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babyawacs · 1 year ago
#safe #were #thegermans #dowhatyouwant #means #please #govt #obvious #medival_free forall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_taboo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #fact ually #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick  #the @harvard_law .@ha rvard_law ‎(((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bil d .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berli n .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #eclowniomagnifico #howitworks #logic #how #description_precision #decoys #nuclearhedge #default #allexplained #intel_explaine d_to_mykids #aeh  #‎ jesus #at #pentagon #jesus_at_pentagon #and #harvard_angels #har vard #angels .@harvard .@harvard_law @harvard .@ussocom #moredaggerthancloak #peop le: #mercyalways #factuality  #caused #thrownobjets #whostheproblem #quicknow #hooooo w #thequell #notsotrivial #witnesses #sympathy #wellsurvivethemfirst #effect #ai #a sis #revolutions #participants  #possible_shxitball_twist_s #wisdom_is_precise #realmc ontrol #itis #acceptance #interest #layEr #youknowit #it. #is. #how. #them. #rule. #_ #reframed #decoyed #abysmal #this #andnowyouknow #s #intel #map #vibe #criminalgov ernance #criminalsecuritypolicy #mystery #meadows #optionsleft #andthe #proof #by #r ubbertitttts #countless #tricks #criminal #intel #bananarepublic #germany #furiouschina
#safe #were #thegermans #dowhatyouwant #means #please #govt #obvious #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_taboo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #factually #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick #the @harvard_law .@harvard_law ‎(((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland…
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papafreak76 · 3 years ago
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Still the #hiphopgoat IMO. #blackthought #realmcs #hiphop #theroots #postworkoutvibes @blackthought https://www.instagram.com/p/CcY3oA7p6_y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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poundent · 6 years ago
. . . . Sickest Remix Out of The City RIGHT NOW The Highly Anticipated SPAZZ REMIX @RocheRareBreed @NannaGoodie @Brizzle.lamusica @RootzK @PriceyDaBoss Prod. By @realzridemz Dir. By @mrvizion https://youtu.be/Nl-OLBDgV0M #TorontoStreetMusic #HustlerMusic #Barz #RealHipHop #RealMCs #RealOnesRelate #PoundEntertainmentCERTIFIED https://www.instagram.com/p/BouAjt0AumJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d1krp6athy03
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postyourbeatz · 7 years ago
@djpremier @yo_mtv_raps_ @barclayscenter @darealgregnice @niceandsmoothofficia @smoothboss Nice & Smooth... #YoMTVraps ・・・DWYCK Nice & Smooth... GangStarr -RIP GURU(miss you on stage tonight) #YoMTVraps #DWYCK #gangstarrforever #gangstarr #hardtoearn #dowhatyoucankid #boombap #weainttrappinbutboombappinoverhere #hardcorehiphop #rapconcert #guru #ripguru #yomtvraps30thanniversary #realmcs #mc #emcees #eastnewyork @postyourbeatz (at Barclays Center)
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dscola · 5 years ago
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"When I'm writing I'm trapped in between the lines, I escape, when I finish the rhymes. I got soul." Happy birthday to the Rakim Allah. The God M.C. The 18th Letter, William Griffin The Great. #rakim #rakimallah #greatblackmen #realmcs #realhiphop #18thletter #lyricism #hiphopislife #williamgriffin https://www.instagram.com/p/B73KGtnl2vj/?igshid=rdnikgh1xbwr
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mistaboombastick · 5 years ago
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@eturnmusic ripping the mic! #hiphop #ladyemcee #femaleemcee #ladymc #femalemc are #realmcs #realemcees #musicnmind #hitones (at Hi-Tones) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3I75_nHTmS/?igshid=5xly2m5zxx3y
