#recently i’ve rlly been feeling golden age
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louigender · 5 years
When I Was Older- Chapter 1
Bucky Barnes x Holmes! Reader (eventually) Avengers x Sherlock
Summary: John Watson is one of Reader’s friends. Her other is a cat whom she found in the alley between two flats. Reader is a Holmes and a high functioning sociopath. The Avengers need the readers help as Moriarty has teamed up with Hydra. Takes place between season 3 and 4 (my favorite season) of Sherlock. Infinity War and Endgame never happened.
Series Warnings: blood, violence, angst, fluff, is Moriarty a warning?, death
A/N: Happy Memorial Day, mis amigos! Here’s chapter one of When I Was Older. This series was inspired by the song by Billie Eilish (love her) and I just rlly love Sherlock. Your feedback of the prologue warmed mi pequeño corazón! Without further ado, here’s the first chapter.
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(A/N: i also changed the moodboard)
The quinjet rocked slightly as it flew through the air. Bucky sat, along with the other Avengers, strapped and in his uniform. Clint sat in the pilot seat, navigating. Steve and Tony were talking in hushed whispers, discussing the mission at hand.
They had gotten word of a Hydra base off the shore of England, Sutherland to be exact, and had suited up almost immediately. It was 9pm when they boarded the jet. Now it was close to midnight. Bucky had been riddled with nightmares the past week and was eager to finally get a good’s night rest.
“ETA: five minutes,” barked Clint.
Tony and Steve strapped themselves in their own seats, as Clint flipped switches preparing to land. The quinjet successfully made its descent and the team stood. Steve clipped the shield on his back and walked out. Bucky checked the ammo of his guns before walking down the ramp.
Rolling green hills, light golden colored sand and the salty aroma of sea water, along with the twinkling stars, almost calmed him. Almost. He quickly remembered why they were here and turned the safety off his guns. The team walked in a group, taking in their surroundings and watching out for danger. As they walked through a forest of trees,signs exclaimed ‘danger!’ and some with skulls and crossbones on them.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, scan the area,” ordered Tony.
“There seems to be seven active mines. I am recalculating the route to avoid them,” spike the AI.
A map of the forest with dots,Tony assumed as mines, and a path highlighted.
“Alright follow me.”
The team followed after him a single file line. The hairs on the back of their necks stood on end. Suddenly an explosion rang out, causing them all to flinch. They quickly looked at each other, making sure the other was safe, when they realized they didn’t set off the mine. Someone else did. Tony, Rhodey and Sam took off and flew above the trees to see what had caused the explosion.
“Jesus,” muttered Rhodes as he saw what was in front of him.
The Hydra based was gone, blown to bits. Bodies littered the ground, blood and limbs scattered as well. The tress surrounding the base were burnt and had parts of them blown away. A mine didn’t do this.
“You guys are gonna wanna see this.”
The rest of them quickly made their way to the base and stopped in their tracks. The odor of smoke and burnt flesh hung in the air. They scrunched their noses and walked through the rubble. Bucky looked at the scene in front of him. The mess of dead bodies and concrete made his stomach churn. As he took in what he saw, something caught his eye. Turning to the side he saw the only remaining wall, even thought half of it had been blown away.
“Um guys,” he spoke through the com, “I found something.”
The team quickly found him and Wanda gasped at what she saw. They stood in shock and horror. A man was hanging off the side of the wall by a metal pole in his chest. Written in blood and pieces of flesh was a message.
‘Get Holmes
Bucky sure wasn’t getting any sleep tonight.
“You have been busy, haven’t you,” remarked Mycroft, behind his newspaper, with a little laugh. “Quite the busy little bee.” He put his paper down.
“Moriarty’s network, it took me two years to dismantle it,” You replied back as a man stood behind you, cutting your hair.
“You’re confident that you have?”
There goes brother Mycroft, doubting you again.
“The Serbian side was the last piece of the puzzle.”
“Yes. You got yourself in deep there with Baron Maupertius. Quite a scheme,” Mycroft joked.
“Colossal,” You muttered.
“Anyway. You’re safe now. A small ‘thank you’ wouldn’t go amiss.”
“What for?” You mindlessly asked.
“For wading in. In case you’ve forgotten, field work is not my natural milieu.”
Your brows furrowed. You raised a hand to the barber to tell him to stop and sat forward in the chair with a grunt. The Serbian man had done a number on you. “Wading in? You sat there and watched me being beaten to a pulp,” You pointed out.
“I got you out,” defended Mycroft.
“No, I got me out.” You argued back. “Why didn’t you intervene sooner?”
“I couldn’t risk giving myself away, could I?” Mycroft said it like it was the most reasonable thing in the world. “It would’ve ruined everything.”
“You were enjoying it,” You accused.
