#reblogging for the diff. timezones !!
enjomo-arch · 1 year
i  won't  lie.  my  portrayal  is  different  than  what  you  would  expect  from  what  the  sources  from  which  ace is from.  manga  /  anime  comes  and  what  happens  to  it  pre  -  timeskip  and  post  time-skip.  while  i  have  important  details  listed  in  my  pinned's  meta  masterlist  and  also  in  my  carrd,  i  talk  about  it  i  know  that  some  facts  can  be  overlooked  (  which  is  no  problem  )  so  i  seen  other  blogs  do  things  like  these,  and  i  find  it  helpful  to  list  a  pill  of  the  canon's  blog  in  shorter  version  for  easy  understanding  of  what  to  expect  on  my  blog.  what's  listed  is  my  personal  analysis,  changes  and  what  is  incorporated  in  replies  within  the  one  piece  world.  triggering  content  ahead  so  be  warned.   any  character  mention  does  not  have  to  apply  to  the  muse  that  you  play.  you  don't  have  to  as  a  writer  acknowledge  these  things  /  we  can  come  to  terms  or  i  don't  mind  going  canon  vanilla  if  you  don't  wish  to  acknowledge  these  portrayal  infos.  i  don't  mind  worldbuilding  facts  along  with  other  people  as  well  and  in  fact,  it'd  be  happy  to  do  so. for more info click the links under certain sentences ! or head to my study directory in my pinned.
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001. rouge  didn't  die  right  after  ace  was  born.  i  don't  like  that  fact,  i  don't  like  it  when  people  speculate  that  ace  was  over  a  year  old  before  he  left  his  mother's  belly.  that's  just  supernatural  to  me.  there's  nothing  said  that  rouge  was  anything  but  normal.  and  the  risk  of  death  for  a  child  who  is  longer  in  his  mother's  body  than  40  weeks  rises  really  high.  ace  would  have  died  if  rouge  had  kept  him  longer  than  a  month  over  the  estimated  birth  peroid.  while  i  understand  that  she  wanted  to  defend  him  with  this  was  never  said  to  be  risky,  it  is.  rouge  held  ace  in  her  womb  for  2  week  more  before  his  birth.  that  was  enough  time  for  garp  to  secretly  transport  her  to  a  safe  place  on  one  of  the  islands  on  the  south  blue.  she  gave  birth  to  ace  and  raised  him  for  3  more  years  before  her  health  began  to  deteriorate.  before  her  death,  she  entrusted  ace  to  garp.  
002. ace  was  13  by  the  time  he  met  luffy.  the  reason  for  the  outstretched  timeline  is  to  fit  the  fact  listed  above.  ace  was  raised  first  by  rouge  before  he  even  got  to  foosha  village.  ace  is  older  and  it  is  also  the  reason  of  my  canon  being  tied  to  the  canon  with  another's  person's  muse  (  law  ).  he  was  more  destructive  to  himself  than  he  was  to  sabo  or  luffy.  when  yes,  he  was  indeed  a  bitter  child  after  growing  up  to  understand  what  happened  to  him,  why  he  is  here  and  why  the  world  stands  closed  to  him  with  a  wall,  he  didn't  blame  anyone  but  himself  for  it  and  his  grief,  anger  wasn't  taken  out  as  much  on  luffy  as  he  was  taking  it  on  himself.
003. your  muse  has  obviously  no  prior  knowledge  of  his  past.  all  that  is  known  is  that  ace  is  a  pirate,  his  name  is  portgas  d.  ace  and  his  alias  is  fire  fist  ace.  since  forever  his  identity  has  been  hidden  by  him  at  the  cost  of  everything.  the  first  person  to  ever  know  who  ace  is,  who  his  biological  family  is,  is  sabo  and  then  deuce.  the  fact  that  ace  is  roger's  son  didn't  come  to  light  (  for  the  public  )  until  ace  was  thrown  in  jail  and  then  sentenced  to  death  which  he  avoided.  only  whitebeard  and  certain  members  of  the  crew  (  marco,  izou  )  knew  about  who  he  really  was.  his  priority  was  and  still  is  to  talk  as  little  as  possible  about  himself,  where  he  comes  from  and  the  only  parental  figure  he  adheres  to  is  whitebeard.  ace  considers  him  his  only  father,  because  he  has  no  memory  of  roger.  he  doesn't  hate  his  biological  father  to  the  point  of  disrespect.  he  just  thinks  he  owns  him  nothing.
