#red spotted goby
dmitriene · 3 months
simon ghost riley who extinguishes his cigarettes on your flesh, scorching your sweat soaked skin, duplicating the little reddish marks, scattering them all over your body and forming constellations formed from burns.
the air is dense, clogged with the smell of sweat and tobacco, and the only sounds that carry through the space are your pitching mewls mixed with obscene squelches of your soaked cunt, clutching onto his cock with each harsh thrust and forming a white ring at the bulbous tip.
the only thing you can do is only whine like a mutt and bounce on his lap, your tight hole sucking onto his girth greedily, pelvic smushing against his own with his trimmed hair rubbing at your engorged clit.
simon's movements are indifferent, letting you take anything you want, milk his meaty cock while he barely thrusts his hips up, meeting your rolling ones with a chocked moan escaping your lips, his rough and calloused palm settles at the fat of your ass, squeezing, pressing you closer.
there's still a smoldering cigarette between the fingers of his free hand, pressing against your skin where a drop of sweat drips between your breasts, causing the tip of the cigarette goby to hiss on the contact.
the weight of simon's warm and wet palm leaves the supple fat of your ass as it crawls up your back, the calloused fingertips caress the skin and make your back arch until he roughly grabs your hair, pulling, winding around his fist to keep you in one position.
you still, gummy walls of your cunt pulse and flutter around the cock longed against your spongy spot, making you all whiny as you rub your pussy onto him, needy for any possible friction, when the burns on your skin suddenly tingle.
simon's tongue runs over your skin, collecting salty sweat and running over each red round mark, giving you goosebumps and making your body shudder, cunt clenching, as he crushes the remnants of a cigarette in his palm before winding his arm around the curve of your waist, finally fucking up into you.
letting yourself slump forward and nuzzle into his neck, reveling in his heady scent as your ass bounces up and down his muscular thighs, each slap leaving you moaning, as he pummels into the depths of your greedy hole.
main masterlist. quidelines.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
It's the last day of Mermay...
So have my most common headcanons on who would be which (or take inspiration from such) for if they were merfolk <3 Yes, this is DCxDP but can be used for either separately if you want.
Bruce- Ray
Alfred- Remora
Kate- Angel Shark
Dick - Guppy
Cass- Cuttlefish
Jason- Thresher Shark
Tim- Bichir
Steph- Spanish Shawl Sea Slug
Duke- Anglerfish
Harper- Cichlid
Cullen- Rasbora
Damian- Stingray
Carrie- Dusky Batfish
Jarro- Starfish
Terry- Devilfish
Matt- Koi
Barbara- Jellyfish
Gordon- Squirrelfish
Ghostmaker- Moray Eel
Harvey- Tiger Shark
Selina- Catfish
Harley- Clownfish
Poison Ivy- Leafy Seadragon
Riddler- Corydoras
Joker- Piranha
Bane- Pufferfish
Mr. Freeze- Leopard Seal
Scarecrow- Anglerfish
Waylon- Saltwater Crocodile
Solomon Grundy- Coelacanth 
Penguin- Longfin Icedevil
Ras Al Ghul- Sturgeon
Talia- Pike
Dusan- Pike 
Deathstroke- Tiger Barb
Clark- Sea Lion
Connor- Fur Seal
Jon- Fur Seal
Kara- Sea Lion
Martha Kent- Ribbon Seal
Jonathan Kent- Manatee
Lex Luthor- Cardinalfish
Barry Allen- Marlin
Wally West- Swordfish
Bart- Marlin
Iris- Trout
Thawne- Wahoo
Captain Cold- Beluga Whale
Heatwave- Guppy
Captain Boomerang- Discus Fish
Mirror Master- Mahi Mahi
Green Arrow- Goby
Arsenal- Arapaima
Artemis- Grouper
Black Canary- Orca
Diana- Lionfish
Cassie- Lionfish
Cheetah- Spotted Snapper
Vandal Savage- Dunkleosteus 
Marvel- Whale Shark 
Billy- Wrasse
Mary- Wrasse
Freddy- Killifish
Eugene- Loach
Pedro- Danio
Darla- Goby
Black Adam- Gar Fish
Dr. Sivana- Dolphin
Mister Mind- Bristle Worm
Martian Manhunter- Octopus
M’gann- Octopus
Aquaman- Hammerhead Shark
Kaldur- Blue Tang
Oceanmaster- Ray
Plasticman- Oarfish
Booster Gold- Goldfish
Blue Beetle- Blue Shrimp
John Stewart- Sailfish
Hal Jordan- Neon Tetra
Red Tornado- Mantis Shrimp
Zatanna- Swordtail
Constantine- Fighting Fish
Doctor Fate- Wrasse
Deadman- Glass Fish
Klarion- Platy
Cyborg- Mola
Raven- Squid
Beast Boy- Triggerfish
Starfire- Koi Fish
Beast Boy- Fluffy Sculpin
Lobo- Wolf Fish
Deadshot- Ruby Barb
Killer Frost- White Koi
King Shark- Great White Shark
Doctor Light- Dolphin
Catman- Tigerfish
Angel Breaker- Redtail Black Shark
Trigon- Giant Squid 
Martha Wayne- Mako Shark
Thomas Wayne- Devil Ray
Lucious Fox- King Mackeral 
Jack Drake- Freshwater Angelfish
Janet Drake- Comet Goldfish
Danny- Betta Fish (Or Giant Phantom Jelly)
Dan- Lancetfish
Ellie- Betta Fish
Jazz- Oarfish
Sam- Lamprey
Tucker- Devil's Hole Pupfish
Valerie- Cherry Shrimp
Vlad Masters- Vampire Squid
Maddie Fenton- Lion's Mane Jelly
Jack Fenton- Whale
Ida Manson- Gulper Eel
Mr. Lancer- Hatchetfish
Spike- Gourami
Wes Weston- Carp
Kyle Weston- Perch
Paulina- Dragonfish
Star- Cichlid
Dash Baxter- Short Beaked Dolphin
Kwan- Goldfish
Box Ghost- Boxfish
Lunch Lady- Killifish
Skulker- Sea Turtle
Ghostwriter- Lyretail
Sidney Poindexter- Shubunkin
Jonny 13- Corydora
Kitty- Loach
Ember- Basslet
Desiree- Seahorse
Spectra- Eel
Walker- Frogfish
Nocturn- Lanternfish
Overgrowth- Sea Pig
Fright Knight- Swordtail
Pariah Dark- Skate
Princess Dora- Dragon Goby
Pandora- Leaf Scorpionfish
Frostbite- Crabeater Seal
