#red quilt jacket for tonight when it gets chilly
lesless · 15 days
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Casino night tonight with my lady friend, gonna win some money & have a steak.
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silvercrystalwhump · 3 years
Silence and Milkshakes
TW: dehumanizing whumpee, General bbu warning, implied past noncon, tired and stressed boy
The engine of the old, filthy truck hums with a low drone; something clicks around in the hood. It could be nothing, or it could be something terrible. Flynn isn’t planning on checking it now. It is a nice distraction from the aching throb in his side. Silently, he rubs his fingers on the worn leather steering wheel, just barely cooler than the surface of the sun. When he first bought this car, he hated the way the leather stuck to his hands and made driving a lifetime commitment, but now it only resonates warmth through the calluses of his fingers.
The radio is turned down; it broke and is now stuck on an old jazz station saturated in static. Flynn can tell what the artist is through the grinding of the static, he thinks it’s Miles Davis, but Flynn was more likely to guess the winning lottery numbers than guess the song currently playing. Flynn taps lightly on the brake as he approaches a light. Yellow lights glare down at him from its pole. As the car rolls to a stop, Flynn glances at his passenger seat.
Kai is sitting there. Yesterday, Flynn gave him one of his hoodies for comfort while he was at school. Unfortunately, the high school hoodie permanently acquired the faint smell of cigarette smoke years ago. Kai sits as straight as a nail, eyes at his feet. His hands are perfectly still on his lap.
Position 3.
Flynn presses on the gas, and the car lurches forward. His eyes go back to the road, but his thoughts stay on the box boy. He had read up on some information about box boys from WRU’s website. They are people who signed over their rights to get better, happier lives. Flynn keeps himself from scoffing at the thought. Happier lives, Kai looks like he’s seen some horrible stuff. Hell, he’s been traumatized to the point of muteness. Flynn had triple-checked his medical records for anything that would render him mute, but he found nothing.
Why willingly put yourself through that?
Flynn pulls into a small section of town, and he drives the car into a Chick-fa-la drive-through. He wants something in his stomach before he goes and lifts bricks all day from some rich guy. His eyes trail back to Kai, “Do you want anything bud?”
Kai’s bright green eyes look at him. For a moment, Flynn thinks that he’s not going to respond. But, instead, Kai tilts his head slightly, strands of silky red hair fall across his face. Some deep inside Flynn, a side of him twisted by the horror he lives with every day, understands why someone would buy a little box boy like Kai.
So tiny, adorable.
Flynn curses himself and says, "Do you want a milkshake?"
Kai nods silently. His thin fingers pull at the shorts Flynn gave him a week ago. Flynn pretends not to notice; Kai seems to panic when he does.
"Wjat flavor?"
Kai blanks again. Green eyes looking wide at the menus that glow in the early morning light. His eyes grow distant, and he just looks back at Flynn.
Flynn sights and raises a hand. Kai flinches, Flynn pretends to ignore it. Then, he holds up a finger, "Can you hold up fingers?"
Kai nods. The tiny box boy is as tense as hardwood cut against the grain.
"Okay, one for vanilla, two for chocolate, and three for cookies and cream."
Flynn watches the gears turn in Kai’s head. Three pale fingers raise for a second before shooting back to his thigh. Flynn gives Kai a warm smile as he pulls around to the speaker.
As Flynn orders, he sees Kai shift in his seat. Kai pulls his knees into the hoodie and tries to hide his nose in his knees. Flynn notices the boy shivering, and once he finishes ordering, he leans into the partial backseat and pulls out an old quilt.
"I know it's chilly bud, the heat doesn't work in this car," Flynn says as he wraps the quilt around Kai's body. Kai looks with wide eyes at Flynn. He seems to lean into Flynn's touch, no matter how brief the contact.
The drive over, and Flynn hands the woman cash and grabs the food. He sets in it the cup holder area and pulls out. As he drives, he gives the milkshake to Kai. The box boy gingerly takes the cup and holds it. His eyes on Flynn, the entire time, waiting in his eyes.
"That's yours Kai, you can drink it."
Kai instantly puts the straw in his mouth and tries to suck down all of the liquid. Almost immediately, he regrets it. Flynn holds back a chuckle, "You can't drink it so fast Kai you'll get a brain freeze."
Kai blinks at the drink and puts the straw back in his mouth, this time drinking slower. Flynn tosses a chicken mini into his mouth, and he keeps driving.
He drives mindlessly for a few lights until Kai sneezes, ripping him back to reality.
