#reblog all the waaay
cowardlykrow · 5 months
Gah, all this shout out stuff I'm seeing for my artist mutuals is so cute and deserved so lemme also do it cuz i love them 😔✨💛💛💛 [I actually have SOO many people i love and adore its ridiculous, but i'll keep this "short" by shouting out the very small circle I followed when i first started to make fanart 👉👈]
And by "Short" i mean im gonna add a cut cuz i never shut up :3c @booigi-boi ~the~ #1 Ted spankofski artist [no room for argument, this is just factual.] The way they draw face's and poses, and hair, and clothes, and joey in general is just absolutely incredible!!!! [The moment I saw her art I was just awestruck, and so ridiculously inspired to start drawing again that it's ended up with me right here now... so if you hate me blame her /J] She just has such beautiful line-work and an ability to create such expressive fun pieces, along with having such a talent of using minimal shading and yet making every art piece look totally decked out. Just!!! its literally all so beautiful. incredible. amazing. [Imagine this goes on for way too long and its incredibly obnoxious.] 🐐💛✨ [She's also just a very neat person in general]
@ricky-mortis [inhumane noises of affection✨💛✨] How do I even start? Their art style isn't only everything to me, but it also just has so much character and personality in it. I love the bold line work they often use, along with their coloring and just gah! everything made by this person makes me so happy every time it pops on my dash, i feel like it has to be impossible not to fall in love with their work! [Also have you seeen how they draw curt mega and all of his characters? god they are so brilliant and fantastic]
@szollibisz/szollibisz2 They have the kind of art that you look at and just can't help but let out a really dreamy sigh tbh✨💛. To me, a majority of their artwork comes off so warm and... nostalgic?[Granted it is probably because of the beautiful use of warm colors and also the time period that comes with Curtwen mostly... but still.] And just, i dunno man. i just really fricken adore this persons art. I remember one of my first thoughts being how much it made me think of those really beautiful short-film animations, usually silent except for some gorgeous instrumental soundtrack in the background... and, just, wow... anyway ~
[Does any of this make sense??? probably not...]
@its-short-for-jackalope this person is SO passionate! Their support towards the things they love, such as tinlightment and Pulp musicals, is everything. I also absolutely love the way their art manages to have this beautiful yet adorable style all while managing to capture the resemblance to the actors they are referencing perfectly! From their simplest drawings to their bigger pieces, i think they are all absolutely wonderful~ These people are just so crazy talented and i appreciate them very much 😔
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ishikawayukis · 8 months
i just wanted to reblog some nice art of my fave character and now i'm tired lmao
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"That’s how relationships go. You can move your goal posts, you can increase your standards, you can rethink a relationship that begins to feel harmful. "Your relationship with two celebrities? What relationship? They don't know you exist. Erotomania 101. Finally!!! Love it when you tinhats give away your own thoughts without realising you are giving away the very reason why yall are so invasive. Check up erotomania. You don't have a relationship with Harry and Louis who don't know you exist.
Wtf are u talking about this is so funny 😭
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mistakenolive · 2 years
Waaay back in 2nd grade my teacher had us write a book called "My Pet Dinosaur", describing what we would do if we could have any dinosaur as a pet. This being the early 90s and having freshly watched Jurassic Park, I decided to skip the T rexes and sauropods, wanting something that would fit in my house and wouldn't eat me. So, I got out my trusty 1987 "Dinosaurs!" Childcraft Annual to pick something more practical, and decided on Psittacosaurus.
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^ the illustration in the 1987 book, versus this recent, much more accurate depiction by Bob Nicholls.
So, three decades later, I found the ever-talented @bookrat and their incredible paleo taxidermy art blog. I knew I wanted to commission them, so I decided to fulfill a childhood dream at the same time! I chose a model of a psittacosaurus hatchling because the 14 inch hatchling would take up far less space than a 4 foot long adult, and actually be in my budget. I asked for a green color because of the 1987 illustration above, but more accurate and less mock turtle, lol.
it came out gorgeous! I have my new "pet" here posing adorably with two of my actual-factual pets. Thank you again @bookrat for your beautiful work! I'll have to get a collar soon to take more pics :)
EDIT: This is blowing up, so make you're liking and reblogging @bookrat 's post too, and check out all their other art and dino models!
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oasivy · 1 month
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hi! so i'm on and off this account quite regularly (trying to become a nurse lol) so it's hard to keep up with everything i miss when i'm gone. i would love to read some new stories or see some new gameplay on my feed, so please like or reblog so i (and maybe others) can meet all your wonderful sims and maybe even some new ones.
if you're also looking for something new, i'm currently playing the 5th generation of the i'm a lover challenge. it goes waaay back, but feel free to read wherever and whenever! i hope to make some new friends! :)
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blueathn · 13 days
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Obligatory coffee shop au art
Close-ups and ramblings under the cut because I spent waaay too long on this
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Welcome to my brain soup.