Clockwork- Colossal Squid (or Congor Eel)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want pics of any of the fish/creatures I am happy to put them out, I just can't put that many links on one post lol. (Also apologies if I missed anyone)
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wishfishy · 5 months
When I first heard that a new Endless Ocean was going to be released, I was incredibly excited. Just absolutely over-the-moon excited. You see, Endless Ocean 2: Blue World (also called Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep) is one of my favourite games of all time. Scratch that: it is my favourite game. It was far from perfect, but I loved it dearly and happily sank hundreds if not thousands of hours into it.
EO2 is a diving game for the wii that was released in 2010, and I have never been able to find a game quite like it. The main story was a bit cheesy, but charming and engaging, with a bevy of likeable if occasionally one-note characters, and the game itself had surprising depths (diving pun fully intended). The game had 12 different diving maps in 6 locations and while the specific areas were fictitious, they were based on very real places (the South Pacific, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Arctic and Antarctic Oceans, as well as a freshwater river in the Amazon) and this was reflected in the species found in each area, with a few exceptions here and there.  You could explore shallow coral reefs, a sunken castle, ancient temples, abyssal depths, a kelp forest, sandy beaches, riverbanks, hidden coves with murals, and much more. You also had a small private island as a hub location, a personal reef you could decorate, and a public aquarium which you could fill with any of the non-legendary species you discovered.
Speaking of which, the game featured 340 different species of marine and freshwater fish, sharks, rays, marine mammals, penguins, shore birds, reptiles, crustaceans, cephalopods and other invertebrates. Some of these also had different models for young or different genders. You could find truly miniscule species that most other diving games overlook entirely in zoom-spots (such as gobies and nudibranchs), and you could interact with most by feeding, touching or even riding in the case of large marine life. And on top of this you could also find legendary creatures, which could be individuals of extant species with unusual colouring or size, or even extinct species, and could be exceedingly hard to find but entirely rewarding.
This is already getting to be much too long but on top of all this you could customize your diver character, buy things for your island hub, decorate and populate a private reef to propagate and release fish, create various aquarium exhibits, discover a great many side-quests, upgrade equipment, take and sell photographs, heal sick animals, search for and sell salvage, find collectable coins, train dolphin partners, take requests for guided tours, dolphin shows, salvage and photos, dodge or placate aggressive sharks, and more that I am probably forgetting. It’s been a while since I’ve played the game, as I no longer have a wii and don’t have the first clue on how to emulate games on my PC. All this is to say that this game was something special, and I have never been able to find anything remotely close to it. And seeing as how the last one was released almost 15 years ago, I had long given up hope for an Endless Ocean 3.
And then lo and behold, a trailer dropped from out of nowhere for Endless Ocean Luminous! And it was releasing in a month! Holy Shit! What!? Yes!
But alas, the more information came out about the game, the more that excitement started to wane. A focus on multiplayer? Procedural generation? Only one map? The only character being an AI that sounded like all those awful tiktok voices? To be clear, I wasn’t expecting Luminous to be the next GoTY. I wasn’t even expecting it to be an exact replica of EO2, or continue the storyline. If it had even a fraction of what I liked about the previous game I was going to be one happy camper. I assumed that the marketing was focusing on the multiplayer aspect instead of the single-player story, that hopefully the procedurally generated map was exclusive to that multiplayer. Surely the single player mode would extend past what little was shown in the trailers. Some things seemed promising, such as an advertised 500+ species, and even more prehistoric marine life. But again, alas, what I have seen since the release is the barest and palest reflection of what I enjoyed about the previous game. I could understand cutting some content, such as the dolphin training and shows, considering the controversy of cetaceans in captivity. But it seems like there is no aquarium, no central hub of any type, no characters beyond the aforementioned AI and a single faceless diver, salvage reduced to a single click, an incredibly reduced story consisting mostly of scanning fish, no ability to feed or interact with fish and fish behaviour also seems to be quite reduced. At least photography still appears to be in the game, though its unclear to what point. Are there still photo requests? The ability for some critters to swim along with or attach to your diver looks cute at least. But everything I’ve watched so far just feels so… lifeless. Empty. As if the whole game was AI generated, which I’m at least %75 sure isn’t the case.
