hailtothebubble · 4 months
i avoided talking about the damn blog for so long but there's something an amount of freeing to just talk shit about it again. rock lee shedding the weights
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deep-sea-anemone · 4 months
Jeez, I forgot how dangerous collecting things is
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If I cried over you, I really loved you.
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gravity-what · 8 months
At which point Chase started showing up more and more and eventually met Omi who had a tendency to essentially just stick around the dojo all day like he had nowhere else to be.
Oh oh oh, I know why Chase hangs around the dojo with nowhere to be since he's hiding out there, but Omi? Can I ask what Omi was up to?
Omi is still an orphan in this AU (which I really haven’t expanded much on in my mind) which means he really doesn’t have anyone really caring all that much about where he is as long as he is with someone willing to look after him. he goes to school in the morning and then goes to the dojo in the afternoon and stays there until Dashi says “okay kid. I’m closing up. Time to head home.”
Omi spends his time at the dojo because he really likes fighting and watching everyone else spar. He really likes watching the adults spar because they are really good and he wants to be that good one day!! Dashi sometimes lets Omi stick around for Guan’s private lessons but not all the time, mostly because Guan keeps odd hours and a lot of the time Guan’s private lessons are late at night (like, 9pm). Dashi lives above the dojo so he doesn’t reallycare but he doesn’t like Omi walking home in the dark.
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sarasade · 1 year
Your latest viravos fanart actually made me realize that viravos aside, Aaravos probably views Virens body in a slightly messed up way. Although that Aaravos doesn't reallycare about bodily autonomy has been made clear with Callum, Viren throughout their relationship willingly gives Aaravos control over it. I am still curious how 'I see you, my vessel' is hopefully going to have consequences. But also Aaravos going from Virens ear to his eye to his throat and full-on body possession + repairing
edit: this ask was 2 parter
"or as you wrote it 'putting Virens body' back together with Claudias help, might give an Elv the idea that VIrens body and by extension Viren himself belong to him, especially since Viren (after a bit of manipulation) gives in so easily. I am actually betting on their being a scene either with Viren confronting Aaravos or Claudia confronting/talking to a Aaravospossessed!Viren where Aaravos is amused by being told that Viren(s body) doesn't belong to him."
Yeah. Aaravos seems to view humans, or at least Claudia, Viren and Callum, as means to an end. It's kind of interesting since Viren is similarly utilitarian. Many parallers in this series. What is 'I see you, my vessel' a reference to? One of the OST songs? Aaravos's theme?
I'm very much interested in seeing what Aaravos will need Viren for exactly. Why not just use Claudia? maybe bringing Viren back to life was just as much about teaching and shaping Claudia to Aaravos's liking.
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i dont even reallycare about the beatles but these are only the facts.. george the most beautiful beatle. paul the girl beatle. john the gayest beatle or at least the only beatle i can say with certainty has had gay sex. what about ringo. i dont know. what about him
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achiels · 1 year
oh i feel so sick to my stomach every time my mom does something idont ask for i dont care for i dont find necessary and then it ends up becoming a problem or something specifically with my mom putting a fan in my doorway i did not ask for it i said i dont reallycare she insisted she put it there and i tell her i dont like having my door cracked open because i just dont like it and having the fan in my doorway well. surprise requires my door to be open. anyways my sister asks me if the fan is mine i tell her mom put it there i didnt ask for it and she was like well i keep tripping onnit cause its too far out in the hallway which yes oops my fault i moved it further out so i could shut my fuckinggg door anyways my sister decides on her own to crack the door for me and put the fan in there even though i didnt tell her to. and its like. holy shit. holy shit. its so lame but im so mad about it because come on. i said i didnt make the decision to have the fan there. i dont want it there. its shut out for a reason and im very sorry its in the hallway im very sorry you tripped on it but dont put it back in my room. this post is lagging my phone.
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gayspock · 3 months
its also crazy how i manage to suck at everything sometimes i think every time i try i jsut get worse and ifeel just like dogshit because it seems to be everything, no matter what i do. and i think its funny when ppl say you just need to keep at it, or they try to help me and then they see me =actually making a god honest attempt at something for like even for 10 seconds and theres this instant burning anger, annoyance and frustration at how much im cocking it all up. and if i mention this will happen to them,apparently im stupid and overdramatic and insane andyet every single time it happens without fail. smiley emoji. i wish i could just do something and its not like i have to be anything brilliant i wish i could do something and just get some satisfaction or some feel some kind of relief or like wow i did a good job for once but i dont have enjoyment for anyhting any more and even if i can manage to feel some of it i jsut get overwhelmed with frustration and upset or someone brings me back down to reality and its jsut mortifying and humiliating all at once . and i wish it didnt have to be like that and again and again its one of those things "youre being too sensitive you're being x y z you have to fail at first" its like i feel myself fucking start to just lose it because god!!! god do i FUCKING. KNOW. THAT. whatever like okay i wont get mad whatever its like i know that i fucking know that i have to keep trying ive been told that for the past 20 fucking years or whatever just itsjsut too much to fucking get through any more. when its everything, all the fucking time, over and over and voer again. no matter how hard i try. and its always just a game of diminishing return, where its just activelyt making me so fucking miseranle and its just when everything else in life is so fucking lacking and youre so fucking alone. i feel so fucking pathetic at it that i keep having towork so much harder and spend so much more time and energy just to fucking find myself in mediocrity and have to consider that a win and. like i cant fucking find the strength of conviction or whateer to have to repeatedly eat dogshit and i keep thinking abouthow thats even worse to everyone that i am the failure the giver upper does anytone feel a bit nuts sometimes. forgive the childishnessbut i fuckgin hate being alive so fucking much i fucking hate havingto do it all and do i t all alone and cry alone and be msierable alone and the second you cant take it any mroe youre just a fucking loser and a failure and a quitter and theres this just fucking feeling of jsut like. youre so not fucking worth it. do youknow what i mean. i keep thinking abotu how you just have to keep doing it for fuckingforever and not have anyone fucking there and to do what to do fucking what to prove whatto people who dont reallycare when the reality is if i fucking end it nwo im going to be so fukcing happy finally and like even if i didnt . i dont fucking know man you know that fucking disco elysium quote . sorry THIS is cringe . "but i dont want to getmy shit together" (any more) (because i cant fucking do it and i dont have it in me any more to keep trying to do it because it gwets me nowhere and theres no one to care etc. etc. like) "and then the world will leave you behind" and i jsut feel like crying because i feel like i was left behindso much fucking longer ago even when i did try and i dont know what difference its ever going to make when theonly help you ever get is deadends thrown at you and ineffective services that dont work and at the end oftheday even when you give it everything you have its never enough and noobyd wants you still and you still go into the Real World and nobodys ever going to have patience orlove for you or care and youre still so miserable and fucking even more exhausted haivng achieved fucking what . i dont fucking know any mre . IS ANYONE CRAZY.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
The Residents & Romance.
