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lilivshtupp · 2 years
Last night I had a dream where it was like a cliche supernatural romance story with the vampire guy and the human love interest who has to be “protected”
Only it turns out the gal is an underwater abomination in disguise who was too socially awkward to say anything about it cuz everyone was being so nice to her
Shenanigans ensue
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junkyardpop · 2 years
stimming isnt working i need to explode (happy)
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crippled-peeper · 3 months
STOP being discombobulated…. recombobulate
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twinsimming · 29 days
Hey Twin,
What do you think about Loverstruck EP? Do you plan to make any mods in this theme for sims3?
Honestly, I feel pretty “meh” about the Lovestruck EP.
Based on the amount of content on offer, I agree with folks saying that it feels more akin to a game pack than an expansion. The build/buy mode items were also kind of disappointing.
I don’t have any romance related mods in the works right now. But with some existing TS3 features, a few mods, and one upcoming mod, you can get a pretty good equivalent of Lovestruck in The Sims 3:
• Online Dating
- Seasons EP
- Smartphone Dating App mod by Gamefreak130
• Blind Dates
- Matchmaker (NRAAS Woohooer)
• Attraction System (Improvements of EA’s system):
- Retuned Attraction System by Fentonparkninja
- Sims 3 Attraction System Overhaul by MrFatCat
- NRAAS Woohooer + Scoring Module (Romance/Attraction Trait Scoring, Consider Attractiveness interaction)
- Romantic Reputation Recombobulator by severedsolo
• Vibrating Heart Bed
- High End Loft Stuff SP
• Jealousy
- NRAAS Woohooer
• Romance Skill
- Romantic Introduction (base game Flirty Introduction)
- Whisper About Desires (base game Whisper in Ear interaction)
- Scan the Room (NRAAS Woohooer interaction)
- Lovingly Dip Kiss (Into the Future EP interaction)
• New Romantic Interactions
- WIP Romantic Interactions mod by @thesweetsimmer111 (no release date yet, please don’t ask)
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jelly-fish-wishes · 7 months
I like how everyone interprets Dimentio as a sinister and intelligent villain and your interpretation is him actually being a cry little pathetic clown.
But he IS! A pathetic clown! The evidence is all there and people choose to ignore it!
When his plans fail after your first battle with him, he brushes it off as if it was all part of his plan. I’m sure he took notes and banged his head against a wall in secret after this.
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In the Luigi battle, some might say that he was holding back to not accidentally kill Luigi, even as far as pretending to beg for mercy after getting beat, but it’s when he stutters after recombobulating is when I could tell his defeat was genuine.
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And last but not least, he is a sore loser. After admitting defeat, he literally tries to take the worlds down with him if he can’t control them, and that just concludes how stupid and pathetic and silly he is. He is so immature and I love it. Reminds me of Starscream from Transformers in an endearing way…
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asheurbanipal · 12 days
Alone in the dark but now you've come along
Original Ao3
Fuck. Hell. Shit. "If you're going to ask to move back in: the answer's yes. If you're going to ask me to bend over: the answer is fuck yes. But we should keep it down so we don't traumatize the youth." Logan slapped a hand across his mouth. "Yeah, just like that," Wade said, muffled. "Gotta let me turn around first." "I have a job for you, but you have to listen to me. Can you do that?" ###   Things don't suddenly become easier when you save the universe. There's all this shit like...emotions...to get through. Which complicates things when Logan rejoins the X-Men if only for the amenities.
Words: 5,716
One-shot (series incoming?)
Content: light angst, fluff, mild smut, hand and mouth stuff with male anatomy, anal sex, fighting as a metaphor for sex
No no it’s cool. It’s totally cool for you to fuck off to the X-manor. It’s your home, after all.
Wade slammed a tennis ball into the side of the building, but the thing that rolled back was an exploded piece of rubber. The last one had shattered a brick. The one a few back had gone through the plaster in the dining-living-kitchen, forcing Al to quite literally kick his ass all the way downstairs into one of the back alleys.
“Just take your sweaty, glistening tits and go be an X-Men again. It’s cool. Great. Awesome.” He went to grab another ball from the plastic bag to find it empty. “FUCK.” The profanity stopped a woman with her stupid little dog and mangy-ass baby as she passed by with a stroller, her face frozen in disgust.
“Can’t a man mangle his balls in peace?” he barked, and that prompted her to scurry off back down the sidewalk. 
He leaned against the wall and dropped down until he was sat on the dirty pavement, legs splayed haphazardly. The tennis ball thing was supposed to be a healthier coping mechanism with stress that wasn't punching something in the face. 
Go to therraaaapppy. You'll find some healthier outlets.
"Well, I did, Vanessa. And it's not helping. I saved the goddamn universe , and it didn't matter." 
