#rear window poster
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Rear Window
Art by Suspiria Vilchez
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johnny-dynamo · 3 months
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"REAR WINDOW" by Paul Mann
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brokehorrorfan · 5 months
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Mad Duck Posters has released Alfred Hitchcock 18x24 screen prints by Paul Mann. The standard color version is limited to 200 for $75. Silver and gold variants, limited to 55 each, cost $95.
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pixalry · 11 months
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Rear Window - Created by Patrik Svensson
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geekynerfherder · 8 months
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'Rear Window' by Paul Mann.
Officially licensed 24" x 36" screen print, in a numbered Regular edition of 275 for $85; a numbered Variant edition of 250 for $105; and a numbered Reflections Foil edition of 100 for $150.
On sale Thursday February 1 at 12pm ET through Mad Duck Posters.
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witchesonatree · 9 months
old hollywood movie posters really hit different pt.2
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portal-to-the-past · 2 years
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Rear Window (1954) alternative movie poster // Design by Laurent Durieux
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Paul Mann
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theostrophywife · 2 months
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home | chapters | playlist
🤍 pairing: theodore nott x reader.
🤍 song inspiration: sunroof by nicky youre.
🤍 author’s note: wake up babe summer theo just dropped.
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Step 1 of Pansy Parkinson’s Perfect Plan of Plotting
Meet Cute — : A cute, charming, or amusing first encounter between romantic partners.
Every good story starts with a meet cute. Unfortunately for Theo and Y/N, their first encounter happened when they were still both in their mother’s wombs, but I won’t let that deter me. What better way to start off the summer holiday than getting rescued from a remote airport by your knight-in-shining armor with a fresh haircut and a recently acquired driver’s license? Side note: research the credibility of the Ufficio Motorizzazione Civile because whoever granted Theodore Nott a valid license is clearly bloody mental. Regardless, those two will be riding off into the Italian sunset in a brand new baby blue convertible and it’s all thanks to me. 
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First Year, Hogwarts Express
On the other side of the frosted glass window, the English countryside passed by in a dizzying blur as the rain painted the landscape in a dreary haze. The train left a trail of smoke and steam behind as it journeyed along, bringing you closer and closer to Hogwarts. You shifted in your seat, nearly sliding off the red leather cushion as you trained your eyes on the horizon. 
By evening, you would arrive in the Scottish Highlands to begin your education at Hogwarts. When you got on the platform at King’s Cross, you thought that the worst of your anxiety would subside, but it only grew within you like a cresting wave. Being away from home for the first time in eleven years was intimidating enough, but now you had the sorting ceremony to fret over. 
Your parents were convinced that you would be sorted into Slytherin as they had when they both attended Hogwarts. Up until now, you were fairly confident in this as well, but the minute you boarded the train, doubt started to rear its ugly head. 
You had to be sorted into Slytherin. Not only because you’ve had the green and silver posters hanging in your room since birth, but also because you couldn’t imagine being in any other house. 
Just then, the cabin door slid open and startled you out of your thoughts. Theo plopped down next to you and stretched his legs on your lap. 
You rolled your eyes affectionately. “There’s two benches in this cabin, Teddy.”
Your best friend grinned, his messy brown hair falling over those moody watercolor eyes. “Yeah, but they’re not as comfy as you.” 
His cheeks were rosy from running around the train, but yours were even more flushed in comparison. Theo always had that effect on you. “I found the others, by the way. They’re in Malfoy’s cabin eating their way through a mountain of sweets. Did you want to join them?” 
You shook your head, looking out the window. “Maybe later.” 
Theo swung his legs over the bench and faced you. “You’re nervous.” 
It wasn’t a question. Theo knew you well enough to read your silence. 
“Is it that obvious?” 
“Not to anyone but me,” he said reassuringly. “You haven’t stopped twisting your ring since we left London.”
You looked down at your right hand and surely enough, you caught yourself twisting the emerald ring on your middle finger. It was a nervous habit that you weren't even aware of until Theo pointed it out a few years ago. 
That was the thing about your friendship. You spent so much time together that sometimes it felt like Theo was an extension of you. His mother used to say that the two of you were destined to be best friends, given the fact that she and your mum were closer to sisters than friends after forming a lifelong friendship during their time at school. 
It was one of the main reasons why the sorting ceremony worried you so much. For your entire life, you had gotten used to doing everything with Theo. The two of you had been inseparable since birth. A part of you had always wondered if you and Teddy would be friends if it weren’t for your mothers. 
“What if I don’t get sorted into Slytherin?” you asked in a small voice. 
Theo leaned back and tugged at the end of your scarf. “Of course you’ll get sorted into Slytherin.” He smiled, curling his finger around the cashmere material. “Did you know that when we were born, our mums put us in matching green and silver booties? I didn’t endure all that humiliation just for you to back out now.” 
“I’m serious, Teddy.” You shoved your hands into your pockets and stared at your shoes. “What if we get sorted into different houses? What if you meet your housemates and decide that you’d rather be friends with them than me?
Theo’s expression softened. “Hey,” he said, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “You’re my best friend, Y/N. A stupid sorting hat won’t change that. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” He paused, grinning. “Unless you end up in Gryffindor.” 
You smacked his arm, trying and failing to fight the smile tugging at your lips. “That’s not funny, Teddy!”
He chuckled. “I’m just winding you up, fragolina.” 
For an eleven year old, you suppose that calling a freckled redhead little strawberry was peak comedy. At least Theo seemed to think so. 
“Speaking of which, are you sure you’re not a long lost Weasley? Then you’d really need to worry about Godric snatching you up.”
“You are an absolute menace, Theodore Nott.” 
Theo grinned. “But would an absolute menace remember to buy you candy?” 
He reached into his pocket and held his palm out to you. In his hand sat a familiar purple and gold box that held the best treat in the wizarding world. 
“A chocolate frog,” you said with delight. “My favorite.”
“Got it from the trolley. I figured you could use a little cheering up. Though I might’ve accidentally sat on it.” 
You giggled, holding up the slightly dented box. “Thanks for the chocolate blob, Teddy.”
Theo grinned. “Any time, Y/N.
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Day One, Vallara Floo Station
The phone rang and rang and rang.
You looked around helplessly at the floo station, praying to whatever gods that were listening that Pansy would pick up. Much to your dismay, you were sent straight to voicemail. Again.
“Pansy Parkinson, you better be laid out on a yacht with hot Italian witches dangling grapes into your mouth because that’s the only acceptable reason for not picking up your bloody phone. I swear to Salazar, I think I just told a man that I’d love to pet his chicken. Theo’s never going to let me hear the end of this—”
At that moment, you became convinced that the heat of the Italian countryside had melted your brain because you could’ve sworn that you recognized the familiar laughter echoing from behind you. 
“I’m offended, bella. All those years of friendship and yet you’ve never offered to pet my chicken.” 
You nearly dropped your phone when you whirled around and came face to face with your best friend. The Italian sunshine had been good to Theo. He looked tanner than when you last saw him, bringing out the moles and freckles that painted his olive skin like constellations. Those piercing blue eyes crinkled when he smiled and the sight of it nearly swept you off your feet. 
As if reading your mind, Theo enveloped you into a bone-crushing hug. The scent of expensive cologne and cigarette smoke enveloped you like a comforting hug. The hem of your gingham sundress billowed as Theo twirled you in the air. You laughed in delight, not caring one bit that the two of you were making a scene in the middle of the floo station. You hadn’t seen your best friend in two months, which was nearly an eternity for you and Theo. 
After graduation, Theo had headed down to the Italian countryside to spend the summer with his nonna. Usually, you would’ve joined him, but you were busy visiting family in New York. As fun as the States were, you missed home and you missed Theo — the two of which were synonymous in your mind.
“I missed you, fragolina,” Theo murmured into your hair. You grinned, squeezing him to convey your agreement. 
“Missed you too, Teddy,” you said softly. Theo set you down, giving you the chance to fully examine him. He was wearing a white linen button down and cotton shorts, his usual attire to combat the summer heat. Handsome, but in an effortless sort of way. 
You cocked your head, running your fingers over his chesnut waves, which were now tinged with gold, courtesy of his constant exposure to the sun. “You cut your hair.”
Theo nodded, running a hand through his cropped cut with a self-conscious expression. “I like it,” you said decidedly. “It looks good on you.” 
