#really wish i could paint literally any pictures right now
rhysintherain · 4 months
All the 'how to make your home feel like outdoor spaces' articles online are like
'Have more houseplants!'
'Paint things green!'
'Copy this Mediterranean patio room!'
Cool, got anything that won't die if I forget to water 500 plants?
Or something that feels like the woods around here rather than a tropical resort?
I come from a place where you actively have to fight off the nature to keep it from eating your yard, I just want my livingroom to feel like that with minimal upkeep.
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81folklore · 2 months
i can do it with a broken heart - f1 grid
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parings: gn!driver!reader x platonic!f1!grid x ex!jacob elordi
summary: after yn and their ex break up, they carry on as best they can and no one had any idea how bad they were struggling
type: social media au (smau)
notes: george is in this but he does not drive for mercedes, yn does. i also used a mixture of fem and masc pictures because i couldnt decide and thought you could just imagine whatever you wish!!
notes 2: probably the longest fic ive done so far but im pretty proud of it. the time stamps above each section are semi important so i would keep an eye on them!! also i know ive been gone for so long but i do not promise ill be back. alsoooo i know i only included a bit of the grid but i kept getting distracted and then couldn’t figure out how to include everyone!!
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march 2024
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charles oh my god i cant believe my cat is finally the pfp
i have been waiting for YEARS
max yes well you better enjoy it because it’ll change soon and you’ll be back to waiting again.
lando jesus max do you have to use punctuation???
alex be glad he doesnt use captials
oscar one thing at a time lando, we dont want to scare him
max ???
lando anyway
yn mate you ok?
yourname im fine? ur scaring me you never ask how i am
lando yeah but usually your not single
lewis oh no! you and jacob split?
yourname yeah, wasnt working anymore
charles ah im sorry, that must suck😣
yourname i mean it does but its been coming for a long time so its not surprising
fernando hello! yn what is wrong? you always use emotes!
yourname theyre emojis nando, and im fine just a bit lost
fernando do not worry, i will come and find you!
yourname no, i dont mean literally just..we were together for so long i dont really know what to do now you know?
lando i get it, you wanna play tarkov with me???
yourname cheers ill get on now
george let us know if you need anything!
may 2024
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton and 814,583 others
p✌️ was just what we needed this weekend!
thank you to everyone who came out and supported myself and the team and huge thank you to the team for working so hard all weekend⭐️
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mercedesamgf1 mega job this weekend yn👊 *liked by author*
landonorris nice to share the podium with you mate
yourusername same time next race?
user33 loved seeing you back on the podium
user2 absolutely smashing it this season
user21 more podiums please🤲 *liked by author*
user3 fourth podium of the year first p✌️*liked by author*
*pretend it says after march i changed dates around last min*
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august 2024
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liked by lukehemmings, charles_leclerc and 1,124,642 others
did some reading, painting and writing
baked some good food and spent time with some good people, also got a cat…not bad for summer break☀️
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user66 AHHHHHH
yourusername ahhhhhhh
user26 cats name plsplspls
yourusername norman🐱
lukehemmings nice music👍
yourusername woah arent you the guy who wrote mum?!
mercedesamgf1 ready to see you back on the podium
yourusername always!!!!
user74 have you had funnnn??
yourusername yesss!! ive been doing lots of things i enjoy, basically treating every day as my birthday😋
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*was supposed to write them instead of her sorry!! was doing two stories at once and kept getting mixed up😅*
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october 2024
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liked by mercedesamgf1, gracieabrams and 1,291,638 others
p☝️ for the 3rd time this season, very very pleased
huuuuuge thank you to the team, every single one of you who worked tirelessly over the summer break and every moment since then, these have been for you⭐️
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user55 what a good season to be a yn fan *liked by author*
user6 these races have been incredible to watch, so proud
yourusername ⭐️⭐️
gracieabrams woop woop!!!!
yourusername 😝😝
user2 gracie??
user41 why have we not had any personal photo dumps yet😕😕
user88 right we miss seeing you yn!!
yourusername sorry guys😣ive been suuuper busy working on something i just honestly forgot
user41 NEW PROJECT?? WHEN?? (also pls dont feel bad we love u)
yourusername soon!! (and i love u guys too)
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november 2024
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liked by taylorswift, lewishamilton and 3,689,921 others
tagged: taylorswift
i cannot believe i get to say this, but my new friend taylor just released a new album and i was able to write a song on the album
im honestly not sure how this came about but i had so much fun writing this and expressing all my thoughts and feelings in a way ive never done before
i poured my life and soul into this song and im so glad taylor is the one who is singing it and really bought it to life
send some love to my friend and go and stream THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT (most importantly i can do it with a broken heart😉)
comments have been limited
taylorswift thank you for trusting me with this song, so much love🤍
yourusername NO THANK YOU!!! i will be forever grateful⭐️⭐️
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yourusername added to their story
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seen by taylorswift, lewishamilton and 729,282 others
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charles i feel completely betrayed yn
fernando oh no😟! what did yn do?
yourname sorry charles, surprise?!
charles ill forgive you because its a good song
yourname thank you my life just got infinitely better!
yuki very good song yn! has been on repeat☺️
yourname thanks yuki, glad you like it!!
but seriously are you ok?!
yourname yeahhh im better now
was just a lot to navigate
lewis glad you found an outlet! but remember you can always talk to any of us
yourname i know and i appreciate it, i really do
alex yn was that twitter thread right?
yourname mate youre going to have to elaborate
alex user56tweetlink
yourname oh pretty much yeah
some things were changed with taylor but not much
fernando just listened to the song yn! very nice👍well done!
yourname thank uu
max good song yn!
lando can you please tell me what you meant on your twitch stream!
oscar max is kind of scary
max dont make me talk about that interview next oscar!
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astralscrivener · 9 months
hello :3
28, 40, 55, 74 for the writing ask pls 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
hiiii darcyyy. you've opened a can of worms with these asks i hope you know
28. what area of writing do you want to improve in?
literally anything that isn't dialogue FTHYRTHJFGHYJFYG i can do dialogue all day every day but i really need to get better with like. settings. weaving the description in instead of painting a long word picture in one paragraph. character actions too. i love writing group scenes. group scenes are agony. where are you all standing. is someone holding a mug. where the fuck did i put the bayards. also just like. writing prettier sentences in general. so many fic writers have absolutely banger passages like shit that gets put on pillows on redbubble and i want that.
40. what is your favorite world that you've created for a fic?
oh boy this is an interesting question. several worlds i have now stolen to repurpose for my own original writing. i had fun with the magic and medieval-ish setting of as long as i'm breathing (i'm not leaving) and its sequel. i also had a lot of fun w the shadow people from klance au month 2019 and your eyes, they shine so bright (i want to save that light)
i also had a lot of fun worldbuilding when i was writing deceit so natural, particularly the politics with tarvin and also the bolza system. i wrote the majority of dsn between seasons 2 and 4 and so there was a Lot we didn't know about so i just went balls to the wall on the worldbuilding
55. have you noticed any patterns in your fics? words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
i was literally just thinking about this today but "[x]'s scream tore raw from their throat" comes up a lot. i love making characters resort to their most primal instincts. love to see agony and achillean rage.
i also have been on a blade keith kick lately. i've posted . 2 or 3??? oneshots recently about keith being with the blades and suffering about it, or even just grappling with his abandonment issues and his anger issues and his galra side and his violent streak, and i have at least two more about it on the backburner. in general i think i have somehow ended up writing a lot about anger and grief and abandonment issues. can you tell keith is the primary character i write
at the same time i am also constantly writing established relaitonships. i love a good established relationship. the pining is fun to play with but there's a much larger part of me that finds more enjoyment of writing characters navigating their relationship and its challenges, or just facing an outside challenge and knowing they have each other to lean on.
74. do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
OH BOY DO I. look i loved squad up / the rawring 20s but my modern au fics get the LEAST effort from me, i like them the LEAST out of all my fics, but they're the simplest and easiest for people to read so i get why they get more love
there is a lot about deceit so natural that is cringe and that i would go back and change, by virtue of being 17, a mediocre writer at the time, and also there's stuff we didn't know about yet (gay shiro or allura's age, for example), but i had a fucking BLAST writing it. it took me all the way until season 6 to finish it (i started it between s2 and 3) and so any time canon disappointed me i could just go do what i wanted. established klance, an absolutely baller team dynamic if you asked me, lotor being absolutely fucking bonkers. the twists and turns in stars go down were FUN and i think i need to be that mean in my writing again. someone in the comments commended me for actually letting the characters have a horrible time and i think about it constantly
AND RIGHT NOW THERE IS AT SKYFALL, WHICH IS DSN VIBES BUT WITH BROGANES. please i literally have so much planned for this you don't even know. the chapters are dsn length instead of soopits length. i'm going to explore lance's anger. i am going to put keith and shiro through it. adam is so fucking confused bro. PLEASE
anyway thank u for the asks i'm thinking about beating up keith again
fanfiction writing asks!
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Is anyone else occasionally sort of nostalgic for early in the pandemic? I realize that might just be me taking my usual tendency toward nostalgia to ridiculous degrees. But I’ve heard a few other people talk about this before, so I know it’s not just me. Not people I know, or anything – no one I know has any idea why I’d feel this way, which is sort of part of the problem. I’ve heard a couple of comedians talk about it. And I hope this goes without saying, obviously I don’t literally want to return to an earlier point in the pandemic. Nostalgia paints a rosier picture than the one that actually existed, and obviously it’s incredibly self-centric to feel this way, because millions and millions of people around the globe had horrifying experiences that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
But. Okay, before the pandemic, for pretty much all my life, I felt out of step with other people. Your run of the mill level of autistic-related out of step. Didn’t understand people, they didn’t understand me, by high school I managed to find a community of people where everyone so outside normal society that they accepted me anyway and just sort of went along with my quirks, I hung on to that community for the next fifteen years, it was fine. Things were a little off, but they sort of worked out.
And now, I feel a gulf between myself and others that seems wider than anything I’d felt since before high school, since before I really communicated with anyone. I’m never on the same page as anyone else. Everyone else returned to the world in the wake of COVID ages before I did, so they’re all on a different timeline from me, things that seem new and scary to me are things they got through a year or more ago. And they returned so much faster than me, with so much less fear. They’ve all just moved on like the world hasn’t changed. And I know that maybe they’re just pretending it’s okay, same as I try to do, but this also applies to my close friends, whom I’ve talked to honestly about it, and there’s just such a gap between the way we experience things. I feel like I’ve come back into a world that’s wildly changed in my absence and that I now understand less than ever did.
