#red or blue one i'm wearing in the above photos) and THEN a sweater under that i was still cold most of the time idk how
the poll i just rbed got me thinking abt this winter so i went looking for pictures of my outfits then and somehow my most worn and most iconic fit was never committed to camera????? but anyways here's some pictures of me this winter just cuz
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also semi-long hair remembrance post rip you're not really missed
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soupy-cosmos · 1 year
[Video ID: a short illustrated PMV featuring Louie and Boyd from DuckTales, made for the AU fanfic Daisy Bell. A majority of the frames are circular, dark brown words appear on the off-white background. The first frame is an extreme close up of Louie and Boyd at their age in canon. Their outfits are the same as their canonical designs except for a few color differences: Louie's hoodie is a more yellow green, and Boyd is wearing a blue bow tie instead of his usual red one. Only Boyd's body and arm are visible, he has his knees tucked under him and is holding a book open on his lap. Louie lays beside him with his chin in his hand, his eyes aren't visible but his smile is. The line "Daisy, daisy, give me your answer, do." Is written across the border. The second frame shows an older Louie, early teens. His bangs are longer and his cheeks are fluffy. He's wearing a dull green hoodie with a large daisy patch on the elbow over a light yellow sweater. There is a daisy tucked into his hair. He's holding a hand to his face, blushing and with wide eyes. The frame appears as the word "I'm" is sang, and only takes up the left half of the screen. "Half" is sang as the other half of the frame appears, with Boyd looking surprised and also blushing. He's taller and his shirt sleeves are cuffed at his elbows. Both halves change as the word "Crazy" appears in all capital letters at the bottom of the screen. Louie now holds his face with both hands, looking away with a shy smile. Boyd has his hand raised to his beak and smiles, raising an eyebrow. The next frame shows the same designs for Louie and Boyd, no longer separated by the circle borders. They are both leaning in for a kiss with Boyd reaching a hand up to cup Louie's cheek. The text reads "All for the love of you." The next frame is a close up of a sparkling emerald ring in a box. The ring itself is silver with two daisies sculpted on the visible side. The text reads "It won't be a stylish marriage." With the word "stylish" capitalized and underlined. The next frame shows Louie and Boyd's silhouettes in the foreground, light hitting one side of them. They're young adults. Boyd has his arm wrapped around Louie as they gaze at a fountain that takes up the rest of the image. The text reads "I can't afford a carriage." The next frame is a close up of Louie's face as he lays in a coffin. He's holding a daisy. The circular framing is gone, leaving only some soft faded corners. The text sits at the top left and reads "But you'll look sweet." The line is continued in the next frame, with "Upon the seat." written along the top edge of the coffin. It shows a further down view of the previous image. The daisy is completely visible now, along with the ring on Louie's finger. Louie is wearing a black suit and tie with a light green button up. The final illustration shows up with a blue overlay making the entire image very dark. The text is now bright blue and reads "Of a bicycle built for two." Once "two" appears the overlay is removed, so that the image is more clearly visible. Boyd sits in a chair, back to the viewer. He's leaning forward onto a desk, hands on the sides of his head. The desk is messy, covered with papers and sticky notes, sketches and blueprints. On the wall above the desk is a bulletin board covered with more papers and blueprints. A large photo of Louie is pinned in the middle. The Final frame has a simple black background with the title "Daisy Bell" written across it in light blue lowercase cursive. It fades into black a little at the bottom, where the credits are written in the off-white used in the earlier frames. "Written by: the-writer-nerd-ro and" soupy-drawz" and "Illustrated by: soupy-drawz" End ID.]
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[ID: A screenshot from the author's notes of the fanfic Daisy Bell. The text starts with a bullet point and reads "The fic is titled Daisy Bell after the song of the same name, I've seen it used in dark vhs-style pmvs and thought that that vibe would fit this story very well! It was originally just a placeholder name but it ended up sticking lol." End ID.] remember how i said Daisy Bell would make a good pmv? :>
the specific version of the song is from this video!!
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michaelmilligan · 3 years
Day 4 of B&B's (@drgarth and @starrynightdeancas) Holiday Advent Calendar Event! (Aka the one I wrote in parallel to day 3 so it's done nearly at the same time. Only this is 3k of Midam. There's still no Starbucks.)
Take A Family Photo//Ugly Christmas Sweaters//"We Wish You A Merry Christmas"
“Come on, Michael,” Adam said, using his best puppy eyes. Those worked nine out of ten times – and he could see Michael's resolve faltering already.
