#rebelcaptain whumptober
quarantineddreamer · 1 year
if you can, hold on
Whumptober Day 8
This prompt just so happened to be the perfect excuse to (finally) finish a one-shot I had been writing that was inspired by this beautiful piece of art. So @ninsletamain, my friend, this one is for you <3 — Read below or on on AO3 (where you can also check out the rest of the incredible RC Whumptober ‘23 collection!)
At first, Jyn couldn’t hear him over the screaming in her ears–could barely see him through blurred vision and the motes of dust and ash still thick in the air around them. 
But she could feel his hands, locked onto her arms, desperately shaking her, calling her back.
She blinked, slowly remembering. “Cassian,” she coughed, clearing her lungs of smoke as best she could. They’d been ambushed, nearly home free, but then… The beep of a grenade activated in a trooper’s gloved hand. Her eyes had widened at the cruel, red flash arcing towards them. She’d been shoved to the ground, something, someone heavy landing atop her, covering her body just before the world had erupted around them. 
The piercing note in her head was fading into the background, allowing other sounds to slip through. Like the rumble of a nearby tree collapsing, the crack of smoldering fire, and the words tumbling from Cassian’s lips as she slowly sat up, “Are you hurt?” 
Something seemed wrong in his voice, broken and raw, and lacking all the steady, commanding qualities she had come to associate it with. Jyn reached up and squeezed his arm in reassurance. When she tried to catch his eyes with her own, she found he was otherwise occupied, sinking to his knees beside her and scanning her body for injury.
“I’m okay,” she said, squeezing his bicep again when he still hadn’t looked up. “Cassian, I’m fine.”
She sat up and checked the area around them, searching for a flash of white, listening for the snap of twigs under Imperial boots, but it appeared they’d been assumed dead–or else something else had drawn their pursuers attention away. At least for now…
Her focus shifted back to Cassian, surprised he wasn’t urging her back on her feet and into motion.
She found him clutching at her shirt, fingers trembling and clumsy as they dropped from her shoulders and passed over her abdomen. For the first time, she noticed the strain on his face, how pale he appeared. Her muscles tensed at the disturbing hiccup of his breath catching, “Jyn…”
She followed his horrified stare to the red stain blooming across her midriff and saturating her shirt. Against her skin was the familiar, sticky heat of blood, yet strangely she felt no pain beyond a dull ache singing in her bones. 
She lifted her head to meet Cassian’s horrified gaze, “I don’t unders–” Her heart gave a sharp stutter, as though a shard of glass had breached the walls of her chest. It wasn’t the kind of pain she’d been expecting, and for a second, she struggled to find a way to breathe through it.
His eyes, normally so sharp and bright, seemed to be losing grasp of her face, flickering in and out like dying embers. Blood continued to drip onto her stomach, burning with every drop. 
She watched as his hands found the long gash in his side, his expression shifting from confusion to relief as truth slowly found its way to him through delirium. 
“No, no, no, no–Cassian!” Jyn cried out, catching him against her chest as he collapsed, lowering him onto her lap. 
“Jyn?” His voice was barely more than a whisper. 
“I’ve got you, it’s okay. You’re going to be okay…” She worked as quickly as she could, unwrapping her scarf from around her neck and looping it tightly across his torso–cursing as her shaky hands fumbled with the knot. Even after, the wound continued to weep at an alarming rate. Where the hell is bacta when you need it…
“Jyn, I–” He was blinking heavily, eyes closing longer and longer each time. 
“Cassian, you have to stay awake,” she hissed, pressing a quick hand to the side of his face. “Look at me. Stay. Awake.” 
He gave her a glazed, but unblinking stare in acknowledgement. 
“Good. Now. Where’s the comm?” she demanded. “Where’d the comm go?” Backup, we need backup. The ship, K2. Someone. Anyone. Their rendezvous time, the extraction point, were all useless details to her now. If Cassian wasn’t making it to the ship, then neither was she. There has to be another way…  
“Jyn…I need to tell you something…”
“Later,” she huffed. When we’re safe. She began digging determinedly into his jacket pocket to emphasize her point. Her hands quieted when something warm brushed her cheek. Cassian… She gently covered his hand with her own, holding the back of it in place against her face. 
The last time he had touched her like this–tender and soft in a way that made her chest ache with something overwhelming and fierce–had been on Scarif. To feel it again now sent an irrational flash of anger surging through her.
