#really like how the hat turned out 🖤💙
moothebloo · 2 years
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Honestly bummed I couldn't draw or write anything good for Halloween, that's always my favorite thing but I was just so busy this month.
Have my last minute, semi complete Ingo costume for Halloween at least 🖤💙🖤💙
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vbecker10 · 3 months
I have a request if you're not too busy
So the reader is the lead singer of a hex girls tribute band and Tony hires them for a Halloween party. While singing the song "cast a spell on you" she catches the attention of Loki, Who is very captivated with this so-called witch.
I love your work and oftentimes feel spoiled with how many fix you produce 🖤💙💚💜
Loki's Little Witch
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You are the lead singer of the band hired to play at the Avengers Halloween party. You quickly catch Loki's attention and for the first time, he decides to stay until the end of the party.
A/N: @crimson25 I absolutely love this request! Thank you so much for sending it! I hope you like it 💚💚
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"How are things going?", Tony Stark's voice interrupts your thoughts while you set up your microphone stand.
"Mr. Stark," you turn to see him dressed as Beetlejuice. "It's going really well. We're almost done setting up."
"Good to hear, the guests should be arriving in about fifteen minutes," he reminds you as Pepper walks over to him, wearing a red wedding dress.
"We are definitely going to be done with all of this before then," you confirm and he gives you a thumbs up. You look at your band mates then back at Tony, "Mr. Stark, we just wanted to thank you again for this opportunity. This is the largest event we've ever played at."
Pepper laughs while adjusting his tie and says, "I think Tony might be more excited than you are."
"I can't help it, I love the Hex Girls," he explains. "When I stumbled across your tribute page, I knew I needed to book you for this party."
True to your word, your band has finished setting up a few minutes before the doors open. The large room seems to fill up almost immediately but instead of being nervous, you couldn't be more ready. You introduce yourself and your band to the crowd and begin the first song.
You dance across the largest stage you've ever been on, matching the rhythm of the song as you sing the opening lyrics. Looking out into the crowd, you fill with pride when most of the guests begin dancing or signing along. This isn't just any crowd, you realize as you quickly recognize most of the guests despite their expensive and well crafted costumes. There are the Avengers, of course, but also some incredibly well known actors and even a few musicians you idolize. Your heart races with excitement but you know you need to pace yourself, it is still only the first song of the night.
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Midway through the second song, your attention is pulled from the middle of the crowd to the rear doors when they open suddenly. Thor walks in, turning more than a few heads. The God of Thunder is dressed as a viking, complete with his golden hair in long braids and a fur lined cape. You continue to sing but are unsure if that should be allowed to count as a costume. Then you notice Thor is physically dragging someone with him as he walks through the guests.
You can't help but smile as you sing, seeing his large hand wrapped around his younger brother's bicep. The raven haired prince walks with his head down next to his older brother, leaving no doubt that he has no desire to be here tonight.
The God of Mischief is the only guest not in costume this evening. Even you and your friends in the band dressed up for the night. You had chosen a black dress with a short witches hat and black lipstick, deciding to lean into the witch look a bit more than usual since this is such a large party. You can't decide if Loki not dressing up is his silent protest against coming or because he simply knew the suit he wore looked stunning on him. He is wearing a perfectly fitted three piece, black suit with a matching black dress shirt and tie.
You continue to sing and dance across the stage but your eyes follow the two Asgardians. They make their way to the bar but as soon as their drinks arrive, Thor spots Jane and abandons his sibling without a moment's hesitation. Loki shakes his head as he takes a seat and clears away some of the Halloween themed glitter around his drink.
You watch him sigh then conjure a thick leather bound book to read and decide your goal for the night is to make sure he enjoys the party. The third song begins and you smile, knowing it is the perfect song to get the attention of someone with magic.
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I'm gonna cast a spell on you.
He turns on his stool as you start your favorite song in the lineup and your eyes met briefly.
You're gonna do what I want you to.
Mix it up here in my little bowl,
say a few words and you lose control.
You sing to the crowd dancing in front of you.
I'm a Hex Girl
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.
You point out towards a random guest.
I'm gonna put a spell on you.
You point to another person and smile as you sing loudly.
I'm a Hex Girl
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.
You look towards Loki who is still watching you while you sing, putting down his wine slowly on the bar. You try not to blush at his intense eye contact, a smirk on his lips. His book vanishes as his attention is solely on you.
Put a spell on you!
You point at Loki and wink with a smile. You can't help but continue to keep your eyes fixed on the handsome prince, as if you are singing just for him now.
You'll feel the fog
as I cloud your mind.
You'll get dizzy
when I make a sign.
You'll wake up in the dead of night,
missing me when I'm out of sight.
His fingers run up and down the stem of his wine glass but his eyes never leave yours.
I'm a Hex Girl
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.
You turn from Loki and continue to dance to the other side of the stage.
I'm gonna put a spell on you.
I'm a Hex Girl
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.
Oh yeah!