“Fine.” Michael sighed and changed his visage so that he was wearing a Christmas sweater over his t-shirt.
“And the hat,” Adam said, putting on his own Santa hat.
Michael narrowed his eyes at him.
“Okay okay, leave the hat.” He kissed Michael softly, then pulled away to head for the kitchen. “Now. I'm gonna go check on the cookies, can you open the door when the guys come? They should be here any moment now.”
He felt more than heard the next sigh. “Alright,” Michael called after him.
Dean wasn't sure what he had expected, but it hadn't been Michael – it took him a moment to recognise his 'visage', since he had only seen it, like, twice – in an ugly Christmas sweater. At least Cas and Sam seemed just as thrown as he was, staring at him in surprise and mild concern.
(Keep reading under the cut)
Only Jack took it in stride. “Hi, Michael,” they said, raising a hand in that awkward kind of greeting they must have learned from Sam.
“Hello,” Michael said tonelessly, then simply walked away, leaving them at the open door. A moment later, Dean heard him call: “Adam, you brothers are here. And your brother-in-law and nephew.”
Jack entered the apartment and the other three followed them slowly, none of them seeming sure if they were actually allowed to. But Adam had invited them, right? So it was cool. It was just Michael who was being weird, right?
“You know they're also your brother and nephew, right?” Dean heard Adam ask.
Jack was already following the voices, and Sam, Cas and Dean (in that order) followed them down the hallway. And man, what a hallway. Not only was it clear that this apartment was big just from how spacious it was (Dean also counted four doors leading from it and glimpsed a bedroom the size of an entire motel room), but it was also practically covered in garland. All along the walls, just above head height (or at head height, if you were a giant moose like Sam), ran a line of holly with red berries and stars on it, interwoven with fairy lights.
Dean barely registered Michael's answer to Adam (a sighed 'technically') as he took in the sight. When he finally entered the kitchen, he had to hold back a gasp. There was even more garland in here, held in blue and silver, the fairy lights illuminating everything enough that they didn't need the overhead lights at all.
The kitchen was also big, but still a bit cramped with all six of them in there.
“Hi,” Adam said, grinning. He was wearing the same kind of garish sweater that Michael did, with an apron over it.
“What's with the sweaters?” Dean asked, only realizing after it had come out of his mouth that this might not be the most appropriate greeting.
“Uh, it's Christmas. Gotta go big or go home, right?”
“But you are home,” Jack said. They all looked at them. “What?”
“It's an expression,” Michael told him. “It means to either do everything or nothing.”
“Ah.” Jack nodded in understanding.
“Yeah.” Adam finished putting a bunch of cookies into a bowl and handed it to Michael. “Put this on the coffee table. And everyone else can follow him to the living room, I'll be right there.”
Dean expected Michael to throw a fit, maybe threaten to smite Adam for being expected to follow a human's instruction – but instead, he just walked off again, the cookie bowl in hand. Hesitantly, the others followed him back into the hallway, then into the living room. Once again, Dean was struck by how much garland there was – in red and gold, here, matching the Christmas tree that was standing in a corner near the TV.
Dean whistled. “Nice. That thing must be 80 inches at least.”
“88,” Michael said, glancing between Dean and the TV while he deposited the cookies on the coffee table.
“Awesome.” Dean heard Cas sigh and saw Sam rolling his eyes, but he ignored them. A man needed to have priorities.
Adam walked in after them and gestured to the couches. “What are you standing around for? Sit.” He went and took a seat himself. “Or don't, I'm not the boss of you. But I'm not gonna stand around all afternoon.”
Michael sat down next to him. Jack and Sam chose the two armchairs while Cas and Dean took the other couch. It was surprisingly comfy.
“This place is really nice,” Sam said, sounding too surprised for it to be a platitude.
“Yeah, well. We gotta thank Jack for that.”
Dean frowned at Adam. “What do you mean?”
“Uh, they got us the place? What, didn't they tell you?”
When they all looked to Jack, they nodded. “Yeah. Michael asked me for it in exchange for his help in Heaven. Back when I still had God-powers.” They shrugged and reached for the cookies. “You know, like I got you the house by the lake. I figured they deserved something nice after all that time in Hell.”
Dean winced, and saw Sam and Cas do the same. They all felt bad for that – they really had kind of abandoned Adam to his fate. But it had already cost so much to get Sam out, and they'd been worried about accidentally releasing Michael... And okay, maybe the guy wasn't trying to kick-start the apocalypse anymore, but they couldn't have known that back in the day, right?
