#really wanted to go to zak bagans haunted museum but wasn’t able too :(
autumnalreaper · 2 years
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got to see the seven magic mountains on the way into vegas, dressed like guy fieri and terrorized fremont street on halloween, got a tattoo, got to see the bodies & titanic exhibits, among many other drunken shenanigans i shall not share cause what happens in vegas stays in vegas
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moeyy-writes · 4 years
Here and Now - Part 3
Zak Bagans x Reader
Warnings: None. Just some playful, sarcastic teasing.
Word Count: 1,283
Series Master List || My Fanfic Master List
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You munched on your pancakes as you watched your favorite show on your iPad. This was the time you loved, the time where you could just veg out and relax. You were sporting some black leggings and a long, very oversized shirt you found at the bottom of your drawer a few months back. The origin of the garment was totally forgotten, but it was freaking comfy.
Your phone buzzed beside you, nearly making your jump out of your skin. Peering down at the screen, you chuckled.
1 New Message: Aar Bear
(3:05pm) Aaron: So, I hear someone I know has a date tomorrow…
You groaned. Oh boy. What was this dork going to tease you about now?
(3:07pm) Y/N: Well, technically, two people you know have a date tomorrow.
(3:09pm) Aaron: I know. Two of my favorite people. I just wanted to say I hope you have fun, and that I’m happy for you. Both of you.
(3:10pm) Y/N: Thanks Aaron. I’m sure it will be fun. Zak said it’s a surprise and won’t tell me where he’s taking me. :(
(3:13pm) Aaron: Well, trust me, it will be fun. ;D
(3:15pm) Y/N: Wait, you know where we’re going? Dude, tell me!!!
You frowned and sighed. Sure, you liked having things planned out for you. But, you liked knowing what you were talking into. Too much of your life, especially recently, involved the unknown. So, in your private life, you preferred predictability.
(3:16pm) Aaron: Of course I do! I helped him plan it! Well, just the details. It was mostly his master plan.
Your stomach sank a little. If Aaron had anything to do with this date, you knew there was going to be some sort of joke on you.
(3:18pm) Well, if you try to sneak a prank in on this date, I’m going to make sure the rest of your life is absolute hell. And that’s not a threat, it’s a promise.
(3:19pm) Aaron: Oh, don’t worry. It will be perfect.
Well, that didn’t ease your nervousness at all. If anything, that wasn’t exactly a ‘no’ on the whole prank thing. You honestly wouldn’t put it past him to show up during your date, or tape you from afar.
But, you weren’t going to allow yourself to dwell on that. You were looking forward to seeing Zak one-on-one, going on whatever adventure he had planned for you.
You took your last bite of pancakes, then headed for your living room. Tomorrow was going to be great, you had no doubt. Well, almost no doubt. But, for now, you needed to rest and daydream about what was to come.
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You leapt to your feet the moment your doorbell rang. Sure, you were still a bit sleep deprived, but the adrenaline running through you was enough to give you more energy that you usually had on a normal day.
Plus, Zak had promised you coffee.
You opened the door to reveal a very dapper looking Zak. You smiled, taking in his very well fitted button-down short sleeved shirt, and his black cargo pants. His hair was gelled in its usual way, and his glasses were perched on his nose as normal, but something about him seemed even more handsome today.
Or maybe it was your excitement.
“Good afternoon, gorgeous. Did you sleep well?” He smiled, his hands deep in his pockets.
You nodded. “Oh yeah. I woke up just after noon. It was glorious.” Zak laughed.
“Sounds like we had the same morning.” He peered down the hall towards the glass doors at the front of your building. “Well, your chariot awaits,” he chuckled, extending his hand. “Shall we?”
Your chest fluttered the moment your hand slipped into his. This is really happening. Your tiny backpack rocked against the right side of your back as he led you down the hall towards his car.
Once you were in the car, Zak gestured to his ridiculously fancy center console, where two large cups of coffee were waiting for you. You grinned, realizing you probably needed the coffee more than you thought.
“Yours is right here. It’s a caramel… something. I can’t pronounce the freaking word. The girl at the drive through had a field day correcting me.” Zak chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“A macchiato?” you guessed, making sure to annunciate every syllable.
“Yeah, a mackato.” You laughed, quickly clutching your coffee with both hands, making sure not to spill it in Zak’s fancy ride.
“Macchiato,” you repeated, struggling to hold back your chuckle.
“Right, that’s what I said.” You just rolled your eyes, giggling to yourself. He was such a dork.
“Right.” You turned to look out the window as Zak pulled out of his parking spot.
“So, are you excited about our adventure?” Zak inquired, his eyes glued to the road. You took a sip of your coffee. A caramel macchiato indeed.
“I’m excited. However, I’d be a little more excited if I knew where we were going.” You turned to him, offering a questioning, yet playful glare.
Zak smirked, his eyes still on the road as he turned. “Well, let’s just say it’s somewhere you’ve been whining about not being able to go to. But, it’s somewhere that the rest of the team has been more times than we can count.” Zak glanced over at you as he reached for his own coffee. “And, well, let’s just say I’m also kind of offended you haven’t been there yet.”
You snapped your head towards him. Was he taking you to a location? Was he going to have you investigate a place together? Sure, you loved your job, but that wasn’t exactly your idea of romantic. Plus, what place hadn’t you investigated in Vegas?
So, where the hell was he taking you? It almost seemed like he was driving in circles, trying to throw you off and confuse you. It had almost been four years since you had moved to Vegas, and you had worked at two hospitals in that town. It was safe to say you knew where you were going. Not to mention that Zak had been living there for far longer than that.
And this route was, well, it was definitely a diversion.
“Are you giving me the scenic tour of Vegas first?” you teased, catching on to his game. Zak huffed a laugh. “I have to say, Mr. Bagans, you’re a pretty crappy tour guide.”
“There’s no fooling you, is there? Okay, we’re almost there anyway.”
You took another sip of your coffee, catching a glimpse of Zak’s stunning profile. “Good, ‘cause I’m getting carsick,” you played. Zak scoffed, pretending to be offended.
“Hey, I’m a very good driver.”
“You believe whatever you want. But, let’s just say you’re lucky you’re cute,” you teased, your lips curling into an almost painful smile. The two of you burst into laughter.
He winked. “Damn right, I am.”
Zak turned down a street you distinctly remembered, catching you off guard. Wait, no, he wouldn’t bring you there. Your heart leapt into your throat as excitement prickled under your skin. Now everything was starting to make sense.
Zak pulled into the private, gated parking lot of the one place of significance to Zak that you hadn’t been to yet. You stared at the front sign of the building, taking in the reality of it.
“Well here we are,” Zak announced with a smile. He seemed almost as excited as you were, and he owned damn the place. “I hope I can redeem my tour guide reputation.”
You stared up at the building in front of you in a mix of shock and awe. “Wow, freaking finally.” You grinned. “The Haunted Museum.”
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Thanks for reading. Feedback is appreciated! <3
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