But I’m left kind of baffled by the direction that this game was taken in. I’ve been trying to find any information about it’s development with little to no success. Why the focus on multiplayer to the exclusion of a single player story beyond the bare minimum? What lead to the choice to have a single, procedurally generated map instead of separate, smaller, but more scientifically accurate maps? Or even a single smaller but purposefully designed map? Was this game more like the previous games at any point in its conception or development or was it always intended to be such a departure?
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Growing up at Beale Air Force Base, CA there were black projects and then there were Deep black…. projects …I’m just finding out about many of them now.
“The goal is simple, but the problem is titanic. Get photos of the top-secret Red Chinese hydrogen bomb tests near the Mongolian border deep inside Asia, then get them back, without being detected “ to do this, they needed a MD 21. Which is a cousin of the SR 71.
In the Back Lot of the Pima Air & Space Museum You Can Discover History.
1547 Hrs. December 20, 2009. In the Back Storage Yard of the Pima Air & Space Museum Outside Tucson, Arizona.
Most of what is lying around in the dusty expanse of the aircraft graveyards around Tucson, Arizona is readily identifiable
But there… What is that strange, manta-ray shaped, dusty black thing lying at an angle just on the other side of that fence? It may be an old airfield wind vane or radar test model. But it also may be…
I quickly locate a spot where the entire fence line opens up. I skirt the fence and in a couple minutes running around the sandy airplane corpses I’m inside. There, sitting right in front of me on its decrepit transport cart and dusted with windblown sand, abandoned in the Sonoran Desert, is one of Kelly Johnson and Ben Rich’s most ambitious classified projects from the fabled Lockheed Skunk Works….
I just found the CIA’s ultra-secret Mach 3.3+ D-21 long-range reconnaissance drone. The D-21 was so weird, so ambitious, so unlikely it remains one of the most improbable concepts in the history of the often-bizarre world of ultra-secret “black” aviation projects. And now it lies discarded in the desert. The story behind it is so bizarre it is difficult to believe, but it is true.
July 30, 1966: Flight Level 920 (92,000 ft.), Mach 3.25, Above Point Mugu Naval Air Missile Test Center, Off Oxnard, California. The MD-21 takes off.
Only another M-21 is fast enough and can fly high enough to photograph this, the most classified of national security tests. Traveling faster than a rifle bullet at 91,000 feet, near inner-space altitude, one of the most ambitious and bizarre contraptions in the history of mankind is about to be tested.
Tagboard” is its codename. Because of the catastrophic May, 1960 shoot-down of Francis Gary Powers’ Lockheed U-2 high altitude spy plane over the Soviet Union the CIA and is in desperate need of another way to spy on the rising threat of communist nuclear tests. Even worse, the other “Red Menace”, the Chinese, are testing massive hydrogen bombs in a remote location of the Gobi Desert near the Mongolian/Chinese border. It would be easier to observe the tests if the Chinese did them on the moon. Flat, triangular, black, featureless except for its odd plan form as viewed from above, like a demon’s cloak, it has a sharply pointed nose recessed into a forward-facing orifice. That’s it. No canopy, no cockpit, no weapons. Nothing attached to the outside. Even more so than a rifle bullet its shape is smooth and simple. This is the ultra-secret D-21 drone. The D-21 is truly a “drone”, not a remotely piloted aircraft (RPA). Its flight plan is programmed into a guidance system. It is launched from a mothership launch aircraft at speed and altitude. It flies a predetermined spy mission from 17 miles above the ground and flashes over at three times the speed of sound. It photographs massive swaths of land with incredible detail and resolution. And because of its remarkably stealthy shape, no one will ever know it was there
Despite a successful launch the D-21 drone was lost. In the middle of 1972, after four attempts at overflying Red China with the D-21 drone and four mission failures, the program was cancelled. It was imaginative. It was innovative. It was ingenious. But it was impossible.
So ended one of the most ambitious and outrageous espionage projects in history.
Written by Tom Demerly
Posted Linda Sheffield Miller *disclaimer I did not write this I am paraphrasing.
@Habubrats71 via X
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 2 years
Think your flat sharing is hell? Imagine your flatmate having 2,000 babies? That’s what underwater tenants go through sharing accommodation with plenty of fish in the sea. If you are dealing with a poky flatmate here are some coping techniques for you to use.