Satisfaction coursed through you as Theo blushed, his cheeks tinged with pink. It reminded you of the very first time he ever wore his natural waves around you. It was sometime during second year when you both got drenched from the rain at the Black Lake. You ran your hands through his hair, smiling as you told him that you quite preferred his hair that way. Since then, Theo stopped gelling his hair. 
“Big changes this summer,” Theo declared with a wink. Without hesitation, he gathered your suitcases and hauled them along like they weighed nothing. To him, they probably didn’t. You could’ve used his strength when you were struggling to lug your bags through customs. “Speaking of, I finally got my license.” 
Your jaw dropped. Ever since your dad took the two of you out on a joyride in his beloved vintage Mercedes — Mercy, for short — Theo had become obsessed with learning how to drive. You had no interest in it, but your best friend was absolutely adamant. When he put his mind to something, Theo was quite unstoppable. He even managed to convince your dad to give him lessons. Not on his precious Mercy of course, but on the family car. 
“I have no idea why you would want to ride around on a steel trap when there’s a perfectly good tube system at home,” you chided, swatting at your best friend’s arm as he rolled his eyes at your repeated lecture. “But I am proud of you, regardless.” 
“Good, cause I’m about to take you on the joy ride of your life.” 
You halted as Theo bounced past the entrance, walking right up to a very expensive looking vintage sports car. The baby blue top down sparkled in the sunlight and its chrome interior shined so spotlessly that you could see your reflection staring back at you. Theo gingerly arranged your suitcases in the backseat, careful not to disturb the delicate white leather seats. 
“You did not,” you gaped in disbelief. 
Theo only grinned. “I did, too.” 
He rounded the hood and reached over to pull the door open. You turned back, hesitation written all over your face as you surveyed the car. Despite its vintage style, you knew that it would probably be fast. Too fast for your liking. 
“No offense, but are you sure they didn’t make a mistake during your driving test? Maybe they meant to give the license to someone else.” 
You were proud of Theo. Truly, you were. But you had been witness to one too many driving lessons where he accidentally ran over the curb or nearly flipped the car from how fast he turned. Needless to say, it didn’t exactly inspire confidence. 
Your best friend huffed in indignation. “I’ll have you know, I’m an excellent driver. Even my examiner said so.” 
“She should probably get her vision checked, then,” you murmured under your breath.
“I heard that,” Theo stated with narrowed eyes. He ushered you along, herding you into the front seat. “Your lack of confidence in me is quite frankly appalling, fragolina.” 
“It’s not that I’m not confident in you,” you explained as you buckled in. “I’m just not confident that you won’t abuse the poor, defenseless curbs of your homeland.” 
“I promise you, I’ve gotten much better since my last lesson. Now sit back, relax, and feel the beautiful breeze of Italia against your skin.” 
You did no such thing. You spent the first few minutes white-knuckling the seat cushions. Theo, on the other hand, whistled a happy little tune as he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. To his credit, his driving seemed to have improved since the last time you witnessed him get behind the wheel. Enough for you to gradually release the chokehold you had on your seat. 
“So, where’s our gracious host? Too busy sipping on limoncellos with pretty stregas to pick up her best friend from the station?” 
Theo’s mouth quirked. “Close. She’s trying to keep Malfoy and Riddle from tearing up the villa. They had a little disagreement about the room assignments. Draco wanted the room facing the east side of the house, for an optimal view of the sunrise.” You snorted at Theo’s overexaggerated snooty impression of your blonde friend. “Of course as soon as he expressed this, Mattheo suddenly wanted it for the same reasons. Never mind that the twat rarely wakes up before noon.” 
“Another lover’s quarrel,” you said rather sarcastically. “What’s new? Hopefully they kiss and make up before we get back.” 
“They’re going to have to,” Theo stated as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “I’m not spending my summer holiday listening to those two twats fighting. I did enough of that at school.”
“How strange is it that we’ve graduated? I swear, it feels just like yesterday when we first got onto the Hogwarts Express. Now you’re driving me around the Italian coast and you haven’t hit a single curb. I wonder what other miraculous things the future has in store.”
Theo snorted. “It’s me and you against the world, bella.”
“The way it’s always been and the way it’ll always be.” 
The road curved around a hill, providing you with a breathtaking view of the sunny skies and clear blue water glittering below. Despite your teasing, Theo was doing a great job of maneuvering through the narrow path. He was driving slow and steady, giving you enough confidence to lean against the door and peer at the wonders of Vallara. 
Villas with colorful pastel roofs painted the hillside with pops of pinks, greens, and blues, broken up by patches of yellow from the lemon trees swaying in the breeze. The air smelled like sea salt and citrus, mixed in with other delicious smells wafting from the countless restaurants lining the market square. One of them in particular, La Dolce Vita, instantly caught your eye. 
“Should we say hi to nonna?” 
“She’s busy prepping for dinner back at the house. As soon as nonna heard that you were coming, she insisted on making everything herself.” 
“She didn’t have to do that,” you said, smiling fondly in the direction of the restaurant. You adored Theo’s grandmother. She was a strong, loud, and vibrant woman that you’ve admired since you were a little girl. Not to mention, her cooking was to die for. “Although I would kill for her cannolis.” 
“There’s a fresh batch waiting for you in the fridge.” 
Your mouth watered at the thought. “I’m surprised she’s letting us use the villa. I thought we were banned after Mattheo set off those fireworks in fourth year. I’ve never seen nonna that mad.” 
Theo chuckled at the reminder. Thanks to the fire fiasco, the villa had become off limits. Every visit after was to the townhouse in Rome, where she could keep a closer eye on all of you. As beautiful as the city was, you missed the countryside. Life was more peaceful out here — slow and sweet. You were determined to savor every moment before the reality of adult life hit you full force. 
“Pansy can be quite persuasive,” Theo replied. “Plus, she promised to wring Mattheo’s neck herself if he tries to stir up any trouble.” 
“It’s not a matter of if,” you corrected as Theo pulled up to the private road that led to his family’s villa. “It’s a matter of when.” 
Your best friend hummed in approval as the car slowed to a stop. Theo parked his convertible on the driveway and killed the engine as you admired his ancestral home. The quaint country house sat proudly at the top of the hillside, its regal structure looming over the village below. The terracotta roof sloped over the towers jutting out on each side of the massive structure, the seafoam green walls wrapping around the side porch, the rounded arched windows, and the romantic balcony overlooking the blooming garden at the back of the villa. It was just as charming as you remembered. 
“Home sweet home,” you murmured in awe. 
The wonder of this place never grew old. Theo’s eyes crinkled as he smiled, hauling your luggage over his shoulder and leading you inside. The sunbaked walls greeted you like an old friend, the sea breeze filling the entire place with the scent of salt and citrus from the large open windows. The furniture was mismatched, but in an endearing way that somehow felt like it all belonged together.
You walked between the arched columns leading into the living room, which were bracketed with wooden banisters that overlooked the entire first floor. The further you ventured, the louder the noises echoed. 
The sunny kitchen seemed to be the center of activity. You peered inside, smiling instantly when you saw the familiar figure hunched over the stove. Nonna whistled as she stirred the pot, the incredible smell of her cooking hitting you with a wave of nostalgia. Her happy tune was interrupted by the bouncing boy beside her and she tutted at Mattheo as he peered over her shoulder. 
“Dio mio, did I not tell you to wait in the living room?” Nonna asked with an exasperated sigh. “You’re making me dizzy with all your bouncing.” 
Mattheo smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, nonna. Everything just smells so good. Are you sure you don't need me to taste test?” 
“You’ll eat when the food is ready,” she huffed in response. Mattheo pouted in disappointment, his gaze darting to the fridge hungrily. “Don’t even think about touching my cannolis. I made those for Y/N especially.”
“If you’re nice, I might share.” 
Nonna grinned as you walked into the kitchen with Theo trailing behind you. She pulled you into a hug, kissing both of your cheeks as you laughed. “Thank God you’re here. This one has been driving me up the wall all afternoon.” Mattheo let out an indignant huff, but nonna ignored him. “Sit, piccolina. I’m sure you’ve had quite a journey. Theo here tells me you visited the States?” 
The way nonna crinkled her nose made you giggle. Like every other sensible European, she wasn’t the biggest fan of anything American. “Yes, I stayed with my cousin in New York for a few weeks. It was a fun time, but I am glad to be back home. I’m afraid their cooking isn’t up to par with yours, nonna.” 
“This is why you’re my favorite,” she chides, pinching your cheeks. “You’re just in luck then. Dinner will be served soon. If you can stomach it after my grandson’s driving.” 