You turn again towards the bar and he takes a sip of his wine but his eyes find yours immediately. You sing directly to Loki once again.
With this little cobweb potion,
you'll fall into dark devotion.
If you ever lose affection,
I can change your whole direction.
You break eye contact with the God of Mischief and dance back to the center of the stage. You wave towards the crowd and hold your mic out to them. They all join in, singing the finally chorus except for Loki who watches you intently with a smirk on his lips.
I'm a Hex Girl
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.
I'm gonna put a spell on you.
I'm a Hex Girl
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.
We're gonna put a spell on all of you!
The song ends and everyone cheers wildly. Loki claps from his seat, looking as regal as the prince he truly is. He takes a sip of his wine, still watching you as you begin the next song.
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After your seventh song, you announce that your band will be taking a brief break. You turn on the DJ program and hop off the stage, almost immediately walking into Loki's chest.
"Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Laufeyson," you look up at him, feeling a wave of nervous excitement.
"Loki, please," he smiles charmingly. "And what is your name, little witch?"
"Y/N," you tell him, a giggle escapes you when he takes your hand and kisses the back of it lightly.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Y/N," he says, not releasing your hand, his thumb runs across your knuckles. "Would you care for a drink?"
You look back towards the stage but your friends have all vanished into the party for your fifteen minute break. You smile back at him, "I'd love a drink."
"Lovely," he says and you blush when his eyes travel up and down your body quickly. He places your hand on his forearm and leads you through the crowd to the bar. Loki pulls out a stool and holds the low back of it still as you take a seat then he sits next to you. The bartender asks you what you would like and Loki orders himself another glass of wine.
"So, are you enjoying the party?" you ask, taking a sip of your drink as you try to hide how excited you are to be this close to him. You had been watching him nearly as closely as he had been watching you, hopeful your paths would cross before the night was over. Your knee brushes against his when you move to face him but neither of you shift away from the contact.
"I am now," he smirks as he leans closer to you so you can hear him better over the loud party. He ignores his drink, his blue eyes focused on yours and you place your drink on the bar near his. "But I believe that may only be because a beautiful witch has cast a spell on me," his fingers gently cover your hand which is resting on your knee.
You blush and bite your lip, "I didn't think a human could bewitch the God of Mischief."
He strokes your cheek slowly with his other hand, "But you are no mere mortal, surely you must be a goddess."
You giggle at the thought of Loki referring to you as a goddess but before you can respond you feel someone's hand on your shoulder. You turn to see who is interrupting your conversation, unable to hide your annoyed expression.
"I'm sorry to bother you, Y/N," your drummer, Rosalie, smiles apologetically, "but Mr. Stark wants us back on stage since they are bobbing for apples now. I didn't know people actually did that."
"Okay, thanks," you tell her and she walks away, presumably to find your other band mates. You look back at Loki who's smile has faded, he removes his hand from yours and sits back. "I'm sorry, I wish I had a bit longer," you tell him honestly.
He nods, forcing a smile, "As do I."
"I really hope you enjoy the rest of the party," you say then you get up and walk back towards the stage. You worry he will leave the moment you are away from him and if he does, you doubt you will ever see him again.
Suddenly, you get an idea and walk quickly back to the bar. "Excuse me," you get the bartenders attention and ask him for a favor.
Loki watches you curiously but his smile returns when you walk towards him again. You fold the napkin in half and place it into the breast pocket of his suit jacket. Reaching up, you kiss his cheek softly so as not to leave a lipstick mark and say, "That's just in case you decide not to stay until the party is over but I hope you don't leave quite yet."
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Loki unfolds the napkin as soon as you are back on stage and chuckles when he sees your phone number and a black lipstick kiss. He folds it again and tucks it back into his pocket for safe keeping. The decision is easy, it only takes seconds for him to know this will be the first of Stark's parties where he remains until the end.
You watch Loki get up from the bar and your heart sinks as you fear he is leaving. You continue to sing as your eyes follow the prince but you smile when you realize he is on the hunt for food. Hopefully that means he has decided to stay, you think.
Loki leans against a wall, away from the other guests, holding a plate of food as he watches you perform. Two songs later, he has gotten rid of his plate but he remains in the far off corner, smiling to himself as he listens to you. His arms are folded across his chest and he nods his head slightly with the music although you doubt the Asgardian has ever heard any of these songs before.
You start the next song and turn to share the mic with your base player for the opening lyrics. When you turn back around, your heart jumps into your throat and you nearly miss the next line. A woman in a tight and very revealing blue dress is standing with Loki, her hand resting on his arm. He bends a bit while she whispers something in his ear.
You try to push down the wave of jealousy that suddenly fills your body and force yourself to keep singing. He isn't yours of course, you remind yourself. You have barely spoken but you would feel devastated if you had to watch the handsome prince dance with another woman.
