#red thread ( starter ).
savingthrcw · 2 months
@3katanas requested a very emotional nami time
They had been knocked out when surrounded by the smoke, just like with Buggy, with the difference that this time Nami had been able to avoid the worst of it, and from her hiding spot had seen the little group of Red Pirates take Zoro's precious sword; collectors of rare items, no doubt, and she should have waited for her friends to wake up and kick their asses, the gas wasn't that strong. She should have waited. She should have, and yet she was running after them, because they had such a penchant for disappearing, and what if the Wado Ichimonji disappeared with them? Nami ran up the hundred of steps that led to the citadel above, chasing the pirates, and attacked with her staff as soon as she reached them to slow them down: it was just three of them, maybe she could buy time until Zoro woke up. Usopp was there too, but she knew she had to count on the strongest of the two.
Unfortunately, she found herself quickly beaten down. They weren't interested in ganging up on a woman, so they were ready to walk away, but Nami got up and tried again. And again. And again. Feeling as powerless as she had with Arlong, she pulled herself from the ground with shaky arms but couldn't get up on her legs, blood dripping on the ground underneath her. Only then it occurred to her that she wasn't alone anymore, and he was her friend, he would come if she held on enough. One of the pirates shoved her back down, and she took a deep pained breath.
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immortalmuses · 3 months
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@magikborn sent: “there’s something wrong with me.” (Henry for Pez)
ㅤㅤㅤThey're sitting in the back garden behind Timbralls House, perched side-by-side on the low wall separating Eton College's main yard from the Sixpenny. Percy might come from money (a great deal of money), but his father's social standing doesn't quite warrant him rooms in the Manor House like it does Prince Henry. The arrangement works out well, really, because Pez living in Timbralls means Hazza always has an excuse for escaping to somewhere out from under the many watchful eyes following him around Eton.
ㅤㅤㅤIt gives him the freedom to say things like... this.
ㅤㅤㅤ"You know I don't believe that, mate." Percy replies, his weight leant back on his palms, the rough stone of this ancient wall surely bollocksing up his fresh manicure. The Nigerian tips his head, watching the afternoon sunlight play through the branches of the trees. He'd rather be looking at Henry, but he knows how the other boy gets when he's sharing something private, something vulnerable. If Percy were stared at as much as the Prince is, he'd feel the same way.
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ㅤㅤㅤ"There's so many things wrong in this world, Hen... But you're not one o'them. Doesn't matter who you love, what body parts you're attracted to..." Pez shrugs, grinning a sunnily as the sky, "...Binary is the Enemy, remember?"
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cptnpike · 1 year
As always, Chris was the last one to leave the med-bay.⠀ ⠀It wasn't because his injuries had been more extensive, the first away team was discharged hours ago and they had days of injuries to heal;⠀ ⠀it was because he was the last one to look for medical help.⠀ ⠀Sidestepping M'Benga's worried glances, and Chapel's tricorder, he had only allowed them to heal his ribcage long after the Enterprise left the planet and he was throughly chewed out by three different admirals for dismissing General Order One.
Back on the chair for less than forty-eight hours, and Starfleet was already unhappy with him.⠀ ⠀It must be some sort of record.
Nearing his first officer's quarters, there was a pep to his step. ⠀It was small, coming at every other step, not springy enough to be called a bounce, but it also mischaracterized his usual brisk pace around the ship.⠀ ⠀The lightness came from a realization which had wormed into his mind as M'Benga went over the crew's injuries and assured him that everything was in order, and his first officer could return to duty the next day;⠀ ⠀the briskness came from the fact that despite his abiding trust in his medical officer, he needs visual confirmation to know that she is well, and truly alright.
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It was also the latter, which was more in tune with the rest of his behaviour.⠀ ⠀When she called out for him to enter, the smile on his lips did not distract from the worry darkening his eyes or the lines which appeared on his forehead as he looked her up and down, as if he was going to catch something with his naked eye that M'Benga had missed using state-of-the-art technology.