They had only been back a few days when he realized it. That whatever want he had for Vanessa was…well it's wasn't gone. It was just…just different. Now he just wanted her to be happy, and he was starting to realize that might not be with him. Not anymore. The whole disintegrating into atoms then recombobulating had put things into perspective. 
But something else had changed. Maybe it was that first adamantium claw between the ribs. He touched his chest, trying to imagine it again. There was nothing quite like the first time someone was inside you, though. One of his tiny little knives flicked out from the knee pocket of his cargo khakis. He stabbed it into the top of his thigh, hissing with the sharp impact. 
"Nope. Not quite." He yanked it free. He considered the tear in his pants, watching the hole in his skin close up nice and tight. Nope. It hadn't been the claws. It had been the penetration. That's where it had started. When they first dropped into the Void. When he had sunk his blade into Wolver-fucking-rine's calf, knowing full well he'd recover all fine and dandy. When Wade realized that he had met someone who could take it. He still didn't know what it was. Wade didn't have the capacity to label emotions beyond "mad" or "a little horny" or "excited" or "extremely horny." 
It was the more wordless emotions that had offered Logan a couch to sleep on and a promise they'd work together to figure out what Logan's new life looked like. Then barely a month later, when things were just starting to get comfortable, when "happy" was starting to shift into "content" the bitch-ass mother fucker had to go and get offered a place back on the X-Men. 
Wade stared at the tips of his sneakers, wishing he could go back to the time when there wasn't a Logan-shaped empty space in his life. 
Logan stared up at the ceiling of his room replaying the conversation. On the phone Hank McCoy was explaining, in arduous detail, how there would always be a place for him on the X-Men if he wanted it. And that space on the team came with a room in the mansion. Despite the overflow of details, there was a hesitation. 
"Hank," Logan had said, dropping onto the couch that had been doubling as his bed for a few weeks. "I'm not your Wolverine. You're not my Beast. We don't have to do this." There was a scuffle on the other side of the phone. 
"Listen buttfuck." It had been that Negasonic kid. He liked her. Reminded him of Rogue and Kitty and Jubilee and fuck he never questioned the number of teen girls that seemed to hover in his shadow. How did no one ever point out how creepy that must have looked from the outside?
"Stop being a whiny little bitch-baby and rejoin the X-Men. The minute they heard you were alive in, like, a different dimension all of the old fucks have been talking about having you on the team again." A chorus of objections over "old fucks" had swelled up behind her. "So do fucking whatever, but they want you here." 
He threw a tennis ball up at the ceiling, and caught it again. It didn't feel like they wanted him there. Hank told him to skip training. To take it easy after everything that happened in the Void. Hey, maybe stay behind for this one and watch the kids.
Three weeks. Three weeks in this room. 
He slammed the ball toward the ceiling again in hopes of not remembering the next part. 
"Hey, babygirl, who was on the phone?" Wade had emerged from the single shared bathroom, Hello Kitty towel swung low around his hips, freshly showered. His body had dropped close on the couch, hands resting brazenly on his knee. 
The scent memory hit him hard. Clean and fresh with strawberries on top. He'd never met a grown man who used strawberry scented soap. It was such an impossible. Everything about Wade seemed impossible.
Mostly that any one person could talk so much while saying so little. 
He threw the ball again, this time spearing it with one of his claws on the down swing.
There was so much blood on these hands. So many people dead because of these claws. But not Deadpool. Not Wade Wilson. Logan had sunk metal blades into the interstitial spaces of Wade's ribs, and he had thanked him for it. Not in words, no. His words were sharp and sardonic. It was the way his body had writhed and squirmed, how even the shape of his mask had magically gone wide-eyed in delight. Of the very real…physiological reactions…
Wade was a fucked up guy, but that sensation stuck around, clinging to the metal plating in his bones. That sense of something having changed in him. 
Then he had to go and fuck it up. 
Wade was too loud. Too close. Too prone to casual physical affection that Logan had no practice in, anymore. He just needed space. Space to figure out who he was, now, in this timeline. To figure out how to feel emotions again beyond "mad" and "angry" and "seething with rage" and "drunk." 
"They invited me to rejoin the X-Men," he had told Wade, avoiding looking at him head on. Wade was an idiot, but he wasn't stupid. There wasn't a reason to drag this out. "And it comes with my own room in the house. And with an apartment this size, you don't need me taking up space."
Wade's hands had gone tight on his thigh, that Deadpool strength coming through. 
"Peanut butter jelly time, if it's just about the sleeping arrangements, that's nothing a little trip to IKEA--"
"Look." Logan hadn't actually wanted to yell. To get sharp and cold. But he had seen what was coming, and he couldn't do it. Not again. Not after what they'd been through to get to this point.
