pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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Sober Revolution handbook for anyone rethinking their drinking or struggling with abstinence. . In this short read and thoughtful guide you’ll learn how sober has been misappropriated and why that could be hindering your progress. . The print version of Sober Revolution - Sober is making the days count, not counting the days you don’t drink, is available on Amazon for cost, less than five bucks. . But you can down load it at SoberRevolutionEbook dot com for free. . Grab a pen because you’ll be asked some important questions. . Know . Trust . Believe . You have all the answers within you. . #soberrevolution #author #newbook #awardwinningauthor #reclaimingsober #soberisnotabstinence #amazon https://www.instagram.com/p/B7BnAmdpPuN/?igshid=1ld4kp9smrmxp
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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“Sobriety was something I hadn't known in all my life. Specifically misusing alcohol to numb out, shut off, and dumb down since I was twelve years old. I had important decisions to make. I started with what mattered most, my sobriety. Once I got clear on that everything seemed to fall into place.” . #soberrevolution #author #whollysober #theprimeddrinker #sobernotabstinence #sobernotrecovery #soberwithoutrecovery #reclaimingsober #takecharge #rethinkingyourdrinking #coach #advocate https://www.instagram.com/p/B3VjDleJ6pZ/?igshid=1fct6m44c5vh3
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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Making magic happen ✨ ... yes, that is a pumpkin 🎃 on my shirt. ;) . Sober Revolution is on the rise! . We are moving into the final stages of the transition and picking up momentum with new courses and programs ready to be launched. . True sobriety has less to do with abstinence and more to do with your overall mind, body, & spirit health and well-being. . When you’re feeling good and looking forward to jumping into each day with great hope and optimism that pulls you forward you’re less likely to want to misuse alcohol. . I’m super excited about the programs that will help you let go and take charge to become the person your creator intended you to be! . Stay tuned my friends. There’s so much brewing ✨ . #soberrevolution #reclaimingsober #empoweringwomen #sobernotabstinent #sobernotrecovery #takecharge #discoveryinsteadofrecovery #bewhoyouremeanttobe #breakfreefromalcohol #nomorealcoholisms #breakingfree #freetobeme #author #whollysober #theprimeddrinker #rethinkingyourdrinking (at Primed to Pink Cloud to Sober Revolution) https://www.instagram.com/p/B24xml9p4wh/?igshid=arlng4iinayg
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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Progress is being made with the transition from Pink Cloud Coaching to Sober Revolution! . I have long taken the position that sober has lost its true meaning through the recovery movement. The more I study and learn, the more confident I am that being sober is the purest and most powerful way to experience life. You cannot experience life fully if you are distracted with the constant preoccupation to drink, or not to drink. That is not sober, no matter how many hours, days, months, years, decades you've been abstinent. If you have to remind yourself not to drink and why you can't drink, you're missing the beauty of being sober. . Sober is being conscious, aware, awake, and intentional with your life choices. Doing life on purpose, in purpose, without distraction. Whether that's to teach your kids compassion and love to better humanity or to build an empire to employ thousands, we need your contribution. . Pink Cloud Coaching has been a soft place to land for women seeking support with their alcohol use since 2012. Even with the ambiguous name innumerable seekers found and have been supported by the unconventional, but evidence-based, process of Pink Cloud Coaching. . It's not easy to let go of something that holds so much sentimental value to me. It was the pink cloud, the very pink cloud that AA views as a threat to sobriety, that gave me the courage and desire to leave the program, the real threat to my sobriety. . The pink cloud will always be a part of Sober Revolution because it's still much of the foundation for the transformational work that happens. . #author #sober #reclaimingsober #empoweringwomen #soberrevolution #soberisnotabstinence #soberisfreedom #notanalcoholic #theprimeddrinker #whollysober #alcoholnottheproblem #coach #freedomfromalcohol https://www.instagram.com/p/B22khPYJZuo/?igshid=tmpja3krbe0e
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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“About 75 percent of persons who recover from alcohol dependence do so without seeking any kind of help, including specialty alcohol (rehab) programs and AA.” -NIAAA . Read how to avoid being labeled, put in a box, and placed on the recovery conveyor belt in #theprimeddrinker . #soberrevolution #author #whollysober #reclaimingsober #soberisnotabstinence #soberisnotrecovery #empoweringwomen #soberisfreedom #soberispowerful #yourchoice #seekliberation (at Primed to Pink Cloud to Sober Revolution) https://www.instagram.com/p/B22Y2NCpUCl/?igshid=o8wzovlcflg2
