#reckless rage lust depression fear
spacemancharisma · 2 years
not to demonize my own mental illness or whatever but the virus in mayhem (2017) is quite literally what it’s like to have a bpd episode
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nightkitchentarot · 3 years
Stages of the Zodiac Signs
STAGES OF ZODIAC SIGNS – a Lifespan’s Evolution The common symbols of the Zodiac Signs, actually describe the first step, the first stage of your evolution. What few know is that this is only the beginning. You evolve. As life goes on, these stages change. Although you still keep your former stage in your heart, you progressively lose touch from it. Hence, as inevitably you attract new stimuli, you change. The only question is towards what? These are the Stages of Zodiac Signs. This is what you should expect.
Stages of Aries: Ram, Shephard, Reborn Sun The Ram. This is the symbol everyone knows about this zodiac sign. People born under its influence are passionate, conquerors and natural fighters. The Ram is a sacred symbol of many Solar Deities. It shows the potential. A hidden fire within, ever-burning. However, as they grow up, they realize that they engage in too many fights. And worse, not all fights are victorious. They have many casualties and they’ve been reckless and irresponsible. Hence, at some point of their lives, they see the loss. This is why they become… The Shephard. Grasping the Truth for the first time, they see how pointless it is to engage in rageful quarrels. Their awareness expands. They see what a Shephard sees. A never ending battle which is called life. This is when they turn into themselves. A turning point of their lives. However, it’s not an easy one. You see, a Shephard is lonely, isolated. He is a hermit. At this point, Aries needs time. Time to realise their true potential lies in their passion and not rage. This is when they turn their fire into… Reborn Sun. Aries is the first symbol of the Zodiac Circle. Why? Because that is when Nature resurrects from the Death of Winter. In Ancient Egypt, this is the symbol of Aries. The Reborn Sun, symbolizing the Death(s) an individual has to go through, in order to realise his/her true potential. Once you let go of pain, sorrow and rage, you will be reborn with this Ultimate Stage of Aries.
Stages of Taurus: Bull, Minotaur, Demigod Bull. Taurus, is symbolized by a Bull. But what is the occult meaning of this symbol? The Bull is a sacred animal in many ancient religions (Egyptian, Indian, Greek). Hence, the Bull symbolized the potentials of Nature. Spring is there and its fierce. Nothing can stop it. There is only one way and this is forward; exactly how a Bull sees its world. However, quite often, due to their lack of ability to see other options, they crash on walls. Those are the obstacles a Taurus is programmed to break and not to surpass. Gradually, they see that they cannot assert their dominance to other people. This is when they become… Minotaur. This legendary beast, half human with the head of a Bull, is a personification of our instinctive passions which, some times, we think are incompatible with human nature. Shame is a deadly foe. Hence, the Minotaur, haunted by shame and regrets is more stubborn. This is when they are lost in the Labyrinth. Let me remind you that this legendary creature was lying in the dark chambers of a Labyrinth, guarding it. Hence, at this point of their lives, they are enraged, more stubborn than ever, but lost in the dark. This is when Taurus loses hope until they realize, that they’re lost in the Darkness because they chose to! This is when all this power enlightens their spirit, break down the labyrinth and become… Demigod. This is no sugar-coating it. They truly become divine. Once they sense how powerful their spirit is, they channel it and create miracles. At this point of their lives Taurus perceives his/her power and liberates himself/herself from the boundaries of the physical Realm. However, they still cast miracles on Earth, enjoying satisfaction and beauty, guilt-free.
Stages of Gemini: Twins, Ship, Stars Twins. The first step of Gemini’s life is drenched with curiosity and love for new experiences. Hence, they seek new stimuli and, as they grow up, they (often successfully) engage in different activities, adopt diverse theories and work in many fields, as if they sense that time is not enough. However, at some point, they realise that there is an empty space in their heart. This comes after a loss, at young age. Hence, they become… Ship. As the Myth of Gemini tells us, the twin brothers joined the magical quest to find an amazing treasure. Hence, this symbolizes the stage of Gemini when they are bored from their way of living and seek the bigger truth. This quest, however, may be lonely and disappointing, at some point. Hence, most Geminis return to phase one – Twins. However, if they let go of this disappointment, they become… Stars. This is the final stage of the Zodiac Sign. Once they realise that their inner curiosity for knowledge is simply lust for life, they accept failures and disappointments, they let go of pain and they move forward, expanding their awareness and become a true source of Light. They become Stars!
Stages of Cancer: Crab, Hydra, Peacock Crab. This is the symbol everyone knows. A creature of the Sea, symbolizing the ‘watery’ nature of this zodiac sign. Due to their rich emotions, they do not always ‘move’ in a logical way, just like the crab doesn’t move in a straight line. Hence, as the sea is never the same, Cancer’s heart changes according to their stimuli around them. However, there are times when the crab’s strong exterior (devotion and loyalty) is crashed by cruelty and betrayal. This is when they become… Hydra. Hydras are creatures of the sea, symbolizing (sea’s and) Cancer’s blind rage. When you cut the head of hydra, two more sprout out. Unfortunately, this shows that when they feel broken they can do terrible things. Trying to stop them is like trying to stop a huge wave of the ocean. It’s pointless. This is a very common stage of Cancer. They change, once they realise that as the Sea is vast, so are the people. Some are mean and hurtful, some are true and loyal. This is when their faith is restored and they become… Peacock. This is the sacred symbol of Great Mother, Hera, Queen of the Gods. At this stage everyone adores them. Although they don’t intentionally show off, their actions speak for themselves. They are Grace and Blessings impersonated.
Stages of Leo: Lion, Warrior, King Lion. At first, a typical Leo is born to feel like being the king of the jungle. As if their world belongs to them, inherited by the divine forces. Leo is strong, faithful and passionate. However, at some point in their lives, their authority is questioned and this is when things turn wrong. Rage fills their heart, when they sense that someone can out-throne them. This is when they become… Warrior. At this point, all their energy is focused to prove themselves worthy. But worthy of what? What are they fighting for? For many years of their lives they are noble fighters in a war they did not choose. They are lost in elusive goals and spend their energy for silly tasks and quarrels. In truth, they fear time. Time is a threat to them because their beauty and splendour might fade. They become prideful and vain. But when they realise that the power comes from their bright spirit, they become… King. At this point they know that being a lion is being a king in a jungle. But they are so much more. This is when they realize their royal self. An ageless spirit, a never ending reign of their light. At this point they are full of love and understanding.
Stages of Virgo: Maiden, Dark Maiden, Queen Maiden. During their very first step in life, Virgo is the young Persephone, a young maiden goddess playing and experiencing her potential. Innocent, brilliant and graceful, the Maiden seeks the truth, while discovering herself on this Realm. However, at some point of their lives, as Persephone was kidnapped, Virgo is forced to travel to the Underworld. Dark Maiden. At this point Virgo is scared and sad. Although it might not show, they hide a huge sorrow in their hearts. But what is this all about? Most of the times, their sadness is rationalized by their need to put their minds in order. At this time of their lives, they are lost in the darkness of their Underworld. Many Virgos pass a long time suffering from depression. However, if they manage to forgive and accept the world as it is, just like Persephone, she marries the God of Underworld, Hades, and she become… Queen. At this stage, Virgo is capable of anything. They accept the truth of the world, that there is both Light and Darkness and they rule on both because of their crystal spirit. Hence, they are whole.
States of Libra: Scale, Blindfold, Sword Scales. The first step of Libra is being the Scales of Themis, goddess of Justice. Always trying to see all options, hear all opinions and take all possible advices. This is why they seem dependent on others and indecisive. What others see as lack of guts, is actually a very powerful procedure when they try to scale all options and be fair and just. However, as they cannot easily proceed in their lives this way, they become… Blindfold. Enraged and disappointed, they no longer wish to be just, because their energy is depleted. Hence, they make unnatural choices. This makes them feel bad for themselves. Hence, the Blindfold (of Themis). Virtue is no longer their guide. Once they understand that everyone makes mistakes, but it’s important to follow their instincts and heart, regardless, they become… Sword. The Sword (of Themis) is the personification of right decisions and power. At this point, nothing can stop them and their spirit is aligned with their will. What they think of, becomes reality!
Stages of Scorpio: Scorpion, Eagle, Phoenix Scorpion. The first step of their lives are Scorpions. Born survivors, they integrate their instincts and passions, in a fervid way, to achieve what they want. Seeking success and satisfaction, they often succeed, but, sometimes, they don’t. When this happens they descend in darkness, as scorpions hide under stones. At this point, some of them might stay forever. Others, they realise their pointless pursuits and they become… Eagle. When this happens, Scorpions realise that they no longer need to hide, but they need to see the bigger picture and seek different types of success and satisfaction. Hence, at this point of their lives, they realise that they can seek both satisfaction and success elsewhere in life. As eagles, they fly higher and higher. Do you know who flies as high as an eagle does? No-one! This is when they realise how lonely they become. Failure is part of being human, and neglecting their human nature is not a wise choice. Hence, they become… Phoenix. At this point of their lives, their Spirit shines like never before. Accepting and letting go of hurtful memories, they realise their true potential. The Phoenix is eternal and made of the material the Gods are created from. Hence, they realise how powerful they truly are. Nothing can stop them now!
Stages of Sagittarius: Archer, Arrow, Centaur Archer. The first step in their lives, they feel that sky is the Limit. Sons and Daughters of Jupiter, they sense that a divine hand is guiding them. As archers, they aim and keep on aiming, again and again. They are optimistic. However, when eventually failure comes, they sometimes lose their sense of balance. They can become hurtful as an… Arrow. Although they still aim, they have focused so much to their goal they neglect to see the bigger picture. What they need to understand is that succeeding is not always winning. Hence, what once they thought they can conquer, now can be useless. This is when they need to expand their awareness and review their goals. As they thirst for freedom, they realise that they have imprisoned themselves! If they bravely see the truth, they can become… Centaur. This legendary creature is the personification of freedom, will, wisdom and human strength. Hence, at this point, a Sagittarius becomes a truly wise and successful person, a teacher for all of us. Transcending the human capabilities, the Centaur conquers his/her goals with ease and style!
Stages of Capricorn: Goat, Cave, Horn of Plenty Goat. The first and most known symbol is the Goat. A earthly creature which might not be as magnificent as the Lion, yet people depend on them for many, many reason. This is exactly like a typical Capricorn. People depend on them, and they are trustworthy and hard-workers. However, as they grow up, they feel that people might use and abuse them. This is when they turn to their… Cave. At this point of their live, they try to isolate themselves from toxic people and relationships. However, they cut off not only baneful relationships, but, also, healthy ones. As Amalthia, the Goat-nymph who nurtured Zeus in a cave, Capricorns usually seek this isolation as they feel endangered. On their way to the top, they lose touch with people whom once they loved. Thankfully, some of them realise that, and they become… Horn of Plenty. The symbol of the Amalthia is the Cornucopia, the Horn of Plenty. At this point of their lives, they realize that true riches come from abundance as a state of mind. Hence, they become truly rich in all possible ways, enjoying both material and spiritual goods!
Stages of Aquarius: Cupbearer, Eagle, Angel Cupbearer. The first step of their lives is when they feel alienated from other, because of their true self. Hence, they become eccentric, trying to communicate their differences in a plain, sad and boring world. The Cupbearer is dragged on Mount Olympus, stranger to all. However, once an Aquarius accepts the World, becomes the symbol of Zeus… Eagle. At this point of their lives they need to experience the whole world. Hence, they (want to) travel everywhere, see more, feel more, understand more. As this is noble, yet also, at some point, impossible, they might feel lonely and separated from all. A lonely eagle flying high. This is when they need to realize that they cannot feel the same way others do, because they are indeed an… Angel. Some of them realize their true Angelic nature and embrace it. These are the enlightened creatures who walk amongst us, shedding light in to the darkest places of Earth. Healers, helpers, divine instruments. They are both successful and truly happy, having found their rightful place on Earth.
