours Later
"What are you guys thinking for dinner?" Colby asks as he walks into the editing room. You sit up from the bed, glancing at Sam, "I honestly have no idea."
"Are we going out to eat or?" Sam leans back, spinning around in the chair to face Colby.
Colby nods, "I mean, how else are we going to celebrate that we got a yes to explore the place everyone else gets a no from."
Sam jumps up from the chair, "What!?" He lays a hand on his head, "Are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking with me?"
You smile, watching Sam get exited like a kid in a candy store, "I don't think he's joking, Sam."
"Show me." Sam walks over, "Show me, that god dang email." He watches intently as Colby taps on his screen, "Now do you believe me?"
Sam takes a step backwards, "Do you know what this is going to do for us, Colby?" His eyes move to you and your smile grows smaller.
It's always been hot and cold with you and Sam.
One minute you could be inches away from kissing, then the next he's taking some girl to an abandoned zoo to hang out.
You think that it's because he probably doesn't know you like him, but then at the same time, you also think, how the fuck doesn't he know?
"Congratulations guys." You say getting up from the bed, "I'm proud of you both." You go to walk out, but stop when you feel a hand on your shoulder, "and where do you think you're going?"
You laugh slightly, turning around, "To my room?"
"It better be to get dressed because you're coming, too." Sam smiles and you tilt your head, "Really?"
Colby steps in, "Y/n. You have been with us from the start. You've helped us crack some of the cases we weren't even sure we could. You're a vital part of this, so yes. Of course you're coming."
You nod, "Okay. I'll go get ready." You slowly turn and walk to your room, Colby's speech replaying in your head.
You loved both of them, Colby platonically, Sam, not so much.
You'd be his if he asked, in a heartbeat. You've loved that man since you first laid eyes on him in middle school.
But it's never been you.
You sit down at your vanity, cycling through your lip sticks as you decide on what color dress you should wear tonight.
"Hey." Sam's voice is quiet and you turn around, "Can we talk?" You nod, setting down the lipstick tube, "What's up, Sam?"
He walks over, sitting on the end of your bed. He chews on the inside of his cheek, "So, I'm thinking about inviting someone to dinner and I figured that maybe you can help her feel comfortable throughout the night? Talk with her, ya know. Be her friend?"
You're kind of shocked, but you shouldn't be. Yes, Sam shows interests in you, but it's mainly when there's not someone else trying to get his attention.
As much as you don't want to feel like a second choice, that's honestly how you end up feeling at the end of the day.
"Yeah." You smile, lying through your teeth, "Not a problem at all."
"Really?" He sighs, "Thank you. She's kind of nervous because you know how people are, and if it gets out that we're ce-"
"I know how it goes Sam." You laugh slightly, "Don't worry about it."
"I owe you one." He stands up, giving you a smile as he turns and walks away. You turn back to the mirror and see him stop.
You watch as he turns around, leaning against the doorframe, "You should wear the white dress." He knocks on the frame and smirks before he disappears.
You sit there, analyzing the situation, which you know you shouldn't do because it's just going to drive you insane, like why tell you what dress to wear?
What's it matter?
You huffed, taking a deep breath as you switch on your curling iron. You set it down, giving it time to heat up by getting all of your makeup that you're going to use out.
You paint your lips in the deep red color, smirking as you know it'll go good with that ivory white color.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After curling your hair, you stand up, walking over to your closet and opening the doors. You push through the clothes, eyes dragging up and down every other dress option until you reach that certain one.
You take it off the hanger, turning around to lay it on your bed. You walk over to the door, getting ready to close it, when Colby's hand stops it from closing completely.
"Colby?" You question and open the door a bit more, "I'm getting ready to change."
He nods, "It'll be quick, I just want to make sure you're good."
You give him a confused look, "I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"
He shrugs, "I just know big dinners aren't really your thing, so I just wanted to-"
"I'm good, Colbs. Thank you." You give him a smile, knowing that that isn't why he asked. You've been tied at the hip with them for years.
He knows you like the back of his hand, but he never wants to push to get answers from you. He knows you'll come to him if it ever came down to it.
You close the door and turn out, letting out a sigh because you weren't fine. If you didn't have such great self control, you would have smacked sense into Sam when he was sitting on the end of your bed.
You walk over, taking off your clothes to replace them with the beautiful ivory dress in front of you. It was a chiffon wrap dress with mesh sleeves, and to say the least, you were in love with it.
You walk over, bending down to find a pair of heels to match, and quickly enough, you found a pair right on top.
You make sure you have everything you need for the night before flicking the lights off as you walk out of your room.
Colby whistles as you walk down the steps and you smirk, "Boosting my ego, are we?" You walk over to him and he shrugs, "Like it's my job." He laughs and leans back against the counter to check his phone, "Yo Sam! We gotta get going, brotha."
You've got to be kidding me, you think as Sam walks down the steps. He's wearing a, pretty much, all white outfit. The only thing that isn't white are his shoes and the zipper on his jacket.
Same ivory color as your dress.
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"Are we ready?" Sam asks as he opens his gold glasses to put them on. Colby laughs, "We were waiting for you, so question is." Colby points to Sam, "Are you ready?"
Sam laughs and runs his hand through his hair, "Let's do it."
You follow them towards the door and they let you walk out first. You stop before the steps, waiting for them to shut and lock the door.
You follow Colby down the steps towards the car, Sam following behind you. Colby opens your door, letting you get in first.
You sit in the back row with Colby. Sam in the row in front of you guys because, you know, he has a date and all.
"Where to?" The driver asks and Sam hums, "Mm. One second." You watch over his shoulder as he asks some, Lylah, what her address is.
Colby nudges you and you look back at him. He smiles as he shakes his head, mouthing, "What are you doing?"
You lean back, whispering to him, "Just being nosey."
You laugh, along with Colby and Sam turns around, "Secrets don't make friends you know." You raise your brows, looking down to pick at your dress with your fingers, "Lots of things don't make friends, Sam."
You force a laugh, trying to not make it seem as deep as it really is, to you at least.
You can feel Colby stare at you as Sam tells the driver where he's supposed to go and you just shake your head.
You didn't have to talk to Colby about anything, because he already knew.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You come to a stop outside a rich looking apartment building, it looks like a fancy hotel.
Sam gets out and you bend down, leaning over Colby as you peer out the window, "Shit." You whisper quietly.
"Do you know this girl, Colby?" You ask leaning back up. Colby shrugs, "I've met her once, I think? It was when we were going meet and greets, she came and hung out with us with for the day, but I barely spoke to her."
"Hmm. Okay." You nod, leaning back against the seat, watching from the corner of your eye as Sam and his lady friend walk around to get in.
There's a perfectly good door.. right there, you think, rolling your eyes subtly as her head dips into view, "Hi Colby."
"Hey. How are ya?" Colby nods and she sits down with a sigh, "I'm actually doing pretty good." Her eyes move to you, "Hi y/n." She tilts her head, "I love the dress you're wearing."
Sam gets in, glancing back at you after closing the door.
Yeah, Sam told me to wear it, is what you want to say, "Thank you, it's the chiffon wrap dress from the new collection that just dropped from Zelenki's."
"Oh, yes! I love their clothing. I just bought a pair of jeans from there the other day. I'm super excited to see them." She smiles, turning towards Sam, "We need to get this guy on their site. He would look so good in some of their button ups."
She points to Sam and you nod, "Yeah, I'm sure he would."
Her face kinda falls for a second before she blinks and brushes her bangs from her face, "So where are we going to celebrate?"
"We decided on Ambiance." Colby says and she claps her hands together, "I love going there." She looks at you, "Y/n, if you're into alcohol, they have the best martini's."
You nod, "You bet I'll be drinking tonight."
Colby taps your leg, trying not to laugh, and you shrug, "To celebrate these guys getting the deal of a lifetime."
"Well, I wouldn't say t- well, you know what. We can say that." Sam laughs, smiling as he looks back at Colby.
Colby reaches up, patting Sam's shoulder, "This year is going to be sick for us."
After arriving to the restaurant, you get out and stand next to Colby. Sam and Lylah walk around and you have to look away, because if you don't, your face will give it away that you think her dress is completely ridiculous.
It looks like a prom dress that's been cut at the thigh.
"Pretty dress." You force a smile and she slides her hand down the front to smooth it out, "Thanks. Sam actually told me to wear it, he said he wanted to do a blue and white thing to kind of match."
Her eyes graze up and down your dress, moving to Sam's outfit as she lays her hand on his chest. You can tell that it really bothers her that you and Sam are the ones who are actually matching.
It's written all over her face.
"Alright." Colby claps his hands together, "Let's go in, because I'm hungry." He wraps his arm around your waist, leading you inside a head of Sam and Laylah.
"Brock and Golbach." Colby tells the host and he nods, "Ah yes. Right this way please."
You follow Colby through the sea of tables, making your way to the one room in the back corner.
"Your waitress will be right with you." The host nods and walks away.
Colby pulls your chair out, allowing you to sit before taking his seat next to yours. Sam sits in front of Colby, Layla in front of you.
"So, she leans forward, the martini I was talking about was this one." She points her pink painted nail onto the little card, "The chocolate martini. It's to die for."
Colby sniffles, hinting that you need to be nice, so you smile, "I think that's what I'll get then. Put your trust to the test." You wink at her and lean back, looking down at your menu.
You really did want to be nice to her, but mainly because Sam asked you to. But, at the same time, he doesn't see what's right in front of him, so you also wanted to kind of give him a, hey, fuck you.
"The pomegranate martini is also really good." You look up at her and she tilts her, "Well then I guess I'll have to put your trust to the test." She smiles and you laugh slightly with a nod, "Alright then."
As time goes on, more friends of Sam and Colby come in, joining the table. Everyone orders and now you're conversing back and forth with different people.
Every so often, your eyes will move towards Sam, and his eyes will meet yours.
Every time, you ask yourself why, and even how can he be so blind?
Colby lays his arm on the top of your chair, Sam's eyes following his movements before bringing his glass to his lips. He looks over at Laylah, leaning in to take a selfie with her.
He smiles that beautiful smile and you force yourself to look away.
"so y/n. Will you be joining the boys on this exciting trip?" Laylah sets her phone down, folding her arms over one another as she leans forward.
You look between Sam and Colby, shrugging slightly, "It's ultimately up to them, but I would lo-"
Sam and Colby speak at the same time, cutting you off, "She's coming."
Not only you, but Laylah raises her brows too, "Well I guess that answers that." She laugh, bringing her wide mouthed glass to her lips, finishing the rest of her drink, "I'm going to go get another one, y/n. Care to join?"
You reach down, grabbing your glass and finishing it, "I would love to." You smile, rising from your seat, smiling to the others as you walk around the long and full table.
"So, anything new with you?" She asks as you walk up to the bar. You shrug, "Nothing really." You laugh, "I mean, nothing more than the trips to investigate the ghostly world."
She nods, "I could never do that." She looks away to raise a hand to the bartender then back to you, "Is it really as scary as the videos make it seem?"
You nod, "Oh yeah. It's one thing to watch it through a screen but it's another thing to actually be there and witness it."
She nods, "Yeah I bet." She turns, "I'll have another pomagranete martini, and she'll have.." she points to you and you lean in, "Make it two."
The bartender nods and Laylah turns back to you, "So I don't really know how to ask this." She laughs, "Um."
"Just ask. I'm an open book." You smile and your smile quickly fades when the words leave her lips, "Clearly."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You tilt your head, slightly confused as to what changed. She clears her throat, "If you have a thing for Sam, I'm going to need you to drop it."
"If I have a- what? What the hell are you talking about?" You laugh, "I don't have a thing for Sam."
"Then why did you dress to match him? Why is it that I find you looking at him every time you think I'm not looking?" She sighs, "I get it, Sam is very, very handsome, and it's okay to be a little jealous, but can you not let your jealousy seep through, because if it happens anymore, it'll literally stain my dress."
You stand there, completely dumbfounded in silence.