"I like you, Wade." He let his fingers gently touch the back of Wade's neck. It was probably a bad idea. It would probably make all this worse. "I would like to keep liking you. And the Void was a pretty good indicator that when we're pent up together, we get a little rabid." The memory of the all-leather interior of a sensible family vehicle scraped at his palms. 
Wade had drifted, mouthing something into space to an audience only he could see. Logan had touched his cheek, and he snapped back. 
"Whatever you say, sugar tits!" But his fingernails had been digging deeper and deeper into Logan's knee. He released his hands and stood. "But I was going to convince Al to implement full-frontal Tuesdays." He started backing up, twitching his towel in the sway of a mock high kick. "You're going to be missing out on all this." Then he had skittered into the bedroom, slamming the door hard enough to rattle the walls and piss off the neighbors.
Logan was gone by the next morning. 
Logan stared down at the tennis ball still stuck on his claw.
"Fuck. It's too quiet." 
"Logan." Hank rapped on his bedroom door. He jumped from the bed as though that would hide he was sulking. What was left of the ball flopped to the floor as he returned his claws to his hands. 
"Yeah, it's open. What do you need?" But he met Hank as the door was opening, his blue furry face set with grim determination. 
"We've got something we need you for."
Oh okay just walk in you like you own the place you sexy sonofa- "Hi, Yukio."
"Hi, Wade!"
They touched their fingertips together, then palms, then hips bumping, then a series of complex movements that Wade knew he would guard with his life .
"When did you even have time to come up with a secret handshake with my girlfriend?" Negasonic did that adorable little eyeroll that made him want to simultaneously punch her in the face and hug her until she died from asphyxiation. Either way....
"Shshsh. A magician never reveals his secrets." She punched him in the shoulder as she passed through into the apartment, beelining for the kitchen-dining-living room table to start picking over the monthly taco night spread. Behind them, though, was Logan, and Wade couldn't pull away. His eyes followed him as he sauntered in through the door, hips swaying, arms crossing over his wide chest. 
Shit. Fuck. Cock. Profanities in a thousand different languages he didn't know.
"Hey, bub." Logan's voice was rumbly and low, sitting in his chest. 
"You were supposed to come back and visit, Wolvie," Wade found himself whining. "But I guess you've been too busy. With your X-Men." He threw a few fake punches into Logan's abs. Logan caught his hands, holding them against his chest for a half a moment before dropping them. He closed the door behind him, then signaled to the dark of the hallway. 
"Come over here a minute." He grabbed Wade around the wrist and hauled him around, shoving him into the slight curve leading into the bedroom and backing him up against the wall. His forearms made a V-shape in the span of the hallway, forcing their bodies together. 
Fuck. Hell. Shit.
"If you're going to ask to move back in: the answer's yes. If you're going to ask me to bend over: the answer is fuck yes. But we should keep it down so we don't traumatize the youth."  
Logan slapped a hand across his mouth. 
"Yeah, just like that," Wade said, muffled. "Gotta let me turn around first, though."
"I have a job for you, but you have to listen to me. Can you do that?"
Wade nodded, but Logan didn't trust him enough to actually release his mouth. Good call, honestly. 
"They've got scans of some weird subterranean base upstate."
"Underground?" Wade asked, trying to lick Logan's hand in the process. Dirt and metal. Logan didn't budge. 
"Yes, underground. Shut up. They don't know who it is. Could be an old Hydra unit cropping up-"
"How very Phase one."
"-could be a new Brotherhood of Mutants-"
"Holy continuity, Batman."
"-point being they want to send someone in." Logan pressed a little harder on Wade's mouth before realizing it wasn't working and dropping it.
"So a stealth mission? Can't say I'm usually the choice for the strong and silent type."
"No," Logan sighed. But his heart wasn't in it. There was a little grin there, right on the edge of his mouth. "They have giant robots. They haven't figured out how to sneak past them, so they want to distract them. But that means taking some hits. A lot of hits. The kind of hits only a guy like me can take and survive. Or a guy like you."
Oh? Oh. Oohohohohohhooho.
Wade felt his body heat rising in excitement. 
"I could really use a second set of hands," Logan continued. "Are you interested?"
Yes. Fuck. Yes yes yes yes.
"So you're saying we go in and just…fight giant robots with the expectation we will be getting our asses handed to us."
"Yeah, basically." 
"Hm. Okay let me think about-yes. Yes, absolutely one hundred percent."
"Okay. Good." Logan nodded. For the tiniest fraction of a second, it looked like he was going to say something else. Instead, he lingered his gaze in Wade's for a moment, tapped the walls, then moved out of the hallway. "Oh. Hello, Vanessa."
As he moved, the rest of the room reappeared, and in the middle of it was Vanessa.