Also, I can’t let shit go. Everything that got said during the pandemic, all the adults who are in positions of influence over children and teenagers and used their social media promote COVID conspiracies. All the people who illegally kept gathering all through the pandemic, and bragged about it, and now we’re supposed to just go back to seeing them as fun friendly rivals. All the people who drove to my own neighbourhood only a year ago to stand literally outside my fucking bedroom window with “No mandate” signs to fight for their right to kill everyone’s grandmother. I don’t know how to let go of the anger about that and see anything that they’re involved in as fun again.
I really love this Tweet:
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Because that’s how it feels, like it isn’t fun anymore. People I used to dislike because they were dicks, I now dislike because they came to my home and tried to destroy my neighbourhood in the name of freedom to ruin the world. It’s not fucking fun to beat them in a fun game anymore. I have, however, started referring to several world-ruining people I know as “aforementioned lizard”, and that does make me laugh.
But there was a point in the middle, in between the pre-COVID time and whatever’s happening now, when I felt more connected to the world than I ever had. Like everyone was on the same page, more than I’d ever experienced before. Everyone was indoors, everyone was doing the same thing, experiencing the same struggles (obviously they weren’t, I’m ridiculously lucky that I wasn’t trying to take care of kids during the pandemic, that I had a job I could easily do from home so I didn’t lose my income, that while I did lose a good friend tragically in 2021, none of my loved ones became seriously ill with COVID - but it felt like everyone was in the same boat).
And I know it’s ridiculous to be nostalgic for that time – I actually have a way to go back and see how I was doing then, because I started this blog in August 2020. And I know I made posts on this blog in its first year or so that make it clear things were not going well. I desperately missed my life. But I was also looking forward to my life coming back, just the way I’d left it. That’s what I miss, that’s what I’m nostalgic for. The time when I was looking forward to that, because I hadn’t yet learned that it wouldn’t happen that way.
Anyway. The thing that got me writing this post isn’t nearly as dark as that. Well, I guess it is dark, but it isn’t nearly as dramatic as that. Does anyone else remember those couple of YouTube songs that went viral in late 2020/early 2021, by this guy calling himself Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq? I don’t know who he is. He’s British and he writes comedy songs, so I guess he’s technically a British comedian, but I’ve never heard of him outside this small number of songs he put up on YouTube. But he put them up at that point in the pandemic, the point where that messed up and misplaced nostalgia fits for me. They were timely and funny.
I spent a fair bit of late 2020/early 2021 staying at my parents’ place, because my mother was across the country taking care of her parents, and my dad was alone in the house, and got lonely during lockdown. And when lockdown was lifted, he still didn’t go anywhere except work, and when he was at work, the cats were alone all day, which wasn’t great. And I liked my dad, and got along with him, which is more than I can say for my roommate, so if I was going to be locked in the house for months anyway (which I was, I didn’t have any non-essential social contact during the pre-vaccination era of COVID, whether lockdowns were officially mandated or not), it may as well be with someone I like. So I stayed there for months, working from my dad’s living room, taking care of cats all day. In the evening, my dad and I would take turns making dinner and then watch Catsdown or QI, because we have a common interest and Canadian folk music and British comedy, and those are nice things to have in common for being compatible roommates.
And then, probably more often than a doctor would advise, after we’d finished eating dinner and watching whatever we watched, my dad would go to bed, and I’d get drunk on something from my parents’ wine cabinet, like I was a teenager again (except not really, because I didn’t actually start drinking until I was 19 and no longer living in my parents’ house). I’d watch Taskmaster and Mock the Week and 8 Out of 10 Cats and Amstell-era Buzzcocks, and make posts on this blog about how much I missed real life and how Britcom was getting me through this temporary break from reality. And I often listened to those few weird songs that were sort of viral at the time by this Thomas Benjamin person.
Anyway, he appears to have recently put up a couple of new things, which has put his old stuff back into my YouTube recommendations again. Which is the thing that actually started me writing this post, which was not meant to be all that dramatic. The point of this post was supposed to be: “Remember the funny songs by that guy that hit just right at that specific time and are so tied to that time that they give me a weird and ill-advised nostalgia for like December 2020″?
I know exactly how long ago I was into those songs - it was before Taskmaster season 10 had finished. I know because I took one of those songs, and used it as the background in a Taskmaster video I made in fall 2020, that used only clips from seasons 1-9, because I’m pretty sure season 10 had only just started at the time:
It’s worth seeing the actual video, though:
I think that went went viral during COVID because, you know, it was relevant. But it was written a while before it. While this one was actually written during and about lockdown:
And this one was also written specifically for that time period, in the YouTube description as: “dedicated to those out there who still refuse to wear a mask in public places”. Set to the Monty Python’s Flying Circus theme song (yes I realize it wasn’t originally the Monty Python’s Flying Circus theme song, but you can’t expect us to see it anything else by now):
Anyway, I’ve just learned he has a bunch of songs I did not previously know about that I’m going to get into now, sometimes the YouTube algorithm gets it right by reminding me of things like this.
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lover4st · 2 years
cold winters; steve harrington
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Word Count:1,897
Warnings: cursing, rude names, and i think that’s it
title says the gist of it
“Steven Harrington, hurry up!” He has promised to take you somewhere that he thought you would like, and you were excited. At first.
Until you went outside realizing how cold it was. You thought Steve was behind you, but once you made it to the car, he was gone. Waiting at the doorstep was cooler since you weren���t stepping in cold grass. You were just standing on your tiny porch. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I was looking for your gloves.” He slipped them on your hands with utmost care, carefully getting each finger in the right spot without tugging your hand hard.
"It's fine. 'Just wish you told me so I didn't have to wait out here," sighing a lot louder than necessary so Steve would look down in your eyes again instead of looking at both of your guy’s hands, "all alone." You did your best puppy dog eyes and had your saddest pout. It was blatantly obvious you were joking now.
It is always fun to joke around with your boyfriend, it's something you have never gotten bored of, and you don't think you ever will. Another reason to love it is just how he looks at you.
Well, not really.
It is his eyes. They are extraordinarily beautiful and intricate.
And his small little smirk. He always looks so beautiful. Screw all of your posters and stuff on your walls. You would place pictures and paintings of him in their place. 
“Okay, enough funny business.” He said with a little laugh, “we need to go, I’m way too excited to take you to mess around any longer.” He finally set your arms down and wrapped his own around your waist. It always left nice. You linked and matched perfectly into his side. It’s like you are one of those friendship necklaces that always connect magnificently. 
Steve was a dream boat. Well, now he is. Everyone knows he was a complete asshat in high school.
But he is absolutely perfect now.
He plans amazing dates, which makes you even more excited for this one.
It was always a dream to recall any of them you had with him. 
When you woke up in a moving car, you got absolutely freaked out. You thought you were abducted. Who wouldn’t think that if you woke up in a car you weren’t in before? 
The night before you had gone to sleep, you were cuddled up, skin-to-skin, with Steve (he always thought it was more intimate that way). It was such a peaceful night, going to sleep with a movie Steve picked out the day before. Your head was on his chest, his heartbeat was drifting you to sleep. A faint mumble was heard above your head, “tomorrow is going to be one hell of a ride.” There was a little snicker, “literally.”
Could that have been what was going on right now? You squinted your eyes, as small as you could, so you could try to get a look on who was driving. You had to move your head to the right, so they might be convinced you are awake if you don’t do it subtly.
Turning very slowly you see, 
That bastard.
Had you scared half to death that you were about to be gone and never to be seen again. 
He turned his head a slight bit and made eye contact with you.
“Good morning sleepy head. You were completely knocked out. Like a pliable dolly.” You finally felt like you were able to move, since you know it was the man you love and trust the most. You looked him over once. He was wearing an outfit like he was about to go out for an adventure. 
He was wearing a pink button shirt that was buttoned until the top 3. You never knew he had this shirt. It must have been new. Well, he for sure needs to wear it often. He was wearing khakis, which was always somewhat of a surprise. Steve was never known for ever wearing them. 
He looked so pretty. Adorable even.
“Are you zoning out, you are just staring at me dolly.” He waved his hand in your face a little bit. 
“Sorry, I just got a little distracted.” How wouldn’t you? “Um, what are we doing?” You dug the heel of your palm into your eyes so you could somewhat wake yourself up.
“We are going around a little bit today. I want to outdo all our other dates, and have one with pure adventure, smiles, and happiness. And this one will last the entire day.” You looked around the car a little more, there was some stuff in the backseat. You could see some blankets and towels, a few changes of clothes for both of you, some snackies and food, and your polaroid camera. “I hope I brought all the necessary equipment for you. Thought we could make some memories.”
Wow, how addicted you can be to a man you have only spent a few months with.
“We are almost at our first actual destination.” Where could you be going? All you see are trees at the moment. Until the true beauty was shown to you. 
It was water, a lake. 
But it was cut off abruptly with a wall of stone at the end.
It was a dam?
“This is Brookville Lake Dam; we can’t go swimming in it, but I just thought it would be nice to look at.” It is for sure a change of scenery for you both. Stuck in Hawkins, you don’t really see things like this.
He kept on taking peeks at you to try to see more of your reaction. 
“It’s grand.” Spectacular. Wishing there would be more trips like this in your future. Maybe even more far away from your hometown.
“I’m glad you like it, if it makes you happy, it was definitely worth the trouble.” 
“What trouble?” He went silent.
“Don’t worry about it sweetheart.” He took your hand and held it right next to the gear shift. 
The rest of that day was filled with photos and kisses. And of course, memories.
Now both of you were sitting in the same exact way again, hands held next to the gear shift. Off on another adventure.
Another one that you don’t know what to expect. But you were never scared with Steve. He always has your best interests in mind. He always makes sure you are on board with everything he does. But he still has his surprises.
You are going down a road that you don’t think you have ever been on. It’s not recognizable. You don’t remember it. You have picked up the map of Hawkins tons of times to get to where you want to go. But you don’t think you have ever seen this one on it.
