#red moon by kalafina played and i had a moment
starlight-ascension · 3 years
Don’t imagine Laura trying to delay defeating the villains because she doesn’t want to forget her team. 
Don’t imagine Laura sneaking pictures with her team, writing down their times together, in case her memories are erased, so she can know this happened. 
Don’t imagine her not remembering where she hid these records. 
Don’t imagine her fighting as hard as she can, screaming and crying while being dragged to the machine. Don’t imagine her begging, trying to bribe, threaten, everything she can think of with her eyes red from crying. 
Don’t imagine her waking up and knowing something’s lost forever but not being able to figure out what. 
Don’t imagine those first few days without Laura. Don’t imagine Manatsu waking up and instinctively saying hi to Laura before remembering. Don’t imagine her doing her nails exactly how Cure La Mer had them, maybe even doing it only on one hand and holding her own hand in an attempt to feel like she still has Laura. 
Don’t imagine Manatsu staring out at the ocean, knowing Laura’s there somewhere, and that her first love was torn away from her and had her memories of her erased. 
Don’t imagine Minori suddenly thinking of a mermaid related question she didn’t get the chance to ask Laura and knowing she’ll probably never get the answer. 
Don’t imagine Asuka watching Minori, then Manatsu and Sango, as they finally go on that field trip they’d been so jealous of her chance to go on, and reminiscing on her experience, before suddenly realizing Laura doesn’t remember it. 
Don’t imagine Laura thinking back to her early teen years and noticing that it’s all a blur, wondering why this is, knowing full well that something important to her has been missing but never finding out the answer. 
Don’t imagine her sometimes seeing an energetic redheaded girl with a ponytail and green eyes in her dreams, waking up and wishing she could go back to the dream, but the more she thinks of it through the day, the harder it gets to remember what the girl looked like, what she was wearing, what they were doing together, until all she knows is she had a dream about a girl and they were happy together. 
Don’t imagine her eventually finding the pictures and the stuff she wrote down, but thinking the stuff she wrote down was fiction, and not having any clue who these girls are. 
Don’t imagine Manatsu at sea, right over where she remembers Gran Ocean was, screaming Laura’s name in the hopes that maybe she managed to change the system, maybe she still remembers her, and knowing it’s futile when she gets no answer. 
Don’t imagine her breaking down crying on the boat afterwards over the memories only she has and the future together they’ll never have. 
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hadi-sama · 7 years
Super Late Kalafina 10th Anniversary Live Report!
This was my first Kala live ever, basically a dream come true and I couldn't contain my happiness and nervousness! (Special thanks to @putschki1969 for all her tutorials, this wouldn't have been possible for me without her!) I arrived at the venue around 3 pm (3 hrs before the live, 1 hr after the goods sale has started), and my god, THAT QUEUE!! I've never seen such a queue in my entire life.. at this point I wondered if I could make it on time.. but I queued anyway, and I ended up buying for some of my friends too. Anyway, my turn finally came and it was 6:15 pm.. I freaked out and the fact that most of the things I wanted was sold out already did not help at all lol, so I ended up pointing at stuff to the salesperson like a maniac and my hands were shaking when i tried to get out my money xD Now less than 10 mins are left!! I ran to the first floor and thankfully some staff guided me to my seat. The view was great and my seat was the first in the line so there were just stairs to my right, meaning I had extra space to jump around. The lights started dimming, music started playing, and I started shaking xD The girls came up on stage on a platform and I clapped and screamed like a maniac. Now to the actual concert: 01.ring your bell: Hikaru and Keiko started out okay, Wakana joined and was flat AF xD I was like noooo Wakana please don't continue like this, and thankfully she adjusted and became perfect. Wakana actually sounded so good I was quite surprised, and her 2nd high "beeeeeell" sounded great and perfectly pitched, much better than their other live releases. I don't like this song, but was a good warm up for them I guess.. 02.未来: Almost everyone in the venue stood up and got excited for this. 03.lirica: This was extremely unexpected for me, I remember dropping my jaw when Keiko announced it in the MC, and I also remember hearing ppl around me saying huuuh in surprise.. My god, was this a perfect performance in every way.. Wakana was pitch-perfect and sounded SO GOOD in her verses!!! Keiko harmonized perfectly too, and Wakana's high chorus was great too, and Hikaru's harmonization was so good. Now to the Kajiurago bridge.. KEIKO KILLED IT!!! Was so deep and filled Budokan!! I really wanted to jump/scream/clap after her solo, but wouldn't be appropriate for this kind of song lol. Great great great performance. Bonus thoughts: The strings in the verses were great, and it was so fun to look at the band picking their strings in this part! I hope they show some footage of them in the release! 04.満天: YES!! MANTEN!! was a nice follow-up to Lirica. Wakana sounded great (at this point I realised that Wakana will dominate this live) Hikaru was fine. Keiko was good in her solo, but I really miss the way she used to sing it in 2012-2013 with some vibrato to "deshoooou", but it sounded good anyway. 