Disclaimer, I didn’t really plan this piece and just kept adding concepts as I went, so it’s kind of all over the place. It’s more a big patchwork of dumb ideas I got excited over, rather than a well thought-out drawing, but I like it as it is! It feels like my brain did when I was reading htn :]
1. The whole concept behind this is just "Vintage coffee ad but make it the griddlehark coffee shop au". I was aiming for cheerful but also not quite right, in a very stock photo kind of way if that makes sense. Gideon is smiling but she is not a willing participant in this. Also that coffee is cold.
I - very predictably - took inspiration from Leyendecker’s work, since his ads and posters are the first that come to my mind when I think "vintage ad", and also because I do feel like his painting technique is close to how I naturally paint. This is not meant to be a study of his style tho, I didn’t try to break it down on more than a very superficial level.
2. 3. Nothing special to say, just Gideon’s arms (her perfect biceps are hidden from view lest they cause a riot in the cafeteria). Also arm hair. I feel like it’s becoming a recurring feature in my art lol
4. I debated whether or not to add a foam skull on the coffee then ultimately decided against it. That’s one skull too many, and honestly Gideon neither has the skill nor the patience to attempt one. Let’s be real, if they let her have access to the pitcher she’d make tits. So here is your tits-free coffee, courtesy of the Cohort photoshop editors.
5. Isaac, sporting the Fourth’s blue not only in dress but also in his questionnable choice of eye makeup. They have matching haircut only so Jeanne can showcase how much better it looks on her.
6. This is where I finally have something clever-ish to say. Thoughts ! I have them ! Sometimes. So. Harrow. You can’t see it but she has a nose piercing as well - this is relevant to spreading my agenda that Harrow is full of bone (piercings, that is). Sue me, I forgot that they let her keep her face paint in this scene. Onto the actual thought process.
This is where Abigail interrupts the scene, before Harrow can catch a glimpse of barista!Gideon. Her interruption is shown by the unfinished look of this panel : the sketch lines peeking through (in a reddish hue, to mimic sanguine, the red chalk that artists used to draw sketches and studies - and also because the contrast of the colors makes it pop better against her skin) + the rendering is messier from the neck and down.
Abigail is blocking half of Harrow from view - I wanted to have her hide Harrow’s eyes and thus line of sight entirely, but I feared Harrow wouldn’t be as recognizable with more than half her face hidden, frowny eyebrows and all.
Abigail herself is meant to look out of place here, without taking too much attention away from Gideon. I drew her in a much simpler style, using a more monochromatic palette and cell shading, to contrast against the rest of the gang, where I used a lot more color variation and a more detailed & textured painting style.
That’s about all I have on this, if you got this far thank you! Your support is much appreciated. If you liked this drawing I’d be overjoyed if you reblogged it and left your thoughts in the tags/notes! I’m always happy when I read them, even just a "#nice" makes my day.
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falling-star-cygnus · 8 months
somebody reblogged my appleradio post and tagged it as "not a ship" ...
anyway, budding qpr Lucifer and Alastor because i love them :D Duckie Deer pt.1 {pt.2}
{Lucifer is hunched over his new desk in Charlie's hotel, his grin bordering on maniacal as he puts the finishing touches on his newest rubber duck. In a flourish, he holds the little thing high- or as high as he can feasibly reach anyway- in the air}
"Now presenting..."
{The King of Hell pauses for dramatic effect, despite not actually having any audience except the judgmental stares of his scattered ducks}
"The Wendigo Peace-Offering Red Radio Rubber Duck! ...That switches hands!"
{Lucifer grins a bit more genuinely as the little thing teleports from one hand to the other, twisting into the shadows between his fingers and out to his palm. The more tolerable version of it's intended recipient, he thinks}
{For the sake of Charlie, he had begrudgingly decided to try and befriend the agitating Radio Demon. After all, if they were going to be sharing the space here for the foreseeable future it only made sense for them to get along, right? Or at the very least, try to tolerate each other}
{And what better way to do that then with a rubber duck?}
"Heh heh heh..."
{The king chucks the duck at the door}
"Who am I kidding, nobody wants a rubber duck look-a-like. That's weird, it's a weird gift!"
{As Lucifer rants, he fails to notice the rubber contraption nailing the object of his ire in the forehead. It bounces with a squeak into red tipped hands}
"I'd argue talking to yourself is weirder, your highness."
{That familiar mocking drawl and static covering, the sarcasm on his title, it causes the king to whirl around. Alastor is indeed standing in front of his door, pinching the horn of the duck between his claws with a raised eyebrow}
"Alastor! Just the annoy- uh- just the demon I wanted to see. At this exact moment. ...How much of that did you hear?"