It’s pretty secluded. On a road with the only thing really in view, are the trees you are passing by. It makes you more excited than anything. New road, new place. New memories. Steve is singing to one of his favorite songs while using your entwined hands as his microphone. While you are dozing off to the type of calm and relaxation that you have never felt, except when you were with him.
Your darling boy, 
There is now a tiny place in view far up ahead. You hadn’t seen anything for a while so maybe this is the place he wanted to take you. You couldn’t see the sign; it might be hidden behind some trees. The place has gotten closer and closer before you were pulling up. Ah, you were right.
“Alright dolly, we’re here. Don’t get out of the car.” He always does this. He goes around the car as fast as he can to open the door and pick up instead of letting you walk out like a normal person. You can’t remember a time he hasn’t picked you up while getting out of the car. And he never let’s go until he is at the place he wants to set you down. “So, I heard this place was opening up so I thought we could get our first experience with each other.”
You finally got a look at the sign, ‘Starshine bakery.’ Why would this place get this name? You’ll find out later.
“Of course, Har. Let’s go inside. It’s freezing.” He continued to carry to the door before he set you down so you could see it for yourself. 
You know why it had that name now. It had stars on the roof. Glow in the dark stars. That was one of the only sources of light in the room. There were a few shiny lights pointed to the roof. The lights were reflecting off of it so you could somewhat see.
Steve started walking away to go to a counter. You pitifully followed behind him like a lost puppy, dragging your feet while still looking around. 
Once you got to him you latched onto his arm. He gave you a little laugh.
“Aww, aren’t you a little pretty thing.” Your face flushed and you hid your face in his bicep, “and shy. Such a cutie.” You noticed he started walking back up to order at this strange place. “May we get 2 hot chocolates, one peppermint and one original. And a croissant,” you looked back up at him and he whispered in your ear. “Don’t worry you get to choose which one you want when we get ‘em. Oo, add an Original Jupiter cookie too.”
Steve pulled you with him to wait for your drinks and food. He made you unhook yourself from his arm so you could hug each other. He loves PDA, it’s one of his favorite things. He’s not ashamed of it. To him, it’s a gift to be able to kiss you whenever he wants, wherever he wants. And he does it all the time. He would love to make this moment longer but before you know it, his name is getting called. Your order is ready.
While he goes to get the stuff, you go pick a nice little spot by the tinted windows. You take of your jacket and put it on your seat and wait for Steve to get back. He comes rushing over with the food and places it down. You are staring at him with such aw, but he is looking at something else. He’s looking out the window. What is he looking at?
You turn to try to get a peek at what he is seeing, and you understand it.
It’s snowing. It doesn’t snow that often here. But it’s still special since it’s your first snow with him. 
“It’s beautiful.”
“Well luckily for you, I have your camera in my backseat. And I need you to make some snow angels darling.”
“But Stevie, we just got our stuff.”
“Well too bad, it can wait.” Steve grabbed you and hoisted you up and carried you outside again. You were freezing since he didn’t give you enough time to grab your jacket. 
“Ah, it’s cold.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you warm.” He runs and launches both of you at the same time, together at the ground. The air is filled with your laughs, hot breaths, and snow.
“You are my future Stefano Harrington.”
“As you are mine dolly.”
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nilolol30 · 2 years
Endangered: 3
"Thanks again Kosma" I say hopping over the spilled paint on the floor I don't want to make more of a mess.
"Oh anytime soft one but if you can tell those two up their to quit with the paint tossing" Kosma shook their head and started getting to work with cleaning.
"I will see ya" looking around I'm definitely going to need a way up and luckily I found a good way next to the shop was a bin next to a small platform I could easily climb up!
Climbing the bin and the platform was easy but now I have to jump onto the air-conditioning and jump onto the other one on the other side.
After doing so I climbed on top the small balcony using more of the air-conditioning I climbed to the roof when I made it I saw another companion laying on some mattresses.
I swear if I find out I took the hard way up I'm gonna cry.
"Oh hello I was wondering what those noises were" the companion says looking at me.
"Ah sorry if I startled you"
"No worries I was looking at the circles of light I wish I could see the real sky one day" oh poor guy I remember the stars the lights here look nothing like them.
"I hope you do the normal dark sky is way beautiful than this one" the companion made this cute whirring noise and a heart popped onto it's screen.
"Really? I can't wait!" I couldn't help but laugh a little I gave to companion a goodbye wave and looked around just on the other roof was a couch and Tv.
Not questioning it I jumped down on the other side was a air-conditioning with some beautiful yellow flowers I'm surprised that they can grow without sunlight maybe evolution?
Climbing up I finally sat down the couch was a bit worn out but still comfortable and the remote was on the couch too curious on what future tv is like I turned it on seems like a news channel but there was no sound and I couldn't read the text but a small picture of a robot with a top hat was on the corner.
I sigh honestly I kinda thought by now I'd at least remember my own name but I can't even do that and I doubt any of the companions here can really help me I doubt they know much about humans if they're shocked when seeing one.
Because everyone is dead...my parents, my friends everyone I'm literally the last person alive...I can feel myself hyperventilating trying to stop myself from crying its obviously failing since I can feel the tears.
I can never talk to them again there gone and I can't do anything about it I don't even have a fucking photo of them why was I in the cryopod in the first place why was mine the only one to have survived that's not fair.
I could have at least died with my family or friends that would have been more peaceful than this.
I'm not sure how long I was sitting here crying long enough for me to get thirsty again or maybe it was hunger I can't tell anymore the sound of faint pots breaking distracted me from my own pity party.
A few roofs over I could see Stray push some empty pots over for them to break ha classic cat stuff I quickly whipped my eyes and snot I should keep moving I really don't want to end up falling asleep outside.
Turning around there was a balcony with a blue neon sign with a frown since it looks easy to get in I hopped over and moved the wooden board away and pushed the white boxes to the side then opened the door.
It looks a its a library books everywhere ahead was a bunch of computers walking forward on the right I saw another room the entrance was full of piles of books I tried to carefully move over them but they still fell over.
"Ah shit hopefully there isn't an angry librarian in here" of course there wasn't but on the mattress there was a note and keys but again it was in a different language but maybe I can look around to see what the key opens.
So I did that walking out I took a left turn and saw a bigger room in the middle of all the book shelves there seems to what I can only guess is a dead companion and a piano the poor guy though must have been there for a long time from what the spider webs tell me.
On the piano was a music sheet I can't read the title but maybe B-12 can I'm a bit curious so I folded the sheet and put it in my pocket oh wait I walked past a hall and on the other side was a box I should check that.
There is so many book piles here it's a pain I didn't even take four steps and I already tripped over knocking more down with me.
"Okay curse whoever did this!" I couldn't help but try to hit the shelf next to me out of anger but when it did it wasn't books it was a frikin safe!?
"This library is making a mockery out of me" the key is definitely opening this and guess what it did! There was a small book with the same symbol as the sign at the door on the back of the book was a drawing of a dragon maybe B-12 can translate this it must be important I definitely need to find the cat.
Getting out and climbing down was way easier than getting up the Guardian probably seen Stray by now so that's who I headed to.
"Ah yes I've seen the cat go down there" Guardian pointed left down some other stairs.
"Thank you!" Not wanting to miss them I ran downstairs but I could already see Stray laying next to a companion with a guitar.
"Oh human we were listening to Morusque play music we've been giving him music sheets" B-12 popped out the little bag again.
"Music sheets huh funny I just found one!" Morusque seems happy hearing that.
"Really may I see?" Nodding I handed the sheet over.
"Mildly important information. This one was composed by a renowned algorithm" Morusque starting playing the song was really nice almost calming Stray even started purring sadly the song wasn't long.
"Where did you find that human?" B-12 asked.
"Oh! in the library with this" I held out the notebook and B-12 immediately started translating.
"This notebook seems to belong to someone named Doc "After weeks of research I've combined a spectrometer with a powerful UV lamp. With this, we should be capable of warding off the Zurks on our way out. The initial attempt was explosive I might have to test it under real conditions" we actually found two other notebooks good job human!" B-12 softly dropped itself on my head as it's own way of a headpat.
"Hah thanks we should probably go to Momo's now" looks like Stray agreed because they started walking off and meowed at me to follow.
Stray took me to the side of Kosma's place and climbed up this was definitely a bit more difficult but on my way up I only slipped a little but other than that I finally got up unfortunately my clothes get a little dirty sorry Kosma...
Ahead of me was one of the little bots that was tossing the paint.
"Soft one! Sorry about the paint it was an accident!" The bot immediately panicked spotting me.
"Hey it's okay but Kosma really doesn't like cleaning the mess you made why don't you guys find another way to move the paint?"
"But me and my friend love tossing buckets at each other..." Well that's a weird hobby.
"Well why don't you toss empty buckets?" The companion thought for a moment and nodded.
"Ok yeah that's a good idea thanks soft one!" Laughing I bid them goodbye and followed Stray as they jumped over the balcony and yet again we had to climb air-conditioners to get into Momo's balcony.
"The window seems to be open stay here human and we will open the door for you" nodding B-12 and Stray climbed in I could hear something smash and some beeps and all sorts of robotic sounds.
Soon the door opened there was a companion with a rainbow screen and flamingo coat they visibly stumbled back.
"H-Human!?" Without saying anything I just gave him a small wave.
"This is our friend they don't remember their name so we've been calling them human for now they actually have one of your last notebooks!" B-12 says spinning around.
I handed Momo the notebook poor guy must be so confused.
"Oh this belongs to Doc he was really a huge nerd for electronics and stuff he was always on the verge of a great discovery! Wait you actually found all my friends notebooks? Oh a note? The transceiver can be repaired? This is incredible! That means we should be able to communicate outside the slums! Clementine, Zbaltazer, Doc I'm sorry I doubted our cause I'll promise you I'll find a way to the surface. Thank you we might be able to find a way up now let's fix this junk transceiver" Momo was really quick to start fixing the transceiver.
While was doing that B-12 quickly filled me in on what happened poor Momo he was too scared to follow his friends I guess Momo was so happy he got super speed because the transceiver was now fixed.
"ET VOILÀ! it works! Come with me" Momo walked to the window and opened it.
"Up there! See that building, high above the others? If you install the transceiver at the very top of that tower, we should be able to communicate with the whole city. My friends might still be out there if there is a way out, they'll know it" Stray meowed hopping onto the window I walked over ready to follow.