004. ace  is  a  hunter  and  gambler  first  and  pirate  second.  living  for  a  really  long  time  in  a  forest  that  was  like  a  real  jungle.  filled  with  predators,  snakes,  crocodiles.  everything  you  can  imagine,  ace  fought  to  survive,  ace  hunted  to  be  able  to  bring  meat  back  to  dadan  to  be  able  to  feed,  to  be  useful  in  what  he  does.  he  has  incredibly  sharp  instincts.  he  has  insane  tracking  abilities,  knows  how  to  hunt  and  follows  his  own  hunting  code.  he  doesn't  harm  the  first  better  animals,  he's  not  cruel  to  them.  ace  in  fact  connects  very  much  with  animals,  and  they  resonate  with  him  just  as  much.  his  gambling  addiction  began  in  his  early  teens  when  he  played  to  win  money  with  adults  in  the  gray  terminal,  in  taverns  placed  within  the  goa  kingdom  to  earn  his  and  sabo's  common  goal.  he  would  steal  from  people,  pirates.  but  the  card  game  was  becoming  something  he  was  really  good  at.  his  addiction  can  be  cruel,  and  ace  is  really  serious  when  it  comes  to  gambling.
005. post  -  timeskip  when  ace  underwent  rehabilitation  from  the  damage  he  sustained  after  the  war  over  marineford  he  learned  to  use  haki.  like  luffy  and  his  crew  ace  spent  his  days  training,  improving  his  own  health  and  mentality.  his  haki  empowered  ability  of  the  mera  mera  no  mi  he  mastered  is  called  '  the  fudo  myoo  '  in  short,  a  god  of  fire.  much  like  luffy's  gears,  ace  extended  the  power  of  mera  mera  no  mi  thanks  to  his  hard  training.  the  fruit's  awakening  ability  is  called  the  demon  inferno,  allowing  ace  to  create  fire-like  creatures  that  are  independent  but  controlled  by  ace  and  his  flames.  are  a  living  part  of  him  and  have  inherited  behaviors  and  abilities  (  eg.  agility,  speed,  strength,  combat  ability  )  that  ace  observed  in  animals  during  his  life  as  a  hunter  /  during  his  voyages  and  adventures  over  the  seas.
006. ace  has  narcolepsy.  which  is  basically  a  sleeping  disease.  he  finds  it  hard  to  stay  awake  for  long  periods  of  time  which  causes  him  to  fall  asleep  suddenly  and  randomly.  he  sometimes  experiences  muscle  tone  which  is  basically  caused  by  strong  emotions  such  as  anger,  sadness  and  excitement  but  most  of  the  times  laughter  is  the  strongest  case.  there's  no  cure  to  this  disease  and  since  ace  doesn't  really  have  medication  for  this  to  at  least  keep  the  symptoms  in  check  it  appears  pretty  frequently  in  his  case.  most  of  the  times  ace  falls  asleep  while  eating  because,  when  the  meal  is  rich  in  carbohydrates  and  protein  which  are  essential  to  build  up  strength  he  gets  an  uptake  of  tryptophan  from  the  protein  and  then  an  increase  of  serotonin.  eating  also  causes  blood  sugar  levels  to  rise,  which  can  lead  to  a  decrease  in  energy  and  the  more  he  feels  tired  the  easier  it  is  for  his  narcolepsy  to  trigger  suddenly.