She turns, "Oh, thank you." She grabs the glasses, handing one to you, "Cheers." She winks and starts walking back to the table.
You follow her, your cheeks heating up as you become angry at what just happened. You take a calming breath before you pass through the doors, putting on a smile as you walk back around to your seat.
"Everything go okay?" Sam asks and Laylah smiles, glancing up at you, "Oh yeah. Everything is just perfect." She leans over, pressing a kiss to his cheek and you clench your jaw.
You bring your glass to your lips and take a long sip.
"Attention, everyone." Someone at the end of the table stands up as they clink their glass. You lean forward, looking around Colby to see and you smile when you see their friend standing there.
"I just want to say a huge congratulations to Sam and Colby for landing this investigation. This is going to be one of the biggest investigations they've ever done and I cannot be more proud of them, so without further ado, please. Give my pals a huge, huge round of applause."
Sam and Colby stand up, smiling and batting their hands. You reach out, grabbing your phone so you can record a story for Instagram.
You smile as you type the words, congratulations guys. You deserve this so, so, so much!
You tag them and set your phone back down after posting. Colby leans in, "You're a part of this, too. Don't let them saying just us fool you."
You really felt like part of the team, that was until you got back from Italy, but that'll come with time.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After dinner and an hour or two of talking about Poveglia, the four of you make your way back to the car.
"How long will you be in Italy for?" Laylah asks laying her hand on Sam's shoulder. She twirls his hair around her finger and you roll your eyes as you look away.
"A few days, four at most. We planned on seeing Venice again while we're over that way." Sam looks at her, giving her a smile.
She smiles, her eyes glancing back at you before she runs her hair through his hair, "Do you know when you leave?"
You and Colby look at each other, giving each other a look of disgust.
You knew what she was doing, and she knew it, too.
Sam shrugs, "Probably not for another week or so."
"So we have time to spend together before you flee the country." She giggles, "I mean, that's only if you want to."
Sam nods, "I mean.. I don't see why not." He chuckles and points, "Here, I'll walk you to the door." Sam opens the door when the driver stops and helps her out.
As soon as the door shuts, word vomit.
"When I went up to bar with her to get another drink, she cornered me and pretty much flipped out on me. She said that if I have a thing for Sam I need to drop it and then asked why I dressed to match him and then she said that I took any chance I got when she wasn't look, or I thought she wasn't looking to look at him and then to top it off she said that if anymore jealously seeped out of me it would literally stain her dress."
You take a breath and look at Colby who's staring at you, "I'm sorry, what?"
"She basically sa-" you stop talking as soon as the door opens again, and Sam gets back in, turning around to look at you, "So did you have fun?"
"Oh yeah." You raise your brows, "So much fun."
The driver starts to drive you guys back home.
"Are you okay?" Sam asks and you look up, ready to snap but you bite your tongue, "I'm fine, I just.. have a headache."
"Mm." Sam nods and turns back around. He brings his phone up, "What the fuck?"
"What's going on, Sam?" Colby asks and Sam face his phone towards you and Colby, "She's literally blowing up my phone."
"Why?" You ask, and Sam scoffs, "Why is she saying that you cornered her at the bar?"
"I didn't. If you want the truth she cornered me. I literally just told Colby everything that happened as soon as you got out." You motion towards Colby, "She accused me of liking you and basically said that I dressed to match you on purpose which, Sam. If I'm correct. You told me to wear this fucking dress."
"Let's not argue in here, please." Colby says trying to defuse the situation.
"Who said we're arguing?" You and Sam say the same time and you both huff.
"Exactly." Colby shakes his head, "Can we just wait until we get h-"
"Why would she say that you did though?" Sam looks at you and you shrug, "I don't know, maybe because she knows that we're close and I was bound to tell you?"
"Were you going to tell me?" Sam tilts his head and you shake your head, "No."
"Because Sam. I don't really think it matters, does it." You snap and the driver awkwardly puts his hand up, "You guys are uh.." he clears his throat, "Home."
"Thank you." You all say in unison. Colby gets out and helps you out and Sam comes around, ready to keep going but you walk away.
"Really?" He says loudly, "You're just going to walk away?" We need to talk about this."
"Can we do this inside?" Colby tries again but you stop in your tracks, turning around on your heels to walk back to him, "Do you really want to know why it's really not that important Sam?"
"Guys come on." Colby groans, "Please."
Ignoring Colby, Sam nods, "Yeah. I really do."
"Because you're bound to take your new girlfriend's side anyway, so why does hearing my side even matter?" You throw your arms up, "I've been trying to get-"
You stop talking and Sam tilts his head, "Trying to get what, y/n." Sam says plainly and you snort, "I don't even.." you shake your head, "You're so blind to certain things in front of you, that you just.."
You shake your head, "I can't do this. I can't do this right now." You blink away the tears that are forming quickly and turn to go inside.
Colby is standing there with the door already open and you barge past him. Sam on your tail calling out for you, "Y/n. Wait. Wait."
You stop halfway up the steps, "it doesn't. Matter. Sam. What don't you get."
He gets pissed, "Fine. Then don't fucking tell me. If you just want to run from this like you run from everything else th-" he stops talking, quickly coming to the realization that what he said was not what he wanted to come out.
You stand there, letting the tears you tried to blink away, fall, "Fuck. You."
You turn, running up to your room, shutting the door with a slam. You grab a suitcase, sobbing as you begin to throw clothes into it.
You hear footsteps come to your door and you sniffle, holding your breath so you can try and hear who it is.
There's a knock and you sigh, nose stuffy, "Go away, Sam." You wipe your cheek with your palm and Colby speaks from the other side of the door, "It's not Sam."
You take a second, hesitating to open the door but you give in. You walk over, cracking the door open and walking away to sit on your bed.
He slips in, not opening the door more than he has to, "Hey."
You sniffle, laughing slightly, "Hey."
He walks over, sitting next to you, "Are you-"
He stops talking as you look at him with a mascara streaked face. He nods, "Right. Yeah." You shake your head, looking towards the door, "What happened to us?"
"Us? You and me were fine." He smirks and you smile slightly, "You know what I mean."
He nods, "I don't think anything happened, y/n. I think.." he pauses and you look at him, "Just say it. I know you already know so just.." you push your hands out in front of you, "Lay it on me. Can't do much more damage."
"I'm just going to tell you what I think is happening, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, okay?" He look at you and you nod.
He nods, "Okay, so what I think happened, is that you are sick of Sam not seeing that you're in love with him."
Colby's words hurt, and the fact that they're true, makes it hurt even worse.
You nod, silently as you try not to cry.
"I also think, now, I love Sam to death, and I will tell you in true honestly that I did call him out on this, but I think Sam has led you on in a way." Colby looks over to the door and back to you.
"He's not on the other side of the door listening is he?" You point to it and Colby shakes his head, "No. he's in his room, waiting for his turn with therapist Colby."
You laugh slightly, taking in a sharp breath as your urge to cry comes back, "I just.." your voice cracks with your words, "I can't keep doing this."
"I know." Colby whispers, laying his arm around your shoulder, "I know."
"The constant flirting, him telling me to wear a dress that matches him without even telling me it matches and then completely blindsiding me with, oh he wanted to do a blue and white matching theme, fuck that."
You stand up, "I just don't-" you lay your hand on your face, "We go from being so close to kissing to this?" You gently fling your arms, "I jus-" you take a deep breath, "Have fun in Italy, call me when you can."
You zip your suit case and Colby grabs it, "No, I want you to come."
"I can't be around him, Colby. As much as I want to, I just.. it'll ruin everything."
"Everything already is ruined. Sam isn't going to forgive himself for what he said." Colby stands up and you shrug, "He can figure that out on his own. I'm done trying to get myself out of these feelings. I'm done trying to act like it's okay for him to hug me from behind then act like we're friends who just met, I'm just.. done trying to get him to love me.."
You look at Colby, "I'm done trying."
Colby frowns, "Y/n."
"I'm serious Colby, I'll come get the rest of my stuff when you guys leave for Italy." You pull the handle out from your suitcase and shake your head, "Make sure to tell him everything I said."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
It's been two days since they've left for Italy.
As you're lying in bed, in your room at their house, your pillow soaked from your tears that you can't turn off, your mind slips into the good memories of you and Sam.
"No. You can't be serious, Sam." You laugh, reaching across his body for grab a card.
He watches you as you slowly lean back, "What's it say?"
"It says.. what was the last dirty message you received?" You bite your lip and tilt your head. He copies your motion and raises his eyebrows, "Can I skip?"
You shake your head, "No way, Golbach. Spill it or.." You smirk, "Take three shots." He presses his lips together and tilts his head back, looking down his nose at you, "Gimme the bottle, baby."
You bite your lip as you reach for the bottle, sliding it across the table to stop in front of him.
He pours a shot, takes it. Then another, then the third and final shot, "Now what?" He leans in, "Are you going to tell me yours?"
Your eyes move from his lips to his eyes, "What if I say no?" You bite your lip and he shrugs, raising his eyebrows, "You tell me."
You back away from each other as Colby comes down the steps, "You're playing without me? Thanks for the invite I guess."
You roll onto your other side, trying to escape them, but you just can't.
"Whatcha doin?" Sam asks waking into the kitchen. You smile as you continue to scrub the glass dish, "Dishes."
"You know we have a dishwasher, right?" He laughs and you look over at him, "Not everything is dishwasher safe, Sam."
"I'm just saying.. nothing has broken on me.. yet." He laughs and walks up behind you, "Watcha listenin' to?"
You laugh, "Music."
You feel him walk up behind you and your scrubbing gradually slows down, "Why don't you take a break, I'm sure you've done enough damage on that dish, and dance with me."
You set the dish down and look at him over your shoulder, "What?"
He grabs your waist, spinning you around, "You heard me." He smiles and takes your bubble covered hand into his, his other hand still on your hip.
He pulls you a step out away from the sink and pulls you along with him. He laughs as he steps back, sliding his other hand into hours and you lift your arms, laughing as he spins you around.
He pulls you into his chest and wraps his arms around your neck, "You know, you're fun to hang out with."
You sob into your pillow, angry at Sam all over again.
Your phone dings, and you assume that it's probably just Colby, giving you hourly updates on how their investigation is going.
You lift your head, picking up your phone when it chimes again.
Sam: I'm sorry
You force out a laugh, trying not to cry, "Don't do this." You close your eyes, "I can't." You whisper, clearing his message from your Home Screen.
You sit up, looking around at your half packed room.
You wanted to be out by the time they got back, you told Colby you were leaving, you also told him not to tell Sam.
As you stand up, throwing things into a box, your phone dings, and then a few more times, and you groan, "I swear to.. fuck." You groan, leaning down to grab it, eyes watering at each message you read.
Sam: I want you so much. You're all I fucking think about. please. Talk to me. I need to I don't know, explain my self I guess? I wasn't ready I didn't think I was ready to actually settle down and I know that's what you want or wanted with me Y/n Please don't just read these
An incoming call from Colby interrupts your stare at the texts that are still coming through, "Hello?"
"Please don't kill him." Colby says frantic on the other end of the phone. You furrow your brows, sniffling, obvious that you've been doing nothing but crying, "What are you-"
There's banging on the front door.
Loud, repetitive, non stop banging.
"What's fucking happening?" You pull your phone away from your ear, seeing Sam's texts,
Open the door I left everything in Italy
You put the phone back up to your ear, "Why is he here"
Colby sighs, "Just talk to him."
"No." You snap and Colby talks immediately, "Look, y/n. Neither one of us can do this investigation. We have to convince the people who own this to reschedule our visit. Sam couldn't keep it together for the intro."
"Yes, really. Now please." He sighs, "Just go. Open. The door."
"Fine." You hang up, making your way down the steps. You move the curtain on the door and look out at a soaking wet Sam.
"Please." His words are muffled from the door being shut, but you can still tell what he's saying, "I love you."
You clench your jaw, unlocking the door and opening it, "Where was that before all of this?" You step out side the door, the pouring rain coming down onto you now, "do you know how painful it was to have feelings for someone you can't be with?"