❛⠀⠀⠀How are you feeling, Number One? ⠀ ⠀ ❜ ⠀ ⠀ The external bruises were gone, but he knew, all too well, how that could hide a world of other problems.⠀ ⠀ ❛⠀⠀⠀I doubt you've gotten any rest, or eaten anything since your prison break.⠀ ⠀ You can take a few more days off.⠀ ⠀ The ship is in perfect conditions, and your protégé is ... pretty good. ⠀ ⠀ ❜ Standing in front of her now, the desire to tease which had been burning at the back of his mind when he was in front of the door lessens in favor of worry; it doesn't completely go away, it just lessens momentarily, ready to spring back to life the moment he is sure Una is alright.
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mindsmade · 1 year
@kilgcre ( hosea )
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❛ Heard the bear hunt with Arthur didn't go exactly according to plan. I'm not going after it myself, but I am going to hunt down some plain old deer for Pearson. Feel like coming with? Away from the humidity – ❜ and rising tensions – ❛ here? ❜
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giventakes · 2 years
sweating......updated my thread tracker for like. the eighth time. n have gone back 2 notion again 4 the meantime bc rpthreadtracker’s dashboard makesmy head hurt sm.... 
as usual, if i missed something or incorrectly marked smth one way or another, pls lmk !! will appreciate if u do <3
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adesanguiniiis · 2 years
"It's a little early in the evening for everyone to be so merry, hmm?" Adeline's musing is quiet, though not unkind. She doesn't consider herself anti-holidays. Nor anti-celebration. She doesn't even consider herself anti-merriment. However, in this case... "The holiday music in there is a bit too loud, I think. I'd gone in to get some of these lollipops and nearly induced a migraine in the process."
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knighteclipsed · 1 year
we paint white roses red
bad ending au starter
The whole of Carcino was next.
Not that the merchant state offered much in the way of resistance. Even with Pablo dead, half the nation was on Grado’s side, and the half that remained was stretched thin for support. Still, it was all that remained keeping Frelia and Rausten connected, and with that water space...
Well, for as simple a task it was to subjugate, it was still a vital one.
That was half the reason the Moonstone was present; the other half was because it was fun! After all, who doesn’t enjoy a little bloodshed every now and again? And to be political, he also supposes that as the greatest general Grado had to offer, his being present showed the abundance of power the empire had — to be able to spend one so powerful as himself on a place so weak as Carcino.
(But really, it was one of the few places that remained where he had yet to fully search for them.)
Not that the emperor wanted Princess Eirika and Prince Ephraim to be dead — that was more of one of Valter’s desires, but keeping them alive was satisfactory for now. The hunt alone was enticing enough, and he intended to savor every moment.
“The scouts have returned,” a soldier whose name Valter never cared for announces with a bow. “The city is currently empty. We suspect Klimt and the other council leaders either fled to a better position or entered hiding altogether.”
“ Ascertain their approximate locations. The main force will handle the rest. ”
“Understood.” The soldier bows before taking their leave.
So they’ve fled, have they? (The man smiles to himself.) A worthless effort, but an expected one.
“ Are you excited? ” the Moonstone asks, letting the sincerity of the question remain ambiguous. “ There’s sure to be blood soon. ”
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helreginn · 1 month
Her first form in this new and created world was something peculiar. Hair of Lilac, eyes the same. She knew they - the children that would come after - could not look upon her fëa directly. She didn't yet know what their hröar would be like. Didn't know how far apart she set herself, even as she tried to blend in.
When she first envisioned her Fana, she had wanted to wear the stars like flowers in her hair; Hair made of raindrops and snowflakes. Everywhere she walked, casting rainbows and flickering lights. Her flesh would have been rock and stone. Like carved Marble. Nude and strong and bold.
This was subtler, she had thought. They would not be afraid. They would not think of her as something other than themselves.
She was wrong, of course. But that wouldn't become clear until much later. When she sought the kinship of elves and men and not so much that of the other Ainur.
This form was slow. And heavy. Every step an intentional act of motion, unlike being carried on the winds of unmade worlds. She liked it. Almost as much as she feared it. And the clothes on top of what already felt like clothes weren't the most comfortable either.
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She walked up to Melkor, hesitant. As if she even knew what it was to pause. Before, every action had been a whim. Immediate and precise. No need of forethought or caution.
What a thrilling concept! All of it. Everything was new and brave and she was so full of wonder and appreciation; In the same way she could not see the contrast of her colours against a world of primarily green and brown and grey.. she could not see the cracks forming. Could not feel the warning quakes. Or how far the foundation of their kind would be divided when the tremors came to the surface of their words and minds.
