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chefadriano · 8 years ago
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                                                       3 recipes Poutine Poutine ( canada )
ingredienti e dosi .. - 5 patate di media dimensione - 2 tazze di formaggio di tipo fondente tagliato a julienne - 1 pentolino di sugo di carne ( non ragù, qui sta la differenza... il macinato deve essere molto grasso (  la carne non si deve vedere.)  - Olio per friggere_preparaciòn_ Versare l'olio in un tegame per frittura e nel frattempo tagliare le patate a listarelle.Quando l'olio è ben caldo immergere le patate e friggere fino a  doratura.Scolare le patate sulla carta assorbente e poi metterle in un piatto fondo. Cospargere le patate di formaggio e versare sopra il tutto il sugo. -------------------------------- Poutine ( ricetta famosa e originale del Canada ) ingredienti e dosi .. 4 pounds russet potatoes, cut into 1/4 inch matchsticks  _  2 of your favorite beers, I used a Canadian beer (can sub water)  _  4 tablespoons unsalted butter  _ 1/4 cup flour (use a gluten free flour blend if needed)__  1 shallot, finely minced  _ 1 clove garlic, minced or grated _ 3 1/2 cups low sodium beef stock* _ 1/2 cup stout beer (or more beef stock)  _ 2 tablespoons ketchup  _ 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar  _ 2 teaspoons worcestershire sauce  _ salt and pepper, to taste  _ canola oil, for frying _ 3 cups cheddar cheese curds_ fate  cosi --Place the cut potatoes in a large bowl, cover with beer (or cold water) , and refrigerate for 3 minutes to 2 hours, the longer the better. Meanwhile, make the gravy. Heat the butter in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add flour, and cook, stirring, until smooth, about 2 minutes. Add the shallot and garlic, and cook, until soft, about 2 minutes. Add the beef stock, ketchup, stout beer, balsamic vinegar, worcestershire, and a pinch of salt and pepper, and bring to a boil; cook, stirring, until thickened, about 6 minutes. Keep over the lowest setting while you fry the potatoes. You may need to add more beef stock to thin if the gravy gets too thick. Pour the canola into a 6-qt. Dutch oven, filling it about 3 inches up the sides. Heat over medium heat until a deep-fry thermometer reads 375 degrees F. Drain potatoes, and dry thoroughly with paper towels. Working in small batches, add potatoes and fry, tossing occasionally, until tender and slightly crisp, about 4 minutes. Remove from the oil and drain on paper towels. Increase the temperature to high, and heat oil until thermometer reads 425 degrees F. Working in small batches, return potatoes to oil, and fry, tossing occasionally, until crisp and golden brown, about 2-4 minutes. Transfer fries to paper towels to drain. Sprinkle the fries with salt. Immediately divide the fries among serving bowls. Divide the cheese curds over the fries. Now make sure that your gravy is piping hot and pour the gravy over each serving of cheese fries. Dig in immediately.
****** consil du chef adrianomennillo - Prep time: 20 minutes + 30 minutes of soaking  _Cook time: 20 minutes _Total time: 40 minutes + 30 inactive  minuti. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Poutine - ingredienti e dosi ..
1kg de pommes de terre rattes - Huile neutre - 625 ml d'eau __ Mélange pour sauce Poutine::>>  300 gr de mozzarella  -  1/2 botte de persil   - Sel  - Poivre_-f
ate  cosi -
Eplucher et couper les pommes de terres dans le sens de la longueur. Les faire cuire et dorer avec de l'huile dans une casserole, saler et poivrer..Les disposer dans un plat allant au four. Ajouter le persil haché.Couper la mozzarella en petits cubes et la déposer sur les pommes de terre. Préparer la sauce en versant dans les 625 ml d'eau froide la sauce pour Poutine. Porter à ébullition et laisser mijoter 3 minutes, en remuant régulièrement jusqu'à ce que le mélange épaississe.Verser la sauce dans le plat. Faire gratiner le tout au four, préchauffer à 200° pendant 5 minutes.
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