“Definitely enjoying it.”
“Listen, do you have any idea what it was like,” began Mycroft, “(Y/N), going undercover? Smuggling my way into their ranks like that?”
You rolled your eyes.
“The noise, the people!”
You sat back in the chair with another grunt and allowed the barber to finish his work.
“I didn’t know you spoke Serbian,” You questioned.
“I didn’t. But the language has a Slavic root. Frequent Turkish and German loan- words. Took me a couple of hours,” shrugged Mycroft.
“Hmm, you’re slipping.”
An bitter smile crawled its way up Mycroft’s lips. “Middle age, sister mine. Comes to us all.”
The door opened and Anthea stepped through with your clothes in hand.
John stepped through 221B Baker Street with timid steps. He watched as dust hovered off the furniture and drifted through the air. You never liked it when people dusted. Memories of your adventures flooded his mind. He drew a breath in to compose himself. Mrs. Hudson came in and turned on the lights.
“I couldn’t face letting in out,” she said. Breaking John’s train of thought.
She walked over and drew the curtains, grimacing at the dirt. “She never liked me dusting.”
“No, I know,” he replied, thinking of the moment when you had a screaming match with Mrs. Hudson about her cleaning.
“Where’s Alyx?” John had also taking a liking to the cat. She reminded him of you.
“Oh, um, she ran away one night and never came back. I leave food out, but she never shows. So why now? What changed your mind?”
“Well, I’ve got some news,” John started.
“Oh god, is it serious,” asked Mrs. Hudson.
“What? No, no I’m not ill. I’ve, uh well, I’m...moving on.”
“You’re emigrating?”
“Nope. Uh, no, I’ve uh, I have met someone,” he explained.
“Oh! Ah, lovely,” gushed the elderly woman.
“Yeah. We’re getting married. Well, I’m going to ask, anyway.” The excitement was evident in his voice.
“So soon after (Y/N)?”
“Hm, well, yes.”
A knock at the door interrupted their conversation. They turned around to see Tony Stark and Steve Rogers in the door way. Mrs. Hudson let out a surprised gasp and John’s eyebrows shot up.
“We hope we’re not intruding, but we, uh, need some help,” Steve shyly said.
“Is (Y/N) Holmes here by any chance?” Asked Tony.
The mention of your name mad them tense. Sadness creeped into their hearts.
“No, she’s not,” John told them.
“Do you know when she’ll be back?”
“She’s gone. As in, uh, dead,” croaked Mrs. Hudson.
This seemed to surprise the two super heroes. “Oh, we’re sorry. We didn’t know,” Steve apologized.
“We’ll be on our way. Sorry again,” Tony nodded his condolences and ushered him and Steve out the flat.
They stepped into the cab that had been waiting.
“So, what now?”
“I have no idea.”
“I need you to give this matter your full attention, (Y/N), is that quite clear?” Instructed your brother.
“What do you think of this shirt,” you asked you tucked the shirt in your dress pants.
“I will find your underground terror cell, Mycroft. Just put me back in London. I need to get to know the place again, breathe it in. Feel every quiver of its beating heart.”
“One of our men died getting this information,” Anthea explained. “All the chatter, all the traffic concurs, there’s going to be a terrorist strike on London, a big one.”
“And what about John Watson,” you asked as you shrugged on your suit jacket.
Mycroft and Anthea shared a look.
“Hmm. Have you seen him?”
“Oh yes, we meet up every Friday for fish and chips,” Mycroft said sarcastically.
You gave him a look before shifting your gaze to the mirror, buttoning your jacket.
“I’ve kept a weather eye on him, of course.”
Anthea handed you a file. You opened it. A slew of pictures, along with a few papers were inside.
“We haven’t been in touch at all to prepare him,” explained Mycroft.
You noticed a recent photo of John. He looked the same except he had a mustache on his upper lip. It certainly did not suit him.
“Well, we’ll have to get rid of that,” You said.
“He looks ancient. I can’t be seen wandering around with an old man.” You set the file on Mycroft’s desk.
You sighed deeply, putting on the last touches on your outfit. You ran your hands through your hair. You always like it when it fell just past your shoulders. It felt good to be in your familiar clothes after being on the run for the past two years. “I think I’ll surprise John. He’ll be delighted.”
“You think so,” Mycroft doubted with a amused smile on face.
“Hmm, pop off to Baker Street, who knows, jump out of a cake,” you quipped.
“Baker Street? He isn’t there anymore.”
You turned to him, having an incredulous look on your face.
“Why would he be? It’s been two years. He’s got on with his life,” Mycroft explained.
“What life? I’ve been away,” You added.
Mycroft rolled his eyes.
“Where’s he going to be tonight.”
“How should I know?”
“You always know,” you said with confidence.