05.屋根の向こうに: I have only heard this song once or twice in my life lol, was quite surprised to see it make an appearance! I didn't know it was popular at all! 06.光の旋律: I know this song is overplayed, but I really enjoy it, and was happy to see it. Hikaru was good in her verses, much like 9+one. Wakana was great, Keiko was great too (but kinda loud and screaming at times) and her solo was good also. Hikaru's high harmonies were great (a few flats here and there, so those of you who think that her high harmonies in this song are always playback, they are NOT playback). Bonus thoughts: The flute was so good, I'm so happy that Akagi-san was there, 07.storia: Eh.. I don't like this song, but they were good. 08.夏の林檎: WHAT?!!! NATSU NO RINGO?!?! At this point I wondered if this was real xD Too many surprise appearances so far!! And they performed it the way they did in Red Day, with Wakana and Hikaru switching parts. 09.serenato: So.. the accordion started.. and I definitely realised it was Serenato (there were minor hints in the solo). I KNEW they'd perform this! My happiness could not be contained!! THAT PERCUSSION THO!! They started with their kajiurago, THEY ALL KILLED IT!! Hikaru sang using her falsetto, and it was on point, provided a more calming atmosphere to the song than her old regular voice singing (tho way less fierce). Wakana was on fiiiiiirrrrrreeeeeeeeee!! It was obvious that she was enjoying this song!! Keiko was great in her harmonies, and Hikaru as well. I REALLY can't wait for the live release!! 10.ARIA: Oh shit.. The moment of truth.. My heart started pounding so hard..  This is one of my absolute fav songs and I have a strong emotional connection to it! The song started in a lower key, as expected (one key lower). Hikaru started singing.. HER VERSES WERE SO GOOD!! The lower key really suits the song and makes it sound way more tragic, sad and lonely. She sang in a very very very sad and broken way, and you can actually see all those feelings in her face :( Wakana and Keiko were also great with their harmonies. Wakana sang her chorus lines beautifully. Solid performance overall, my favorite ARIA ever. Bonus thoughts: I really love this new ARIA, and prefer Hikaru's way of singing here and this key over the old one, it suits the lyrics way more, It brought tears to my eyes and made me cry like a baby. The cello was more present, and really added to the song’s atmosphere. Percussion was very very very good, it's good to finally see this song with percussion!! 11.sprinter: wait what Sprinter NOW this early in the setlist why xD?!?! Hikaru did good (I especially LOVE how she sang the “Kaze ni..” verse. Keiko was on point, a bit loud at times tho. Wakana was great. 12.oblivious: Of course, wouldn't be an anniversary live without it. Hikaru started in falsetto (like 9+one), she was so good. Wakana and Keiko were great, and their "itsuka kimi to.." part was very emotional. Solid performance. 13.傷跡: Another surprise appearance!! Was a great performance by all three, Hikaru was great with her high harmonies, Wakana and Keiko also great with their solos and harmonies. This live can't get any better; I thought to myself. 14.君が光に変えて行く: YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!! MY FAV SONG UGH SOMEONE HELP I CAN'T!! But then.. Keiko sings with her cutesy voice. Someone needs to tell Keiko to stop using that voice forever, please. Wakana DELIVERED!! Aaaaah Wakana was so good!! :(((  Hikaru’s harmonies were on point. Great performance EXCEPT WHEN KEIKO WAS USING THAT CUTESY VOICE. Sorry I'm still mad about it and can't get over it. 15.カンタンカタン: This is too much, at this point I got overwhelmed by the amount of good songs in this live. Wakana sounded MUCH BETTER than the studio version!! Hikaru's solo was nice. Keiko AGAIN used her fake cutesy voice for her solo :((( to me, that's basically the highlight of the song, so I was very disappointed, even though she hit her notes perfectly. I know in the studio version there are hints of cutesy in her solo, but it didn't matter much. Anyway, solid performance overall and Wakana sounded kinda more sad. 16.symphonia: Not a fan of this song, didn't pay much attention. 17.red moon: YeeeeY finally a song I voted for! I was so excited and scared at the same time, cuz their last performance of this song (arena) was so dead. Hikaru and Keiko's kajiurago start was perfect, Wakana started singing and.. was kinda lacking energy.. Keiko's harmonising was SO GOOD throughout the whole song. Hikaru sounded kinda tired but was doing her best. Keiko's final solo was great and gave me goosebumps. Wakana's delivery lacked energy overall, but she hit all her highs and lows perfectly. 18.adore: What? Is this AE Live xD? Was a nice performance overall. 19.to the beginning: I like this song, I know it's overplayed but it was my introduction to Kalafina, so it has a special place in my heart. Was a solid performance for such a hard song.
20.progressive: I also knew this would be performed, the stage got lit in rainbow colors, was so cool. A solid performance by all three! Hikaru was able to perform this song and did so well! I enjoyed this performance. 21.音楽: Of course, wouldn't be a Kalafina Live without Ongaku xD Was a nice performance with a MAJOR WaKei moment <3333 Keiko ran to Wakana right before her solo and jumped on her and hugged her so hard xD was super cute!! All 3 were great, and my god this is my fav Wakana-Ongaku ever!! Her solo WAS SO GOOD! The band introductions this time were nice, not as boring as they were before.
 Bonus thoughts: Wakana was REALLY having fun, dancing so hard and jumping around.. I've never seen her this excited before.