"Hi," Wade squeaked out. She moved closer, also standing in the frame of the hallway but so so tiny in comparison. 
"I let myself in," she said quietly, glancing over her shoulder as Logan retreated across the room. She turned back. 
"Good," she said. "Good for you. I think…yeah…I think he's good for you." 
And for the first time in his whole goddamn life he had no idea what to fucking say to that. 
Next to him on the mini-jet, Wade was literally vibrating, knees bouncing up to his chest. Logan dropped a hand to his knee, forcing it to stop. He squeezed, pulling out a tiny squeak from Wade's throat. 
"Do I need to run the details with you again?" he asked. Wade hadn't stopped talking, chattering about just…anything and everything. Any little thought that slid through his head. And it felt…good. It felt good to not have to think about the fight coming up in front of them. He could just listen to the sound of Wade's voice and think about literally anything else. But now he needed to focus. Made sure they were both focused. 
"Nope!" Wade gave him thumbs up, mask eyes squinting into a smile. 
"Are you sure? Because I would be real fucking pissed if you somehow managed to get yourself killed, bub." 
"Girlypop." He dropped his hand on Logan's shoulder. "My little meow meow. We're good. I've got this. I trust you to keep this beautiful ass intact. And I'm certainly not letting anything happen to these sweet things." He groped Logan's chest, squeezing his pecs. He mumbled something else, dipping his head to an invisible conversation partner over his shoulder, but Logan didn't catch it. He never did. 
Logan flexed his hands a few times, forming a fist out of the one on Wade's knee. 
"I'm serious, Wade. I watched you almost die once, and it…" Logan paused and Wade, thank God, actually let him think through his words without filling the silence. "It really fucking sucked."
"Ooooh, what a way with words. A real Chris Claremont." Wade's taunting never came to its full potential power, though. He rolled his hands up to Logan's shoulders again. "It was an honor to die with you once. If it looks like I'm about to check out for real, I'll mercy kill you so you don't have to live in a world without me. One right between the eyes. You won't even see it coming."
"You're such a fucking idiot," Logan laughed darkly. 
"Oh, you love me," Wade clucked through the mask.
"Maybe I do," Logan said, and he felt his body pause, choking on the thought. 
"Wait, wha-" but Wade never got through the thought either before something huge and fiery had hit the plane. Logan's hand tightened on Wade's thigh. They were going down, the mission starting before they expected. 
"It's time," Wolverine muttered, letting his claws free.
"Let's. Fucking. Go." Deadpool replied next to him. 
Watching Deadpool fight, when he could, out of the corner of his eye, was like ballet. Bloody, but beautiful. His body was huge, but it moved through the air, bounced off hard bodies, at soft angles, flipping and slipping like it didn't obey gravity. He felt so clunky, in comparison. No grace. No fluidity.
But of course the chatter. God the chatter. At some point it turned to music, a soundtrack to slash and break to.
And when they paused for half a moment, Deadpool's back to him, the heat blushed over their bodies in tandem, sweat and panting breath caught in the same flow of energy. Deadpool turned his head to drop his chin on Wolverine's shoulder. 
"How much longer until extraction?" he gasped. These assholes didn't go down easily, self-repairing the instant they cut their main servos. This was only a breather, one of the sentinels already picking itself up to charge back across the grass. 
"You running out of stamina?" Wolverine panted back.
"Not a chance, old man." Deadpool rolled his head back against his. "Forgot to set the DVR for Golden Girls is all." 
"Need to get you a smart TV with streaming," Wolverine said, running up to meet the now approaching robot. 
"Was that a quip!? " Deadpool shouted to his retreating back. But oh…there he went. The way those claws just SNIKT then KRRRPTACK right through the metal chassis of the nearest bot. 
It was so SEXY. 
Another bot had put itself together enough to crawl across the grass at him. A single POW , and it went down without a fight. In the meantime, Wolverine had squared up with the next machine, muscles rippling and shaking and bulging with effort. 
Not NOW, boner.
The X-Men's stupid fucking jet came in low just in time, actually starting to reach the end of his rope. He had somehow managed to get away without losing any limbs, but it was getting close. They both leaped heroically through the open gangplank door, landing flat on their faces as the ramps lifted up underneath them. A few other members of the X-Men were somewhere forward in the jet, but the only thing Wade could focus on was Logan's sweating, heaving body next to him. He rolled a little closer. 
"Great job, cum shot." Then he slapped Logan's ass. Loud. It echoed. Logan lifted onto his elbows. 
"Bub, don't slap my ass without consent when I'm in fight-mode. I might stab you on reflex." 
"You promise?" 
Logan chuckled. Then it was a laugh, rippling and echoing and dark and real . 