007. ace  is  depressed.  maybe  he  doesn't  look  like  that  at  first  glance.  when  someone  meets  him  ace  seems  to  be  an  incredibly  kind,  carefree  and  confident  person.  and  yes,  he  is  exactly  like  that.  however,  ace  also  has  some  problems  with  his  mentality  that  were  born  when  he  was  a  child  left  behind  within  the  walls  of  the  goa  kingdom.  he  also  struggles  with  a  lot  of  insecurity  when  it  comes  to  his  relationship,  self-worth  and  survival  trauma  after  the  war.  ace  post-  timeskip  doesn't  resemble  himself  in  some  aspects  that  happened  before  the  war.  it  changed  him,  the  way  he  had  to  live  changed  him.  what  happened  between  luffy  and  him  changed  his  perspective  about  a  few  things,  about  his  will  to  live.  he  wants  to  live,  he  finally  understood  that  he  doesn't  want  to  die.  he  wants  to  live,  even  if  it  is  a  sin.  even  if  his  existence  is  hell  on  earth,  he  wants  to  live  because  luffy  proved  to  him  that  despite  who  ace  thinks  he  is,  there  are  people  who  love  and  loved  him.
008. ace  is  indifferent  heat  or  high  temperatures.  they  are  completely  indifferent  to  him,  and  he  would  most  likely  feel  a  change  in  temperature  only  if  something  were  hotter  than  his  orange  flames.  (  these  flames  reach  around  1,100°c  to  1,200°c  /  2,000º  f  to  2,200º  f.  )  otherwise  ace  does  not  feel  a  change  in  climate,  temperature-wise  would  be  logical  considering  when  he  was  moving  through  the  deserts  in  alabasta  his  clothing  was  completely  black.  as  is  well  known,  black  or  dark  colours  attracts  heat  and  sunlight  but  it  made  absolutely  no  impression  on  him  even  when  he  spent  hours  in  the  bare  sun  in  the  middle  of  the  desert.
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donnyclaws · 2 years
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Warm & Difficult moments after a suicide attempt [Img ID below]
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ [  SITE  ]  Merch Kofi   Zines   Patreon 
[ img id: A light purple sketch page with scattered text. The first sketch in the left is of James and Billy. James is turned away, Billy’s face is visible, he’s holding James’s chin and leaning in for a kiss. They’re both back lit by afternoon sun, the words hard won survival and sweet summer are hand written around them.
The next image is of Max, Damian and Aran having dinner. Aran is offering food to Damian, who is wrapped in a blanket and leaning on Max’s shoulder, having just woken up. The text readss
Damian: Did I black out again?
Max: Yeah, but it’s okay we were about to wake you anyway.
Aran: I tried to make something nice for you. I asked Max for your favourites.
Damian: You don’t need to waste-
Aran: Good food isn’t a waste. Okay well....Food isn’t a waste. If we get out of this, I’ll make it for you properly.
end id ]
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setratwo · 9 months
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Happy new years to Everyone!!
Although I don't actually interact, or likely, online here alot...
But I would like to thank all my friends and people that are still chatting with me time to time! ^^
And also just to say that for some people that may or may not be a friend shhss
Likely soo!
@mewtales / @mew-dump - Moddy! A great great friend, I admire her alot, great mew designs and her lore is aloooT , and they're interesting too! I love chatting with you bout Lores, OCS and such, Thank you for spending ur time with me some times! ^^
@ricksoo - hshshs, even though we don't talk alot, I appreciate ur reblogs and yeah^^ We may not talk alot unlike how we used to, but hey. You're still a friend of mine :D
@martysgachaworld - MEEP, You're a nice friend, im sorry sometimes I couldn't talk to you because I didn't have the Energy, but still, thank u for chatting with me sometimes^^
@ravingraymond - Pretty sure you're the only friend I Met on Poketwo and that discord server to have a tumblr account, sooo, even if we don't even dm each other, you're a funny dude and I love ur art style ✨
@blues-sues - UR DESIGNS ARE STILL AMAZING! You're so creative with ur mewtwos n mews design! They're all very very cool!