{Smooth. Totally nailed that.}
{One of the hair tufts upon Alastor's head twitches in his direction, confirming Lucifer's suspicion that they were, in fact, ears. It's embarrassing how much effort it takes to stifle the coo that wants to erupt from him at the subconscious movement}
{He has a feeling the Radio Demon wouldn't take kindly to it}
"Hm... Is there any particular reason for this... look-a-like, as you called it? I can't imagine anyone in either of circles would appreciate a duck of my visage."
{Oh good. So just the last part, then. He could still salvage this}
"It's for you!"
{Lucifer sounded too eager. Waaay too eager, actually, if Alastor's steadily raising eyebrow was anything to go by. The king clears his throat}
"Ahem. Uh- it's for you, actually. A peace offering! Since we're going to be around each a lot more often, I figured- well, we might as well try to get along- right? For Charlie's sake. Not- not because you're tolerable. Or because I like you. Heh. No."
{The deer demon blinks slowly, raising the rubber duck up to his eye by it's horn. His perpetual smile- seriously, is that thing stitched on or something? -looks painfully strained.}
"Is that so?"
{His voice is less staticky then usual, which encourages the King to keep going. Lucifer nearly lunges forward, grabbing Alastor's hands and adjusting the duck to rest in one of the Radio Demon's palms}
{He feels a little bad for the flinch and hitch if static that comes with it, but he ignores it for Alastor's sake. He'd like a comment about that even less then a comment about his adorable ears}
"What are you do-" "It switches hands!"
{Alastor quiets at that, his glare softening just slightly around the edges with a blink. Again, Lucifer takes the small allowance and runs with it. He uses his thumbs to push against the joint of Alastor's fingers, furthering flattening his palms; an awkward laugh spills from him}
"Hah- Give it a try! Just- think about it switching and-"
{The duck slinks into Alastor's other palm before the king can finish his sentence. It goes back and forth a few times, filling the deer's eyes with a sense of unguarded wonder that has Lucifer's breath hitching}
{It's gone as soon as Alastor remembers his company}
{The Radio Demon pulls his hands away from Lucifer's, keeping the duck tucked securely in his hand. The king tries not to mourn the loss, both of his surprisingly warm fingers and of the glimpse into his head Lucifer was so graciously privy to today}
{Baby steps, he reminds himself. Something dangerously hopeful stirs in his chest}
"I see..."
{Alastor looks, on some level, like he's lost his footing. He came in here expecting to trade insults like usual, no doubt, especially after getting bonked with a rubber duck of all things upon entering}
{And instead he's left cradling a gift made in his image}
"Well! It'd certainly be rude to refuse such a thoughtful gift from his majesty. Even if it's a silly one."
{It's a feeble attempt at regaining control at best, they both know it. Lucifer sticks his hand out with a flat expression.}
"If you don't like it, give it back."
{Alastor's smile tightens, just like his grip on his rubber duck}
"Now, now, I just said it'd be rude to refuse. Surely your manner aren't lowering themselves to your height?"
{And just like that, normalcy is restored as Lucifer sputters at the jab. The king stomps forward, maybe childishly but no one who matters is around to judge him-}
"What did you even come up here for? If I recall, your 'radio tower' is on the other side of the other side of the-"
{The deer demon had stepped on a wild rubber duck in his subtle attempt to keep distance between them and with a burst of static, Alastor had begun to fall backwards}
{Lucifer acts on instinct and summons his cane,- he's pushed his luck with touch already today- bracing it behind the wendigo's back.}
{It leaves the two in an... awkward situation to say the least. Alastor's long legs pulled out from under him and his lanky torso held up purely by the thin rod of his staff.}
{It leaves Lucifer looking down for once to make eye contact}
"...who's the short one now?"
{Alastor melts into shadows, still holding the rubber duckie look-a-like in one hand as he reappears behind the king. He can feel the radio demon's hand on his collar preventing him from falling flat on his face.}
"Still you, my friend."
{...friend. Lucifer could get used to that.}
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Christmas with you
♡ Eddie Munson x reader
♡ Summary: Eddie takes you shopping for Christmas trees.
♡ Warnings: none, fluff. Some suggestive themes.
A/n: While this is still a fluff piece, I'd rather minors didn't interact with my work. Please like, comment, and comment, reblog for support. Not proofread.
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"What about that one?" You pointed over to a rather tall, very wide Christmas tree.
"Uhhh, babe, I don't think our ceilings are tall enough for that one." Eddie frowns. He hated telling you no, but there was no possible way to get to that thing in his van, let alone in your trailer.
He squeezes your gloved hand, bringing it up to his lips for a kiss. "C'mon, let's keep looking."
"Okay." You smiled softly at him.
You gasped, what about this one?"
"Sweetheart, look at the size of that thing it's like two of my vans put together." Eddie shook his head.
You and him continue walking hand in hand, searching for the perfect Christmas tree. This was going to be your official Christmas together in your own home. You needed the best tree you could find. You had a specific vision, and you were not going to let anyone ruin it.