"One minute of silence, then you get to talk again, okay?" He threw his arm over Wade's shoulders. He was fucking heavy . All that fucking metal on his bones. Wade made a zipping motion over his lips as best he could laying down. He would grant him that. 
"Wade…did you undress me?" Logan asked sleepily, the sunlight pouring in through the window. 
"Thank you, Wade, for not letting me sleep in my grody-ass suit. You're so thoughtful." Wade was sitting in one of Logan's robes next to him on the bed, ankles crossed as he read a magazine. 
It hadn't really been a question, when they dropped the jet through the basketball court, that Wade would just sleep over that night at the manor. While there were most certainly spare rooms in the adult wings, their bodies, hanging off each other in a post-adrenaline haze, had worked on instinct. And instinct said to pull their bodies close together and fall into bed. 
Wade must not have fallen asleep as quickly as Logan had. He hadn't even dreamed. 
At least he was still in his briefs. He wouldn't have put it past Wade to strip him totally naked.
"Oh, I considered taking off the underoos, too, but I thought I'd leave you a little dignity," Wade said with a quick clip. "Though I won't deny I might have considered taking a quick peek down under. But, you know…consent." 
"'Preciate it," Logan murmured. He shuffled across the bed, his body feeling the after-effects of such an extended fight. The healing factor couldn't fix everything immediately, and the stiffness was one of them. He dropped an arm across Wade's lap and pulled his face up close to his body. "Did you shower?" 
"Yeah. And that is…holy shit. I don't blame you for moving out if that's the bathroom situation."
"It's not the same." 
"What was that?" 
Logan growled.
"It's not the same. You don't smell the same as when you shower at home." 
"Well, unless you've got some Korean skin care sitting around, there's not much I can do about that." Wade dropped his hand to move it through Logan's hair, forming it into twisting and curling shapes. He could have laid there forever, but the sticky post-evaporated sweat was creeping over him. He needed to shower. He needed to shower then have a semi-serious conversation with Wade. 
"You said you loved me on the jet," Wade said quietly. 
Or they were doing this out of order. 
"I need to shower," Logan replied, moving onto his elbows then knees to roll out of bed. 
"That's not a very romantic response," Wade pouted. 
"No, I know. But I can't have this conversation, yet. So you don't leave. In fact." And he had no idea what he was thinking but he picked up a nightstand and moved it in front of the door. 
"I can just…I can move that, too."
"It's fucking symbolic," he growled as he disappeared into the bathroom. 
He's lost his goddamn mind. 
Wade shuffled to the edge of the bed, sitting on the corner. He had only barely slept, waking up in the middle of the night with the stark awareness of Logan's body wrapped around his. He had laid there like that for a very very very very long time, listening to Logan's breathing. It had shuddered a few times in the night. At one point he had started rabbit kicking, deep in a dream. At the end, he had pulled Wade in tighter. 
It was only when Logan let him go ever so slightly at dawn that Wade had wriggled out, undressed him, showered, then found a robe to dress himself in. The instant he crawled back into bed, Logan had wrapped his big beefy arms around him again. 
He had only rolled over for maybe ten minutes when woke up. 
I'll be saving that information for when I need to blackmail him. 
He dropped his fingers to the tie of the robe and let it fall open, exposing his naked body underneath. When Logan came out of that shower, he was going to either be repulsed or overcome with lust. Either way, Wade needed to punish him for moving out without permission.
Logan rested his head against the closed bathroom door, showered, towel around his waist. 
"I think I'm falling in love with you," he whispered to himself a few times. "And I don't actually want to be apart from you. But I'm also worried about us living on top of each other. No…no he's going to turn that into a sex joke. Fuck this beautiful man and his mouth. Shit I want to fuck his mouth. Fuck." He pounded on the door. "Calm down." 
"Sugar bear?"  Wade was still there, at least, and on the bed. That gave him about six feet of breathing space. 
"Wade," he said, opening the door. Then he drew up short. Wade was naked, sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning back, legs casually hanging off. 
"That's not fair," Logan said quietly.
"Oh what you can't have a serious conversation when I'm in--" he crossed one leg over the other "--the buff."
"Yes," Logan replied. 
"Why? Are you overcome with luuuuust?"
"Well, then…wait, really?" 
But Logan was at the edge of the bed, pushing Wade down at the shoulders, his own towel dropping to reveal he was hard as a rock. It wasn't just his dick, though, it was everything. Every part of his body was full of tension. He slammed a hand over Wade's mouth preemptively. 
"I'm gonna fuck you. And you can be as loud and chatty as you want the whole time. But then you're going to let me talk to you about something. Okay, bub?" Wade nodded under his hand, and he let him free. 
"I'm gonna suck your cock first, then we'll negotiate." Then Logan was reminded just how strong Wade actually was as he pushed him over on his back, aiming them right on a pile of pillows. He slid down, and with a hiss and a slither, his mouth went quick over Logan's dick, taking him all the way down to the hilt. 