At a red light, Flynn looks over at Kai. He put the milkshake into a cup holder and is now quietly sleeping against the seat belt. Flynn smiles subconsciously and then memories of a few nights ago.
He had awoken to Kai sleeping against his chest. Flynn shoved him aside in a panic and freaked the little guy out. Guilt gnawed at his throat all day after that.
Kai has not tried to touch him since.
Flynn swears under his breath. Why did he put him? There were so many ways to handle that, and you chose aggression.
Why am I so much like my father?
Flynn shoves those thoughts aside. Now wasn't the time for self-loathing; he had the stuff to do. He needs to drop Kai off at Chloe’s and get to work. Gritting his teeth, Flynn pulls through onto one of the highways near his home.
Usually, he wouldn't mind leaving Kai home by himself. Since he got home before his Father, Kai stayed in his room, so even if he did, he would be fine. Not today.
His Dad will have his drinking buddies over to watch the game tonight. Flynn rubs his thumbs across the leather of the steering wheel, anxiety crawling up his spine.
Dad expects him to cater to his friends.
One of those friends is Morrie Mitchell.
Flynn holds back a gag as he pulls into the shopping district of the town. A small bakery with its backlights on sits off to the right. Flynn, with white knuckles, pulls into the back parking.
Putting the car in park, Flynn sets his head on the steering wheel. Bile rises in his throat, but Flynn bites it back.
Hands, he can feel ghost and across his back. The man's voice is a specter across his mind, whispering twisted sweet nothings. He wants to hide away from a voice and hands that are not there.
Tap tap.
Flynn rips his head up and locks eyes with Worried dark eyes. He sighs and opens the door; Chloe stands out in the dawn light. The golden light crosses her face and makes her skin look like golden chocolate.
"Sorry," Flynn says, "I'm just out of it this morning."
Chloe smiles, "Not an issue, I have coffee inside if you want some."
Flynn nods, "Yeah, thanks."
Hopping out of the car, he walks over to the car’s passenger side and opens the door.
Kai stirs. He wakes up and looks at Flynn, confusion and worry across his face.
"Hey bud," Flynn says calmly, "Chloes going to watch you while I'm at work today."
Chloe walks up behind him and wakes at Kai. Flynn guides Kai out by the hand. Kai hops out of the car and lands next to Flynn. Chloe looks down at Kai’s hands and says, "Hd drew on his hands."
Kai freezes and starts to shake. Flynn mentally curses and tries to soothe him, "Its alright bud, it's okay."
Flynn reaches into the car and grabs Kai’s milkshake. Then, leaning into the back of the truck, his fingers wrap around an old math notebook. He hands both to Kai and says, "How about the draw in here okay?"
Kai nods profusely, his eyes begging out apologies. Flynn guides Kai towards the bakery.
Chloe trots out in front of them and opens the door. She steps into a sitting area in the back for the staff that's linked to the pantry.
"I explained the situation to Ma as you explained to me and she's perfectly fine with him staying here."
"Thank you Chloe," Flynn yawns, "I seriously cant thank you enough."
Chloe smiles, "Dont mention it."
She turns to Kai, who holds his things in a death grip, "How are you Kai."
Kai just steps behind Flynn and inches as close to him as possible.
"He doesn't speak," Flynn says softly as he leads Kai over to the worn couch, "He'll listen to you though."
"Mute or nonverbal?"
"I don't know, he just doesn't talk."
Kai sips on his milkshake and bundles in both the quilt and the jacket.
Flynn walks towards the door and pulls out his wallet. Before he can pull out a twenty, Chloe shakes her head, "Flynn, you and I both know you need every penny, see this as a favor from a friend."
"Are you sure, I really don't want to put a burden on you all."
Chloe gives Flynn a look worth an entire essay; we both know you'll need it to escape.
Flynn pierces his lips and nods. He turns back to Kai and says gently, "You can draw back here; let Chloe know if you need anything.
Kai nods sleepily.
Flynn turns to Chloe, "Just remember to give him lunch around noonish and check on on him every so often, if you show him where stuff is hell usually take care of himself."
"Aye aye captian."
Flynn chuckles and waves to Kai. Kai blinks back at him and continues drinking his milkshake.
Flynn hops in his car and drives off to work. But, he still could not stop thinking about Kai.
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datheetjoella · 4 years
Fantober 2020, Day 1: First Day of Fall
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Author: DatHeetJoella Fandom: Free! Pairing: MakoHaru Rating: T Part: 1/31 A/N: Hi everyone! I’ve decided to participate in Fantober 2020. Every day in October, I’ll be posting a short MakoHaru fic corresponding to the prompt of the day. I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 850 Tags: Canonverse, Established Relationship, Fluff. Read at: AO3, FFn, or right here!