“He has a dinner reservation in the Marylebone Road. Nice little spot. They have a few bottles of the 2000 St. Emilion, though I prefer the 2001,” told Mycroft.
“I think maybe I’ll just drop by. “
“You know, it is just possible that you won he welcomed,” Mycroft tried to reason to you.
You scoffed. “No, it isn’t. Now, where is it?”
“Where’s what?”
“You know what.”
Anthea came in, your infamous coat in hand and collar popped. You smiled at the sight of your trusty coat. She helped putting it on and you stepped into your iconic black heels.
“Welcome back, Misses Holmes,” voiced Anthea.
“Thank you,” You fixed your newly cut hair and ran your hands down the coat.
You turned to Mycroft. “Blood.”
You walked out and for the first time in two years, you felt alive.
A/N: that’s it for the first chapter! It was actually longer than this but it was too long, so I broke it up into two chapters. I’ll be posting again later this week, so don’t worry.
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I'm in a reading rut! Do you have any recommendations? Books like The Raven Cycle series, maybe? ❤️❤️❤️
@prettyygirlx  Hi!! Do I EVER haha, sorry that I had to let this sit for a few days until I had time to actually answer fully! I’ll divide these as book recs from one character each, with associated themes! As a note, I’ll include non-YA books that are nevertheless thematically similar bc as we know TRC is a witticism-riddled YA romp with decidedly darker themes….we have been blessed. For ease of bookmarking, I’ll include a summary from goodreads + a link, and I’ll comment briefly on why I recommend it for fans of TRC, too!
Book Recommendations Based on The Raven Cycle:
• • • BLUE SARGENT’S REC: • • • — The Basic Eight by Daniel HandlerFlannery Culp wants you to know the whole story of her spectacularly awful senior year. Tyrants, perverts, tragic crushes, gossip, cruel jokes, and the hallucinatory effects of absinthe – Flannery and the seven other friends in the Basic Eight have suffered through it all. But now, on tabloid television, they’re calling Flannery a murderer, which is a total lie. It’s true that high school can be so stressful sometimes. And it’s true that sometimes a girl just has to kill someone. But Flannery wants you to know that she’s not a murderer at all – she’s a murderess.REC BC: First of all, Daniel Handler, also known as Lemony Snicket. And I’m not biased bc he wrote a series about children who share my last name; he’s just a truly enjoyable writer to hear from. A smart, dark book with an unreliable narrator and plenty of high school fun. Heathers meets The Secret History (also on this list).• • • HENRY CHENG’S REC: • • • — Six of Crows Duology by Leigh BardugoSix dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone…Kaz’s crew are the only ones who might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.REC BC: Similar sense of humor and camaraderie with our titular Band of Snarky Weirdos, themes of the search for a home and a meaningful purpose in the world, and how to communicate that with others. Not to mention that Wylan Van Eck Is My Golden Son, and in my head…I play a supercut of Blue Sargent and Noah Czerny and Henry Cheng and Kuwei Yul-Bo’s Fabulous Four friendship.• • • ADAM PARRISH’S REC: • • • — A Great and Terrible Beauty (+ Gemma Doyle Trilogy) by Libba BrayA Great and Terrible Beauty is a curl-up-under-the-covers kind of book … a vast canvas of rustling skirts and dancing shadows and things that go bump in the night. It’s a vividly drawn portrait of the Victorian age, a time of strict morality and barely repressed sensuality, when girls were groomed for lives as rich men’s wives … and the story of a girl who saw another way.REC BC: Mysterious and Unknowable AF, Adam Parrish would devour the hell out of this book tbh. This is an eternal favorite of mine, not just for its rich setting and amazingly creepy scenes, but for the relationships, characterization, and abject hilarity that Bray somehow manages to fit seamlessly into a novel about death and gas-lit darkness. In true Parrish tradition, this series is about carving your own destiny, the influence of power and sacrifice, things that go bump in the forest, and mysterious surly men who want you to join them on a vision quest for totally platonic reasons.• • •  PRESIDENT CELLPHONE  RICHARD CAMPBELL GANSEY III’s REC: • • • — The King Must Die by Mary Renault“Men would be as gods, if they had foreknowledge.” In myth, Theseus was the slayer of the child-devouring Minotaur in Crete. (Theseus is) a king of immense charisma, whose boundless strivings flow from strength and weakness—but also one steered by implacable prophecy.REC BC: Mary Renault is famous for her historical fictions and retellings of myths. Her Theseus novels are elegant explorations of how a man becomes a legend, how a legend becomes a myth, and beyond and before all of that, Death. This is not a lighthearted adventure book, but it is a truly gratifying novel to read.• • • NOAH CZERNY’S REC: • • • — The Secret History by Donna TarttUnder the influence of their charismatic classics professor, a group of clever, eccentric misfits at an elite New England college discover a way of thinking and living that is a world away from the humdrum existence of their contemporaries. But when they go beyond the boundaries of normal morality they slip gradually from obsession to corruption and betrayal, and at last - inexorably - into evil.REC BC: This book always makes lists with TRC for a reason. It is deeply settled into ‘purple prose’ (aka long descriptions are given precedence over snappy action) but I personally believe that it is even more rewarding for that. The experience of reading this book is paramount to the plot itself, IMHO. You’ll find yourself writing down quotes every few pages, for sure.