Wolverine's cock is in my mouth. Shit fuck shit fuck shit fuck fuck. 
I'm in love with Wolverine, and his cock is in my mouth. 
I'm in love with Logan. And I'm sucking his cock. And he's getting harder and harder and harder fuuuuck. 
Logan's hands slid around the side of his head, thumbs brushing his ears, fingers caressing the nape of his neck, purposefully touching on each of the bumps and scars, tracing them. Memorizing? What a freak.   
He slipped his fingers down until they were cupping the underside of Logan's balls, and he rolled them back and forth as he worked the shaft. He licked a stripe up the underside, then folded back down again, sucking and nipping at the head of Logan's cock. It had been awhile since he'd been up close and personal with this specific style of anatomy, but it was like fucking a bicycle. 
Logan let out a groan, signaling Wade was right on track. His hands went tighter around the back of Wade's head and pushed him down, fucking up into his mouth with hard thrusts. 
"Wade," Logan growled. 
"Yes, daddy?" Wade replied through a full mouth. But he just repeated Wade's name over and over again softly, like a prayer. He hadn't even touched himself, and he was ready to come just with that. Wade scraped his teeth over Logan's cock, and hollowed out his cheeks to increase the pressure. 
"Wade," he hissed again, pumping up harder and harder into Wade's throat. He came like an explosion, filling up Wade's mouth all the way to the back of his teeth. 
But he kept going. He couldn't stop. He needed Logan to get hard again as fast as possible. And if their healing factors were anything alike, this would do it. 
I need him inside me. 
"Wade." Logan pried Wade's head from his crotch and hauled him up by the shoulders. His fingers pressed around Wade's jaw and aligned their faces. "Slow down. We have time." 
Wade panted, resting his forehead against Logan's, sticky semen glazing his lips. He leaned forward and pecked the corner of Wade's lips. He breathed it low to himself slow down we have time. He gently captured Wade's mouth, tasting himself along the sides of his tongue and the tops of his teeth. Wade responded in kind but with a more frantic pace, pushing into Logan's mouth, trying to eat him from the inside out, it felt like. 
His hands dug into Logan's hair, curving through the curls, gripping tight, trying to pull their bodies even closer as he climbed into Logan's lap. Logan drifted his hand down around Wade's dick, and he responded with a whimper into Logan's mouth. Logan stroked Wade, thumb circling the tip in gentle whirls, languidly pumping through the entirety of his length. 
Wade was the one who started growling now, his teeth gnashing like an animal. His hands drifted down Logan's neck, over his spine, finally digging into Logan's back. Logan arched against the feeling, pressing their chests together. 
"You said you were gonna fuck me," Wade complained into his neck. Logan squeezed his ass in response. 
"Working on it." His dick was certainly almost ready again, erections starting to bob against each other. "Bottom drawer, on the right side, ornate black box, lube and condoms." 
"You just keep that around? You dirty dog." Wade went diving for it, though, hanging upside off the bed to find it. 
"Easier to stock all the adult rooms with…accouterments…" 
"How progressive and sex positive." Wade pulled himself back up. He fumbled with the bottle, worried nerves affecting the grip in his hands. 
"Give it." He pulled it softly from Wade's hands. A dollop dropped into his palm, and he warmed it with his other hand over the top. He nuzzled Wade's neck, raking his teeth over Wade's skin as he reached around for his entrance. He slipped down, circled, then curled one finger inside. Wade keened, high-pitched and whimpering, biting his bottom lip as he pressed his face into Logan's shoulder. 
"Does it hurt? Do you want me to slow down?" Logan murmured into Wade's ear. 
"If you don't keep going, right now, I will baby knife you in the kidney." Wade sunk his teeth into Logan's shoulder to punctuate his point.
Logan responded by rolling Wade onto his back, half slamming him into the mattress. A second finger, then a third, he could feel Wade opening for him like a warm welcome. He pressed Wade's knees to his chest, then positioned the tip of his cock at Wade's entrance. Wade arched his back as Logan sunk into him. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckf cufkc ufkc fuck fuck fcufk cuf fuck fukc ufkfkuflkc fuck fuck. 
Logan's hand was stroking his cock lightly. Just the tiniest touch. While he moved in and out in an even rhythm. Long, slow, maddening strokes. 
"Put a baby in me," Wade gasped. Logan dropped lower, almost flat against Wade's body. Wade kicked his ankles up and locked them around the small of Logan's back. "Right in the cervix I don't have." He murmured.
"I'm regretting giving you permission to say whatever you want."
"You love it."
"I do." Logan smiled against Wade's mouth, turning it into a deep kiss. 
There that was again. 