"Y/n." Sam shrugs, lifting his hands from his sides, but you keep going, "Do you know how many times, I've wished for you to not be in love with someone else? Then you go and hang out with a girl at a place you took me to first?"
"I'm sorry." His voice cracks, "Just please.. let-"
"I was jealous that night Sam, the night you asked me to play nice with your new girlfriend, Laylah. I was so fucking jealous Sam. But do you know how fucking stupid I felt? Being jealous over someone that wasn't even mine?"
He nods and you scoff, "I don't think you do because if you would have asked me to be yours, I would have said yes in a fucking heartbeat and don't even come back with the you should have asked me, because I know damn well that you could tell I loved you, Colby even picked up on it before you did."
Sam stands there, staring at you, eyes red from crying.
Hair dripping wet from the rain, you can't judge him because you look the same way.
"We're almost the literal definition of he likes her, she likes him. It's obvious to everyone except them.. but the only difference is, I knew what I wanted. I wanted you and all you did was lead me on."
Tears mix in with the beads of rain that form on your cheeks, your voice breaking, "It shouldn't have come to this, Sam."
You stand still as he walks up to you, "Y/n."
"It.." you sniffle, "It feels like you destroyed me, Sam."
"Let me fix it." He mumbles as he slides his hands over your cheeks, tilting your head up so you can look at him, "Please." He rests his forehead against yours, "Let me fix it."
"There's nothing-"
He cuts you off, "Don't say there's nothing to do. Because there's everything to do."
You sob quietly, his hands still on your cheeks. His thumbs brush gently over your wet skin, "I called whatever it was off with Laylah the night we got into it. The night you left me."
Your eyes meet his, "Why."
"Because I knew that my forever was walking out that door and I knew I had to do everything in my power to get it back." He sniffles, "You've supported me since day one. You've loved me.. since day one."
"Why now, Sam? Why after you flew all the way to Italy? Why after it took me telling Colby I was done with everything? It shouldn't have come to this."
He doesn't say anything, the rain smacking against the pavement fills your ears.
You reach up, grabbing his wrists to pull them away but he presses his lips to yours.
As much as you want to pull away, you can't.
"Sam." You slide your hands around his neck, lips moving with his as he slides his hands down to pull your hips against his.
"Please." He whispers, sniffling as he gently brushes his nose again your cheek, "Y/n."
You stay silent, the only sound that comes from you is a few sniffles.
"I can't do anything without you." Sam wipes your cheeks with his thumbs, "I wish I knew how stupid I was being. I tried to push you away because I didn't want to hurt you. I wasn't ready, but y/n, sweetheart, the risk of you walking out of my life forever has made me realize that I want you. I want you in so many ways, it's actually kind of insane."
You look up at him, "It shouldn't have taken.. this.. for you to finally realize what you want, Sam."
He shakes his head, "I won't ever let it get to that point ever again, because you're mine." He lifts you up, your legs hugging his waist like they've always dreamed of doing.
Your arms snake around his neck, not saying another word as he walks through the door, kicking it closed, "I promise."
You lean in, hugging him as he walks over to the couch. He sits down and you moving your legs to straddle his lap.
You lean back, hands sliding around his neck to cup his wet cheeks. Your eyes move around his face, back and forth between his eyes before you lean in, pressing your lips to his.
The heat you have always dreamed up, felt every time your eyes met his, is there.
And it's hotter than ever.
"I love you." Sam whimpers against your lips, "I'm so sorry."
You shake your head, "We can talk later. Right now.. I just.." you rest your forehead against his, "Wanna be with you."
He nods, sweeping your body over to lay under his. His lips kiss from your him, down your neck, "I wish.. I knew how to love you like this before."
You run a hand through his hair, unsure of what to say. He kisses back up to your lips, "Do you want to do this?"
You nod, tugging at his shirt, "Please."
He leans up, pulling his soaked shirt up over his body and tossing it onto the floor. You sit up and he does the same to your shirt, "You're so fucking beautiful."
His lips reconnect to yours and you moan quietly as he slowly grinds against you. He kisses back to your ear, his voice quiet, almost sounding like it's going to break, "You were the only girl I could ever think about."
Your eyes start to burn and you turn your head, reaching up to grab his so you can turn it towards you and kiss you.
The kiss is hot. Full of passion.
It's what you wanted all along.
He slides his hands down, slipping them into your rain soaked sweatpants. He pulls them down your legs, and reaches for the button on his pants, popping them open as he leans back down to kiss you.
He stands up, discarding his wet jeans to the floor before hovering his body back over yours.
He pushes his boxers down, just enough for his cock to spring free and he slips your panties to the side. Not wasting another second, he drops his head to your shoulder as he slowly slips his cock into you, burying it deep inside with a groan.
You gasp, clinging to him as you tighten your legs around his waist, breathing out a whiney, "Sam."
His nose brushes against your cheek as he lifts his head, "I love you, I'm so sorry." He pulls out, slowly thrusting back in, "I'm so sorry."
You wrap your arms around his neck, gasping with each thrust into you, "I love you." Your voice breaks, a small moan following after, "I've always loved you."
"I wish I knew I could have loved you like this." He kisses down your neck and back up, groaning lowly in your ear, "I wish I knew what I was risking."
You squeeze your eyes shut, a tear slipping down and falling down your cheek, "Don't ever.." you tangle your fingers in his hair, "Don't ever leave."
"Never." He pulls one of your hands down, interlocking it with his against your head as he lifts his to look at you, "I love you. No one could ever take your place."
You smile slightly and nod, "I'm holding you to it."
"As long as you need, baby." Sam smiles and sighs, "You were made for me." He kisses your lips, groaning against them as he thrusts harder but still slow.
You drag your nails up his back, moaning as he moves his head down to suck a mark into your neck.
His grip on your hand tightens, "I love you so fucking much."
You weren't ever going to get sick of hearing that.
You were relieved to finally be hearing it in the first place.
"I love you." You whisper, moaning as he lets go of your hand to bring it down to squeeze your boob. You tug his hair, arching your back as much as you can against his, "S-Sam."
"Cum with me, babe. Can you hold it?" He rests his forehead against yours as his fingers twist your nipple between his fingers.
You whimper, giving his a slight nod and he hums in response, "Almost there, sweetheart."
He thrusts a few moments longer before he kisses your cheek a few times, "Okay, okay, let go for me. Cum for me." His voice is quiet and his thrusts slow down as he feels you clench around him.
You let out a loud moan, pulling him into you as your nails dig into his skin.
He groans, pulling you closer by the hips, "F-fuck, fuck." He pulls out, letting his cum spill onto your lower stomach with a low moan.
You rest your head back, breathing heavy as your body relaxes.
He reaches down, grabbing his damp shirt and wiping you off. He tosses it down and holds his hand out, "Come here."
He pulls you to a sitting position and you immediately fall into him. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you tightly, "I'm sorry it took me this long to realize."
"Better late than never, right?" You look up at him and he nods, "I guess." He smiles, pressing his lips to your forehead, "Go get a shower, standing out in the rain might get you sick."
"Only if you'll come with me. I'm not doing anything without you for a while."
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Genuinely sorry if this sucked. I'm not sure how I feel about it, honestly. So tell me how you liked it.
As always, thanks for reading & I love you!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated 🖤
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teeramoonlover · 7 months ago
The Anarchist
Mattheo Riddle • Theodore Nott • Lorenzo Berkshire
From Serpent Boys Gone Red
Author's note: For those who might wonder, this inspiration I got from reading the League of Gods series from Rina Kent, The Heathens 🖤 It’s nearly dawn in my country and I'm bored so here we go. This post is not a oneshot fic sorry.
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All students of Hogwarts are familiar with the Golden Trio, but have you heard about the lawless trio? A bunch of rebellion, the opposite of golden and strength like a stallion.
They've been called with many names, but the Anarchist is the fame.
Never given by them all, but been called from the whisperers along the hall.
They say the three combine can make the Lucifer cry. It's like you've seen the rebirth of Hades in front of your own eyes.
Those who cross their path will be paid by their wrath.
And for those that caught their eye will be set to be by their side.
For who become their obsession, may you not fall into oblivion.
Because for them, it is not an act of felony for you will be their Persephone.
"For my love, I will handle your sins. For justice, I will show you mine."
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Mattheo Riddle in Orange purge mask: moodboard
Theodore Nott in Red purge mask: moodboard
Lorenzo Berkshire in Yellow purge mask: moodboard
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theguyinthemathexamples · 8 months ago
Silly idea me and my friend had with sagau, sahsrau and possibly sawuwaau(??)
But like, what if, due to your consciousness essentially merging/being connected to the MC more, sometimes stuff gets a lil funky and you start seeing things you shouldn't
Like yk, ghosts 😇🙏
I recommend strapping in because these are gonna be three flash fictions into one + having lots of talking lol
(more utc‼️)
For example, in a fic style:
"Hey, are you gonna eat your food, Traveler?" Paimon asked, looking worriedly at the distracted visage of her friend. "Something on your mind? You can always tell Paimon what's on your mind!"
They shook their head, eyes looking at the person who stared at them and their companion. Eyes unblinking, appearance overall disheveled and aged.
"That guy's been staring at us the whole time we've been eating," they replied, eyes switching over to Paimon in a barely contained distressed fashion. "It's almost worrying me."
"What guy?"
Paimon silently asked again, "What?" when her friend looked at her so incredulously.
"You don't see him?" they asked again, now worried beyond belief. The last time Paimon saw them like this was when they fought Arlecchino.
"Traveler, I think that's a ghost we're both seeing," the voice inside his mind pointed out, trying to calm their mental state. Right, they forgot the Creator was a part of their mind now.
And as the voice just predicted, one blink and that figure was gone, the Traveler seeing its shadow scurry into a corner of the restaurant.
The door chime rang out and in a cyan and a blue haired boy entered the restaurant, another blue haired girl following right after. Right, Chongyun, Xingqiu and Xiangling.
The ghost must've scurried off when it sensed Chongyun nearby. Well, at least that put an end to their distress.
it'd be so chaotic, especially hsr's mcs bc good god they're already so adhd coded
You could think of them going through it like:
"Woah woah, what's got you all terrified, Trailblazer?" March 7th asked, a worried Dan Heng embracing them when they accidentally bumped into him trying to run away from something.
The Astral Express were quickly informed by them personally that they've been seeing ghosts and all sorts of spiritual apparitions that don't normally appear physically like heliobi, but seemingly living people that were doing normal things or otherwise.
It all started around the time they also figured out that the Creation's consciousness had somehow taken an interest in the Trailblazer, latching onto their body and making the Stellaron inside them a bit restless, unstable.
"It's... I saw Cocolia at the Administrative District," they said, panting from exhaustion. The story sounded so unreal, with how impossible it sounded, but with how broad the Creation works nothing was truly impossible.
"She was looking at Bronya shopping and talking to the people, always un-staring." March patted their back in assurance, joining Dan Heng in sitting them down onto the red couches in the Parlour Car.
"When I came closer to see if she was real, she whipped her head around so fast with the scariest look on her face!—"
"It's okay, Caelus Stelle Trailblazer, she can't reach you here," the choir of voices erupted in their mind, the chirping of birds and clinking machinery in their tone momentarily calming them down by a substantial amount.
"Well, it's a good thing ghosts can't get into the Express because that means she can't hurt you here!" March exclaimed, Dan Heng having to resist rolling his eyes at the obvious but letting her reassure them nonetheless. Dumb, dumber and dumbest— the trio wouldn't be complete with one of them missing.
Then, the cabin's speakers erupted in an all too familiar voice. "Attention, all Astral Express crew members! Dinner is ready, so please hurry over to the kitchen cabin and join me and Welt to eat here!" The Astral Express's Conductor excitedly exclaimed over the mic, never failing to make the three smile from their infectious enthusiasm.
"Well, we were supposed to find you and Himeko for dinner but it looks like Pom Pom beat us to it again," March said, jumping up from her seat with her hands on her hips.
"Last one to reach the kitchen cabin is a rotten egg!"