• • • RONAN LYNCH’S REC • • • 1. Stare for way too long and give him a tin of organic shea butter from your dreams. 2. Become a farmer3. Profit.60% of the time it works every time.jk but rlly• • • RONAN LYNCH’S REC • • • — The Diviners Series by Libba BrayEvie O’Neill has been exiled from her boring old hometown and shipped off to the bustling streets of New York City—and she is pos-i-tute-ly ecstatic. It’s 1926, and New York is filled with speakeasies, Ziegfeld girls, and rakish pickpockets. The only catch is that she has to live with her uncle Will and his unhealthy obsession with the occult. Evie worries he’ll discover her darkest secret: a supernatural power that has only brought her trouble so far.REC BC: We all know Ronan Lynch reads turn of the century girl power YA in his spare time, c’mon. And we all know Ronan and Adam are picking out their books together. No but really, I love Libba Bray. I included her twice for a reason, she’s hilarious and she’s great at her job. The Diviners features an oddball cast of characters with supernatural secrets (we all know how Ronan Lynch feels about these,) centering on Evie, who was recently kicked out of her hometown for being a little too much…herself. I really hope that you find something you love, either in these or using these as a jumping-off point! I’m about to start The Foxhole Court which I know is also adored by TRC fans, so if you haven’t checked that out, I can’t personally recommend it yet bc I only rec things I’ve read, but go for it!
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jewpacabruhs · 7 years
hello south park fandom :)
it’s been a while since ive been.. in you. so i recently replayed stick of truth, for nostalgia’s sake (and bc im impatient for fractured but whole) & i was reminded how much i miss the show and the boys and even the fandom. so i wanted to jump back into it!
so i’m shay, and i ship pretty much everything, but back in the old days, kyman was my fav. still have a soft spot for it, but im more into every ship these days tbh. still, cartman’s my favorite character. i find him fascinatingly complex, like as someone who’s very interested in psychology, he’s…v interesting. and he’s funny as hell, of course. it’s ironic he’s my fav, too, bc i’m jewish…
i was really into sp from june 2013 to june 2014 or so, then i stopped writing fics and stopped talking to all my fandom friends. i still watch new eps when they air, i legit never miss them lol, but i stopped rlly bein in the fandom, but ya im back & ready to mingle lmao
i’m actually working on a fic rn, for the first time in over three years. it’s inspired by criminal minds, which i’ve been bingewatching. it just kinda came together in my head. kyle’s the lead detective, cartman’s the unsub, only hes not…thats all im saying. and it isnt even explicitly kyman, it’s more past-kyman w some old lingering feelings, so if you hate the ship thats cool. u sill might wanna check it out? maybe? regardless, if you wanna hear abt it, hmu! i wanna blab abt it, i‘m excited to share it lol.
if anyones actually reading this, i have a couple of questions, since it’s been a while
1) does anyone know a fairly old fic (published between 2008-2012…golden ages of sp fic tbh) where kyle gets a job at a resteraunt where hes required to dress as a girl, & if i remember right cartmans the only one who knows, only he surprisingly doesnt take (too much) advantage?? ive been able to find most of my favorite old fics, but i cant seem to find that one. it was on ff.net btw. i hope it wasnt deleted. 
2) is the kyman fandom less aggressively anti-bottom cartman now?? 4 yrs ago i used to get soooo much hate for headcanoning cartman as a bottom, but after the cupid me subplot on tweek x craig, i’m hoping ppl have eased up a little?? i saw the end of that ep & literally shrieked bc i was right all along!!! my fav chubby bubby mentally disturbed 10 y/o is a confirmed bottom ok idk
3) also i saw someone saying cartman’s canonically taller than everyone else in fourth grade, but i’ve always headcanoned him as slightly shorter, i think bc in the tmi ep, he grows the least, so i interpreted that as him being kinda short?? was there an ep where they mention hes tall?? i mean his dad’s a football player so it’s possible but idk football players arent always 6′4..
yeah so thats all lol. does anyone maybe wanna be friends & nerdily analyze the characters/relationships on the show together??? like i said im super into psychology so i always like to pick apart things im into, & it’s always fun to discuss it with another person so yeah k thx bye
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