@txttabloid - Love ur Aus! They're very cute, and ur OCs too! I really find you a cool person like the others here in my list hyehehs
And then I ran out of ideas, soo, appreciation mention!
@pokemon-ash-aus , @xxtc-96xx , @sapphirethefluffymewtwo , @paradoxiusblack , @secret-mewtwo2 (okay, sorry, I may or may not be confused whether ur have a new acc hshsh), @sea-slumber , @thatlazyartist919 (ty for ur findings of tips on drawing^^), @penumbramewtwos , @everyoneiforgottopingorbasicallyforgotsoimsorry
But Happy New years to everyone again!
Or early happy new years for others that haves a diff timezone^^
(I also decided to redraw my new years last year or so :D)
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natashasbitxh · 5 months
Okay so for people in diff timezones, it's around 4am on the 13th April for me, so the 11th was about two days ago
But I've been meaning to make a little post
Thursday marked the year anniversary of Smosh's tntl with Starkid. Now I know to some that means absolutely nothing, but to me it's a little special because this means I've now been a proper smosh fan and on smoshblr for around a year now☹️
I would say I REALLY became apart of smoshblr around November when I became shaynse anon and I don't want to sound cringey but I actually believe that I have changed quite a bit since then blogwise and even personalitywise even though its been a couple of months
I guess I just wanted to make a post to say from the bottom of my heart thank you, the mutuals and anons I've gained the past couple of months is a lot compared to me pre shaynse anon. I really found my footing on tumblr and gained a lot more confidence all thanks to this little community 🙂
I will never forget shaynse day, its still CRAZY to me that even one person thought of me, never mind multiple. I remember when that happened (people reaching out to me), I was giddy for days and I was ready to explode because I had nobody in real life to talk to it about😭 So thank you SO much
To anybody that has even liked or reblogged a post of mine, thank you. To anybody that has clicked on my blog and had a little look around, thank you. To anybody that has given me a follow or sent in an ask, THANK YOU. I know it seems small, but even a little interaction truly makes my day. I love this little corner of the internet☹️🫶
Theres a few mutual that I absolutely HAVE to thank, because you guys truly are such a big part of tumblr for me.
(Now, please understand that these are people specific to SMOSHBLR🙏)
@jovenshires, hi bestie🙂 you've genuinely done SO much for me since I sent that silly little ask to you, indirectly or not. I definitely don't think I'd have my little place on smoshblr without you, shaynse anon was A MOMENT. I still think about the Christmas gift you gave to me daily, it genuinely warms my heart sm that you'd think to create something for me☹️ AND YOU THOUGHT OF IT WHILE I WAS STILL ONLY A LITTLE ANON☹️ Thank you SO much for helping me be welcomed into this space🫶
@lilac-hecox, I don't think we've directly spoken a lot? But we interact with eachother quite a bit, and ur blog?? OBSESSED. Anyway recent memory on April 1st I just remember booping the HELL out of ur page and u booping just as much back😭🫶
@wallpaper-inside-my-heart, I genuinely think about the smoshblr december asks SO MUCH. That was such a sweet thing for you to do and I rlly think it brought the fandom sm closer, and it was so kind how you acknowledged like almost everybody's posts almost EVERYDAY. It was so fun talking to you abt our interests🫶
@ancientvamp, hello to my shaynse SOLDIER OMG🫶 We both fill up the shaynse tag SM and I LOVE IT😭 Ur like my no.1 shaynse blog probably, like sometimes I feel we are SO on the same wavelength. I just think ur rlly neat!! 🫶
@bomikalover, HELLO TO ANOTHER SHAYNSE SOLDIER!!! My shaynse bestie!! Your edits are SOOO iconic, and I'm so happy to have been able to let you know chanse saw ur edit, that was literally insane and I was so happy for u☹️ ur just so 🫶🫶🫶
now there are SO MANY PEOPLE I'd LOVE to tag, but I thought I'd narrow it down to just a few that I've properly interacted with. To any mutuals that see this, please don't take offense, not my intention AT ALL!!! In fact, HI HI HI!!! If you'd like, PLEASE reach out or interact with me!! I'd always love to communicate, whether that's in reblogs, comments etc!!