Tall, fluffy tree decorated with red and gold bulbs. Warm lights and a pretty star on the top with a velvet red skirt at the bottom. Gifts tucked all around it for friends and family.
Letting go of his hand, you make a bee line for another tree. It was large. Very large. Eddies eyes widened at the size of it. The thing must have been at least way above seven feet tall.
Do you remember where you lived? It's not like living in a trailer was a new concept to you. He thought to himself. You both grew up in one. You should know how low the ceilings are. That tree is not fitting at all. Even if it could fit, it's not make it through your front door.
"Uhh baby, that's too tall." Eddie said, eyeing it up and down.
"Pleeeeaase." You fake a pout knowing it was getting more and more difficult for him to tell you no.
"Waaay too tall." He's not caving. He physically can't no matter how hard it becomes.
Your face falls. "You think?"
"Yep, unfortunately." He sighed.
Eddie isn't surprised by your enthusiasm, though. Christmas has always brought out this child like happiness in you. Maybe it was because everyone just seemed so giving and thoughtful around this time. Or because you got a wave of nostalgia anytime a Santa commercial came on the tv. You always told him he reminded you of your step dad.
Even those little frosted Christmas cookies that had too icing and tasted like cardboard that you loved so much. Whatever was in the air around this time, Eddie wishes it never went away. Seeing your face light up at the pretty lights on people's houses was worth more than any gift.
"Take a look at this one." He rushes over to a tree that resembles something straight from the Charlie brown Christmas special.
"Umm, it's nice, but it's a little....bald." You swallow hard, trying your best not to hurt his feelings.
Eddie looks it over again. "Hmm, I guess you're right."
You grab his hand and take him down another row. The trees all started to look the same after a while. They were either too tall. Too wide. Sometimes even both. You were starting to get down on yourself. You haven't found the one yet, and Christmas was already five weeks away. Eddie can tell you're starting to get discouraged.
It was getting colder outside the more the sun sets. You and Eddie have been out here for more than three hours now. Your hands felt like popsicles. Your cheeks and lips chapped.
"M'cold." Your whole body shivers next to his.
Eddie looks over to you, worry etched on his face. "Here, take my coat."
"But what about you?" You tried to argue. The freezing air turning you into a shakey chihuahua.
"Don't worry, this doesn't bother me too much." He waves a hand around.
You sniffle. "Kay... JUST for a little while, then you take it back. "
"Yes, ma'am." Eddie removes his coat, wrapping it around your frame. The inside was nice at toasty from his body heat.
Eddie pulls into his side, keeping you snuggled to him. You walk down row after row, not really finding much luck. Your eyes water from the freezing gusts of wind. Eddie, on the other hand, seems unbothered.
"Sweetheart, what about that one?" Eddie pointed to a tree just up a head.
It was large but not too big. Fluffy and was just the right size to fit in your trailer and his van.
Eddie jogs over with you in tow. Puffs of breath visible in the cold air. He stands next to it, leaning it up so you can get a better look.
"It's perfect, huh?" He looks to you and back at the tree.
"It's perfect!" You cheer a smile spreading across your once sulken face.
Eddie calls the man over who's selling the trees to give him cash. The gentleman even helped your boyfriend load it up in his van, so you didn't have to.
"Ready to get her all set up?" He asked, starting the engine.
You nod enthusiastically. "Yep, and don't forget you're putting on the topper."
"How could I forget... you've mentioned it since before Halloween." Eddie joked, leaning over to give your cheek a quick kiss before pulling off.
After you and Eddie got back home, he had Wayne come over to help unload your tree and put in the living room. You busied yourself running around your home, gathering all the decorations you bought. You didn't realize how much you had until it was all laid out in front of you. You counted about nine boxed of Christmas ornaments. Two different types of tree toppers and a ton of lights.
"Someone got excited." Eddie walked over to look at everything you purchased over the course of the month.
"Oops." You chuckled.
He pulls you in tight, wrapping his arms around you. You rest your head against his chest, listening to his heart beating.
"Havin fun?" Eddie murmured, swaying you in his arms. You felt like home to him. Something he never really had or ever thought he could experience. But he knew it the very first time he laid eyes on you. Your warm smile and bright eyes.
The moment he first met you, he knew you were special. You had just moved to Hawkins a year after you both graduated. He still recalls the first moment he met you. You were having some car troubles, and he took the opportunity to not only help you but strike up a conversation.
He pulls back, walking over to the ornaments "baby these all look the same."
"Did ya accidentally buy the same ones?"
"They're not the same, Ed." You roll your eyes playfully. Of course, he would think they all looked identical.
"These are burgundy, and these are maroon." You pointed at the various boxes filled with glass bulbs.
Eddie quirks an eyebrow. "Uhh they're all red to me."
"Well, they're not they're different." You corrected.
"Whatever you say, this is your the expert anyway." He holds both hands up, backing away slowly.