"Hey, no fair, you got a head start!"
Dan Heng sighed at the two's shenanigans yet again, slowly getting up from his own seat as the two raced over to the cabin. That Aeon truly knew how to control and manipulate the emotions of a being to THEIR liking, and he even felt it wash over him earlier.
He'll need to observe it more before adding another entry into THEIR dedicated part of the Archives.
This one was a little confusing to make into a scenario but it's what my eepy mind came up with on the spot :p
Now for our dearest Rover, it's a bit difficult to make it make sense, yk? Mostly because Tacet Discords shapeshifting into people is canon (if people actually paid attention to the lore), much less actually fitting the lore of this seemingly interplanetary eldritch being into the world of Wuthering Waves in the first place lmao
Maybe we could be the galaxy eye we see in the first cutscene, as well as the one when Abby (the lil echo that appeared after the Dreamless fight) and Rover being together
But this is all me yapping about a whole other subject— related, but not the one we're diving into right now
Getting back into the subject though, this is how i think it'd go:
It was another bright, sunny day at Panhua's Restaurant, the scent of delicious food wafting through the air as always. Rover, Yangyang, Chixia and Jiyan all sat around a table, with Abby floating around all plump and full.
"Say, Rover, didn't you say you had something to say for us today?" Chixia inquired, stacking and overall making the empty dishes look cleaner and neater.
"Yeah, just a strange sighting I saw near Desorock Highlands," they replied, putting a deft hand on their chin as if to think back on the memory.
"Me, Jiyan and The Black Sun were conversing like usual when we came across groups of people near the Tacet Field where the Thundering Memphis usually dwelled," Rover recounted, unconsciously pulling the leash that was attached to Abby's collar closer. "Some were laughing with eachother, acting as if most groups weren't crying out in agony."
"Aren't those just Tacet Discords that have absorbed lots of human frequencies?"
"No, there was something more... alive to them, besides the fact that the General himself couldn't see them," they replied to Yangyang, letting the leash go as Abby went back in their Tacet Mark with one last burp.
"Even when I went closer to them, they didn't attack me, more or less ignoring me entirely."
"Wait, who's this 'The Black Sun' you're talking about Rover? Is there another echo inside of you?" Chixia jumped up to ask, startling both Jiyan and Rover.
"The Black Sun is what you may have seen when you first found Rover and ventured back to Jinzhou, just as I did so as well," the General explained, waving over to Rover's direction in an attempt to explain this name to both ladies. Yangyang nodded and Chixia let out an "Oh," in understanding.
"I will admit, seeing them not react to us at all looked a lil' unnerving," the voice inside their mind stated in a breathy voice, unclear like a cloud of smoke.
Though the voice had no body and claimed that they weren't an echo like Abby, only really being able to be heard clearly when they're dreaming, it often provided support whenever it could— unlike a certain someone.
"I've already sent the proper human resources over to investigate the matter, the only thing left to do is to wait for results," Jiyan said, already standing up when he saw the bill arriving.
The three simply nodded in thanks to the General, knowing full well he'd insist on it till his last breath. And when he came back to the table the subject had already changed into another, more or less silly one.
Well, at least everyone was enjoying themselves.
I didn't have much for the last part like i said, and it's more filled with dialogue, but it's better than nothing
Please do tell me if I missed anything or said something totally wrong!!
Now, is this an excuse to push my sahsrau fic more? ... mmmmaayyybbeee 😇
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pooks · 7 months ago
back on my straw hat!Ichiji bullshit and i am cooking
here's some headcanons i've got;
headcanon number 1 imagine Classy Trio (Ichiji, Robin and Brook) just casually having tea and watching the usual Zoro and Sanji bickering/sparring session
Ichiji: I can't believe that my brother in law will be a ball of sentient moss. But as long as he makes my little brother happy.
and the kicker is that Robin and Brook just agrees (especially Brook, who probably the biggest ZoSan shipper XD). the classy trio is a very sophisticated group, they have teatime with biscuits and discuss various topics
no one understands how it works and no one bothers to. post-timeskip, they're the second strongest fighting group after the Monster Trio. in fact, during Wano Arc, Ichiji joins Robin and Brook to save Sanji from Black Maria (Ichiji is bi and demiromantic, so he's kinda immune to female enemies trying to seduce him. he's already given away his heart for Robin and Franky.)
second headcanon Ichiji reminding certain pirates of Red-Haired Shanks is a running gag. even better when poor Ichiji doesn't even know who the guy is.
the first time Luffy put his hat on Ichiji's head to comfort him (he had a bad mental health day and nearly resorted to self-harm), Luffy went still for a moment or two because he instantly got reminded of Shanks. Ichiji isn't complaining about the hug he got from his captain, but it was nice and a little confusing.
(then later at Loguetown, Buggy nearly flipped his shit because he thought Shanks came back to haunt his ass XD)
it went so far that Ichiji got called "Shanks" by some pirates who has met the guy and poor Ichiji is like "who?"
(once Ichiji gets to meet the actual guy, it's gonna such a spiderman meme)
headcanon 3 Ichiji canonically likes whiskey, but i decided to add rum to his favorite drinks. he drinks sometimes with Zoro, but is unable to outdrink him (he comes third in alcohol tolerance, behind Zoro and Nami). Ichiji likes rum because he believes "a real pirate should like rum"
post-WCI and he turns to alcohol to deal with it. he doesn't gave good trauma responses and it goes far enough to make Chopper worry for his health. enough that Nami threats to throw the rum overboard if he doesn't square up.
this prompts him to nearly fight Nami for the sake of rum
Ichiji: you would dare to challenge me?! Nami: bring it on, bitch boy!
Sanji puts an end to it by locking all alcohol behind five locks in the galley. he's the cook, after all, and the galley is his dominion. Zoro and Ichiji has to wait until dinner to get their sake resp. rum
headcanon four Ichiji is tall and very muscular in canon, but in this au, he's slightly different
he's still taller than Sanji and while he has a little more distinct muscular structure, he's also a little more slender. this is a side effect from starving on the rock with Sanji and Zeff, so it has affected him in his later years. he's not a buff hunk, but he's not a slender twink either (google the english diver Tom Daley, that's sorta his body physique).
Ichiji also have a more androgynous face and dresses himself in a non-binary way. this is the reason why Brook mistook him for a woman at their first meeting, but Ichiji set him straight (lmao) after that. he's aware that gender is fluid and isn't always strictly male or female.
post timeskip and he's more comfortable in who he is. he did a lot of soul-searching for the two years he trained on an unknown canyon island and officially comes out as bisexual, demiromantic and genderqueer. he still uses he/him pronouns since he feels most comfortable with them.
headcanon 5 Ichiji keeps Zeff on the loop of most things and he does it whenever he gets a chance. he has the dial number to the Baratie memorized in his head and he gets his chance whenever he comes across a den-den mushi (for public use, often found in most inns at the islands they dock)
he informs Zeff where they are, what kind of adventures they've had so far, how he and Sanji are doing and asks how things are at the Baratie. he's sorta like a "dutiful son" (he canonically are, but it's very debated if it's because of his modifications)
the relationship between Zeff and Ichiji is portraited in a more mature-ish way. Ichiji is the older son, so he knows and understands more while Sanji is a little more bratty.
the minute there's total radio silence from Ichiji during WCI and there's shady people around the Baratie, that's when Zeff knows something is wrong
headcanon 6 Ichiji has the worst potty mouth. we all know that Sanji is foul-mouthed, but Ichiji is worse.
believe me, when they grew up on the Baratie, Ichiji listened to the cooks around him swearing and cursing up to a storm in the kitchens. everyone thought that he didn't care, compared to Sanji who mimicked them constantly (and got a pegleg on his head). but now, Ichiji was quiet because he was learning and memorizing from his surroundings until he got old enough to swear casually.
Ichiji isn't allowed around Chopper when he's in a bad mood, because his curses are so crude that neither Zoro or Sanji wants the little doctor to learn that.
no, he doesn't care if he's a bad influence. Ichiji has always done whatever he wanted. XD
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mrsriddles-blog · 6 months ago
Her Girl | P.P
Pairing: Slytherin Fem Reader X Pansy Parkinson
WC: 2k+
Warnings/Notes: Mild language, kissing, angst, drugs…
Summary: Unsure of how either of you feel and not wanting to risk losing one another as a person in each other’s lives, you continue to dance around the truth of your guys’ relationship.
A/N: I am so sorry! It has been ages since I’ve actually posted a piece of writing! This is a draft and I’ve seen all the requests, I’m working through them slowly, but surely! College and work have been a real pain in the ass, so I’m so sorry guys! I’ll probably be switching up the plan I had originally just to try and get some more work out and posted. I’ll also probably do away with the song fics until I have more time on my hands! I’ll try to finish the ones already planned and of course if a request comes up, but it’s super time consuming!
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"Hey, who's that?" Lorenzo asks, pointing at you.
You sat alone at a table in the courtyard, your green robes sticking out to your own house. They've never noticed you before and clearly you were new if you were sitting at the Golden Trio's table.
"I don't know, but I feel like we should rescue her before the Golden Trio gets to her." Draco says, looking in the direction of the glaring Gryffindors.
"Too late." Mattheo mumbles, taking another drag from his cigarette.
"Excuse me. Who are you sitting at our table?" Harry asks.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Is your name on this table? No, it's not. So it doesn't make it your table. Now get the fuck out of my face." You snap.
The boy who lived was taken aback by your hostility, along with your icy tone. He puts his hands up, deciding not to fight with you. He had no idea who you were anyway, only that you were an enemy by your house colors.
You watch as he backs away, a familiar look of fear in his eyes. You wait until the three fools turn around before focusing back on the letter to your father. You had found you hated Hogwarts as you've faced nothing, but bullying and not to mention you were still friendless after a month. 
You weren't one to give up, but this time...you weren't wanting to fight.
There wasn't anything here for you. No one even in your house has noticed you. You're barely noticed by the professors. It's like you don't exist because you're not apart of their clicks. You pull a cigarette out, lighting it in hopes it'll ease your nerves.
You pack up your belongings, tired of the chatter as you begin walking to the Astronomy Tower in hopes for some peace.
"Sorry, didn't know anyone was up here." You mumble, seeing a girl with long brown hair and green eyes.
She wore no robes, but she wore a green tie—one that hung loosely around her neck. You start to make your way to turn to exit as she speaks.
"No! Wait! Come sit." She says, her cheeks flushing red at sounding so panicked.
Panicked because she realized she'd been quite a tad bit too long and was just staring, so you had begun to walk away. You were hesitant, but you take a seat next to her.
"I'm Pansy Parkinson." She says.
"Y/N Y/L/N." You murmur.
"I've seen you around. I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself sooner. I assumed it would be overwhelming as I'm sure people were eager to meet you. It's not often we get someone in the middle of the year, let alone our fifth year." She explains.
"You're alright. It's been quite the opposite actually. You're the first person to actually speak to me...and notice me. Although, I'm considering lettering my father to get transferred elsewhere." You admit, putting out your cigarette to light another.
"What? Why?" She asks.
"I've faced quite a bit of bullying since I've got here. Not that I've cared. Typically I'll handle it, but I'm not quite sure who keeps pulling their stunts. And I haven't made any friends. It's been hard." You admit quietly.
"Don't send that letter just yet. You are now my friend. Let me introduce you to my other friends later at dinner. It'll be nice to have another girl apart of the group, oh, and I'll figure out who's messing with you, Y/n/n. I'll handle it." She says, giving you a smile.
"That's okay, Pansy. I'll figure it out sooner if later. It's my problem to sort out anyway." You say, managing a soft smile.
"You can handle it, but I'll also be handling it. Trust me, if I don't handle it, the boys will which means all of them will cast hellfire on the unfortunate bloke. The moment they meet you, you'll be apart of our little family." She says.
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"Hey, Pansy? I was wondering if—." You say, before stopping.
She was in a dark green lace bra, wearing a mini skirt as she sifted through her closet. She smiles at you, one that sent your stomach in a bunch of flutters. Your cheeks flush red when you realize you were staring.