Sam cleared his throat. “Yeah. Makes sense.”
“Did you make these cookies?” Jack suddenly asked, beaming. There were crumbs in the corner of their mouth and they were already reaching for more.
“Yeah. Tried out a few recipes – some turned out better than others.” Adam grimaced. “Don't worry, you're only getting the ones that passed the taste-test.”
Curious, Dean grabbed a few cookies for himself. There were a variety of them, some sugar cookies, some chocolate, some that Dean wasn't quite sure. He bit into one that was shaped like a snowman. “Holy shit, this is good,” he said, or tried to around the rest of the cookie that he was stuffing into his mouth simultaneously.
Adam grinned. “Guess they passed the Winchester taste-test, too.”
“U-huh,” Dean made around another cookie.
Sam huffed and rolled his eyes while Cas looked at Dean fondly.
“Oh. I almost forgot,” Adam suddenly said, springing up from the couch to turn on a stereo that Dean hadn't noticed on a shelf before. Adam turned down the volume after the first few notes, probably so they wouldn't need to shout to understand each other.
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
And a happy new year
When Adam returned to the couch, he sat with his thigh pressed to Michael's. Dean looked at that for a long moment, completely forgetting the comment about overdoing the whole Christmas stuff that had been on the tip of his tongue.
Michael and Adam weren't- they weren't, right? They couldn't be. This was Michael they were talking about. So maybe he let Adam talk him into wearing an ugly ass Christmas sweater, and putting cookies on the coffee table, and staying with him in the first place while also letting him use the body as he wanted and not controlling his every move-
Adam and Michael shared a soft smile.
Oh shit, they were, weren't they.
“Um,” Sam made, frowning at where Michael had just put his hand on Adam's thigh. He cleared his throat. “Um, so... Do you have anything planned for Christmas Eve?”
“There's a Christmas party at a venue Adam regularly visits,” Michael said.
“A party at a...” Sam smiled in that way that said he was completely confused, then frowned.
“It's a bar,” Adam told them, giving Michael a look. “And we both go there.”
“Technically we always go everywhere together.”
Adam rolled his eyes. “The guys have literally met you.”
“Once,” Michael specified.
“Well, I've only been there a couple times too. It's not like we've been living here for that long.” Adam put his hand over Michael's on his thigh and Dean once again found himself staring.
“It's great that you already made friends,” Jack interjected, smiling. They seemed to be the only one not weirded out by this whole... thing. Even Cas looked uncomfortable, though not especially surprised – Dean would have to quiz him on that later.
“Yeah, well. Not that hard with those guys. You buy a round and sing along to Britney Spears and bam, you're part of the gang.”
Michael huffed, but he didn't look annoyed. Actually, he looked pretty... fond, for lack of a better word. And Dean was desperately searching for a better word.
When they'd driven over here, Dean had wished that his mom was with them. For some reason, she had gotten along with Adam better than anyone else in that brief time that he'd stayed with them. But now he was glad that she was on a hunt with Eileen – she wouldn't have liked this new development either. Not after her time in apocalypse world with the other Michael.
Of course Dean knew, logically, that this was another Michael. But he'd still almost caused the apocalypse in their world, once upon a time. And just because he was apparently playing house with Adam now, didn't mean that Dean had to trust him.
“Britney Spears?” Sam asked, still frowning.
Good point – at what bar did 'the guys' sing along to Britney?
“Hey, does anyone want eggnog?” Adam asked instead of an answer, getting up from the couch again and walking towards the kitchen. “We also bought beer, if you prefer that. It's from a local brewery.”
Seemed like Adam was really putting down roots here. Becoming a regular at a bar, buying from local shops... “I'll take a beer,” Dean called after him.
Adam came back with a few bottles of beer, a bottle of eggnog and several glasses. After giving Sam and Dean a beer and Cas a glass of eggnog, he hesitated with Jack. “Uh, are you allowed to drink yet?”
Jack weighed their head. “Well, I'm three, but I look like I'm twenty-three and I'm a half-angel who was technically God for a while.” They considered it. “Also, I've had alcohol before.”
“Oh, okay.” Adam glanced at Cas, who shrugged. “Beer or eggnog?”
“I don't like eggnog. It tastes like raw egg with alcohol.” Jack made a face. Dean was pretty sure that was the whole point of eggnog, but he didn't comment.
“Beer it is.” Adam put a bottle down in front of him.
