#record of ragnarok zero
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kelolololol · 2 years ago
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hankiki · 4 months ago
At first I was too focused on all the torture instruments on Loki's drawing to realize~ that it was the pumpkin that Buddha wore last year.
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togetherhearted · 1 month ago
February's the month of love and here I am,for a fluff special.
MAX 2 characters
Choose 1/2 prompts [depends if you'd like to use the same prompt for 2 characters or not] from this lists.
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Please only send the requests for the special so I can organize myself better.
You can send requests till Feb 1.
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animeyanderelover · 10 months ago
I'll let you vote now for what you would like to see me write about in the future from the suggestions I have received. The two most voted shows will be added and I'll post Hc's for them along the lines as a special gift for my 7k followers. Some of the shows suggested aren't here, either because I actually already watched that show but aren't sure if people would be interested in me writing for it or because from first glance I'm not sure if I would like writing for the characters within that show.
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marvel-and-dc-geek · 2 years ago
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Official art
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gabbyp09 · 2 years ago
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discodreaming · 1 year ago
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15krixa15 · 4 months ago
I realized I never posted this...
Here's the ror oc with the help of Gaia online (lmao) her name is yuuka 💜
So far
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•bought from slave traders (stolen for being "exotic")
•Was a servant
•Was close to siddhartha and Jataka from a young age (5)
•Jataka bumped her up to entertainer (think geisha) and right hand attendant to keep his friend close
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•died a few years (18) later, it broke the both of them
• then Jataka got sick and passed away
•siddhartha achieves enlightenment (from both of their passing not just Jataka's)
•was reincarnated into a small child in zerofuku's village
•parents die ash becomes his lone follower
•She stayed for years until zero spilt
•she was left alone again for a long time
•benzaiten and Bishamonten were the only ones of the 7 who cared enough to visit over the years
•wandered around for a while until she was again picked up by traders
•was "found" by Buddha after his enlightenment (he either bought or stole her she was disassociated at that time)
• stayed with him and his followers
•gets the same illness as before
•is saved by Benzaiten via some kind of ambrosia equivalent
•becomes a goddess underneath her (similar categories but not as popular)
•doesn't care to much about status but wants to be helpful
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•spends most of the time just helping out other gods
•pretty friendly with everyone
•you won't like her when she's angry
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someweirdoreblogger · 8 months ago
Zeus and Buddha hold very solitary, adequate dynamics with each other, quite interesting; for the pride in their respective authorities and personalities, there is lingering godly regard.
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kelolololol · 2 years ago
first of all i need to point out my hatered for characters like ares or goll
they dont do anything for the story, theyre just annoyning af w/ their whimopering, crying, being stoopid and ultimately USELESS
poseidon was kinda plainnn okk, the fight adam vs zeus will never be in my top three or ten but that's not much important
what makes me click in the wrong way is the fact, that the last three episodes despite being the ones i waited for the most did not live up to my expectations
one, mayyyybe two more episodes would do just amazing
i just couldnt feel the tension because of how unwell done the whole fight was
buddha was cool but zrofuku, especially the form that beelzebub made him to be, was like wasted potential
I WANTED TO SEE HES POWER IN ITS FULLEST!!!!!!! plus got given too much of cartoon-ich facial expressions so i couldnt even think much about seriousness of the fight I QWASNT EVEN THINKING MUCH OF HIM AS AN PROLLY MOST POWERFUL DEMON IN EXISTNACE!!!!!!!
it all went too fast
and some scenes w/ zerofuku's soul screaming and trying to somehow go out of the hajun's body would feel great but hey we already got zerofuku as buddha's volundr and that was cool too
now excuse me, i need to find every zero x buddha piece of art there is since they are so precious to me (the last couple minutes of buddha adoring zero were so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3333)
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15krixa15 · 4 months ago
They pinned a hat to his forehead 😭
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Hercules feat. Everyone
Azychika celebrates Halloween ( x )🎃
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melodyartist · 3 months ago
Favorite character from Greek mythology + favorite myth from Greek mythology?
It may not seem like it at all but my favorite character from Greek mythology is Heracles, in all of its iterations, (I think the Disney movie played a big role when I was a kid) but you don't see me drawing him as often as others since I still can't figure out his design. As for the myth... Well that's a hard question, I don't think I have one, but I do like the tragedies of Sophocles about Oedipus and of course Heracles by Euripides (still biased)
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Plus I will tell you that for a while I was also obsessed with Heracle from record of Ragnarok, the pure definition of an himbo, what can I say, I see a big strong man with zero thoughts and I'm in😭
(the drawing are from 2022 don't mind them too much)
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togetherhearted · 4 months ago
🌟1500 SPECIAL!!🌟
Aaaaaaaaa!! Reached the 1500 followers here!That's a huge milestone for me and I wouldn't have reached it without you! To celebrate I'll host a little special.
You can choose a prompt for a max of 2 characters
The box closes on Monday 18
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ARCANE/LOL [Skins 👍]
If you like my work and would like to support feel free to consider to leave a tip or commission me. You'll have the priority over other requests and a little free sketch!