"Can we bake cookies while we do this?" He asked, going over to plug in the Christmas lights him that Wayne put around the tree.
"Of course." You smile, picking up a box of glass ornaments. "We can make hot chocolate too."
"You know just how to turn me on, huh?" Eddie was extremely playful tonight. More so than usual. Your happy demeanor was infectious, and it was rubbing off on him. He wasn't complaining there was this warm feeling in his chest. He felt safe.
"Eww." You scrunch your face trying to hide a smile.
"Eww?" His jaw drops, and he clutches at his heart.
Eddie always brought the dramatics, but that's why you fell in love with him.
"Wasn't very Eww this morning or this afternoon or before we left to get this tree." Eddie teases walking to hug you from behind.
He lays his head on your shoulder, watching you put the hook through the ornaments. "Won't be very eww tonight either."
"Okay, that's it. Go put this star on the top of the tree." You wriggle out of his hold. You heard him chuckle. He lets you go does as he's told. The rest of the night was spent decorating your Christmas tree and Eddie twirling you around dancing to old records.
The cookies barely got baked since he decided to eat half of the cookie dough. You didn't even have a chance to put it on a baking sheet. You hope he doesn't get a stomach ache tomorrow. He promised to take you Christmas shopping for Wayne. Which should be very interesting since it's going to be you and Eddie doing it together.
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vortex-of-beats · 5 days
Hello my dear friend 🌟,
My name is Mahmoud Jihad, from Gaza, where all my dreams have shattered. I was studying Information Technology while caring for my sick father and younger siblings, but now, I have nothing but a flimsy tent to protect me from the cold of night. My home, my university, and everything that connected me to life have been completely destroyed, and I feel like everything has come to an end. 😢
We are living amidst indescribable destruction, and our days are fading into the depths of despair. I dream of escaping this hell with my family and returning to continue my studies, but the road ahead is blocked. Our hearts are filled with sorrow, and with each passing moment, we feel the world closing in around us. ❤️
I sincerely ask you, from the depths of my heart, to help save my family. Sharing, liking, commenting, or even a small donation could make a significant difference in our lives. Every contribution could be the glimmer of hope we've been waiting for in the darkness of this war. 😔
My campaign has been verified by @beesandwatermelons ✅ #190.
GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/463cbf01
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you offer. Your support could help us survive and seek a better future.🌹
Everyone’s stories are so heartbreaking. I’m so sorry your family is going through this. Come on everyone, Palestinians deserve WAAAY better!!
Please reblog and/or donate if you can!! Even small donations make a difference! Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
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speakofthedebbie · 2 months
some things of varying importance (<- my fav colour btw)
came for one. singular. fucking. post by @elsa-fogen, stayed for the hazbin brainrot
names debbie (read about why here), nicknames are any variation that suits you
not sure about a lot of things regarding myself, but almost certain im she/her
no clue about my orientation but it sure aint straight (one look at my pinterests "hear me out-" board could tell you as much)
minor (not saying majors [literally why arent 18+ called that] cant interact, but watch yourself)
in regards to above: ♐ (december 14th)
no comm beggars
#1 luci defender
started shipping radioapple as a joke but it becomes less of a joke each day (while i am now radioapple inclined, i am still a multishipper at heart)
priestess of @cali-and-chaos' radioapple cult
almost certainly some flavour of neurodivergent
hazbin hotel (wow who wouldve thunk it)
helluva boss (somewhat)
mystreet (may return when s7 comes out)
hermitcraft (im way too behind to catch up now)
percy jackson & the olypians (left of on titans curse)
murder drones (now that its done [?] might come back to)
the promised neverland (i still like it, but i finished the manga)
unique tags:
#debs is a yapper (i talk about shit. usually hazbin shit. intersects way too much with-)
#debs is an memer (i make memes. usually hellaverse memes. intersects way too much with #debs is a yapper.)
#debs is an artist (i make art occasionally. so far 100% hazbin art. seriously hazbin haz [heh] inspired me to get into art like no other muse has before.)
#debs is a responder (i respond to the rare ask or two [used to be #debs is an answerer but it sounded too weird lol])
#debs is an original poster (i make original posts. opposite of-)
#debs is a reblogger (i reblog usually hellaverse shit, which for my apprehensiveness about it at first has become [more than] half my blog. opposite of #debs is an original poster.)
#debbie's never ending rivalry with her own fucking brain (i wage psychological warfare against my own brain. no one wins.)
top 10 all time speakofthedebbie posts to start you out (via here) (needs to be updated waaay too much)
individual follower shout-out (always updated) (well its supposed to be but yall show up too fast lol cant put my life on hold to write 3 new names every hour)
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worldsfromhoney · 1 year
Greetings, plebeians
This is your resident unknown and attention-depraved author/writer, BEE/bee/beE/🐝
Here’s some stuff about moi:
I like… tea. YES I LIKE TEA 🍵🍵🍵 it’s quite honestly the greatest invention of all time
I also like reading. That’s kinda like a hobby that all writers are mandated to say. Which is reasonable.