"I think the cat is the only one small and quick enough to evade the Zurks human you should stay" Momo says lightly holding my shoulder.
"Huh no way I'm not gonna let Stray and B-12 go out by themselves!"
"I agree Human you already struggle with climbing up here and you should keep Momo company plus we aren't by ourselves we have each other" with that Stray jumped outside the window.
"Good luck little outsider" Momo waves and closed the window leaving it unlocked.
Not gonna lie being left behind hurts.
"So wait how are you alive soft one? Are there more of you?" Momo asked fiddling with his knuckles.
"Ah sorry I'm most likely the last one my cryopod somehow survived everything and Stray somehow opened it"
"Stray? Is that the cats name?" I nodded it is a funny name for a cat.
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sherifftillman · 1 year
first off, congratulations on your milestone. I'm so happy for you, and I'm obsessed with this carnival theme!
I'll take a hall of mirrors please🪞💕 - I am the literal worst at talking about myself, but hopefully I paint a good enough picture of myself for this.
I work in a library where I design book displays, trivia games, and escape rooms, and I run a DnD club where I am the DM but I'm still learning so I'm kinda terrible at it lol
I'm a big musical theater nerd, a reader and writer (duh lol), and a book hoarder. Sometimes, I act in plays and musicals, but I also have horrible stage fright, hate being the center of attention, and can't easily speak in front of large groups of people to save my life. I am aware it makes no sense. I'm also big on all forms of sewing type crafts (cross stitch, embroidery, crochet, plushie making, etc). I just really like keeping my hands busy.
I am the kind of person who loves discovering new media, but when I find something that I really enjoy, I will watch the same movie over and over again, listen to the same album on repeat for months at a time, rewatch the same shows again because I like what I like.
My favorite piece of clothing is this very flowy black dress patterned with sunflowers, and it makes me feel beautiful. I have a mood ring that I wear every day that I will admit I only started wearing because it looked like one of Eddie's rings, but now I feel naked if I forget to put it on before I leave the house.
I'm unintentionally loud, a fierce protector of my friends, and a hopeless romantic.
Please take this info dump of probably unhelpful information and put my dumb ass into the narrative lol
not me reading all this intensely as if i don't already know all of this about you lmfao though you missed out the bit where that dress is also eduardo's favourite 😉
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ 2k follower celebration event ongoing! ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
okay so, not to just copy and paste one thing about you into it lol, but i do think you'd work at the hawkins library, too. eddie had practically begged you to take it once you both graduate, anyway, since he can't exactly keep running sessions from the school now he's left, and it's not like people use that conference room in the back, you could just let him keep his throne there, right?
you'd always wished you could have been more than just a sub for hellfire stuff, you always had fun playing with the party and they were forever inviting your character to join bonus oneshots, but theater always took up too much of your time to commit to d&d full-time. the only downside to getting the library job is that now that consumes all your time, so you still never really get to join any campaigns. eddie'll still visit between sessions to plan, though, and he's forever bending your ear for inspiration.
once eddie gets a job, he doesn't have time to get to the school in time, pick up the kids AND get to the library quick enough to get a good session in. so he relies on his ol' pal steve to play chauffeur so he can meet his party there. steve doesn't even question that there's another person in his car every week that he's never met, let alone spoken to. he hears the name gareth get thrown around, but he assumes that's part of the game, he doesn't believe that name really exists.
steve doesn't know what to do with himself while they play, and since you're the only one within 30 years of his age range, he pretty much hangs off of you. he's useful to keep around, though; he can carry way more than you, he's happy to fetch you stuff, and he can reach up to put things on higher shelves with ease - in fact, after seeing the makeshift way you pile things up to reach those shelves, he insists. As payment for being your little assistant, you'll make him little thank-you gifts - a woven bracelet here, an ewok plushie there. but, since his love language is acts of service, he always retaliates by trying to do even more while he's at work. meaning you feel more obligated to make him stuff to show your appreciation for all this extra effort. which makes him believe he's gotta do more to earn all those extra gifts. he gets the message eventually, though.
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some27-url · 2 years
Writer Chat Tag Game!
Some spoilers for my writing below!
I was tagged by @possumteeths 😗
What us your total posted wordcount on AO3?
Do you have a routine for writing?
I've dabbled with different ways to get *in the zone* and actually put out good words without getting derailed, but there isn't anything solid. My best performing routine is: put baby down to sleep, IMMEDIATELY lock self in a room away from husband and animals, chug a coke zero and eat two pieces of candy. This almost always results in me managing to start really writing within, like, an hour and a half? Which means I'll get in like 45 minutes of actually writing before it's time to take care of the baby again.
What are your favorite tropes/pairings
Bodyguard romance, ofc
And there was only 👏 one 👏 bed 👏
Unrequited love that's actually totally requited.
Pairings where one person romanticizes the other to the point that they miss/ignore enormous red flags, hopefully making the reader a little uncomfortable :) like with Princess Leo being an unrepentant liar and Deacon literally killing innocent people to protect Whisper from an imagined danger. (He has to be sure though, right?) I guess I just like to show that you never quite know what someone else is thinking and that anything can happen and that the world is a spooky place.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Deacon/Whisper might be my current fave. RJ and Leo will always hold a special place in my heart, though.
Your fic with the most kudos?
Inclusions is at 169! Weee!
Anything you don't like about your writing?
Some of the background characters are flatter than I'd like. I try to write them as if I had a binder full of backstory workd out for each one without actually having a binder full of backstory worked out for each one, which means that... well, continuity can be a nightmare at times and so not everyone gets the best treatment I can give.
I also wish I could be more descriptive, I just have a hard time knowing what to include. I try to include as little as possible bc nothing turns me off to a reading experience faster than like a fit check followed by an in-depth description of their appearance followed by the precise degree of the angle at which they have cocked their hip out like!! No one is going to notice all that about someone unless they are fucking creepily obsessive with zero tact!! For someone to notice every thing about every outfit and every setting and every expression all the time? It's an automatic DNF in my mind. Too much mental work for me to imagine things precisely the way the author sees it and I have to assume I'm not the only one that feels that way so i dont write that way... But still I could stand to paint a clearer picture at times. Just because I know where the desk is in the room doesn't mean everyone does, etc.
Oh and too many of my sentences start with nouns/pronouns. That is something I specifically look for in later stages of editing but sometimes it's like pulling teeth to fix because, again, I have an almost pathological aversion to detail.
Now something you do like?
Something I've really focused on improving and which I feel I've improved a great deal is pacing during sex scenes. It's hard to draw out the prose long enough to make the reader really live in the moments that are... simple but repetitive? Lol. But it's something that bothered me enough about the first scenes I wrote that I honed in on the skill and I feel like I write some damn good stuff now! Even if it's kinda fucked up sometimes! And it's funny bc I decided to start writing fanfic unsure that I would even write any smut at all. I thought I'd be too embarrassed and I looked at writing fic as a way to develop skill so I could write original YA fiction someday. HA!!
Also, allowing the narrator's internal voice to bleed into their dialogue the way i do is something that I am very proud of bc it's what's allowed me to even write words in the first place. It was the change in my approach to writing that allowed me to actually complete and be proud of a scene for the first time, and I feel like its sort of unique and therefore engaging, so... Win/win.
I am tagging @danses-with-dogmeat and @twosides--samecoin and @pumpkinov !
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anatomic-adoration · 22 days
The plant didn't make it. I tried, I really did! I did a bunch of research, then when that didn't work I did more, and still nothing! Underwatering made roots start growing from the body(??) so I messaged an old friend from high school who said to add water and to pull out the new roots. That was... it was dead within a day. A day!
Despite that, I still have it in the window sill. A part of me is hoping I'm wrong about it dying. Seasonal plants are a thing, right? I bought it at the turning of the seasons, so maybe it was just bad timing. Tomorrow I'm going to go back to the shop with a picture of it to see if someone who actually works with plants has any insight.
On the bright side (literally) it's been gorgeous out. The warmer it gets the more energy I have! I've been walking to class and it's done wonders for my mental health. I wish lab could be outside too. Speaking of being outside, I've been out so much that I've got a few "regulars" I see like clockwork. There's this woman who's outside at 8pm gardening who I always say hi to, this couple (I'm assuming) who are always wearing matching hats and sunglasses no matter how sunny it is, and there's this person who I see walking in the opposite direction of me every time no matter where I see them. It's funny, I've been living over here for a couple years, but it isn't until now that I'm really feeling like I'm getting to know the area and the people.
We're all creatures of habit. Familiar schedules, familiar routes, and familiar neighbors (though I use the term to loosely describe anyone within around a five mile radius haha). There's something so charming about seeing people be themselves and live their individual lives.
Admittedly I've gotten a bit attached to the people I see. I've gone a bit out of my way- just a bit- out of curiosity about what they're up to. Mostly they're just on a normal walk, same as me, but sometimes they're going somewhere with intention.
By far the person I've seen the most is that guy from the coffee shop. We must have really similar taste and schedules! The poor guy probably thinks I've been following him with how much our paths have crossed. Because of that I've been trying to keep my distance so it doesn't look like I'm deliberately following him. I guess I kinda am, but I don't know; something about him just intrigues me. Maybe it's the juxtaposition of being punk while still clearly having anxiety? I don't just mean his body language (though the tense shoulders and the way his eyes flick about at small noises and movements is a dead giveaway). It's more the fact he looks simultaneously young and old. Not that I've looked that closely, but in the few times I've seen him up close the type of exhaustion that usually only comes from age is painted clear as day all over his face. I know I'm rambling, but there's just something that's making him stand out from the other people I've seen lately. He doesn't quite fit in, but why? Maybe the heat is getting to me. I need to occupy myself with something else before I keep myself up needlessly ruminating.