 What do you think you’re doing? she wanted to scream at him, because this wasn’t how it was supposed to go, and she should have known better than to waste time with cowardice. After Scarif, she should have known; they both should have. What were we waiting for?
“When they come back you’ll be outnumbered,” Cassian said quietly, studying her face as he ran his knuckles across her cheek–chasing away a tear she hadn’t realized was there. 
She ducked her head, checked the tightness of her makeshift bandage, and avoided his gaze. “So?” Don’t say it, don’t you dare say it. 
“So,” he murmured, reaching up to gently sweep a stray hair away from her face, “you have to go…”
“And leave you behind?” She shot him a quick, defiant glare. “Like hell I do.”
But Cassian only shook his head, offered her a small, sad smile while his thumb made slow, soothing passes up and down her damp cheek. “Stubborn…”
“Takes one to know one.”
“Beautiful…” he added, ignoring her comment. 
“You’ve lost a lot of blood,” she replied shortly, fighting to keep her voice steady. Not now. Not like this. 
There was a look in his eyes she wanted to run from. Speaking of something she wasn’t ready to hear; refused to hear. It was the same look he’d had in his eyes in the elevator on Scarif. Only then, she’d understood, had shared the feeling with him–that sharp and sudden wash of realization, regret, and acceptance hitting all at once.
It felt like a betrayal for him to be feeling that again, without her. 
His hand found the back of her neck, fingers tacky with blood lacing through her hair. His breathing was ragged, “Jyn, listen…please, just, listen.” 
The desperation in his voice slammed into her, stole the air from her lungs, and left a hard, painful lump at the back of her throat. He sounded scared. Cassian never sounded scared.
It made her scared too. Scared, and empty of words that might offer either of them comfort. Empty of words of any kind, filled instead with a cold, numbing dread… 
She drew closer to him, bending down until she could feel his breath against her lips–could feel the moment it caught when her fingers curled over his chest–the warmth of it sending a jolt like lightning down her spine, igniting fire in her blood. 
She wanted to kiss him. More than ever, she wanted to press her lips to his, so that even if the rest of the world burned around them, they would at least have this to bring with them… 
But if she kissed him now, it would feel like goodbye, and she couldn’t let him think–not even for a moment–that that was all it was; if she kissed him–when she kissed him–she wanted it to be a welcoming, the beginning of something, not the end. 
She squeezed her eyes shut. “No. No.” She placed her hands against the sides of his face, lowered her forehead to his, tips of their noses brushing. “We’re not doing this. You can’t do this. You can’t give up before–” she swallowed the anguish clawing at her throat, ignored the burn of tears cutting lines down her cheeks. “We’ve got to give this a real chance, alright? So that means you have to stay alive. You have to.” She leaned away so she could see his face, make sure he heard her. “You got that, Captain?”
His expression was shadowed with something that went beyond exhaustion, but there was a warmth to his eyes as he looked at her that contradicted the cool, clammy feel of his skin. Whatever he had wanted to say to her, to tell her, it was still there, etched in his voice like stone, “I’m with you. But promise me…when they come back, promise me you’ll–”
“You know I won’t,” she cut in. “I’m not going anywhere–not without you. So give it up.”
There was a distance to his gaze, growing stronger with each passing moment. The black tide he’d been fighting all this time, come to pull him under. When his chin tilted towards his chest, Jyn knew it was more out of fading strength than actual agreement, but she decided to take it as a sign of comfort nonetheless.
“Okay,” she sighed, nodding–as though the motion could give all her wishful commands more authority, more power. 
Cassian’s fingers wrapped around her wrist, before his eyes drifted shut. 
This time she knew there was no waking him. “Okay,” she repeated softly to herself, studying the faint rise and fall of his chest, her own body feeling suddenly very heavy. “You get a little rest and I’ll go find us a way out of here.” 
The smoldering wreckage around her seemed to whisper of imminent failure, but she shut the sound out. Narrowed her focus on the muted rhythm of Cassian’s heartbeat beneath her fingertips.
She tried not to think about how much time he might (or might not) have left. Tried not to think about how his life was now dependent upon her–about how little control she truly had relative to that massive responsibility. 
She’d learned long ago that the mathematics of the universe were hardly fair. A kinder world would offer balance, would ensure that the probability of Cassian surviving was based solely on her efforts. 
In that world she dreamed of, his survival was a certainty.