Theo heaved in disapproval, which only made you grin. “It was actually quite a nice drive. The view was stunning and Teddy here managed to get me here in one piece.” 
“I’m glad. Theodore has been talking my ear off about it the whole summer. Nonna, I can’t wait until Y/N gets here. I miss her. Do you think she misses me? I hope she likes my car. Don’t you think she’d look quite pretty in her sundress, sitting in the passenger seat?” 
Mattheo snickered as Theo cleared his throat. “Alright, that’s enough. We’ll let you get back to your cooking so I can show Y/N to her room, nonna.”
Without another word, Theo wrestled you out of his grandmother’s clutches. Nonna winked at you behind his back, making you giggle. She wasn’t subtle at all about the fact that she wanted you and Theo to be together. Nonna had been hinting at it since you were thirteen. 
You trailed after Theo, noting the blush on his cheeks as he climbed the stairs. “Did I live up to it, then?” 
Theo scrunched his brows, pausing at the top step to allow you to catch up. His long legs always gave him a rather unfair advantage. “Live up to what?” 
“Did I look pretty sitting in your passenger seat in my sundress?” 
“Don’t know,” Theo quipped. “You were too busy gripping the seats for dear life to allow me to make a clear judgment.” You rolled your eyes fondly, which made him chuckle. “I’m kidding. Of course you looked pretty. You always look pretty, Y/N.” 
Now it was your turn to blush. You bit back a smile as Theo ventured down the hallway. 
“I’m still here you know,” you startled at Mattheo’s presence. You nearly forgot that he was following closely behind. “I swear to Merlin, the world could be falling to shit and you two would still be too busy making googly eyes at each other to notice.” 
You rolled your eyes at your curly headed friend. “I’m guessing Dray got the room you wanted based on your grumpy behavior.” Mattheo swatted at your hand when you tried to pinch his cheek. “Don’t worry, Matty. There’s always room in the wine cellar.”
He stuck his tongue out in response, followed by a smirk that you knew meant nothing but trouble. “Oh, I snagged the Rose room.” 
“That’s my favorite room and you know it!” 
“Don’t worry, Y/N. There’s always room in the wine cellar.” You narrowed your eyes before lunging at him. Mattheo laughed maniacally, dodging your grip as he weaved through the second floor. “Guess you and Notty boy are just going to have to double up.” 
The little traitor ran straight into your room — his room now apparently — and slammed the door shut. “What does that mean?” you asked Theo. 
He shrugged. “Probably nothing good, knowing the twat.” 
His suspicions proved to be true when you ran into Draco and Pansy. They both greeted you with hugs, though Draco seemed a little put off. 
“Good, you’re finally here!” Pansy exclaimed, brushing her bangs off of her forehead.
“With no help from you, by the way. You said you were meeting me at the floo station.” 
“I had to take care of a situation. Theo here jumped at the chance to show off his little baby blue convertible and offered to pick you up instead.” She leaned in conspiratorially. “He’s been buzzing since yesterday. I swear, he doesn’t even try to hide his favoritism.” 
“Well, Y/N doesn’t strong arm her way into staying at my family’s villa. Not to mention conspiring with my nonna for god knows what else,” Theo added bitterly. 
Pansy rolled her eyes. “So dramatic, Theodore.” She pushed the door open to the main suite, revealing the enormous room. 
The interior was bright and airy. A fresh coat of pastel pink covered the walls, but the ceiling remained a creamy shade of white with the exposed wooden beams giving the room a cozy and rustic feel. A four-poster bed faced the balcony doors, which provided a view of the gardens below. The salty summer breeze rustled the linen curtains, carrying the pleasing scent of honeysuckle and lavender. 
Theo set down your luggage by the tufted velvet sofa. You ventured out through the balcony doors, leaning over the parapet to peer at the pops of pinks, blues, and purples dotting the property. By the poolside, Enzo and Blaise reclined on cushioned chaise lounges, sipping on spritzers and soaking in the sunset. You waved at your friends down below and they returned the gesture, raising their glasses with blissful smiles. 
When you turned back around, you found Pansy fiddling with a flower arrangement. She placed it on the table closest to the balcony, smiling to herself when she finally got the bouquet to look the way she wanted. The stunning view, the luxurious vintage furniture, and the intricate fireplace all felt very romantic. After all, nonna did deem this the honeymoon suite, which made you all the more suspicious of why Pansy was suddenly bunking you up with Theo. 
Before you could question the witch, she turned on her heel and crossed the suite. “I’ll give you two a moment to catch up, but don’t take too long. Dinner will be served in an hour.” Pansy lingered by the door, a dangerous glint sparkling in her eyes as she winked at the two of you. “Enjoy the honeymoon suite.” 
If that wasn’t confirmation that Pansy Parkinson was up to something, then you didn’t know what was. You glared at the dark haired witch, but she seemed oblivious as she skipped off. Probably on her way to meddle in someone else’s business. 
“Well, this was unexpected.” 
“Tell me about it. Now I have to keep my things tidy or else I’ll never hear the end of it.” 
“A messy room reflects a messy—”
“Mind,” Theo finished for you as his lips curved into a smile. “I’m well aware, bella. You’ve been saying it since we were ten.” 
“Yet it hasn’t quite sunk in.” 
“You’re just grumpy from international travel. I know what’ll make you feel better though,” Theo announced with a sunny smile as he trotted over to the bathroom. You stared longingly at the amenities, which housed a rain shower head, a tiled bench, and a heart shaped tub. “Hop on in.” 
“Theodore Nott, is this your way of telling me I stink?” 
“I can neither confirm nor deny,” your best friend said with a cheeky little smile. He plugged his nose and waved his hand in front of his face. You smacked him on the arm, which only made him grin even wider. “Will it help if I hopped in with you?” 
A fierce blush crept up to the tips of your ears. “Pervert.” 
“What? We used to take baths together all the time!” 
“Yeah, when we were three.” 
Theo shrugged. “Semantics. I promise not to steal your rubber ducky this time.” 
You groaned in frustration, smacking him once more. “Not a chance in hell.” 
“Are you sure? I’m a very efficient shower buddy. Just ask Mattheo.” 
All the filthy thoughts filtering through your mind only served to make you flush even more. At this rate, your face probably matched your hair. “Get out, Theodore.” 
Theo chuckled as you pushed him out the door. It was a feat in itself given the fact that he towered a good foot over you, but you managed to shove him through the threshold. Your best friend chuckled before placing a kiss on your forehead. 
“Have a good shower, fragolina,” A devious grin tugged at his lips as he paused. “Try not to think of me while you’re in there.” 
You rolled your eyes, but the words had already planted a very dangerous seed in your mind. As you stepped into the shower, you were ashamed to say that you failed Theo’s challenge. 
This bloody honeymoon suite would be the death of you. 
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A wave of nostalgia hit you full force as you made your way down the stairs. In the dining room, your friends sat around the large mahogany table chatting and drinking. You exchanged a cheek kiss with Blaise and ruffled Enzo’s hair before making your way over to your usual spot. Theo grinned up at you and patted the seat next to him. 
“How was your shower?” 
“Fine,” you answered robotically. “Great. Uneventful.” 
Theo didn’t miss the way your eye twitched. The twat actually smirked. “I don’t know about that, bella. You sound a little tense. Should’ve taken me up on the offer. I would’ve been more than happy to throw in a complimentary massage. If you asked real nicely.” 
You flushed, crossing your arms. “I’d sooner invite Mattheo to shower with me than ask you for a massage.” 
Mattheo’s curly head perked up from across the table. “Oh?” Much to Theo’s annoyance, his best friend wiggled his brows and winked at you. “Finally tired of Notty boi, huh? You want a dose of Riddle, babe?” 
Before you could deign to respond, Nonna swatted the back of Mattheo’s head. He protested, but she showed no signs of remorse as she took a seat at the head of the table. 
“Do not ruin my appetite, Mattheo.” Nonna scolded. “Now be a dear and pass the lasagna. I didn’t slave away in the kitchen for hours just to listen to your lecherous comments.” 
At Mattheo’s defeated expression, you and Theo tried and failed in keeping in your laughter. Riddle glared at the two of you, but resigned himself to following Nonna’s orders. As your friends piled pasta onto their plates, a bittersweet feeling rushed through you. 
The people seated at this table had been an integral part of your life for as long as you could remember. Pansy, Blaise, Enzo, Draco, Mattheo, and Theo had always been just a couple of steps away, but now that you had all graduated, the seven of you would be scattered in different places. It made your heart ache just thinking about it. 