"What's up, love?" She asks lowly.
You swallow thickly, your thighs not so discreetly clenching together as a heat ignited in your core.
"I...um, nevermind. Sorry, I can't remember what I was going to ask. Sorry, um for barging in." You say, looking anywhere, but her.
"Hey, what happened to your lip?" She asks, stepping forward until she was in front of you.
She lifts a hand, cupping your face as she runs her thumb across your busted lip.
"Nothing." You mumble.
"This isn't nothing." She scolds.
"It's not that big of a deal, Pans." You mumble, pulling back.
She purses her lips, nodding and you sigh, knowing you've pissed her off. You turn, leaving her dorm as you walk back to your dorm.
There was a party tonight and that was what you had gone to talk to Pansy about. You sigh, running a hand through your hair. You wanted to be bold though, so you began the tedious search through your closet.
"Hey, I wanted to talk with you." Theodore says, slipping in your dorm.
You've settled on an outfit and now you just had to get dress. You start to shimmy your way out of your jeans.
"What's up?" You ask.
"So—oh, hey Pans." He says.
Her eyes were on you as you were half-naked in front of Theodore Nott—one of the two most notorious boys in Slytherin who screwed with girls.
"Oh...when did this happen?" Pansy asks quietly.
"It's not that, Pansy. I've seen her naked like a lot now. Friends only, pinky swear." He says, leaning back on your bed.
You rolled your eyes, seeing she wasn't convinced. You pull on the skirt and look at her.
"I'm gay, Pansy." You say.
"Oh!" She says, her cheeks flushing red.
"You really think this girl would let me sleep with her and let me see her naked on a daily basis? No! She'd kick my ass." He snorts.
"I-I've got to finish getting ready. Sorry! I can't remember what I was going to ask...actually, I do. I'm sorry, I got cold and I iced you out because you weren't comfortable telling me what happened." She says.
"Pans, it was a stupid argument I got into. I shouldn't have listened because I know the truth anyway. It's seriously no biggie. Go finish getting ready. You and I will slay this party, more so you." You say, smiling softly at her.
She smiles, her cheeks flushing red, but she leaves. You look back at your skirt and fix it before pulling your shirt over your head.
"So, that answered my question. One of them at least. But, do you like her?" Theodore asks, unfazed as you take your bra off and pull on the lace bralette that was a dark green.
"Of course I do! She's a great friend...she's been accepting of me since day one and she's been nice despite me having my days sometimes. She's always understanding and I love that. No one has been that way for me. Ever. I've never really experienced the love and care of friends until her...and of course you guys, but she and I are always going to be a little closer obviously." You ramble, pulling on the black blazer.
"I meant in a more than friend way." He says, lighting a cigarette.
You sigh, sitting at your vanity as you straighten your hair, going for a bold look. You settle on a vibrant red lipstick along with dark eyeshadows.
"Yeah, but that won't ever happen, Theo. She doesn't like me that way. Not to mention...I've tried to subtly hint to her only for her to brush past it. I've gotten my hint, so I'm going to be thankful I even have her in my life as a friend." You explain.
"God, you are blind." He mumbles.
"And what are you talking about?" You ask.
"I'm talking about the way she talks about you to us when you aren't around. It's like, she's in some dream. She gets this dreamy smile and look to her eye when she thinks or talks about you. She lights up when you're around. She cares about you, worried when you're having an off day or if you get in a fight. She's just scared to lose you. You are more than her girl than you realize. And what about that fight you got into with that Ravenclaw who was calling her a fag and stuff? That's just being friendly?" He asks.
"You're telling me you wouldn't have fought her for that?" You deadpan, turning to him.
"One, I would have if she was a he as I don't hit girls. Two, is that all you got from what I said?" He asks.
"Theo, I can't lose her. I don't think you realize what that will do to me if I lose her. It's not that I don't want to believe what you're saying. I just don't want to get my hopes up. What if you're looking for the same thing I am?" You ask.
"I guess we'll find out tonight. I heard a certain Gryffindor was going to show her moves on Pans tonight. Just know it's on you for letting her slip away." He says, leaving your dorm.
You frown, looking at your vanity for a moment before finishing up your makeup. You pull on your heels with the snake coiled around the heel as music began to play. You debated on even going to this party.
You went nonetheless, striding towards the bar where you mixed up a drink that was borderline death itself. Your eyes found Pansy chatting it up with Hermione Granger of all people. You frown, not noticing a Hufflepuff sixth year striding towards you.
"I'm Anna!" She calls, sending a flirty smile your way.
"Y/n!" You call, smiling back slightly.
Pansy had tuned Hermione out, her eyes on you before she stormed over to the boys. She smacked Theodore in the head who curses.
"What the hell!? I thought you said she liked me!" She snaps.
"She does! What the hell was that for?" He says, rubbing his head.
"She's talking to that sixth year Hufflepuff! That's what it was for!" She snaps.
"I said she likes you. I even told her that Hermione was going to make a move on you if she didn't. I never said she'd make the move though. You are really important to her, she doesn't want to lose you. She rather have you as a friend than lose you because she doesn't believe you like her." He explains.
"So, she's going to just dance with her? Are you actually listening to whether she likes me or not or are you just a fucking bloke?" She snaps.
"That busted lip is because she got into a fight with a Ravenclaw who was calling you some nasty names. I believe I heard her say something across the lines of don't talk shit about my girl. You can stand here and sulk about her dancing with Anna, or you can go get your girl. Your choice." He says.
Pansy looks at him with malice before relaxing and sighing as a tired look washes over her face. She looks up at you to see you dancing with Anna still.
"I'll handle, Anna. It won't go anywhere obviously, but just so you can whisk her away." Astoria says, taking her pin out of her hair and shaking her curls free.
Astoria was a new friend of the group because of her arranged marriage with Draco, but only the group knew of the arrangement.
Pansy strides towards the dancing crowd and grabs your hand. You look at her as Astoria whisks Anna away. Pansy pulls you off to a secluded corner and sighs.
"I'm a bloody idiot for not realizing how you felt. But, that makes you one too as you haven't realized how I felt." She sighs.
"What?" You ask oblivious.
"I like you, Y/n/n. I have for awhile." She chuckles.
"I...I like you too, Pans. I just...didn't think you would ever feel that way for me." You admit quietly.
"Fucking hell, shut up and let me kiss you." She laughs.
Your cheeks flush red, but nonetheless, you let her pull you in by your hips, your lips meeting her soft ones that tasted like her cherry lipgloss. You smile into the kiss as your guys' guy friends started to whoop and holler for you both. You flipped them the middle finger as Pansy's hands move to your ass.
"She's got her girl." Theodore chuckles.
"The hell they'll be together." Mattheo laughs.
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tremendouscreationperson · 7 months ago
Bucky x Agent!Reader imagine
“-vac! Anyone out there?!” You frowned automatically as the tinny voice yelled. The voice wasn't directly in your ear, it was further away causing the frown to deepen. Why was it further away? Why was-shit!!
Your eyes blink open as a searing hot pain shot through you. Lighting your right side ablaze with red hot flames.
An involuntary noise tumbled out of your mouth as you attempted to move your hands. Attempted to work out what was happening. Your movements weren't in your best interest but you needed to know what was causing such pain.
“I am in need of urgent evac, making my way to point A!”
You felt your side and it was warm. Warm and sticky. Shit. You didn't have to see your palms to know but in a naive moment you forced one into your line of sight. Red and dripping.
The hand fell back at your side and you took in the surrounding area. Directly in front of you was a ceiling, oh that made sense, you were lying on your back. Of course. You were on a mission, how could you forget?
“ETA to evac point 2 minutes.” The voice called again. It was to your left. In the fight you had lost the earpiece. Your movements were clumsy but you quickly retrieved the com without pulling on your side too much.
“‘ucky?” a cough. “‘ucky.” You tried but your mouth couldn't form the letter ‘b’. How pathetic.
“Thank god, sweet girl.” The sounds of him huffing - clearly running - and gunshots behind him were now clearer as the piece sat snugly in your ear. It sat better than ever now it was covered in a sticky substance. “I was worried the team had left me.”
Team? Oh that was right. There was a team of highly skilled agents and you were their connection to SHIELD. You were their escape route. You needed to move.
“Where- where are they?”
“I don't know. No one's been on this line since 22:00.”
You took a deep breath. That was before the altercation. You'd been set up in this radio tower to feed information to the team, to tell them when the guards were changing, if they had upgraded any of their weapons, your job was basically to sit back and wait. To try to help if needed.
And then they noticed you. They noticed doors were being unlocked and machines were powered down. A trio came looking for you. Two were downed in the hall, because you'd heard on their radio frequency that they were coming but the third managed to get in. Managed to get you on the ground in a scramble. Clearly managed to get you in the side. It didn't feel like a gunshot but you don't recall a knife. Speaking of - where is he? Your head rolled to the left - a broken window and rotting wall - and then the right - the edge of the ancient console - and then you extended your neck to see he was slumped behind.
Thank god, you were in no condition to fight.
“Evac point A is overrun.”
That was twice now you'd forgotten you were here to do a job.
“Has SHIELD made contact? Where's the jet?”
Had they? “Unclear. I'll try to connect again.”
Fuck. Why couldn't you have landed closer to the console?
“I'll need to go to evac point B.” He called over the sound of an explosion. “What's the best route?”
You cried out as you attempted to roll onto your side. “You'll.. you'll have to find cover and wait for me. I don't know the best- they've got bases at all sides I need to-”
“Cover?” He roared in disbelief.
“I can't presently give you the information you need.” You panted, psyching yourself up to roll again.
“Wh-are you okay?” The juxtaposition in his tone was almost laughable.
“Fine.” You grit your teeth and flop gracefully over. “The- the console’s ‘eing funny.”
He was silent for a few beats but did eventually speak, “radio silence ‘til I say.” Then the line was dead.
That was fine by you. Allowed you the opportunity to be as pathetic with your movements as possible. The console being no more than three meters away but felt as though it was three football stadiums.
You panted and cursed and yelled, sweat poured down your temples and mixed with your tears and spit.
It only occurred to you when you were a quarter of the way there that you could die here. You likely would. Bucky would be the last person you spoke to.
Now the radio silence was a curse.
You didn't want to die alone.
No, you wouldn't die.
Not here.
Fuck them!
Fuck everyone!
You weren't going to die in this shithole.
You crawled slowly to the console with a quiet fire lighting the way. You were no quicker but were now fueled by spite.
Each stretch of your arm pulled at your side and then you had to drag your body forward which pinched it.
Your eyes scanned the floor and you sent a silent prayer to anyone that would listen: please don't let there be anything deadly on the ground. It was covered in glass, debris and mixed blood, there were bullet shells and open wires.
Your com crackled to life and you jumped, silently screaming at the tugging sensation.
“How's the console?” He whispered into your ear.
Within reach was the real answer. Fuck him. He knew. “Yeah, still here. Still being funny.” At least you could pronounce “being” correctly.
“Any news on the evac?” His tone was still hushed.
“Where are you?” You hauled yourself closer.
“In a tree.” The laugh that erupted from your gut was worth all the pain. “Shut up.” He warned but you could tell he was smiling.
You were now there. At the console. Fingers brushing the base.
But this was the hard part.
“Bare with me a sec.” You muttered as you hoisted your torso up. It took a few attempts but you eventually sat on your butt.
You were able to reach the old school com. They had it connected to bulky headphones and the mic didn't really work but you'd try. You have to.
Flipping whatever was in reach you eventually set the dial to the right frequency and begged.
“Ramirez? Connor? Hardy? Sillett? Boswell?” The line stayed dead after you repeated every name. You groaned, changing the frequency. “Coming in. SHIELD. We have a code 445. Need emergency evac at point B.”
“Anything doll?” Bucky prompted.
“No.” Your eyes flickered across the console. There were bullet holes, old and new, some dials were present and others had missing knobs, only a few lights actually worked. It had been fine earlier, well no but it was usable! The fucker that got you must've shot at it as well. “Pretty sure it's dead.” You caught something. “Wait, mayb- I can try that.”