But she did not live in that world, and she never had. In this world, she would give all she had to save his life, but she knew–the same as she had when she was bleeding on the beaches of Scarif, watching the horizon turn to flames–that it still might not be enough. 
Everything, anything, all the sacrifice in the world and still, it could all be for nothing. 
And if he didn’t make it, it would be. 
“I’ll be right back,” Jyn murmured, glancing down to check on Cassian. He was still breathing. As long as he was breathing she would keep fighting. “Remember what I told you…”
Stay alive, just, stay alive…
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frostbitepandaaaaa · 8 months
Such a Being Within, a very late Whumptober fic
hiiiiiii! this is awkward, but hey... it's fucking done.
i could ramble about this fic for forever, but what i really need to do is thank @sacrificethemtothesquid, as it is her beautiful writing and her beautiful fic Glow, that inspired this story. thank you, thank you, thank you, my dear, for absolutely everything.
Truth be told, she’s not all that familiar with fallout. What it actually is. The mechanics of it or how it works. Its specific symptoms or consequences. Or even, really, how one could fall victim to it. It has always been a bit of a mystic, distant threat in that way. But Jyn had been trained from a very young age by Saw Gerrera that fallout was not something to be taken lightly. That it is invisible, insidious and undetectable— unable to be dealt with by any sort of conventional means. And that, most importantly, fallout is a poison of a different ilk— one that rips through flesh and bone like a thousand blaster bolts. Unseen, unheard and unscented— only felt. Usually, only after it was too late.
And here is Cassian knelt in front of her, telling her that the parts that they had traded for in that fucking burn-mark of a trading post, the parts he had carried and loaded under his own fucking arm and into their prowler, the parts that had lain silent and unassuming behind his seat during their journey... had been firing those thousands of blaster bolts right into him for nearly four hours.
She feels very, very cold and it has nothing to do with the wind.
“Need... need to get it out of the prowler...” Cassian states, gritting his teeth. “But we don’t—“
Jyn lurches to her feet, feeling a bit outside of herself, goes to do his bidding. A task. Yes, a task... a possible solution. That is what she needs to focus on right now. Banishing the poisonous payload nestled in their prowler. That surely would help. Get it as far away—
“Don’t!” Cassian cries, holding a hand out to stop her. “Don’t go near it... get... get something—“ he halts, heaves again into the dirt.
She swallows back the slow crawl of bile in her throat, goes to get his rifle, lashed to the roof. She hooks the tip of it through the mesh of the bag, drags it out of the rear hatch and flings it into the desert.
Jyn looks at the distant shadow of it, seeming no more than an unassuming scrap of stone in the swirling sands. It’s ridiculous... this pile of rusted metal being a host to such a potent parasite. She marches forward to fling it even further into the waste.
“Should bury it,” she proposes as she returns to Cassian.
He shakes his head, arm curled around his middle. “Too risky. You can’t go near it, Jyn—“
“But what if someone else—“
“You can’t!” Cassian shouts and the look in his face halts her, makes her want to fall upon the earth and scream in fear or fury she can’t really be sure. She’s looking at the face of a man watching the woman he loves inch toward a cliff’s edge. “Promise me, Jyn!”
Her teeth clench around a cry of anguish. “I promise,” she chokes out. He closes his eyes in relief, sags over his folded knees as he tries to catch his breath.
Cassian’s desperate concern for her reflects harshly, unforgivingly, back onto him and Jyn’s entire being quakes in terrible realization.
read it on ao3!
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astromechs · 11 months
The flicker of irritation that she’s sparked in him is persistent, demanding his attention — like he’s found that a lot of things seem to, when it comes to Jyn Erso. Even when she isn’t speaking, her presence doesn’t go unnoticed in any room she’s walked into; her cutting stares are as loud as her disrespect, and burn with the intensity of a rocket flare. It’s a fire that always lingers long after she’s left, something that doesn’t obey the regimented progression of time.
Fitting, maybe, considering that from what he’s seen, she’s never followed anything in her entire life.
rated t, 2144 words, this probably doesn't even count as whump as much as it does a backdoor pilot for my future pacific rim au, but we're rockin, we're rollin
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incognitajones · 11 months
October writing
I posted four short pieces as part of the Rebelcaptain Whumptober challenge @fulcrumstardust organized. Thanks for getting the ball rolling, Moira! ❤️ It was a lot of fun, although it definitely confirmed that I can't really do proper whump - angst or hurt/comfort are about as heavy as I get.
