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sgtsethstecker · 4 years ago
@basicreconnaissancecourse • Reconnaissance Training Company: MART Conducting Aquatic PT in preparation for the next RTAP class. While BRC Recycles Practice their Recon Aquatic Competency Test (RACT). Examples of Flips and Mask Retrieval can be seen in these clips. #recon #marinereconfoundation #reconsniperfoundation #forcereconassociation #socomathlete (at Cedar Falls Marine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLKVcdCnzkn/?igshid=tqikedc566in
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natedrink · 4 years ago
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Happy Birthday to all my Marine Corps Brothers and Sisters🗣🗣🗣 #usna #ladyboss #militarywomen #usmarines #challenge #gunhoo #globe #columbuswedding #245 #jarhead #shesengaged #marinecorps #womeninuniform #noshavenovember #mcbcamplejeune #marinereconnaissance #mcbquantico #power #marines #usmarinecorps #semperfi #semperfidelis #unstoppable #reconsniperfoundation #peepthestache #usmcveteran #weddingtime #usnavy #anchor #thefewtheproudthemarines TWITTER- https://twitter.com/Natedrink Instagram- https://Instagram.com/natedrink1 YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/c/Natedrink1ADOW DONATE- CASH APP $NathanDrinkard https://www.instagram.com/p/CHaS5lmjX0L/?igshid=ykq8bdeb9udi
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sinnner-mass · 5 years ago
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Link in bio: 1 ticket gets you 52 separate chances to win a sweet prize. Win more than once! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 Proceeds will be donated to @reconsniperfoundation @usmc_scout_sniper_association @100clubofsanantonio @sheep_dog_impact_assistance & San Antonio Firefighters Benevolent fund. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ #Charity #PewPew #WelcomeToTheMass #SanAntonio #itspewtiful #VeteranOwned (at San Antonio, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B37TLeNpeXP/?igshid=x54jpgopd9uz
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omnainc · 8 years ago
Marine Combatant Divers. #tourniquetleash #firstaid #marsoc #marines #tourniquet #usmc #recon #recondo #oaf #reconmarine #marineraiders #sarc #diving #sea #scuba #underwater #navy #omna #ocean #beach #swim #sniper #seal #shark @marines @usmarinecorps @marinereconfoundation @reconsniperfoundation @raiderproject @us_marsoc (at Panama City Beach, Florida)
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thatchillaxdude · 6 years ago
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🌐Link in bio🔝 #thatchillaxdude ⭐ SHOT Show 2019 - Day 2: @smittysbeardsauce and I, met up with @teamroomdesignsllc at the @beyond.clothing event, before we attended the @reconsniperfoundation charity event at the Leatherneck Club, here in Las Vegas. 🚐🌎😎✌👣📷 #followyourarrow #travel #travelbug #travelblog #travelgram #wanderlust #notallwhowanderarelost #wander #love #happy #adventure #van #vanlife #vanlifestyle #vanliving #homeonwheels #homeiswhereyouparkit ➳ #lasvegas #vivalasvegas #SHOTshow #SHOTshow2019 #pewpew http://bit.ly/2DxgFWM
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defensetargets-blog · 7 years ago
Every round that leaves your barrel, you are responsible for. All the multicam trinkets don’t ensure accuracy. Have a great weekend and take a kid shooting. @magpul @defensetargets @beyond.clothing @bravocompanyusa @oakleystandardissue @reconsniperfoundation @trijicon rmr #glock #bcm #truckgun (at Buccaneer Gun Club)
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endlessboxcom · 8 years ago
@Regrann from @instructorone - From our Advanced Pistol in April great day. The full video is on our YouTube channel Instructor One #whatareyoutrainingfor #northamericanrescue #ghosttrigger #silynx #holsterops #ronintactics #soflete #rockstartattoolounge #kanddguns #seastate21 #edc #2amendment #wildertactical #36crazyfists #remainvigilant #oakley @northamericanrescue @ghosttriggers @holsterops @silynxcom @djstruntz @firearms_training_central @seastate21 @realrudyreyes @ashleighrgass @conditionzeromounts @ncthinblueline @thorneperformance @sofletehq @reconsniperfoundation @accordingtojimk @nos_robert @36crazyfistsofficial @brock36cf
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seastate21 · 8 years ago
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Pre-Sniper porn courtesy of @josaphatorozco ♠🇺🇸♠ #seastate21 #seastate ・・・ For my Brothers at 1stMarDiv PreSniper... Always Shoot Straight. #ScoutSniper #Sniper #ghilliesuit #Marines #camouflage #TargetIndicators #ghillies #PIG #reconsniperfoundation #sniperrifle
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deejayespin201 · 8 years ago
Good morning buenos dias IG. This right here is for those that complain that its monday and that their Job is hard i bet its not harder than this Marine Pilots.. he makes it look eazy.. #usmc #therealdjespin #happymonday @Regrann from @seastate21 - One hell of a pilot making that #HeloCast easy #AF #SlowAndLow #LowAndSlow either way it's #nice♠️🇺🇸♠️ #seastate21 #seastate #recon #reconnaissance #helo #marinepilot #marinecorps #usmc #training @virtus.outdoors @davidj_wood @corpsman @jttotsofficial @pogbootfucks @invictusexperience @mattrecke @lwi_totanka @josaphatorozco @otb_13 @reconsniperfoundation @triviumband @combat_badassery @militarybadassery @bad_ass_official @kiichichaos - #regrann (at Midtown Manhattan)
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twistedsteelfitness-blog · 7 years ago
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It's on! Wrong shirt size, but who cares? It's the support of the Foundation, the camaraderie, the challenge and the SIDE COMPETITIONS, (and shit talking, mostly on my part) ahem, ahem... @montoyacharles. #twistedsteeltrainer #twistedsteelfitness #captainvthetrainer #captainv #ironsquadwest #Marine #marinefitness #familyfitness #familygoals #fitover50 #murphchallenge #murph2018training😂 #murph #reconsniperfoundation (at Naval Station Mayport)
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omnainc · 7 years ago
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Never Forget. 📷 @reconsniperfoundation #september11 #9/11 #recon #america (at World Trade Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnlfzuwncKE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hwjiv72bk0bx
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defensetargets-blog · 7 years ago
Having a absolute blast training with Mike Pannone of @cttsolutions. This #nonernugget of #knowledge applies to many other aspects of life. Listen up gun owners! It’s time to make you a trained and responsible shooter. Mike’s Covert Carry Class is extremely valuable. @cttsolutions @czusafirearms @oakleystandardissue @defensetargets @reconsniperfoundation @shootlogic #cttsolutions #cz #czfirearms #defensetargets #steeltargets #ccw #9mm #train #knowledgeispower (at Shoot Logic, LLC)
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defensetargets-blog · 7 years ago
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The new @reconsniperfoundation Tshirts are in and look good. Great organization that actually uses the money donated to help veterans. @reconsniperfoundation @magpul #rsffoundation #reconman #marinerecon #marines #usmc (at Wilmington, North Carolina)
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defensetargets-blog · 7 years ago
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Happy 0321 day! This goes out to all those that are with us from above and have paid the ultimate sacrifice! #reconman #marine #marinerecon #reconsniperfoundation #usmc #reconplatoonkicksbutt #recondo #longhairedpremadonnas #9mm #defensetargets
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