You pulled the chair you'd previously abandoned closer and attempted to use it to stand. The legs skidded across the floor and you went with it.
“Hey what's happening?” He asked after hearing you curse.
“Just shshsh.” You try again and instead of landing on your face you’re able to sit on the rickety chair. “I'm remembering morse code.”
“Mors- we're dead.” He let out a humorless laugh as you fiddled with the connections, it looked like it was the only working thing in this tower.
“You'll be alright.” You tapped the key forming a simple sentence and hoped to god the right person would hear. ‘SHIELD. URGENT EVAC B. SHIELD. URGENT EVAC B.’
You continuously tapped the message - zoning out from your surroundings out of boredom or blood loss - forgetting yourself but Bucky coughed and you were sucked back into the room. Back into the mission. “I think I s-saw some old maps earlier, I can try and help with t’ route.”
He let out a sigh. “How bad are you hit?”
Fuck. “Well it's no’ great.” Taaap. Tap. Tap.
“Any response?”
“Not presently.” Your eyelids were getting heavy now. It was difficult to keep them open. Why did you need them open? “There's always someone down in the dungeon, waiting for secret messages.”
He huffed in response. You were right, there usually was some poor bastard in the bunker listening for telegrams and mapping crop circles.
The weight of your eyelids had transferred to your forehead. Your neck struggled to keep it upright. It would be easier if you could just rest it, just place it delicately on the console, and then you can focus all your energy on the message.
“You could try north.” You muttered, fighting the internal battle to stay upright.
“The bases are more spora’ic up north.” Cough. “More cover.” Tap. Tap. Tap. Taaap.
“Where are your coordinates?”
As if your brain could calculate that. “I do- I think west.” Tap. Tap.
That was weird. When he sighed you could feel it. You frown and raise your head.
He was sitting next to you on your sofa. In your home. Wearing a black tee and gray tracksuit bottoms.
“I think I could get to you.” He nodded more to himself than you. “I'm sure of it.” His hair was clean and tied back with one of your old scrunchies.
“I don't see how.”
“I'm not leaving you behind.” He vowed, his hand covering your own. You knew realistically you were tapping your fingers on the key but his warm digits felt so real, so true.
“Just. Just distract me?” You couldn't add 'from my imminent death' but you could force a weak smile. “Please.”
“I don't know if I can.” His jaw set but you could see the debate in his eyes.
“Please Bucky.”
A moment passed before the words “I would've taken you dancing.” came out. He looked as shocked as you felt before his shoulders relaxed and he eased into the conversation. “If I met you in the 40s. I would've loved to take you dancing.” That sounded amazing. Dancing with him. “I wasn't amazing at the jive but I bet with you as a partner we'd be killer.”
“Cat's pajamas.” You must've blinked because he was now clean shaven and his hair was cropped, he wore a button down shirt and slacks. But he was still Bucky. Still your friend.
“Yeah.” He eagerly agreed. “We'd have met at Sal's, got a coke when you'd finally decided to take me up on the offer. Or we'd have gone to the fair. I loved Ferris Wheels.” His eyes left yours and he was lost in thought. “I don't think I'd like them any more.”
He didn't like heights.
He dealt with them but he didn't like them.
You'd had many conversations about his fears, trying to help him cope with his new reality but he never quite got over heights.
“We could dance now.” You muttered to distract him, not fully realizing your words and how impossible they were. “We could find somewhere to danc’.”
“You'd wanna go dancing with me?” One eyebrow twitched and he had a coy smirk.
You let out a hum in affirmative before mumbling a very low, “always.”
“I don't know why I haven't thought to ask you. I-” He cut himself off. “Well, you’ve always been the- You're my partner in and out of missions. You're my best friend. Even when I was shitty and awful and I didn't want you to be. Yo- I'm only here because of you.” His blue eyes came back to you, and they were glittering. The whites, a vague pink color illuminating the blue even further.
You felt his hand on yours tighten but it was different. It was hard. Consistent. Like a heartbeat. Like-
“Bucky they responded!” You jolt up from the console, interrupting his next words, and zoned in on the letters.
‘E-D. 3.20. M-E-E-T. U-P. P-O-I-N-T. C-O-N-F-I-R-M-E-D.’
“Bucky, get to number B!” You ordered, squinting at your watch. “They're coming. You have about 40 minutes.”
“What about you?” He hadn't moved. You knew he hadn't. He was far too stubborn. “Where is your location?”
“I'm in t’ tower.” The words came out slurred. Wow. You really hadn't realized how much energy staying alive took. Now your job was done, maybe you could rest?
“But the others checked- you can't still be in the same tower.”
“That doesn't mak-”
“37 minutes.” You breathily corrected the earlier statement, brain catching up with the math. “Now it's 35.”
“Please.” Your voice was smaller than you hoped. “I don't want you to-” gulp. “-aswell. Please just be safe.”
“But they checked the tower. The last message was that it was empty!” He was climbing now, you could tell. His breathing had changed.
“‘aybe it wasn't ‘em.” If you could shrug you would've. “No r'ponse since.”
“I'm going to evac point B and then I'm coming with the jet to you.”
“Wha’ woul’ we've 'anced to?” The words were so jumbled and far too quiet but he understood.
“Anything you wanted, baby.”
You hum.
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kayharrisons · 3 months ago
enchanted to meet you [Louis x fem!Reader]
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You're not sure what you've ever done to make him hate you. Louis is convinced he's doomed to suffer (pine) in silence.
A/N: branched out for a quick cutesy drabble bc Louis is POOKIE BABY so have this lil Tell Me Everything drabble 🤭 I've also only seen one episode LMAO so if anyone is outta character then my bad!!
Warnings: fireworks, underage drinking!
You're pretty sure Louis hates you.
You're not sure what you've ever done to your classmate beyond be friendly, and Zia constantly reassures you that you've done nothing wrong, babes.
But he never looks at you. Always gives you one word replies and lets silences hang on to the point of it being incredibly fucking awkward, where he will then flee back to Neve or Jonny, the former of whom will shoot you an apologetic smile and the latter who will roll his eyes and say something that gets Louis's face a bright red.
You wrack through your interactions with him constantly, trying to figure out where you went so wrong with him.
Louis wants to jump off of the nearest fucking bridge.
He speeds away from you, you with your cute hair, your twinkling eyes, your toothy smile, the way your jeans hug your-
He groans, hiding his face in Neve's shoulder as he slumps beside her on the couch, face burning with embarrassment.
"How many words did you manage this time?" Neve asks him, patting his head. Meekly, he holds up three fingers. She hisses a little through her teeth. "Jesus, Louis. Regressing a bit, aintcha?"
He hears Jonny laugh as he sits across from them. "I'm tellin' ya, mate," his friend slurs, grinning at him. "Just gotta act like you've fucked more girls than you already have. Remind me again, what's that number at now?"
"Horrid advice," Neve snips, shooting him the finger. Jonny gasps sarcastically, holding a hand to his chest. "Ignore him, for the love of all that's fucking holy, Louis."
He was planning on it!
"It's remarkable, actually," Louis sighs as he pulls his head out of Neve's shoulder. "I'm so shit at talking to her. The words just- jesus christ they're stuck. I don't think I've ever actually told her my name and- she probably thinks I'm so fucking dumb or something, coming up to her and not saying a word and just fucking walking off-"
"Every time, without fail." Jonny smirks, taking a sip of his beer. "It's actually quite impressive."
"Cheers, mate," Louis seethes, jumping at the sound of a boom outside, at the bright colours filling up the living room.
"Oooh, they've got the fireworks going! C'mon!" Neve grins, tugging both boys up and out the door, just as the next firework goes off. The trio watch the fireworks illuminate the chilly night air, a kaleidoscope of colours against the dark November sky.
You're shivering.
He can't help the way his eyes always seem to fall on you, instinctively seeking you out.
You don't have a coat.
You're shivering because you don't have a coat.
His feet are moving towards you on autopilot, already shrugging off his flannel and praying to god he hadn't been sweating in the damn thing.
"Oh!" You jump, as a flannel is shoved into your periphery by a trembling hand. "Hey, Louis," you smile, and his throat bobs hard as he swallows.
"Cold?" He asks, inclining his head towards the way you rub your arms.
"Oh! Yeah, a bit, jacket's somewhere inside, but uh... might sound stupid, I didn't wanna miss the fireworks.
"It's not stupid," he says gently, and you turn to face him, grinning wide and eyes shining. He damn near collapses at the sight, heart pitter pattering in his chest.
"So you can say more than one word at a time!"
Louis stammers, face going pink with embarrassment, illuminated by the sparks exploding above the party. You giggle, taking the flannel from him and sliding your arms through the sleeves.
"Sorry, sorry. Thanks for this," you grin, wrapping the flannel tight around you.
"...I'm Louis." He says, somewhat helplessly, his eyes soon screwing shut with embarrassment.
You smile gently, taking half a step closer. "I know," you hum, looking up at the fireworks. "I've fancied you for two years."
"You what?" Comes his squeak, blue eyes round with horror. "I- you mean to tell me you fancied me back-"
"Fancy, present tense. But I didn't realise you-" you blink up at him, surprise covering your face. "I thought you hated me-?"
"What? No! Do I look stupid?" He asks, before pausing, smiling sheepishly. "I'm not, I promise. I just... I've been told I'm a little socially awkward."
"You? Socially awkward? No!" You gasp sarcastically, to which he smiles and ducks his head down.
"Deserved that, didn't I?"
"Little bit." You grin, rubbing your neck, watching his face as it's illuminated blue, then gold, then pink. "For what it's worth, Louis, it's nice to finally meet you."
He looks at you then, a smile tugging at the lefthand corner of his lips.
He's fucking freezing. It's November, after all. But as he looks at you, in his flannel, your eyes sparkling brighter than the fireworks...
God, is it fucking worth it.
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cevansbrat0007 · 10 months ago
This may be a little out of the blue BUT what about our trio couples and the below…….
39. When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven’t yet, why?
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Daddy Andy and Baby Girl (Not from the GP-Universe): These two said those three magic words rather fast. While they had initially met at play party, they were actually on their third date when Andy dropped the bomb after a particularly contentious Boston Red Sox game.
He got into it with an overzealous fan after he spilled beer on Baby Girl. They started arguing, and then the guy took a swing at Andy. He missed, prompting his pal to try his luck - only to be surprised when our girl chest bumped his ass out of the way with some serious force.
Long story short, the two assholes were escorted out by security and while Andy and Baby Girl took the party out to the parking garage under the pretense of each needing to check the other for any...injuries.
Safe to say their "I love yous" came tumbling out while they were busy giving each other their second round of once-overs in the backseat of Andy's SUV.
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Daddy Curtis and Ruby Like the couple above, these two fell for each other rather quickly as well. Curtis was a goner the moment he realized that Ruby was all he could think about after that one terrible night. All he could think to do was get to her.
Meanwhile, finding a fragile and wounded Curtis on her doorstep all this girl needed to push her over the edge. Something shifted inside her that night and she knew there was no going back. Just because it still took a couple of months for either of them to say the words out loud doesn't mean they didn't already know it deep down.
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Daddy Ari and Story Ari and his gal are hands down the most stubborn of the trio of couples. They flirted and played, but refused to fully commit. Every time things between them threatened to get serious, one of them got cold feet.
The others were convinced it would stay that way forever, until a near death experience forced them to confront their feelings for one another. They've been inseparable ever since.
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estellardreams · 3 months ago
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Introducing the Fusion Trio from the LMK Battle Nexus AU [which belongs to @purble-turble]!
(Lore ramble incoming: )
There are notable aspects between each, but the most obvious ones are definitely the more animal features coming to the forefront.
And yes, all three of them do have the Samadhi Fire. At least one of their variants had it so they all get the flame.
Red Son's primary physical form is a fusion between, surprisingly, both Time Travel Red and King Red's appearances, leading to the half shaved have long look. The pink/black and orange/yellow streaks are the samadhi fire and his normal flames being visible.
