#recurrent miscarriage
lavenderparadise · 3 months
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after 5.5 years of infertility & 3 losses, we're so excited to announce our triple rainbow baby is due in october!! so many long sleepless nights wondering why me, why did i lose 3 of my babies? why can't i get pregnant again? we got to see our little bean jumping around like crazy, all their fingers and toes formed 🥹 i'm so in love & can't wait to be a mama 💛🌈
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letsmakebelieve · 1 year
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18th April 23
Heaven gained another soul. I gained another guardian angel.
I've experienced a second pregnancy loss witn 3 months. The emotions are overwhelming but I'm taking each breath slowly. Hoping to find patience in this process.
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Recurrent Miscarriage: Treatment & Diagnosis
Miscarriage, which is the spontaneous loss of pregnancy before the 20th week, is a common occurrence in pregnancy. It is estimated that 10-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and most occur during the first trimester. However, when a woman has experienced two or more consecutive miscarriages, it is known as recurrent miscarriage. Recurrent miscarriage affects approximately 1% of couples trying to conceive and can cause significant emotional distress.
Diagnosis of Recurrent Miscarriage
The diagnosis of recurrent miscarriage is typically made after two or more consecutive pregnancy losses. However, the underlying cause of recurrent miscarriage can be difficult to determine. In most cases, a thorough evaluation of both partners is necessary to identify any potential factors that may be contributing to recurrent miscarriage.
Some of the tests that may be performed include:
Chromosome analysis: Chromosome analysis is a blood test that looks for abnormalities in the chromosomes of both partners.
Hormone testing: Hormone testing is a blood test that evaluates the levels of various hormones in the body, including progesterone, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH).
Ultrasound: An ultrasound can be used to look for any abnormalities in the uterus or ovaries that may be contributing to recurrent miscarriage.
Hysteroscopy: Hysteroscopy is a procedure in which a small camera is inserted through the cervix to look at the inside of the uterus. This can help identify any structural abnormalities that may be contributing to recurrent miscarriage.
Antiphospholipid antibody testing: Antiphospholipid antibody testing is a blood test that looks for antibodies that can cause blood clots and may be contributing to recurrent miscarriage.
Treatment of Recurrent Miscarriage
The treatment of recurrent miscarriage will depend on the underlying cause. In some cases, no underlying cause can be identified, and the treatment will focus on supportive care and monitoring during future pregnancies.
Some of the treatments that may be recommended include:
Progesterone supplementation: Progesterone is a hormone that is important for maintaining a healthy pregnancy. In some cases, progesterone supplementation may be recommended to help prevent miscarriage.
Surgery: If structural abnormalities are identified, surgery may be recommended to correct them.
Anticoagulant therapy: If antiphospholipid antibodies are identified, anticoagulant therapy may be recommended to help prevent blood clots that can cause miscarriage.
In vitro fertilization (IVF): In some cases, IVF may be recommended to help identify embryos that are more likely to result in a successful pregnancy.
Counseling and emotional support: Recurrent miscarriage can be emotionally challenging. Counselling and emotional support may be recommended to help couples cope with the stress and anxiety associated with recurrent miscarriage.
In conclusion, recurrent miscarriage can be a devastating experience for couples trying to conceive. The diagnosis and treatment of recurrent miscarriage can be complex and require a thorough evaluation of both partners. However, with proper IVF diagnosis and treatment, many couples are able to go on to have successful pregnancies.
Source: https://www.drshivanisachdevgour.co.in/recurrent-miscarriage-treatment-diagnosis/  
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katakaluptastrophy · 10 months
Periodically, I remember how absolutely fucked up the necromancers in TLT are meant to look. Like, necromancy does an absolute number on people physically.
Harrow is "rather small and feeble".
Necromantic Ianthe is "the starved shadow" of her non-necromantic twin.
Our first description of Palamedes is "a rangy, underfed young man" who is "gaunt".
Silas is "knife-faced...He had a necromancer build."
Ianthe parodies make-over scenes in House novels with "if the hero’s a necromancer it’ll be described like, ‘His frailty made his unearthly handsomeness all the more ephemeral'"
Jod acknowledges to Wake that even small children with aptitude would look odd to non-House eyes: "“I have access to any number of cute pictures of necromantic toddlers with their first bone. They don’t make for fat-cheeked roly-poly babies, but they’ve got a certain something."