I’m a fan of miniatures and piano. Yeah, I did try them out. Yeah, I did fail spectacularly, thank you! ☺️
I also like painting but the therapy one and not just a blank canvas that sucks the soul out of artists lol
What do I write?
I write… stuff. BEAUTIFUL, HEARTBREAKING STUFF, mind you. But it’s still stuff, so lemme elaborate.
Speculative fiction - if you idk this, it’s really just a mix of fantasy and sci-fi; the ‘what if’ genre
Urban fantasy - don’t get me wrong, I love high fantasy, but urban is waaay easier to worldbuild
Steampunk & other punks - PUUUUNK 🤘🤘🤘
Horror and thriller - mostly psychological and body horror, don’t worry! I don’t do jump scares or anything ☺️
Slice of life - mwah my heart and soul mwah
Others - yes, I am capable of doing other genres 😤 I’m a multi-faceted bee, you know?
DISCLAIMER: what I write might only reflect upon my psyche and state of mind but that is not a guarantee
My WiPs
I am proud to say that… I DO NOT HAVE ANY!!
*gasp* what ever do you mean bee? Are you quitting writing? *sobs*
No, my darlings.
i just have no big projects to boast about right now. I feel like big projects aint my thing at the moment and pushing myself only led me to disappear from the internet for a month 😞
What i do have are short works i randomly choose to write and post here on tumblr !!
If you’re interested, please comment on this post or reblog or DM me if you want to be put in the taglist!!
Does that mean you accept… requests?
…………yes. Yes i do. Go and flood my askbox you plebs !
Am I anywhere else?
Please. It’s 2023. Of course I’m… everywhere *cue evil laugh*
Bluesky - if you haven’t heard it yet, tis the new Twitter… cuz it’s literally made by the old creators of that glorious blue bird *cue a moment of silence*
Tiktok or Twitter - do not look for me here
Tumblr - EYYYYYYYYYYY i post ALL my stuff here !! They’re really just bait to hook some writer friends 🥹
Ko-Fi - ehem ehem i know first drafts are considered shite but BUT i have decided to make them available for perusal yes you can burn your eyes to anyone who buys me a cup of tea ~
Patreon - i finally have one!! I’m still setting it up tho and prepping all the content 💛💛💛
I’ll be doing a patreon soon enough actually so look out for that
How I organise myself
Well i wish this is applicable to actual life because i’d very much like to know how 🫡
Jk, here be the tags:
#bee writes some stuff - my micros, my flash fics, my text posts
#bee plays some games - tag games !! which i have never played before till now !!
#bee does some prompts - this will definitely see the light of day… someday
#bee stalking some writers - what it says on the tin
#bee answers some asks - omg i only added this because someone actually sent me one *faints*
#bee saves some stuff - there are way too many resource posts that i’ve scrolled past cuz idk how to tag
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chronically-ghosted · 11 months
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So, it's October -- crazy, right? About three months ago, I got waaay too emotionally invested in Din Djarin and baby Grogu and the Razor Crest and, well, here we are. This blog served as a way to unleash the infectious brainrot of Pedro back into the ecosystem, hopefully finding another victim. What I got back, is community. I've been in fandom for over ten years and I can honestly say I've never seen a fandom that is so kind, so supportive, so eager to share and talk and engage with others.
So, in the three months since this blog was created, you lovely people continue to show up and everyday I am gobsmacked at the growth and support. I genuinely don't know how I would have survived these last few months had I not met some of you, so as the (shoddily made) gif says: thank you.
I've just now wrapped up my 100 Followers Event Challenge (y'all sent me so many fantastic prompts I had SO much fun!). If you're interested, they're on my masterlist or you can find them all here on this post. I'm taking an itty bitty break from writing for just a bit (might be getting a new job too) but when i come back, i can't wait to share what comes next for all our pedro blorbos!)
Now that I'm a bit more settled and have had the chance to meet some of these fantastic creators, I'd love to share them out with you:
My Favorite Places to Make PPCU Friends (Discord Servers):
Pedro Pascal Cinematic Universe (I got invited by @jupiter-soups)
Space Sisters - give @psychedelic-ink a shout if you'd like to join!
My Favorite Compilations for Fics:
Favourite Fanfic Stories (managed by @morallyinept)
Sanctuary Database (managed by @pascalsanctuary)
Spreadsheet Digest (managed by @wannab-urs)
(these folks are also some of the nicest people you'll ever meet so please do yourself a favor and go follow them)
My Favorite Creators:
@perotovar is a next level gifmaker
@trulybetty has some of the best designs i've ever seen
@daddy-dins-girl has some of the best pedro character alignment charts -- it makes me laugh every time!