Stages of Pisces: Fish, Darkness, Ocean Fish. The first step of their lives they feel like a fish in the vast ocean. Affected by the ever moving waves, they live in their matrix of emotions (sea) and energies around them. As true empaths, they are influenced by enlightened souls, but also by evil entities. Hence, they sometimes get lost into disappointing thoughts, and sadness kicks in. This is when they become… Darkness. Pisces often feel betrayed and lost, and they don’t know what to do. In order to not hurt others, they seek to forget, so they won’t feel pain anymore. As the fish descends to the darkest depths of the sea, they wait there for a miracle to happen. Then, sometimes, they realise that the miracle is already there. As their Spirit is otherworldly bright, they gracefully accept their true nature and become… Ocean. This when they embrace the matrix as part of themselves and become the primordial god of Ocean. Hence, at this point, they know that power comes from their heart, and what they want can instantly happen, as they are part of something greater and wiser. They are the vast and rich ocean! Blessed be.
Originally shared on Facebook by Violet Goddess
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malleus-maledicarum · 4 years
FehuFehu (F: Domestic cattle, wealth.) Possessions won or earned, earned income, luck. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future. Sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. Social success. Energy, foresight, fertility, creation/destruction (becoming). Fehu Reversed or Merkstave: Loss of personal property, esteem, or something that you put in effort to keep. It indicates some sort of failure. Greed, burnout, atrophy, discord. Cowardice, stupidity, dullness, poverty, slavery, bondage.
UruzUruz: (U: Auroch, a wild ox.) Physical strength and speed, untamed potential. A time of great energy and health. Freedom, energy, action, courage, strength, tenacity, understanding, wisdom. Sudden or unexpected changes (usually for the better). Sexual desire, masculine potency. The shaping of power and pattern, formulation of the self. Uruz Reversed or Merkstave: Weakness, obsession, misdirected force, domination by others. Sickness, inconsistency, ignorance. Lust, brutality, rashness, callousness, violence.
ThurisazThurisaz: (TH: Thorn or a Giant.) Reactive force, directed force of destruction and defense, conflict. Instinctual will, vital eroticism, regenerative catalyst. A tendency toward change. Catharsis, purging, cleansing fire. Male sexuality, fertilization. (Thorr, the Thunder god, was of Giant stock.)Thurisaz Reversed or Merkstave: Danger, defenselessness, compulsion, betrayal, dullness. Evil, malice, hatred, torment, spite, lies. A bad man or woman. Rape?
AnsuzAnsuz: (A: The As, ancestral god, i.e. Odin.) A revealing message or insight, communication. Signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, speech, true vision, power of words and naming. Blessings, the taking of advice. Good health, harmony, truth, wisdom. Ansuz Reversed or Merkstave: Misunderstanding, delusion, manipulation by others, boredom. Vanity and grandiloquence. (Odin is a mighty, but duplicitous god. He always has his own agenda.)
RaidhoRaidho: (R: Wagon or chariot.) Travel, both in physical terms and those of lifestyle direction. A journey, vacation, relocation, evolution, change of place or setting. Seeing a larger perspective. Seeing the right move for you to make and deciding upon it. Personal rhythm, world rhythm, dance of life. Raidho Reversed or Merkstave: Crisis, rigidity, stasis, injustice, irrationality. Disruption, dislocation, demotion, delusion, possibly a death.
KenazKenaz: (K: Beacon or torch.) Vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration, technical ability. Vital fire of life, harnessed power, fire of transformation and regeneration. Power to create your own reality, the power of light. Open to new strength, energy, and power now. Passion, sexual love. Kenaz Reversed or Merkstave: Disease, breakup, instability, lack of creativity. Nakedness, exposure, loss of illusion and false hope.
GeboGebo: (G: Gift.) Gifts, both in the sense of sacrifice and of generosity, indicating balance. All matters in relation to exchanges, including contracts, personal relationships and partnerships. Gebo Merkstave (Gebo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice. Obligation, toll, privation, bribery.
WunjoWunjo: (W or V: Joy.) Joy, comfort, pleasure. Fellowship, harmony, prosperity. Ecstasy, glory, spiritual reward, but also the possibility of going "over the top". If restrained, the meaning is general success and recognition of worth. Wunjo Reversed or Merkstave: Stultification, sorrow, strife, alienation. Delirium, intoxication, possession by higher forces, impractical enthusiasm. Raging frenzy, berzerker.
Heimdall's Aett
HagalazHagalaz: (H: Hail.) Wrath of nature, destructive, uncontrolled forces, especially the weather, or within the unconscious. Tempering, testing, trial. Controlled crisis, leading to completion, inner harmony. Hagalaz Merkstave (Hagalaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Natural disaster, catastrophe. Stagnation, loss of power. Pain, loss, suffering, hardship, sickness, crisis.
NauthizNauthiz: (N: Need.) Delays, restriction. Resistance leading to strength, innovation, need-fire (self-reliance). Distress, confusion, conflict, and the power of will to overcome them. Endurance, survival, determination. A time to exercise patience. Recognition of one's fate. Major self-initiated change. Face your fears. Nauthiz Reversed or Merkstave: Constraint of freedom, distress, toil, drudgery, laxity. Necessity, extremity, want, deprivation, starvation, need, poverty, emotional hunger.
IsaIsa: (I: Ice.) A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. This rune reinforces runes around it. Isa Merkstave (Isa cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Ego-mania, dullness, blindness, dissipation. Treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots.
JeraJera: (J or Y: A year, a good harvest.) The results of earlier efforts are realized. A time of peace and happiness, fruitful season. It can break through stagnancy. Hopes and expectations of peace and prosperity. The promise of success earned. Life cycle, cyclical pattern of the universe. Everything changes, in its own time. Jera Merkstave (Jera cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Sudden setback, reversals. A major change, repetition, bad timing, poverty, conflict.
EihwazEihwaz: (EI: Yew tree.) Strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness. Enlightenment, endurance. Defense, protection. The driving force to acquire, providing motivation and a sense of purpose. Indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve your goals. An honest man who can be relied upon. Eihwaz Reversed or Merkstave: Confusion, destruction, dissatisfaction, weakness.
PerthroPerthro: (P: Lot cup, vagina.) Uncertain meaning, a secret matter, a mystery, hidden things and occult abilities. Initiation, knowledge of one's destiny, knowledge of future matters, determining the future or your path. Pertaining to things feminine, feminine mysteries including female fertility, and vagina. Good lot, fellowship and joy. Evolutionary change. Perthro Reversed or Merkstave: Addiction, stagnation, loneliness, malaise.
AlgizAlgiz: (Z or -R: Elk, protection.) Protection, a shield. The protective urge to shelter oneself or others. Defense, warding off of evil, shield, guardian. Connection with the gods, awakening, higher life. It can be used to channel energies appropriately. Follow your instincts. Keep hold of success or maintain a position won or earned. Algiz Reversed: or Merkstave: Hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, loss of divine link. Taboo, warning, turning away, that which repels.
Sowilo Sowilo: (S: The sun.) Success, goals achieved, honor. The life-force, health. A time when power will be available to you for positive changes in your life, victory, health, and success. Contact between the higher self and the unconscious. Wholeness, power, elemental force, sword of flame, cleansing fire. Sowilo Merkstave (Sowilo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): False goals, bad counsel, false success, gullibility, loss of goals. Destruction, retribution, justice, casting down of vanity. Wrath of god.
Tyr's Aett
TiwazTiwaz: (T: Tyr, the sky god.) Honor, justice, leadership and authority. Analysis, rationality. Knowing where one's true strengths lie. Willingness to self-sacrifice. Victory and success in any competition or in legal matters. Tiwaz Reversed or Merkstave: One's energy and creative flow are blocked. Mental paralysis, over-analysis, over-sacrifice, injustice, imbalance. Strife, war, conflict, failure in competition. Dwindling passion, difficulties in communication, and possibly separation.
BerkanoBerkano: (B: Berchta, the birch-goddess.) Birth, general fertility, both mental and physical and personal growth, liberation. Regenerative power and light of spring, renewal, promise of new beginnings, new growth. Arousal of desire. A love affair or new birth. The prospering of an enterprise or venture. Berkano Reversed or Merkstave: Family problems and or domestic troubles. Anxiety about someone close to you. Carelessness, abandon, loss of control. Blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, stagnation.
EhwazEhwaz: (E: Horse, two horses.) Transportation. May represent a horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle. Movement and change for the better. Gradual development and steady progress are indicated. Harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty. An ideal marriage or partnership. Confirmation beyond doubt the meanings of the runes around it. Ehwaz Reversed or Merkstave: This is not really a negative rune. A change is perhaps craved. Feeling restless or confined in a situation. Reckless haste, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal.
MannazMannaz: (M: Man, mankind.) The Self; the individual or the human race. Your attitude toward others and their attitudes towards you. Friends and enemies, social order. Intelligence, forethought, create, skill, ability. Divine structure, intelligence, awareness. Expect to receive some sort of aid or cooperation now. Mannaz Reversed or Merkstave: Depression, mortality, blindness, self-delusion. Cunning, slyness, manipulation, craftiness, calculation. Expect no help now.
LaguzLaguz: (L: Water, or a leek.) Flow, water, sea, a fertility source, the healing power of renewal. Life energy and organic growth. Imagination and psychic matters. Dreams, fantasies, mysteries, the unknown, the hidden, the deep, the underworld. Success in travel or acquisition, but with the possibility of loss. Laguz Reversed or Merkstave: An indication of a period of confusion in your life. You may be making wrong decisions and poor judgements. Lack of creativity and feelings of being in a rut. Fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering. Madness, obsession, despair, perversity, sickness, suicide.
IngwazIngwaz: (NG: Ing, the earth god.) Male fertility, gestation, internal growth. Common virtues, common sense, simple strengths, family love, caring, human warmth, the home. Rest stage, a time of relief, of no anxiety. A time when all loose strings are tied and you are free to move in a new direction. Listen to yourself. Ingwaz Merkstave (Ingwaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Impotence, movement without change. Production, toil, labor, work.
DagazDagaz: (D: Day or dawn.) Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet. Dagaz Merkstave (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. Blindness, hopelessness.
OthalaOthala: (O: Ancestral property.) Inherited property or possessions, a house, a home. What is truly important to one. Group order, group prosperity. Land of birth, spiritual heritage, experience and fundamental values. Aid in spiritual and physical journeys. Source of safety, increase and abundance. Othala Reversed or Merkstave: Lack of customary order, totalitarianism, slavery, poverty, homelessness. Bad karma, prejudice, clannishness, provincialism. What a man is bound to.
Blank Rune: There is no historical support for a "Blank Rune" in runic divination. It was invented in the 1980's. It should not be used in a rune casting. If you bought a rune set with a blank piece, save it in case you lose another rune piece, but don't use it in rune casting.
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siidaraykashebahl · 5 years
Hour Writing Challenge!
The Prompt for this challenge was a mix of two, one where in the future, PDA is forbidden and the other is where emotions can be bought in bottles.
Time Taken: 59mins 35sec
“I can’t believe the wait-list has gotten this long already…didn’t this shop just open?”
It wasn’t exactly irritation that dripped off the words, perhaps it was just a little tension at wanting to feel the euphoria again that came with simply not caring. The society they’d grown up in was so regimented, so controlled, it was hard to deny the pleasures that came with even the smallest tastes of freedom.
“We have waited up until this point haven’t we?”
It was never easy to reason with someone you loved, it was so tempting to give in to impulse…but with public displays of affection being forbidden, it was better to simply focus on the time they would get to spend behind closed doors. No one really had an answer or told the same story as to why the bans came about. The regime simply believed that measured and controlled responses were better for the lives of their citizens. Romance often flowered into lust and lust was not easily controlled. Just like anger gave way to rage and sorrow bled into depression. It was the extremes that seemed to scare people.