                                           ------------------------------------- When he swung the library's door open, the crisp autumn breeze ruffled Makoto's locks and sliced at his neck. In the few hours of studying after class, the temperature dropped considerably and he shivered inside his light, olive-coloured jacket.
"Aren't you cold, Haru?" he asked as he pulled up the zipper, eyeing Haruka's bare forearms.
Haruka shrugged. "It's only September. Two weeks ago you were complaining about the heat, wishing the weather would cool down a bit, and now you're complaining about the cold?"
A light chuckle escaped Makoto's lips. "I'm not complaining yet, just asking. My complaints are reserved for December."
Despite his large physique, Makoto had never done well in extreme weather no matter what end of the spectrum. And truthfully, neither had Haruka, he simply wasn't as vocal about it. Whenever the thermostat reached above thirty degrees and there was no body of water nearby for a quick dip, his cheeks would redden and an adorable pout twisted his features. He never voiced his displeasure, but his eyes were filled with unquenchable longing for his next submersion. It was pretty cute, yet the joy radiating off his face when he finally got to swim again - which was usually the next day - was unmatched.
It was a shame Makoto wouldn't be able to see that look on him for at least another nine months or so, but in the meanwhile, there were lots of other things he could look forward to."It's crazy how quickly the weather can change, though," he said as they strolled through the city, heading towards the train station. "But I'm kind of excited about this season: the leaves changing into all sorts of pretty colours, eating roasted sweet potatoes at the park, visiting cultural festivals, holidays, cuddling up underneath your grandmother's quilt while watching a movie."
"A scary movie?"
"Absolutely not!"
A soft, almost inaudible snort left Haruka's nose, an expression of amusement, and Makoto couldn't help but smile. Although the wind was rather frigid, being with Haruka always flooded his chest with warmth.
"We won't be able to swim outdoors anymore, but I guess fall isn't the worst," Haruka said, adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. The tips of his fingers were dyed pink and when Makoto traced his gaze up over his arm, he saw the tiniest of goosebumps erupted on Haruka's skin.
"Are you sure you aren't cold?" Makoto asked, and Haruka defensively rubbed at his arms. "Do you want my jacket?"
"If I took your jacket, you'd be freezing and you'd moan about it the entire way. I prefer being a bit chilly. I can handle the cold better than you anyway."
There was no use arguing because Haruka was right. Maybe they could speed up their pace to get to the station faster. "Sorry, Haru. If I knew beforehand the wind would be this strong, I would've brought you a cardigan."
Haruka's cheeks flushed pink, but Makoto was pretty sure it wasn't because of the weather. "Idiot, I should've brought my own jacket."
This look on Haruka was a sweet one, too. His nose tinged red by the sting of autumn, his otherwise tidy hair swept astray until it got officially cold enough to wear a hat, unconsciously huddling a bit closer to Makoto so his wide frame blocked out the icy wind. If this was the sight he'd see for the upcoming six months, then maybe Makoto could learn to love sweater weather, too.
"If you're that cold, you can stay over at my place tonight, if you want," Haruka said, averting his eyes as he kicked at a stray leaf.
It wasn't like a snowstorm was headed their way, putting the trains out of order and preventing him from getting home safely. But Makoto would've been out of his mind if he declined such a lovely offer. "I'd like that."
"When we get home, I can make us some hot chocolate," Haruka said, still not meeting Makoto's gaze.
"Oh, I could really go for a warm drink right now, especially hot chocolate," Makoto sighed marvelling at the thought. "Do you have marshmallows?"
"I don't, but we can stop by the convenience store to get some," Haruka proposed, "As a reward for… starting your essay."
Makoto giggled. "I haven't finished it yet, though."
"Starting is the hardest part, and you were dreading it, so."
It was an excuse for giving in to Makoto's sweet tooth, but the meaning laced through his words didn't get lost on Makoto. I'm proud of you.
"Thanks, Haru," Makoto said, and he gently grasped onto Haruka's hand and entwined their fingers, tugging Haruka to his side so their arms brushed. "In the meanwhile, I'll keep you warm."
Haruka only huffed, but he didn't pull his hand away. On the contrary, he leaned in even further, till their shoulders bumped with every step.
Every season had its charm, but if this weather brought him hot chocolate and a good reason to hold Haruka's hand on the walk to his apartment, then perhaps fall would be his favourite season of all.
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