MK got Wukong and Macaque's natural hair colors in his hair along with more naturally colored monkey fur. Not to mention his outfit was updated to be a lot more nimble and like the stone monkey's since he is one himself.
Mei is noticeably more dragon-like and was given a more flexible outfit because of it. Not to mention her hair got grown out as well and is tied up in a ponytail along with being hung downwards.
The violet grey bands on their right wrists are for magic regulation so they don't just... Explode when trying to use their powers. Naturally they all hold base level abilities but combined experience from all of the versions into one.
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Despite how busted this is... Nearly everyone is at war with themselves, leaving them mostly unfocused on combat and unable to work in sync for the most part.
Only very few of the variants are allowed in the forefront despite this, though. Mainly because DKR and Yandere MK would easily jeopardize everything if given the chance (also no one exactly trusts them).
But they do force themselves to the front quite a few times, leading to a lot of sudden issues in fights against the possession trio.
Specifically King Red is an issue, leading to the other Red's to forcibly pry him from the front and force him far into the back. The body's collective interest in MK and Mei along with the other two (Yes chimera shipping but only Spicynoodles and Dragonfruit. No Goldendragon shipping) leads to him smothering the two during sudden rescues from harm. Both MK and Mei just wanna focus on the mission if only the DKR side of possessiveness wasn't so OVERPOWERING.
Mei is naturally the only one able to pry the two off of each other in that situation, needing to get everybody back on track and they can deal with fixing, well... Themselves, later.
Mei essentially becomes the main leader of the trio, with MK being their muscle and Red being their smarts. Though with that in mind... Red oftentimes "short circuits" whenever his counterparts begin arguing internally. So whenever that happens, on the outside his expression falls blank and he's just... Stuck there until someone in the mental headspace makes them start moving.
For a potential reference as to how the headspace works, think of the control panel in Inside Out.
Thankfully, there aren't too many people in each headspace. The average on active ones is around twenty but for all of the souls the number is closer to fifty.
So... Yeah. That's about it. They're definitely a complicated trio and- OH WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT.
The Battle Nexus counterparts of their friends and family. They're actually super chill yet have no idea that the fusion trio are, well, actual fusions. Besides Wukong and Macaque, of course, who managed to put the pieces together very quickly. MK did explain what was happening to the two of them and they realized just how serious the situation is.
So they got some assistance. Though, Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy just treat Red, Mei, and MK as normal counterparts and not generally fusions. It was like the blueprints of the world made them assume they've always been like that, which makes Wukong and Macaque's attitude towards the trio all the more bizarre to them.
Their appearances are generally leaning towards their og counterparts for reference, albeit with the added awareness of the Battle Nexus existing and being inaccessible for the average person.
Though once the world gets fixed, surprisingly the fusion trio is allowed to exist after the fact (they got generated to replace the original fusion trio). They occasionally go to the Battle Nexus themselves but mostly remain on Earth.
Jin and Yin become aware of them very quickly, as it's very hard to ignore three visibly unique versions of Red Son, MK, and Mei together. So when they did sign up, they were put under a few extra rules to avoid destroying the battlefield during fights.
The most obvious is being allowed to only use a select five powers by assistance of the band per match. They can switch them out whenever they want before or after, but not during the fight.
... Suffice to say, no one ever challenges them except for each other. They literally hold the combined powers of all of the AUs in the Battle Nexus combined, so the second anyone tries fighting them they'd get pounded to the ground in seconds.
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Color pallettes + seperate designs
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dark-overlord-of-rainbows · 4 months ago
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Drawn Nov 4 - 11 2024 My part of an idol trio with ARaccoonNamedPeacock and N8-0. The red-haired character is Kira and the blue haired one is Yukio.
I uh. really read peacock's description that read "pop group" and "girls preferred" and went "counterpoint! goth enby," huh? okok I'm joking-- they weren't requirements, and I did consider both people's designs and the rest of the description when doing my own and doing research.
So this character doesn't have a name, I haven't actually picked a gender either, but they're a panda dwarf cichlid - since I decided to go for a yellow character to fit with the others and that fish is yellow but also sometimes has red and blue which fit with the other colours.
It's not super obvious with the outfit but I did try to give this character scoliosis and the darker brown on their cheeks is melasma.
There's obviously alt influences in this character, but I was also looking at Ouji Kei specifically. I used this person's wardrobe for a lot of the reference
The colours of the top left one were my second pass I think? the first I don't have anymore but it doesn't matter they were very obviously not meant to be a final
The ones on the middle and top right are my third which I just edited today. brought some more focus on the yellow and attempted to bring the colours from the other characters into it but eh. The red is from Kira but all of Yukio's blues were too bright
The top right I simplified the design a tiny bit, since I wanted to do "maybe a little overdesigned" with mine: but also for ease of drawing and the fact that they're with two other characters they need a simpler version
I also was attempting peacock's style with that one because when designing this one I wanted it to still be different from my other characters and be interesting for myself, but also make sure that it kinda fit her style without changing too much? N8-0 will have to figure it out himself if he wants to draw them though, sorry lol
The bottom one I drew the three together for one last seeing if they fit together and making adjustments to my colours, as well as simplifying the design further/differently
I do like the extra colours but I felt like mine stood out a lot and in the middle of figuring out how simplified I wanted it I realized that the fact that this one's "the yellow one" wasn't as clear so I ended up just making them mostly yellow. It's fine anyway, Kira was the first character here so she can look more of a main character. I kept that little bit of red from kira though and ended up being able to take one of Yukio's blues for the eye there
I might change the skintone back to being a little redder and differentiate the yellows more again though, I think that's a little weird but I don't wanna look at this anymore. They've got multiple options now
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bittasol · 7 months ago
The thinf you said about the mafia au and dynamics being unlocked is so true, another thing that I really liked about this chapter is the Opera/Ameri rivalry dynamic they have going and I find it really fun!! It's so different from what we're used to seeing from them (actually I don't remember if they've actually interacted that much in the original) (but them being rivals and fighting each other is so fun!!!! I love it)
YEAH even down to its bones the way characters are being presented is very different from the main series! Azz azz’s loyalty to Iruma taking multiple chapters, the age and manner in which Iruma meets Sullivan, Opera and Irumas dynamic being more sibling/partnerish than canon etc BUT it all feels true to the characters i think! Iruma still loves his family and is willing to do anything (even the impossible) to help them, love trio is still together with secrets between them, Kalego and Opera still have their beef)
THE OPERA AND AMERI DYNAMIC is sooo tasty omg…both are so protective (and a tad possessive) of Iruma! Plus they’ve both grown with him and protected him in the different eras of his childhood! It’ll be fun to see them squabble in the future. I’ve always compared their designs as two red/orangey demons with fuzzy ears, both strong and both people who are close to Iruma, so its extra fun to see them as rivals.
Mm yeah they’re sorta an underrated dynamic! Iruma kun has soo many characters to juggle, its easy to forget who and when characters meet. Thank you for the excuse to gather up their major interactions^^
Chapter 70: Walter Park
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She’s in Opera’s group during the Walter park arc! They have fun playing dress up along with the misfit girls.
Chapter 81: Invincible Maiden
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Ameri fights a mouse beast during the terrorist attack; Opera observes and compliments her bloodline ability.
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When Ameri is discouraged, Opera encourages her, assures her shes quite strong with room to grow and even invites her to be a sort of assistant under them within the Sullivan household. I think this is an extremely high compliment! Opera’s a demon who’s been shown to be very protective of both Sullivan and Iruma, and who finds value and purpose in being able to serve them, so wanting Ameri to work with them shows a lot of respect and admiration toward her ability and person
(She turns down this request but then realizes this would mean she’d be around Iruma so she backtracks its very cute)
Chapter 143: Heartful Cooking Lesson
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Opera teaches Iruma and Ameri how to cook after noticing they’re both terrible at it.
Chapter 167: The Sound of Anticipation
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This one is small but I think its funny how they both set up to record the Misfits’s performance cuz they both love and support Iruma 110%! And Opera shuffling Ameri’s equipment over implies she’s got the best angle in the house, you could read this as a power move from them jeje.
Chapter 277: Opera-Sensei
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When Opera becomes a teacher, they go around the school and greet everyone including Ameri. Ameri’s super excited, and because she values Opera’s strength, asks them to train the student council given they have time for it. I think this is such a sweet example of Ameri’s character; She’s strong, ambitious enough to ask for extra (hard) training, thoughtful enough to value their time and ask in a way thats not demanding. I think it also speaks of her respect toward Opera, who could theoretically be a poor teacher considering they’re new, that she trusts in them so much!
I’m sure theres more tiny bits of them but it’s been a while since I’ve properly read or watched iruma kun.
My thought process is a little scattered but I did wanna mention that I think these two would meet and be good buddies even without Iruma kun’s presence in their lives! Sullivan being the head of Babyls, and Ameri being a top student as well as a child of a 13 crown, I dunno I feel like they would have ended up training together at some point anyway. Probably not with Opera as an offical Babyls teacher, considering they only become one to keep an eye on Iruma, but in some universe where Iruma isnt in the picture and Ameri reaches for the Demon King’s seat yk? a private lesson or two!
Cannot say the same for Mafia AU tho… Iruma’s the reason those two are doing what they’re doing, and I think it’ll be up to him to get them to get along lol.
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tsubakkyy · 2 months ago
Twisted Wonderland Arknights!AU HCs Part 2: Octavinelle
The continuation of my TWST Arknights!AU headcanons. This time would be my favorite as well as the longest one I made because I'm biased. Basically this is the one that sparks the ideas of these HCs.
I present you our beloved cunning and sly fish people: Octavinelle!
English is not my first language and this post is so self-indulgent I don't even think much about the grammar or such so bear with me and my messy writings.
Pardon any lore inaccuracies of both games. Feel free to correct me if you find any.
Since the Octatrio are all merfolks, that means in Arknights universe they all gonna fall into one race category:
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Aegirs are basically the fish people of Arknights, exept they're not mermaids even though they're based on various marine animals such as fish, cephalopods, crustaceans, cetaceans, etc.
This race doesn't really have any distinct physical characteristics so they seem like normal human, but their skin are more susceptible to dry temperature and they can breath underwater.
They originated from an underwater civilization by the same name. The civilization was inspired from the legendary lost city of Atlantis in our world, but culturally they were based on the social and political settings of Ancient Rome.
They are known to be more advanced than any earth-dwelling civilizations in Terra in terms of technology and knowledge. Aegirians also have a culture of paying extra attention to aesthetics and they are known to be good at visual and performance arts. They even often use songs as a mean of communication.
Meanwhile in TWST, we've got the Coral Sea. Though it is implied that unlike Aegir, Coral Sea seems to be technologically less advanced than the land-dwelling civilizations in Twisted Wonderland. However the cultural aspects of art, particularly music, kinda match with the cultural setting of Coral Sea where the Octatrio came from as the trio often tell us how music is quite an integral part of life in the Coral Sea.
Now, let's imagine the Octavinelle trio as Aegirians!
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Azul Ashengrotto
I can't really determine which species of octopus he could be but my best guess is he could be based on the giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). This came from that time Floyd mentioned that Azul in his merform is huge, even bigger than the tweels despite him being shorter than them in his human form.
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Jade & Floyd Leech
I can't find any moray species that has their signature turquoise colour, but based on their huge size I think the best referenced species for them is the giant moray eel (Gymnothorax javanicus).
Bonus 1: Abyssal Hunters
When thinking about Arknights!AU, I often imagined that the trio could be a part of this special Aegirian battle squad called the Abyssal Hunters.
So, they're are basically Aegir's super-soldiers. They're hybrids that were made through experiments of genetical mutation done by infusing the blood and cells of seaborn into their body. They've got superhuman physical strength, endurance, and speed, but they can't use arts (magic-like power in Arknights universe).
And they are made to fight the seaborns itself.