Privacy was the one luxury that people were still allowed. Behind closed doors, we were allowed to behave as we liked without fear of armed guards breaking down our walls and dragging us away for a correction. People that often got taken away in the little black cars very rarely came back as anything recognizable. Shells of their former selves.
It’s why places like this shop were so popular lately. They offered a taste of what all of us wanted without any of the dangers. What they sold were simple, bottled emotions. For a premium fee, you could easily buy your way into feeling anything you wanted. The thrill of success, the heartache of a break-up, or the utter ecstasy that came with falling in love. It was all temporary, the effects rarely lasted longer than a few hours. A safe and allowable high for the masses.
When our turn finally came, it was easy for the shopkeeper to see what we wanted. Our blushing cheeks, our nervous glances at one another, the almost tangible foot of distance we kept between each other to be safe of any mishaps or slips of our raging hormones. We were both on edge, but we’d talked about making this decision months ago. In a world that didn’t allow for couples to show their love in public…when, they did decide to finally give in, it should be at its peak of expression.
“Let me guess lovebirds, you’re looking for a little something to feel that growing spark? Maybe turn it into a bonfire? Or maybe something to keep things sweet?”
Though the shopkeeper was being friendly, the large camera trained at the window was hard to miss. It’s ever-watchful eye likely feeding their faces back to some government building for analysis, making sure no one abused the system or had the gall to steal. It was at that moment that my mouth felt horribly dry, I almost couldn’t bring myself to speak. The hours that had gone into researching the different bottled emotions were slipping from her mind like there was a leak somewhere.
“We would like to try the Philia please.”
My partner’s voice was always a comfort, a gentle tenor that played over my ears and wrapped around me like a warm embrace. We had toyed around the idea of going with Eros or Agape, but something about Philia simply felt right. Our choice seemed to surprise the shopkeeper, perhaps it wasn’t a common choice?
“Not a request I get all the time from couples, everyone wants that spice and fire. I’m not gonna talk myself out of a sale though, so here you go you two. Remember, what happens in your own home is your business, don’t give anyone a show.”
The words were meant to be playful, but it was a clear warning without being overly threatening. After issuing what I hoped was a standard ending to their sales script, we were offered a pleasant enough looking vial. The liquid inside was a pale rose color, almost pink. They were engineered to be tasteless, but the internet was littered with rumors that they did have tastes, which were believed to be different based upon the person who consumed them.
With our bottle of Philia in hand, my partner and I walked along the streets. Our shared apartment wasn’t far and was already staged with our favorite take away meal, our cozy clothes, and the ideal set up for a good cuddle and watching a movie. It was believed that many couples had nights like this, once a month or so. The emotions were not cheap after all, some of them easily being the difference between groceries or worse, rent.
I could see the apartment building on the horizon and I couldn’t deny the way my heart started to pound in my chest. I knew what love was, I felt it for my partner more than anything else in this world. I knew want, lust, desire, but I also knew comfort, safety, and joy with them. It killed me a little that I couldn’t simply hug them goodbye when we walked to work or embrace them when they were struck by sadness. They say they know I care, but I worry at times. Lost in my own thoughts, I didn’t my partner’s urging right away. They were motioning me to follow them. It wasn’t in the direction of the apartment so I was very confused.
“What are you doing?”
It was a fair enough question, but they simply urged me to follow, so I did. We walked a few yards into an alley, the only thing surrounding us was tall walls with teasing glimpses of blue sky overhead. I couldn’t help but stare at my partner, the question was clear in my eyes.
“I don’t want to wait anymore. Let’s do it now.”
In their hand was the vial of Philia, their hands already moving to open it. Panic and excitement shot through my body so fast I almost felt sick. What if they got caught? What if they got sent in for a correction?
“We’re not far away from the apartment…we can take it now and by the time we arrive, it should be in effect…I just don’t want to waste a moment of this, I want to spend every second with you.”
The argument was so compelling. It made perfect sense. I was tired of waiting, I was tired of not sharing the deepest of emotions possible with them. I couldn’t say the words, but I managed to nod, reaching out to help their shaking hands. Nervousness, it made the moment all the tenser. An audible pop could be heard as the seal on the vial broke, the lid giving way. There was enough Philia for them to have a drink apiece.  My partner was always the braver person when it came to trying something new and took a drink. They were quick to shove the vial into my hand, time was of the essence after all. Cautiously I took the vial and raised it to my lips, tipping it back.
Rainwater in a summer storm with a touch of strawberry…that is what I tasted. I reminded me of the day I met my partner. A summer storm had brought us both into the same market to seek shelter, we hit it off almost instantly and the night had ended in my apartment, the taste of strawberry on my lips from what I imagined was my partner’s preferred lip balm.
The memory came on so intensely that when I looked into my partner’s eyes, I felt every desire to hold them close and never let go. The worries and the rest of the world faded away until they were little more than a silent and unspeaking audience.
“I thought I’d never feel this again…it’s just like when we first met….”
Our hands had found one another with such ease, it was like breathing. I could feel the way my partner’s thumb danced over my own, grazing it affectionately. Our lips met next, reckless abandon being the order of the day. It felt right, there was no fear, no timid shyness, just pure affection and declarations of love.
Memories of moments like this nervously shared even behind closed doors flooded between us, colliding and remembering that these feelings were not something to be ashamed of or feared, but rather something to be cherished. There seemed little in this world that would have or could have stopped their embrace…that was until a distant sound came closer and closer. In the fog of their embrace, they were spared the jarring sight of jackbooted thugs running at them from both directions, batons raised and coming down in beating force. They would not know the taste of blood on their lips, and they would not know the terror of being pulled from another and stuffed into the backs of black cars.
Many people saw and many people did nothing…and that is just how the powers that be wanted it. To rule those in fear is so much easier than ruling those who are not afraid to raise their voices.
((If you liked what you’re reading, consider reaching out to view my Patreon where more projects like this one live.))
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gear-project · 5 years
GG Character Development
Character development is important, and with fighting game characters in particular it sometimes goes ignored by the fans at large.
With Guilty Gear being as expansive a story as it is, I think it's a good idea to address the changes many characters have undergone throughout the series.  I won't go in to finer details since the story is long and expansive, but I will touch upon some basic notions that have happened for some characters.
Sol Badguy: As Frederick he was withdrawn, reclusive, and very self-centered, but as tragedy upon tragedy piled itself on top of him, he faced despair and rage that would have nearly broken him if it weren't for his encounters with others like Ky Kiske.  While his Gear powers have drawn out his ego, his desire to still be human keeps him humble to a degree.  He still has his pride though, concerning his rivalries.  He has learned to accept certain facets of his fate, but in doing so, he has gained friends along the way.
Axl Low: While he faced his situation as though it were a comical accident, it eventually dawn on him that he was at fault for much of the changes the world faced, and while he struggled internally for a while, even considering the prospects of turning the world upside-down for his own desires, he still longs for the day he can look at his girlfriend Megumi earnestly and with pride.  He may be flirtatious with other women at times, but often times that's just his exterior personality, as in actuality he has kind intentions.
Chipp Zanuff: While growing up he never did overcome his crude behavior, rather than sweat the small stuff, he instead seeks true strength in himself and trust in those around him, and the results have made him suddenly popular, albeit imperfect as he is.  His instincts have still been ridiculously accurate towards things he is suspicious of, despite his eccentricities.
Dr. Faust: While he still loathes himself to death for his past sins, just interacting with others around him has brought a change in his willingness to live on and atone.  And while his personality blackens at the sight of the ones who wronged him (Zato), he has lost some of the blood-lust he once had in place of the intelligence and genius that made him a great man long ago.  His role may be hidden from history, but it will still be very significant in the coming parts of the story.
Kliff Undersn: When he was alive and young, he at first seemed impenetrable, untippable even, but his encounter with Testament seemed to change his life, placing within him a deep sense of guilt for his actions, though he had no control over his fate during the war.  Even so his actions can be felt and seen to this very day in the background of the story.
Ky Kiske: Everyone knows what kind of person Ky currently is, but he was once very strict and rigid, demanding and intense, even deadly to anything that wasn't human.  Even when faced with the death of Justice, he still hated her for what she stood for... and even years later when he learned of the conspiracy with Ariels, he still lost his composure at what the world expected him to do, facing depression and fear for the future.  Still, he is no longer alone, and found a strength he could share with others in their times of need, even someone like Sol.
May: While she still struggles with the mystery of her past, even to the point that she thought her existence was a threat to her dearest family, she has grown up a lot since her days treating Johnny as mere eye candy.  She has even been able to touch the hearts of those who lost faith in themselves, like Faust and even Testament.  She'll only get stronger from here on out.
Millia Rage: She despaired at the prospects of quitting her humanity, even willing to kill herself.  But she learned from Zato and Eddie that that way served no purpose, and though she struggled with others like Venom and Slayer, she found herself dissatisfied with an ordinary life and sought to be stronger.  While Zato's lust for power educated her on the foolishness of such a path, she has since learned to place balance and value in both her life and the role her powers have given her, even if such powers put her in a precarious position of 'borrowed time' with Angra.
Potemkin: At first all that mattered to him were his closest comrades and his pride as a warrior... but since tasting bitter defeat from the likes of Ky Kiske and Bedman, he has begun to question if there's more to whom he is and what he fights for.  Ky offered a hand of friendship to him, something he seldom experienced as a slave in times past... What his large hands will do next is anyone's guess, but he appears to wish to fight for a better future for everyone... not just those of Zepp.
Zato=ONE: Having a second chance at life doesn't mean all is forgiven, as Zato was quick to learn from Faust, and his past certainly caught up with him when meeting with Millia, Venom, and Slayer once more.  But the changes in his mind and heart appear to have been blessed with an even greater intellect and wisdom far beyond his years prior to his first death.  Even Eddie appears to be far different than he once was.  His ego may be missing, but that may very well be for the better, but what will this dead man walking do from now on, other than be Millia's Knight in Black Armor?
Baiken: Not much has changed since her decision to escape the Japanese colony and become a fugitive with a bounty on her head, but if anything has changed, it's the truth about her past.  How will she face that past once everything is revealed?  It's hard to say... but it appears she has others like Anji Mito and Answer looking out for her, so that she doesn't truly lose her way.
Testament: While his past isn't any less tragic than anyone else's in this era, what makes him different is the knowledge he carries with him... pieces of a larger conspiracy puzzle that may play a greater role in the future.  While his grudge still hasn't disappeared from this world, there may come a time when he can face it earnestly and truly become the Testament to the Hero he once admired as his father long ago.
Anji Mito: For someone who hates lies, he sure hides a lot of the truth, though he has his own reasons, he's become more cautious than he once was, and less reckless.  He will, without a doubt, play a pivotal role in the next chapter of Guilty Gear.
Bridget: While he was always carefree in some ways, he still sought to earn money for his hard work and talents.  We haven't "officially" seen him since he last went after his missing twin brother... but what have these past six years taught him?
Dizzy: No longer afraid of her powers, she instead uses that power to give confidence and protection to others. She has since taken on a more motherly role, even for those who aren't her children officially, but she appears to face the future smiling and kind, making what seemed unlikely now possible.  All that remains is the mysteries surrounding her to be solved... which will work itself out somehow!
Johnny Sfondi: When he was younger he had an ego-streak in him that made him only think for himself... but since facing his father's tragic death, he focused more on being kind to others in need, even if he went about it in illegal ways.  While his past isn't crystal clear, or clean... He seems to have gotten more family-centric as time goes on.
Jam Kuradoberi: While Jam has always been a real piece of work when it comes to interacting with others... flawed though she is, she sees things in a perspective few examine, and the result gives them insights in to things they had not considered before.  Nonetheless, while her growth is hard to spot by others, her true polish comes from the results of her continued hard work: in fighting and cooking!