In the Castle.
Hiroki Nakamura: Very unsure, bisexual, wants someone who will rule with him and not just be a place holder. Is afraid of handing the burdens of the Kingdom to someone else especially with his complicated relationship with the Kingdom.
Akira Senju: Bisexual. Married to his work, virgin, to naive to realize someone is flirting with him or even when he likes someone.
Amir Samaha: Closed homosexual, nervous around attractive men, thinks his homelife is far to difficult to drag someone into. Feels sexual attraction quicker than love.
In Town.
Wyatt Cross: Fucks anything with legs. IS AN ASSHOLE. Does not believe in romance / love / gentle relationships. IS AN ASSHOLE. Has never been in a normal, stable relationship. Has had a lot of sex. Bit of a whore.
Luka Reid: Closed off, bisexual, simply doesn't want to deal with romantic situations at all.
In the Academy.
Satoru Matsuki: Bisexual. Is very nervous in romantic situations, worse in sexual, considers all of it very inconvenient and complicated with himself. Has never had sex sober.
Casimir Rose: Panromantic / bisexual, Doesn't believe in love. Doesn't believe he can have a normal relationship given what he is. Falls VERY EASILY and ends up with his heart broken. Wants so badly for real love.
Outskirts (lost manor).
Eric: Doesn't really label himself but enjoys either gender. His heart is ripped out and buried he can't feel emotions normally, he doesn't realize when he likes someone, his body reacts before anything else does.
Zero: Bisexual. Has no soul, fairly certain he is incapable of making it work. Bound to the manor and Eric. His existance is fairly complicated so he doesn't want to drag anyone else into it..
Adriel: Enjoys both genders a lot, mostly polyamorous, has a crush on Ceto. He loves romance and the ties that bind people. He enjoys romance a lot. Can come off as rather cold but is actually a very caring person. He just is awkward.
The Great Forest.
Toshiro Kobayashi: Bisexual. Believes in true mates, is young enough to believe in romance and love at first sight.
Elliot: Leans more towards men, bisexual overall. He sells his body at the bar (not seuxally for Vampires to feed from). Doesn't consider romance much really.
Elijah: Bisexual, falls rather easily, nervous about following through with that because of his son though. He doesn't want to let anyone in to easily and have both of their hearts broken.
Ceto: Doesn't reallycare for genders or anything, enjoys people overal. Has a crush on Adriel back (neither of them know it), doesn't trust people easily, definitely cold and hateful. He can be a nice person, it's better when Adriel is around.
Chyrvin: Bisexual. Very happy person. Loves a lot and loves easily. Considdering he is the reason Ceto is cursed he worries about letting people close that they might get hurt because of him.
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My parents were assholes I spent my whole childhood unloved and unwanted that the slightest bit off affection while i appreciate it having people love me acutally reallycare terrifiys me I can't help but wonder do I deserve it?
And after everything i've done its harder to accept that I deserve love i only end up wrecking everyone around me sooner or later im alone and im afraid now im afraid im gonna fuck things over or one secret will come out and these kids wont look at me the same way again I don't know if i can handle the disappointment in those big eyes they look up to me I don't want to diappoint them I don't want them to stop caring I don't think this old heart can take more heartache i've lost so many people
I don't want it to be alone again but its so confusing when I got affection from eric i I run I've always been so good at running
Thanks for listening id talk to my therapist but I don't really trust that guy he seems shady
(KEVIN??) ( i didnt have a guy in mind then my brain went wait KEVIN)
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i hope u know ur the reason ppl take the trans community as nothing more than a joke
that’s crazy but i dont reallycare sorry also it’s kinda fucked up to blame all the atrocities that befall the community on people just trying to live their lives dont u think
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snobgoblin · 2 years
my superpower is being wrong 90% of the time but being able to convince others I'm right 100% of the time
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mango-shpango · 5 years
Really bored so ask me some stuff
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forgedraptor · 6 years
can we have a junkrat thats just absolutely terrible with humans, but brilliant and great with animals??
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reaperkaneki · 6 years
Y'ALL SO. i'm apparently... NOT working the overnights which im sad as hell about :( (i wanted to like. wear sweats and eat mcdonalds and move shelves or whatever.)
BUT store manager said that i'm going to be.... learning the backroom! because one of our receivers is gonna be doing the overnight i'm gonna.... sub in for her for a week i guess. spicy
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