22.heavenly blue:  A solid performance. 23.into the world: I can't get myself to like this song. Solid performance by all three tho. 24.君の銀の庭 Accordion solo ver. ~ nightmare ballet (inst): I'm sorry but I took this chance to run to the restroom xD (sorry if this sounded disrespectful but I REALLY had to go :’(  25.ひかりふる: Started with a piano solo, and the girls came in with wedding dresses.. I was like WTF why the wedding dresses xD they were nice anyway and fit the song. The song started with just Wakana and the piano.. was absolutely wonderful and breathtaking :(((( they all sounded more emotional! The drums and the whole band kicked in together right before Hikaru's "hakanasugite.."!! WAS SO GOOD!! Major goosebumps! Keiko's "mabushii asaaaaaaaa.." was great, but I think she held it longer in the Arena Live. Beautiful beautiful performance. 26.百火撩乱: So Akagi-san came, and started playing a flute solo, very Japanese-sounding, so I knew what the next song would be. The girls started taking off some parts of their wedding dresses to reveal their "real dresses" under lol. I still laugh at how Hikaru was throwing away her wedding dress like a piece of trash xD Anyway, the instrumental part started, and the stage was illuminated in red. Keiko started her lines (Wakana didn't harmonise "yume wo miteeeeee"), Keiko was nice.. but I prefer how she sang in the studio version :/ I don't know how to explain it, but in the studio version, she sang like "naitaaa, omottaaa, kittooo, yoru nooo", but here in this live she ended them very abruptly and suddenly, like "naiTa, omoTTa, kiTTo, yoru No". In other words, the last syllables of those words were 3 three times shorter than the studio version, and that annoyed me so much, made the verses sound less powerful. (I hope someone actually understood what I meant xD). Hikaru sounded nice. Wakana, sang wonderfully, and took less breaths in the chorus, which sounded better for the song. Keiko's "yaibaaaaa" was much better and longer than the studio version. (Forgive my super picky and detailed review of this performance, but HR one of my favs and I spent a long time to cover this song so I know pretty much everything about this song in detail.) Bonus thoughts: The flute was super good. 27.アレルヤ: A perfect ending song to the concert. Was a very emotional performance, and all three delivered beautifully, and the WaHi harmonies were great this time. I also like Hikaru in this song. Keiko really did sing well here too. My fav Alleliua performance ever. So the concert ended, and the girls looked super duper emotional and moved, Wakana cried in her speech, Keiko took a few deep breaths before her speech and spoke with a super shaky voice then turned her face away and cried, Hikaru was smiling and waving to the audience section by section. Overall, a very solid concert, I am so happy I got to experience such a concert, solid setlist, solid performance, and more songs than usual. Highlights: ARIA, Serenato, Lirica, KantanKatan, Kimi ga, Natsu no Ringo. General Notes: - For such an event, I expected way more in terms of stage production and crowd involvement, but oh well they made up for that with the extra squeezed in songs. - Wakana was on fire pretty much the whole concert, she literally dominated, and was having a good time and dancing around and having fun. I really couldn't take my eyes off her. I hope they show more of her in the live release. - Keiko was great too, she harmonised perfectly and delivered her solo lines greatly (except for when she used her FAKE CUTESY voice). Was sometimes screaming and singing loudly tho. - Hikaru sounded good on some songs and tired on some, but you could definitely see that she was doing her best. (It was really cold that day and I’m almost sure she had a cold) - The first dresses were nice, though Wakana's dress was my personal favorite, it looked much much much much much better in real life than in pics, it was sparkly and elegant, it fit her perfectly. Keiko's dress was okay, nothing special in my opinion but the colors were super nice, reminded me of their 2014 tour dresses. Hikaru's dress was very very nice, but I didn’t like the baggy sleeve, would've looked much better if it was fitted. - I don't know what to think of the wedding dresses, a part of me likes them and the other part thinks they're over the top and unnecessary. They made more sense when they took them off, Wakana looked so weird though with her long skirt lol, the other two were very nice. - I was sure they'd play Marchen in its REAL version with the flute this time, but nope I was wrong. I'm too disappointed, I really wanted to see it live and it's a recent song and has only been performed in one tour while INTO THE WORLD has been performed way more. Also no Magia or Destination Unknown made me sad, I really wanted to see Hikaru sing them live :( - Budokan is such a beautiful venue inside-out! I imagined it to be MUCH MUCH bigger inside but it turned out to be way smaller than I imagined xD. - The percussion added A LOT of depths to some songs! Percussion should really be a staple in their tours.
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chibalein · 7 years
Kalafina Live Report - World Heritage Special  Live @ Nikkô PART 2/2
Now it’s finally about the songs :D
Click HERE for Part 1.
The concert began when the lights were darkened and the musicians took their seats, shortly testing their instruments, namely Sakurada at the piano and the Konno Hitoshi Strings… at the strings. Sakurada started by playing a short solo and Kalafina entered the stage in their super pretty white dresses (especially Hikaru looked great!). At this point, I want to mention (which of course you already know) that all songs were in acoustic version. With no big surprise, Kalafina started the special live with “storia”, which sounds quite different without drums and so on. I have heard this song so often by now that it doesn’t really impress me anymore, but this version really got it right and the Cello – aaah, so cool. Those who read my Live Report of the 9+ONE concert in Kitakyushu know that I found the acoustics in the hall very strange sometimes and often the girls drowned out each other, with Wakana often being uncomfortably loud – this wasn’t the case AT ALL in Nikkô. Maybe because of the trees that carried the echo better than an enclosed room, but the acoustics/the sound were great! You could hear each girl and the instruments perfectly without them interfering with each other. This fact made this concert especially memorable, in my opinion.