Venom: For many years he harbored a seething grudge against Millia for possessing something he could never obtain, but he did not truly understand the meaning behind what that "thing" he wanted was, until he watched someone else lose their humanity and eventual life (Sir Gottfried, and later Zato himself).  When faced with the responsibility of leadership, he became more ruthless, but also understood further what being a true professional was all about.  He took that responsibility and surpassed Millia with it, nearly sacrificing his life for the sake of others he cared for.  But it took an artificial human to teach him that even HIS life was precious.  And while he no longer fights on the front lines, he obtained something he wished to protect, which was what Millia always had, what he'd sought all along!
Slayer: While you'd think someone like him unflappable and unchangeable, his growing attachment to humanity is a sight to behold, despite his stating he retired from this world.  His is still a significant aspect of a grander story.
Zappa: While at first his life was full of chaos and random encounters, he eventually found a purpose working for the Illyrian government with his supernatural talents.  He has since gotten far wiser and made unlikely friends.  Still, his luck with women hasn't faired well despite the changes.
Robo-Ky: It's amazing to think something man-made can learn for itself and grow in human-like ways... But that only begins to describe the misadventures of this "collective" of shared experiences passed on from generation to generation of advanced robotics!  So much so, that it impacted someone like Venom, who hardly thought of himself as human at one point!  Maybe someday he'll plant that Tangerine Field he always wanted!
I-No: Her past, present, and future, still remain a great mystery, but while she does cruel things to others and harbors a deep hatred for Sol, she can be merciful if she wants to be like with Axl Low... which only furthers the mystery behind her.  Just what will the truth eventually reveal about her... and what stage will she finally play on?
Answer: Originally he was a rough kid off the streets, but since encountering Chipp he cleaned himself up quite nicely.  He's still eccentric in a few ways, and often treats Chipp like a gang boss rather than a president... but that will take time.
Bedman: He shows mercy to very few, but those to which he has have had their lives changed forever by him.  His past is still a great mystery, but it can be said that if given the chance, he would make far better choices if he could start over again.  A different kind of Deja Vu Dream.  Perhaps his sister will be a key to that in the future.
Elphelt: Just like her sisters, she had a hard time understanding humans, even if she was given more knowledge on the subject than they were.  But time has since taught her to put more faith in humanity's potential and believe in family.  What happens next for her is anyone's guess!
Ramlethal: If there's one thing that makes her different from previous Valentines, it's that she understands individuality above all else and its importance.  If only the first Valentine had known what Ram did, perhaps not so many tragedies would have happened.  And while humans may still struggle to befriend Ramlethal and her sister, they will still at least be willing to keep the conversation open from now on.
Raven: If all you see from this man is a desire for death, you haven't seen the needle tip of who he truly is.  He once thought himself a God, but was faced with the humbling reality that even he could never achieve such a role... since then it appears he has his own ambitions, but his belief in humanity is not as dead as it once was, thanks to Ramlethal.
Leo Whitefang: While his ego is ever-present... his willingness to work with others is JUST AS present!  While he is by no means a perfect king, enough people believed in him to put him in that role, and he'll be darned if he doesn't do his job properly! (Reminds me of myself!?)  His rivalry with Ky is the polishing stone he needs to keep himself sharp and alert.
Kum Haehyun: While her past isn't entirely clear, it can be said she is a workaholic and tends to put forth too much effort towards things.  At least, being around the likes of May and Jam has taught her to pace herself... which may play a role in the future of the story.
Sin Kiske: In the past, Sin was childish and rebellious (especially towards his father Ky) as you'd expect... but what his young eyes have seen goes above and beyond what any youth should be forced to experience, human or not.  He has since learned to make friends with nearly everyone he meets, and is probably a welcome contrast to Sol's dark moods.  He's yet another important piece to the story... one that bridges the gap between Humans and Gears.
Dr. Paradigm: He once loathed himself and cursed humans for his fate, but has since taken stock in the "right humans" to trust!  Hopefully one day he'll perfect his military strategies just as well!
Izuna: Shy though he was at first, he's fairly good at making friends and making important choices... He'll return eventually, bank on it!
Jack-O' Valentine: To understand Jack-O', you have to understand the reserved woman known as Aria Hale... the real soul behind the tragedy that is Justice.  A scientist with a heavy sinful burden, much like Sol.  While it was never her true desire to become something more than human, her attachment to others she loved was borderline selfish and childish... creating a chained shackle around those around her... like the ball and chain Jack-O' wears.  You could say she became a prisoner of her own hubris, though Asuka was largely to blame for even caring about her tragic fate...
Though Jack-O', the Valentines, Justice, and even Happy Chaos are mere fallout to what happened with Aria, it's still unclear what Aria has since learned from her ordeals.  Perhaps it has made her a kinder person... or someone more open-minded.  It's still too soon to say.
At the very least, she can now be with Sol when he needs her the most, especially with Happy Chaos running amok!
Asuka R. Kreutz: Once known by history as the world's most infamous war criminal... He has since renounced the names "That Man" and "Gearmaker" and returns from his reclusive past to face his crimes... but will he truly face them?  Or is this all another plot of his?  What changes come from no longer being the Gearmaker?
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vmprwtch · 6 years
             alec and pain *!
                      trigger warning: abuse
          alec has a lust and a love for pain. there’s a complicated relationship between pain and pleasure in his mind. he only likes being hurt by anyone he is engaged in sex with or anyone he has accepted into his circle of trust which is notoriously small. he also has a proclivity for abusive relationships, only semi-consciously. he does not necessarily prefer them in a way that romanticizes abuse. he is simply accustomed to abusive dynamics and has misguided concepts of what is abuse due to being a victim of abuse in a variety of ways. disclaimer: I am writing this as someone who has experience in the following issues and is speaking from that experience. I do not mean to represent anyone else’s similar experiences as we all go through things differently. I do not intend to romanticize any of the following material. it is merely fact about alec’s genuinely dangerous ways of thinking. 
alec believes everyone will hurt him eventually
              alec does not believe the best in people. he does not think there is any reason why people should be their best; he’s very agnostic and does not believe in any universal code of morality. however, he is simply conditioned to expect the worst of people. he is very much in agreement with hobbes that at their core humans are evil beings, animalistic and cruel. pain is to be expected at every turn. to kill is the only way to ensure one will never be hurt and so pain is a necessary part of life. its a nonissue.
alec sees himself as an object first and a person second
              since his transformation, alec has been a weapon first and foremost. his personality and his intellect are not the reason he was saved. he was not saved because it was the right thing to do. he was saved to be a weapon, a tool. he has always been a piece, an object. he does not question it. thats all he is. he is no longer a living breathing person. he died and was reborn as a dagger, something to be used for violence and wielded at the whims of the volturi masters. he believes he owes them and that he can only be safe or valued if he is their weapon. he has no other choice.
alec has grown accustomed to pain and sees it as a demonstration of passion and intense emotion, even positive emotions
              he was often harassed and beaten as a human and his life ended in utter torment. since then he has been feeling the burn of fire in his throat for 1200 years. his sns makes everything incredibly uncomfortable and he is simply used to living a life filled with carnage and bloodshed. pain is normal and it is in everything. if anything, he has noticed in the volturi and the world around him that when people care deeply they act out in violence and with intensity. when caius would get upset and wage wars or when aro would order an assassination for a scorned invitation to join the volturi, he was told they were simply very passionate and they cared too much. the world was a dangerous intense place and sometimes that passion manifested in violence. violence makes more sense than love; it is all he knows.
alec has an internal belief that regardless of his confidence or security, all people will see him as a monster and violence is a physical confirmation of this
              alec does not hate himself. however, he believes everyone else does. everyone has except for the volturi masters and even they frequently see him as a tool rather than a person. ever since his abuse at the hands of the villagers and his subsequent transformation into a literal monster, he has been a creature of darkness and abuse rejected by society. no one has been any different. by being hurt or assaulted, he is simply reassured. his anxiety and trauma convince him of their hate; the violence is a reassuring confirmation of that paranoia.
violence shocks him out of some symptoms of his mental disorders and his oversensitive sns 
              the shock of a slap or the distraction of a fight is reassuring because not only will it sharpen his sadness into rage but it also justifies the constant fight or flight reaction induced by his anxiety and that causes his sns. he essentially feels almost healthy when he is angry or involved in a physical fight because not only is the paralyzing sadness transformed but he also feels physically in tune. his adrenaline and panic is appropriate and comfortable for once.
his first sexual experiences (excluding those with women) were incredibly violent and unsafe due to the attitudes towards homosexual behavior at the time
              this is quite self explanatory. alec’s very early years/centuries were especially hard because not only were his thoughts heavily influenced by trauma and poor conditioning but the outside world rarely disagreed with him. they too saw him as a monster, a deviant and other such horrific derogatory things.
alec enjoys risk and the possibility of being seriously injured 
              the risk and danger once again make him feel healthier and fulfilled by justifying his fight or flight instinct, his physical discomfort, and his endless panic. its a satisfying link of mind and body. and with his penchant for self harm related behavior and self destruction, the possibility of being hurt is thrilling.
alec enjoys feeling overwhelmed and impassioned during sex in a battle of wills and bodies
              once more this relates to his need to get out of his own head and be overwhelmed by physicality. but it also plays to his generic kink for intensity, strength, passion, competition, etc. 
alec’s durability in supernatural verses has gifted him with a reckless abandon to indulge in the above instincts
              alec has no reason to really fear the outcome of any of the above dangerous behavior and often uses this as an excuse to engage in it. in his human verses this does not apply but it also does not stop him. he is always quite a reckless person when it comes to controlling urges related to his mental illness.
alec’s self imposed apathy leads him to crave intense waves of emotion
              alec’s apathy is part personality trait and part self imposed asceticism. he tries to contain and suppress his tumultuous emotions, choosing to repress his trauma and any chance of dealing with the, rather than turn it outwards or deal with it in a healthy manner. because he spends months at a time without emoting or laughing or truly feeling much more than mild emotion at most, he often finds himself in a very precarious situation when he is close to anxiety/panic attacks and his meltdowns. during these periods, he craves intense release of his emotions and energy to simply break free of his apathy and simply scream into the abyss that he cant be composed any longer.
alec finds the dominance of pain arousing
              this is quite straightforward. alec has a pain kink without any of the above trauma and conditioning. he always finds it arousing and unhealthily thinks it is a display of passion and strength.
abuse feels familiar to alec and he understands how to navigate abusive relationships better than healthy ones
              after the life he has led, abusive behavior and violence/cruelty feel familiar to alec. he can read and understand it infinitely better than love or selflessness. he has never truly been exposed to those in a pure and true form since his human life ended. it feels foreign and insincere and otherworldly to him. abusive relationships feel accessible and appropriate for him, something he not only prefers but also deserves.
alec often goes through bouts of depression where he believes he deserves the hurt
              a major component of alec’s depression is self image issues. he truly does believe he is a monster and an object and a pin cushion a majority of the times. in his eyes, he deserves that pain. he wants to hurt because his depression inspires self hatred in a very specific and unusual way where alec doesnt necessarily feel bad about being the way he is but believes and acknowledges that he is a terrible person deserving of violence and pain.
he is incredibly loyal but only is familiar with a manipulative sort of authority and therefore believes he owes his submission to those he is loyal to
              alec only knows the authority and power of the volturi which is often if not always very manipulative, abusive, and violent in nature. when he accepts people into his miniscule circle of trust, he has decided he will never not love them, that they are a fixed point of his world. and any figure of authority or love that he has chosen to obey will automatically reach a pedastal which allows them to treat him in a similarly abusive way. he only knows submission as a form of love and loyalty. it is natural for him and clearcut which his anxiety craves.
he would rather take all the pain in the world than see those he loves suffer an ounce of discomfort
              when alec actually loves someone he would gladly burn at the stake again than see them hurt. he will be a lightning rod for his loved ones. if those loved ones are the ones who decide to hurt him, he is also perfectly comfortable accepting it as a way for them to release anger or tension or for any other reason honestly.
alec excuses abuse and sometimes even believes he deserves it
               essentially, all the earlier points are evidence and explanation of this. the life alec has led has been fucked up and abusive and unhealthy. but its all he knows. its normal, commonplace. and he survived. thats a large component,. if he has already survived it, why should he care. he will be hurt anyway so as long as he isnt dying the pain is inescapable and inevitable. as stated, he often believes he deserves that pain as well. its his life and its natural. if he werent in pain he would be in heaven and he doesnt believe in heaven.