@iamdesibell has my entire heart and soul with all her fanart
@saradika keeps us fed with gorgeous moodboards and dividers
Fandom lives and dies by its community so please reblog, tag, or comment if you like a piece of fanart, fanfic, or anything else someone has created that vibes with you! If you'd like to rec something or someone, please let me know -- as you can see, i love holding up other writers and creators and i always wanna hear about your fave!
My ask box is always open for requests, questions, comments, or if you wanna just bitch about how your stupid old car failed you again, I wanna hear about that too 🤍thank you all for accepting me and my silly little stories!
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For clearer view than the reblog, the “they can’t get my nose right” gag on the wanted posters, but it’s the face on Skeppy’s box mask getting drawn wrong.
(Skeppy on the run sees the latest atrocity where one eye is exaggeratedly bigger than the other and the tongue waaay too small) “What the– Oh, COME ON! It’s not that hard! It’s two eyes and a tongue! Why can’t they ever get it right?”
(finding another en route through the woods sometime after starting the journey with Bad; this one with a “>:O” face full of jagged teeth) “What… What is this? Are they just blind? How do you keep messing it up every time?”
(The “Is this you?” bit during the bar scene; the mask face is drawn crosseyed with buck teeth) “Okay, you guys are just actual assholes. What the fuck.”
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My art is terrible, but here’s a rough visual reference all the same
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wisehearts · 1 month
sometimes it feels like non-english speaking parts of byler fandom are waaay more chill about everything. they usually treat byler like any other ship and don't try to put byler on this pedestal that english speaking fandom tries to do. in my local fandom, people openly write E and M-rated fics and draw somewhat spicy art. meanwhile in english speaking fandom, you have to either create a separate account for it or post your fic and art anonymously. and I understand that people do it to not get harassed but I don't get why people even feel the need to harass someone over a piece of fiction.
also I noticed that in my local fandom, people don't make a big deal of noah 'scandal'. people are either completely unaware of it (because they generally don't care about the cast) or aware of it and don't think it's a big deal.
idk I mainly interact with an english speaking fandom but sometimes I go to my local fandom and damn, it's so chill there compared to here. I just hope that someday english speaking fandom will get normal..
sorry I believe this was sent after I reblogged the will in the dress art and yep, I agree! In my other fandoms people love flocking to the non-english speaking content for some good stuff. I appreciate their carefree, mature and sane energy so much!
I think fandom has changed a lot in recent years, the general culture online has gotten worse and leaves the older people in fandoms confused as hell because it just wasn't like this not long ago. even for media where characters were younger like st (at least from my memory). because you're right, there isn't a reason to harass someone over fiction and the general rule was block and scroll, don't mass report and chase people off, but now everyone feels a need to virtue signal and show that they have the best morals (while setting the queer community back decades with all the conservative rhetoric and beliefs as they do so). And of course there's the case of these people never having been in a fictional fandom before, not knowing how it works and treating these fictional characters like they're real people. getting defensive as if they can be harmed, and so not treating byler like any other (probably older teen or adult character) ship.
I do wonder how much they notice how different the western side of the fandom is because I know one consistent now well known artist drew byler with mike grabbing will, a bed clearly drawn in the corner, with 💞at night💞 written on the page, and the caption saying "what will happen next?" and when they got a bunch of comments going 🤨 and asking if it was dirty they said no and added "no sex 😇" to their bio. and I just can't help but wonder if that was them realizing the western fandom is hostile and saving their ass, or what.
I'm glad to hear your local fandom is relaxed, I hope it gets better here too! It has been slowly tbh but... I think we'll really have to see once the party are aged up. lots of people only care about characters if they're adults or older teens so we might get an influx of mature adults to help reshape the space. I just want a normal fandom too
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spookier11 · 1 month
(I was originally reblogging from this post here , but I got so off topic I feel it would be disrespectful to not just make it its own post. so i made it its own post!)