In As Yet Unsent, Judith brags about her previous physical fitness: "I could run a kilometre in ten minutes, which was among the fastest for my adept group in the junior reserves." Which is about double the time you might expect for a physically fit woman her age.
In non-necromancer-friendly New Rho, Harrow's body is mistaken for a child's and has to be explained as a result of starvation and trauma to seem plausible: "Pyrrha explained without missing a beat that what with everything Nona had gone through she had been ill and still didn’t eat very much, which was why she was so knobbly and undergrown. The nice lady said that yes, many of the children had problems like that, but it was still hard to imagine Nona was anywhere over fourteen, wasn’t it?"
Tamsyn Muir's descriptions of the Canaan House gang on Tumblr back this up: "Judith is somewhat less completely scrawny than other necromancers on the cast, though she should be less built than Marta is", Palamedes is "seriously underfed" and "bony", Harrow is "scrawny".
And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head - I'm sure there's more.
Anyway, necromancers aren't slender in a conventionally attractive way, they're gaunt in a concerning way...and probably the only reason no one instantly clocked that Coronabeth wasn't a necromancer was because they all just thought it was par for the course that a Third House princess would have had a lot of plastic surgery flesh magic.
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eva-ivf · 2 years
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joellesolo · 1 year
TW: miscarriage.
Today is the four year anniversary of finding out the baby I had been carrying for sixteen weeks was no longer alive, and hadn’t been for about three weeks (even though I was still having all the pregnancy symptoms).
Even though I’ve since had my double rainbow baby, I still struggle with this day. My mom told me to ‘turn it into something positive’ which is absolute bullshit. Just let me grieve, jesus. I’m allowed to be sad.
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orthopoogle · 2 years
Anyways, if you have a miscarriage, that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something “wrong” with you or your body. Most miscarriages are statistically one-off events that aren’t repeated in future pregnancies, and the vast majority of mothers who suffer from miscarriages go on to have successful pregnancies in the future with no trouble.
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misbehavinguterus · 29 days
My Fifth Miscarriage
“Right now I am day 6 post loss 5. I am drinking prosecco and eating popcorn and writing a blog that I will probably never post.I knew i lost it as soon as I looked in the toilet. I had bled the night before and it was bright red. Not the transparent bloody discharge and spotting that’s normal in early pregnancy, but red like a rose and the color of hell. I told myself it was ok, because I had…
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sciivfhospitaldelhi · 2 months
When Should I See a Fertility Specialist?
Struggling to conceive can be an emotionally and physically taxing journey for many couples. Understanding when to seek help is crucial to managing and overcoming fertility issues. If you find yourself in this situation, consulting a fertility specialist may be a significant step forward. Here is a guide on when you should consider seeing a fertility expert, and how to find the best options available, especially in a bustling city like Delhi.
Recognizing the Right Time to Seek Help
Age Factors:
Women Under 35: If you have been trying to conceive for over a year without success, it might be time to see a specialist.
Women Over 35: It is advisable to seek help after six months of trying, as fertility naturally declines with age.
Irregular Menstrual Cycles:
Consistently irregular or absent menstrual cycles can indicate ovulation issues, a common cause of infertility.
Medical Conditions:
Conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, or thyroid problems can affect fertility. Early consultation with a specialist can help manage these conditions effectively.
Male Factor Infertility:
If there are known issues with sperm count, motility, or morphology, seeking specialist advice is crucial. Male infertility contributes to about 40-50% of all infertility cases.
Recurrent Miscarriages:
Experiencing multiple miscarriages is a strong indicator that you should consult with a fertility specialist to identify any underlying issues.
Finding the Best IVF Doctor in Delhi
Delhi, being a major medical hub, offers numerous options for fertility treatments. However, choosing the right specialist and clinic is paramount for a successful outcome.
Research and Recommendations:
Start by researching the best IVF doctors in Delhi. Look for doctors with high success rates, good patient reviews, and those who are known for their expertise and compassionate care.
