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open starter. beach, who knows where - genosha? does that exist? just sexy vibes.
the warm golden hues of the sun only made the angelic boy even more pristine as his blonde hair seemed to highlight further and the outstretched wings glistened from the bit of water he had splashed on them prior. the salty scent of the air was heavy and it made him stretch to take a heavy breath, grinning as his bare chest flexed in the meantime. he wasn't a bird but fuck if he didn't have a mating call.. the goal was simple; find someone likeminded, go somewhere private, go home, just go because the tiny shorts he wore to the beach were advertising enough as it was. he has a glimmer, when warren catches a pair of eyes on him and his blue stays to linger, looking for an invite but taking it upon himself to make the few steps over. everyone had to stare, even as he folded his wings up, because it wasn't every day you saw a winged man on the beach sit next to a beauty. "fuckin' lovely out, huh?"
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where: utp | when: night time | whom: open to all
Jason leans against his motorcycle, scanning the dark streets and otherwise being bored. He really should just drive around and see what pops up, but he's really not in the mood.
He sighs when he hears something from the alley behind him.
"Your stealth really needs some improvement," he calls without looking back. "I can hear you even in this bucket."
He taps his red helmet, emphasizing his point.

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location: avenger's tower
walking around in his suit all day isn't as comfortable as it used to be, but it's necessary. he overlooks the view of the city and uses his enhanced armor to analyze the metrics of everything that he can see. tony is pleased. nothing seems to be amiss, so there's nothing to worry about with a new attack. “i think this calls for a celebration.” he speaks out to whoever is listening. “when's the list time i threw a rager? i think the city, no, the world needs me to right now.”
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ext. grand central park, new york. day.
with a cheeky salute to the crowd that formed around them, jon drops the last remains of the mechanical beast that was rampaging across the city just a few minutes ago. he only came here because of a craving for pizza, but the moment he reached the perimeter of the city, his head was filled with nothing but screams of help and the sound of whirring engines and creaking metal.
and though he promised to give other heroes a chance to save the day, his instinct kicked in anyway. " i know you had it all under control ... " he says, hands out to pull up the other, giving them his sweetest and most apologetic smile. " ... but i was in the area. can't really help it. are you alright? "

open to everyone !
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[ for: guys who can appreciate a gaped archer ]
"--door's open!" clint called out.
was it smart, safe, or sane, to invite someone to one of his safehouses while he's in such a vulnerable position? probably not. but he's got his emergency contacts on speed dial in case an axe murderer manages to get him on the back foot.
once his guest darkens his doorway, clint does a little twist -- showing of his butt and chest at the same time, as he's laid out with his head on the pillow. "got started without you. well, hours ago, really. but that was kind of the point."
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[ for: tops(ish) ]
lights low in the club, bobby's not sure where his jacket went. or where his drink went. not in this sea of bodies, moving both off- and on-rhythm, half too absorbed in each other to pay attention to the dj set.
bobby wanted to be so distracted that he didn't feel the music vibrate through him.
he wasn't expecting a hand on his side, from behind, but he thinks, you know what? fuck it. and he leans back into the body of whoever's there.
"not gonna guess if I know you or not."
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open starter!
there were fewer things that gave zain the rush that being stage did. the eyes on him, unwavering and in awe as he performed trick after trick. he thrived on the attention, to a degree, and he always delivered. tipping his hat from his head, he showed the audience that it was empty before tapping on it three times. "sevod ylf!" he enunciated, few not seeing the small flourish of his hand or faint glint of purple in his gaze as he tilted the hat again and several white birds burst forth.
for his last trick of the night, it only went off without a hitch, the audience clamoring to their feet in applause as zain gave his final bows, one leg behind the other, a smirk curling on his lips as he locked eyes with one individual that had been staring at him hard since they had arrived - late - to the show.
placing his hat back on his head, he did a small hop off the stage, and made his way over to the bar, leaning on it as he affixed a cool gaze on the other.
"if you're going to try undressing me with your eyes, the least you could do is buy a girl a drink first." he teased, motioning towards the bartender to bring him his usual.
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Open to anyone, some club frequented by the power having masses
he could feel the stare on his back. possibly disapproving? but it was a stare. enough that virigl turned around with a sort of impish grin. "i'm just having a little fun." actually, he was super bored. bored enough that he shooting out little arms of electricity from his corner. tapping people on the shoulder and watching as they turned around with the confused look. he was smart enough to do this when no one was standing next to his unsuspecting victim. he wouldn't want an actual fight to break out. it wasn't very super hero of him but virgil was bored. "i was holding a spot for my friend but he's taking a while to appear." as if that was a reasonable excuse. "how about i buy you a drink and we forget we ever saw this."
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💎 - It was still quite a difficult thought to get over. Within an instance; the snap of a finger -- or the tear through the fabric of reality, that they were standing at the edge of momentary peace. Hate always seemed to follow them no matter what dawn or age they'd exist. Mutants to be exact and anti-mutant regimes would surface. They'd do this boring, arduous dance with the tired excuses of the miseducated and misguided. There was always more to learn, more to experience, and more to observe. But! The fun was never gained through standing on the sidelines.
current status: washington, d.c. time of day: after noon
I could've just absorbed their thoughts. Would've made the time go a little faster. Soren mused. After overloading 'The Hive', it seemed to put his own telepathy on the fritz. The silence was an overstatement. He hadn't ever experienced this type of tension. It was natural to him: sifting through thoughts. Each was like little strings he could pluck if necessary. He furrowed a brow as he traced the etched letters within the plaque. A name. "Batman? Hmmm. Seems like he's eerily watching you even in a mold." He'd repeat as his eyes flick from the marble to the statue before him. Soren's head ticked to one side as he chewed the inside of his cheek. "Seems like it would be obv--," He hurried the pardoning hush. He was a visitor after all. This was a museum in some of the founding heroes of the merged worlds.