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viadescioism · 7 years
36 Ravens of the ravens of antimony
The ravens have their own name, personality, associations, sigil, and akna that they resonate with. The ravens will be able to be invoked in order to grant the practitioner energies that have to do with their akna. Their names, and sigils can be used in order to call the ravens to your side, so that they can then be sent out with your intentions to manifest your desire. The ravens have control over there akna, and the extreme form of it, and the lack of it. This allows them to have great power over what they are meant to control.
Description of the ravens appearance:
The ravens being spiritual entities have their own spiritual appearances that may appear to the practitioners that invoke them. These spiritual appearances of the ravens will change from raven to raven, but in general the ravens will be seen as black ravens with the antimony symbol burned into their back. These entities will also have pitch white eyes except for a black sigil that is used to represent that specific raven in the middle of their eyes. The ravens can also change their spiritual appearance at any time to a human form in order to help them in specific interactions, and to show off their individual personalities. This spiritual human appearance will be quite unique to the raven, but will always have the attributes of being caucasian, with black hair, their respective raven of antimony sigil in their eyes, and they will have the antimony symbol burned into their back. The ravens will be male, or female depending upon the spiritual energy that their akna in bodies that they in body.
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Raven Of Lust:
Name: E
Pronunciation: [Ee]
Gender: Male
Okna: Love
Akna: Lust
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 1
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
Color: Puce #722F37
Akna Attributes: Determination, Driving force, Energetic, Lustful, Enthusiastic, Sexual Desire, Obsession, Compulsion, Greed, Desire, Longing, Attachment, Wanting, Overzealous
Reverse Akna Attributes: No Direction, Contentment, Indifferent, Sufficient, Fulfillment, Stagnant, Motionless
Raven Of Passion:
Name: U
Pronunciation: [Yoo]
Gender: Male
Okna: Love
Akna: Passion
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 2
Element: Fire
Planet: Venus
Color: Pink #FFC0CB
Akna Attributes: Passion, Initiative, Attraction, Love, Beauty, Powerful Emotion, Excellent Quality, Empowered, Zeal, Verve, Liveliness
Reverse Akna Attributes: Idleness, Slothfulness, Emotionless, Lazy, Halfhearted
Raven Of Devotion:
Name: Æ or A'
Pronunciation: [Æ]
Gender: Female
Okna: Love
Akna: Devotion
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 3
Element: Water
Planet: Venus
Color: Magenta #ff00ff
Akna Attributes: Devotion, Commitment, Stability, Adoration, Loyalty, Reverence, Spirituality, Dedication, Worship, Religious, Faith, Belief, Focus
Reverse Akna Attributes: Irresponsibility, Betrayal of trust, Faithlessness, Perfidy
Raven Of Prejudice:
Name: TA
Pronunciation:  [Tah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Hate
Akna: Prejudice
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 4
Element: Fire
Planet: Saturn
Color: Maroon #800000
Akna Attributes: Prejudice, Alienation, Racism, Ignorant, Injustice, Sentiment, Jealousy, Judgment, Segregation
Reverse Akna Attributes: Rights, Respect, Honor, Privilege, Esteem, Decency, Equality, Dignity, Liberty, Equity
Raven Of Anger:
Name: HA
Pronunciation: [Hah]
Gender: Male
Aknao: Hate
Akna: Anger
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 5
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Color: Red #FF0000
Akna Attributes: Anger, Violence, Brutality, Conflict, War, Exasperation, Rage
Reverse Akna Attributes: Peace, Tranquility, Harmony, Joy, Cheer, Delight, Enjoyment, Love
Raven Of Misunderstanding:
Name: RA
Pronunciation: [Rah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Hate
Akna: Misunderstanding
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 6
Element: Fire
Planet: Moon
Color: Scarlet #FF2400
Akna Attributes:  Misunderstanding, Discord, Error, Misjudgment, Exaggeration
Reverse Akna Attributes: Understanding, Grok, Perception, Sympathy
Raven Of Skill:
Name: A
Pronunciation: [Ah] 
Gender: Female
Okna: Power
Akna: Skill
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 7
Element: Air
Planet: Jupiter
Color: Bronze #CD7F32
Akna Attributes: Skill, Accomplishment, Talent, Capability, Competence, Effort
Reverse Akna Attributes: Impotence, Ineptness, Incapability, Inadequacy
Raven Of Might:
Name: I
Pronunciation: [Ah-ee]
Gender: Male
Okna: Power
Akna: Might
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 8
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Color: Silver #C0C0C0
Akna Attributes: Strength, Might, Power, Endurance, Survival, Strength, Authority, Courage
Reverse Akna Attributes: Weakness, Fragile, Instability, Submissive, Vulnerability, Loose, Breaking Point, Yielding, Surrendering
Raven Of Ascendancy:
Name: O
Pronunciation: [Oh]
Gender: Male
Okna: Power
Akna: Ascendancy
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 9
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus
Color: Gold #D4AF37
Akna Attributes: Ascension, Enlightenment, Self-confidence, Triumph, Increase, Superfluity, Rise
Reverse Akna Attributes: Descendancy, Degeneracy, Inferiority, Degeneration, Worsen, Decline, Recession, Fall
Raven Of Chaos:
Name: KA
Pronunciation: [Kah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Fear
Akna: Chaos
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 10
Element: Fire
Planet: Saturn
Color: Rust #B7410E
Akna Attributes: Chaos, Disarray, Trickery, Disorganization, Maelstrom, Mayhem, Disorder, Lawlessness
Reverse Akna Attributes: Order, Structure, Regulation, Method, Organize, Pattern, Plan, System, control, Lawful
Raven Of Panic:
Name: ȜA, or Gha
Pronunciation: [Gh'ah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Fear
Akna: Panic
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 11
Element: Water
Planet: Saturn
Color: Orange #FF7F00
Akna Attributes: Panic, Unexpected Changes, Misdirected Force, Disruption, Confusion, Disquiet, Alarm, Anxiety, Depression
Reverse Akna Attributes: Calm, Gnosis, Trance, Inner Peace, Composure, Comfort
Raven Of Horror:
Name: þA, or Tha
Pronunciation: [Th'ah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Fear
Akna: Horror
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 12
Element: Water
Planet: Saturn
Color: light Orange #FFA500
Akna Attributes: Horror, Fear, Terror, Dread, Scare, Dismay, Fright, Apprehension
Reverse Akna Attributes: Serenity, Quietude, Desire, Affinity, Confidence
Raven Of Darkness:
Name: SA
Pronunciation: [Sah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Spirituality
Akna: Dark/Darkness
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 13
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Color: Dark Cyan #0c2021
Akna Attributes: Pettiness, Blindness, Misery, Distress, Tyranny, Negativity, Absentness
Reverse Akna Attributes: Darkness, Security, Secret, Protection, Femininity
Raven Of Connection:
Name: LA
Pronunciation: [Lah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Spirituality
Akna: Connection
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 14
Element: Water
Planet: Neptune
Color: Cyan #00FFFF
Akna Attributes: Connection, Communication, Personal Relationships, Partnerships, Fellowship, Diplomacy, Marriage, Alliance, Kinship
Reverse Akna Attributes: Breakup, Loneliness, Unsocial, Aloof, Disconnection, Isolated, Detached
Raven Of Light:
Name: MA
Pronunciation: [Mah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Spirituality
Akna: Light
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 15
Element: Air
Planet: Sun
Color: Celeste #B2FFFF
Akna Attributes: Lightness, Illumination, Harmony, Joy, Comfort, Pleasure, Peace, Hopes, Happiness, Fruitfulness, Masculinity
Reverse Akna Attributes: Overwhelming, Overbearing, Blindness, Demanding
Raven Of Wisdom:
Name: AR
Pronunciation: [Ah-rr]
Gender: Female
Okna: Reason
Akna: Wisdom
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 16
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Color: Indigo #4B0082
Akna Attributes: Wisdom, Insight, Revealing Message, Inspiration
Reverse Akna Attributes: Immaturity, Foolish, Folly, Newness, Recklessness, Innocence
Raven Of Knowledge:
Name: JA
Pronunciation: [Jah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Reason
Akna: Knowledge
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 17
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Color: Purple #7F00FF
Akna Attributes: Understanding, Innovation, Information, Knowledge, Education, Awareness, Comprehension
Reverse Akna Attributes: Surface Knowledge, Misapprehension, Misinterpretation, Incomprehension
Raven Of Logic:
Name: NA
Pronunciation: [Nah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Reason
Akna: Logic
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 18
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Color: Lavender #E6E6FA
Akna Attributes: Logic, Reason, Intelligence, Rationality, Common Sens
Reverse Akna Attributes: Irrationality, Argument, Absurdity, Idiocy, Inconsistency
Raven Of Binding:
Name: BA
Pronunciation: [Bah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Safety
Akna: Binding
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 19
Element: Earth
Planet: Jupiter
Color: Navy blue #000080
Attributes: Dependence, Obligation, Possession, Restriction, Imprisonment, Trapped
Reverse Attributes: Reliability, Dependability, Trustworthiness, Servitude
Raven Of Warding:
Name: GA
Pronunciation: [Gah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Safety
Akna: Warding
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 20
Element: Fire
Planet: Jupiter
Color:  Blue #0000FF
Attributes: Warding off, Safeguarding, Buffer, Pushing Away, Avert, Avoid
Reverse Attributes: Open, Make Vulnerable, Endanger
Raven Of Protection:
Name: CA
Pronunciation: [Cah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Safety
Akna: Protection
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 21
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Color: Azure #007FFF
Attributes: Protection, Defense, Shield, Guardian, Safety, Sanctuary
Reverse Attributes: Defenselessness, Hazard, Threaten
Raven Of Insanity:
Name: ZA
Pronunciation: [Zah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Delusion
Akna: Insanity
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 22
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus
Color: Amber #FFBF00
Attributes: Instability, Stultification, Mental Paralysis, Over-analysis, Crazy
Reverse Attributes: Stability, Sanity, Rationality, Calm, Balance
Raven Of Illusion:
Name: QA
Pronunciation: [Qah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Delusion
Akna: Illusion
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 23
Element: Air
Planet: Neptune
Color: Yellow #FFFF00
Attributes: Illusion, Hallucination, Fabrication
Reverse Attributes: Delusion, Doubt, Deception
Raven Of Fantasy:
Name: FA
Pronunciation: [Fah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Delusion
Akna: Fantasy
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 24
Element: Earth
Planet: Neptune
Color: Royal Yellow #FADA5E
Attributes: Fantasy, Imagination, Dreams, Vision, Fable, Untruth, Falsehood
Reverse Attributes: Reality, Fact, Truth, Objective, Substance
Raven Of Energy:
Name: KNA
Pronunciation: [Kn’ah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Creation
Akna: Energy
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 25
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Color: White #FFFFFF
Attributes: Energy, Spirit, Vitality, Absoluteness, Animation, Vivacity
Reverse Attributes: Exhaustion, Indolence, Prostration, Initiation
Raven Of Life:
Name: SKA
Pronunciation: [Sk’ah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Creation
Akna: Life
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 26
Element: Earth
Planet: Sun
Color: Eggshell #F0EAD6
Attributes: Creation, Invention, Mind, Body, Heart, Soul, Self, Consciousness, Spirituality, Existence
Reverse Attributes: Ego, Lifelessness, Extinction, Unconsciousness, Blankness
Raven Of Health:
Name: SHA
Pronunciation: [Sh'ah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Creation
Akna: Health
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 27
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Color: Bone white #e3dac9
Attributes: Good Health, Regeneration, Fitness, Vigor, Vitality, Endurance
Reverse Attributes: Bad Health, Disease, Sickness, Disorder, Malady, Damage
Raven Of Corruption:
Name: ACK
Pronunciation: [Ah-k]
Gender: Female
Okna: Destruction
Akna: Corruption
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 28
Element: Earth
Planet: Pluto
Color: Black #000000
Attributes: Corruption, Depravity, Immorality, Contamination, Degradation, Crookedness
Reverse Attributes: Purity, Incorruption, Morality, Probity, Virtue
Raven Of Death:
Name: ABT
Pronunciation: [Ah-bh-tt]
Gender: Female
Okna: Destruction
Akna: Death
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 29
Element: Earth
Planet: Pluto
Color: Light Black  #1A1110
Attributes: Death, Destructive, War, End, Mortality, Destruction, Termination
Reverse Attributes: Transition, Mercy, Rest, Beginnings, Change, Transformation
Raven Of Banishment:
Name: ARD
Pronunciation: [Ah-rr-dh]
Gender: Male
Okna: Destruction
Akna: Banishment
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 30
Element: Earth
Planet: Mars
Color: Charcoal #36454F
Attributes: Banishment, Exile, Ostracism, Removal, Elimination, Remove, Let Go
Reverse Attributes: Admission, Welcoming, Incorporation, Engage, Accept, Let In
Raven Of Pain:
Name: PA
Pronunciation: [Pah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Life
Akna: Pain
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 31
Element: Earth
Planet: Pluto
Color: Dark green #013220
Attributes: Pain, Sorrow, Loss, Suffering, Hardship, Torment
Reverse Attributes: Pleasure, Comfort, Delight, Bliss
Raven Of Experience:
Name: DA
Pronunciation: [Dah]
Gender: Male
Okna: Life
Akna: Experience
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 32
Element: Earth
Planet: Jupiter
Color: Green #008000
Attributes: Experience, Growth, Destiny, Fortune, Luck, Serendipity, Prophecy, Outcome.