Visit Leading Clinics:
SCI IVF Hospital in Delhi: Renowned for its advanced technology and personalized care, SCI IVF Hospital is one of the top choices for many couples. Their team of experienced doctors and embryologists work together to provide the best possible outcomes.
What to Expect at an IVF Clinic in Delhi
When you visit an IVF clinic in Delhi, such as SCI IVF Hospital, here are some steps you can expect:
Initial Consultation:
During your first visit, the specialist will review your medical history, conduct necessary tests, and discuss potential treatment options.
Customized Treatment Plan:
Based on the initial assessment, a personalized treatment plan will be created. This plan may include medications, lifestyle changes, or advanced fertility treatments like IVF.
Support and Counseling:
Fertility treatments can be emotionally challenging. Leading clinics like SCI IVF provide counseling services to support you through the process.
Advanced Treatments:
Clinics in Delhi are equipped with the latest technology for treatments such as IVF, ICSI, and genetic testing, ensuring high standards of care and better success rates.
Conclusion Deciding to see a fertility specialist is a significant step. If you have been struggling to conceive, experiencing irregular cycles, or dealing with medical conditions that affect fertility, it may be time to seek professional help. In Delhi, excellent options like SCI IVF Hospital offer advanced treatments and compassionate care, helping you navigate this challenging journey with confidence. Take the time to research and find the best IVF doctor in Delhi to ensure you receive the highest quality of care on your path to parenthood.
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aurawomen · 2 months
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priyaarorra · 3 months
Repeated Miscarriages: Insights and Support
For individuals impacted, experiencing recurrent miscarriages can be emotionally and physically taxing. To help you comprehend this complicated illness, this article explores the potential reasons, which include uterine anomalies, hereditary factors, and hormone imbalances. Learn from professionals in the field of medicine about testing, diagnosis, and possible treatments. Examining the reasons behind recurrent miscarriages will help you make wise decisions on your path to a fruitful pregnancy.
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lavenderparadise · 10 months
time for our first medicated cycle! 100mg clomid. wish us luck🌈👼🏻
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Recurrent Miscarriages | Recurrent pregnancy loss management - Mothertobe
Discover effective management strategies for recurrent miscarriages and Recurrent pregnancy loss management at MotherToBe. As a leading fertility clinic, we specialize in providing compassionate care and personalized treatment plans to support individuals and couples facing this challenging journey.
At MotherToBe, we understand the emotional and physical toll of recurrent miscarriages and recurrent pregnancy loss. Our experienced team of fertility specialists conducts thorough evaluations to identify potential underlying causes and develop customized management strategies tailored to each patient's unique needs.
Through advanced diagnostic testing and innovative treatment approaches, we aim to optimize the chances of a successful pregnancy and reduce the risk of future miscarriages. Whether it's addressing hormonal imbalances, genetic factors, or uterine abnormalities, we work closely with our patients to provide comprehensive care and support.
Our compassionate team is here to provide guidance, support, and empathy throughout the entire process, helping you navigate the complexities of recurrent pregnancy loss with understanding and compassion. We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about their care.
If you're experiencing recurrent miscarriages or recurrent pregnancy loss, trust MotherToBe to provide expert management and support. Schedule a consultation with us today to explore your options and take the next step towards achieving a successful pregnancy. At MotherToBe, we're dedicated to helping you build your family with hope and resilience.
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shubhragoyal · 5 months
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Explore the meaning of high-risk pregnancy. Understand the factors and care needed for a healthy pregnancy journey. Learn about High Risk Pregnancy.
Do Read: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/introduction-to-high-risk-pregnancy--what-does-it-mean
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drpallabroy · 9 months
Know about the common reasons for recurrent miscarriages, with expert insights from gynaecologist doctor in Behala
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wellhealthhub · 11 months
What are the 10 side effects of metformin?
Delve into the comprehensive guide about the 10 potential side effects of metformin, a commonly prescribed medication for managing type 2 diabetes. Learn about the nuances, management strategies, and precautions associated with these effects. Introduction: Your Companion in Diabetes Management Metformin: a steadfast ally in the realm of type 2 diabetes treatment. Understanding its potential…
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