0 notes
Oh my Jesus Christ, how fucking hard does it need to be to stretch an image on a goddamn iPhone. All I wanted to do was stretch a goddamn picture so that it had that funny overstretched effect so I could add it to a meme I was making. And if I was doing this shit on a computer or something, I could have just copy and pasted it into Ms paint or whatever the hell, stretched it, then copy and pasted it back out into where I wanted it. Hell I’m pretty sure you can stretch images from just the photos app if you’re on windows. BUT NOT FUCKING APPLE. NOOOOO OF COURSE FUCKING NOT!!!!!! THAT WOULD BE STUPID!!!! THAT WOULD BE SIMPLY FUCKING PREPOSTEROUS!!!!!!!! My first thought was to try and adjust the aspect ratio to something slimmer, BUUUUUUUT it doesn’t stretch to fit like it would in any other goddamn software it just crops it and fucking zooms in. So I look this shit up and it basically says I need a third party app. WHY THE FUCK DO I NEED A THIRD PARTY APP FOR SUCH A BASIC GODDAMN FEATURE THATS BUILT IN TO SO MANY OTHER GODDAMN OPERATING SOFTWARES YOU PIECE OF SHIT APPLE. And now, I’m not gonna go into why I can’t really download other apps, because tumblr doesn’t need to know my living situation, but let me just say, I can’t. Not at the moment at least. But whether or not I can or can’t download other apps is mostly irrelevant to this because it is such a fucking basic and fundamental feature like Jesus Christ. So like I’ve been trying to find a pre-installed app that lets me do those things that could have been done in literally five goddamn seconds had I had access to a computer of any fucking type. I go into the notes app, keynote, even fucking pages. WHO THE FUCK HAS EVER USED PAGES IN THEIR LIFE?!?!?!?!?????? And like I was so excited when I saw in the pages app that no one has ever used in their goddamn life, that there appeared around the image 4 circles that were in the middle of the top edge of the image, bottom edge, left edge, and right edge. Because in any CIVILISED EDITING SOFTWARE those are used to squish and stretch the image. But NOOOO. This is apple we’re talking about. This is the fucking Wild West motherfuckers. It wasn’t used to stretch or squash the image, it was used to FUCKING CROP THE DAMN THING. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE AT APPLE??!???!?!????!???? Like I still can’t believe that they don’t have this feature fucking built in?!?!??! Like JUST LET ME STRETCH THE FUNNY IMAGE OF SUSIE DELTARUNE SO SHE LOOKS FUNNY WHEN I EDIT HER INTO AN IMAGE YOU STUPID PEICE OF SHIT. WHOEVER DESIGNED THIS SHIT TO WHERE YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD A THIRD PARTY APP TO STRETCH A FUCKING IMAGE, I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL. I HOPE YOU GET UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT HUNGRY AS FUCK WITH NO WAY OF FEEDING YOUR HUNGER. AND AS YOU WALK THEOUGH YOUR HOUSE LOOKING FOR FOOD YOU STEP ON LEGOS, MAKING YOU STUMBLE FORWARD AND STUB YOUR GODDAMN TOES. I WISH THAT THE ONLY FOOD IN THE HOUSE IS EXPIRED. I WISH THAT YOU ARE SO HUNGRY THAT YOU CAVE INTO EATING THE EXPIRED FOOD AND THAT IT GIVES YOU FOOD POISONING FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT. THATS WHAT I FUCKING WISH HAPPENS TO YOU EVERY. GODDAMN. NIGHT. BECAUSE THIS SHIT IS EVEN MORE FUCKING STUPID THAN THE IPAD NOT HAVING A FUCKONG CALCULATOR APP. FUCK YOU.
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taylorbuggtaylortot · 9 months
I can’t even tell you how I feel because I don’t know how to say it without a pen or a page
I can’t even say what I’m thinking cause I’m always thinking of things too late
And all I know is I wanna scream out loud
But I can’t so I push it down
I gotta be alright
Yeah I gotta be okay
I can’t let them know so I push them away
Cause what does it mean if I can’t pour my heart out
I don’t want to be dramatic or misunderstood now
But if I keep it to myself
I can’t deal with all this hell
I know I’m mentally unwell
But I just can’t get help
But I stopped filling the void and I’ve been dealing with my emotions
But I still feel alone
And Wanna mix up all the potions
And I’m too broken to be ready for something like love
And I can’t be myself to the one that I really trust
I thought attention was love but love is respect
And now I have neither
Cause no one here is left
To hold a conversation or listen to the pain
And everyday I feel the same but I still fight for a change
Still Im at the end of my line
I need a shoulder sometimes
I need a friend not a guy
Some one who just doesn’t lie
I wish you would look me in the face and tell me that im safe but I gotta do that for me but right now I feel weak and afraid
Don’t choose now to hold your tongue
I trust you more than anyone
And I’ve been feeling so undone
And though you could be the one
Im sick of playing pretend
I got a whole heart to mend
And im not ready for love but yet my heart don’t listen
I look at you and I see strength to pull me through the day
Please don’t give up on me
I’m tryin to give you some faith
Narcissists will literally be a terrible person and have to deal with the consequences of their actions and still try to paint a picture of why you should feel sorry for them and nurse them back to health, and they say they’re sorry (just like they have a million times without enforcing changed behavior) just to trick you into rescuing them like you used to.
What I want to say to a narcissist:
1) if it’s mother fuck me then it’s mother fuck you
2) if you gonna do you, I’m gonna do me, and trust me honey.. I can do me very well
3) well well well, If it isn’t the consequences of your own actions
4) weird how you actually did terrible things to deserve what you’re dealing with, and I got all that and more even though I stayed doing right by you
5) stay strong like I had to. Keep your composure like I had to. Carry on like I had to. Be alone like I had to.
6) I no longer trust you so giving you any information to aid you in continuing your behavior successfully is off limits because helping you is no longer my concern or business
7) weird how now you’re having to eat the consequences of your actions and you can’t even stomach it. Literally. But when I was getting force fed that shit, it didn’t matter. I was supposed to swallow it down with a smile on my face no matter how much I was dying inside.
8)It’s my turn to not give af about you. You threw all trust and safety that I felt with you out the window, and you expect me to just look at you the same? You have no rights to me or my space. You’re a snake who lies to make themselves look like the victim even though there’s a reason why nobody wants to help you anymore. You don’t truly appreciate the people in your life, they’re props to you in order to alleviate your wants and needs, so you chew them up and spit them out but act like you love them with your whole heart and try to ruin their character behind closed doors. Real life coward shit.
9)When you get caught doing the shit you sorry for, have the same amount of remorse you had while you were doing it.
Yeah, being responsible for making a shitty decision sucks. Yes, you got caught. That must completely and utterly suck for you. You poor poor baby.
Swallow that the same way I had to. Only sorry you dealing with repercussions, nothing more; nothing less. Be strong now baby. I’m out.
10)🤡Narcissist Alert🤡
You gonna need me and I ain’t gonna be there. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Just remember: you did that.
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Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you'd like to know better!
thanks to my dear darling syd @samkooszka for tagging me! love you <333
(i've done this post before, but ik the trend is going around again, and some of the questions are slightly different on this one. also some of my answers have changed, so i'm just going to redo it!)
what book are you currently reading?
i'm currently reading john denver's autobiography, but i haven't been able to read that much lately because of school and because i've been reading fanfic instead
what do you usually wear?
when i'm just hanging out around the house i wear a t shirt and yoga pants (or a hawaiian shirt and shorts if it's the summertime), and when i go shopping or to class i'll wear jeans or tights with graphic tee and a cardigan.
how tall are you?
i'm 5'3"!
what's your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
i'm a pisces! i share a birthday with johnny cash, fats domino, and victor hugo, which is pretty cool ig.
do you go by your name or a nickname?
i go by my full name (mallorie) and mal interchangeably.
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?
i think i grew up to be the kind of person i wanted to be personality-wise, but considering that i wanted to be a vet or an actor/singer, i definitely didn't become what i wanted to be career-wise lol.
what is something you're good at vs. something you're bad at?
i'm good at most creative/artsy things and i'm really good in academics, but i'm absolutely terrible at anything atheltic.
if you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
considering the year just started, i haven't really made much art, but i did make a painting of george harrison last year that i am particularly proud of!
dogs or cats?
i have both so i feel like my only answer can be both
what's something you would like to create content for?
omg literally any fandom i'm in. i'd really love to start putting out fanart and possibly even some fanfic for gvf, stranger things, the beatles, and like a million other fandoms.
what's something you're currently obsessed with?
i feel like i could list things forever, but right now i'm obsessed with gvf, the beatles, 80s new wave, horror films, john denver, seinfeld, and the simpsons, among a million other things.
what's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
again, since the year just started i'm a little short for answers, but i just started taking film classes, and they're not disappointing but definitely different than i expected. i also recently watched barbarian, which i was excited for, and i didn't think it was as good as everyone said it would be, so i suppose that was disappointing.
what's a hidden talent of yours?
i'm pretty good at doing voice impressions!
what's something that you wish to have at this moment?
happiness, peace, love, and a boyfriend
i'm tagging my darlings @allieisacrybaby @gretasmokerising and @bowievanfleet (i tried to tag people i hadn't seen tagged yet and that i didn't tag last time. sorry if you've already been tagged! also if you aren't tagged but want to do this, go for it!)
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Anyways 🤡 thank you for sending me this!!!! Heres (most of) my thoughts (from before they were deleted 😐):
I really really loved the intro and how mikes pov and wills paralleled each other with waking up and thinking ab each other….wills all like 😊☺️🎨and mike is just 🥺🤡😞 and being a mess. Also the magic hour??? I didnt even know that was a thing so im def gonna utilize that for my next painting
I also really loved how the author made the hopper/byers feel like a family…sometimes fics rush through that same thing with how some fics rush through an explanation if they are canon compliant so this was a really nice change of pace!!! And the NARRATING i loved the descriptions holy jsndnxnx
Also i have to mention, will making mike a painting of himself as batman IMMEDIATELY hooked me in bc 1) i love batman 2) IM LITERALLY WRITING A FIC WHERE MIKE LOVES BATMAN (its a modern au) and i havent  run into any other mike loving batman content so im HERE for it
Also EL TRAVELING THE WORLD??? GOOD FOR HER i now want a sequel fic that follows her going to italy and scotland I NEED IT I NEED IT TO LIVE
Also in general i just really liked how the author showed wills acceptance of his feelings and mike just Going Through It with the pining
“Will the Wise, Will the Wanted” HAND ME BANGING ON MY WALL AND SCREECHING LIKE IVE NEVER SCREECHED BEFORE. I cannot take this level of heart
The entire couch sequence. THE ENTIRE COUCH SEQUENCE. I wanna hold hands with somebody like that >:( michael wheeler YOURE paying for my therapy (and your own you rat boy) also i just really want that couch. Like i would buy that couch if i could
THE ENZOS SCENE??? T H E EN Z O S S C E EN E ??????? !!!!!!!! First of all that poor waitress i hate the restaurant industry (i worked in it) and BYLER OMFG I JUST I CANT I HUH UGH HUH??? Will just SLIDING INTO THE BOOTH LIKE THAT i thought mike was gonna istantly die. Instantly combust. Also she really did pull a heartstopper “im not homophobic im an ally” moment i love her for that
The family recipe/date night sequence. Thats it thats the post. What else can i say to elaborate further ON HOW FREAKING GOOD THAT CHAPTER WAS? i will elaborate anyway so my beating heart can speak. 