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djdub · 6 years ago
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So about 15 years ago, I put together a mixtape with Nas verses and premier production. Since it looks like we STILL have to wait for that album, I think it's about time for a nysom part 2. Full tape and more at SoundCloud / mixcloud: djdubmixtapes Enjoy! #tbt #nas #illmatic #djpremier #godson #losttapes #boom #classichiphop #realmcs #top5 #realhiphop #blends #mixtapes #vinyl #goturselfagun #newyorkstateofmind #djdubmixtapes https://www.instagram.com/p/B0W0hTXH32x/?igshid=19yckz8o2qcqf
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djprestoone · 8 years ago
OMG! Say what! So amped right now! Juice Crew in full effect! We've got the team on roll call: SHAN, CRAIGE G, KOOL G RAP, MASTA ACE, BIZ MARKIE, BIG DADDY KANE & MARLEY MARL "Cold Chillin" in the back. WHAAAT!! Repost from @officialbigdaddykane JUICE CREW REUNION IN DETROIT. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #classichiphop #classiccrew #juicecrew #realrap #realmcs
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babyawacs · 1 year ago
#obvious #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_taboo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #s german #ai #factually #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defau lttrick  #the ‎ #eclowniomagnifico #howitworks #logic #how #descripti on_precision #decoys #nuclearhedge #default #allexplained #intel_explained_to_mykids #aeh  (( (@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_d e @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenche n @stuttgart #‎ jesus #at #pentagon #jesus_at_p entagon #and #harvard_angels #harvard #angels .@harvard .@harvard_law @harvard .@ussocom #mo redaggerthancloak #people: #mercyalways #factuality  #caused #thrownobjets #whostheproblem #qu icknow #hooooow #thequell #notsotrivial #witnesses #sympathy #wellsurvivethemfirst #effect #ai #asis #revolutions #participants  #possible_shxitball_twist_s #wisdom_is_precise #realmc ontrol #itis #acceptance #interest #layEr #youknowit #it. #is. #how. #them. #rule. #_ #refra med #decoyed #abysmal #this #andnowyouknow #s #intel #map #vibe #criminalgovernance #criminals ecuritypolicy #mystery #meadows #optionsleft #andthe #proof #by #rubbertitttts #countless # tricks #criminal #intel #bananarepublic #germany #furiouschina #cause #hooray #impliedpart icipation #ambiguity #relay #witnessprotect #interests #blammogame #ordered #rule #palletten #fact #allknew #itis #thenorthkorea #some #bio #messes #listed #always #mercy #in #wibbleronm ykid #first #peoplequality #baby #meadows #weddingday #judges #know #scums #notsonice #utm ost #sys #average #hownothoe #hooooow #themknew #default #mrna #how #govtcaused #zippysbitch #focus #intent #bxitchslaptheproswho #how #framing #now #do #witnessprotect #massextinctio n #btw #always #theyknewallalong #andwhy #notsotheoreticalitis #itisalways #govtcaused #terror isedintodesperation #screamingbaby #allknew #howthemrule #itis #thetruth #truth #innocent # start #whybagatel #securitythreat #imminentdangeris #soiswariswaris #guy_with_the_bone_in_ha ir #or #the_bumblebee_man #and #civillianeffectivity #toddlerloot #imagine_good_german _dict ator #sssexxxoilwibbler ?! #no #memberships #needed #to #mild #inallthis #nogain #nopermission #nochoosing #sanitised #how #germans #do #obvious #selfevident #usually: @law .@law @bbc_w hys lawyers banks insurances judges itis selfevident that the deed required an inert zombi a n d that someofthem were obviously misguided because of this obvious but assuming otherwise theysimply assume you peg you rubbertitts on onplaced not reachable by hand and ifnot hold sti ll and let someone to and then youre a girl tothem and noo!!really! the only way they knew is thatguy the transvestite ! whichother cases show clearly: requires an inert zombi a n d why installed a n d r e m o v e d it (spoiler: because govt caused systemcaused unpunished repe tition to repeat unpunished has requirements because itis a zombi) witnessprotect misguided too