I do actually have a project I want to do as an almost celebration, but I kinda had to scrap and restart my whole idea because it wasn't going how I wanted😭 so bear with! And also I'll probably do something for the anniversary of shaynse day, cause why not🤷‍♀️
ANYWAY, long story short THANK YOU to all and to smoshblr for being such a welcoming and sweet area on the Internet when everywhere else is often not🫶
-love, shaynse anon
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ittybittybumblebee · 4 months
ive thought this for a long time since i got into btb but ive never said it directly but i saw the if you like smth say smth post u reblogged and i realized ive never said it and that i should say it. the way you draw cesare fills my silly little heart with joy beyond all verbal description my soul does excited little flips and starts doing the chacha slide... idk How u do it but he somehow looks exactly on model but also is drawn in a beautiful way only U can draw him i think. you dont shy away from any of the visual traits that make him him you know. idk how else to describe it he looks like the perfect most crunchiest thing when u draw him and im filled with the overwhelming urge to put him in my pocket it makes me so happy. just gives me the biggest biggest biggest smile whenever u pop in the tag to drop lovely art on our lucky blessed eyeballs i see ur url and im like aw hell yeah... like im just kinda a tag lurker and im not active in the fandom whatsoever but i wanted u to know how happy it makes me.. so thank you ^_^ have a nice night or etc for timezone diffs u seem like a nice person i hope u win a million dollars
WOW anon this is just. man i dont know what to say THANK YOUU> from the bottom of my heart that the silly drawings i do mean so so much to you, this REALLY made my morning its so great to know when ppl like the little details in what i do, like ur description of how i draw cesare is just. u noticed exactly what i try to do w him and im so glad. i love drawing him as close as can be with a bit of my own style likw OUGGWAUUGGH im gonna CRY u sent me a whole ass nicies paragraph and its making me grin so big ILY anon TYY 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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starz222 · 1 year
- if you’re gmt8 like me, posting things from 9pm-12am always reaps better notes for me (but ofc, write for yourself and not for notes)
- use the important tags for the first 5 tags of ur post, for better visibility!
- for gmt8 timezone, best reblog timings are: 2am, 4am, 6am, then 8am!!!
(if ur in a diff timezone, just convert it!!)
hope this helps bbg 💞💞💞
YING MY SAVIOR 😭😭 WE HAVE THE SAME TIMEZONE SO WOO NO TEDIOUS CONVERTING anyways ty 😭 i didn't know ANY of this.. saved alr to my notes LMAOO BUT SERIOUSLY THANK UUUU <33 how'd u find all that out 😭😭
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taeyungie · 2 years
pls dont feel annoying by reblogging ur posts it actually helps for those in a diff timezone to see cus i be missing a lot of things until its reblogged on my dash
ah thank you so much for saying so, you're too sweet 💓 and i agree with you, won't stop doing that! but by talking about self reblogs i didn't mean it in a way that i felt like /i/ was annoying by doing so, i don't sr THAT often haha but i wasn't feeling very well about /having/ to continously self reblog, because posts on tumblr often don't reach out to any further places anymore beside your own dash or people don't see it, or they don't show up in the tags (often recently which is sad), sometimes i see it as some unnecessary additional work kjsdncsjkb sometimes for barely any result 🥺
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this-should-do · 2 years
looooove being up late and having that one follower who is also up late liking what ever batshit insane stuff ur reblogging like hiiii hellloooooo hiiii i see ur also up at wretched hours in the morning
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akuyaku-reijou · 5 years
the-sui -> akuyaku-reijou
Hello! I changed my URL! I noticed no one was using it, soooo it’s mine :)
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bulletnotestudies · 4 years
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TAGS. tags, tags, tags! the tumblr algorithm runs solely on tags, meaning likes don’t do anything when it comes to boosting posts - make sure to use most common tags and check the spelling! some popular tags in the studyblr community are #studyblr #studying #onmydesk and #studyspo. i would also higly recommend using bloggers’ tags! a lot of people track a tag, meaning your posts will show up on their dash even if they don’t follow you. you can usually find their tracking tag in the blog description or on their about/faq page :) (i, for example, track #bulletnotestudies). additionally, keep in mind that only the first 20 tags count, after that you’re just screaming into the void