Anyway, “storia” was a beautiful introduction, while “Mirai” made me feel… well, the feeling you feel when you hear “Mirai”. The stage was illuminated in purple light and gave it a mysterious touch, quite the contrast to the song which is rather bright but not any less disappointing. But I admit, in acoustic version this song gets cooler and the Strings were again killing it (I apologize, but I might use this phrase more often from now on – because these dudes REALLY killed it with their super string power). Kalafina moved around a bit, going from one side of the stage to another, with happy faces and creating a happy mood. Especially Keiko felt the groove and swung around during the instrumental parts. Since there were no upbeat songs played this time, the crowd sat still the whole time, so I felt quite cold at this point.
MC #1 included the traditional introduction of Kalafina. They talked about how this was their first special concert of this kind and their first time in Nikkô/Tochigi prefecture in general. They didn’t fail to emphasize again and again how special the atmosphere and how beautiful sceneries that they have seen were. 
Kalafina continued with “fairytale”, with an absolute stunning beginning by the strings. It is very hard for me to describe the way they played, so I am sorry for that (but no words can convey the actual awesomeness). Well, you know the acoustic version from the Winter Acoustic Album – it was like this, but somehow better. Wakana was simply amazing! She sang perfectly (the whole time actually) and this song in this environment! They chose this one for this very reason, as they said earlier themselves. Keiko’s part on the other hand, was a perfect contrast to Wakana’s. Keiko was deep and emotional, with the Kajiurago bridge in the middle being simply amazing. Hikaru’s “sayonara” was short and cute, but I wish she would/could have done it like in the Red Moon Live back then… Again, the scenery. They illuminated the pagoda and the trees in the background again, adding to the mysterious atmosphere created by “fairytale”. In the final instrumental part, Kalafina moved slowly around, looking for invisible fairies.
The next song was “Manten” – I haven’t heard this song in such a long time that I had actually trouble to recognize it immediately. It was a whole different mood than before, much more dramatic, as the girls were illuminated from behind. Keiko killed her parts while the quartet did their best too. Best thing: the fog machine lol
Kalafina continued with “symphonia”, while being illuminated in red and orange. They really had some fun on stage, another great performance and interestingly different without the drums. Also at this point, it was getting colder and colder.
During MC #2, Wakana talked again about their first time here at Tôshôgû, with its beautiful nature and how people must have lived and felt here 400 years ago. I admit that I did not understand everything during their MCs, as they were talking rather quickly, almost rushing and using some bullshit keigo (Japanese polite form).
Now comes the highlight of the whole concert, at least for me: “Hyakka Ryouran”. OH MY FUCKING GOD. I can’t possibly explain this piece of acoustic gloriousness. During the instrumental beginning the whole stage was covered in deep red (well, no surprise), but when Keiko started it became so much sadder! Dear god, take away the e-guitar and drums from that song and you have a melancholic ballad. Keiko was just perfect. Then the lights changed to blue, with the chorus being suddenly much more dramatic than anime-like as in the original version. But now – the part that gave me literal goosebumps – Wakana’s kajiurago bridge. This goddamn bridge. It’s already beautiful in the original, it’s mysterious and adds well to the mood of the song. In this acoustic version, coming from a loud, rather fast and dramatic chorus, suddenly the singing pace became much slower and Wakana sang in such a sad, emotional way! Just this sudden transition from fast to slow was amazing, but Wakana made me feel actual pain. And then Hikaru – BOOM! She almost exploded with her part, singing louder and stronger compared to Wakana and the music gained speed and drama again, surrounded by red light again. It was a perfect harmony and seriously, this acoustic version of “Hyakka Ryouran” is much better than the original! Please God, make them sing it in the Acoustic Tour, too!
From this awesomeness, it went on with “Tombo”. Again, Keiko fooled me by saying “bla bla we want to sing another song from our most recent single................. Tombo”. Not “Kantankatan”. In fact, they got my hopes so high only to crush them AGAIN, I had to create a meme about my feelings at that very moment.
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Seriously, what does a fan have to do hear this “Kantankatan” bitch live? JUST WHAT?!
ANYWAY. “Tombo” came with no suprise though, as it is a perfect song for an acoustic concert. Still, coming from “Hyakka Ryouran”, it felt quite strange, but during its performance the only things that were illuminated were the five-story pagoda in the background and the girls. Very very beautiful (you kind of get the picture from the photos of the news articles and the Kalafina blog posts). Well, and the performance was very nice.