Reverse Attributes: Inexperience, Stagnation, Fate, Misfortune, Unluck, Causation
Raven Of Enlightenment:
Name: XA
Pronunciation: [Kss-ah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Life
Akna: Enlightenment
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 33
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus
Color: Moss green #8A9A5B
Attributes: Enlightenment, Edification, Sophistication, Higher Life, Higher Self, Truth
Reverse Attributes: Unenlightenment, Denseness, Lower self, Awakening, Inaccuracy
Raven Of Unknown:
Name: YA
Pronunciation: [Yah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Death
Akna: Unknown
Akna C.T.E: Corrupted
Chronological order number: 34
Element: Water
Planet: Uranus
Color: Bistre #3D2B1F
Attributes: Hidden, Unconscious, Secrets, Mystery, Silence, Concealment, Unfamiliar, Nameless, Occultism, Esotericism
Reverse Attributes: Known, Familiar, Conscious, Noise, Present, Manifestation
Raven Of Release:
Name: VA
Pronunciation: [Vah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Death
Akna: Release
Akna C.T.E: Tangible
Chronological order number: 35
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Color: Brown #7a5230
Attributes: Freedom, Liberation, Action, Independence, Autonomy, Permission
Reverse Attributes: Captivity, Traped, Slavery, Limitation, Restriction, Bondage, Control
Raven Of Rebirth:
Name: WA
Pronunciation: [Wah]
Gender: Female
Okna: Death
Akna: Rebirth
Akna C.T.E: Eccentric
Chronological order number: 36
Element: Water
Planet: Pluto
Color: Tan #D2B48C
Attributes: Retribution, Revival, Renewal, Reawakening, Reincarnation, Birth, New Beginnings, Fresh starts, Continuation
Reverse Attributes: End, Terminate, Continuation, Discontinuance, Adjournment
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diableriax · 7 years
Futhark Runes and their meanings
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Fehu - (F: Domestic cattle, wealth.) 
Possessions won or earned, earned income, luck. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future. Sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. Social success. Energy, foresight, fertility, creation/destruction (becoming). ​    Fehu Reversed or Merkstave: Loss of personal property, esteem, or something that you put in effort to keep. It indicates some sort of failure. Greed, burnout, atrophy, discord. Cowardice, stupidity, dullness, poverty, slavery, bondage
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Uruz -  (U: Auroch, a wild ox.) 
Physical strength and speed, untamed potential. A time of great energy and health. Freedom, energy, action, courage, strength, tenacity, understanding, wisdom. Sudden or unexpected changes (usually for the better). Sexual desire, masculine potency. The shaping of power and pattern, formulation of the self. ​   Uruz Reversed or Merkstave: Weakness, obsession, misdirected force, domination by others. Sickness, inconsistency, ignorance. Lust, brutality, rashness, callousness, violence.
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Thurisaz -  (TH: Thorn or a Giant.) 
Reactive force, directed force of destruction and defense, conflict. Instinctual will, vital eroticism, regenerative catalyst. A tendency toward change. Catharsis, purging, cleansing fire. Male sexuality, fertilization. (Thorr, the Thunder god, was of Giant stock.) ​   Thurisaz Reversed or Merkstave: Danger, defenselessness, compulsion, betrayal, dullness. Evil, malice, hatred, torment, spite, lies. A bad man or woman. Rape?
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Ansuz- (A: The As, ancestral god, i.e. Odin.)
A revealing message or insight, communication. Signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, speech, true vision, power of words and naming. Blessings, the taking of advice. Good health, harmony, truth, wisdom.   Ansuz Reversed or Merkstave: Misunderstanding, delusion, manipulation by others, boredom. Vanity and grandiloquence. (Odin is a mighty, but duplicitous god. He always has his own agenda.)
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Raidho -  (R: Wagon or chariot.) 
Travel, both in physical terms and those of lifestyle direction. A journey, vacation, relocation, evolution, change of place or setting. Seeing a larger perspective. Seeing the right move for you to make and deciding upon it. Personal rhythm, world rhythm, dance of life.                                                                                       Raidho  Reversed or Merkstave: Crisis, rigidity, stasis, injustice, irrationality. Disruption, dislocation, demotion, delusion, possibly a death.
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Kenaz - (K: Beacon or torch.) 
Vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration, technical ability. Vital fire of life, harnessed power, fire of transformation and regeneration. Power to create your own reality, the power of light. Open to new strength, energy, and power now. Passion, sexual love. ​   Kenaz Reversed or Merkstave: Disease, breakup, instability, lack of creativity. Nakedness, exposure, loss of illusion and false hope.
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Gebo - (G: Gift.) 
Gifts, both in the sense of sacrifice and of generosity, indicating balance. All matters in relation to exchanges, including contracts, personal relationships and partnerships.                                                                                                              Gebo Merkstave (Gebo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice. Obligation, toll, privation, bribery. 
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Wunjo - (W or V: Joy.) 
Joy, comfort, pleasure. Fellowship, harmony, prosperity. Ecstasy, glory, spiritual reward, but also the possibility of going "over the top". If restrained, the meaning is general success and recognition of worth. ​   Wunjo Reversed or Merkstave: Stultification, sorrow, strife, alienation. Delirium, intoxication, possession by higher forces, impractical enthusiasm. Raging frenzy, berzerker.
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Hagalaz - (H: Hail.)
Wrath of nature, destructive, uncontrolled forces, especially the weather, or within the unconscious. Tempering, testing, trial. Controlled crisis, leading to completion, inner harmony.                                                                                     Hagalaz Merkstave (Hagalaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Natural disaster, catastrophe. Stagnation, loss of power. Pain, loss, suffering, hardship, sickness, crisis. 
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Nauthiz -  (N: Need.) 
Delays, restriction. Resistance leading to strength, innovation, need-fire (self-reliance). Distress, confusion, conflict, and the power of will to overcome them. Endurance, survival, determination. A time to exercise patience. Recognition of one's fate. Major self-initiated change. Face your fears.   Nauthiz Reversed or Merkstave: Constraint of freedom, distress, toil, drudgery, laxity. Necessity, extremity, want, deprivation, starvation, need, poverty, emotional hunger.
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Isa - (I: Ice.) 
A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. This rune reinforces runes around it.                                                       Isa Merkstave (Isa cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Ego-mania, dullness, blindness, dissipation. Treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots.
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Jera - (J or Y: A year, a good harvest.) 
The results of earlier efforts are realized. A time of peace and happiness, fruitful season. It can break through stagnancy. Hopes and expectations of peace and prosperity. The promise of success earned. Life cycle, cyclical pattern of the universe. Everything changes, in its own time.                                                         Jera Merkstave (Jera cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Sudden setback, reversals. A major change, repetition, bad timing, poverty, conflict.
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Eihwaz - (EI: Yew tree.) 
Strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness. Enlightenment, endurance. Defense, protection. The driving force to acquire, providing motivation and a sense of purpose. Indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve your goals. An honest man who can be relied upon. ​   Eihwaz Reversed or Merkstave: Confusion, destruction, dissatisfaction, weakness.
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Pethro - (P: Lot cup, vagina.) 
Uncertain meaning, a secret matter, a mystery, hidden things and occult abilities. Initiation, knowledge of one's destiny, knowledge of future matters, determining the future or your path. Pertaining to things feminine, feminine mysteries including female fertility, and vagina. Good lot, fellowship and joy. Evolutionary change. ​   Perthro Reversed or Merkstave: Addiction, stagnation, loneliness, malaise.
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Algiz - (Z or -R: Elk, protection.) 
Protection, a shield. The protective urge to shelter oneself or others. Defense, warding off of evil, shield, guardian. Connection with the gods, awakening, higher life. It can be used to channel energies appropriately. Follow your instincts. Keep hold of success or maintain a position won or earned. ​   Algiz Reversed or Merkstave: Hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, loss of divine link. Taboo, warning, turning away, that which repels.
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Sowilo -  (S: The sun.) 
Success, goals achieved, honor. The life-force, health. A time when power will be available to you for positive changes in your life, victory, health, and success. Contact between the higher self and the unconscious. Wholeness, power, elemental force, sword of flame, cleansing fire.                                                   Sowilo Merkstave (Sowilo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): False goals, bad counsel, false success, gullibility, loss of goals. Destruction, retribution, justice, casting down of vanity. Wrath of god.
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Tiwaz -  (T: Tyr, the sky god.) 
Honor, justice, leadership and authority. Analysis, rationality. Knowing where one's true strengths lie. Willingness to self-sacrifice. Victory and success in any competition or in legal matters. ​   Tiwaz Reversed or Merkstave: One's energy and creative flow are blocked. Mental paralysis, over-analysis, over-sacrifice, injustice, imbalance. Strife, war, conflict, failure in competition. Dwindling passion, difficulties in communication, and possibly separation.
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Berkano - (B: Berchta, the birch-goddess.) 
Birth, general fertility, both mental and physical and personal growth, liberation. Regenerative power and light of spring, renewal, promise of new beginnings, new growth. Arousal of desire. A love affair or new birth. The prospering of an enterprise or venture. ​  Berkano Reversed or Merkstave: Family problems and or domestic troubles. Anxiety about someone close to you. Carelessness, abandon, loss of control. Blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, stagnation.
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Ehwaz - (E: Horse, two horses.) 
Transportation. May represent a horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle. Movement and change for the better. Gradual development and steady progress are indicated. Harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty. An ideal marriage or partnership. Confirmation beyond doubt the meanings of the runes around it. ​   Ehwaz Reversed or Merkstave: This is not really a negative rune. A change is perhaps craved. Feeling restless or confined in a situation. Reckless haste, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal.
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Mannaz -  (M: Man, mankind.) 
The Self; the individual or the human race. Your attitude toward others and their attitudes towards you. Friends and enemies, social order. Intelligence, forethought, create, skill, ability. Divine structure, intelligence, awareness. Expect to receive some sort of aid or cooperation now. ​   Mannaz Reversed or Merkstave: Depression, mortality, blindness, self-delusion. Cunning, slyness, manipulation, craftiness, calculation. Expect no help now.