1) the family recipe thing WAS SO CUTE and so domestic and for what??? So it could kill me ?? I love domestic scenes where they havent become established yet…thats my heroin
mike getting ABSOLUTELY SCHLAMMERED ON WINE ENDEDDDD MMEEEEE like he was just throwing them back as if he wasnt a lightweight.
Also mike was cooking for 4 hrs straight????? Please that just ugh i sir here this is yours now ❤️ 
“but something about a starlit bike ride to the Wheeler residence never failed to make Will feel like a little kid again in the best possible way.”  TGIS WRITING IS SHDNNDND ITS KILLING ME ITS SO GOOD
Also ??? Mikes date plan was actually out of this world. Wine, lasagna, star wars???? I may be aro but thats my kind of party !!
Picture this. I am sitting at the kitchen counter. I am drinking my cup of coffee from a quaint little owl mug that a friend bought me from cracker barrel. I read this: “Mike sighs. “Look Will, I’m sorry okay? I fucked up, but I sincerely just wish you’d tell me what I said so that I can begin to make sense of it all because here I am thinking you’ve been mad at me for burning lasagna and the next thing I know, you’re flirting with that knockoff Hercules fucker right in front of me!” I now have spit coffee EVERYWHERE and  its all over my phone and shirt. I need 10 mins to clean up. This is my life.
And the miscommunication???? Thats my wine, thats my meal, thats what i eat up right there. I will now be thinking about this fic for the rest of the week🤡 thank you so so much for sending me the link to this!!!!! Im literally gonna add it to my list of fics i wanna bind for myself
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #036
(& this one is yesterday’s, oops 2.0)
If you get married, who would cook? Well, I WANT to learn so it can usually be me so at least I'm pulling my own weight in doing SOMETHING, but yeah I'm a horrific cook for multiple reasons. We'll uhhhhh figure this out eventually. How many towels do you use after a shower? Well, it WAS one until I fell. Now I have an extra towel just outside the shower so it's easier for me to walk/keep grip. Does wearing your hair up symbolize that it is unwashed? My hair is too short to even try to put up, so. Would you smoke marijuana if it were legal? By this point in time, to cope with anxiety flare-ups? Yes. i just wouldn't want to let it become a regular habit because I don't want to smoke ANYthing, not just cigarettes. If you believe in god, why? I don't. The reason why is a simple "look around you." Call it pessimism, but I call it not being willing to be gaslit by something that isn't there. Would you ever flash a cop if you knew you’d get out of a ticket? Ew, absolutely not. What is your guilty pleasure song right now? Oh idk. How many jobs have you had? I've been considered employed at places three times, but I literally only count my first one in resumes and stuff because while ALL were incredibly short, that one lasted the longest. Do you give homeless people money? No, primarily because I don't HAVE any. If/when I do though, it'd be nice to do what my mom does every once in a while and buy them some food from a drive-thru or something. My mother has literally befriended numerous homeless individuals because she's so goddamn selfless as to spend her very little money on like, a breakfast biscuit and water bottle for people less fortunate than her. Mom's always preferred giving them actual essentials over money that can very well be misused, and I agree with that in most cases. How many times have you listened to your most played song on iTunes? Oh GOD, I don't remember, but I actually remember it was listed as "Donaukinder" by Rammstein, haha. I KNOW that function is inaccurate though, like some numbers simply COULDN'T be right. Do you get excited when you hear "Misery Business?" GET HYPE FOR THAT SONG OR GET OUT, WE BELT IT HERE Could you pull off orange hair? I've considered a light, creamsicle orange and even edited a photo of me with this, and it actually didn't look bad at all, I liked it. Might get it one day. What did you last get fancy for? I wouldn't have called it "fancy," but I did put SOME effort into being pretty when Girt and I went to the movies. Dream pet? G. pulchra/Brazilian black tarantula as well as the E. murinus/skeleton leg tarantula, a high-expression lavender western/plains hognose, and a really bright sunset morph ball python. The last will probably never happen, like the prices are ABSURD, but it *is* called a "dream" pet, haha. Have you ever watched a movie in class/school that made you cry? Oh biiiiitch, many, lmao I cry so easily. What physical feature do you wish you had (i.e. freckles, curly hair)? Hey could I at least have SOMEWHAT of a butt please god I am SELF-CONSCIOUS I want CAKE What fictional character (i.e. Bambi, Scarlette O'Hara) would you marry? hey so have you guys heard of Who Killed Markiplier? and met Damien h-h-he's really amazing and wholesome and beautiful and selfless and caring and bye I got something in my eye Have you ever painted a picture of somebody? Mhm, for some art assignments. Did you enjoy your past relationships? While I was in them, yes. Except for Tyler's and my two-week "trial" that was just a stupid idea. What’s the best Nirvana song? I think maybe "Come As You Are." Possibly "Drain You," that's a real good one too. Who was the last boy that you saw cry? My boyfriend. I got upset yesterday over medicine stuff and cried a little bit. Does your mom know you do surveys? Rarely I'll do a shorter one on Facebook, and she's actually told me she likes reading them and please that's fuckin wholesome, y'all. Which of Britney Spears’ songs is your favorite? Hunny "Womanizer" is one of my favorite pop songs in all of history, completely serious. Would you take a dirty picture of yourself for someone you are dating? WOULD I, if I actually had any confidence in my body and we were very serious and clearly based in respect and sincere love versus just lust, maybe? I don't know. I know certain pictures I absolutely wouldn't take, but then some others/certain poses don't freak me out too much. How picky are you when it comes to choosing who to kiss or not kiss? I am PICKY. I REALLY have to like you. Is your father homophobic? He probably is, but I'm not about to text him and ask randomly lmao Have you ever applied make-up on a guy, for any reason at all? Haha yeah, I did that once w/ Jason. Who is the person that you are afraid of losing, above everyone else? My mom. She's sworn nothing bad has happened health-wise, but she's actually setting up her will now, and it's... really upsetting me, even though it's obviously very important. My life literally COULD NOT be the same when she dies. Our relationship deadass feels like a mother bird that just refuses to kick her chick out, and her death is going to be that branch falling and I'm just there with no fucking idea what to do to start flying on my own. It is absolutely, positively terrifying to think about. How old was the first person you kissed? When we kissed, he would have been a couple months into 18. Has anyone ever told you that you’re a good singer? Somehow. IIII disagree, haha. Biggest trouble you’ve ever gotten into at school? I got detention I think twice for too many tardies coming into school in the mornings. I was a FUCKING NIGHTMARE getting out of bed. Jalapeños: yay or nay? BITCH get on my fuckin pizza and my subs please ily Did you ever play Minecraft? Nah, not my kind of game. Do you feel protective over someone? My nieces and nephews, Girt, Mom, and my younger sister are the strongest ones. Do you enjoy blueberry muffins? omg YES How many pillows are on your bed? Four. I use two, then I also just keep Girt's two there as well for when he's here. It's comforting, them being there, even when he's not. How many boats have you been on in your lifetime? Oh idk, I've been fishing out on boats too much to count. Do you ever go to a lake and feed ducks/geese? No, that's never really the primary reason we go to City Lake. On the rare occasion we go out there to take pictures for whatever reason, though, sometimes we'll get some seeds from a dispenser they have. Please don't feed ducks bread, btw. You're hurting them and the water they get food from. What was the last online review you left? ... Have I EVER done that? I dunno. What's a memory you have that involves animals? Ha, I love this one: getting pictures taken with a fucking ginormous snake as a very little kid and my mother nearly pissing herself, lol. I can't for the life of me remember what it was, probably some giant python, but I LOVED that snake. I just sat in that room petting it, looking at it in total awe while pictures were taken of it just chillin' with me. I wonder where Mom has those pictures... I would love to see them again. Would you rather plant a vegetable or flower garden? Flower. Is there anything currently bothering you? Yes; last night was very rough, and I don't understand why. Girt spent the night, and I woke that poor man and myself up SO many times screaming from nightmares. I haven't been having them almost at all lately, and yet I had SO many, and it doesn't make sense. I was in a perfectly good mood going to sleep, too. I don't know what aggravated them so much. Did you have hand-me-down clothes when you were growing up? Some, yeah. There's really no point in wasting clothes that are in good quality and I like them but just don't fit someone else (aka my older sister) anymore. What was the last song you listened to? HEHEHEH "Pussy" by Rammstein is ending rn, what a stupid and equally fucking legendary song that's good at getting a smile outta me bc it's just so fucking dumb lmao. Do you still talk to anyone you went to high school with? Yes. One of 'em every day 'cuz I'm dating him. Have you ever had to dispute a charge on your credit card? I've never even HAD a credit card. What’s your favourite book genre? Fantasy, especially those with their own, complex worlds and rules of said universes, imaginary creatures, all that cool stuff. What was your first job? Did you like it? Sales associate at GameStop, and no, but to no fault of the business/who i worked with themselves. My co-workers and boss were great, I am just NOT meant to work with people, especially trying to convince them into buying stuff or knowing all these current deals going on and shit. It wasn't fit for me. Has anyone ever seen you naked? I wanna be a smartass and point out I was sorta born naked, but I get what you're asking, so yes. What would you order to drink if you were in a bar right now? I have for some fucking reason been wanting a strawberry sangria for a LONNNNNGGGGG time now, halp How old were you when you started to wear a bra, if ever? I don't know my exact age, but it was an appropriate time. I seem to faintly remember Mom talking to me about that and starting to shave my legs on the same day. What do you keep in your bedside table? Um I like to keep a drink beside me, there's my lamp, a wax warmer I think, and I also keep the remote for my color-changing moon-shaped lamp there. Is there anyone like an actor or singer, whose voice you find sexy? I think everyone does but noteworthy for me lately is Till Lindemann's normal/talking voice like it's calming as a motherfucker, sir can you PLEASE