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Abyssal Hunters usually have white hair and red eyes, a sign of a their merging with the Seaborn. Though it seems like there are also some Abyssal Hunters who don't possess such traits, but they are rare. They also have a signature uniform and hat, they also often use huge melee weapon to fight.
Now, I can't imagine the Octatrio with white hair, like, it kinda doesn't suit them at all me think. But I REALLY want to see them in the hunters' uniform. Especially the twins since they already have the physical strength. I think Floyd could use a scythe and Jade a rapier or an axe. Azul may not have the strength as much as the twins, but I still bet he gonna look so good in their uniform lol.
Bonus 2: Seaborn
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First of all, seaborns are sea monsters coming from the abyss of oceans and they have been Aegir's biggest enemy for centuries. They can evolve incredibly fast and possess the ability to independently mutate their own cells which makes them highly adaptable to changes around them.
Seaborns live with a hive mind/collective consciousness called 'We Many' and they consider any other organism that is not part of 'We Many' as a threat to their survival. Thus, they make themself a mission to annihilate any other forms of life or turning them into their kin.
This could be done with their ability to fuse their cells into other creatures, turning them into another seaborn by consuming the organism or the other way round. Yes, they can modify someone physically and psychologically over time to adhere to the hive mind. For the victim, they can try to retain their consciousness, but it will become harder and harder the more they change to resemble a seaborn. Some even ended up in madness just before they completely turned into a seaborn.
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The Octatrio's merfolk form often reminds me (close enough) of the seaborns, especially Azul's overblot form. If they live in Arknights universe and through some unforunate events got turned into seaborns, they could be one of the sentient ones with advanced intelligence. They'd be the more dangerous kind than most seaborns, which are more animal-like and most of the time non-sentient and unintelligent.
And that's all for Octavinelle! As always I appreciate any of you who somehow stumbled yourself into this blog and spend some of your time to read my yappings.
Next part:
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oodlyenough · 1 year ago
I haven't bothered with posts about the anime episodes because for the most part they've been like... fine to moderately amusing and there's not really anything to say beyond that. 2x06 Sound the Turnabout Melody (what a title) was uh not like that lmao so
started off strong with that terrible Wright & Co commercial. god bless you Maya.
ever since they introduced the concept of the friendship keychains I've been wondering if Larry still has his or if Larry is a normal person and the keychains are a consequence of Phoenix and Edgeworth specifically being Like That.
I thought s1 really tried to be like "a no homo trio of besties!!!" so I assumed it was likely Larry did. instead not even 3 years later Larry is like "lmao you still have that?" and Phoenix is both embarrassed and defensive which is much better and funnier than I expected from this show lmfao god bless
Larry discovering girls while Phoenix is STILL thinking about Miles and then deciding to dedicate songs on the radio to him fahfkdhlhkhglh .... incredible. showstopping
the dedication just kept going and going, too. i thought it would end with like, 'to signal red from signal blue' but it went on and on. i know she read page one of his ten page letter. didn't even mention the illustrated annexes of red and blue holding hands 😔
edgeworth thanking phoenix aloud and meanwhile phoenix sensing a disturbance in the force and turning around to look ... lmaoooooooo?!?!?... I mean even by the high bar set by their game canon I was pretty stunned
the flipside of all the crazy but believably IC baby narumitsu stuff was I found the Von Karma stuff all kind of weird and not particularly believable/IC
I appreciate the anime making it unambiguous that Edgeworth was raised by MVK, I feel like in the games there's a bit of vagueness for no real reason despite it being the most logical explanation for everything. so that was nice. but:
as hilariously cruel as it is to imagine MVK raising this kid for three years before turfing him to an orphanage, even applying 5d chess psychological torment logic I can't really make sense of that. why would he wait that long lol. why would he have taken miles in to begin with if not part of a long-term scheme.
baby franziska was cute as hell but i think she was too nice. i totally believe she'd be obsessed with her new little brother and want his attention/approval/etc. i ...don't really believe she's emotionally equipped to go about it so sweetly, lol.
miles' prosecutor vs defense ambition arc was convoluted to me, and an example where i feel like the games already gave us reason enough for the switch (the idea that greg's murderer got away + mvk's influence) without the anime now presenting something that makes less sense. (i'm still playing AAI but i sense i'll have similar criticisms of it, as in, "you're offering me a new explanation that makes less sense than the original". a common issue for prequel media.)
the cravat-giving scene felt like it was presented very earnestly despite being objectively kind of creepy given, you know, everything.
dog person miles edgeworth REAL
why'd they name that puppy napalm 😭😭😭😭
oh most importantly THE EPISODE TAG?? LMAO? edgeworth giving them the only like on their commercial why can't i find a clip or gifset of it the people need to know NEVERMIND @camalyng has bravely answered the call with a gifset
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valfeathers · 2 years ago
I would love your headcanons for all of the Wammy boys.
ok!! finally got around to it! sorry abt the wait lol
ok so i’m going to condense these & limit myself for now,, but anyways here’s a little something abt each of the boys
there's more art at the very bottom of this text btw :)
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(consulting my wammy boy google doc)
A -
he was the in-house music/pop culture expert. if you needed a music recommendation you could go to him and he'd definitely find you something.
he was a master violinist, but after being scouted for wammy's he set his sights on the guitar and spent years learning how to play. his fingers were pretty much always calloused because he kept losing his picks.
he never lost his irish accent.
B -
he was the reigning king of pranks. never turn your back on him, i mean it, he will hotwire your car to roll down a hill (true story, ask roger)
the thing that set him apart at wammy's the most was the fact that he would just. get the mop out. sometimes. it wasn't unusual to spot him cleaning something unprompted. clean freak b? clean freak b.
after A died, he didn't stay long. he couldn't stand to be under the same roof as L, and for the short while he was still in the house he moved around like a ghost, seething with just. grief and anger. he left without a word, or a note, or any sort of message at all.
L- (for everybody's sake i'll keep this one short)
he's been to his fair share of concerts, shows etc (i'm an 'L actually went out in public' truther till i die)
as teens, A & B helped him deck out his padded cell with posters etc to liven it up, and he never took them down. over time he converted it into a ragtag office
he and roger are not friends. far from it. they so do not get along. L still calls him 'codger' occasionally and roger gets reminded of B every single time.
he cuts & dyes his own hair, and he definitely got into stick n pokes (+ bonus: the first time he bleached his hair, he had mello help him & the two geniuses forgot to use toner, so he wound up ginger. everything worked out, though, because he wanted to dye his hair red anyways)
he used to creep downstairs at ungodly hours and raid the newly stocked dining hall for cereal. he has run into L multiple times doing this.
he gives me 'broke his arm as a kid and had to wear a cast' vibes. i can't explain it, that hc just calls to me.
like L, he got into his fair share of scraps as a kid. they've bonded over that. (+bonus: he has bitten someone before)
he was fiercely protective of matt & near when he was younger in an 'only i can bully them' kind of way that is so common with siblings.
labb gives me an excuse to imagine him as a big reader so that's what i'm doing! he read the classics as a kid & he wrote in his off time too,, he has dozens of journals that will never see the light of day.
he arrived at wammy's very young, he was actually the youngest wammy alumni on record.
i haven't gotten the opportunity to draw him with it yet, but i hc him as a cane user! a cane that linda customized for him at L's request. (from now on i Will include it in all of my near art istg)
out of the successor trio, he's the only person who was around when A was alive. he has one vague memory of A, that being A giving him a tiny wordless wave.
thank youu thankyouthankyou if you made it this far omg!! this took me a while but it was fun! have some domestic-y family-y wammy boy art to rest ur eyes after that little novella
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eye-kandii · 3 months ago
Chapter 1
In her first act of freedom, Y/n had left a trail of destruction. The charred remnants of the prison stood as a grim reminder of her escape. Bodies of elite shinobi littered the scene—men and women who had underestimated her rage, her cunning, and the deadly allure of her siren-like abilities.
Whispers of her power and beauty spread like wildfire. The few survivors described her last act before vanishing: seducing the warden with a knife pressed to his throat, her voice like velvet laced with venom. "Open the gate," she had whispered, a seductive smirk on her lips. "Or bleed out in my arms.
He'd obeyed, of course. Who wouldn't?
The tension in the dimly lit Akatsuki hideout was palpable. Pain's Rinnegan glowed faintly in the shadows as he addressed the group.
"This Y/n Chisuke has stolen the world's attention from our mission," he stated, his voice cold. "She's a nuisance we cannot ignore."
Kisame leaned back against the wall, grinning. "A rogue kunoichi causing this much chaos? Gotta say, I'm intrigued. Think she'd join us?"
Deidara scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "If she doesn't blow herself up first, yeah, sure."
"It doesn't matter what her motives are," Pain interrupted, his tone brooking no argument. "She's a distraction. Find her. Kill her if you must. But do not let her stand in our way."
Y/n leaned back against the trunk of an ancient tree, a joint dangling from her lips as she exhaled a slow, steady stream of smoke. Her red-dyed curls framed her face, her dark brown eyes scanning the horizon.
"Two years," she muttered, her voice low and raspy. "Two years locked up for something I didn't even do."
Her gaze flicked to the jagged knife in her hand, the same blade she'd used to carve her way out of that hellhole. The memory of her sister's lifeless body flashed in her mind, and her jaw tightened.
The flickering light of a dying campfire danced against the walls of a secluded cavern deep within the Land of Rain. The sound of rain echoed from the cavern's mouth, muffling the crackle of the flames and the low murmurs of the three figures seated around it.
Y/n Chisuke, notorious fugitive and the world's most wanted rogue kunoichi, sat cross-legged on the ground. Her red curls gleamed under the firelight, and a haze of smoke swirled around her as she took a slow drag from her joint. Across from her, the twin rogue ninjas Yuki and Yukan leaned against each other, their expressions tense but relieved.
"We always knew they'd come for you," Yuki said, her voice soft but firm. She tucked a strand of her long, silver hair behind her ear and stared into the fire. "But we didn't think they'd go this far."
Yukan, her twin, frowned, his dark eyes fixed on Y/n. "Half the shinobi world wants your head, Y/n. Staying with us is dangerous."
Y/n smirked, blowing out a plume of smoke. "Danger's all I've known, Yukan. Besides..." Her voice turned low, bitter. "Where else am I gonna go? Everyone else thinks I'm a monster. Only y'all know the truth."
The twins exchanged a glance, their bond unspoken but clear. They'd been through too much together to turn her away now.
Yuki's hand rested gently on Y/n's knee, grounding her back to the present. "We know you didn't kill her, Y/n. And we know who did."
Y/n's jaw clenched, the firelight reflecting in her dark eyes like embers. "Then why don't the rest of them know? Why doesn't anyone believe me?"
"Because the truth doesn't matter to them," Yukan said bitterly, his voice low. He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "You're a scapegoat, a convenient target to distract the world from their own failures."
Y/n's smirk returned, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Well, if they wanted a monster, they've got one now."
Unbeknownst to the trio, search parties continued to comb through the forests and villages of the Land of Rain. Shinobi from every village—Konoha, Suna, Kiri, and beyond—were relentless in their pursuit. Every dead lead only fueled their frustration and resolve.
The Akatsuki had also intensified their efforts. Itachi and Kisame had been dispatched to investigate rumors of a rogue kunoichi sheltering in the area. Deidara had been particularly eager, claiming he wanted to "test her resolve" with his explosives.
But Y/n had been careful. For months now, she hadn't stepped foot outside the cavern except under the cover of night. The twins ensured she remained hidden, their skills in infiltration and deception keeping them one step ahead of the hunters.
"We can't stay here forever," Yukan said, breaking the silence.
"Duh," Y/n replied, rolling her eyes as she flicked ash into the fire. "I didn't escape that hellhole just to sit around."
Yuki tilted her head, her sharp gaze fixed on Y/n. "So what's the plan?"
Y/n grinned, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "We find out who really killed my sister. And when we do..." She let the sentence hang, but the weight of her words was clear.
Yukan leaned back, a slow smile spreading across his face. "That's the Y/n I know."
"Damn right," Y/n said, taking another drag. "They wanted a war. Let's give them one."
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