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Laguz - (L: Water, or a leek.) 
Flow, water, sea, a fertility source, the healing power of renewal. Life energy and organic growth. Imagination and psychic matters. Dreams, fantasies, mysteries, the unknown, the hidden, the deep, the underworld. Success in travel or acquisition, but with the possibility of loss.     Laguz Reversed or Merkstave: An indication of a period of confusion in your life. You may be making wrong decisions and poor judgements. Lack of creativity and feelings of being in a rut. Fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering. Madness, obsession, despair, perversity, sickness, suicide.
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Ingwaz - (NG: Ing, the earth god.) 
Male fertility, gestation, internal growth. Common virtues, common sense, simple strengths, family love, caring, human warmth, the home. Rest stage, a time of relief, of no anxiety. A time when all loose strings are tied and you are free to move in a new direction. Listen to yourself.                                                              Ingwaz Merkstave (Ingwaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Impotence, movement without change. Production, toil, labor, work.
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Dagaz - (D: Day or dawn.) 
Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet.                                                                                                                 Dagaz Merkstave (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. Blindness, hopelessness.
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Othala - (O: Ancestral property.) 
Inherited property or possessions, a house, a home. What is truly important to one. Group order, group prosperity. Land of birth, spiritual heritage, experience and fundamental values. Aid in spiritual and physical journeys. Source of safety, increase and abundance. ​    Othala Reversed or Merkstave: Lack of customary order, totalitarianism, slavery, poverty, homelessness. Bad karma, prejudice, clannishness, provincialism. What a man is bound to.
Taken from: http://satansgarden.weebly.com/runes.html
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thebehaviourist · 5 years
Rosamond Martin//Feelings
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A small note to the reader/viewer
Images and text are (not) related.
How do we express emotion? How do we read emotion? How do we know when a smile is a sign of happiness or anxiety?  Can we be sure if tears are a sign of joy, or sorrow, or rage?  How can we tell if panting is a sign of lust or fear? What is the emotion? What is the expression of the emotion? And what is the interpretation of the emotion? And how can we tell these entangled and inseparable components apart?
Photographs document the choreographic research project; Body of Emotion, by Rosamond Martin, and the subsequent dance-on-screen work; Feelings, by Rosamond Martin in collaboration with Enrico Policardo.
Notes quoted directly from Studio Diaries, featured in A Multiplicity of Creativity (In Praise of Reductionism)
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• Heavy eyelids • Lack of muscular tonus / heavy body, loose face muscles • No fixed direction of focus/eyes or direction of movement • Breathing low into bowl of pelvis; belly, low back and pelvic floor • Belly, low back and pelvic floor soft and malleable • Jaw soft, hangs open • Exhale through open mouth • Heavy limbs, lift-able but weighty • No tension or shape given to hands/fingers – no fine articulation
• Heavy limbs • Heavy eyelids – blurred focus • Heavy breastbone • Loose belly and pelvic floor • Random approach to space, no clear direction but no sudden changes of direction: changing direction is hard work, often coming to a total stop before then changing • Movement happens in slow, effortful stages with waiting in between • No fine motor skills; hands and fingers loose and formless • Soft, slow, heavy, effortful breathing with occasional large, slower fuller inhalations and exhalations that fill pauses between directional movement
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by increasing speed so that rhythm, movement and changes of direction become faster, sharper, more abrupt and do therefor effect breath. Breath then shorter and higher in chest with overall muscular tension increasing, particularly in face, hands and lower abs.
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• no clear direction • Based on observing what is already there - Kinaesthetic listening – The listening-responding-cycle • Movement opens out from center • Light limbs • Pupils open up to let the light in • Sensing air against skin • Sloooooooooooow motion • Suspended in formaldehyde • (M’s experience adds: “No intention” – “indulging in experience of self” - as if a bit “high”)
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• Breath free and easy (breathing through nose and mouth as is comfortable- not fixed) with occasional light sudden intake (catching) of breath in chest • Eyes move freely over around the three-dimensional space – open pupils to let the light in • Jaw soft, space maintained between back teeth, smile creeping up from corners of mouth to eyes / soft contracting and releasing of cheeks • Musculature, including lower abdominals soft and easy with occasional sudden light contractions, catching / pulling up • Light steps, playful, irregular skipping rhythm (hot floor) • Light swing-able limbs • Light and easy articulation of joints with highly articulated multi-directional peripheries: ankles, wrists, fingers, toes
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• Smile in corner of mouth, as if enjoying knowing you're being watched • Flinging movement originates from center • Banging and stomping • Swinging / throwing arms and legs • Eyes shift and roll around the space • Dare yourself to do things but don't give a shit about it • Enjoy it • Heavy but not lazy • Consider - “What if I could do whatever the fuck I want?”
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• Gap kept between back teeth • Furrowed brow, occasional curling of upper lip • Irregular changes of direction, of gaze, of head and of direction in space, but not sudden/abrupt - does not cut or shorten breath • Breath regular, unaffected by movement • Differentiation of parts, moving/shifting/re-positioning/adjusting in relation to each other; counter-directions If attempting to increase intensity, Confusion builds to
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(female?) • Soft opening and closing, tensing and releasing: of eyes, jaw, hands, armpits, groin, nostrils, center, sphincters, whole shape • Gaze roaming, soft focus (peripheral vision) • Limbs reaching out into and retracting back from the space • Exposing of hidden parts/inside/underside • Continual, fluid but restless, regular pulsing rhythm (can accelerate/decelerate) • Movement of limbs, movement through space and gaze continuously change direction Alternative: maintaining single fixed focal point… gaze and movement become directional. This variety reads as more intentional/predatory.
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(animal variation) • Breathing through nose • Jaw clenched • Chin dropped – eyes maintained on horizon • Upper lip curls (as if to bear teeth) • Breathing into mid-back • Clenched abdominals • Clenching and releasing glutes and pelvic floor • Clenching and releasing entire shoulder girdle, pecs, arms, fists • Movement is restless and fluid, snake-like, as if finding way around something, with sudden outbursts, and abrupt stops, starts and changes of direction • Also possibility for inertia through increased tension, in which case gaze is fixed on one point.
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• Fast, shallow breath • Breathing high in chest • Wide, darting eyes • Spasmodic tension in hands • Erratic relation to space – sharp and irregular changes of direction, of whole self and of head/limbs • Tight pelvic floor and lower abdominals To develop to inertia, increase intensity of all tension and speed of contractions and releases and all changes of direction until faster / more tense is not possible, and the body becomes immobile.
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fallaciousargument · 7 years
Casting runes
Fehu: domestic cattle, wealth | possessions won or earned, earned income, luck / abundance, financial strength in the present or near future / sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness / social success / energy, foresight, fertility, creation/destruction | reversed or merkstave: loss of personal property, esteem, or something that you put in effort to keep / indicates some sort of failure / greed, burnout, atrophy, discord / cowardice, stupidity, dullness, poverty, slavery, bondage
Uruz: auroch, a wild ox | physical strength and speed, untamed potential / time of great energy and health / freedom, energy, action, courage, strength, tenacity, understanding, wisdom / sudden or unexpected changes (usually for the better) / sexual desire, masculine potency / the shaping of power and pattern, formulation of the self | reversed or merkstave: weakness, obsession, misdirected force, domination by others / sickness, inconsistency, ignorance / lust, brutality, rashness, callousness, violence
Thurisaz: thorn or a Giant | reactive force, directed force of destruction and defense, conflict. Instinctual will, vital eroticism, regenerative catalyst / tendency toward change / catharsis, purging, cleansing fire / male sexuality, fertilization | reversed or merkstave: danger, defenselessness, compulsion, betrayal, dullness / evil, malice, hatred, torment, spite, lies / a bad man or woman
Ansuz: the As, ancestral god, i.e. Odin | a revealing message or insight, communication / signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, speech, true vision, power of words and naming / blessings, the taking of advice / good health, harmony, truth, wisdom | reversed or merkstave: misunderstanding, delusion, manipulation by others, boredom / vanity and grandiloquence
Raidho: wagon or chariot | travel, both in physical terms and those of lifestyle direction | a journey, vacation, relocation, evolution, change of place or setting / seeing a larger perspective / seeing the right move for you to make and deciding upon it / personal rhythm, world rhythm, dance of life | reversed or merkstave: crisis, rigidity, stasis, injustice, irrationality / disruption, dislocation, demotion, delusion, possibly a death
Kenaz: beacon or torch | vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration, technical ability / vital fire of life, harnessed power, fire of transformation and regeneration / power to create your own reality, the power of light / open to new strength, energy, and power now / passion, sexual love | reversed or merkstave: disease, breakup, instability, lack of creativity / nakedness, exposure, loss of illusion and false hope
Gebo: gift | gifts, both in the sense of sacrifice and of generosity, indicating balance / all matters in relation to exchanges, including contracts, personal relationships and partnerships |  merkstave: greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice / obligation, toll, privation, bribery
Wunjo: joy | joy, comfort, pleasure / fellowship, harmony, prosperity / ecstasy, glory, spiritual reward, but also the possibility of going “over the top” / if restrained, the meaning is general success and recognition of worth | reversed or merkstave: stultification, sorrow, strife, alienation / delirium, intoxication, possession by higher forces, impractical enthusiasm / raging frenzy, berzerker
Hagalaz: hail | wrath of nature, destructive, uncontrolled forces, especially the weather, or within the unconscious / tempering, testing, trial / controlled crisis, leading to completion, inner harmony | merkstave: natural disaster, catastrophe / stagnation, loss of power / pain, loss, suffering, hardship, sickness, crisis
Nauthiz: need | delays, restriction / resistance leading to strength, innovation, need-fire (self-reliance) / distress, confusion, conflict, and the power of will to overcome them / endurance, survival, determination /  time to exercise patience / recognition of one’s fate / major self-initiated change / face your fears | reversed or merkstave: constraint of freedom, distress, toil, drudgery, laxity / necessity, extremity, want, deprivation, starvation, need, poverty, emotional hunger
Isa: ice | a challenge or frustration / psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances / standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity / reinforces runes around it | merkstave: ego-mania, dullness, blindness, dissipation / treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots
Jera: a year, a good harvest / the results of earlier efforts are realized /  time of peace and happiness, fruitful season / can break through stagnancy / hopes and expectations of peace and prosperity / the promise of success earned / life cycle, cyclical pattern of the universe / everything changes, in its own time | merkstave: sudden setback, reversals / a major change, repetition, bad timing, poverty, conflict
Eihwaz: yew tree | strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness / enlightenment, endurance / defense, protection / the driving force to acquire, providing motivation and a sense of purpose / indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve your goals / an honest man who can be relied upon | reversed or merkstave: confusion, destruction, dissatisfaction, weakness
Perthro: lot cup, vagina | uncertain meaning, a secret matter, a mystery, hidden things and occult abilities. Initiation, knowledge of one’s destiny, knowledge of future matters, determining the future or your path / pertaining to things feminine, feminine mysteries including female fertility etc. / good lot, fellowship and joy / evolutionary change | reversed or merkstave: addiction, stagnation, loneliness, malaise
Algiz: elk, protection | protection, a shield / the protective urge to shelter oneself or others / defense, warding off of evil, shield, guardian / connection with the gods, awakening, higher life. It can be used to channel energies appropriately / follow your instincts / keep hold of success or maintain a position won or earned | reversed: or merkstave: hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, loss of divine link / taboo, warning, turning away, that which repels