“We still have the whole summer,” Theo whispered softly. He nudged his knee against yours under the table. The familiarity of the gesture brought you comfort. It never ceased to amaze you just how well Theo knew you. 
“And the rest of your lives if I have anything to say about it,” said nonna as she filled your glass with red wine. “Smettila di fare il codardo, nipote.”
Theo groaned. You understood enough Italian to know that nonna was pushing her agenda again. “Not this again, nonna.” 
“I will not stop until you get it through your thick skull, Theodore.” 
As nonna launched into a full on lecture in her native language, you grinned in amusement at your best friend. Theo sulked like a child, but his expression brightened as you knocked your knee against his. 
After dinner, you spent the rest of the night camped out on the terrace. The view was stunning as the sun set over the horizon, tinging the villa in technicolor. Your friends gathered around the fire pit, sipping sangria and playing games. As usual, the boys found themselves a few galleons lighter after you swindled them during wizard poker. One would think that they’d learn their lesson by now, but your friends were still determined on risking their fortune against you. 
All except Theo. 
Knowing that his own mother passed down her skills of deception to you, Theo knew better than to challenge you. Instead, he sat back and watched the boys lose with a smile on his face. When you claimed your winnings, he beckoned you under the blanket and handed you another glass of wine. Though you could’ve easily blamed the sudden warmth on the charmed knit throw or the fine vintage, you had a feeling that the heat had more to do with your proximity to Theo. 
The scent of citrus and tobacco overwhelmed your senses as your best friend draped an arm over your shoulder. “Gonna share your prize with me, bella?” 
“Seeing as you did nothing to help me, I’m inclined to say no.” 
“Of course I helped. I pulled a vintage from the cellar so these idiots would keep playing even though they don’t stand a chance against you.” 
You chuckled. “Wine or not, they would’ve lost to me either way.” 
“Fine,” Theo said with a dramatic sigh. He pulled you to his side and kissed your temple “Keep your prize. I’ve already won anyways.” 
“You’re awfully sentimental tonight, aren’t you, Teddy?” 
“What can I say?” Theo mused, his blue eyes piercing into you. “This place brings it out of me. This country, this villa, it’s full of possibilities. Anything can happen here.” 
The heat of his gaze seared your skin, but you didn’t look away. A charge of electricity crackled in the air as if in confirmation of your best friend’s statement. 
Anything can happen here.
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wasawattpadkid · 2 years
Part - 3
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, masturbation
Part 1
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Billy normally did this sort of thing with Stu. He had a feeling his friend would be upset that he went alone. That's something he'd have to deal with later. Your room was on the second floor with no obvious way up to the window. If you were the only one home he'd find a way in. With current company that wasn't exactly possible. Binoculars, cellphone, and his trusty voice changer, were all he had to work with. Doing this sort of thing without a knife was unusual.
He positioned himself where he could see your bed and the posters adorning the walls. Rear window, The Birds, Vertigo, and Psycho. You were an Alfred Hitchcock fan. "And Stu said you didn't have good taste in movies." He scoffed. Billy shook his head the binoculars close to his eyes. He watched as you walked in the room towel wrapped around your frame. One foot closed the bedroom door behind you. You looked to the window as you slowly dropped your towel. Did you know he was out here?
That was impossible. It was pitch black outside with the exception of the moon. Billy watched as you pulled the dress from the bag. A smile lit up your face which in turn brought one to his lips. A sense of pride filled Billy's chest knowing he picked it out. Once again your eyes found the window looking out as if someone was right on the other side. Slowly you pulled the fluffy nightgown over your head, the frill dropping right under your ass. Billy's hand slipped down his abdomen resting over his zipper.
You grabbed the matching panties from the bag dragging them up your legs letting the elastic slap your skin. Moving away from the window you looked yourself up and down in the mirror. Billy and Stu knew what they were doing when they bought you the nightgown. You spun letting the dress drift around you. Air seemed to catch in your throat as you got happy. A smile so painful your cheeks hurt, was one of the many indications you were elated with the gift.
The only thing you could think that would make it better was some music. Walking to your records you grabbed the worn out 45 listed under M for Monroe. Lifting the wooden cabinet cover you sat the vinyl down placing the needle in the first groove. Within a second "I wanna be loved by you" filled the room. You mouthed the lyrics as you danced around. That giddy feeling only getting stronger. Your hands slid up and down your body as if you were the best stripper on a Saturday night. It was classy though and Billy took note. The dancing wasn't the best, if you could call it dancing. It was like you were in love with yourself and the world around you. Playing around with the air that filled the room.
Billy started softly rubbing the bulge that began to strain again his dark jeans. His eyes never leaving you as you danced for an audience of one. Your towel dried hair swug around sure to fling left over water. You were his own personal burlesque dancer. Billy's hips grinded up into his palm. The knuckles wrapped around the binoculars began to turn white with his grip. He had no clue what song could make you ooze with such lust but he needed to use it to his advantage. You were walking innocence. Something he lacked throughout his life. You weren't stupid, you were incredibly brilliant. Every move you made it was intentional. You were putting a show just for him.
His hips quickened as the pressure grew. Little whispers of encouragement fell on deaf ears. Billy needed your glossy lips around him. He needed the hem of that frilly little dress to fall over his lap as you bounced happily. He needed... You. "Fuck!" He cursed through gritted teeth. He needed new underwear. "Fuck." He dropped the binoculars by his side to assess the damage you caused. The mess you made. A small damp spot began to make an appearance through the denim next to zipper of his jeans. Ignoring the uncomfortable mess he picked the binoculars back up noticing you were now buttoning up your pajama shirt. "God damnit!"
Now that your little burst of energy was over you were ready to crawl in bed. You switched the record over to something more peaceful, one that would take longer to end. Billy put the binoculars down to focus on the phone number staining his hand. His finger tapped the buttons double checking the numbers before hitting call. He could hear the ear piercing ring all the way outside. Before you could answer he pulled the voice changer from his pocket.
Quickly you leaned over grabbing the phone off the receiver. Placing it right back down with a click. It was too late for anyone to be calling. Billy took a deep breath redialing the number. Once again the phone screamed for your help. "Hello?" You asked politely to Billy's surprise seeing as you were obviously upset at the intrusion. You hoped it was Billy. "Hello.." He spoke not really sure where to go with this one. Well at least you know who it's not. You picked up the phone sitting the receiver on the bed next to you. You got comfortable with the phone resting against to your face. "Hi what's up?" You spoke. No asking 'who is this?' or 'why are you calling?" Maybe you were a little dumb.
"Um-" Billy cleared his throat thinking of a quick response. "The sky." He squeezed his eyes closed in shame. His eyes opened to find you with a smile. A small laugh could be heard over the phone. "Okay smartass what's down?" This was stupid. You were supposed to angry at the caller, suspicious even. Who calls a girl all alone at this hour? "The ground." You laughed clapping your hands. "That's right! Not too bad mystery man. But what do you need? Why'd you call?" Finally.
"What if I just wanted to talk?" You scooted yourself underneath the covers thinking about the caller. "Okay but I'm not doing no weird shit. You can call one those sex hotlines for that." Billy smiled at your assertion. "Fair enough. Who might I be speaking to?" It was a test. You barley gave him a name when you first met he doubted you'd give it to a psychopath on the phone. "I would say we could exchange names but what's the fun in that? I don't know you, you don't know me. What's your favorite song?"
The question was out of left field so much so he wasn't ready for it. "What's yours?" He asked to your disappointment. Billy saw the sad look on your face. "Am I talking to Socrates right now? I asked first." Billy begrudgingly gave out his answer. "1979 by the Smashing Pumpkins. Now what's yours?" You nodded your head at the answer. It seemed fitting. "Oh gosh." You sighed. "I honestly don't have a favorite. And if I did it would change next week. Have you heard Landslide by Fleetwood Mac? It's really popular you probably have." You took a deep breath in. Sighing out the air in one go. "Anyways I really like that one. It's kind of sad though if you think about it."
Billy sat listening to every word you said. "Your turn." He always had the most important question on hand. Billy wasn't really sure if he wanted to ask knowing what normally happened afterwards. "Do you like scary movies?" Billy put down his binoculars focusing on just your voice. "I'd say I do. I like a very specific genre of scary movies though." Billy sat up listening closer if that was possible. "What do you mean by that?" The voice on the phone became lower sending a slight chill down your spine. "Everyone likes scary movies to be bloody. The more guts and gore the better. You don't have to have that to make a scary movie. Vertigo is scary but there's practically no blood and Rear Window is one of the best movies made about a murder with no body ever being seen."