Next song on the setlist was “far on the water”. As predicted, Kalafina would go with their “Rekishi Hiwa Historia” songs and the later “Into the World” wasn’t a surprise either. After rather sad songs, it was nice to have more fun and happiness on stage again. The girls were swinging and moving slowly, often looking past the audience into the future. Now, as I said, it was getting colder and colder and at this point, it was fucking freezing. I was shivering, but was too focused on the concert to use the damn kairo. Here I openly felt envious of all the rich bastards who bought the Kalablanket - it looked so comfy and warm T_T
During MC #3, Hikaru emphazised this cold weather more than clearly. She started rubbing her arms and legs and told us to do the same, making us laugh. I felt so sorry for them, because they didn’t really move during the concert and in those thin dresses, it must have been worse for them than for the audience. However, this provided us with the probably cutest WaKei moment in Kalafina history. Keiko ran to Wakana and hugged her strongly and long, like a child its mother that doesn’t want to be left in kindergarden, to warm herself. THEY WERE SO CUTE!!! And I could literally smell what almost everyone was thinking at this moment: “Let go of Wakana, Keiko. Let go and hug me”.
For the next block, Hikaru told us that they wanted to sing songs that convey a strong wills and desires. So the next one was “sandpiper”. SANDPIPER!!! FUCKING SAN--2§$%AIOSJKDNDFBP??DGJXGFFG!! I actually gasped (quite loudly xD), because I couldn’t believe it and I was like “fucking yes yes YES!”. I love “sandpiper” and wanted to hear it live for so long now, but certainly never expected it. I actually thought they forgot about this song lol This version was certainly dramatic, with a very dominant Cello, which only added to the drama, sadness and melancholy. Hikaru’s expressions were on point as ever. During the instrumental bridge, the surrounding trees were brightly illuminated while Kalafina were looking at them, simply beautiful. Wakana’s small part during the stanzas was not as strong as in the original (in the “After Eden” Live she is almost screaming, as you know), she was softer and quieter, giving Hikaru and Keiko the chance to really shine in their parts. The very last notes were played by the Piano and Cello only, boy this dudes killed it.
The following song was quite the surprise for me, as “Magia” wasn’t exactly a song I’d expect during an acoustic concert. I was like “What? Magia? Is that Magia?”. Which is why it was very strange to listen to, because it suddenly sounded… happier? Nicer? It’s very hard to describe xD When the chorus started, it gained its usual fierceness and strength again and the staff played a lot with the spotlights. I found it a bit sad though, that the girls did not move on stage at all. Hikaru made it up with her voice nevertheless, as she was singing very strongly and loudly, also more clipped, emphasizing every syllable. However, she appeared to have trouble with the “negai”s, as they sounded a bit forced and “out of breath”. However, during the second (or was it the last one?) chorus, I am 98% sure that either Keiko or Hikaru actually got the lyrics wrong! The last line of the second chorus is “kokoro ni furikazasu negai”, while for the last chorus it’s “inochi wo tsukuru no wa negai”. What (I think) happened is that either Keiko or Hikari mixed up “kokoro” and “inochi”, because in that short moment you could hear that it was not the same word being sung. Like I said, I am not completely sure (would love to hear from someone else who was there, whether it happened or not), but if so, then I guess even professionals like Kalafina aren’t safe from lyrics mix-up, right? It wasn’t a bad thing though. What I noticed too, was the missing of the “yeah hey hey” part at the beginning, middle and end.
From “Magia” it continued with “Gogatsu no Mahou”, certainly a song that makes a very nice acoustic version. At this point, I need to critizise Kalafina (yes, it wouldn’t be an original Chiba report if there wasn’t some needless nitpicking). I love “Gogatsu no Mahou”, loved it in “far on the water”, loved it during the 9+ONE concert, so that’s not the point – but dear Kalafina or whoever is responsible for choosing setlists: you chose “Gogatsu no Mahou” OVER “Kugatsu”? I mean, we had the end of September (it was vanishing!!) and the moon was barely visible due to the trees! Even the damn lyrics fit perfectly into the setting and you go with “Gogatsu no Mahou” instead?!
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However. Wakana was beautiful as always in that song, while Keiko was dancing again slowly between the musicians during the instrumental parts (almost hippie-like, especially in that dress xD). Maybe I got it wrong, but I felt this song to be faster than usual? At least sometimes.
The Cello and Piano would introduce the next song, “Yume no Daichi” in a very deep way, which again led to not even recognize the song in the beginning. As usual, great performance, great harmony, great shivering.
MC #4 was mainly about Keiko saying again how special this day is for them, followed by the band introduction. Then the audience was asked “Is everyone alright?”, because it was so cold. Everyone laughed, but my feet were totally numb, so NO KEIKO I WASN’T ALRIGHT! Before the concert, the girls were guided around Tôshôgû (see Kalafina blog) and got some energy out of it, as they wanted to experience and cherish (their own) history? Something along this lines.
Well, we were already coming to an end and Kalafina wanted to sing a strong song as the “final” one: “Into the World”, of course. Wakana was very strong here and their harmony was again spotless. Keiko actually moved her arms and body a lot, while the very last line was a bit off-key for my sensitive ears. They traditionally fake-ended the event. While we waited for them to return, I honestly thought “Just get your drink and return, IT’S COLD AND YOU KNOW IT! COME ON, LADIES, GO GO GO!”. It was really cold <_<
For the Encore, Keiko said herself that they will hurry know, as everyone needs to return and catch the train, too. Well, Nikkô isn’t exactly a traffic junction, with the JR train for Utsunomiya (where the Shinkansen is) only going once an hour, so basically everyone needed to return via this very connection, unless they came here with car. Tôshôgû isn’t near JR station, so even an extra shuttle bus was prepared, as the normal busses were not operating anymore, either.