"Is it not bizarre?" She asked, and then stopped and blinked. Was that her voice? It sounded nothing like her voice. What an odd sound this vessel made. She reached a hand up to her throat and started making funny sounds. Ahs and grrs and whistling song notes, all the while smiling delightedly at the feeling of her physical voice felt beneath the touch of her physical hands.
She laughed brightly and smiled over at Melkor. "When this is done and we return home," A thousand million years down the line. What she thinks will be a short time.. "I think I will wear this form again."
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wranglens · 2 months
tags 1.0 .
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anthromimicry · 5 months
@red-hemlock asked: "I don’t need your pity." (For the Dealing With Trauma starters if you're still accepting them! =D 'Cuz yay Arkham threads, and Riv just loves talking about her lye scars lol. Also HI I LOVE YOUR OC. <3)
a patient's opposition is not necessarily automatically personal. this is a stance that misao had come up with herself and yet, a flare of annoyance almost managed to rise to the surface within her in response to the other's comment. she had honestly been having a long day so far — the warden of arkham had pretty much demanded that she fit in at least three more patients than she usually would into her schedule, after all. and although she wanted to believe that all of this wasn't draining her... it truthfully kind of was. so, after misao heard river reject her sympathy for her, a shallow breath left her mouth before she could stop it as she rearranged the position of her legs. no longer were they taking part in the ' open ' body language that misao usually tried to display in front of patients. they were crossed now instead, while she silently evaluated river from where she sat.
whatever she was going to do now, misao knew that she couldn't allow herself to vent to the other in any way, since that'd be grossly unprofessional. and she wanted to be known as a good psychiatrist; because that did mean that patients would continue to be sent to her, then subsequently (sometimes) be eaten by her, which is a cycle that she needed to keep going to live as they were her primary food source now. though she still wasn't a perfect one by any stretch as her own personal biases were running through her head right now and she had to take a step back to return back to being neutral towards river. misao tapped her fingers along the chair she sat on for a moment, before she finally spoke, head tilting faintly to the right.
❝ mm. well... i sincerely regret if i have upset you, river. that was not my intention at all when i said i'm sorry you had to suffer through that. whenever you say you don't need it, is it because you think that i am viewing you in a negative light? because i assure you that that is certainly not the case, ❞ she stated this plainly and with confidence in her voice. misao truly didn't look down at people with scars, not only because she had a few of her own, but because she'd grown up in an environment where they were viewed as signs that you had survived something. thus... she believed that you shouldn't have to hide them, especially given the fact that doing so often resulted in more negative thoughts being produced by someone than before, that usually had a close correlation to depression and anxiety. but misao supposed that maybe river saw her pity towards the unfortunate circumstances that caused them to be inflicted upon her as her believing that she was somehow more superior than river herself.
she didn't know for sure, though, which is exactly why she thought to ask river more about it the next time she had the chance. ❝ i don't think that i am better than anyone here, river, if that has something to do with it? i understand how it may not seem like this but feeling pity for someone helps us to be empathetic towards others because it is an emotion. and thus, it can break us out of our current mindset, then allow us to attune to the thoughts and feelings of another person. i'm not doing it to be malicious towards you in any way. though i do have a question regarding your attitude towards it, if you'd be so king as to answer it — do you not like receiving pity just from me personally or from others altogether? you can be honest with me, as i promise you that my skin is a lot thicker than it looks. ❞
that much she was certain of, misao thought, while she wrote something down on her notepad before turning her attention back to river. ❛ riversong has expressed disapproval towards the concept of pity during my first session with her. i intend to proceed by gently steering the conversation to figuring out why. ❜ misao gave her a blink-and-you'll-miss-it smile then to try to ease the tension in the room. if river outright told her about it now, then that was good with her, but it would also be okay if they had to circle back to it. it was true that they still had quite some time left in their session.
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batfambitches · 5 months
“I didn't ask you to bother me today, just let me sulk in peace.” By sulking he meant beating the shit outta as many joker goons as he could find, but he couldn't help if it was therapeutic. Especially today of all days.
