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chocopinda · 2 years ago
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Chris is a little coward <3
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insanityofvaas · 2 years ago
This is a little something for the wonderful and lovely @chocopinda to along with the pretty Wonderland Vaas! ❤️
Wonderland Madness
Jason Brody. Snow White. Motherfucker.
Vaas went through a lot of trouble to set up this little party, okay? A tea party, to be more exact, like Alice in Wonderland. That’s the fucking theme here, some symbolism and shit. Whatever. That’s not the point. The point is that he went through a lot of trouble. He put his guys to task and made them set everything up in a nice clearing so that it’d look all magical. It’s so fucking dumb, but it’s fun. That’s what’s important. Having fun!
That wasn’t all, though. No, no, no. When Vaas gets an idea he goes all the way with it, full fucking throttle no matter how extreme. As soon as his guys were gone he got himself all dressed up. As Alice. All in, with the dress, all the frills and ruffles included, and knee socks and he even redid his eyeliner to make it extra smoky because, c’mon, that’s fucking hot. Sure, he kept some things of his own; his armband, necklace, combat boots, and machete. But, hey, he’s gotta make the look his own. 
What, you think it’s weird? Fuck you. 
It was brilliant. Inspired. The whole idea was for Jason to accept his invitation and show up, and upon seeing the whole setup and getup, figure Vaas had really gone off the deep end. Well, more than he already has, anyway. He was banking on the whole thing being so over-the-top ridiculous that Jason would be caught off guard completely, and that would be his chance. Oh, baby. It would have been the perfect opportunity to tear that fucker apart and ensure that his final moments led to a glorious, humiliating death. 
But, yeah, the motherfucker didn’t show, and that’s really fucking rude. 
It’s rude and it’s annoying. It’s a disrespect to all of Vaas’ hard work. It’s a lot of time wasted, time that he could have spent torturing other prisoners, but he actually made Jason a priority. Fuck, it pisses him off, like, blood-boiling levels of anger. Listen, all you internet people out there, because there’s a lesson in here: if someone goes out of their way for you, makes you a nice party, you make sure to show up and don’t be fucking rude. Have some fucking manners. 
Moving the fuck along. 
It’s okay. It’s fine that Jason didn’t show up, the bad manners aside. Vaas still has his machete and he really, really likes to hunt. He’s good at it, like some kind of master predator; a tiger in human form. So, Jason did him a favor when it comes down to it. Maybe his crazy tea party murder plan wasn’t as important, after all. Now he gets to stalk Jason through the jungle, all the rage and adrenaline building until he gets to unleash it like some feral beast. It’s going to be so fucking fun, an even bigger bloodbath, and that’s all Vaas needs to set off into the jungle.
Snow White? Where are you, baby?
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illastrologist · 1 month ago
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Morgan 🐴 for ChocoPinda
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astarfruity · 7 months ago
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Artfight attack for @chocopinda
I love this cowboy,, i hate drawing tiefling horns but for you, I will do anything ❤ Wanted to make a little camp scene!
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sozo-snipes · 7 months ago
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@chocopinda's Morgan for art fight! Saw him from across the bar and uh- um- sir- I-
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chocopinda · 2 years ago
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I colour picked from the colours you colour picked for a little sketch.
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and im just supposed to be normal about him? lmao yeah ok
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allenvooreef · 1 year ago
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🔸commission for @chocopinda 🔸
A very fun commission I got to draw during Fantasy Village last month! A grumpy tiefling cowboy with a heart of gold? Sign me up! 😍
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el-michoacano · 2 years ago
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I finally got around to drawing a non-chibi version of Aurelia, my homemade Salamanca lady! I couldn’t decide between black lines and colored lines, so you get both! Gonna tag my Lia lovers: @rosayoro, @themadknightuniverse, @chordsykat, @seraphtrevs, @spice-curls, @lokisinsurrection, @michaelmandog and @chocopinda​ 🖤
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bluewaterlily · 2 years ago
Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Tagged by @chocopinda, @lalito-gran-pito & @riotgrrrlhole thank youu! <3
Three ships: lacho, richonne, villaneve
First ship: probably Kim and Ron from Kim Possible?
Last song: Bedroom Hymns by Florence and the Machine
Last Movie: Fall (2022)
Currently reading: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Currently watching: Yellowjackets but also Orange is the New Black (in the background while I'm writing)
Currently consuming: a cup of chocolate milk
Currently craving: honestly just cheese sticks
Tagging (no pressure!)
@mcchickenbetch, @orzamara, @seraphtrevs, @sloppinjimmy, @norsferatu, @korolrezni-nikolai, @myfaceisaturnoffsorry, @apocalypsebi , @xpurplelilyx & anyone else who wants to!
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jasonsnowwhitebrody · 2 years ago
Rules: List 5 comfort characters and tag at least 5 people.
Well thanks to @insanityofvaas for thinking of me once again. Total sweetheart, love you!