For himself, he poured a glass of eggnog, then moulded himself against Michael's side again.
“So, did you guys renovate the lake house yet?” he asked amicably. Obviously, he knew more about Cas and Dean's place than they had about his.
Cas and Dean shared a look. “We started, but it's a lot of work,” Dean said. “Might take months.”
Cas took his hand and squeezed it. “Possibly years.”
“Okay? I'm guessing from your happy faces that that's a good thing.”
Dean shrugged, suddenly feeling a bit stupid about how excited he was about the house.
“After all this time hunting monsters and trying to avert the end of the world, this is finally a project that doesn't threaten any lives and that we get to do at our own pace,” Cas said. “So yes, that's a very good thing in my book.”
Leave it to Cas to make him feel better about himself. Dean loved him so freaking much.
In turn, Adam looked surprised, but nodded. Michael was still looking at Adam, holding his hand. Dean felt like throwing up, and not from this weird beer.
“An IPA?” Sam asked, studying the bottle in his hand, not even seeming like he was reaching for something to say. Almost as if he really was interested.
Damn hippie.
“Yeah. It's all the rage now, apparently. Among beer drinkers, at least.” Adam shrugged. “I dunno, I don't know that many butches.”
“What?” Dean frowned at him.
“What?” Adam asked, and drank more of his eggnog.
“Hey, can we take a family photo?” Jack suddenly asked. They turned towards Adam. “I want to make a scrapbook, like Garth and Bess have them.”
“Oh. Sure. If everyone's cool with that?” Adam asked, and really, that wasn't fair. Now anyone who said no would be the bad guy.
“I think that's a very good idea,” Cas said, and his overly polite tone suggested that there was a 'but' coming, “but I would understand if some people were not comfortable with that.” He looked at Michael.
Michael didn't look at him, still concentrated on Adam.
Sam cleared his throat. “Uh, I'm in, but. Someone has to take the photo, right? Or do you have a camera with remote release, Adam?”
“No, my only camera is my phone.”
“I can work the camera remotely,” Michael said.
Remotely? Was he saying that he wanted to be in the picture? Jesus fucking Christ.
Dean wondered if he would wake up from a fever dream any moment now.
“How?” Sam asked in surprise, eyes glistening in that way that said 'I will write this down later man I wish I had a pen and paper right now'.
“Telekinesis. All angels are capable of this.” Michael glanced at Cas.
“Right.” Cas frowned. “I never thought to use it for taking pictures.”
“Well, what else are you using your powers for these days?”
Cas opened his mouth, closed it again. As far as Dean knew, he barely used his powers at all. They did everything by hand at the lake house, so except for him being stupidly strong and able to carry everything as long as he could balance it, Dean was rarely ever reminded that his husband was non-human.
They all lined up in front of the Christmas tree. Jack found the right height and distance for his phone, then Michael levitated it to keep it there as Jack came back to stand between Dean and Adam. Michael had his arm around Adam's waist.
“So... can we take the picture now?” Jack asked.
Then he remembered something.
“Wait. What about Bastet?”
“Oh, shit! You're right, once second!” Adam bolted from the room, leaving Michael with a group of extremely confused Winchesters (and Winchester-Klines).
“Bastet, the goddess?” Castiel asked, frowning.
“Yes, Castiel, the Egyptian Goddess of fertility and protection against evil spirits lives in our apartment and counts as a member of our family,” Michael said sarcastically, pleased when Castiel's eyebrows went up to his forehead.
“There we go.” Adam came back into the room with Bastet in his arms. They were curled against his chest, obviously eager to sleep.
“You have a cat?” Jack asked in excitement. “Can I pet it?”
“They're a bit sleepy. I just disturbed their nap, so they might not be very keen on being pet right now.” Just as Adam said it, Bastet stretched, and blinked an eye open to look at Jack. Then the second eye opened, and Bastet stared.
Bastet lowered their head and raised their butt, clearly going into hunting mode. Michael sighed and reached over to scratch behind their ear. They seemed surprised, but eventually leaned into it.
“Can I pet them now? Why are they looking at my wings?” Jack asked, bouncing on their heels.
“They like angel wings. Could look at Michael's for hours.” Adam grinned. “They tried to hunt his wings a few times, but I think by now they got that it's impossible. Maybe they think they have another chance with yours, though.”
“Aw, they're so cute.” Jack looked a bit like that emoji Adam had dubbed 'anime eyes emoji'. The one with the big eyes that were more light reflection than the black of usual emoji eyes.