Voiced by Rhys Darby (Golden Goby), Tim Hope (Birdbeak Burrfish), Julian Barratt (Black Sea Goby), Jessica Barden (Birdbeak Burrfish, Red-spotted Blenny, Thornback Cowfish), and Adrian Bliss (Axolotl)
Source: On The Edge and more information on the animals here
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shirleybpoetry · 6 months
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Fish Tales
You cast your rod and reeled me in. We went to a special plaice and perched on a rock by the sea in whales. You asked if I believed in cod. I said yes and knew we were solemates. You could sense I was koi but didn’t flounder, soon showing me your winkles. I showed you my crabs. It was in the days mullets were all the rage. You looked brill in your herring bone suit, kipper tie and salmon suede shoes. I felt your mussels. You could see I was terning red and likely to clam up, so you gave me a coddle and took me to the ‘Old Trout Inn’. They were all singing ‘Roll Out The Barracudas’. I like a tuna two, so I said, ‘Get me a large one and for goodness hake fillet to the top’. There was a man in the corner playing the bass. It was a bit meloncoley. The pub was full of hardy fishermen except one little shrimp who was in the corner whaling. ‘A loan shark too all me money’, he carped. I trawled the bar for his mates. One said, ‘He does it on porpoise every Saturday. Eel be alright if you give him six squid’. So we did. He was such a happy sole. He came right out of his shell. He said he was local yet he looked a tadpolish. ‘Oyster come here as a kid’, he said. We pondered if he was right in the head. Then the disco started playing The Subreams. We were packed in like sardines when the conga struck up. The line sea-snaked right around Barb the barmaid. She got crabby and was angling to hook someone out. She cast her eyes around and spotted the Crayfish brothers. ‘Oh, not those aholeholes,’ She didn’t like goby people so she ran the otter way. Then some silly sprat knocked you haddock hotpot off the table. You said, ‘pollocks’, let’s go while we’re able. FIN
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ardentguilt · 1 year
Dash game thingy
Are you named after anyone?
((I guess. My mother got the name from a character in a Tom Cruise movie. I think the movie was Cocktail))
When was the last time you cried?
“What? Me? Cry? Haha. No.”
((4+ years ago))
Do you have kids?
“Oh 8oy. Yeah. 3 from a previous relationship 8ut they’re off doing their own thing nownights and one from a current relationship.”
((Definitely not. No interest or ability to have bio kids but I’m open to maybe one day adopting an older kid if I ever feel ready for that))
What sports do you play/have you played?
“They made us play gru88all as wrigglers 8ut other than that is 8eing a pain in the empire’s ass a sport?”
((Used to do Archery and was freakishly good at it despite being shortsighted and not having glasses back then. Kinda wanna get back into that. Used to run as a kid and was pretty good at it. Also used to do tae kwon do but I don’t do sport nowdays.))
Do you use sarcasm?
“What do you think?”
((Mostly no and if I do it’s not often or usually intentional because autism.))
What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
“Um….I dunno? Is there something specific you should notice first or…?”
((No clue. I don’t like to make eye contact so I guess maybe..hair color? Outfit? Never really paid attention before))
What’s your eye color?
“Right is teal 8ut my left is all fucked up and damaged red.”
((I guess green-brown? I’m a weirdo and they’re still shifting every so often but seem to be settling into the green-brown sort of range. Apparently they’re supposed to settle while you’re still a kid??))
Scary movies or happy endings?
“I don’t have any real preference, I don’t mind an occassional scary movie 8ut romantic stuff is mostly just the same things repackaged with different actors so it’s a 8ut 8oring. I prefer action, sci-fi and drama”
((Same as the muse tbh))
Any talents?
“Conditional immortality. I’m essentially an escaped imperial experiment. They fucked me up good and I’m VERY hard to kill and even then unless certain criteria is met I won’t stay dead”
((Where do I start? I’m the weird cryptid of my local town. Deceptive strength for my appearance. I don’t feel most physical pain. I heal abnormally fast. I have abnormal night vision, tongue spines, teeth that keep growing back when removed, hypersensitive hearing, my core temperature is above the norm for a human. I befriend wild animals like a Disney Princess…))
Where were you born?
“8rood Cavern C-1768-Z4, Central Alternia.”
((NSW, Australia))
What are your hobbies?
“Horticulture, 8artending and criminal mischief.”
((Reptiles, minerals and videogames))
Do you have any pets?
“Not at this stage no.”
((2 cats who are siblings Willow & River, an abundance of fish [spotted silver dollars, freshwater angelfish, bristlenose plecos {standard color, super red & albino}, bumblebee gobys, Gourami {golden Pearl, honey, coral blue, neon stripes}, phantom glass catfish, freshwater mussels, mystery snail, tetras {neon, Cardinal & rummy nose}, loach {yoyo & banded kuhli}, Siamese algae eaters and 3 generations of swordtails] and 2 central bearded dragons Spike & Puff))
How tall are you?
“Not counting horn height 8’8” 8ut if we’re including horns it’s 9’5” last I checked”
((Last I was measured it was something like 170-172cm))
Favorite subject in school?
“Eww no”
((School was hell on earth so hometime))
Dream job?
“You know I’ve always wanted to open my own 8otanical store….”