"Scary movies should get inside your head, make the viewer wonder if they are next. Make them wonder if they are just as screwed up as the villain." Out of everything you could've said he wasn't ready for that. "You are very smart girl." Billy didn't intend for it to come off as sexual. However you definitely took it that way. "Has anyone told you that you've got a very attractive voice?" Billy smiled holding back a laugh. "Is that so?" You nodded as if he could see you. "Yep. Anyways it's getting late mystery man. I'm going to get some sleep. Sleep well okay?"
"Okay. Goodnight mystery girl." Billy whispered into the phone. For the first time he was the one to hang up. To end the call without screams on the other end. It made him feel surprisingly good. The light in your room turned off letting him know you were actually going to bed. Billy quietly packed up his things and started the walk to his car. He wasn't sure if this little talk changed anything for you but it definitely changed things for him.
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Part 4
Taglist: @katie-tibo @danodoll21
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The recent Book 7 release has put Vil and Rook on the mind, so do you have any particularly interesting courtship or relationship headcanons for your nonhuman AU? Thank you :)
My god Rook would rizz you so hard, we already know how he is as a human, though I've seen headcanons that he might have some beastmen in his blood it just isn't obvious/is distant or something like that.
He's enigmatic with a passion for all things beautiful, something Rook very much views you as regardless of what you think of yourself. He's very enthusiastic about supporting those that he admires so be ready for him to be supportive and encouraging as fuck. Yeah, he's gonna be weird about a lot of stuff but Rook is almost always genuine in his intentions.
Expect poetry and love letters to hit your door by arrow every morning.
Ah...Birb Boi Love.
When the night sky envelops the world in its cool embrace, a ballet takes place on treetops and secluded clearings— the dance of owl courtship. 
Serenading the night. Rook is already a great singer and loves to do it, with owls the males often initiate the mating process with a series of hoots. Though with him I'm pretty sure it would be actually singing that he graces you with...but still...it's kind of funny to think about...heh horny hoots.
He might be hoping for you to join him since female owls might answer back, leading to a duet. This vocal interaction strengthens the bond between the two owls and sets the stage for their partnership.
Gift giving, males often present food gifts. This act not only proves the male’s hunting prowess but also his ability to provide for offspring. He knows he can't just leave his fresh kills at your doorstep. Instead, he will use his cooking skills and bring very yummy meals cooked and caught by him. Will give a few happy hoots if you agree to letting him feed you.
He's going to bring you a lot of stuff, not just food though. Keep in mind the guy is well off and for a lot of creatures it's important to keep your mate well groomed, and he gets the good shit from Vil so expect to be gifted the best, lotions, shampoos, and skincare stuff. Along with clothes that seem to fit you perfectly...hmm how did he get your size?
Once a bond begins to form, owls might engage in mutual grooming, a sign of affection and trust. Please let him do your hair and nails he will be so happy. He gets to help you be even more pretty, gets to touch the person he likes, examine your interesting human features. He's actually someone you can trust to bathe with/wash your hair for you without trying anything regardless of his romantic feelings, even if you're nakey.
Nuzzling and nibbling will also happen, he knows you're a fan of his soft feathers and floof and will puff up to lure you in for cuddles...and then he'll get you with those gentle nibbles and nuzzle against you. At least with him, you won't have to worry about getting covered in fur after like with the others, but you might end up with a feather in your hair and will diffidently smell like Rook
Territory plays a vital role in owl mating behaviors. Male owls fiercely defend their territories from rival males, ensuring they have exclusive access to potential mates and sufficient resources for nesting and rearing young. Territory disputes often involve vocal and physical displays, including wing-spreading, aggressive posturing, and occasional physical combat.
As a result, any of the other guys should be wary of arrows flying their way when they get near Ramshackle once Rook gets to that stage in courting. The tree near your window was already one of his favorite spots before this started. I don't think he would start any fights though, not that he would need to, people tried to keep their distance from him before already.
The mental image of him doing the aggressive postering is funny though.
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...yeah, I can see how that would be scary if it's a man-sized owl creature doing it at night with glowing eyes and he's probably doing a weird honhonhonhon French laugh thing. He's going to scare the shit out of someone.
Some owl species, like the barn owl, engage in dramatic flight displays, which can include dives, spirals, and impressive swoops to impress a potential mate. He would definitely show off and even offer to carry you so you can enjoy a nice flight with him...you might see him divebomb someone, he doesn't actually touch them but gets pretty close.
The man loves his privacy so will likely pick a spot in Ramshackle away from everyone else to make into your love nest, only the finest blankets and pillows will be used, that fancy silk stuff you know?
Hmmm Vil.
I've thought about him ether being a Peacock-
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Or a secretary bird.
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I'm not sure what suits him best but I'm sure regardless his courtship will be flashy. You'll probably end up with a tail feather smacking you in the face at some point.
I might be able to think up something if you guys send in some ideas.
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Vintage Poster - Fenêtre Sur Cour (Rear Window) (Belgian)
Paramount (1954)
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albaricomics · 3 months
These are, in my opinion, the main 4 movies in which Nacho Sama got inspired to create That's Not My Neighbor
⚠️ TW for slightly disturbing movie posters
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Listing them all down:
Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock, US, 1954).
A professional photographer with a broken leg whiles away the time by spying on his neighbors through his window. However, his pastime becomes serious when he witnesses an apparent murder.
Us (Jordan Peele, US, 2019).
Adelaide Wilson and her family are attacked by mysterious figures dressed in red. Upon closer inspection, the Wilsons realise that the intruders are exact lookalikes of them.
The Thing (John Carpenter, US, 1982).
A research team finds an alien being that has fallen from the sky and is starting to hunt them down. Things take a sinister turn when they realise that the creature can take the shape of its victims.
Rec (Paco Plaza & Jaume Balagueró, Spain, 2007).
A reporter with her cameraman accompany a group of firefighters on an emergency call to an apartment building to discover an infection spreading inside, with the building being sealed up and all occupants ordered to follow a strict quarantine.
None of this is oficially confirmed, but I've enjoyed the game x100 times more now that I have this bit much of context or just knowledge of some similar stories that could potentially be the inspiration behind.
I like that in Rear Window we have a genuine look and depiction of a neighborhood life in the 50s and general dynamics, in Us is the very horror of having a thing that looks exactly like you in front and threatening to take your life and identity away, The Thing is the most alike to the game since it's explicitly a doppelganger problem where the crew constantly have to check on each other to make sure they're with real people, and last but not least, Rec has this tension and horror growing increasingly as the neighbors panic and turn into each other trying to figure out who started an infection that will allow them not only to mask but to also transform into a horrific monster ready to bite. From this last one I love that the biological team that gets in to check on the situation look exactly like the DDD in their suits, that one of the neighbors is behind everything, and that the apartment they have to reach is 02 on the THIRD FLOOR... I hope that's a coincidence, Nacho.
I'll wrap it up, these are amazing movies, to this point they're mandatory hw (first one is suspense, even comical at times, but the other 3 are sci-fi/thriller/horror so be careful on that).
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pimosworld · 9 months
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The ties that bind
Pairing-Dave York x f!reader x Frankie Morales
Series Summary-Dave is a private investigator who tracks down soulmates. He’s tasked to find Frankie’s, but what happens when he finds you and wants you all to himself?
CW-18+,MDNI,NSFW, Angst,Fluff,Hurt,Comfort, Eventual smut,MMF dynamics, a lot of music references, best friends loving each other. Individual warnings will be added to chapters with sensitive topics.
A/N- Dave is basically a stalker but it’s hot. Alicia is the best friend everyone wants and poor Frankie is gonna go through it for a bit I’m sorry.
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
Not beta read
Chapter II
Three days
  That’s all it takes for Dave to find you. Even the most conscientious person does not realize their social media footprint. Tattoo artists have taken to posting their portfolios online to help show off their work and maybe connect a few soulmates. 
  Image searches and his confidential connections are what helps him be so successful. It’s not often he has to give a refund for any reason other than the person he found has no interest in meeting their soulmate. 
  It’s a feeling he can’t describe when he sees your photo. You have a face like someone he’s known his whole life, yet he’s never met you. Your smile lights up his screen as you stand next to an albeit conventionally attractive woman but just not his type. He knows nothing about you, even with a file on his desk with all the details he could gather about your life. 
