#really thrilled with how the curls came out for Azas ^^
chocopinda · 1 month
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Belated artfight revenge for dear @sozosnipes of their character Azas and their friends character Ishtar <3
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sazandorable · 5 years
magnus archives end of the decade ask meme which im just gonna answer entirely bc it’s really cool!!
the archivist: when and how did you get into tma?
June 2018, so I’m at about 18 months of obsession now (and have literally been thinking about it at least once a day every day since). MAG104 Sneak Preview was the first episode that I had to wait for after being all caught up; it dropped right on my birthday, and gosh what an episode!
sasha: which episode you were most afraid of on your first time listening?
MAG018 The Man Upstairs and MAG024 Strange Music were the ones that most scared me, though others have unsettled or fucked me up more. 024 is now one of my favourites and does nothing to me anymore, but 018 still holds the title of most unpleasant, I think. I hate neighbours.
tim: at which part of the decade do you think tma would've scared you most and/or which part would it have scared you least?
For some reason though I think I’d have been completely immune to the scary elements while I was studying abroad in London in 2010. 18-19 yo Aza was an unwisely fearless idiot.
martin: which entity(s) would you have been an avatar of at the beginning of the decade? at the end?
Probs would have been a big fan of the Spiral or Stranger
basira: did you meet any new friends through tma?
Yes!! Basically 80% of my twitter friends and all of my discord friends are from TMA(/RQ). I’ve met up with quite a few IRL once or more and had a great time. (... I also dragged quite a few old friends into TMA, including some of my oldest best friends who are not big in fandom.)
melanie: out of the podcasts you've listened to over the past decade, how does tma compare among them?
Best overall, on all accounts, be it writing, plot, worldbuilding, natural-sounding dialogue, voice acting, editing, pacing, character development, handling of exposition, soundscaping, representation, humour...
to note, i’m not a huge listener of podcasts, but I’ve listened to WTNV, TPP-Juno Steel, Wooden Overcoats, and last week I binged the first two seasons of The Bright Sessions and was really enjoying it... and then it blindsided me with straightness I just absolutely couldn’t swallow, instantly dropped it and haven’t picked it back up x’’D Anyway, imo TMA beats all these shows on most if not all accounts; it also (imo) avoided losing steam and turning into a repetitive rehash of itself after a season or two, and doesn’t ever feel too fanservicey (to note, i’m fucking thrilled at no one being straight on Mars, TPP just happens to be just a little too campy for me). It also has a fantastic feeling of everything tying together and making you work and engage with the content, which I haven’t yet encountered in other podcasts.
(I also feel like RQG is better on all accounts than TAZ-Balance, the only other actual-play podcast I’ve listened to yet, although I really enjoyed it too.)
elias: did any episodes remind you particularly of any memories you made over the decade, whether scary or not?
MAG048 Lost in the Crowd, as well as the S3 mini arc of Jon travelling the world, reminded me of my own travels, although I had never gone on an entire vacation alone — it inspired me to start doing it, though, so now relistening to MAG048 reminds me of specific memories of travelling alone!
MAG053 Crusader and MAG064 Burial Rites reminded me of my time studying Egyptology and archaeology in uni >w< I came very close...
and MAG081 always reminds me of my own childhood curled up in public libraries.
georgie: what did you do while listening to tma? did you listen with friends or other people?
I usually listen to podcasts while doing chores or cooking, playing video games, or in public transport. In the case of TMA i also binged it at work. Consequently, I have specific memories of:
cooking meat while first listening to MAG018 The Man Upstairs
while cooking, cutting my finger deeply while listening to MAG034 Anatomy Class
my face lighting up while walking in the middle of the street as Melanie described the giant fucking thing in space in MAG106 A Matter of Perspective
reshelving books alone at work while relistening to the same episode an hour later and bursting into tears upon catching that holy shit is Jon ace
and I associate TMA with Stardew Valley and Breath of the Wild.
daisy: over the past decade, did you visit any of the locations featured in the statements?
I’d already been to London a lot. I’ve been to some places mentioned in passing like Lyon, Oxford, Edinburgh and Florence.
Post listening to TMA, I’ve made a point of going to the Tate Britain and see the Panopticon whenever I’m in London, and last time I was in Paris, for the francophone meet-up, we went to see the Rue Lagarde from MAG134! (Also Oscar Wilde’s grave for the RQG fans)
leitner: did you do anything this decade you wished you'd listened to tma before doing? likewise, did you do anything that you wish you'd listened to tma after?
God I’d have liked to have TMA while I was staying in London in 2010. Also wish I’d already found RQ in general and “had” it to help me through 2015.
Otoh it’s probably good I only found it after I was done with my librarian studies because it would probably have influenced me to stick to my original desire to go into archivistics or museum sciences, and I’m not sure I would actually have liked that as much as I enjoy being a public librarian instead.
michael: did the "influence" of any entities feature prominently throughout your decade? which ones?
Lonely, but in a positive way! Well, I’ve fucked a few people over, but that was self-defense, toxic relationships I had to cut off. Overall I’ve grown into my independence and am very happy about it!
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