So they sang the last song, “Yasashii Uta”, having all the nice people and places they have met and seen during this occasion in mind. I admit, I never listen to that song, though I don’t particularly dislike it, so I was like “Eh, ok? Great”. For the final act, the pagoda and all the trees behind, left and right of the stage were brightly illuminated (this is the part where probably all the photos for the news coverage were taken, as you could hear the clicking of the cameras quite loudly XD). It was an amazing experience, with the starry sky and this particular song. The atmosphere was cheerful and Kalafina succeeded to convey happy emotions. Keiko hit those high notes like a pro, and it made a great final performance. At the end, they took a bow, waved and thanked everyone, hurrying from one side to another, shouting “Hurry, hurry!”. Keiko and Wakana left the stage, Hikaru slowly followed, waving (so cute xD). Then everyone proceeded to take photos of the stage, as the background was still illuminated and left the area, towards the shuttle busses and towards home.
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And that’s it, that was the special commemoration concert in Nikkô. Here are some final thoughts:
1. Unlike during the 9+ONE concert, Kalafina had a perfect harmony with some song surprises, the musicians did a fantastic job in arranging rather upbeat songs into beautiful acoustic versions and conveying this awesomeness at such an impressive set. It was my first acoustic concert of Kalafina, but still I say it was one of their best concerts in general. However, it was very short (it only lasted about 1 hour and 15 minutes), I wish it had been longer (since it wasn’t cheap to get there, either).
2. I wish they would have interacted with the fans a bit more. They had a time limit, but they also made this quite obvious, as they seemed to rush through the whole thing.
3. I love how they sung without any technical help, it terms of pre-recorded parts mixed into the live singing, as it is the case during the normal concerts. So, all the kajiurago bridges were sung by them and arranged accordingly and it made the songs so much more beautiful.
5. NO HIKARI FURU!! They did all these illuminations and stuff! I mean, IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES! GAAARGH!
6. Here’s a list with all the songs I would have loved to hear as acoustic version instead of “Mirai”: “Kugatsu”, “Usumurasaki” (they could have done so much with the lighting too T_T), “Oblivious”, “Red Moon”, “Seventh Heaven”, “Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaeteyuku”, or any other song than “Mirai”. They really HAVE to do at least one shitty song at each concert. [/bitchy complaint mode off]
Thank you for reading my long report, I hope you liked it! If you find any mistakes regarding the content, have anything to add or questions, feel free to comment! (Any grammar mistakes you can keep as usual). My next Kalafina Live Report will be about the Acoustic Tour concert in Zama in November :)
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putschki1969 · 7 years
Kalafina Club 2017/09/19
Note: Here’s a summary for yesterday’s episode. It was recorded during their special 「Hyakka Ryouran」 launch event at the Tokyo venue. This won’t be a super detailed translation or anything. I guess you could consider it a summary but hey, you know me, my summaries usually tend to be quite detailed XD As always be aware that my listening comprehension sucks so take everything you see here with a pinch of salt.
Let’s get right to it 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Episode #372
Day Duty: Keiko
Song: 夏の林檎 (Natsu no Ringo) by Kalafina
Lyrics 踊る三日月真夏の夜は A dancing crescent moon on a midsummer night 夢見る恋を連れて来る Brings to us the love of our dreams 檸檬色した星を数えて  Counting the lemon-coloured stars 君の心にキスをする I lay a kiss upon your heart 笛の音が君をさらってく The sound of a flute sweeps you away 風の中 やがて来る秋へ In the wind, towards the autumn that’ll come before long
Ahhhhh! This was super gorgeous!!! Everyone is clapping, Wakana says she was super nervous during her solo part and Keiko tells her she did great. Next up is a round of “natsu/summer Janken” and surprise-surprise, Keiko is the winner. Keiko explains that they are doing a public recording during their 「Hyakka Ryouran」 launch event at the Tokyo venue (Sep 10). They are excited to make this episode together with the audience. Keiko explains that this is her first time winning during a public recording, she is very proud she was able to beat Hikaru-senpai XD
Hyakka Ryouran
Keiko says that the other day they officially finished their “9+ONE” tour. Then she corrects herself, saying that it’s actually been a while since their final concert so she shouldn’t be saying “the other day” XD Since they have an audience today she thinks it will be nice to talk about tour impressions together. Keiko invites the members of the audience to aks questions, to state their opinions etc. There’s this one fan who speaks up, Keiko kindly asks him to introduce himself with his “clubname/nickname”. It’s really cute how the girls are trying to say his name correctly. Either way, he says that he has attended a lot of their lives but he particularly enjoyed attending the concerts in Toyama and Kitakyushu since they took place in Hikaru’s and Wakana’s home prefectures. He seems to be a bit shy and stumbles on his words, Wakana thinks that’s super cute. Keiko agrees that their “triumphal return” performances in Toyama and Fukuoka are always the best thing! They always leave a lasting impression and there’s always a special warmth readiating from the audience. Watching the other two during these performances is always a great joy for Keiko. She feels like it is a special present every time the audience comes to see them at their home coming performances. She then asks how it was for Hikaru to perform in her home town. Hikaru says it was amazing how the audience was super loud, it’s always a special moment for her to hold a live in Toyama. They wrap up this section by once again stating that their lives in Fukuoka and Toyama are always awesome.
