#reblogs this quietly.
my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months
Strong emotional or physiological reactions to everyday sounds.
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Plug sockets
Water dripping
Light switches
Pen clicking
Loud breathing
Wrappers rustling
Tapping fingers
Boiling kettle
Ticking clocks
Fluorescent lights
Autistic Girls Network
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clown-owo · 5 months
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things are finally back to normal!
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pixlokita · 5 months
I noticed that you put "wanda" in the tags of art you reblog, I was wondering what it meant :00
Sorry TTwTT I’ve gotten the same question like four times it always sends me it’s only the wanda tag xD It’s like a very old tumblr thing maybe nobody does it anymore but you can have a tag with your mutual’s or your friend’s nicknames or even artists you like to just find the stuff you reblogged from them again on your blog? :> it was also something that made it easier for you to find stuff they tagged you on in their blog in case you missed anything ?? But I just started tagging all the posts they made too >>; to keep it organized =w= actually idk why I do it (・´ω`・)
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I’m not done with making my love for The Fall Guy everybody’s problem 😌
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keii4ii · 1 month
It feels a little strange to drop a message out of the blue, but the note on your new comic made me feel inclined to reach out to say I always enjoy the Lies of P art you make.
I never heard of the game before your art first put it on my dash, and I still know very little. But for me it has a special significance in the world because I know there is someone who obviously cares deeply, thinks deeply about it, and creates beautiful pieces that give me a glimpse of the story through their eyes. I always appreciate when I can see that love for a piece of media I’m not personally invested in, showing me some of what other people find worth living in it. And to me, self inserts are a natural extension of exploring why we love something, wishing to interact with it in a fundamental way.
I don’t think I have anything else to say, really. Just thank you for letting me see a world I may have entirely overlooked otherwise.
Thank you for such a thoughtful ask. I'm honored that my own thoughts and feelings got to be another person's window to see this beautiful game. And you understood. Probably not all of it without the context, but what you understood was a piece of the core. That means a lot to me, because I share my works not to show off pretty visuals, but to be understood. And maybe to make someone else out there feel understood.
Someone (on not-tumblr where I also posted this series) actually commented that they felt understood when they saw this comic. That, and your ask, are both beyond what I had ever dared to hope with this series.
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foxhole-pipe-dream · 2 months
Yeah, it's about that time I take a hiatus from this fandom again 😭
Anyway, uh. I don't consider myself an "anti" but if you identify as a proshipper or adjacent, please just save me the trouble and block me.
Or make yourself known so I can do it myself. This isn't a hate post (except it is). This is me curating my own online experience, which doesn't involve seeing sibling or father/son ships. Or people who consume that content.
Y'all can play with your dolls in a corner veeeeeery far away from me and behind a bunch of walls.
And if I ever have to read the words "twinyard scat" again, I will have to end it all.
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july-19th-club · 8 months
horrible stupidass day. my aunt died. step-aunt technically; she was my uncle's second wife and she was amazing. they were putting up christmas decorations and she didnt feel well so she went to sit down and . that was it . feel weird bc its the middle of the week and im so wiped out from regular work crap that it isnt even hitting really i just found out and im . like sitting here thinking about dinner. but also she's the kind of person who wouldn't care; she'd think that was funny
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sunriseverse · 11 days
24+ hour flight and delays and layover was worth it i’m sitting in my friend’s house and it smells like the houses of my childhood and i want to CRY.
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viperwhispered · 17 days
So I just happened to look at when I first posted to this blog, and apparently it was a year ago to the day.
Originally, I mostly just wanted to have all my Jamil reblogs and stuff in one place, somewhere where I'd feel free to gush over fics and all the other things other people made (because apparently doing that on my main felt awkward, because reasons).
And then Fixation happened, and suddenly I wasn't just enjoying things other folks had made, but putting my own stuff out here, too. I'd not really been writing for a year or two before that, so it sure was a bit of jumpstart in getting back to that. And of course me being the thirsty person I am, I jumped back into it with smut.
It's been amazing finding other Jamil enjoyers, and to see that there's folks out here who enjoy the sort of stuff I put out. So thank you everyone who's been reading and liking and reblogging and commenting, and to all the lovely people I've gotten to meet so far. It's always a delight talking with you all, or just seeing you in my notes❤️
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coldgoldlazarus · 5 days
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Wait for real??? I don't remember hearing it in Super Metroid (or i probably didn't pay attention coz your other made me realize the title game of Metroid Prime literally is that same theme reimagined too aoirjgaoij)
Yeah! It takes a bit of time to kick in there, they do a whole buildup to it first, so you might have missed it if you pressed start too fast or something, but it's definitely there ^^
And it goes pretty hard.
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sherlock-is-ace · 3 months
One thing about me is that if I see someone reblogging AI images, I will let them know 👌🏻
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heavenbarnes · 3 months
somehow- SOMEHOW i have hit my next thousand followers and this is actually unbelievable 🫶🏼 i am so grateful to every single person that follows me here, no matter how long you’ve been following you mean the absolute world to me
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lanaevyssmoved · 6 months
i miiiight be taking another small hiatus for a few days? i have family coming over for 3 days for new years and my batteries man. my batteries
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kiwisandpearls · 4 months
people: we need to get back to commenting more on tumblr posts! fandom is dying now!
me, a person who prefers to be quiet on tumblr so i don’t cause a huge drama somehow and because i just like to:
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i love your blog, thank you for reblogging papyrus for me to look at!!!!!!!!!
💚💚💚!!! Of course! I love papyrus and i love sharing papyrus! I think out of every blog i have ever made, this one is the most worth it for people like you💚! Cheers to the coolest skeleton!
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