Two are stand-alone:
Radio Silence
the night needs no stars
and two are part of the Field Medicine AU:
Difficult Patient
don't wake me
I also posted a few short snippets under the #trick or treat tag recently.
I will not be doing NanoWriMo, mainly because I'm getting on a plane tomorrow and travelling for 18 days. But! Once I'm back home, I do plan to get properly started on the longfic project I've been pondering for months - I just have to decide which one.
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woahpip · 1 year
carry me back home where i belong
whumptober day 10, jyn x cassian
Somehow Jyn was pulled out of her world and into a new one.
She’s soaking wet, seething, and scared. Her father was dead. Both of them; she walked away from one and held the other as he took his last, shuddering breath. A beautiful man was going to kill him. He didn’t, but his army did anyway.
She called him an Imperial, and regret sat growing in her gut like canned bread left to rise.
“I wish things could change,” she whispered, tears stinging.
Above her in this darkness a hoot owl sang a song.
She wished Cassian were here.
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cassianandorserver · 1 year
A stunning whumptober prompt mash up by Taste_is_Sweet (author of the And Breathe series and everyone's favorite Melshian vampire au) on ao3!
Go read it!! The collective compels you!!!
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mosylufanfic · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso Characters: Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, K-2SO (Star Wars), Bodhi Rook Additional Tags: christmas party au, College AU, Mistletoe, kissing under mistletoe, and variations thereof Summary:
Kay decides to tease Cassian about his crush; it produces an unexpected result.
from @imsfire2
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dilf-din · 11 months
for the bed sharing prompts: “the bed is big enough for two people without touching, but unfortunately there is only one blanket” + rebelcaptain 🥰
I’m afraid I went overboard…. 🙊 consider this my late whumptober contribution
Rebelcaptain (Jyn x Cassian)
WC: 2k
Warnings: whump, hurt/comfort, some medical situations, emotionally stunted Jyn
Tumblr media
“How much further, Bodhi?” Jyn called through the comms with gritted teeth.
“Just under a click until you’re there,” his voice came back with a touch of static.
“I can make it,” Cassian strained beside her, arm slung over her neck as he tried and failed to not put his weight on her.
“There’s a bunker every fifteen clicks,” Bodhi called out again, garbled but intelligible.
“I can’t make it fifteen more,” Cass breathed heavily, his forehead dripping with sweat. He heaved his good leg forward in sync with Jyn’s, behind him trailed a mangled ankle that he hadn’t had time to fully examine. Beneath his weight, Jyn was operating on adrenaline, senses on high alert for any more lurking threats as they hauled through the jungle as quickly as possible, her small frame propped up by an iron will.
Back on the ship, Kay and Bodhi watched the pale yellow pings of their friends on the radar and traced the map spread out before them with careful fingers.
“Your next clearing, to the right,” Bodhi instructed.
Jyn swallowed down her exhaustion looking for one last burst of energy to get them there. They had happened upon a grenade that never detonated, Cassian pushing her out of the way just in time to take the brunt of the blow to his right foot. His face was turning ten shades of white beside her as she searched for a bunker.
“Where is it?” she hissed into the mouthpiece.
“Look under the stone,” was the reply, and her face almost mirrored Cassian’s in color. He hadn’t mentioned it would be underground. For just a second, she was a child again, with shaking hands and a dying lantern waiting for someone to rescue her. The Kyber that hung at her breast felt heavy with grief. She wanted desperately to pull it out and envision the face of her mother. Snap out of it, she told herself. This time would be different. This time Cassian would be with her. Bum foot or not, she knew they would be safe.
Easing him to the ground, she ran her fingers under the edge of the deep grey stone with veins of moss jutting out of the lush forest floor until her fingers caught a latch. It swung open with the slightest creak revealing a short ladder.
“Can you make it down?”
“I have three good limbs. Hopefully that’s enough,” Cassian said, voice hinting towards the smallest joke, trying to find some glimpse of humor in their situation to calm her nerves.
With a boost from Jyn, he was over the lip with his good foot, clinging to the bars with sweaty hands.
“Please don’t fall. Oh, maker, please don’t fall,” she muttered as he made the short trek down. Her eyes were wild, watching every bit of their periphery, feeling alarmingly exposed outside of the cover of the trees. Once she heard his foot hit the soil below, he called up to signal that he had made it safely. She climbed down carefully, pulling the latch shut on top of them, finding an extra lock to slide into place from the inside. Hopefully, even with the explosion earlier, no one would know they were there. They were still so far out from the base, planning on doing most of their travel there by foot.