read me bedtime stories asldkjfal;edjfw Do you enjoy Tim Burton films? Which one is your favourite? Tim Burton is the ABSOLUTE best. There are three that I'm particularly fond of: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland, and Corpse Bride. I actually decided a VERY long time ago that I want the wedding vows from the last mention to be my own whenever I get married. Do you let your pets sleep in your bed? Roman lives in this house. Therefore, my bed is just a piece of his furniture. Cookie is allowed to come up too on the rare occasion she wants to, but I don't let her sleep up there because I get uncomfortable. She likes to sleep like ON your head. Do any of your favorite musicians ever write music for/with other artists? Well, both of Ozzy's new songs that have been released are with other artists, and the newer generation fucking loved him/thought he was "up and coming" when Post Malone made a song with him, so... haha, he collabs QUITE a bit. Various Rammstein members also have their own bands/have collabed with other artists, too. I also saw a video very recently of the time they did the instrumentals to Manson's "The Beautiful People" live and PLEASE it was fantastic. What is your favorite collaboration between two different musicians? OHHHHH, YIKES. So many, GAAAAH... Well the first one that comes to mind is Ozzy & Lita Ford with "If I Close My Eyes Forever," ABsolutely beautiful, but I don't know if that's my *favorite*, it's just a strong pick. I dunno man, there's a lot. Have you ever changed your clothes in the car? Yes. Would you ever have a deceased pet stuffed? No, that... creeps me out. I have very conflicting opinions on taxidermy for ANY reason, but getting the animal you love(d) STUFFED to KEEP WITH YOU how it looked in life doesn't sound healthy for the grieving/healing process for me *personally*. Would you ever have a pet cremated? Yes, my dog's ashes are literally beside my bed with a little tribute area to him. Do you believe in the existence of parallel universes? No, but I'm not naive enough to say they ABSOLUTELY don't exist. Gone garbage can tipping? I am going to pretty confidently assume I know what that is and call any fucking "dignified" human being that enjoys dumping trash everywhere as being what REALLY belongs in the fucking junkyard. Can you stick your fist in your mouth? bro if I tried to find out rn and my mom walked by I would kill my fucking self lmfao so ig we never gonna know When was the last time you were high on anything? Never. Ever had a bloody nose? Yes. Have you ever caught a fish? Yeah. Once I caught a catfish through the eyeball (idk bro) and I will forever feel so guilty, haha. It obviously lost its eye getting the hook out... aaaaand this is a reason I don't fish anymore, like I wasn't going to keep and eat the fish so I literally tortured a very confused and scared animal. Wow I feel gross now. What was the last thing you ate? Mom made some nice burgers today for dinner. Do you own a blender? Yeah. Have you ever been slapped? Absolutely not in the face, but more than once my mom has slapped me on the arm, and I was spanked growing up if I did something I shouldn't have. PSA, don't spank your fucking children. Don't hit ANYBODY. Do you like Snapple? No, actually. What do you want pierced? Collarbones and back dimples when I'm at a place where I'm more confident in my weight being healthy and consistent, right nostril, and then probably just a lot in my ears. There are a few more I'm interested in, but they'd look stupid/be too concealed and pointless with me wearing glasses. Do you like taking pictures? Of myself, no. But I'm going to try and get better at that; something I realized yesterday is that I simply almost DON'T exist in pictures of family, something my mom hates, too. I always opt out of pictures because I don't want to see myself, and I'm finally realizing it's depressing so am trying to keep that in mind going forward. Have you ever started a rumor? Absolutely not. How do you vent your anger? It usually culminates in crying, which tends to help me. What do you want a tattoo of? Hmmmm let's think of one I don't think I've mentioned in the past... okay so the first that came to mind was actually one of the statues from Resident Evil 8, the one with the nude women and one (or all?) has a deer skull as her head. The FIRST fucking time I watched a let's play of the game, I was immediately like, "TATTOO." It's not a super high priority one, but it's something I wanna do eventually somewhere. What was the last compliment you received? Girt called me beautiful when I was having a super hard time about some stuff yesterday. ;_; Could you ever be a vegetarian? I've tried, and no. I would 100% be malnourished. Oh my fucking god tho actually I mentioned I wanted to try cauliflower wings one day (I swear I've heard they're very good) yesterday and Girt looked at me like I was an ACTUAL abomination lmfao Do you look more like your mother or father? I don't know, I hear both. What do you like most about your body? I mean... she ain't pretty but she got a bangin' immune system, lmao. What do you like least about your body? My weight. Easy fuckin' peezy. Is your best friend a virgin? No. Would you ever dye your hair red? I'd totally dye it a shade of red again, I LOVED my red hair. The one color that fucking stook to my hair like actual glue.
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A/N: I loved doing this one guys, and I hope you love it too. Might do a part 2 not sure yet, as always commissions are still open until 3/10 message if your interested- price list is here
- Okay this is the ship guys this is it-
- This is like Hades and Persephone type of love
- Everyone thinks that Regulus is someone to be feared because of his family, and everyone knows they dabble in the dark arts
- And everyone is so caught up in his family-
- In the estate, and those dark rumors, and their dark magic-
- That no one see’s Regulus is just a boy-
- A lonely boy with no real friends, not really
- It’s worse now that Sirius has been disowned
- He’s got people around him, boys who’s parents are aquatinted with his
- But they don’t really like him
- They just hang around because they want a flicker of his power
- Of that ancient dark magic everyone’s convinced he’s got
- Everyone except you that is
- You’re this beautiful, cheerful, precious thing
- He meets you when you’re lost, looking for the bathroom
- “Sorry to bother, but do you know if it’s down the hall?” You ask, he’s seen you a few times; in class, or around the corridors
- Playing gobstones with your ever growing group of friends
- He would be jealous if he wasn’t so surprised that you’re speaking to him at all, aren’t you a muggle born?
- Shouldn’t you be afraid of him?
- Just like everyone else?
- “It’s in the next hallway, that one is moaning Myrtle’s bathroom” he says quietly
- He watches you nod enthusiastically
- Looks like you’ll be on your way now, probably for the best, he wouldn’t want his parents to know -
- “Would you mind showing me?” You ask
- And it’s awfully pushy, but somehow Regulus can’t turn down that bright smile of yours
- You talk to him so easily, like you’re not afraid of him at all
- And it irritates him a little.
- Honestly, even the professors are a little afraid of him
- Everyone is
- So why aren’t you
- “Do you-“ he stops in the middle of the corridor, and you walk a few steps forward before realizing he’s not beside you anymore
- “Do you know who I am?”
- You must not, that’s the only explanation
- When you find out you’ll go as pale as the moon, and afterward you will regale the tale for your many friends, how you barley escaped the fearsome Regulus Black, right before he was about to curse you with his dark magic.
- But you only offer a quizzical expression and a smile
- “You’re Regulus Black”
- You say it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world
- It only makes him upset, but he doesn’t know why
- In fact since the moment he met you there’s been this burning irritation lingering in the back of his mind, and he just can’t seem to pin point why
- But regardless of the reason, it seems to be boiling over right now, in an empty corridor in the middle of the night
- “Shouldn’t you be afraid? I could curse you right here if I wanted”
- But the smile on your face remains
- “Maybe, but you won’t” you muse
- He laughs
- “Why because you think I’m afraid getting expelled?”
- Honestly his parents would welcome him with a feast if he came home for attacking a muggle born
- It would be a sign he wasn’t going to become like Sirius after all
- Because that’s the worst thing a person could be according to his parents-
- A blood traitor
- But instead of quaking in your shoes you flash him a quizzical smile
- “Nah, I just don’t think you’re that kind of person” you shrug
- The words echo in his mind long after you’ve said them
- And though he’s looked at you before
- He’s only really looking at you now, the easy way your lips curl into a smile, the sparkle in your eye, the glow around you-
- Like you’re made of sunlight
- Like you breathe life into all things wherever you go
- Like an ancient witch he heard of , heralded as the goddess of spring
- Like Persephone
- Ah, so that’s it
- It’s not that he hates you
- It’s that he envies you
- Because seeing how natural it is to see you do good, makes him hope -  it makes him yearn to be like that too
- To be more than an heir to his family’s dark legacy
- “I could be wrong though” you shrug, you can count on one hand how many times you’ve been right about something
- But still, you just don’t buy that the shy kid in front of you is some evil prodigy bent on destroying the world
- “No” Regulus’s voice cracks, and it’s soft, so soft you almost don’t hear it.
- But your turn to him, eyes jumping from one of the many paintings in the corridor to his pale face
- His eyes seem glossy as they look into yours, and it’s not just because of the light from the torches
- “No, I’m not that kind of person” he says with a bit more strength this time, and you grin
- And while you feel that there’s something important about the moment, you don’t realize the monumental significance this chance meeting holds for Regulus
- “Oh, we passed the washroom” he realizes after a moment, he was so caught up in talking to you he hadn’t realized
- “Ah, that’s okay I didn’t have to use the bathroom anyway” you say with a wave of your hand
- Huh?
- Noticing his expression you get a sheepish look on your face
- “Well I’ve wanted to talk to you for a while, but you’re always with people-“
- Yeah he’s sure his “friends” would give off an especially murderous aura if you ever tried to approach them
- “So when I saw an opportunity, I just took it” you admit with a slight laugh
- “I wanted to see what everyone was talking about when they mentioned the ‘Dark Prince’ “ there’s a teasing flint in your eye, and the nickname alone is enough to make him flush red
- “And what’s your assessment?” he manages to ask, a smile stretching across his face
- “Very underwhelming, I came expecting several hexes and a duel, and all I got was a cute boy with pretty eyes”
- This time he really does flush bright red, eyes trained on his shoes
- You laugh, you were mostly teasing
- But he is quite cute isn’t he?