Next up it’s Hikaru’s turn to talk with a member of the audience.The fan introduces himself and then Hikaru asks him which lives he attended. He pretty much attended all the lives in the Tokyo area (Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa). Hikaru is totally impressed and thanks him for his continuous support. She then wants to know if there was anything that left a lasting impression during all these lives. The fan says he loved their “Samidare Sugita Koro ni” performance and its intro during each and every concert. Then he adds that he really found the stage design in the back very impressive, the one with the huge figures made of fabric from their previous outfits . Hikaru is super happy to hear that, She talks passionately about them, how they represent their outfits from the past nine years, how they are super huge. They didn’t know what the final results would look like and they were actually quite worries whether or not fans would like it. Hikaru was super curious to read the audience’s reactions in the questionnaires. Turns out there was no need to worry, everyone loved those thingies, they turned out real pretty. It’s cute how Keiko says “大丈夫で~す/Daijoubu de~su!” here! They had a ton of fun going through all their past dresses to pic fabric for the stage sets. Then Hikaru goes on to explain how there were prominent colours like black and white of course but surprisingly when it came to their individual outfits, some particular colours kept reappearing. For Wakana it was yellow/green, for Keiko it was red/pink, for Hikaru it was blue/purple. They think it’s interesting how their uniqueness kinda shines through with those different colours but still, the colours end up fitting together nicely. All in all, it makes Hikaru very happy that the fan really liked that aspect of their show. That’s a wrap for this section.  
After the song they decide to play a special game called 「Aim! Only One」 which is limited to their public recordings. It sounds like they have played it before but I don’t really know since I haven’t really listened to their previous public recording.
One of the girls is supposed to ask a casual question regarding the year/the holidays/etc and whoever gets to answer that questions may talk to the girls in a casual manner about whatever that question was about. Keiko tells Wakana to ask a question.
Unsurprisingly, Wakana starts like she starts every casual conversation => “You know I love sharks.” XD This summer she went to the aquarium about four times so her question to determine a winner for this game is => “Is there anyone who went to the aquarium more than three times this summer?”...There is no one. LOL Fail XD Wakana is all like, “Well, you still have some time left this year to reach this goal!” Change of question => “Is there anyone who went to the aquarium more than twice this summer?” And BANZAI! There is one person! Wakana is excited! Keiko congratulates the woman on being the “Only One!” and then all three girls say it together, “CONGRATS, ONLY ONE!!!”
Seems like the woman is pretty shy and embarrassed. Wa asks her to which aquariums she went. She names three and Wa is like, “Ah, the last one has super cute penguins!!” The fan agrees! Then Wakana talks a little bit about her experiences at the aquariums. How she went to the Shinagawa twice, one time together with Keiko in order to shoot for their fan club event. Then of course she went to the one in Fukuoka which she talked about in one of her previous blog posts. Lastly, she went to the one in Shin Enoshima. But hey, there’s still a lot of time left this year so she will definitely go a few more times to the aquarium. “Let’s all work harder to achieve this goal!” XD Then Wakana realised that she forgot to ask for a name and the fan introduces herself. Wakana thanks her for the little talk, “I hope you will continue to enjoy yourself at the aquarium many more times this year!”
Kantan Katan
Keiko once again says that this is a public recording and they very much enjoyed communincating with their fans during this short time. It feels very precious to spend these special moments together. Even Hikaru got to talk a little ^_^ To finish off, Keiko asks the audience to say their usual “KAISAN” together with them. AND that’s a wrap for this episode. Next week’s episode is gonna be the public recording from their Osaka venue.
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rukakikuchi · 7 years
Bara no Toge playlist
Just thought of making a collection of songs that I feel can reflect and tell the story of Bara no Toge. Whether it be events or character’s emotions, I just made a list of songs I feel fit the overall tone and image for the series.
00.) Kagayaku sora no Shijima ni wa - Kalafina (Lyrics)
For me, this song acts like a prologue to the whole story. Not only does it feel like the song is about to introduce us to somewhat of a dark fairytale, but I can also imagine this being a song that Shizuku would sing at Himeno’s funeral after her death.
01.) Sekai ga Naiteru Nara - SKE48 (Lyrics)
Kinda goes without saying; this is the theme song of Bara no Toge.
02.) TWO ROSES - SKE48 (WMatsui) (Lyrics)
You know why.
02.5.) Futatsu no Koudo to Akai Tsumi or Rondo - ON/OFF (Lyrics to both here)
I dunno, somehow I just think these songs both fit in this story well. Maybe it’s just cuz they were both openings for Vampire Knight.
03.) In the land of twilight, under the moon - fictionjunction live variation
I just think it sounds cool.
04.) Kin no Ai, Gin no Ai - SKE48 (Lyrics)
I dunno, I can somewhat see the Cattleya class singing this.
05.) Ame no Pianist - SKE48 (Lyrics) or 10 Krone to Pan - AKB48 (Lyrics)
I can imagine Uta singing and dancing while Onpu is playing piano for her.
06.) Red Moon - Kalafina (Lyrics)
This could be sung by Kou, Mizuki, (maybe) Shizuku, and even Kiba, reminiscing about the past and the tragedy that befell 18 years ago.