FORMAT PROPERLY  when posting photos, use the photo and not text type of post; it does have an effect on the display on some of the tumblr themes and can be a factor of whether or not your posts will get reblogged. continuing on the same tangent, make sure all your photos are the same size! in the mobile app and on the dash, the photos get cropped to fit the post margins anyway, but if you go to someone’s blog, they will show in the size you used - meaning your pretty moodboard will look all wonky if you didn’t crop all the photos to the same size. and if you can, post your photo posts through the website on a computer, rather than from your phone/tablet; the mobile version converts photo posts into text, meaning the format will get all jumbled if you use two or more photos.  pay attention to your descriptions and text posts too. if you’re writing a long one, separate it into paragraphs, so it’s easier to read. similarly, remember that most people use the mobile app, so super long posts will clog up their dash and they’ll most likely end up scrolling really fast to just get to the end of the post quickly (insert a ‘read more’ to avoid this)
EDITING you don’t need fancy stationery or technology to make ‘sucessful’ posts, but if you have the means and a little time, editing can get you very far. here’s a post by @myhoneststudyblr​ in which she kindly takes you through her process step by step. also, here’s how i edit my photos.
figure out an OPTIMAL POSTING TIME  when are your followers most active? for me, it’s around 10-11am and 1-2:30pm my time. also reblog your own posts at diff times to make sure you reach all timezones (i usually schedule reblogs right after i’ve published my post)
TRIAL AND ERROR  your posts won’t just one day start getting thousands of notes, slow and steady, most importantly: focus on making content you enjoy - if you like the process and like what you’re putting out, it’ll show and notes will start trickling in as well! something @study-with-jana​ once told me that’s really stuck with me: “Not all your posts are going to be successful but every once in a while there’s going to be one that is, so just keep trying. You’ll also get better at taking pictures the more you do it so just keep posting and don’t mind how many notes you get that much.”
and for the sake of everyone’s good mood and comfort in the community, please do not turn to reposting others’ content in an effort to gain notes. it’s highly disrespectful towards the actual author and demotivates them. a lot. recognise that making your own content takes a lot of time, planning, and overall effort. this is a community and that means that we support content creators in turn for the posts they share with us for free. reblog their posts!
if there’s anything i failed to mention or explain in the way understandable to you, feel free to send me an ask x
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will forever love you guys reblogging your own posts
to be fair they are all quality
in all seriousness tumblr is one of the few social media sites that doesn’t sort yr feed algorithmically (ahhh!!!!! i hate the contemporary social media ‘timeline’ i wrote a whole uni essay about it) so if you see us reblogging the same post every few hours its because we want people in diff timezones to see it. i hope they are all good too just don’t wanna seem self indulgent haha
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okruee · 6 years
Oh so for tzr you’d reblog something to keep it on the top of your page for a little longer?
that and so that people who might’ve missed it when i posted it originally (either because they’re in a diff timezone or any other reason) can see!!
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lovlettres-moved · 7 years
my dash is dead
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eulyin · 7 years
I tried to schedule reblog for diff timezone, but it keeps appearing -.- (tho I’ve put it into p.m (now it’s a.m) sigh...)
Will reblog manually this night then -.- tumblr pls...
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scenarioslovers · 4 years
When it comes to multichapters give yourself the benefit of time zones, readers who search the tags or even your followers may be in different timezones from when you post, so self reblogging (like queuing) can help boost the fic to others in diff timezones Another thing that can help is promote your own fic again in separarte post a couple days after kind of like catchup post. Just wanted to offer these tips because it seems like a passion project you shouldn’t give up. Looking forward to it
Thank you so much this will be helpful ♥️
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