  Francisco is a very lucky man
  With his flight booked and a hotel for a week, this should be a fairly quick trip. Once he confirms that it is in fact Frankie’s soulmate, he’ll approach you with the details and hopefully or  regretfully connect you with Frankie. 
Dave doesn’t get nervous. He’s usually all business, not caring much how the person is going to react, he just wants to get it over with so he can be on his way. He spent a little extra time this morning in his hotel, checking over his appearance. A little over dressed for a first meeting, not a single hair out of place. 
  The record store you work at is not very far from his hotel but he decides to drive anyway. Sweating through his dress shirt isn’t really a good look for a glorified stalker. Yes of course he was a private investigator but people didn’t always kindly take to being told he was hired to find them…as romantic as it may seem to some. 
  He parks his rental across the street from the record store but he can’t see much with the windows decorated with drawings and a floor to ceiling plant wall. He takes one last look at himself in the rear view mirror, trying too hard not to focus on the lines he’s never noticed before etched across his forehead. 
  Dave walks the short distance across the street and stops to admire the small easel outside. Buy one get one half off records with today's date written in cute bubble letters. He imagines you spent some time on it but obviously he can’t be certain it was you. 
  He enters and a bell chimes above his head as you look over busy with another customer. 
  “Welcome to spins, I’ll be with you in a moment.” You give a half wave and a smile in his direction and he forgets how to be a human for a second. He stands stupidly in the doorway watching you as you animatedly describe something about a hidden poster in the vinyl jacket to the older woman you're helping. 
  He finally wills his feet to move and picks a random aisle to peruse while he waits for you. He had something prepared to say to you but now he can’t remember for the life of him how to do his job. He looks around admiring the colorful orange and yellow walls. The natural light brightening the small store that you seem to be running on your own. There’s a small nook in the back with an old zenith and two leather chairs on either side. This place feels cozy like a home he’d blend right into. Very unlike his gray drab living room back home. 
  He stares down at the random assortment of vinyls in front of him and picks one up so he doesn’t look suspicious. Frankly he has no idea what he’s looking at while he racks his brain for an appropriate introduction. 
  “You don’t strike me as a Grateful Dead fan.” He turns to see you standing there, with that same bright smile on your face when you waved at him. He’s not sure if you said something as you wait patiently for a response, nervously biting your bottom lip between your teeth and he wants to pull it down with his thumb. He’s completely lost it at the sight of you in some worn overalls and orange top matching the decor of the room. 
  “I’m sorry did you say something?” You duck your head and laugh a little and he can’t help but laugh with you. He hasn’t been this nervous to talk to a woman in a very long time. 
  You gesture to the record in his hand. “Are you a fan?” 
  “Oh, ugh honestly? I just picked up the first thing I saw.” He sets it back in its place, careful not to mess up the order now that you were watching. “What do I strike you as?” 
  You smirk and study him up and down, you start circling him like you’re stalking your prey. He follows you with his eyes until he’s forced to turn his head, to which you protest with a stern look. Maybe it’s the way you don’t seem to be intimidated by him or the way you’re so blatantly checking him out that has him so intrigued. 
  “You look like a Journey fan to me.” 
  “Well it seems your inspection is correct because I love Journey.” Your squeal of excitement takes him by surprise as you jump up and down. 
  “I was totally joking…I’ve literally never done that before.” You don’t really know what’s gotten into you but this is quite possibly the most handsome man that’s ever walked into the store and Alicia would kill you if you didn’t at least have a little fun with him. 
  “I’m glad I could help you find a hidden talent…” He leans in to see your name tag and you can smell the woody scent of his cologne and fresh laundry. You don’t miss the way he licks his lips after he speaks and you would be a complete idiot to not notice he’s flirting with you. 
  “You look a little overdressed?”
  “Dave.” He holds out his hand for you and it nearly dwarfs your own when you shake it. He holds it for a moment longer as he stares down at your wrist. Men always had a weird reaction to seeing your tattoos. 
  “Well Dave, you’re very dressed up to look at records in the middle of the day.”  
  This is the part where he says he’s a private investigator. 
  “I’m an insurance agent.” You raise your eyebrows at that. 
  This is the part where he says your soulmate hired him to find you. 
  “I’m here for work for a little while. The store caught my eye.” Chances this man walked into the store on a whim are pretty slim but you don’t really care at the moment. 
  “Well Dave the insurance agent…sounds fake if you ask me.” You turn to walk away but don’t feel him following you. “The section you want is over here.” 
  Dave has been having a moral dilemma ever since he saw your photo. It’s being made all that more difficult at the confirmation of your hummingbird tattoo on the inside of your wrist. The same one that he noticed on Frankie when he rolled up his sleeves at the coffee shop. 
  He follows you to the end of the aisle trying not to look at your ass in those overalls that seem to fit you perfectly. You have a bounce in your step and he can’t for the life of him remember the last time he saw someone so adorably happy. 
  “It’s hard to pick just one. Departure is a great album but Frontiers has some of their best hits.” You chew on your lip again as you flip through the stack. “But Escape has some amazing songs.” 
  He can’t help the smile on his face as he listens to your detailed synopsis, it’s something he could listen to everyday. He’s lucky he’s the only customer in here at the moment. He’d kill someone if they dared interrupt his private hand picked selection from you. 
  “Honestly I would just go with their greatest hits. It has most of the songs you’ll want, maybe missing a few in my opinion.” You say the last part like it’s a special secret that only he and you share. “Don’t mind my rambling…my mom always said I didn’t know what to stop.” Hence the tattoo
  You’re holding it out for him like a silver platter, practically beaming and that little part of his brain ticks away again. This is someone’s soulmate. He takes it from you gently and tucks it under his arm. 
  “We have a player back here if you want to check for any scratches. Everything here is pretty much donated or thrifted by yours truly.” You do a little curtsy and suddenly look nervous for the first time in the conversation. 
  “I actually have to get going but I really appreciate the hand selection.” He doesn’t miss the way your face drops a little and he so badly wants to stay but if he doesn’t leave now, he never will. 
  “I’ll get you rung up so you can get out of here. I’m sure you have very important ‘insurance’ matters to attend to.” He lets out a hearty laugh, one he didn’t know he was still capable of. 
  You enter the total into the old school cash register, everything about this place makes him feel like he’s in the twilight zone. You place it in a paper bag along with a cleaning rag and some random coupons. 
  “Here you go Dave…bring it back if you’re not satisfied.” He’s trying to be completely normal about you… but the way you emphasize satisfied has him thinking inappropriate thoughts. 
  “Thanks hummingbird, I’ll be back soon.” He winks as he exits, the bell chiming above his head. 
  There’s no way he can know your nickname, it’s just a coincidence since he saw your tattoo. Except no one’s called you that in years.
  “Tell me more.” Alicia hasn’t stopped pacing since you got home from work and told her about Dave. 
  “I don’t know what else to say.” You sigh as you stare up at the ceiling from the couch. “He was just easy to talk to.” And extremely attractive, charming, well dressed…
  She leans over the couch as she cradles your head “Oh babe, you’ve got it bad.” 
  “Stop, we talked for like five minutes.” Your best friend knows you better than you know yourself. Something about Dave just felt like more than a chance encounter with a stranger. He cared what you had to say, respected your opinion…
  “I’ve lost you again.” She’s sitting beside you playing with your comfort blanket, giving you that look. 
  “Sorry…I’m just overthinking this. I don’t even know anything about him.” You furrow your brow and she leans over to smooth it out. 
  “Stop that, you’ll get wrinkles.” She’s like a fussy mother sometimes but you love her. “Listen, I'm gonna give you my honest opinion.”
  “I’d be disappointed with anything less.” 
  She grabs your hands and holds them in hers. “I know you just met him, but he sounds nice. So why don’t you just have some fun with it.” 
  Easier said than done.
  “Fine, but I won’t be surprised if I never see him again.” You don’t want to get your hopes up anymore than you already have. 
  “Oh ya I’m sure he won't be able to pull himself away from his ‘insurance job’ to pay you another visit.” She puts the latter in quotations and you both laugh. 
  “So you do agree with me! His job sounds so fake.” You shove her lightly as she leans against the headrest. 
  “I can't judge, I don’t even have a job.” 
  “So what do you do all day?” 
  She taps lightly on her chin, fake pondering. “I mostly sit by the window and sigh until you’re off work.” 
  “Well you should come hang out with me when you’re bored. Who knows you might find yourself a Dave.” You wink at her as you stand from the couch and head over to your record player. 