((Working with reptiles, specifically in the area of rescue and rehabilitation. I’m working on qualifications to get there but with that I have obtained currently I’m qualified for volunteer work. Just need a first aid course and snake handling course and I’ll have everything officially to get into it fully))
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relatablemarine · 2 years
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Have you ever had a perfect flatmate? This red and white beauty is Randall's Pistol Shrimp. This crustacean, like all pistol shrimps has one large frontal claw that is used to create an extremely loud snapping noise and acoustic pressure that is capable of stunning and even killing small fish. The shrimp's one weakness is predator avoidance, they have incredibly poor eyesight. However the shrimp has a novel solution to this problem: renting! Their strong claws also find a use in tunneling and this shrimp will invite a goby to share their burrow. The shrimp keeps the burrow clean and maintained, as well as covering the opening during the night. In return the goby acts as a 'seeing eye dog'. When the shrimp leaves the safety of the burrow the goby will rest their tail against the shrimp's antennae, when the sharp eyes of the goby spot a potential predator they will move their tail in such a way to alert the shrimp. The two friends will then rush back to the tunnel and to safety.
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Discovering the Best Indian Restaurant in Mount Druitt
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Mount Druitt, located in the heart of Sydney’s western suburbs, has become a cultural melting pot, offering a wide variety of cuisines. For lovers of Indian food, Mount Druitt has some incredible options to explore. Whether you're craving a classic butter chicken or a flavorful biryani, the Indian restaurants here are sure to delight with their authentic flavors and welcoming atmospheres.
1. Taj Indian Sweets & Restaurant
Taj Indian Sweets & Restaurant is a popular spot for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians in Mount Druitt. Known for its wide range of traditional Indian sweets and dishes, this restaurant offers a taste of India that’s hard to beat. Their menu features an array of classic Indian dishes, from creamy Paneer Butter Masala to spicy Chicken Vindaloo. One of their highlights is the Thali, a platter that offers a variety of small dishes, giving diners a complete taste of Indian cuisine in one meal. The cozy ambiance and warm service make Taj Indian Sweets & Restaurant a favorite for locals and visitors alike.
2. Spice of Life Indian Cuisine
Spice of Life Indian Cuisine is another gem in Mount Druitt, offering authentic Indian dishes that capture the true essence of Indian cooking. Their commitment to using fresh ingredients and traditional spices ensures that each dish is packed with flavor. Whether you're a fan of vegetarian dishes like Aloo Gobi (spiced potatoes and cauliflower) or meat-based curries like Lamb Rogan Josh, this restaurant has something to satisfy every palate. Their naan bread, freshly baked in a tandoor, is the perfect accompaniment to any curry. With its friendly atmosphere and delicious food, Spice of Life is a top choice for Indian cuisine in Mount Druitt.
3. Red Pepper Indian Cuisine
For those seeking a more contemporary dining experience, Red Pepper Indian Cuisine in Mount Druitt is the place to be. This stylish restaurant offers a modern twist on traditional Indian dishes. The chefs at Red Pepper are known for their creativity, offering unique dishes like their signature Mango Chicken, a delightful blend of sweet and savory flavors. The menu also includes all-time favorites like Tandoori Chicken and Lamb Biryani, cooked to perfection with fragrant spices. The elegant interior, paired with their attentive service, makes Red Pepper Indian Cuisine an excellent choice for a special night out or a casual meal with friends.
4. Delhi Heights Indian Restaurant
Delhi Heights Indian Restaurant is a hidden gem in Mount Druitt, offering a dining experience that transports you straight to the streets of Delhi. Known for its vibrant flavors and generous portions, Delhi Heights serves up a range of dishes that cater to all taste preferences. Their Butter Chicken is a standout, with tender pieces of chicken cooked in a rich, creamy tomato sauce. The restaurant also excels in vegetarian options, such as their popular Chana Masala (spiced chickpeas). With its welcoming atmosphere and mouth-watering food, Delhi Heights is a must-visit for anyone craving authentic Indian flavors.
5. Chatkazz
If you’re in the mood for Indian street food, look no further than Chatkazz, a vibrant Indian restaurant in Mount Druitt. Chatkazz specializes in street food classics, offering a variety of chaats, dosas, and pav bhaji that bring the lively flavors of Indian markets to your table. The crispy Pani Puri and the spicy Bhel Puri are must-tries, perfect for those looking to enjoy light and flavorful snacks. Chatkazz is a vegetarian restaurant, making it an ideal spot for those looking to explore the diverse and delicious vegetarian offerings of Indian cuisine. The energetic atmosphere and affordable prices make it a popular spot for families and groups.
Mount Druitt is home to a rich variety of Indian restaurants, each offering its own unique take on this beloved cuisine. Whether you're looking for a quick bite of street food or a full-course meal, the Indian restaurants in Mount Druitt deliver authentic flavors that transport you to the heart of India. From the spicy curries to the fragrant biryanis and freshly made naan, these dining spots are perfect for satisfying your cravings. Be sure to visit these top restaurants and experience the best Indian cuisine Mount Druitt has to offer.
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dsandrvk · 7 days
Monday, September 23 - Vulaga, Fiji
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Today was a much better day in Fiji than our day in Lautoka, as we visited a wonderful limestone atoll with lots of small islands and "mushroom" rocks, in addition to a small village. We were lucky to have the sun come out and turn the water the most incredible shades of blue, turquoise and aquamarine. It reminded us of the karst formations in Raja Ampat, many weeks ago.