She eased her arm under his again, and though the air was heavy and dank, she was able to breathe easier. They hobbled down a short hallway using the lights on their blasters to illuminate the packed dirt walls, seeing a switch at the edge of the tunnel.
Jyn flipped it with her elbow, and a small room lit up in front of them. In the very center was a bed big enough for two people. To the left of it sat a commode and a small washbasin near a spigot, to the right, sat a cabinet that presumably held some sort of food. Across from the bed at the wall beside her was what appeared to be a medical chest. Jyn guided Cassian to the bed and lowered him on to the mattress. He swung his leg onto it with both hands, grunting as he adjusted it. She threw off her pack and blaster, kneeling beside the chest hoping for anything helpful.
“They have bacta,” she announced victoriously, gathering a bundle of supplies in her arms and dropping them on the bed next to him. Peeling her gloves off and setting them on the ground, she ran a weak stream of water into the basin and scrubbed the sweat and grime away as best she could. She ran two rags under the water before kneeling by his side again. One she draped across his forehead to hopefully provide some relief, the other would be to clean the wound.
“Thank you,” he huffed out, tearing a packet open with his teeth and drawing out a clean syringe to prepare the baca shot.
“Don’t thank me yet,” she grimaced as she carefully unlaced his boot and eased it down his ankle.
Cassian sucked in a sharp breath and pulled the rag from his forehead to stuff between his teeth. She peeled his sock down, trying not to focus on the smell, and cuffed the bottom of his pants to get a better look.
“I’m gonna have to touch it,” she glanced up at him.
He nodded and swallowed, closing his eyes as her fingers ghosted over the very swollen joint. The good news is, there were no visible pieces of bone. If anything was broken, it was all inside, and the bacta should help set everything right, or mostly right, while they slept tonight.
She dabbed with the rag to clean the injection site before removing the tip from the needle and carefully threading it under his skin. He bit down on the rag, trying to conceal his groan until she injected the first bit of liquid and he was hit with relief. It flooded every part of his foot that felt like it was on fire just moments ago. His breathing evened out as she emptied the dose and withdrew the needle, being careful to place the tip back on before tossing it in an empty crate.
Jyn fished a wrap out of her bag and carefully wound the long strip of fabric around his ankle, securing it with a small metal clip.
“Did you bring extra socks?” she asked as she balled up her jacket to prop his foot up even farther.
“Bottom of my pack,” he pointed towards the doorway where he had dropped it.
Jyn unzipped it and fished out a pair of socks identical to the ones he had on. She eased the other boot off his foot and slipped new socks onto both feet. She was rummaging theough her own pack for something when his hand caught her shoulder, gently but firmly.
“Thank you,” his brown eyes bore into hers, begging to not be ignored.
She reached up to squeeze his hand and gave him a soft smile, “Of course.”
For all the things he had done for her, this was a drop in the bucket. He had shown her an ocean of kindness in the time they had known each other. At night, she whispered prayers for them to both have a long life ahead of them, if for nothing else, to be able to repay him, to properly thank him for pulling her back from the brink and showing her a life of purpose again. She broke the gaze they were holding and mentally built that wall a little higher. Now was hardly the time nor the place to get sentimental.
They both had packed rations, but Jyn decided to check for anything there that would prevent them from dipping into their own supplies. She stuffed the rest of the bacta into her bag before crossing the room to examine the last cabinet.
The left side had a small stockpile of ration packs. She tossed two to Cassian and set two aside for her own. The right side was bare save for a single, thin blanket. She draped it over the end of the bed, and sat on the floor to tear open her food. Cass was already halfway done with his first one, having folded the lid of the pack into a makeshift spoon.
“There’s more if you want it,” Jyn mumbled through a full mouth.
“This is fine, thank you.”
They both ate their second packs in silence before Jyn gathered the trash and tossed it into the crate with the empty syringe and whatever mess of wires had been left in there by some other party. She unclipped Cassian’s canteen and tossed it over to him.
“Drink up. We can refill as much as we need,” she said, taking a long draw of water.
A small stream dribbled down Cassian’s chin soaking his collar as he drained the last of his bottle. Jyn tossed him one of the clean rags to dry himself while she filled his canteen and rested it against his side of the bed. He was struggling to keep his eyes open as the bacta was setting in. Jyn shook the blanket out over him and pressed the back of her hand to his forehead ro check for a fever.