Logan pounded into Wade, picking up speed as he hinged on his knees. He had all these words locked inside, praises and poems, things he wanted to lavish over Wade's body. 
"This feels so good," was all he could find, growling deep next to Wade's ear. Wade responded with a choked noise and a weird laugh. 
"I don't…" Wade started. "Fuck-knuckles I have nothing, babe. I'm tapped out of witty banter." 
Logan pushed into him harder.
"If I'd know this is what it took, I'd have fucked you in that minivan." Logan nibbled along Wade's jaw. 
"Oh a pity fuck wouldn't have worked. I need deep sensuous, love-making for this kind of mind wipe." He rolled his hips up to take Logan in even deeper. 
"I can do deep," Logan said, and proved it with another thrust. 
Fuck shit fuck. Cock. So close. He needs to touch…fuck….
The orgasm came dry and quick this time, but it shuddered out of his body with shaking muscles and tense ligaments. He leaned back, still inside, and watched as Wade squirmed below him, still reaching for the top. He took Wade's dick in his hand and began to stroke.
Fire. Burning my brain. 
Lights popping behind my eyes. 
Spinning, turning, careening, every part of my body is on fire. 
Logan Logan Logan Logan 
Wade's whole body squeezed in climax as Logan stroked him to completion, pulling every dark thing out of his body through his cock. He collapsed back on the bed. 
Logan pulled out slowly, grabbed Wade around the waist, and dragged his limp body to lay on top of him. Wade nuzzled into his neck. 
"I need to tell you something, darling," Logan murmured. His fingers ran up and down Wade's back, tracing the ridge of his spine. 
"I love you," Wade said. "Maybe." He clarified. 
"Okay maybe we don't, actually…" 
"No, you get about twenty minutes of post-nut clarity out of me," Wade objected, lifting onto his elbows. "And I'm maybe falling in love with you. That's what you keep wanting to say to me, but you're too chicken shit to do it. So I'm saying it first." He dropped back down in a huff. "And I'm only saying 'maybe'--" He lifted his head again "--because I'm not sure if I can say definitely, yet. The last 'definitely' didn't work out in the end, so I'm working on it." He dropped down.
"That's all the emotional intelligence you get from me for the rest of the year," Wade mumbled into Logan's shoulder. 
Logan kept to his ministration of Wade's spine, soft touches with no pressure behind them. 
"Yeah. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. That maybe I'm falling in love with you, too." He fell silent, wondering what Wade would do in the gap. Nothing. He was waiting for more. "That's why I left. I didn't know the guy who was falling for you. I thought if I was in the X-Men again, I'd figure out who that person was. Then everything would just be…cleaner.
"But it didn't work. I'm not their Logan. I'm your Logan." He sighed. "So now I'm not sure what to do."
"Well, I'm not anybody's specific dedicated Wade, so you can have that one." Wade sat up, propping up on his wrist to look around the room. "And you need to keep these digs. Because if you're gonna keep blowing my back out, this is way nicer."
"They don't usually…encourage…overnight guests to an excessive degree." 
"Then I'll become an X-Men. Duh. Easy…wait…am I a mutant in this version? I keep forgetting. But I mean…close enough right? Or we just get married. They can't kick me out if I'm your wife."
"We should probably get past the 'maybe' part of I love you, first, darling."
"Ugh fine, whatever." Wade flopped back down. "Wake me when it's breakfast time, honey badger." Then he didn't fall asleep, but he fell quiet, the gears turning silently. And Logan laid there with him, in the silence, trying to figure out what kind of man to be for him. 
My Logan My Logan My Logan My Logan…
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macksting · 1 year
An underappreciated Nimona detail:
(mild spoiler) There’s a moment after the escape, where Ballister cannot remember what happened after the supply closet. Nimona points out he took a blow (or several) to the head. Much of those blows, perhaps even all, took place after the escape was complete. This is a phenomenon often experienced by people who get a significant blow to the head. They forget things that took place before the blow, because those things haven’t yet been copied from short-term to long-term memory, and the capacity to do so gets disrupted, causing them to fall out of short-term memory and simply go pfft gone. I noticed that on my first watch, and again on my second. It’s such a lovely detail. So often in media, a blow to the head is not attended by a loss of memory of events immediately preceding it, and that’s always disappointing to me because it’s very common for that to happen, especially (for example) in quarterbacks in Murrican football. Naturally the disruption also remains for a period after; short-term memories picked after the blow, if they (as often occurs) remain conscious to get new ones, also go pfft, until the medial temporal lobe can get recombobulated and start copying them to long-term again. It’s a temporary form of anterograde amnesia, and, again, rather common and temporary. It just makes me so goddamn happy.