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leschanceux · 5 months
alex's first trip to london is exciting in many ways --- he'd never left texas before, let alone the united states; henry lives somewhere in london ( he'd established that a long time ago ); this class trip is a reward for excellent grades and behaviour ( and both his parents had said they were proud of him ). but most of all, henry's somewhere in london and it was feasible that they could arrange to meet up somewhere.
have you ever been to buckingham palace? he scribbles on his wrist, the remnants of their conversation from the first day of the class trip barely visible on his palm.
there's a little curl of anxiety in his gut over that, actually - henry hadn't written their customary goodnight i love you that night, or any night since. they haven't gone so long without scribbling or texting or sending a voice note since alex had fallen out of that tree at the playground and ended up with his arm in a cast, so this was unprecedented, and alex doesn't really know how he feels about it despite the looming devastation that his penpal - to whom he's supposed to be intrinsically, universally linked with - might not want to know him any more.
we're going on a tour today and i can't wait. he continues anyway, the bumping of the bus making his writing even messier than usual. i want to try and count all the bedrooms.
another moment later; do you think the queen will be there? another; can you imagine having to vacuum buckingham palace? another; we're getting yelled at for being too loud but it's so funny another; it's our last day here tomorrow. we could still meet up if you want to?
and a little later, the bitter taste of abandonment and disappointment on his tongue, scribbled out and scrawled over when everything turned to sadness later in the hotel; are you mad at me? did i say something wrong? you haven't written back the whole time we've been here. you could've just said you didn't want to know about the trip or any of it.
his last act of communication before he finally falls asleep just before dawn is to trace over the little heart that's practically tattooed on the very edge of his palm, near the thumb joint, and pray that this is all a misunderstanding.
( @fatedtruths )
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lcstpaths · 6 months
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INCORRECT QUOTE STARTER CALL for alex claremont-diaz. full disclosure that these will entirely be from rwrb memes. please know, he is 100% book based, because i haven't seen the show, so i have zero context for anything on that end. multis please specify who for.
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medaeium · 8 months
tag drop : admin part two
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fairysvgar · 11 months
[ starter for: @ofbookshelves ]
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[🎶] — mariana enters the quaint bookstore, just one more chapter - smiling as she runs her fingers along the spines of several novels. she's notices someone she doesn't recognise, as she hasn't been in new york too long to really remember faces yet. the woman behind the desk appears to be reading something, the cover of the book a little obscured by the coffee cup set on the desk. " hello !! " she starts, a kind smile on her visage. mariana gestures toward the book in the owner's hands. " what are you reading, if i may ask ?? i need some good recommendations..." the brunette tilts her head as her brown hues connects with the others. " sorry if i disturbed you - my students have been getting on my case with reading the latest thing... i'm just not sure what's 'in' with teenagers. "
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ryeonah · 1 year
tag dump ii
#✖ask memes║it's like I'm leaving all my past & silhouettes up on the wall#✖out of character║there's no air yet you speak of the breath of gods#✖ooc║&. i am creation both haunted & holy#✖queue║so hate me for the things i've done & not for what I've now become#✖submitted post║here is your humble offering obliterated & broken#✖schedule post║death is already chalking the doors with crosses#✖ic║you depersonalize your deed & distance yourself from your guilt behind a porcelain mask made of lies & deceit#✖aesthetic║the good girl is always a ghost / the body is always a wound#✖musings║what do i call you now?#✖inbox call║& if you live you can fall to pieces & suffer with my ghost#✖plotting call║in silence there is power but these words are alive & writhing#✖starter call║sabotage the things you love the most camouflage so you can feed the lie that you're composed#✖affiliates call║if nobody has died why do i grieve?#✖mains call║i found asylum inside your armageddon eyes#✖exclusives call║i would suffer forever to absolve all your pain#✖shipping call║repose my love i've sinned enough for the both of us#✖promo║people who are destined to be with each other are connected by a red thread beyond their souls#✖self promo║crawling from hell fallen from grace & there is nothing left to take leaving the past to the grave so we can reincarnate#✖anonymous inquiries║a ghost among the rotten souls stood dead to die again#✖answered║i confess these sins with a sharp & spiteful tongue#✖unknown verse║is that how you were taught to wield your sword?#✖reincarnation verse║ the person you are looking for no longer exists; are you lost in the past?#✖main verse║i'm ready to bury all of my bones i'm ready to lie but say i won't#✖hell verse║as i walk through this valley of shadows & death i curse not the wicked i praise not the blessed#✖pre-canon verse║my eyes yearn to see you so come home from distant lands my beloved
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