#just wrote a whole infofump about pigeons in the tags and didnt send it. be proud of me#<- no prev why would you say that#give me the infodump i beg#please??? pretty please????? (tags from @evedaser) (prev tags are mine)
OK!!!111!!! YAY! i reformatted to a normal paragraph for ease of reading ^_^ (and i may have... added some more)
I love this so much omg, I've never thought about pigeons as ace or ace icons b4.... im thinking too hard about it rn BUT pigeons have really interesting mating habits. they are like,,, the bunnies of the bird world. bc most birds lay one or two clutches of eggs a year, and that number varies depending on species. so, a bluejay only lays once a year, and they lay 2-7 eggs. so thats 2-7 new bluejays a year! robins are a bit of an outlier & lay up to five times times a year! they lay 3-5 eggs, so two robins could have TWENTY FIVE baby birds in a single year. (this is really rare, of course.) bald eagles lay once a year, and almost always lay exactly two eggs. so, two eagle babies per year. how often a bird lays and the amount of eggs correlates to a birds place on the food chain- a bald eagle, with few natural predators, only needs to lay once a year to keep up their population. because bald eagles are so BIG i'd imagine it would be super bad for them to have more than that but i dont know for certain if thats a defining reason... bluejays are much smaller so they CAN feasibly lay more than two eggs, but bluejays are also BEASTS! who can fend for themselves very well! so they only lay once a year, but they lay more than two, and that keeps the bluejay population thriving. robins have it rough, so they lay far more frequently- the robin eggs/chicks commonly get eaten by larger birds or animals and, unlike the bluejay or eagle, they aren't able to put up a fight. to make up for this, they just lay more, so some are destined to live! but PIGEONS genuinely lay year round. different places say different things, but from my understanding and experience pigeons lay eggs just a little over monthly! pigeons, like eagles, lay two eggs at a time (& can very rarely lay 3) so a healthy, captive pigeon could have TWENTY! baby pigeons in a year. twenty is waaay over the average though,, a normal city pigeon hatches 8-12 birds a year! which is still impressive!! pigeons are NOT equipped to survive in the wild, at all. they are domestic birds!! so it makes sense that they lay so often- its how the species stays alive! what i DONT understand and think is really interesting is why do they only lay 2 eggs at a time?? and actually i stopped yapping about this for a bit and tried rlly hard to find an answer,,, and sadly the best one i found was 'lots of variables go into what sized clutch a bird lays,' which like I KNOW.... but N E WAYS! basically pigeons have the unique laying habit of laying two birds at a time, year round, rather than having a large clutch all at once or only laying once per year!! they PROBABLY only lay two eggs at a time 4 the same reason eagles do - they physically cant lay more than that at a time and keep in good health - but don't quote me on that guys i dont know thats just my hypothesis im just some guy. of course, like robins, lots of pigeon babies (squabs) dont make it. however,, they are are way more likely to die from malnutrition or parental neglect then being a snack for a bigger bird. i just think pigeons are neat! and its cool how they nest year round!! wow i really got off topic! oops!! asexual pigeons real actually,,,,
i just think birds are so cool u guys i cant not talk about them!! also i spent way too long writing this out to really just keep it in my notes app somewhere...
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1.18 After Stefan loses control and vamps out at an...inopportune moment, we cut to Elena answering the Gilbert home front door: “Oh good," she says, sounding relieved, "you’re here.”  “You ask, I come,” Damon tells her, “I’m easy like that.” She puts a finger to her lips and indicates that Jeremy is within earshot, and starts to head upstairs. Damon raises his voice: “No, Elena, I will not go to your bedroom with you!” Jeremy just rolls his eyes. Damon enters Elena's bedroom and says, “Ahhh, just like I remembered.” “Stop messing around,” Elena tells him. He flops onto her bed and starts playing with her teddy bear. They talk about Stefan. “He’s not himself, Damon,” Elena says.  “Well, maybe the problem is he’s spent too long not being himself,” Damon says, then fishes a bra out of Elena’s drawer and adds “Ooooh.” She snatches it away from him, says seriously, “Please don’t make me sorry for asking you.” “It is what it is, Elena,” Damon answers, now stealing a photo from her mirror frame. “The Stefan you know is good behavior Stefan. Reign it in Stefan.  Fight against his nature to an annoyingly obsessive level…Stefan. But if you think there’s not another part to this, then you have not been paying attention.”  She steps in close, takes her picture back. “He’s not you,” Elena tells him, “not even close.” “Well he doesn’t wanna be me,” Damon counters, “that doesn’t mean deep down that he’s not.” 
1.11 Damon brings Elena to Bree’s Bar, despite the fact that she's not old enough. Bree pours them all shots; Elena seems unsure about hers and so Damon sneakily drinks it for her, which makes Elena smile.  Bree asks Elena how she got roped in to Damon's heart-breaking ways; she says she’s not roped, but doesn’t get through explaining that she’s dating Stefan. Bree tells Damon that there's no way to get in the tomb to save Katherine, and then he eavesdrops on Elena telling Stefan over the phone she doesn't see why she should believe him.  Damon speeds to her side and asks, “You okay?” She snaps, “Don’t pretend to care. I know you’re gloating inside.”But a minute later they’re inside together, eating french fries at the bar and discussing her heritage and his digestion. Elena is enjoying his charm and his humor, and then asks, “This nice act…is any of it real?” He just looks at her, and doesn’t answer. Bree hands him another beer, Elena pipes up, “I’ll have one too. Time-out, remember? For five minutes. And this five minutes is gonna need a beer.” They do some shots with bar denizens. “Do you need a bib?” Elena teases Damon. “Sorry I can’t unhinge my jaw like a snake to consume alcohol,” he answers. Elena suggests another round, a woman tells her she should be on the ground. "I'm not even drunk, my tolerance is like waaay up here!" She jumps up and down, Damon stares at her, smiling with equal parts bemusement and affection.
please reblog! both for sample size, and to feed my ego
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