"I wonder who'd win. The Avengers or The Justice League." He'd fold both arms, stacking them just at his ribcage. A delayed reaction followed the nudge that initiated this small interaction. Well. Technically it was more of a jab of the elbow. He could feel someone's presence by the proximity of their thoughts. Again...his telepathy was currently shite. But the looming first-hand embarrassment was like a blow to the ego that was presently too depressing. Now he was going to be some trite, trivial excuse to be referenced as the clumsy fool in some story.
"Oops~. Apologies! Sometimes I don't realize my own strength." Wasn't a total lie.
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Things were getting weirder and weird by the day and for once, Wesley didn't have anything to do with it. The world was changing, new heroes and villains were showing their faces in an attempt to now save two worlds. If there was ever a time to hone in his abilities as the scarlet witch, it would be now. He had been training with Abram and while most of the times they ended up naked, he did feel like his was getting stronger.
Chaos magic was nothing to play around with so whenever Wesley was practicing without Abram, he made sure no one else was around so they couldn't get hurt. He had thought he had done the same this time but he was mistaken...
Once again, he underestimated just how big the new Avengers/Justice Tower was. He hadn't seen anyone around so he assumed he was alone as he slung magic through the air. It was nothing too damaging but when he turned around and let off a light burst, he didn't expect it to hit square into someone's chest.
"Oh! Oh! I didn't see you there. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I? Though maybe if you didn't sneak up on me..."
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open stater. metropolis.
· • ‣ the young martian had been on earth for what felt like eons but it had been maybe a month, maybe five weeks, and already they were getting a headache everytime they stepped on someone's toes because they just didn't know what was customary. the fact that everyone viewed the use of telepathy as a complete invasion of privacy, despite it being the main communication on mars, wasn't winning a lot of friends. it wasn't like m'cann didn't like what was seen in a lot of the people's minds. they were sexy thoughts. participating in those thoughts would be lovely. but apparently private. the martian had just beat up some loser and was now sitting on the corner of a rooftop, higher up than most, skin green and costume consisting of a white tee, red x for style, and a blue skirt, they were lost in thought when a poke to their shoulder had mackenzie almost jumping. "holy jeepers! warn someone!"
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where: new york city | when: day time | whom: open to all
Teddy lands on a roof top overlooking New York City. He still thinks it's one of the best cities in the world. Though he supposes he's pretty biased considering he hasn't been many other places besides the city.
But still. This is where the people he loves are, so he doesn't care if he's biased.
He looks around and jumps when he realizes he's not the only person on the rooftop.
"Sorry," he says, not really seeing who it is at first. "Didn't realize this roof was taken. I can go if you want?"
He spreads his wings, ready to take off if needed.
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location: some alleyway
poison ivy had been pretending to be more man than plant all day. it's been tiresome. finally, he's able to shed away those pesky clothes and go into his much more natural state. his skin pigment is back to that beautiful shade of green, his hair is brighter than before, and leaves along with some flowers are the only thing covering him. they feel like they can breathe again. although they wouldn't be poison ivy without ruffling some feathers. “plants can speak, you dumbass.” poyraz has a vine wrapped around their neck, lifting them up from the wall feet up in the air. “i know what you did and you should fucking burn.” although right when he's about to do something worse, some commotion distracts him. they snapped their head to look back at the street and up at the roof, searching for where the noise came from. due to their attention being elsewhere, the vine slipped from the other man, he fell to the ground and ran. “are you happy now? you may as well come out since you've ruined my fun.”
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open starter. downtown metropolis. nightlife. dtf.
a simple bar, usually, except the proprietor was one of them. one of the heroes, villains, whatever walked through the door he didn't care as long as you didn't start shit and karter had been coming here often since he came back to metropolis. it felt nice, warm, he was doing his best to 'connect' with the humans of earth, and maybe some weren't but the majority were, and he was trying to find someone who was his own friend. not clark's. or jon's. or someone's someone, but someone for him to be pals with.
their eyes had met a few times while drinking, the heat easy between them already and he could tell that maybe this might be a thing. or a little thing. but he could feel the tension and he grinned, a playful perked brow before nodding them over to join him.
"hi, we aren't very subtle, are we?"
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where: record shop, san francisco | when: day time | whom: open to all
Joey takes him time looking through all the records in the shop. He's curious about what this new world could have to offer in terms of music. Maybe some of his favorite artists released music in other worlds that they decided not to on his?
He definitely needs to grow his collection, and his days off from the team are the perfect times to do that.
He pulls out a familiar record from David Bowie, studying it to see if he can detect any differences.
He's so caught up in his looking that he turns without paying attention, running right into somebody. He nearly drops the record but manages to catch it quickly. Thank god for reflex training.
Sorry, he signs, I didn't see you there.
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location: idk some random hill top. maybe it's a park maybe it's a mountain who knows!
for a while, raven thinks that this place is secluded. that's why they chose it in the first place. there's a soft blanket laid out on the hill top and he's hovering on top of it. legs crossed, hands on his knees, breathing deeply. they're trying to ignore trigon's voice, which is only becoming louder in this new world. another deep breath and a hushed mantra later, they're hit with another wave of emotions not belonging to them. raven doesn't bother opening his eyes. “if i find out that you have some locator chip on me we're going to have a problem.” they lower themselves down and finally open their eyes. even though he's wearing his cape and hood, the rest of the clothes are more mundane. a see thru black top with stars on it, body adorned with gold jewelry, leather pants, and black combat boots. “did you come here for me or for peace and quiet?”
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