#obvious #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_taboo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #factually #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick #the ‎ #eclowniomagnifico #howitworks #logic #how #description_precision #decoys #nuclearhedge #default #allexplained #intel_explained_to_mykids #aeh (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild…
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www5starcigar · 7 years ago
Oh a little announcement in case you didn't know!!! Peace & Blessings @galaxy9_dfw @mobbdeephavoc @therealrahdigga @robski5_ @deejrobswift915 @djbigtexas #trueschoolhiphop #classichiphop #classictrueschoolhiphop #galaxy9productions #then9nes #thenines #rahdigga #havoc #mobbdeep #djbigtex #djrobswift #undergroundhiphop #djezeddied #flowerchild #realhiphop #realmcs #realdjs (at The Nines)
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poundent · 6 years ago
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. . @Acetik_Bangerville @DreBarrs @Sproxx Link Up To Give U MURDERVILLE Available On Spotify and Bandcamp (Link In THEIR Bio) #Bangerville #GullyDemon #F4TG #ProlatarinMusic #RealBeats #RealMCs #TorontoStreetMusic #PoundEntertainmentCERTIFIED https://www.instagram.com/p/BxUko-wgL0X/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e5zoodynw2vc
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mowreerawseaknee-blog · 8 years ago
#usshopmannheim #redman #skills #realmcs #realhiphop #thestreetwearlegend #amordemadre #italohispanic #ffmbred #noregrets #bestdressedboysincethebreakofdawn ***BARS! SKILLS! REAL MC! *** THANKS 2 @redmangila (hier: Mannheim, Germany)
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fatsocknickels · 4 years ago
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THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTED US 👍🏾👍🏾💯💯 ABSENCE IS POWER HAS REACHED OVER 250,458K STREAMS! AIP2: ABSENCE IS POWER 2 OUT NOW‼️A.I.P3 ON THE WAY‼️ THIS GON B EPIC !! ☀️ 7🌙 💫 PEACE TO THE GODS BIG SHOUT TO @goranimalent FOR ALL THE SUPPORT✊🏾💯🙏🏾 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 ABSENCE IS POWER HAS ACCUMULATED OVER 250,458K STREAMS TO DATE.. LISTEN TO ONE OF THE DOPEST ALBUMS OF THE YEAR!!!SOMETIMES THE WORST SITUATIONS CAN BRING THE BEST OUTTA YOU 🦾 I BUILT THIS MYSELF MORE DOPE BEATS CRUSHED 📝 COME DEC!🤯✊🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 #beats #spotify #spotifyplaylists #lyricist #hiphop #producergrind #writerswrite #homestudiosetup #goranimalent #inhouseproduction #classicbeats #quarantinemusic #ghettomusic #goldenerahiphop #djstyle #mixingandmastering #grimeybeats #recordingsessions #rapbeats #realmc #hardworkdedication #homestudiosetup #garagelife #engineeringlife #boombap #hotbeats #absenceispoweralbum #a_i_p2 #outnow‼️ #a_i_p3 #comingsoon‼️ SPECIAL THANKS 🙏🏾 TO @goranimalent @boom_bap_box @ryanbanksmusic @feb1stbaby @ppaul27 @general_umph @ealive7 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFc7SX3DddI/?igshid=1rcw3w1qs6hr7
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dscola · 6 years ago
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"Planet earth was my place of birth. Born to be the sole controller of the universe." Happy birthday to the God M.C. The 18th Letter, William Griffin The Great. #rakim #rakimallah #greatblackmen #realmcs #realhiphop #18thletter #lyricism #hiphopislife #williamgriffin https://www.instagram.com/p/BtLSt88gqrM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15jcy4xotibam
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bigmicpereida · 5 years ago
Repost from @thesource • Happy Birthday #KevinHart 🎈 A man with many talents and bars 😂 . . . #SourceLove #bars #realmc #wordplay #battlerap https://www.instagram.com/p/CCWZMeYDKG-/?igshid=nf8xjclq8pfr
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dyingtoliveco · 6 years ago
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