“Might as well get some sleep and reassess in the morning,” she stated as she circled the mattress to drop down on the side opposite him.
“I’ll be good s’new,” he slurred while his eyes were already drifting shut.
Jyn switched on a small battery powered light and chucked her boot at the switch across the room to turn off the overhead lamp, hitting it on the first try. She drew her jacket in tight around herself, expecting the temperature to drop overnight, but knowing Cass would be cold from the bacta. It wasn’t until her head hit the pillow that she felt the exhaustion that seemed to have anchored itself to her after years of running. There was no sound in the room except for Cassian’s breathing, which had become a great comfort to her, especially after days like today.
She dozed off only to awake hours later with chills racking her body. She could tell by the faint patter coming down the hall that the planet had fallen into a downpour causing the temperature to drop much more drastically than it would have on a cloudless night. She scooted back to be flush with Cassian. He must’ve felt the movement, because his hand came out from under the blanket searching for her.
“You’re cold,” he said groggily.
“It’s raining.”
“It’s okay, you need the blank—“ she started, but was interrupted by him pulling her shoulder and rolling her towards him. She flipped the rest of the way, and welcomed the warmth of the blanket draping over her limbs. His arm sat securely behind her, thumb absently rubbing the small of her back.
She froze again, keeping her arms tucked tight between them. This must just be because of the drugs, she reasoned. Or maybe an unconscious response from an old lover.
“You can get comfy. I’m not going to bite,” he said softly, sensing her apprehension.
Slowly, she unwound her arms, draping one across his chest and nestling it under the edges of his jacket. The strong beat of his heart drummed against her skin, and she felt another layer of tension melting away. Tentatively, she adjusted her head on his shoulder, and he pulled her in even more snugly, taking care to tuck the blanket over her backside.
“Let me take care of you too,” he whispered into her hair, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of her head.
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andorerso · 9 months
I'm a little late this year but I wasn't gonna miss out on my favorite tradition. Here we go!
you fit me better than my favorite sweater: Jyn has a gift for Cassian for Christmas, but she's worried about his reaction. (1/1) Written for the Rebelcaptain Trees exchange
give me a lifetime and then fifty more: Cassian comes home after a prolonged trip and only wants to see his family. (1/1) Written for the Rebelcaptain Trees exchange
i think i'm falling back in love with you: Twelve years after the last time they saw each other, childhood best friends Jyn and Cassian cross paths once more... (1/1) Modern AU.
Blood Red Rose: 1920, London. An unknown creature dubbed 'the Beast' is terrorizing the streets at night. Vampire hunter Jyn Erso and recently turned vampire Cassian Andor might just be the city's only hope to catch the monster... (23/27) chapter 23 written in 2023
let the cat out of the bag: Jyn's cat really likes her new fuck buddy. Jyn's not quite okay with this. (2/2) Modern AU. chapter 2 written in 2023 for a prompt
don't say you love me: Jyn's been in love with Cassian for eight years, but she never thought he felt the same. Right? Things get a little interesting when he asks her to be his fake girlfriend for a weekend... (3/6) Modern AU. Written for the Rogue One Crew exchange
objection, your honor: Cassian Andor hasn’t lost a case in two years, but what he doesn’t know is that neither has she. And Jyn decides he needs to be knocked down a peg or two.It’s so much more satisfying to win as the underdog. OR, Jyn and Cassian are rival divorce lawyers who also sometimes hook up. This can only end well, right? (1/2) Modern AU.