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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IS THE MODERN INTERPRETATION OF SOBER KEEPING YOU STUCK? . “‘Sober’ is translated from the Greek word that means to be calm and collected, to have good sense, good judgment, wisdom, and level-headed in times of stress.” . Drinking helps people dull the pain of not fulfilling their potential. . Take the constant preoccupation of drinking or not drinking off the table and encourage people to go deep and discover their sober truth helps them break free from the need to misuse alcohol. . Read all about this and more in my book, The Primed Drinker. You can find it on Amazon. . #soberrevolution #sobernotabstinent #reclaimingsober #empoweringwomen #author #whollysober #theprimeddrinker https://www.instagram.com/p/B20NbvVD-NG/?igshid=1xnls1c82e98z
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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#SoberRevolution is about breaking free from the NEED to misuse alcohol. . One tip is: keep your conscious clean. Here are some suggestions to help you not only make someone else feel loved but feel good yourself and have no regrets. . We are never promised another day. . ❤️ telling them you love them is not enough—make them feel your love. . Return phone calls . Reach out for no reason . Offer to help . Send a thinking of you card . Text that you’re thinking of them . When you’re with them put down your phone and BE with them . Ask how they are and listen . Just a few ideas ;) . Leave your ideas in the comments or share something you’ve done recently to show your love. . #breakingfreefromalcohol #reclaimingsober #empoweringwomen #sobernotrecovery #sobernotabstinent #author #theprimeddrinker #whollysober #love #feelinglovedmatters #tobymac #soberrevolution https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ziQG3pArU/?igshid=108z32ztcuxkp
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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BEING GRATEFUL . Top on my “what matters to me most” are relationships, connection, and nature. . Got to fill my gratitude reservoir this morning for getting to spend it with loved ones; my oldest son Cody, his wife and my friend Bethany, and of course my hubster Rich, on a trail in the middle of the woods making our way to see a beautiful waterfall. . What are you grateful for today? . Bring grateful and focusing on what matters to us most strengthens our resolve to live #whollysober . #soberrevolution #itsaboutlife #notaboutthealcohol #reclaimingsober #choosesober #soberisfreedom #begrateful #author #coachforliving #soberislife #soberisnotabstinence #soberisnotmanagingdisease #soberisnotrecovery #soberisfreedom (at Drift Creek Falls Suspension Bridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2vC8C_Ji_6/?igshid=q0viywukay58
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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I wonder if you could find peace in these words? . If you accepted this as truth could you fully relax and trust in who you are and becoming? . Read the words, close your eyes and let them linger, breathe deep and full into your diaphragm, and exhale. . Receive you are love, you are compassion, you are kindness 💜 . #soberrevolution #empoweringwomen #reclaimingsober #sobernotabstinent #sobernotrecovery #author #whollysober #theprimeddrinker https://www.instagram.com/p/B2uaHI7pgkt/?igshid=os8n63itkreu
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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RETHINKING YOUR DRINKING? . Getting Help Can Be The Biggest Challenge! . It seems simple: you're rethinking your drinking and want to get help, but what happens when you start exploring? . Well, there's a lot of information readily available for people who identify as an alcoholic or having an alcohol use disorder, but what if that's not you? . Welcome to Sober Revolution! . #reclaimingsober #empoweringwomen #soberrevolution #sobernotrecovery #sobernotabstinent #sobernotabstinence #soberfreedom #freedomtobeyou #author #whollysober #theprimeddrinker #coach #sober #rethinkingyourdrinking https://www.instagram.com/p/B2r_FIrJEzJ/?igshid=16yrwuyzpi7fi
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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Feelings are like waves we can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which ones to surf. . I have bad days. I know shocker. I wake up and stumble to the coffee pot and spill coffee grounds and when I grab a towel to scoop it up I knock over my water glass. . My initial reaction is to scream and get pissed, but I know if I give into this emotion it could hijack the rest of my day and I don’t like wasting life on feeling bad. . Feeling angry, frustrated, irritated will block the light of truth, joy, and possibilities. . Remember you are the moon! #moonlove ❤️ #sobereclipse #soberrevolution #soberrevolutionist #author #soberadvocate #sobernotrecovery #sobernotabstinent #reclaimingsober #empoweringwomen #encouragingsobriety #soberwithfacts #soberscience See the Sober Eclipse Video link in the comments (at Primed to Pink Cloud to Sober Revolution) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2o_yCrJVeM/?igshid=1p8avn6mv4uzn