Also,ask box always open to answer whatever ♡
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zackadadeonda · 4 months ago
Looking for moots! ✨
These are my current interests:
• Beyblade (X and Burst) • FKMT (Kaiji, Akagi, Zero, Gai) • Trolls (Dreamworks) • Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok • Hetalia • MBTI • Mouthwashing like + reblog to be moots 🌟
I forgot to add: please, READ MY BIO before you follow. No minors, please.
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11queensupreme11 · 7 months ago
I saw your post where you ranked the 7 from strongest to weakest, but my question is: in the ROR world, where does Percy fall on the rank scale? We know her abilities since they are shown in the books, but you mentioned that the ROR world gods are stronger than the PJO gods. So, I was wondering if she is still just as strong in that world as she is in her own world.
the ror gods are NOT stronger than the pjo gods (sorry if this disappoints anyone). i actually mentioned in a previous post that i had to give them major buffs because their canon selves are more like superhumans compared to the gods of pjo, and even with these buffs, they are not more powerful than the pjo gods.
so are the pjo gods stronger? nope!!!
i evened them out, slightly. some ror gods may be stronger than their pjo counterparts (cuz duh, they're ANCIENT ancient), but the most important thing are the disadvantages each side have, and the ror gods definitely have it worse
as i mentioned here:
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(retrieved from this old ask)
if both sides were to fight (greeks ror gods vs greeks pjo gods at least, cuz if i do all, the ror side would have a huge advantage of numbers and different pantheons), power level wise they'd be somewhat similar, but it all depends on which side is faster at discovering the other's weakness and EXPLOITING IT FIRST.
and imo, the ror gods' weakness is a lot easier to find. if they duke it out with zero prep and knowledge about their weaknesses, the pjo gods are gonna figure it out pretty quickly because once the first ror god dies and they don't actually reform and just stay dead?? they're gonna realize all they gotta do is kill them to get rid of them for good
now, as for your actual question about percy!!!!
percy actually ranks really really low imo. even when compared to the human fighters (and the canon ror gods too, so she especially wouldn't stand a chance against the ror gods who i gave buffs to in arsenic blues).
percy is op af in her own verse, but place her in ror verse? aw hell nah. it's the whole reason i set it in-between pjo and hoo, so she would have the curse of achilles to give her a better chance at survival because that 99% invulnerability will for sure save her ass
record of ragnarok is a seinen anime, and shonen and seinen animes have the tendency of making their anime characters weirdly strong even when doing casual, normal things. but in a fight? they're doing insane physical feats:
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(retrieved from this old ask)
humans and demigods in pjo verse won't stand a chance against the human fighters in ror verse that's for sure.
physically, percy's got nothing on the ror characters. she has superhuman strength, speed, durability, etc. that are especially buffed by the curse, but the ror characters have all that at like.... max 100 💀
what she DOES have are:
near-absolute invulnerability that protects her from even divine weapons and powers. sure she might get a bit of an owie if it's strong enough, but as long as her mortal spot remains untouched, she'll be completely unscathed
her intelligence and strategic mind. she is SCARILY good at concocting wild ass plans that strangely work, and it also helps that literally everyone in ror verse underestimates her because they either think she's stupid, or just a silly little baby
her powers. i'm talking about her hydrokinesis, atmokinesis, geokinesis, and later on, her blood manipulation (hinted very briefly in act 1, but will be explored more in act 2 👀). these are already hella powerful in canon, but she's gonna get some very very important training later on in act 2 that makes this even more powerful
percy's physically capabilities are low when compared to ror characters, but with her powers + invulnerability, she can be just as good once she gets the necessary training
(which also means she'll be even more dangerous than ever once she gets sent back to the pjo world)
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telvess · 1 year ago
Record of Ragnarok Hermes (headcanons) 🔞
It came out a little chaotic... I got lost in halfway. If I'm making any significant mistakes, feel free to tell me.