We had signed up for kayaking, since although Seabourn had never been to this particular spot, it had looked very promising on Google Earth. We started early, at 7:30, and as soon as we were in the boats we started threading our way through undercut rocks and over barely submerged sand bars. We came upon a small feeding frenzy by Black-naped Terns, and looked for rays in the shallow waters, but couldn't find any of the latter.
The rocks here are quite porous and "moth-eaten", and are stained red in some places by iron deposits. Some are so undercut as to defy gravity - far moreso than Raja Ampat, and there were also lots of sea arches - many that looked like they wouldn't last longer than another year.
We had a nice long paddle because our guides were also exploring and mapping for the future, and also because this was the only kayak trip of the day. We were only supposed to be here half a day, and there was also a village visit and performance scheduled, and possibly also a separate beach swim and snorkel, so we wanted to make the best of the time available.
After the kayak outing ended on a beach, we took a Zodiac to another shore where we could hike 3/4 mile up and over to the village. If we had hurried, we could have made it in time for the performance, but we opted to take our time and bird along the way. By the time we reached the village, we looked around briefly, said "bula" (hello) to a few locals and walked back to take a Zodiac to another small island in the atoll where there was a beach and potential snorkeling locations.
We had been told not to expect much in the way of snorkeling, but we actually found lots of fish, and since we have had several talks on other critters to look for in the underwater world, I found and watched a goby and his "excavating shrimp" show off their symbiotic relationship. I also saw several Picasso Parrotfish of differing sizes, which certainly live up to their name. Every time I get into the water, it seems I see something new.
We still had a little time to walk around our very small island before getting back into the Zodiacs and heading back to the ship for a late lunch. The tide was coming in, and since a lot of it comes through the small channel in the atoll, the waves coming out were at least two meter swells, and we got drenched by the waves. Good thing we were already quite wet!
We were shortly underway, and will now have four sea days ahead of us, since because of the date line, we get to do Tuesday, September 24 twice. Tomorrow morning we will stop briefly in Tonga to offload our local guides from Fiji, but that will be around 5:30 AM, so we'll see how many folks get up for it. Our next real stop will be Papeete on September 27, so I may do an update before then, if something interesting happens.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Flooded Earth DC Merfolk AU
So continuation of This Au right here
What is Everyone? Lemme make a list to ramble about later:
Bruce- Ray
Alfred- Remora
Kate- Angel Shark
Dick - Guppy
Cass- Cuttlefish
Jason- Thresher Shark
Tim- Bichir
Steph- Spanish Shawl Sea Slug
Duke- Anglerfish
Harper- Cichlid
Cullen- Rasbora
Damian- Stingray
Carrie- Dusky Batfish
Jarro- Starfish
Terry- Devilfish
Matt- Koi
Barbara- Jellyfish
Gordon- Squirrelfish
Ghostmaker- Moray Eel
Harvey- Tiger Shark
Selina- Catfish
Joker- Piranha
Harley- Clownfish
Poison Ivy- Leafy Seadragon
Riddler- Corydoras
Bane- Pufferfish
Mr. Freeze- Leopard Seal
Scarecrow- Anglerfish
Waylon- Saltwater Crocodile
Solomon Grundy- Coelacanth 
Penguin- Longfin Icedevil
Ras Al Ghul- Sturgeon
Talia- Pike
Dusan- Pike 
Deathstroke- Tiger Barb
Clark- Sea Lion
Connor- Fur Seal
Jon- Fur Seal
Kara- Sea Lion
Martha Kent- Ribbon Seal
Jonathan Kent- Manatee
Metallo- Sea Turtle
Brainiac- Pinecone Fish
Toyman- Parrot Fish
General Zod- Sea Lion
Lex Luthor- Cardinalfish (if a merfolk, still debating)
Barry Allen- Marlin
Wally- Swordfish
Bart- Marlin
Iris- Trout
Green Arrow- Goby
Arsenal- Arapaima
Artemis- Grouper
Black Canary- Orca
Reverse Flash- Marlin
Captain Cold- Beluga Whale
Heatwave- Guppy
Captain Boomerang- Discus Fish
Mirror Master- Mahi Mahi
Diana- Lionfish
Cassie- Lionfish
Cheetah- Spotted Snapper
Vandal Savage- Dunkleosteus 
Marvel- Whale Shark 
Billy- Wrasse
Mary- Wrasse
Freddy- Killifish
Eugene- Loach
Pedro- Danio
Darla- Goby
Black Adam- Gar Fish
Dr. Sivana- Dolphin
Mister Mind- Bristle Worm
Martian Manhunter- Octopus
M’gann- Octopus
Aquaman- Hammerhead Shark
Kaldur- Blue Tang
Plasticman- Oarfish
Booster Gold- Goldfish
Blue Beetle- Blue Shrimp
John Stewart- Sailfish
Hal Jordan- Neon Tetra
Red Tornado- Mantis Shrimp
Zatanna- Swordtail
Constantine- Fighting Fish
Doctor Fate- Wrasse
Deadman- Glass Fish
Klarion- Platy
Cyborg- Mola
Raven- Squid
Beast Boy- Triggerfish
Starfire- Koi Fish
Lobo- Wolf Fish
Deadshot- Ruby Barb
Killer Frost- White Koi
King Shark- Great White Shark
Doctor Light- Dolphin
Martha Wayne- Mako Shark
Thomas Wayne- Devil Ray
Lucious Fox- King Mackeral 
Jack Drake- Freshwater Angelfish
Janet Drake- Comet Goldfish
Catman- Tigerfish
Angel Breaker- Redtail Black Shark
Trigon- Giant Squid 
Now there's definitely more to be added, and if you have a favorite DC character I missed, lemme know and I'll make sure to add them.