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renaultmograine · 6 months
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My friend went through that atomic recombobulator and came out as white Sabellian
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
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randomthefox · 27 days
Chaos Control is the ability to warp time and space using the Chaos Emeralds. There are other items and techniques that can do similar things, yes, but it itself is officially described that way. So on that note, Sonic, Shadow, Silver, the Biolizard, Black Doom, a Metal or Giziod copying their data, and anyone capable of creating certain designs of machines(ergo Eggman) are indeed the only characters who have explicitly used it.
"The ability to warp time and space" is such a funny description for it because it's so vague and broad and could apply to like sixteen different things lol.
I've honestly completely let go of trying to apply any sensible definitions towards it whatsoever, because it's clear that chaos control is just an umbrella application that the cast uses. Metal Sonic is able to do chaos control (time freeze) whilst Super Sonic/Tails/Knuckles have all seven emeralds inside them. Biolizard is able to do chaos control (teleport) when the chaos emeralds are nowhere near his body and have had their powers neutralized by the master emerald.
Honestly somebody could say that Blaze using two emeralds to offer herself up as a vessel for Iblis in Silver's ending of Sonic 06 was an example of Chaos Control and they wouldn't be wrong. She does disappear from existence after doing that - that sounds like warping time and space to me. Mephiles uses the emeralds to recombine himself with Iblis and become Solaris the god of time and space again, sounds like warping time and space to me!
Shadow uses chaos control to fly through solid matter in ShTH which is a mandatory essential event that is required on the Last Story. He didn't teleport, he flew through the air and physically phased through the walls. Which is a COMPLETELY different thing from what Sonic did on the ARK where he recombobulated out of thin air with a flash of flight. There are clearly no fucking rules, and I was a fool to try and ascribe any.
The chaos emeralds are vessels of unlimited power that can literally do whatever you want them to do.
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echoweaver · 1 year
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OK, so full disclosure -- I played Spooky Day about four times. I couldn't get anyone to show up at the party. It turned out that there was some creeping corruption in the neighborhood.
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Their neighbor and family friend Maisy Miller, who Chantrelle insulted at the bowling alley when she was having a mood swing, had been showing a blank portrait in everyone's relationship bar, and that turned out to be the herald for some serious problems. Chain Reaction over at NRaas finally talked me through how to fix it, but not before I had rage quit Simler's core mod, annihilated Maisy, and restored her from a fresh copy of Appaloosa Plains. It turned out to be severe outfit corruption. Fix Invisible Sims from DebugEnabler restored her and 11 other sims in the neighborhood. I don't know what was corrupting them, and with a heavily modded game, there are so many options.
I decided to keep the fresh copy of Maisy, however, because she's younger. I discovered that, according to the Miller family description, Maisy is kind of slated to be Calvin's romantic interest, even though she starts the game as a teen and he a freshly aged YA. The original would be YA herself by now. The restored Maisy is very close to the twins' age, and we need more teens in this town far more than we need more sims of age to date Calvin.
So, now we're back on a fairly minimalist NRaas StoryProgression running on slow.
During one playthrough, I invited everyone over separately, and they arrived from a costume party. They also didn't count as party guests, despite being invited to the party, so I got the "No one came" popup with the house full of people.
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During another (or possibly the same) run-through, this happened, which serious bad news.
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I don't suppose anyone has ever made a mod to prevent any cheating accusations unless the sim has actually MADE A COMMITMENT?
Rodney is verified single. He must just have another romantic interest.
I'm taking a look at Romantic Reputation Recombobulator, which I don't think will solve the problem of cheating accusations between sims who are incapable of cheating on each other, but looks like it will do other good things with the romantic reputation system. If anyone is using it, let me know what you think.
This did not happen in the canon playthrough, thank goodness, but it may be a bomb that goes off later.
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icywaddle · 23 days
Y’all ever sneeze so hard your brain gets discombobulated and recombobulated in the same 0.5 seconds?
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Martyn is talking watcher/listener lore on stream and mentioned the swapsies for pearl and cleo and how Pearl got helped out by the Listeners to be replaced after Double Life still being tough on her.
And I am typing this out before any Cleo explanations because I AM DECLARING that what happened for Cleo was that her getting recombobulated in Witchcraft SMP pulled her out of the LimLife world temporarily and the Listeners had to put in a substitute so Cleo won’t get penalized more for her “escape”.
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Okie dokie! I sewed a million granny squares together, got a good night's sleep, and took a walk around the neighborhood listening to Slowdive. I have recombobulated, and now it's time to put on some music, crack one of my stupid corner store drinkies, have some lunch, and set about fixing my mess.
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uberhood · 3 months
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After recombobulating himself, Ajay decides to bathe.
He's gotten into the routine of going downtown and sneaking into the fancy health spa to shower.
"You know, they don't even check to see if you have a membership card?"
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