but will you return? i came looking for you: She didn’t need a weapon, she would slaughter them all with her bare hands. She just needed a location. (1/1) Written for the Rebelcaptain's Whumptober 2023
fear conditioning: There was something wrong with Cassian. Something that made him look at her like she was a monster. (1/1) Written for the Rebelcaptain's Whumptober 2023
left behind: Rule number one: you didn’t fight a horde. You ran. (1/1) Zombie AU. Written for the Rebelcaptain's Whumptober 2023
tragedy in your blood: If she pretends it’s not happening, if she pretends she’s somewhere else, safe and warm in Cassian’s arms, it’s not real, right? (1/1) Major Character Death warning. Written for the Rebelcaptain's Whumptober 2023
Amas Veritas: Jyn's a young witch who's just trying to keep her head down. But when Orson Krennic returns to town years after he allegedly killed her father, she can't help feeling like this is her chance to get some payback. What's supposed to be a harmless hex quickly turns deadly, and Jyn must now make sure no one ever finds out what she did or risk going to prison. But the pull she feels towards Cassian Andor, the private investigator the Krennics have hired complicates matters, and it doesn't help that she's sworn off love years ago due to a nasty love curse that sits upon her family. On top of it all, Krennic's ghost might be haunting her... This Halloween is shaping up to be the worst one Jyn's ever had. (6/7) Practical Magic AU. chapter 6 written in 2023
so much for stardust: Nobody would be surprised that Galen Erso’s daughter and Director Krennic’s ward liked to do things the unconventional way. OR, Jyn grows up on Coruscant but that doesn't mean she won't fight the Empire (1/1) Written for the Rebelcaptain Secret Santa exchange
Prompts, requests and drabbles:
College AU
I told you that I’d never leave you; I’m not going anywhere
Total works: 15 (12 new ones)
Total wordcount: 72 494
Yeah, not as good as in previous years, but I was expecting that. Still better than I thought it would be so I'm quite satisfied! These little fandom events helped tremendously <3
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lilting-aurora · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @fulcrumstardust !! thank u💞
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2 on my main account browneyed_jedi , 1 I regret orphaning, and 1 on another account
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
6,321! baby steps :D
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars on the whole :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. it’s the only one on my alt account….it’s hilarious how much better this smut fic did then anything else i’ve ever done
2. he was breathing, at least (1,052 words) - my whumptober prompt! it was quite hard for me to write so i’m glad people seem to like it :)
3. untitled high school AU (2,058 words) - this WILL be finished one day i promise!!
4. an unhappy medium (3,211 words) - this is the work i orphaned, it’s the half blood prince retold from draco’s perspective!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
ALWAYS. comments are so precious to me ❤️
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
gotta be my whumptober prompt “he was breathing, at least”. i’m really proud of the ending in particular
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
“untitled high school AU” for sure. it’s nowhere near finished yet, but they sure made up quickly lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i’m not quite big enough for that. a bit scared for when that day comes haha
9. Do you write smut. If so, what kind?
I’ve written a LOT of smut, but never posted any on my main. i want to one day, though. seeing how well the other one performed is convincing me lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
idk what counts as a crossover but i’m currently writing a rebelcaptain The Creator AU and i’m having so much fun with it. gonna try write a bit more before i post it
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Probably not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no but i would absolutely LOVE to!! if anyone wants to join me please dm me whenever
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
it’s rebelcaptain why are you even asking
but recently i’ve gotten into gwen/miles from the spider-verse movies! they’re just so cute 😭ñ
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i’m gonna make it happen no matter what - but it’s the untitled high school AU. life has just been getting busier and busier and will only get worse over the next year, but this thing WILL be finished one day
16. What are your writing strengths?
i’d like to say description? like visual descriptions of things. i really enjoy it. also dialogue is really fun and easy to write
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
disciplining myself to actually write lmao. i also tend to write slowly cos im a perfectionist
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i like it but i prefer having at least a basic grip of the language
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
harry potter!
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
it’s the Creator AU i haven’t posted yet - i’m just so proud of the imagery :) from what ive posted it would be “he was breathing, at least.”
tagging: @quarantineddreamer @luciechat @imsfire2 @mosylufanfic
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quarantineddreamer · 1 year
Whumptober Day 13
Approximately 20 feet above them is a perfectly circular opening. A window to the cosmos: the deep violet of the sky and its tapestry of stars hauntingly beautiful, showering them with notions of wide, open spaces and fresh air. It serves in sharp contrast to their reality, which smells of rotting, damp earth. All around are perfectly smooth, stone walls–so close Cassian’s skin is already crawling with the bone-deep itch that accompanies confinement. Beside him, Jyn is oddly still. He would have expected her to use what little room they have to pace—to rage at the indignity their enemy has done them—but she remains where she is, an unreadable look on her face.
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frostbitepandaaaaa · 9 months
desperately conflicted between working on my super angsty and painful whumptober prompt (don't look at me, don't judge me) and chapter 5 of 12 Days, which, at this point in my progress with it is just pure smut so like... two extremes. it's a true conundrum.
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astromechs · 11 months
His steps come to a pause, and his eyes flick down toward her, haunted like she’s never seen — like he’s already looking at a ghost.