07.) Tsuyogari Tokei - SKE48 (Lyrics)
Whenever I hear this song or watch the girls perform it live, the emotion that is always conveyed is heartbreaking despair. I can easily see Shizuku singing this during her mental breakdown in Chapter 8, as she begs and pleads for time to stop as the guilt toward Sumire unintentionally dying because of her and the heartbreak over Himeno’s death consumes her.
08.) Monochrome - Matsui Jurina original (Lyrics)
I already mentioned this, but I really connect this song with Shizuku. Any time I hear it, I immediately think of Shizuku singing about her growing feelings toward Yuri.
09.) Kataomoi Finally - SKE48 (Lyrics)
Is it weird that I can imagine this taking place during the Winter Ball?
I mean, it can reflect on both Shizuku x Yuri and Ruka x Nami.
09.5.) Kareha no Station - Furumarion Saxophone x Piano Duet variation
Come on, I had to put this here, it was such a great scene to image out.
10.) Magia - Kalafina (Lyrics)
I can imagine Kiba, Erena, and Yami singing this as the spell that awakens Sumire to possess Kureha.
10.5) Suna no Oshiro or Still Doll - Kanon Wakeshima (Lyrics here and here)
I can imagine Sumire singing either of these.
11.) Kimi no Gin no Niwa - Kalafina (Lyrics)
Again, with this story being somewhat of a fairytale, this song has a child-like innocence with dark undertones behind the cheerful melody. In my mind, this is a song that the young Himeno, Shizuku, and Sumire could sing when Yuri has her flashback dream about them, as well as becoming somewhat wrapped up from the children’s imagination that’s returning to her memories.
12.) Hikarifuru - Kalafina (Lyrics)
This is a heavenly song, whenever I hear it, an image that often comes to my head is Yuri and Shizuku dancing together, happy. So imagine, in the final moments of Yuri’s dream, after finally remembering the tragedy of her past life’s death, the Three Mothers sing this song, Shizuku appears to comfort her and they dance in pure light. Beautiful, right?
13.) Hanamori no Oka - fictionjunction (Video)
I can see this song portrayed two different ways. One could be Yuri and Shizuku singing to Sumire’s spirit for forgiveness, or a duet between Aya and Kureha.
14/15.) To The Beginning or Sprinter - Both by Kalafina (Lyrics here and here)
Honestly, either of these songs would be perfect for the end of the story. They’re both hopeful and triumphant.
If there’s any song that you would put in this list, reblog and let me know. ;)
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seasonreaper · 8 years
Tumblr media
Unrelated photo as per usual. Gonna redo this as the questions are different and eh, because I can.
Kalafina 27 Week Challenge - Week One: First Impressions?
I didn’t get into them until 2010, but that’s partly because I didn’t even get into anime or anything else like that until 2008 as it was with the exception of a few video games here and there. I didn’t really bother paying much attention to the openings or endings of series for quite a while either, as it wasn’t really what I was into (I listened to a lot of rock and metal and not much else. I still do, but it was almost exclusively those genres back then). I remember watching Petit Cossette back in 2009 and thinking ‘damn, this soundtrack is really good’ and tried to find it for a while, had no luck, and kinda set it in the back of my mind, so I guess I missed out on a chance of finding Kajiura and Kalafina back then. 
Around the same time I heard Re-Sublimity by Kotoko and that clicked with me, it was the one song that made me pay attention to Japanese music. Went from there and mostly looked into I’ve Sound artistes, namely Eiko Shimamiya, Mell, Kotoko and Mami Kawada, but other than a few select songs didn’t go much outside that. Forward to late October 2010 and I was watching a bunch of anime with some friends whilst I was at University, and we were watching Kuroshitsuji amongst other things. It was an alright show, but I liked the music. Problem was that we were on a strict schedule and tended to skip over the endings for the shows we were watching, the few moments of Lacrimosa that played before we switched show intrigued me however so I looked into it, grabbed a download for the song and gave it a listen. 
And I really liked it. At that point I assumed that Kalafina would just become another artist that I liked alongside some of the others, I’m regularly finding music that I like and adding it to my collection, so it’s pretty common. Shortly after that I downloaded their other anime themes and enjoyed most of them quite a bit, listening to them now and then. Eventually I started to illegally download albums by the artists I’d liked and that included Seventh Heaven and Red Moon. Listening through Red Moon for the first time, especially that title track, was a hell of an experience. I think I remember hearing that final crescendo at the end of that track and going ‘holy shit’ and realised I’d stumbled upon something pretty awesome. Wakana’s gorgeous voice, Keiko’s deep, sultry tones and Hikaru’s unique vocals all captured my attention as I listened through those first two albums, on top of the variety of intriguing music available within their discography. I’ve always liked strings in music, so Kalafina had that advantage over me already. Despite the amount of Kalafina stuff I have now, I didn’t actually *buy* anything (the one exception being my Red Moon shirt) related to them until late 2012 I think it was? Yeah, it took a while. Now they own my bank account :>.
So yeah, by the end of October 2010 I’d already fallen for Kalafina, but I wasn’t really prepared for how far I’d fall. Coincidentally when I saw them in Japan it was almost exactly five years after I first heard them, so that was a pretty sweet anniversary present I guess.
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