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andre-amitac-tsa · 6 years ago
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#tsa , @tsa_retro . New #audiosetup for #moderation . #lavaliermicrophone + #headsets + #yconnect for in/out #automixer . This and @twitch.justepyx Video Recording System and #realtimelayers makes it possible to enhance our little #letsplayshow https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Ord6YIP4s/?igshid=1vm0py7lkkh9m
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
.@california @california @texas @ny @la @chicago @tokyo @london @paris #101 #on #qanon #q @cnn @voxdotcom @ reuters @ap @amnesty @hrw @all @world @potus @gop @thedemocrats @bbc_whys @franc e24 @q @qanon the world the civillians are organised and ruled with secretive in tel control methods. these are organised in decentralised competing networks which are higly synchronised. inthis brutal ruthless monstrous realtimelayer somany worse things happen than fucking up kids. the pervert s organise as the homos as the criminals and anyone else. think of it as a jungle or the sea with allkinds of creatures in it. in this one of the creature would be a crab. and that wouldbe besides porning also doin g what all do_ use a secretive supermedicine based on leecheries inthis case to torture little morty s (ricka ndmorty metaphore) for horrid reasons youwouldhave spirituals churches that porn anything so minors  soyou wouldhave their counter spirituals youwouldhave government networks and civillia n networks youwouldhave good brave trading fleets trying todothe right thing and youwouldhave grumpy rebellious supergirls and allkinds of networks selling you underhumans a phone wouldbe an alibi to leech lifetime forinstance that wouldbe called then redgold and wou ldget lets say a letter R thisis the world youlive in controlled with the rea ldeal security layer for decades with intelcoma drugs and immunisation against it friends of mankind the n ormal clueless civil populations maybe pedos and perverts too as they can exploit them but noot necessarily h arm them more than many other monsters do all is relative its fullof parents that set em up bad and early fo r bad  and fullof serious harms of alltypes theremayb e currently an uprising of the humiliated slaves inthat laayer and getting all rebellious to obey  so a bioweapon is used a pathogen a virus itis real and i t kills  wear a mask reshuffled air inclosed rooms is doom allthebest ///  #this #is #how #we #repa ir #the #world @all .@all .@odnigov .@nsagov .@gchq  @bbcr4 @bbc_whys @bbcworld #prepper #report #thefffff?!? !?  brains are associationmachines. things reminds you of things but it does not make it so. thismeans if a security system fsxcktup for waytoolong instead reform, tries to reform or reboot the control and get all to obey with badthings, the right thing todo is ahve a say how moral youwanttherules how fffffffriggin balanceof powers checks andbalances and damnsure limited timeperi ods power justifies to who and then you compensatevictims all do and focus on what youpaythepopulationfor tobe cutting edge leading the competiive economies constantly efforting selfactualsiation e a c h and so thatthe y can makeit and dontget frauded w h a t t t h e y d o i t for.  aaaaaaandtherich ifthey want a society back t hey puillalong thattttttttt  instead underhuman statuses. all starts in a horror pit. whichyou made. thereis a l o t of brink frenchrevolutionmess likely hmm t h a t youdonot want to go youant a hard grip on power checks and balances and that serious make em sweat for it and justify themselves but elt em do things you all chos e to actually do  a f t e r each light spotlight highlgihted each issue aspect  @ all @world I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Indep endent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@california @california @texas @ny @la @chicago @tokyo @london @paris #101 #on #qanon #q @cnn @voxdotcom @reuters @ap @amnesty @hrw @all @world @potus @gop @thedemocrats @bbc_whys @france24 @q @qanon
the world the civillians are organised and ruled with secretive intel control methods. these are organised in decentralised competing networks which are higly synchronised.