Sowilo: the sun | success, goals achieved, honor / the life-force, health / a time when power will be available to you for positive changes in your life, victory, health, and success / contact between the higher self and the unconscious / holeness, power, elemental force, sword of flame, cleansing fire | merkstave: false goals, bad counsel, false success, gullibility, loss of goals / destruction, retribution, justice, casting down of vanity / wrath of god
Tiwaz: Tyr, the sky god | honour, justice, leadership and authority / analysis, rationality / knowing where one’s true strengths lie / willingness to self-sacrifice / victory and success in any competition or in legal matters | reversed or merkstave: one’s energy and creative flow are blocked/ mental paralysis, over-analysis, over-sacrifice, injustice, imbalance / strife, war, conflict, failure in competition / dwindling passion, difficulties in communication, and possibly separation
Berkano: Berchta, the birch-goddess | birth, general fertility, both mental and physical and personal growth, liberation / regenerative power and light of spring, renewal, promise of new beginnings, new growth / arousal of desire / a love affair or new birth / the prospering of an enterprise or venture | reversed or merkstave: family problems and or domestic troubles / anxiety about someone close to you / carelessness, abandon, loss of control / blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, stagnation
Ehwaz: horse, two horses | transportation / may represent a horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle / movement and change for the better / gradual development and steady progress are indicated / harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty / an ideal marriage or partnership / confirmation beyond doubt the meanings of the runes around it | reversed or merkstave: not really a negative rune / a change is perhaps craved / feeling restless or confined in a situation / reckless haste, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal
Mannaz: man, mankind | the Self; the individual or the human race / your attitude toward others and their attitudes towards you / friends and enemies, social order. Intelligence, forethought, create, skill, ability / divine structure, intelligence, awareness / expect to receive some sort of aid or cooperation now | reversed or merkstave: depression, mortality, blindness, self-delusion / cunning, slyness, manipulation, craftiness, calculation / expect no help now
Laguz: water, or a leek | flow, water, sea, a fertility source, the healing power of renewal / life energy and organic growth / imagination and psychic matters / dreams, fantasies, mysteries, the unknown, the hidden, the deep, the underworld / success in travel or acquisition, but with the possibility of loss | reversed or merkstave: an indication of a period of confusion in your life / you may be making wrong decisions and poor judgements / lack of creativity and feelings of being in a rut / fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering / madness, obsession, despair, perversity, sickness, suicide
Ingwaz: Ing, the earth god | male fertility, gestation, internal growth / common virtues, common sense, simple strengths, family love, caring, human warmth, the home / rest stage, a time of relief, of no anxiety / a time when all loose strings are tied and you are free to move in a new direction / listen to yourself | merkstave: impotence, movement without change / poduction, toil, labour, work
Dagaz: day or dawn. | breakthrough, awakening, awareness / daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty / time to plan or embark upon an enterprise / the power of change directed by your own will, transformation / hope and happiness, the ideal / security and certainty / growth and release / balance point, the place where opposites meet | merkstave: a completion, ending, limit, coming full circle / blindness, hopelessness
Othala: ancestral property | inherited property or possessions, a house, a home / what is truly important to one / group order, group prosperity / lLand of birth, spiritual heritage, experience and fundamental values / aid in spiritual and physical journeys / source of safety, increase and abundance | reversed or merkstave: lack of customary order, totalitarianism, slavery, poverty, homelessness / bad karma, prejudice, clannishness, provincialism / what a man is bound to
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viadescioism · 8 years
Upright, And Reversed Meanings Of The Ravens Of Antimony
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I decided to make reverse, and upright meanings for my alphabet of desire the Ravens of Antimony, so that they can be used in divination, and I can fill out their meanings, and purposes a little bit better. I will also be giving them all yes, or no meanings in order to make divination easy for yes, or no questions. You can find the base information for the Ravens of Antimony at this link: http://wolfofantimonyoccultism.tumblr.com/post/145294353856/the-ravens-of-antimony-is-an-alphabet-of-desire
ARSKASA OF LUST (E) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Determination, Driving force, Energetic, Lustful, Enthusiastic, Sexual desire, Obsession, Compulsion, Greed, Desire, Longing, Attachment, Wanting, Overzealous Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: No Direction, Contentment, Indifferent, Sufficient, Fulfillment, Stagnant, Motionless ARSKASA OF PASSION (U) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Passion, Initiative, Attraction, Love, Beauty, Powerful Emotion, Excellent Quality, Empowered, Zeal, Verve, Liveliness Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Idleness, Slothfulness, Emotionless, Lazy, Halfhearted ARSKASA OF DEVOTION (Æ)(A') | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Devotion, Commitment, Stability, Adoration, Loyalty, Reverence, Spirituality, Dedication, Worship, Religious, Faith, Belief Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Irresponsibility, Betrayal of trust, Faithlessness, Perfidy ARSKASA OF PREJUDICE (TA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Prejudice, Alienation, Racism, Ignorant, Injustice, Sentiment, Jealousy, Judgment, Segregation Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Rights, Respect, Honor, Privilege, Esteem, Decency, Equality, Dignity, Liberty, Equity ARSKASA OF ANGER (HA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Anger, Violence, Brutality, Conflict, War, Exasperation, Rage Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Peace, Tranquility, Harmony, Joy, Cheer, Delight, Enjoyment, Love ARSKASA OF MISUNDERSTANDING (RA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Misunderstanding, Discord, Error, Misjudgment, Exaggeration Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Understanding, Grok, Perception, Sympathy ARSKASA OF SKILL (A) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Maybe Upright meaning: Skill, Accomplishment, Talent, Capability, Competence, Effort Reversed yes, or no meaning: Maybe Reversed meaning: Impotence, Ineptness, Incapability, Inadequacy ARSKASA OF MIGHT (I) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Strength, Might, Power, Endurance, Survival, Strength, Authority, Courage Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Weakness, Fragile, Instability, Submissive, Vulnerability, Loose, Breaking Point, Yielding, Surrendering ARSKASA OF ASCENDANCY (O) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Ascension, Enlightenment, Self-confidence, Triumph, Increase, Superfluity, Rise Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Descendancy, Degeneracy, Inferiority, Degeneration, Worsen, Decline, Recession, Fall ARSKASA OF CHAOS (KA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Chaos, Disarray, Trickery, Disorganization, Maelstrom, Mayhem, Disorder, Lawlessness Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Order, Structure, Regulation, Method, Organize, Pattern, Plan, System, control, Lawful ARSKASA OF PANIC (ȜA) (Gha) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Panic, Unexpected Changes, Misdirected Force, Disruption, Confusion, Disquiet, Alarm, Anxiety, Depression Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Calm, Gnosis, Trance, Inner Peace, Composure, Comfort ARSKASA OF HORROR (þA) (Tha) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Horror, Fear, Terror, Dread, Scare, Dismay, Fright, Apprehension Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Serenity, Quietude, Desire, Affinity, Confidence ARSKASA OF DARK (SA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Pettiness, Blindness, Misery, Distress, Tyranny, Negativity, Absentness Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Darkness, Security, Secret, Protection, Femininity ARSKASA OF CONNECTION (LA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Maybe Upright meaning: Connection, Communication, Personal Relationships, Partnerships, Fellowship, Diplomacy, Marriage, Alliance, Kinship Reversed yes, or no meaning: Maybe Reversed meaning: Breakup, Loneliness, Unsocial, Aloof, Disconnection, Isolated, Detached ARSKASA OF LIGHT (MA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Lightness, Illumination, Harmony, Joy, Comfort, Pleasure, Peace, Hopes, Happiness, Fruitfulness, Masculinity Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Overwhelming, Overbearing, Blindness, Demanding ARSKASA OF WISDOM (AR) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Wisdom, Insight, Revealing Message, Inspiration Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Immaturity, Foolish, Folly, Newness, Recklessness, Innocence
Upright yes, or no meaning: Maybe Upright meaning: Understanding, Innovation, Information, Knowledge, Education, Awareness, Comprehension Reversed yes, or no meaning: Maybe Reversed meaning: Surface Knowledge, Misapprehension, Misinterpretation, Incomprehension ARSKASA OF LOGIC (NA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Maybe Upright meaning: Reason, Intelligence, Rationality, Common Sense Reversed yes, or no meaning: Maybe Reversed meaning: Irrationality, Argument, Absurdity, Idiocy, Inconsistency ARSKASA OF BINDING (BA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Dependence, Obligation, Possession, Restriction, Imprisonment, Trapped Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Reliability, Dependability, Trustworthiness, Servitude ARSKASA OF WARDING (GA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Warding off, Safeguarding, Buffer, Pushing Away, Avert, Avoid Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Open, Make Vulnerable, Endanger ARSKASA OF PROTECTION (CA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Protection, Defense, Shield, Guardian, Safety, Sanctuary Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Defenselessness, Hazard, Threaten ARSKASA OF INSANITY (ZA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Instability, Stultification, Mental Paralysis, Over-analysis, Crazy Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Stability, Sanity, Rationality, Calm, Balance ARSKASA OF ILLUSION (QA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Maybe Upright meaning: Illusion, Hallucination, Fabrication, Reversed yes, or no meaning: Maybe Reversed meaning: Delusion, Doubt, Deception ARSKASA OF FANTASY (FA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Fantasy, Imagination, Dreams, Vision, Fable, Untruth, Falsehood Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Reality, Fact, Truth, Objective, Substance ARSKASA OF ENERGY (KNA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Maybe Upright meaning: Energy, Spirit, Vitality, Absoluteness, Animation, Vivacity Reversed yes, or no meaning: Maybe Reversed meaning: Exhaustion, Indolence, Prostration, Initiation ARSKASA OF LIFE (SKA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Maybe
Upright meaning: Creation, Invention, Mind, Body, Heart, Soul, Self, Consciousness, Spirituality, Existence Reversed yes, or no meaning: Maybe Reversed meaning: Ego, Lifelessness, Extinction, Unconsciousness, Blankness ARSKASA OF HEALTH (SHA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Good Health, Regeneration, Fitness, Vigor, Vitality, Endurance Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Bad Health, Disease, Sickness, Disorder, Malady, Damage ARSKASA OF CORRUPTION (ACK) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Corruption, Depravity, Immorality, Contamination, Degradation, Crookedness Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Purity, Incorruption, Morality, Probity, Virtue ARSKASA OF DEATH (ABT) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Death, Destructive, War, End, Mortality, Destruction, Termination Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Transition, Mercy, Rest, Beginnings, Change, Transformation ARSKASA OF BANISHMENT (ARD) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Banishment, Exile, Ostracism, Removal, Elimination, Remove, Let Go Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Admission, Welcoming, Incorporation, Engage, Accept, Let In ARSKASA OF PAIN (PA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: No Upright meaning: Pain, Sorrow, Loss, Suffering, Hardship, Torment Reversed yes, or no meaning: Yes Reversed meaning: Pleasure, Comfort, Delight, Bliss ARSKASA OF EXPERIENCE (DA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Experience, Growth, Destiny, Fortune, Luck, Serendipity, Prophecy, Outcome. Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Inexperience, Stagnation, Fate, Misfortune, Unluck, Causation ARSKASA OF ENLIGHTENMENT (XA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Enlightenment, Edification, Sophistication, Higher Life, Higher Self, Truth Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: Unenlightenment, Denseness, Lower self, Awakening, Inaccuracy ARSKASA OF UNKNOWN (YA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Maybe Upright meaning: Hidden, Unconscious, Secrets, Mystery, Silence, Concealment, Unfamiliar, Nameless, Occultism, Esotericism Reversed yes, or no meaning: Maybe Reversed meaning: Known, Familiar, Conscious, Noise, Present, Manifestation ARSKASA OF RELEASE (VA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Freedom, Liberation, Action, Independence, Autonomy, Permission Reversed yes, or no meaning: No
Reversed meaning: Captivity, Traped, Slavery, Limitation, Restriction, Bondage, Control. ARSKASA OF REBIRTH (WA) | Upright yes, or no meaning: Yes Upright meaning: Retribution, Revival, Renewal, Reawakening, Reincarnation, Birth, New Beginnings, Fresh starts, Continuation Reversed yes, or no meaning: No Reversed meaning: End, Terminate, Continuation, Discontinuance, Adjournment
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