1: Jason Brody-Far Cry 3/Far Cry 6 Vaas’ Insanity DLC
2: Marcus Fenix-Gears of War franchise
3: Sonic the Hedgehog-Sonic franchise
4: Ezio Auditore da Firenze-Assassin’s Creed franchise
5: Simon “Ghost” Riley-Call of Duty franchise
Huh, so I have a trend of adoring hardened men or those that adore adventure and exploration as well as having a small sprinkle of crazy. I can live with that
Tagging with NO pressure
@chaosgoodvibes @chocopinda @broken-balance-baby @hotmessteaparty @allthekingsmenonthehorizon
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egoarc4de · 2 years ago
6 albums that were a big part of your childhood!
tagged by @chocopinda :))) !!! thank u i am finally getting to this lolol 
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if u see this i am giving u a free coupon to be tagged by me and do this i dont want to bug anyone!
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chocopinda · 2 years ago
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Everyone deserves a vacation sometimes, I think.
Thank you for picking out the fun, tourist energy shirt @insanityofvaas x
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insanityofvaas · 2 years ago
It might be bad, I can't tell, but more soft Lacho stuff spilled out.
Nacho’s awake. 
A glance at the clock on his nightstand tells him it’s just a little after three in the morning. He has no idea what it was that woke him up. A noise outside? A nightmare that’s already slipped from memory? Whatever it was, he can already tell that he’s not going to be able to get back to sleep. He sighs and begins to get up, but an arm tightens around his waist and he stops.
Lalo is still in bed. He’s still asleep. 
Well, that’s new. Lalo is almost always awake before he is. In fact, most mornings Lalo is showered, dressed and has breakfast ready by the time that Nacho finally drags himself out of bed. He doesn’t want to ruin this, given the rarity. There’s no telling when it’ll happen again, if ever. His mind made up, Nacho slowly settles back into his spot. He rolls himself over so that he’s facing Lalo; hey, if this is a one-time event, then he’s going to make the very best of it. 
Oh, it’s worth it.
The room is mostly dark. There’s the smallest bit of light that filters in from the street. It’s enough for Nacho to see, and he wants to memorize what’s before him like a precious memory. Lalo looks so peaceful. It’s not a word he often finds himself using for the older man, given he’s always doing something or, at least, always talking. It’s a peculiar thing for him to be quiet and still, other than the gentle rise and fall of his chest, but not in a bad way. 
Nacho can’t help but think that this is something only he’s seen. Maybe that’s misguided or selfish, and even if it is, he wants to hold onto the moment like the precious memory that it is. He wants to look back on it fondly years and years from now, if he and Lalo are lucky enough to live that long or even still be together. Even men like them deserve a few simple, sweet memories to call their own, secret things just for them.
Or, Nacho hopes so, anyway. He wants to believe it.
Nacho pushes back some of Lalo’s hair, mixing gray into black. It’s soft and silky beneath his fingers and he could swear that he feels the older man’s head tip toward the touch. It makes Nacho smile and he’s suddenly glad that Lalo’s asleep because he’s sure the expression must look ridiculous; stupid and sentimental. He loves it. 
He loves Lalo.
Nacho loves Lalo and it’s such a striking realization, as if he’s never thought of it before. He knows that he has. He knows that he’s said it, too. But maybe, maybe this is the first time he’s fully grasped the depth of it. He doesn’t just love this man. No, he loves him and he wants it to last. He wants this to be every day and every night. 
Nacho wants this to be their future.
He sighs softly. He really is some kind of mess, isn’t he? He gets a few minutes of quiet, a glimpse of Lalo looking more content than he’s ever seen him, and what does his mind do? It goes and runs wild on him. He’d laugh at himself if not for Lalo being asleep beside him. Nacho doesn’t want to disturb him and clearly, he has the right idea. Nacho tucks his head beneath Lalo’s chin and closes his eyes. He could use a break from his thoughts, anyway.
But, tomorrow? 
Tomorrow Nacho can tell Lalo everything.
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roaldamundsen · 2 years ago
Trying to draw mm's face correctly, have any good reference images? (Also taking pos3 suggestions)
oh my god. well you can find a bunch of red carpet pics that are ridiculously hd, but I personally find him prettiest in his motel era
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however I really don't draw much. or all that often.. maybe @themadknightuniverse @chocopinda @seraph5 @mundayme or @slavhew @carrot-n-stick (to name a few) will be able to help you out more :3
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fizzelston · 6 days ago
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The doomed Franklin expedition, circa 1848 (artist’s interpretation)
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el-michoacano · 2 years ago
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Another Aurelia! As usual, I couldn’t decide between black lines and colored lines, so you get both! Gonna tag my Lia lovers: @themadknightuniverse , @chordsykat , @spice-curls , @lokisinsurrection , @michaelmandog and @chocopinda ​ 🖤
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