inthis brutal ruthless…
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
#101 #on #qanon #q @cnn @voxdotcom @reuters @ap @amnesty @hrw @all @world @potus @gop @thedemocrats @bbc_ whys @france24 @q @qanon the world the civillians are organised and ruled with secretive intel control me thods. these are organised in decentralised competing networks which are higly synchronised. inthis br utal ruthless monstrous realtimelayer somany worse things happen than fucking up kids. the perverts organise as the homos as the criminals and anyone else. think of it as a jungle or the sea with allkinds of cre atures in it. in this one of the creature would be a crab. and that wouldbe besides porning also doing wha t all do_ use a secretive supermedicine based on leecheries inthis case to torture little morty s (rickan dmorty metaphore) for horrid reasons youwouldhave spirituals churches that por n anything so minors  soyouwouldhave their counter spirituals youwouldhave gov ernment networks and civillian networks youwouldhave good brave trading fleets trying todothe right thi ng and youwouldhave grumpy rebellious supergirls and allkinds of networks selling you underhumans a phone wouldbe an alibi to leech lifetime forinstance that wouldbe called then redgold and wouldget lets say a l etter R thisis the world youlive in controlled wit h the realdeal security layer for decades with intelcoma drugs and immunisation against it friends of m ankind the normal clueless civil populations maybe pedos and perverts too as they can exploit them but noot necessarily harm them more than many other monsters do all is relative its fullof parents that set em up bad and early for bad  and fullof serious harms of alltypes theremaybe currently an uprising of the humi liated slaves inthat laayer and getting all rebellious to obey  so a biowea pon is used a pathogen a virus itis real and it kil ls  wear a mask reshuffled air inclosed rooms is do om allthebest ///  #this #is #how #we #repair #the #world @all .@all .@od nigov .@nsagov .@gchq  @bbcr4 @bbc_whys @bbcworld #prepper #report #thefffff?!? !?  brains are associationmachines. things reminds you of things but it does not m ake it so. thismeans if a security system fsxcktup for waytoolong instead reform, tries to reform or rebo ot the control and get all to obey with badthings, the right thing todo is ahve a say how moral youwanttheru les how fffffffriggin balanceof powers checks andbalances and damnsure limited timeperiods power justifies to who and then you compensatevictims all do and focus on what youpaythepopulationfor tobe cutting edge leadi ng the competiive economies constantly efforting selfactualsiation e a c h and so thatthey can makeit and dontget frauded w h a t t t h e y d o i t for.  aaaaaaandtherich ifthey want a society back they puillalong thattttttttt  instead underhuman statuses. all starts in a horror pit. whichyou made. thereis a l o t of brink frenchrevolutionmess likely hmm t h a t youdonot want to go youant a hard grip on power checks and bala nces and that serious make em sweat for it and justify themselves but elt em do things you all chose to ac tually do  a f t e r each light spotlight highlgihted each issue aspect  @all @ world I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 H elpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#101 #on #qanon #q @cnn @voxdotcom @reuters @ap @amnesty @hrw @all @world @potus @gop @thedemocrats @bbc_whys @france24 @q @qanon
the world the civillians are organised and ruled with secretive intel control methods. these are organised in decentralised competing networks which are higly synchronised.
inthis brutal ruthless monstrous realtimelayer somany worse things happen than fucking up kids.…
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
#qanon #q @all @world @potus @gop @thedemocrats @bbc_whys @france24 @q @qanon the world the civillian s are organised and ruled with secretive intel control methods. these are organised in decentralised com peting networks which are higly synchronised. inthis brutal ruthless monstrous realtimelayer somany w orse things happen than fucking up kids. the perverts organise as the homos as the criminals and anyone els e. think of it as a jungle or the sea with allkinds of creatures in it. in this one of the creature would be a crab. and that wouldbe besides porning also doing what all do_ use a secretive supermedicine ba sed on leecheries inthis case to torture little morty s (rickandmorty metaphore) for horrid reasons yo uwouldhave spirituals churches that porn anything so minors  soyouwouldhave t heir counter spirituals youwouldhave government networks and civillian network s youwouldhave good brave trading fleets trying todothe right thing and youwouldhave grumpy rebellious supergirls and allkinds of networks selling you underhumans a phone wouldbe an alibi to leech lifetime forinstance that wouldbe called then redgold and wouldget lets say a letter R thisis the world youlive in controlled with the realdeal security layer for decades with intelcoma drugs and immunisation against it friends of mankind the normal clueless civi l populations maybe pedos and perverts too as they can exploit them but noot necessarily harm them more th an many other monsters do all is relative its fullof parents that set em up bad and early for bad  an d fullof serious harms of alltypes theremaybe currently an uprising of the humiliated slaves inthat laaye r and getting all rebellious to obey  so a bioweapon is used a pathogen a virus itis real and it ki lls  wear a mask reshuffled air inclosed rooms is doom allthebest ///  #this #is #how #we #repai r #the #world @all .@all .@odnigov .@nsagov .@gchq  @bbcr4 @bbc_whys @bbcworld #prepper #report #theffff f?!?!?  brains are associationmachines. things rem inds you of things but it does not make it so. thismeans if a security system fsxcktup for waytoolong inst ead reform, tries to reform or reboot the control and get all to obey with badthings, the right thing tod o is ahve a say how moral youwanttherules how fffffffriggin balanceof powers checks andbalances and damns ure limited timeperiods power justifies to who and then you compensatevictims all do and focus on what youp aythepopulationfor tobe cutting edge leading the competiive economies constantly efforting selfactualsiat ion e a c h and so thatthey can makeit and dontget frauded w h a t t t h e y d o i t for.  aaaaaaandtheri ch ifthey want a society back they puillalong thattttttttt  instead underhuman statuses. all starts in a horror pit. whichyou made. thereis a l o t of brink frenchrevolutionmess likely hmm t h a t youdonot want to go youant a hard grip on power checks and balances and that serious make em sweat for it and justify th emselves but elt em do things you all chose to actually do  a f t e r each light spotlight highlgihted ea ch issue aspect  @all @world I am Christian KISS Baby AWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ In [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#qanon #q @all @world @potus @gop @thedemocrats @bbc_whys @france24 @q @qanon
the world the civillians are organised and ruled with secretive intel control methods. these are organised in decentralised competing networks which are higly synchronised.
inthis brutal ruthless monstrous realtimelayer somany worse things happen than fucking up kids. the perverts organise as the homos as the criminals…
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