- What’s everyone so scared of anyway? He’s like a shy kitten
- He watches you walk to a particular portrait, whispering a word before it swings open
- “Well see ya around Mr. Dark Prince” you say, sending a teasing wink his way
- Regulus is glowing red, even when he’s tucked in bed, in his common room hours after the meeting. the mere memory of the words you said send his heart racing again
- “They said I’m cute” he’ll recall with a goofy smile spreading across his face
- After that, things are brighter for Regulus
- You pull him into your group of friends, quite literally
- “I-I don’t think this is a good idea” he manages, catching the terrified glances of passerby’s as you tug him forward by his arm 
- What a sight you must be, the literal personification of spring pulling the Dark Prince  himself by the arm through the castle
- The aforementioned Dark Prince having a rosy tinge on his cheeks, which most of the other students misplace for Fury instead of what it actually is:
- Embarrassment with a healthy dash of attraction to aforementioned personification of spring
- “Nonsense, everyone’s dying to meet you Reg”
- When you use his nickname his flush darkens
- No ones ever called him that-
- No one except Sirius and Andromeda
- He likes the way it sounds coming from you
- And you’re right, your friends accept him into their fold immediately
- “You know any curses?” One of your friends asks, it’s in a jovial manner that anyone could tell they’re just teasing but Regulus flinches
- “No, not really” he admits, not any he’s good at anyway
- He did see his parents do something akin to a sacrifice when he was younger with an alter in the full moon, but he really wouldn’t know where to start with that
- “What about gobstones, you know the rules to that?”
- Regulus nods
- “Well lets play then!”
- Before he knows it, it’s like this was always his life
- Laughing with you in class, games of gobstones with your friends and trips to Hogsmeade on the weekend
- Regulus didn’t know that he was yearning for this
- How often had he wished for something like this,
- A place that feels like it’s full of sunshine, where everyone feels accepted, and no one has to feel sad
- This is the happiest Regulus has ever been
- But all dreams must come to an end
- The end of the semester comes around, and he has to go home for Christmas vacation
- You’re standing side by side on the train platform waiting for the train, your trunk lying next to you
- “You’re not taking anything back with you?” You ask
- Regulus shrugs
- “There’s no point, everything I need is at the manse”
- You’ve always been a bit curious about what the Black manor is like
- Probably something grand, large library’s, they probably have one of those record players with the gold horn thing
- And a ballroom
- It probably makes Hogwarts look like a pile of dirt
- But the way Regulus’ face darkens when you ask him about it tells you that- yes they probably do have a ballroom, but there’s other things too, things that are far less pleasant 
- And when he starts talking about his home life, how it’s worse - lonelier- Now that Sirius is at the Potter’s all the time, and there’s no one around to stand between him and his parents
- He notices your heartbroken expression and rushes to comfort you
- “It’s not so bad, Mum’s got her tender moments every so often and-“
- “Regulus” you cut in, and the sound of his whole name leaving your mouth makes him stutter to a stop
- “You’re supposed to feel safe and loved all the time not just sometimes”
- It’s such a basic thing, but when Regulus hears this, he feels like he’s being allowed something
- He feels, for the first time, he’s allowed to be safe and happy
- He’s allowed to be good
- “Why don’t you come home with me for Christmas? It’s probably not as grand as you’re used to-“
- You fidget awkwardly, maybe it’s silly, the prince, Regulus Black, himself sitting on your worn sofa, holding yarn while one of your family member’s knits
- You can picture it though
- You can picture a big smile across his face, indulging the younger children in your extended family in their requests for piggyback rides and for him to participate in their games
- “I want to,” he says, really the fact that you’re offering is enough, more than he could ask for
- “But I can’t”
- And it’s the truth, after Sirius, he can’t make any mistakes, his family won’t stand for it
- He especially doesn’t want to think what would happen to you if they found out he had been spending all of his time with you, a muggle born
- He doesn’t want to think what curses they might inflict you with
- He doesn’t want you to ever be hurt because of him
- “You’ll write to me?” You say it with the fervor of a demand, and it makes a smile curl onto his mouth
- “Everyday” he promises
- And things are exactly as they always were at 12 Grimmauld Place, his mother is distant, only livening up when one of the other ladies shows up for tea
- His father is squirreled away in council meetings
- His cousins are no fun, not really, and Andromeda’s not around anymore since she ran off with Ted
- He likes Ted, though he would never admit it to his family
- Ted is a lot like you, someone with an infinite amount of kindness
- He wonders how they’re doing
- He wonders how Sirius is doing
- He’s probably happy, he always looked happy when he was with his friends
- And so- with a picture of you discreetly kept on his desk, he writes three sets of letters
- The first is for you, to assure you he’s fine, and live vicariously through your spring, through your lovely Christmas moments and imagine himself there too. 
- The second for Andromeda, to ask if she’s doing alright, and to tell her he misses her
- And the last, is for Sirius
- Asking how he is, and hoping he’s well.
- And to say that he understands what Sirius was saying all those years, in their childhood and then into adolescence, Regulus understands now- 
- And he wants to be good too
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things they do when they love you
Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Tanaka Ryūnosuke, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kozume Kenma, Tendō Satori, & Ushijima Wakatoshi, all with a Fem!Reader
Warnings: literally nothing - pure fluff <3
A/N: sorry for the lack of content lately! I’ve been super busy with work and school and I feel myself starting to get selfconscious of my work again so I’m hoping I can break through the writers block it comes with! Hope you enjoy! Also thank you to @thisnoodlewritesao3​ and @satan-ruler-of-hells​ for listening to me talk about this fic probably a million times lol
haikyuu masterlist
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Kageyama is awkward with telling you how he feels so he just tries to give you things to show you. like you mentioned once you liked the protein bar that Coach gave you guys and now he bought every single one of them from the store and is bringing it to your house. Oh did you say you liked milk too? Well I guess he’ll just have to bring you the whole fucking vending machine. Just wants to show he will provide you with all the things you love, pls love him back. I feel like he’d also be bugging his older sister all the time - asking her all sorts of questions about girls. She’s the reason your first date wasn’t at a volleyball game (and also the reason why he no longer thinks your first date was the first time you attended his games. “Tobio, a date is supposed to be where the two of you are hanging out together.” “But.... we are together. She’s watching me play.” “.... somewhere where your whole team and the whole of the Miyagi prefecture isn’t!”)
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Tsukishima will let you pamper him lol. He likes the attention so when you’re doing face masks, he’ll like look through them and ask you questions about them. Sometimes it comes off as he’s judging you for spending money on this stuff but he’s really just waiting for you to ask if he wants to try one. You bought a dino face mask specifically for him but you thought he’d laugh at you if you asked. So you just kept it with the rest of your sheet masks. You’re putting one on one day and he’s like …. is that a dinosaur. And you’re like…. no? And immediately he’s like well now I have to have it please show me how to put this one. Lol cut to: it does nOT look like a dinosaur (have yall seen those ones that’s supposed to like look like a penguin or lion or something and just looks psychotic??? yeah that). He still likes it and even lets you take a picture of his first face mask cause you just look so happy that you’re doing it with him. It becomes a ritual and any time you’re doing face masks, he’ll do it with you and you just spill all the tea to him about shit you’ve heard at work or school and he just listens and aggressively calls everyone stupid  lol
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Tanaka aggressively praises you non stop but like in a good way haha. Did you just post a photo on instagram? He’s liked it first, commented a thousand different things about how he loves your outfit and your expression and how you’re the light of his life, and then he sHARES the photo to his story and is like look at how pretty my girlfriend is yall wish this was you. Oh did you just get a good grade at school??? Non stop bragging to his teammates about how he’s dating a genius (“I mean anyone’s a genius compared to you” “Tsukishima that is NO WAY TO TALK TO YOUR UPPERCLASSMAN YOU ASSHOLE”). If you’re feeling upset about something, he’ll comfort you and all but also tell you that you’re such a badass you could handle anything. And it’s not like empty compliments either - he genuinely believes that you are the most amazing human being to ever walk the planet
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Yamaguchi (okay I got this idea partially from @/paige.ipairs on tiktok but it’s so cute that i had to put it here) likes doing anything with you so he likes it when you’re out shopping and you help him pick a new outfit or you style something for him. But his favourite thing is when you’re painting your nails and he’s like … that’s a nice colour… and you’re like Yamaguchi would you like… your nails painted? And at first it’s just the one finger and it’s a matching colour with you. Like on his ring finger to symbolize he’s with you but then soon he’s with you at the mall looking at different colours and picks out one’s he would like for you to paint for him and he just carries them over to you like .. o.o pls
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Kenma will actively look for 2 player games that he can play with you. He’ll pretend like it’s nothing and that he just wants to try the game for the 1 player story but he’ll leave a controller out and just kind waits for you to ask to play or pick up the controller. He really likes it when you play, even if you wander around a lot and aren’t super focused on the story line. Minecraft with the two of you is always fun. He thinks it’s really funny how aggressive you get trying to save your animals from the zombies even though they won’t get hurt. You teared up once cause the pen you made for your chickens got blown up by a Creeper and he actually felt so bad even though you told him it was definitely not his fault. Cut to: you screaming aggressively when it comes to any Creeper as revenge for the chickens who were lost in the battle.
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Tendō starts reading your favourite mangas and watches all of your favourite series/movies before you two really started dating because he wanted to know what to talk to you about. But now that you guys are together, he’ll plan dates where you can binge-watch all of your favourite movies/shows or just lie around and trade mangas (you had this man actually crying at some of them, he wasn’t ready for the hURT). If you’re not the biggest fan of horror films, he’ll insist that you guys don’t need to watch them but he loves when you stick it out with him cause it means extra cuddles and more snacks as comfort! If you do love horror films, he’ll always buy tickets to the new movies so the two of you can watch it together right away.
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Ushijima will hold you no matter where you guys are. Big beefy boy doesn’t really understand why he wouldn’t hold you, even if you guys were in public. When you guys first started dating, you’d avoid reaching out for his hand because you figured big stoic guy like Ushijima, he wouldn’t really be a PDA kind of guy would he? Wrong. Well right, but also wrong. Boy probably doesn’t even realize what PDA is but he’ll reach for your hand and hold it anytime. And if you guys are waiting in line somewhere, he’ll just hold you in his arms in front of him. He has no sense of when not to do this. It’s like you’re his comfort person (which you are). In front of his Coach? Suddenly has you in front of him, hugging you to him. Being interviewed by some reporters? Oh look, you’re here too. Reminding Oikawa that he should’ve come to Shiratorizawa? You’re right in front sticking your tongue out at the Aoba Josai boi like the child you are lol. Honestly, he doesn’t think it’s weird but he knows deep down that he’s just really scared you’ll leave. He likes knowing you’re around because it reminds him you’re always there. 
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@al0ehas​ @aurumk​ @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @lucyheartfilias-wife​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @livy384​ @babyshoyo​
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