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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When you come to the awareness your relationship with alcohol needs to change you need to understand that depending on how integrated it was in your life—things, people, places, activities, events, holidays, will be affected. . What you need to consider is sometimes it will change relationships for the better, events will be different but don’t mean that they won’t be a hoot, holidays can be even better, and living conscious, awake, and aware you are in charge to create what you want. . No more living by default, settling for less than, and waking up with a shameover. . #soberrevolution #reclaimingsober #notanalcoholic #author #empoweringwomen #whollysober #theprimeddrinker #yourlifeiswaiting #whatdoyouwant #youreincharge #sobernotrecovery #sobernotabstinent (at Primed to Pink Cloud to Sober Revolution) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mzz2-pl-9/?igshid=v1orup4xz7tz
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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This is exactly how I feel about my pre-sober self. I love that broken, badass girl who only knew how to survive. She barely made it out alive, but she did make it. . It wasn’t abstinence that developed the woman I was becoming. If I would have just stopped drinking and not done anything else I would have gotten drunk again and again and again. . It was having a clear mind, an open heart, and having a defined intention of who I wanted to be and how I wanted to live. I wanted to be wide-eyed and awake to be what I knew I could. . Only I’ve surpassed even my dreams. . The great news is you just build bigger, brighter, and bolder dreams. . #soberrevolution reclaiming what it means to truly live sober! . #author #theprimeddrinker #whollysober #sobernotrecovery #sobernotabstinence #reclaimingsober #goingafterlife #thisismylife #norecoveryconveyorbelt #systematicalcoholism (at Primed to Pink Cloud to Sober Revolution) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2iOHvnJWU-/?igshid=18yqh8xab47ak
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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FREEDOM & RELIEF... a client’s experience . My experience with Teresa was one of the best I’ve had with a professional coach, psychologist, guide and what ended up feeling like a friend. . In no way was Teresa confrontational and in every way was supportive, encouraging and in each and every assessment call, she welcomed my true self (even if I wasn’t sure what that was), and left the door open for me to look a little deeper and differently at what was playing out in my life….Truth is, talking about my relationship with alcohol wasn’t easy  - it took a year for me to nerve-up to call her – but we ended up talking less about alcohol and more about what was behind the relationship that I have with it. . Teresa campaigned my finding /exploring the fullest version of a good and joyous life that I could, the biggest challenge I face. Turns out my challenges are not rooted in alcohol but rather my choices/perceptions. I experienced such freedom and relief in talking to someone that didn’t label me as “alcoholic” and insist or refer to the oft-associated disease model we all know. . My deepest gratitude to a level headed, heart-centered person; thank you, Teresa. . #reclaimingsober #soberrevolution #empoweringwomen #lifecoach #author #theprimeddrinker #whollysober #notanalcoholic #sobernotrecovery #nodiseasetomanage (at Primed to Pink Cloud to Sober Revolution) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2fLkf2p5hC/?igshid=1tlq0lsit0xuq
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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I choose to be wide-eyed and awake never to miss a moment of my one and only precious life. . Choosing to live this way, Wholly Sober, has gifted me the opportunity to experience and feel pain deeply. . But the reward is to move through pain cleanly without causing more harm and problems that tend to trap us in a pain, drinking, problem cycle that picks up in volume and velocity the longer we misuse alcohol and try to avoid the pain. . I got this quote from a heartbreaking article where a father speaks of the regrets from being a workaholic after his 8-year-old son died suddenly. . Aholics are people that distract themselves with things that don’t really matter and miss moments that can carry us through a lifetime. . Don’t wait for a shocking event to snap you awake. . Choose to be awake and then live it! . #theprimeddrinker #whollysober #author #advocate #notanalcoholic #soberrevolution #reclaimingsober #soberrevolution #Soberrevo #sobernotrecovery #empoweringwomen . (at Primed to Pink Cloud to Sober Revolution) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Vd7RTJjKU/?igshid=7lw6f2soqesf
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pinkcloudcoach · 5 years
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The Primed Drinker explores extensively how what we think, what our environment is, the messages we are exposed to prime us to think, feel, and do on auto-pilot. . Unless we are willing to courageously take charge and intentional to break the habit of misusing alcohol—we will struggle. . #SoberREV #SOBERREVOLUTION #author #takecharge #whollysober #reclaimingsober #theprimeddrinker #freedomfromthealcoholisms #breakingfree https://www.instagram.com/p/B11jSi0piI8/?igshid=hxt789adwgd1
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