“You can try petting them if you want, but be careful. They're a bit wary of strangers,” Adam warned them.
Castiel had stepped up to them, looking fond as Jack reached out and lightly brushed their fingers over Bastet's fur.
“Oh, it's so soft! I've never pet a cat, are they all like this?”
“I think so. At least when their fur is clean.” Adam frowned. “Though I guess there are hairless cats. They wouldn't have fur to begin with.”
Jack suddenly gasped as Bastet started purring. “What are they doing?”
“They like being pet. Have you never heard a cat purr?”
Jack's eyes widened impossibly further as they shook their head. They seemed to be completely overwhelmed by the experience. “Dad, they're so cute! Can we get a cat, too?”
Castiel looked between them and the cat, glanced back towards Dean. “Um. We should think that through before we commit to taking an animal into our family, Jack. We need to... read up about how to care for a cat, and make sure that we know what responsibilities we would put upon-”
“I will take all responsibility!” Jack exclaimed.
“Okay, buddy,” Dean interrupted them, “let's just take the picture now and we'll talk about getting a pet when we're home, okay?”
Jack looked between Bastet and Dean, then sighed deeply, their shoulders and wings drooping. “Okay.”
“You know, if your dads are mean and don't let you have one, you can always visit us and play with Bastet,” Adam said casually, grinning when Dean and Castiel both glared at him.
Adam was, as the humans said, 'being a little shit' – and Michael loved him so much.
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blueeyedrichie · 4 years
I'm warning you now that this ask is a personal attack. Ally u awakened something in me that I didn't realize was dormant and now I need more trashy early-mid 2000s aus. I need a Myspace au where Eddie is a Paris Hilton wannabe with a velour tracksuit and a Motorola razor with a phone charm and all of his pics are mirror selfies. And Richie is a rawr xd emo with snakebites and the song on his Myspace page is like nobody puts baby in the corner or something Ally please I need it
I am fucking SCREAMING OVER THIS like this is my entire life now. Literally no cap I’m hhhhhhh so obsessed with this.
Not only am I absolutely sobbing over the image of Eddie in a fucking velour tracksuit (juicy couture brand, and best believe that thing says JUICY on the ass, also it’s baby blue uwu) but it just makes me so happy that he has it and likes to wear it???? Because you know he’d be hiding that from Sonia in the depths of his closet but the moment she leaves the house or maybe late at night he’s putting it on to snap a new photo, definitely just to show off to his internet friends and not at all to catch the attention of a certain someone from his class.
He has a pink razr, with a purple poof ball and a little green turtle as the charms; also there’s a little rainbow sticker on the battery cover :’) and he takes those absolutely horrible selfies in the bathroom from way up above his head and in the mirror that’s covered in fingerprints and toothpaste splashes and half the time you can definitely see the toilet in the background, but it’s easy to ignore because he looks so cute in his lil tracksuit (and when he’s feeling extra fancy he puts some glittery hard candy brand eyeshadow on) and spends literal hours deciding which one to upload as his new default picture, and probably another hour deciding what lyrics to use as his caption. He ends up going with now tell me, who have you been dreaming of? Since it’s from his current profile song “Stars Are Blind” by the one and only Paris Hilton.
Then we have Richie, with thick, black framed glasses, an absolute disaster of curls on his head that falls into his eyes; which are lined darkly to match the chipped polish on his nails. He wears black jeans and hoodies and band shirts exclusively, ranging from Fall Out Boy to My Chemical Romance to Mindless Self Indulgence. His MySpace song is “Shut Me Up”.
Richie has an orange EnV with a cracked screen and an “it’s not a phase” sticker on the back (the words are like an ombré of the bisexual flag colors bc I say so). His top 8 is literally just Tom and then a bunch of bands because he doesn’t fuck around with that shit.
He ABSOLUTELY has snake bites, and he wears bracelets and shit all the time (he has one of those lil handcuff bracelets from hot topic pls I hope someone knows what I’m talking abt) and definitely has a chain on his wallet that jingles every time he walks. He smokes under the bleachers at school and hangs out with like three people that like the same music as him.
It’s not that Richie and Eddie don’t want to hang out, it’s just that they don’t really run in the same circles. They only have art together, and Richie is always listening to his headphones while he draws, and Eddie stares at him from his spot beside him, always amazed at how well Richie can draw. Sometimes Richie looks up and catches his gaze and gives him a crooked little smile, his silver piercings glinting in the fluorescent light from above them. What Eddie doesn’t notice is how Richie watches him too, and thinks it’s cute the way Eddie daydreams and fiddles with his little phone charms during class.