That’s what she never wanted to be. Not to him.
whumptober day 16. rated t, 2001 words.
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therebelcaptain · 1 year
feeling ~inspired~ to write some rebelcaptain fic because of whumptober
maybe i'll actually get to the point of, you know, actually posting something
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miaouerie · 4 years
whumptober 2020 ----- day 1. hanging
@whumptober2020 Rebelcaptain Hunger Games AU: After winning his Hunger Games eight years ago, Cassian Andor has lived a miserable life under the unrelenting limelight of the Capitol. Between losing his father—who had been his mentor as a previous District 5 victor—to suicide, mentoring new tributes every year only to lose them to the viciousness of the Games, and the Capitol’s ceaseless attentions he is forced to exist as a cog in the Capitol’s entertainment machine.  
Until this year’s Hunger Games, when District 5’s reaping yields a female tribute named Jyn Erso. Though his hope to escape the Capitol’s inexorable influence has long been extinguished, there is something about her that may change that…
→ read the rest on AO3!
“Your lives are hanging in the balance of your mentor. It is imperative that you listen to their direction.”
It’s the same boilerplate speech District 5’s escort, Davits Draven, has given to every one of District 5’s tributes for the past decade or so. When it came to the Capitol’s needlessly exorbitant populace, at least Draven was tolerable; he was one of few escorts who attended each reaping with the appropriate gravitas for taking away two children to die in the Capitol every year. Cassian much preferred him over the others who insisted on more silly or celebratory personas for the job. He was more moderate, with his preference of muted colors and fabrics with understated sheen; the only real suggestion of Capitolite fashion was the man’s penchant for cravats and near-elbow length gloves. No-nonsense, a stern expression that stopped just shy of completely unfriendly. He’d been that way for as long as Cassian could remember him, all the way back to Cassian's own Games. He was a constant in Cassian’s life in a way that very few others had stayed.
Still, Cassian barely looks up until Draven acknowledges him; until then, his gaze is trained on this year’s female tribute and the way her hands are balled tightly into fists at her sides.  
“As Cassian here is the only living victor of District 5, he will be mentoring both of you. Mealtime is in an hour; until then you are free to do as you wish, but I suggest thinking of strategy to discuss once we reconvene.” With that, Draven exits through a sliding door to an adjacent car, the sound of the door sliding shut leaving them to the rhythmic silence of the train rumbling on its tracks.  
The male tribute—a tall, stocky 16-year-old named Joule Stratton—was clearly stricken with fear. He had needed more than a nudge from a Peacekeeper to board the train, and as the train speeds through the deserts around District 5 he's as still as a rabbit in a trap. His wide eyes take everything in, but Cassian knows he isn't really seeing anything; the shock will wear off later, maybe before they reach the Capitol or maybe not, and Cassian makes a mental note to check in on him again before then. But the female tribute—an 18-year-old named Jyn Erso—catches his attention more.
After Draven leaves, she immediately stands up. She’s hardly taller than Joule sitting down but her eyes flash a warning when Cassian looks up at her. There’s something simmering there, something behind the animosity barely held in check as he watched her walk up to the stage after her name was called at the reaping. Through his past few years of mentoring Cassian’s come to expect the trickles and torrents of anger, fear, resignation, hysteria from all-too-unwilling tributes. But in Jyn’s bright green eyes there’s a flash of flinty determination. She turns and exits the same way Draven left, but with hardly concealed fury: she slams the sliding door shut behind her.  
The loud crash and rattle of broken glass falling from their panes is enough to startle both Cassian and Joule, but while it doesn’t take Joule long to sink back to his silent stupor, Cassian’s struck by a notion that he tries hard to dismiss. It’s too early. Wait until you speak to her first. Fury doesn’t always equal fight in the Arena. Don’t get your hopes up.
And yet: She could be the one I bring home.  
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mosylufanfic · 1 year
Rebelcaptain Whumptober!
Were you just thinking to yourself, "Gee I'd sure like to read some great stories where Cassian or Jyn or both suffer in creative and heart-rending ways?"
Of course you were, you're a Rebelcaptain fan.
Head over to ye olde AO3 and subscribe yourself to the Rebelcaptain's Whumptober series. A group of us who love pain have banded together to write a bunch of whumpy stories this month, one per day.
Some of us are also posting to Tumblr under the RCWhumptober tag.
Mind the tags and happy suffering!
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