SFW That guy is like a walking enigma. He behaves elegantly and kindly, always has excellent manners, not to mention his perfect tact, but something in your gut tells you it's not entirely sincere. Don’t get me wrong, you aren’t that perceptive: Hermes letting his perfect image… loosen up a bit. It’s funny. He always says something almost innocent as if he learnt what innocence means yesterday. He likes playing these kind of sweet games where you both know he isn’t honest and you try your best to expose him. If you manage to succeed, forget about praises or any other reward. Hermes would just smile or pretend innocently how unexpected that was, eh… I believe Hermes doesn’t have his type. The only condition that really matters is if a person can intrigue him. He likes challenges or being the challenge. Get his attention and keep fuel curiosity. Doesn’t matter if you are goddess or human, he would be genuinely impressed if anyone surprise him with something. That doesn’t happen often. If he catches some sort of feelings towards someone, nobody would knows. Yes, Hermes is nosy, always knows what’s happening in others’ lives, but he’s way too clever to give even the slightest hint that something is going on in his love life. For Hermes falling in love is a game but whoever falls first - loses. So romance with him is slow burn kind. I allow the possibility of enemies-to-lovers trope. If, hypothetically, some minor pantheon feuded with Zeus and Hermes would be sent to deliver the threat so that they know their place-… I meant message with some kind of advice, he might come face to face with s/o. The conversation may not be spicy, but it won’t be nice either. Full of subtexts, small provocations and fake smiles, everything on the verge of politeness. Hermes would come back without a scratch, but it definitely didn't go as expected. If at the end both sides find some reasonable compromise, Hermes and s/o most likely would end up seeing each other more often. Maybe because of their duties, maybe because they happen to be in the right place and time. Half the time, they'll have their small banters. Usually Ares is part of them because he overheard something - in his opinion - disrespectful and he tries to backup his brother, but he’s so incompetent that even he realizes it himself. At that point it’s usually too late for prideful man as Ares to call it off so Hermes has to come in a clutch and safe his butt. And no - Ares never learns from his mistakes. The next day he would fall into the same trap again… Sometimes it even leads to situation where everyone is against everyone. Hermes won’t be playing on violin just for s/o, but if she joins him during the play, he won’t mind her presence. In fact, he would like to talk about it afterwards. It works both ways - he won't be pushy either, but he would be kindly interested if she mentions her hobbies and is willing to share. The tension between them builds slowly over time. They both know that the other feels the same, but they don't act on it. I think it would go from like zero to hundred in a moment. Single spark and suddenly they kiss and touch each other without hesitation. It's hard to tell if they would become an official couple. They might as well be in open relationship or just friends with benefit.
NSFW I see him as a switch. He is used to serve Zeus and others so probably feels a need to be in charge and take care of a lover. On other hand, if you insist to be top and just tell him to relax, he’ll accept the offer. He secretly likes being care of but would never admit it. It’s new to him - be able to just empty the mind like that. I think he has a thing for long neat legs. I don’t know why. It’s nice addition, like the icing on the cake. He loves having them around his waist or placed on his arms when he basically fold you in half. Hermes likes to talk during act. He’s one playful guy. Telling you what he’s about to do, a bit of dirty talk here and then, definitely some praises. He has really good voice for that and knows how to use it against you. He’s pretty creative and open to suggestions. As long as you aren’t in pain, Hermes is up to anything. He doesn’t have his routine, just goes with the flow. Sex with him is rare, he’s busy man, that’s why he wants to make the best use of that precious time just between you two. Top notch in aftercare, hands down. That’s like his natural environment. He always makes sure you’re comfortable. Massage, bath, breakfast or any other form of tenderness you can think of.
I was woken up by intense smell and strange, omnipresent wetness. I opened my puffy eyes and once I realized I’m in the water, guided by instincts and fear, rapidly tried to get up. — Shh, calm down — I heard right next to my ear. Someone’s slender hands surrounded me in waist, forcing me to stay in sitting position. I let out a surprised sigh but didn’t oppose. I looked over my shoulder to see Hermes’s calm face. Leaning against his chest, I could feel the warmth radiating from him. — Where-re we… how… — I mumbled not fully awake yet. — You passed out — Hermes explained. Memories of our last ,conversation’ flashed back to me, and then my face exploded with heat. An egg could have been fried on my cheek. I was hoping that Hermes didn’t notice my embarrassment. Pathetic daydream… He knows everything about everyone before others. — Oh… I didn’t have to turn around to see his smile. — Judging by your body language, you didn’t seem bored with our experience. That’s why I took it as a complement. — Hermes pretend to be lost in thoughts, his voice was on the verge of innocence he imitated so well. — Whatever you like. — I gave up. He had upper hand here. — Do I interpret it correctly? Am I sensing submissiveness? — No… — Sulky mood then? — I don’t have strength for that… — That’s not very alike you. — I felt his chin on the top of my head. — Perhaps I should’ve thanked you for all these sweet gifts you gave me. I sighed. Something in his voice awaken me completely. — How much I hate… — I turned to face him. — Yes? — Hermes enticed me. I could see sparkles of joy in his eyes. — … how unbearably witty you are. — I finished angry. The corners of his lips lifted a bit. — Thank you — he said calmly. I just shook my head and came back to old position. We sat in silence. My mind went to previous events that leads me to this situation. I may have started our little tête-à-tête, but he was the one who dragged it to breaking point. I remembered his nimble fingers, smooth voice as he whispers to my ears, gentle and tender gestures, the patience, and finally his steady, firm thrusts as he filled me over and over. I lost track of time, at some point everything stopped when Hermes was playing with my body in so many different ways - from the most ordinary, to extravagant, to promiscuous positions. Being at his mercy was… pleasant. — That was very nice — I whispered. — Yes — he admitted silently, next to my ear. Whether he really thought so, or whether his impeccable manners spoke through him, I will probably never know. Still, I felt absolutely no need to worry about how I fared compared to his other lovers. I was just enjoying the moment.
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