Richie does a lot of really shitty photo edits in photofiltre bc he doesn’t wanna pay for photoshop. When the day comes that Eddie comments on his profile to ask if Richie can make him one, Richie agrees. And if they start messaging back and forth and Eddie takes longer to decide what he wants just so he can talk to Richie more, then that’s just fine.
And then they start commenting on each other’s photos and messaging everyday and talking more at school and neither of them will admit it, but it’s so much fucking fun. They’re so different but complement each other so well, and next thing he knows, Eddie is hanging out in Richies bedroom sharing earbuds with him and listening to “Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner” and maybe he doesn’t totally hate it. Richie begs him to change his profile song because “the whole Paris aesthetic is actually hot,” he winks, knowing about her ridiculous catch phrase, “but you gotta admit that song sucks shit.”
Eddie scoffs at him, but doesn’t remove the earbud and just keeps listening, stealthily scooting closer to Richie as he flips through a sketchbook and shows Eddie his favorite drawings. He points one out, asking who it is and why his face is like that.
“That’s Pete Wentz, and that’s his grr face,” Richie then makes the same face, sending Eddie into a fit of giggles.
And normally, Eddie wouldnt post a photo of himself without his outfit and makeup and hair done just right, bc his regular jeans and shorts and sweaters aren’t the look he’s going for on his online persona, but he has to get a photo with his crush, because suddenly having people know that he’s hanging with Richie is far more important than a lil break away from his aesthetic. Richie rolls his eyes, but smiles and agrees on one condition, “you have to do the grr face.” Eddie pouts but ultimately says yes. They stand in front of the mirror on the back of Richies door that’s covered in sloppily written lyrics in what Eddie assumes is sharpie. Eddie stares at himself and tries to get it just right, snapping a couple photos, all of which have Richie either laughing or throwing his hands up next to him.
“I can’t do it right.”
“Just do it like this,” Richie makes the face to Eddie in the mirror, who mimics him. “Just like that!” Richie takes the phone from him so Eddie can focus, and then when Eddie gets the face just right, Richie throws his free arm around Eddie’s waist and leans in to kiss his cheek, snapping a photo to capture Eddie with the little sneer, and then another of his cherry red cheeks and dropped jaw when he realizes Richie is kissing him.
They end up going on a date after that, and they both surprise each other with gifts. Eddie makes Richie a little beaded bracelet, R+E are in between the pink, blue, and purple beads. Richie gives him a drawing he did of the photo they took together, except he drew Eddie wearing his tracksuit instead of his other clothes.
They both change their default photos to match (Richie uses the one of Eddie looking shocked; Eddie uses the one with the grr face) and they split the lyrics from another one of Richies fav Fall Out Boy songs for their captions: I used to waste my time dreaming of being alive on Richies and now I only waste it dreaming of you on Eddie’s.
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elaz-ivero · 3 years
It's an Honour to Eclipse | {New WIP} |
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[image description: a storefront during midday with the sunlight bleaching giving the photo an orange tint. the glass door has a 'yes we are open sign' on it but the door and windows are behind iron bars. a rainbow is painted on the front of the building, on an angle white text in bold Garamond font reads, 'It's an Honour to Eclipse' beneath it in smaller font, 'A novella' is typed over the image. /end id]
Genre: LGBT +, Young Adult, Mild Mystery
Setting: Wellington, capital city of New Zealand
P.O.V: Third Person, Omniscient
Synopsis: Neveah after leaving university and moving into her first apartment is reinventing herself, discovering the city she lives in, finding the short-cuts, the cheapest restaurants, shaking her head. But when her estranged ex-boyfriend Oka disappears, no one seems invested in his disappearance, no one seems to be looking for the boy she stopped loving and yet his name keeps appearing, turning up in the margins of her life and Neveah is forced to confront the twisted history and secret life of the boy she intended to leave behind.
CW: Religion, drug use, smoking, police violence
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[image description: a skyline at dawn, the bottom of the image is cluttered with the tops of colourful houses, hotels, stores and apartment buildings, the sun brings out warm tones hidden in the paint. Above the tops of the buildings, a great blue sky stretches upward and clouds tinged with the yellow of a rising sun. Over the clouds in the centre of the images words in white bold Garamond font that read, 'WIP Beginnings' /end id.]