Also I will definitely be rambling about all of these guys separately at some point lol.
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mayakshethra · 2 months
Explore Hidden Gems: Uncover Unique Travel Destinations with Our Agency
In a world overflowing with well-trodden tourist spots and crowded landmarks, finding unique travel destinations can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Yet, it is these hidden gems that often offer the most memorable and enriching experiences. Our travel agency specializes in uncovering these lesser-known wonders, providing travelers with the chance to explore extraordinary locations that escape the usual tourist gaze. If you’re ready to embark on a journey beyond the conventional, here’s how our agency can guide you to some of the world’s most captivating hidden gems best travel agency in kochi
1. Discover the Untamed Beauty of Mongolia
Mongolia, with its vast steppes and nomadic culture, offers an adventurous escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. This land of endless horizons and dramatic landscapes remains relatively unexplored, making it a perfect destination for those seeking an off-the-beaten-path experience.
Gobi Desert: Venture into the Gobi Desert, where you can explore sand dunes, ancient ruins, and unique wildlife such as the Bactrian camel and snow leopards.
Naadam Festival: Experience Mongolia’s traditional Naadam Festival, featuring horse racing, archery, and wrestling, offering a deep dive into local culture.
Nomadic Lifestyle: Stay in traditional ger camps and learn about the nomadic way of life, including horseback riding and herding experiences.
Khovsgol Lake: Discover Khovsgol Lake, known as the “Blue Pearl of Mongolia,” for its stunning natural beauty and opportunities for trekking and kayaking.
2. Unveil the Charm of Bhutan’s Lesser-Known Valleys
Bhutan, a kingdom nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, is renowned for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. While places like Paro and Thimphu are popular, our agency can take you to some of Bhutan’s lesser-known valleys that offer equally breathtaking experiences.
Haa Valley: Explore the serene Haa Valley, known for its traditional Bhutanese architecture and lush terraced fields. Visit ancient temples and engage in local festivals.
Bumthang Valley: Discover the Bumthang Valley’s sacred sites, including ancient monasteries and temples. Enjoy hiking trails and the beautiful countryside.
Gangtey Valley: Experience the Gangtey Valley, renowned for its black-necked cranes and stunning views of the Phobjikha Valley. Engage in traditional dances and local festivals.
Punakha Dzong: Visit the Punakha Dzong, an architectural masterpiece situated at the confluence of two rivers, offering incredible photo opportunities and historical insights.
3. Explore the Enigmatic Beauty of Socotra Island
Socotra Island, part of Yemen, is often described as one of the most alien-looking places on Earth. Its unique flora and fauna, shaped by isolation and harsh environmental conditions, make it a destination like no other.
Dragon’s Blood Trees: Marvel at the Dragon’s Blood Trees, with their umbrella-like canopies and red sap, creating a surreal and otherworldly landscape.
Qalansiyah Beach: Relax on Qalansiyah Beach, a pristine stretch of white sand with clear turquoise waters, perfect for swimming and snorkeling.
Dhofar Mountains: Explore the Dhofar Mountains, known for their rich biodiversity and unique ecosystems, including endemic plant species and rare birdlife.
Cultural Insights: Engage with local Socotri people to learn about their traditional way of life and customs, adding a cultural dimension to your adventure.
4. Experience the Vibrant Wonders of Colombia’s Coffee Region
Colombia’s Coffee Region, or Eje Cafetero, is renowned for its lush landscapes and rich coffee culture. This region offers a more tranquil and authentic experience compared to Colombia’s bustling cities.
Salento: Wander through the charming town of Salento, known for its colorful colonial architecture, artisan markets, and scenic hiking trails.
Coffee Farm Tours: Visit local coffee farms to learn about the coffee production process, from bean to cup, and enjoy tastings of some of the world’s finest coffee.
Valle de Cocora: Hike through the Valle de Cocora, home to the towering wax palm trees, Colombia’s national tree. The valley offers breathtaking views and diverse flora and fauna.
Manizales: Explore the city of Manizales, known for its coffee culture and beautiful mountain views, as well as its vibrant local markets and festivals.
5. Discover the Tranquil Wonders of the Faroe Islands
The Faroe Islands, located in the North Atlantic between Iceland and Norway, offer rugged landscapes and picturesque beauty. This remote archipelago remains relatively unknown to many travelers, making it a perfect destination for those seeking tranquility and natural splendor.
Tórshavn: Explore Tórshavn, the capital, with its charming old town, colorful houses, and historic sites such as the Tinganes parliamentary district.
Saksun and Funningur: Visit the villages of Saksun and Funningur, known for their stunning natural surroundings, including fjords, waterfalls, and grass-roofed houses.