  “I might take you up on that. If not just to watch you nerd out over music all day.” 
  You playfully flip her off as you flip through your personal stack of vinyls. Some from your dad and some you’ve accumulated over the years. Others more recently from the store when a special one catches your eye. 
  “First of all, you love my taste in music.” You hold up the Prince record and she enthusiastically nods her head. “Second of all, you get to pretend to know all about music on your dates because of muah.” 
  “Touché. Now put that shit on so we can have a dance party.” 
  You cue up the music as she dramatically flings off the blanket. You don’t even have to turn around to know she’s standing behind you with her invisible mic in hand. 
  Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to get through this thing called life. Electric world life, it means forever and that’s a mighty long time. 
  “Must you do this every time?” 
  She grabs you by the collar of your sleep shirt, pulling you face to face with her as you try not to burst out into laughter. 
  But I’m here to tell you there’s something else. The afterworld, a world of never ending happiness. You can always see the sun, day or night. 
  You sigh in her face and bring your invisible mic up. 
  So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills, you know the one. Dr. Everything’ll be alright. 
  You both take a step back and point to each other as the music picks up. These are the moments you live for with your best friend. Soulmate or not. 
  And if the elevator tries to bring you down. Go crazy. 
  Frankie slides into the booth with a pitcher of beer and three glasses. 
  “You find your soulmate yet Fish?” Ben pours a glass missing the way Santi rolls his eyes.
  “Let the man get settled in.” Santi leans over grabbing the freshly poured beer from Ben and hands it to Frankie. 
  Ben sends Frankie an apologetic smile but he waves him off. 
  “It’s only been a few days Ben, but I’m feeling optimistic.” 
  That surprises Santi a little but he would never tell Frankie that he was skeptical of his friend being receptive to this whole ordeal. 
  It wasn’t a lie, Frankie was feeling very optimistic these days. He spent hours reading through the testimonials of people who had success with Dave’s services. After their awkward meeting at the coffee shop Frankie needed to put his mind at ease. Majority of the connections had been made in no less than three to five days. This was the end of day three. If his reputation was as good as people said then he should be expecting a call pretty soon. 
  “How’s Will?” Santi asks, trying to change the subject. 
  “Hopefully on a beach enjoying some overpriced cocktail with his Wife.” Ben tilts his glass toward the other men as they silently cheers.
  His attempt at changing the subject only made Frankie’s mind wander. Thinking of how much fun he had on his honeymoon. How could someone say they were there for better or worse and then decide one day they had enough? He didn’t want to feel like a placeholder in someone’s life. 
  A light buzzing in Frankie’s pocket brings his attention back to the present. Dave’s name illuminates on the screen of his phone. 
  “Sorry, I should take this.” Frankie excuses himself from the table and steps outside the bar. 
  “Hi, Francisco, it’s Dave York. Do you have a minute to talk?” His tone comes off a little apprehensive but he doesn’t want to assume. 
  “Ya I have a minute, what’s up?” 
  “I’ve got a lead I want to follow up on tomorrow.I just wanted to give you an update on how things are going.” 
  “That’s…amazing. Is there any more you can tell me?” He hears Dave sigh on the other end. “I understand if you can’t, obviously you’re the expert, this is all very new to me.” 
  “I don’t like to give too much information, just in case it’s a dead end. I will say this person is only a few hours from you.” 
  Frankie understands what a tough position Dave is in. If this person isn’t his soulmate or for some horrible reason it just doesn’t work out, he’s got his hopes up for no reason. 
  It stings a little knowing that his soulmate isn’t halfway across the world. They’re potentially in his backyard and quite possibly have been for some time. He doesn’t want to get ahead of himself so he tucks that thought away. 
  “Thanks for the update Dave, hope to hear from you soon.” 
  “Hopefully I’ll have some good news for you in the next few days.” 
  Frankie ends the call and enters the bar to rejoin the guys and give them the good news. 
  Dave sits at the hotel lounge, the ice in his drink melted long ago making his whiskey nearly tasteless. 
  He’s lied to clients before, but never for his own benefit. He’s spent most of the day deciding what to do about you. His mind is going in all directions of how he should handle this situation. From the outside the answer is obvious. This was literally what he was hired to do. He’s connected so many people he’s lost count. 
  This isn’t the first time he’s found someone’s soulmate attractive…attraction was only one piece of the puzzle. He’s never felt this level of excitement and anticipation of possibly seeing you again. You didn’t belong to him by nature and yet he felt like you were meant for him to find you. 
  He had to give himself a push in one direction either way, so he decided to call Frankie and tell him he might have found you. There was no going back now, he was going to tell you tomorrow who Frankie is and watch his heartbreak in real time when he sees that look on your face. 
  You belong to someone else
  Dave hovers for a moment outside the store. For some reason he feels more uncomfortable in plain clothes than he does in his suit and tie. His reflection in the window of the store feels foreign as he takes in his t-shirt and jeans appearance. 
  He’s not even sure you’re working today and he’s been trying to catch a glimpse of you in the window but to no avail. Pretty soon he’s going to have to call it a day and head back to the hotel, he thinks he’s getting weird looks from people or perhaps he’s just being paranoid. 
  He sees some movement finally as you make your way down on the isles. You look flustered when he waves at you and he notices a less than happy gentleman hot on your heels as you head to the register. 
  When he enters the store and the bell chimes, the man pays him no mind as he continues to raise his voice about a record being scratched. 
  Dave’s eye twitches a little at the tone he’s taking with you, he clenches his fists at his side as he pretends to look at something in a nearby aisle. 
  You flinch a little as he points his finger in your face.“So there’s nothing you can do for me? That seems a little ridiculous.”He slaps his hands on the counter and Dave inches a little closer. 
  “Sir, we listened to the entire album and it didn’t scratch once. I can offer you a copy if I find one or you can pick out something else.” Your eyes are a little glossy and your voice is quivering. There’s a slow rage building in Dave at the moment that he hasn’t felt since he quit his previous job. “Unfortunately, I can’t offer you a refund, it’s store…”
  The short disgruntled man cuts you off before you can finish and Dave’s had just about enough.
  “I’m sure you can refund me -.” 
  “I’m sorry did you not hear what she said!?” Dave steps behind the man and he turns to protest but swallows his words before he can speak. His nostrils are flared as he stares the man down. “You can take this one.” 
  Dave holds his hand out and you look down realizing you’ve been clutching the vinyl close to your chest. You slowly hand it to him as he asks if ‘you’re okay’. The way his hands brushes yours as he winks at you is enough to make you forget that it’s not just the two of you standing there. He’s completely bewitched you and he’s barely said a thing. 
  The menacing look he gives the man as he hands him the vinyl is quite the inverse to the look he just gave you. The switch was so sudden it made your head spin.The man sends you an apologetic smile and scurries out the front door leaving you with Dave and this unresolved sexual tension building between you. 
  “Are you here by yourself?” He asks as he glances around the store. 
  “Well you’re here at the moment…so no.” He smirks at your obvious flirting.“Thank you by the way…you didn’t have to do that.” 
  “He’s lucky that’s all I did.” Something flashes in his eyes when he says that…
  “You’re pretty intimidating.” 
  He steps closer to you but you don’t move. “You don’t seem intimidated.”
  “That’s because I’m not.” You watch his Adam's apple as he swallows your words, stepping impossibly closer. 
  He’s so close you can smell the mint of his gum mixed with the intoxicating scent of his cologne. His eyes flit to your lips so briefly you might have missed it. 
  The door chimes and you both break apart. 
  “Oh shit!” Alicia stands at the door and smiles at Dave. 
  You try to look anywhere but at her face as he awkwardly clears his throat. 
  “I’ll just…” She points to the back of the store and walks behind Dave down the aisle. She runs her fingers through her hair mouthing ‘oh my god’ as you try to suppress your chuckle. 
  He shakes his head not bothering to turn around and ruin your moment with your friend, he’s certain he recognized her from one of your photos. 
  You practically begged Alicia to visit you at work and of course she picks this exact moment to take you up on your offer. 
  “So what brings you back to the store? Hopefully you don’t want a refund.” His genuine laugh at your joke is drowned out by the sound of music playing. 
  I just died in your arms tonight
It must have been something you said 
  “Oh my god I’m going to kill her.” You hide your face in your hands, unable to hide your embarrassment. 
  I keep looking for something I can’t get
Broken hearts lie all around me
  “Cutting crew…she doesn’t have bad taste.” The look on your face lets him know you’re impressed. 