Frequently my subconscious approaches me with a set of storylines, a character name and a set of random scenes, It's An Honour To Eclipse was a small series of ideas that naturally grew the more I thought about them. I suppose this story came as the result of me moving into a boarding facility in the middle of the city and having to adapt to the fast-paced individualistic world of the great city. My own fear of the housing crisis and the crime rate of a busy city translated neatly into my main character whose whole life surrounds her trying to perfect some form of self-preservation.
The main drive of this story is her relationship or now lack thereof with Oka, a mysterious unfinished boy who drifts in and out of the story. I still don't know where this novella might leave, maybe Oka's captured by an underground secret society of 'face stealers' or people that replace talented local artists. I honestly have no clue but for now, I'm putting it under the vague category of 'mild mystery'. Often, when writing I don't have a firm understanding of my characters or of the ending that is about to surface I follow the flow of expectations and allow my characters personalities and ambitions to drive the story toward its conclusion. Right now Oka takes over the passages, slips into chapters not intended to be given to him, simply because he is a mystery to me and I want to figure out why this boy disappeared and the clues in his behaviour, in the known parts of him.
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[image description: a pale arm is turned toward the camera, the cuff of a chunky knit mustard coloured sweater can be seen at the top right-hand corner of the image. At the centre of the image is a coloured tattoo, a renaissance angel holding a branch of baby's breath and wearing a brown and creme-tone cloth himation. In the bottom left-hand corner of the image white bold Garamond text reads, 'Characters' /end id.]
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[image description: two images are collaged together, one portion of the image is a close up of a women face she has dark skin and brown eyes, the other portion of the image is another woman on public transit adjacent to a window showing a brick apartment passing by. Slightly central is text in bold white Garamond font that reads, 'Neveah' /end id.]
Neveah, the main character, Spanish and the first female in her family to graduate from university. She's stuck in a cramped apartment and her style consists of what she finds for free on the sidewalk and the brightest clothing at the second-hand opportunity shops. Committed the relationship sin of getting matching tattoos with a boyfriend she couldn't introduce to her parents, a tattoo of the window of their shared apartments in Neveah's there is a sunset in Oka's it's a night full of stars. Neveah is cautious and constantly conscious of how she can improve her situation and herself and tries to best facilitate her own growth.
More points:
Loves sparkling peach and mango juice
Deals with her problems mainly by listening to audiobooks all night and visiting the aquarium to feed the manta rays and stare at fish for hours, at least their coping mechanisms that aren't too harmful.
Neveah has an obligatory shrine to Jesus with the little framed photo...well painting of the son of God sent to her by her parents.
Dangly earrings and platform sneakers are her ish.
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[image description: an overexposed photograph of two people, a girl and a boy in a lounge. The girl is sitting up on the couch, a blanket piled over her, one bare leg is extended in front of her. A boy leans against the couch, shirtless and with curly brown hair he looks off into the distance a pillow balanced in his lap. There is a pot plant on a small coffee table in the upper right-hand corner of the image and the ends of some pale curtains fall in the frame at the top of the image. On the bottom left-hand corner text in white bold Garamond font reads, 'Oka', there is texture on the image as though some tape had been laid over the left edge or a rip has been repaired. /end id.]
Oka is a mess, a boy reliant on Neveah's help to get dressed, make the bed, do the groceries. He's tall with brown hair he dyes grey and when he first meets Neveah he's almost quit smoking but crashes back into his addiction when they start dating and every week picks up a bulk box of discontinued unfiltered cigarettes. His dealer likes Neveah and gives her chocolate as a part of the deal and Oka made his living by picking up odd artistic jobs, being a nude model every Thursday, volunteering at an art club and working as a waiter at a local bar. Absolutely hates his Art history degree and will fight their landlord if the rent rises.
More brief points:
Thinks he's super cool for owning a white zippo.
Unironically owns two cowboy hats.
Is actually a pretty good artist but rarely finishes a piece.
Likes ginger drinks and strawberry milk.
Is temporarily nocturnal.
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[image description: a wall of framed photographs and paintings, they are organised together in a way that is both scattered and organized. In the bottom right-hand corner there are two lit candles and on the right of an image, a monstera plant is in the corner of the cream-coloured walls. Someone holds a mug in the bottom right-hand corner. In the centre of the image text in bold white Garamond font reads, 'Planning Excerpts. /end id.]