Mykines: Take a boat trip to Mykines, known for its impressive bird cliffs and puffin colonies. The island offers excellent hiking trails and breathtaking views.
Gásadalur Waterfall: Hike to the Gásadalur Waterfall, which cascades directly into the ocean, providing a dramatic and picturesque setting.
Tips for Exploring Hidden Gems
Do Your Research: Research your destination thoroughly to understand its unique attractions and any travel requirements or restrictions.
Travel Off-Peak: Consider traveling during off-peak seasons to avoid crowds and enjoy a more authentic experience.
Engage Locals: Interact with local residents to gain insights into the destination’s culture, traditions, and hidden spots.
Pack Wisely: Pack according to the climate and terrain of your destination, and be prepared for various activities and conditions.
Respect the Environment: Follow sustainable travel practices to minimize your impact on the environment and preserve the beauty of these hidden gems.Exploring hidden gems offers a chance to experience the world’s most enchanting and lesser-known destinations, providing a refreshing departure from conventional travel. From the alien landscapes of Socotra Island and the tranquil valleys of Bhutan to the vibrant wonders of Colombia’s Coffee Region and the remote beauty of the Faroe Islands, these unique locations promise unforgettable adventures. Let our travel agency guide you to these extraordinary places, and embark on a journey that unveils the hidden treasures of our planet best travel agency in alappuzha
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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☝️ strange, manta-ray shaped, dusty black thing lying at an angle just on the other side of that fence? It may be an old airfield wind vane or radar test model. But it also may be…
Once I found an opening in the fence I could walk right up to the D-21. It had been recovered by the museum from the AMARG Boneyard at Davis-Monthan AFB and was awaiting restoration.
I had only read about it and seen grainy photos of it. I know it’s impossible. The project was so secret not much information exists about the details even today. But I stand there gawking through the chain link fence as the ruins of the other planes bear silent witness. It’ like the corpses of the other airplanes are urging me to look closer. To not leave. Their silent dignity begs me to tell this story.
After nearly a minute of studying it through the fence I realize; I am right. It is right before my eyes. Ten feet away. Despite the 100-degree heat I get goosebumps. And I start running….
quickly locate a spot where the entire fence line opens up. I skirt the fence and in a couple minutes running around the sandy airplane corpses I’m inside. There, sitting right in front of me on its decrepit transport cart and dusted with windblown sand, abandoned in the Sonoran Desert, is one of Kelly Johnson and Ben Rich’s most ambitious classified projects from the fabled Lockheed Skunk Works.
Only an A-12 ( The M-21 what is modified from an A-12) Blackbird is fast enough and can fly high enough to photograph this, the most classified of national security tests. Traveling faster than a rifle bullet at 91,000 feet, near inner-space altitude, one of the most ambitious and bizarre contraptions in the history of mankind is about to be tested.
“Tagboard” is its codename. Because of the catastrophic May, 1960 shoot-down of Francis Gary Powers’ Lockheed U-2 high altitude spy plane over the Soviet Union the CIA and is in desperate need of another way to spy on the rising threat of communist nuclear tests. Even worse, the other “Red Menace”, the Chinese, are testing massive hydrogen bombs in a remote location of the Gobi Desert near the Mongolian/Chinese border. It would be easier to observe the tests if the Chinese did them on the moon.
The goal is simple, but the problem is titanic. Get photos of the top-secret Red Chinese hydrogen bomb tests near the Mongolian border deep inside Asia, then get them back, without being detected. Despite a successful launch the D-21 drone was lost. In the middle of 1972, after four attempts at overflying Red China with the D-21 drone and four mission failures, the program was cancelled. It was imaginative. It was innovative. It was ingenious.
But it did happen. The project moved on and was later launched from a B-52 D out of Beale Air Force Base in 1969. This was the biggest secret of the Cold War my Dad, Butch Sheffield was there. He had been briefed into the A-12. He knew what it was on the flightline that day . (Butch writes about in his unpublished book). He was unable to disclose to his fellow Habu’s’s just what was tucked under that B-52. The program was somewhat successful as the Chinese have one of our D 21s on display today in China!
Written by Tom Demerly paraphrased and comments by Linda Sheffield photo of the D 21 in the desert taken by Tom Demerly
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goldtaplubricant · 9 months
Goldtap Lubricants Specialities Private Limited
Allan wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye poolfish sand goby butterfly ray stream catfish jewfish.
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill. Sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefish bullhead shark California smoothtongue, striped burrfish threadtail saber-toothed blenny Red Sea snail Mexican golden trout, tapetail orbicular batfish three spot gourami drum horn shark combtooth blenny. Rainbowfish hagfish, blacktip reef shark pineconefish, Bitterling
Website: http://goldtaplubricant.com/
Add:  523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor Mountain View, CA 94041USA
Phone: +1 987 654 3210
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scalestails · 5 years
So I... THOUGHT I was done adding fish. But then we got these red spotted gobys and... how could I not??? Get them??? This is their full size???
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Nicole the Dracula Goby feeding her pistol shrimp pair. I have yet to see the shrimp get their own food. Whenever I feed, Nicole ushers the shrimp back into their home, eats food and then feeds Jeremy and his partner. Very cute.
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