  Perhaps bad timing but definitely not bad taste. 
  “I ugh…there was something I forgot to give you last time.” Frankie’s information 
  You humm awaiting his response as he nervously tucks his hands into his Jean pockets. “I wanted to give you my number…if you’re alright with that.” 
  Your mouth hangs open in shock. This gorgeous man, who has consumed your thoughts for the last several days, came back just to give you his number. 
  You both react to a squeal from the back as you take note of the music that’s now stopped. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much, it seems he’s not used to using those muscles in his face.
  You pull your phone out of your back pocket and open your contacts. He should feel bad when you hand it to him, but all he feels is excitement as he enters his contact in your phone and hands it back to you. 
  “Bye hummingbird.” 
  You laugh as you glance down at the contact in your phone. Dave-insurance guy
  The door barely closes before Alicia is bolting to the front counter. “I’m sorry I interrupted your moment but holy shit.” She wraps her arms around you as you both jump up and down.
  “Holy shit is right.” You exhale as she holds you close after your impromptu dance moment. “Thank you.” 
  She lets you go, giving you an inquisitive look. “For?”
  “For always being here.” 
  She scoffs mockingly offended by your words. “I will always be here for you.” She kisses you on your forehead. “Hummingbird is new?” 
  “Shut up.” 
  Dave’s finger hovers over the contact in his phone as he sits outside the record store. 
  Make the call Dave 
  “Morales.” His cheery tone is not matched by Dave on the other end. 
  “Francisco, it's Dave. Are you free to meet tomorrow? I'm a little over an hour from you.” 
  Oh no, Frankie can hear the seriousness in his voice even through the phone. He knew he shouldn’t have got his hopes up. He should’ve just told Santiago to leave it alone. 
  “Ya, we can meet at the coffee shop from before.” Frankie hangs up the phone after Dave agrees on a time to meet. 
  Dave smiles down at the phone as the call ends when he sees a text from you. 
  Here’s my number I hope you like texting 🥰
                        Works for me hummingbird 
  Santi reaches for the remote to turn down the tv. “That didn’t sound like good news.” 
  Frankie exhales as he looks up at Santiago. “He wants to meet in person.” It’s safe to assume he doesn’t want to break any bad news to him over the phone. 
  “You want me to come with you?” 
  “No hermano, I should handle this myself.” Frankie sits on the couch next to him and pats him on the shoulder. “I don’t blame you if this doesn’t work out. Maybe it’s just not meant to be, you know.” 
  Santi can never quite explain what goes through his head when he gets these grand ideas, for whatever reason he’s going to leave Frankie out of this one and handle it himself. He knows next to nothing about Dave, but something in his gut is telling him things aren’t quite right. 
  If there was a Guinness book of world records for being late to a job you live down the street from, you’d have the award. 
  The bathroom is still slightly steamy from your shower and you can hardly see yourself in the mirror. You didn’t usually spend so much time on your hair and makeup but if Dave was going to stop by again you wanted to look nice. 
  Your phone pings as you finish the wing on your liner. 
  Dave: Are you free for lunch today? 
          Yes I’m free at 1 if that works for you
  Dave: See you at 1 hummingbird
  You stare at the text with a giddy expression on your face. Your phone is flying out of your hand before you can stop it as you collide with Alicia as you exit the bathroom. 
  “Shit I’m sorry.” 
  She picks up the phone before you, holding it just out of reach. “If I read this…will it be naughty?” You note the playfulness in her tone. 
  “No.” Although the thoughts you’ve been having about him late at night definitely are. 
   She pouts and hands it back to you. “You almost sound disappointed.” 
  You didn’t really mean it to come off that way, but you can’t help but think how long it’s been since you’ve been with anyone. 
  “He asked me out to lunch.” 
  The look on her face is borderline psychotic as she grabs your shoulders. “Please tell me you said yes. I can figure out how to sell records if you need me to cover you, it can’t be that hard. No offense babe.” 
  You giggle at her excited rambles. “Thanks but I usually just close during lunch anyway.” You pry her hands from your shoulders and walk towards her room with her hot on your heels. 
  “Where are you going?” 
  “To your closet to borrow that blue blouse that makes your tits look great.” 
  She moves you aside aggressively shuffling through the hangers. “I meant where are you going to have lunch?” She rips the blouse down and tosses it to you. 
  “I haven’t thought that far ahead.” You glance at the clock as you finish getting dressed. “Shit, I have to go babe. Love you.” 
  You yelp as she slaps your ass when you walk away,she calls out to you just as you're closing the front door. 
  “Don’t do anything I would do.” 
  Dave scrubs his hand across the mirror in the hotel bathroom. Even with the blur he can see the extra lines in his face, his tired eyes illuminating under the bright fluorescent lights. 
  Sleep hadn’t come easy if at all the night before. He was flying so high when he left the store after he gave you his number. 
  He couldn’t get the image out of his mind of you so obviously turned on at his show of protectiveness. Your pupils were blown wide as you inched closer to him. He could practically reach out and touch you. He wanted to kiss your perfect lips and have you pressed into his body. 
  He pictured your hands in place of his as he stroked himself in the shower, your soft voice in his ear and your pliant body beneath him as he came painting the walls of the shower. His mind cleared as the water ran cold. How was he going to explain who he was? His job was a lie, besides for his name, everything he told you was a lie. 
  There was no rational thought when it came to you. A night of no sleep didn't make the situation any better. He’s asking you to lunch before his brain can catch up with the action. You’re saying yes before he can stop the train that’s in motion. 
  He keeps telling himself he’ll figure the rest out later…but later was coming up on him fast and he needed to come up with a solution. 
  Thankfully Frankie wanted to meet early. That would give him plenty of time to get there and back and pick up lunch for the both of you. Maybe in the meantime he’ll come up with a plan…or he’ll continue on as he is completely fragmented from reality. 
  He was determined to get here before Dave
  Frankie’s starting to hate this coffee shop. It tastes a little more bitter than the last time. The lights are just a little too bright for his liking. The noise is just a little too much. Everything seems turned up too high and he wants to crawl out of his skin. 
  He talked about this with his therapist. When he starts to feel like this he should take a few deep breaths and try to ground himself. With every deep breath he tries to take, it’s like his lungs won’t fill up enough. 
  Maybe he should’ve let Santiago come with him
  “Hey Francisco.” 
  Frankie nearly jumps out of his skin when Dave greets him at the table. His whole demeanor is much lighter than the first time they met here. 
  Dave takes in his frazzled appearance…he’s like a caged animal ready to strike. Dave’s seen this look before, in others but mostly himself. 
  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
  Frankie waves him off. “It’s fine…just had too much coffee.” His smile doesn’t quite meet his eyes. “You can call me Frankie by the way.” Formalities out the window when you’ve hired someone to find the love of your life. 
  Dave swallows thick at the way Frankie disarms a little. The last thing he needs is to start liking the guy who’s girl he’s stealing. Even admitting it to himself feels like an incredible violation. 
  “Listen Francis…Frankie-.”
  “Before you start.” 
  They chuckle after speaking simultaneously and Frankie clears his throat. “Look…it didn’t sound on the phone like you had good news. So please just give it to me straight.” 
  Dave looks away from his eyes, focusing on his large hands virtually dwarfing the small coffee cup. Focus
  “I found a lead, but it turned out to be a dead end. Trust me these things take time and I’m working as hard as I can.” Lies
  Frankie briefly removed his hat to run his fingers through his hair. “Thank you, I really appreciate it. I know we got off on the wrong foot but it means a lot that you’re trying.” Being paid to at least 
  Albeit a flimsy bridge, they manage to bridge some gap that had formed when they first met. Dave almost forgets he needs to make his way back in time to meet you for lunch. 
  They say their goodbyes and part ways. 
  Santiago watches Dave exit the cafe from across the street as he starts up the car.
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Taglist- @missladym1981 @legendary-pink-dot @brittmb115 @christinamadsen @heavennumber2 @anoverwhelmingdin @guelyury @hannahkatharine @heareball @vabeachazn @frogjumps-world
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pixalry · 2 years
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Rear Window - Created by Doug John Miller
You can follow the artist on Instagram and Twitter.
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geekynerfherder · 1 year
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'Rear Window' by Patrik Svensson.
Officially licensed 24" x 36" screen print, in a numbered Regular edition of 100 for $50; and a numbered Variant edition of 50 for $60.
On sale Thursday September 28 at 12pm ET through Bottleneck Gallery.
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