A set of opening lines;
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[image description: Over a dark image of pale pink roses growing against a white concrete wall. White text over the image reads, 'For two months all I could think about was diluting detergent- She took the time to change herself, paint thick lines around her eyes and contour muscles she didn't have. She remembered, however, the intricate way that he took up space-" /end id.]
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[image description: A city skyline against a greyish blue sky, the building are in tones of brown, red, orange and yellow. In the upper right-hand corner orange text in Garamond font reads, 'Oka took his time, hours to get dressed, hours to eat, every day was half-lived from midday till three hours before midnight.' /end.id]
I see this story changing and developing the more time I put into it but for now, it is made up of its central characters, the colours I associate with the grand city and the mysterious implications of finding someone yourself.
That's an Honour To Eclipse in its rough beginning stages, I'm looking forward to sharing its progress.
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ismatofalltrades · 4 years
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Eyyyy, and here's those commission sheets!!
Image 1. There's two drawings, one in the upper left corner with dark orange trim, and one in the bottom right corner with mint trim, against a green and orange gradient background. The upper left drawing is the sketch art of a yelling chicken and beside it is the label "} sketch $15." The bottom right is the se drawing but now inked and beside it says "lineart $20 {."
Image 2. The same layout as the first photo. The upper left corner drawing is the inked chicken now coloured with light green feathers, dark pink skin and a light purple beak with the label "} flats $40." The bottom left the chicken now has shading with dark green around the edges of the feathers, dots on the comb and waddles for shading and texture and a dark purple on the inside of the mouth giving the drawing depth. It's label reads "full colour $45 {"
Image 3. A monochromatic drawing of a fish eye lens of an ex-coworker of mine and her partner takes up most of the page. They stand under a covered porch and behind them a door and a window can be seen as well as some vegetation where the porch opens up. My ex-coworker stands to the audience's right, an arm looped around her partner's shoulders. On her visible arm rings can be seen on her middle finger and thumb and a bracelet can be seen at the middle of her forearm. She has chest length wavy hair, large lens glasses, a tank top, leggings and sneakers. Her other arm is out of frame. Her partner on the left has short cropped curly hair and a beard. He wears a kikkoman logo t-shirt, jeans and socks and in his free hand is a pen. The drawing is in a dark orange trim and below it in white texts it reads "price per additional individual $5"
Image 4. An image of a elf with medium brown skin and light hair close cropped to their skull takes up the right half of the page. This is Juniper and they are feeding a blue jay perched on their shoulder. They wear clothing made of leaves and stems woven and sewn together. They have a chest plate, knee and shoulder pads made of brown leaves and hold a dark brown staff with vines growing from it in their hand. At their feet is a bag full of mushrooms and herbs, with lots of pockets, a few small vials secured on the outside and twigs sewn to the bottom of the bag to make noise as they move through the forest. Juniper sits on a stump covered in moss, mushrooms and grass. The rest of the background is transparent save for and orange and green box to match the style of the commission sheet, and the drawing is labelled "partial background {$10."
Image 5. On this gradient image with dark orange trim is a draw of me on a skateboard, drinking through a bendy straw stylized to look like 100 from a glass of lilac coloured liquid. I'm wearing a dark blue helmet with pink highlights, a light green hoodie, orange shirt tucked into blue shorts, elbow and knee pads that are pink, green and blue and pink and green sneakers. There's two bandages on my left leg. The skateboard matches the helmet and I'm skating along a black road. Behind me is a blue wall covered with triangles, circles and rectangles coloured yellow, purple, green, pink and orange. The text labelling this image reads "simple backgrounds $10 {("
Image 6. Once more on the right of the gradient background is a drawing trimmed in dark orange. The image is of May from Pokemon. She stands in the tall grass a pencil in her left hand and an orange notebook in her right looking at a Yanma (dragonfly pokemon) that's hovering at eye level. She wears a red hair band and matching tank top, a yellow and green backpack, a black sweater tied around her waist, and white, grass stained pants. The pants have a pocket on the side where she's stored her pokeballs and are designed to mimic the appearance of a pokeball. Behind her the
grass stretches out until it meets a winding path and beyond that is more grass and trees. There are a few bushes dotting the grass, one can be seen with a pokeball behind it. Two oddish can be seen sticking their leaves above the grass, a spinarak can be seen hiding on the tree branch in the upper right hand corner, a shroomish sits at the base of a tree with balm mushrooms sprouting by the roots and a taillow can be seen silhouetted against the sky. The sky is made up of alternating bands of sunbeams and blue sky. The label reads "complex backgrounds $15 {"
ID end]
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