ask-ronndoll · 4 months
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so for the remake; they’re both older now in the FNaF 1 setting. figured that would be better and makes more sense in my au.
they make out a lot too. lmao
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quinnyverse-fnaf · 22 days
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When they first got their paycheck… But boy do they love shopping!
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ryukodragon · 2 years
Hey Ryuko, it's me! The one from Twitter last time!
It's been a while since you haven't responded to me or on Instagram yet. But I was wondering if you could actually follow me on Instagram like I have two phones with me that I have Instagram with me. Like Moto E5 play, and LG Stylo 2. So that way, we can be more active and to interact each other more. And, I would be very grateful to see you draw more Rebornica Mike Schmidt. Cause, I like him as my favorite night guard. 😀⭐✨⚡❤️
Heya brainboy!! it’s good to see you again too!
Sorry for not responding, I was trapped in a loop of lurking and doom scrolling for a long while XD; Plus I am trying to limit my social media interactions to Tumblr again, just because the format and privacy are more my speed!
I will absolutely draw the grumpy night guard again! Just remember he’s in the Ryukoverse now when I draw him, and we’re still doing some overhaul reworking, but there’s nothing wrong with a classic throwback from time to time ;3
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Anyways, hey, hi, hello, what's up, and all that good jaz! Welcome to Fazfuck's! Home of the whopper. I'll be your mun for this blog! Now, I'm sure you might be wondering, what in the holy hecking diddly fuck is this? Well, my friends, let me tell you! Welcome to Fazfuck's is an ask blog based on the popular Reborniverse FNaF AU, albeit with a slight few changes to set it apart from the vanilla AU. To see some of these changes, check out the character bios and timeline for reference. Some parts of the AU as of now is a WIP, like FNaF 3 and Purple Guy's general fate. Anyways, here's a list of some of the changes: -The timeline is a sorta mish-mash of the original AU, FNaF 4, and FNaF: SB. I may make more of the other games apart of it, though as of now it's more open in the air. Who knows? -Vincent and Purple Guy aren't the same character in this. They're two separate people here. -The crying child from FNaF 4 takes on Faith's role from the original AU. Faith herself probably takes on a more traditional role, similar to her canon counterpart Cassidy. -Phone Guy has received a new name, that being Gavin Thorn. -Phone Dude has been added and asks can be sent to him -FNaF 3 is currently a big WIP so far. I don't know if I want to incorporate the story from the original AU, but eh I'm workin' on it. -Some parts of the 2019 revival of the AU are incorporated here. Stuff like Mike's parents, Jeremy being canonically transmasc, etc. Anyways, I hope you stick around! I have a lot of passion for these characters, and I'm hyped to be receiving your asks!
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silverxcristal · 1 year
I'm completely out of the loop here, what did Rebornica do?
I have tried to look for a document that contains information regardless what happened, because I just have one memory attached to fnaf that was... not great, but there were apparently many other things that happened outside of tumblr later on. There used to be a lot of documents with that info but it had been deleted, and the few i found are edited by the autors saying that they have cleared things up and are on a good light with them again, asking to not harrass and just ignore them if needed.
TW under cut for abuse manipulation gaslighting and suicide attempt
But escencially, there were claims of phycological abuse, racism, gaslighting, scamming people, and other things i dont remember clearly. Toxic behaivor in general towards people who were closer to them, and to a extension to their followers, but again most of it had been deleted or "cleared up" so I am uncertain of the current situation. Also most of this happened when they already deleted their Tumblr, or happened on other platforms where I did not follow anymore
The only "close" experience ive had and have seen with my own eyes was when they transfer their fnaf au to a friend not be associated with it anymore, allowing people to still enjoy it and make content of it but asking to not @ them anymore about it (they left the fandom due pressure and lowkey harrasment over everything they did, when you are big people try to take you down, same old story different fandom. I have to remark they were a minor at that time too so the mistakes and the pressure is mmmm [still doesnt justify the shitty actions im about to mention now])
A few months later they snapped after getting fanart of a character they have and being called Vincent rahter than Vinny (they took the guard designs and adapt them into ocs, which confuse some people who didnt knew and this happened) and begin to search in the main tag for art of their au and @ people who still drew art of it (even when they previously gave permission to keep making art), and send people to harrass them to stop, which lead to a few rebrands or deactivations and people coming directly at them to them to talk things in a more civilized way via asks and reblogs (tumblr chat didnt exist back then).
I remember it was a big discussion about "public domain" of the AU since they transfer the rights to somebody else, who later "drop" the AU and allow anybody to be free to make content out of it (from there a bunch of "insprired by reborniverse" aus pop up... including mine. Just dont claim it as yours). It all ended in a big discussion reblog thread where they threaten to kill themselves by jumping of a roof and provide photos of them about to do it
The blog wasnt updated for a few hours... then they delete everything that happened that day and act like nothing happened. This is behaivor that repeat a few times here on tumblr (the whole delete it all and act like it never happened), but there is not enough documentation (there were blogs that dedicated to reblog every single post they made for documentation for this same reason, but they are gone too)
It was so many years ago, and my memory could be failing too so apologizes
But escencially that, I cant provide more
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I was looking through my old art and found this, which I realized I’d never posted. Still a mood though
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turnforce · 3 years
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But what if he had golden blood? 😳
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eaudecrow · 4 years
Hey crow I just came dropping in to say that I really like your art and the way you show emotion in your characters! I also love your au with ghost Mike it just radiates serotonin
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fnafmarshmallows · 4 years
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I painted phone guy and I'm not proud of it so I'm not posting this on Instagram 😭😭
I hope y’all like this tumblr exclusive drawing!!!! :D
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askeggplantman · 4 years
Back alive? PERHAPS.
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Happy (late) Halloween everyone, just to inform you, I am not dead, Nars it’s just in a bad economical situation and I am studying at college, things can be kinda hard but hey, at least we keep on living.
Enjoy this in the mean time!! Seems like Vincent chose Mike’s Halloween costume, you know, he always enjoyed that song called “Cherry Bomb”, so why not? What a smooth criminal that eggplant can be...
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thestrawberryfairy · 4 years
Vincent and Odette during the nightshift be like:
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ask-ronndoll · 10 days
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Ronn Redesign!!!
a slight redesign but she only got a rebond lmfao (n she has some freckles now!!)
anyways; working on a new character arc for Ronn, she's still a bit the same, only she's 26 by the start of my timeline/AU. also changed up her body type to something a bit more toned, since she also works out a lot and jogs (i mean..also chasing down killer animatronics in her nightshift would do wonders to her leg muscles too)
don't count on my activity being consistent tho lol work has been eating my ass lately. STILL!!!! have the WIFE!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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quinnyverse-fnaf · 12 days
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The sillies!! In my art style!
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nanuuiy · 4 years
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I really miss the fnaf fandom..
I tried to draw vincet and Mike with the rebornica art style
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ryukodragonfnaf · 4 years
Hey! Sorry if you get this question a lot, but where can we find the Reborniverse Revival/Bones' account? I've looked for their Twitter but at this point I can't tell if I'm finding the right one or not ^^;
Hey there! Thanks for asking so kindly!
I’m afraid the Reborniverse Revival is not officially available online anywhere right now. Bones has decided to leave social media in order to properly focus on their health. There may be reposts out there, but I can confirm that none of them are being shared by Bones themselves.
They are essentially on hiatus until further notice. If nothing else, I can at least assure you that they are doing well!
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Sometimes it’s 3 am and you wanna draw eye searing colors and old comfort characters
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