Loki looks down at the woman's hand and you wish desperately you could hear what he is saying to her. A smile spreads across your lips when he pulls his arm free from her grasp. You continue to sing loudly, his eyes find yours again and he smiles in spite of how unhappy the woman next to him appears. She takes a step towards Loki again but he folds his arms over his chest and leans on the wall as he had before she approached him. His eyes remain focused on you and he ignores her final attempt to get him to dance.
The only woman the God of Mischief is interested in tonight, is you, his little witch.
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The main lights come on just after midnight and the party finally comes to an end. The guests wander out of the large room but you hope one particular god doesn't leave. You and your band mates begin the long process of disassembling and packing all of your equipment.
"Excuse me ladies. Would it be possible for me to borrow Y/N for a few moments?" Loki says from behind you.
Ember, your bassist, looks around at all of the equipment and in a mocking tone says, "We need to put all of this away first, your highness." She bows dramatically and you roll your eyes although you are less than surprised by her attitude.
You laugh and blush horribly when you realize your friends have noticed Loki's attention has been on you since he arrived at the party. You hop off the stage and turn to look at them, "I'll be back in five."
"Shut up," Rosalie throws a drumstick at her with absolute precision. "He's been eye fucking her all night. Give the woman ten minutes."
"Take your time," Maya, your guitarist yells over her shoulder. "You're useless at winding these cords the right way anyways."
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Loki takes your hand and leads you into the now empty hallway. You are unsure where he is taking you and before you can ask he stops suddenly and turns towards you. He releases your hand, gripping your hip instead and backs you against the wall. You giggle nervously when he takes a step forward, his body pressed flush against yours.
"You were extraordinary tonight, my little witch," Loki smiles down at you.
"Thanks," you bite your lip when his eyes drop to your lips briefly. "I wasn't sure you would like the songs. I imagine this isn't the kind of music a prince of Asgard would typically listen to."
He shakes his head, "It is not but you are an exquisite singer."
A blush creeps up your cheeks and you are unsure if it is his complements or how close he is to you. He strokes your cheek slowly and your hands move to his lower back. His fingers run down your cheek and hook under your chin, tilting your head so your eyes are locked on his. He leans down slowly, his lips only inches from yours and he smirks, waiting for you to move next.
You bring one of your hands to the back of his neck, gripping the fabric of his jacket with your other hand. Pulling him towards you, you reach up and kiss him slowly at first but quickly Loki deepens the kiss. His grip on your hip tightens and your fingers move from the back of his neck into his long, black curls. He lips travel to your neck and you moan his name softly when he bites your skin gently.
"Hmm," Loki hums against your neck then he lifts his head to look at you. "You have the most enchanting voice, my little witch, and I plan on finding out what other sounds you can make tonight." He winks at you and you giggle, "But I will need much longer than ten minutes."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-asgard @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv @glitterylokislut @biodegradable-glitter-fest @wolfsmom1 @msdjsg7 @simone818283 @hopefuldreamers-world @blackhawkfanatic
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edengreeen · 1 year
231003 loossemble fansign in sf 💌📡
cross posting to tumblr because... i can... i had so much fun and the girls were so sweet and i wanted to talk about it again T__T all the details are below!!!
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yeojin 🐻🧡 ⭐️ i asked her how she was, and that she looked really cute today! she said thank you :3 ⭐️ i then asked her that i saw on her ig she was walking around SF yesterday, and wanted to know what her favorite thing she saw was ⭐️ she said the sea lions (at pier 39!) she said that she wanted to lay with them ⭐️ i laughed and said the weather has been really good in SF, and that loossemble brought the good weather here ⭐️ she said yes but it was still a bit chilly for her
vivi 🦌💕 ⭐️ b4 the fansign started while i was in line she looked away from the table since no one was at her spot yet and no one was paying attention rly but me so we locked eyes and waved hello to each other. i teared up a little i felt so much love in my heart in that moment ⭐️ i told her i think she is the prettiest girl in the world and that i love her so much. she smiled and said that she loves me too (AHHHHH) ⭐️ i also asked her what One Piece character she thinks she is most similar to ⭐️ she said chopper! i said omg like your hat! in the album!
hyunjin 🐱💛 ⭐️ idk why but i freaked out in front of her + completely forgot what i was going to say for a second i was like ahhhh hiii how are youuuu ⭐️ she said she is good! ⭐️ i then asked if there was a different kind of concept she wants to try for loossemble in a future cb ⭐️ she said angel / devil! ⭐️ i then asked if she wanted to play rock paper scissors ⭐️ she won! i played paper she played scissors so she got excited! ⭐️ i told her that she’s the best at this!!! (i was hoping she would win so i could say this hehe)
hyeju 🐺🖤 ⭐️ i told her that i think she’s the most beautiful girl ever and that i love her a lot, and i’m glad to see her on stage again ⭐️ she smiled and said thank you ⭐️ i then asked her if there was any song that she wanted to cover in the future, vocal or dance ⭐️ …. i couldn’t quite hear so i kind of missed it :( it was a korean artist from what i remember. i’m trying my best to figure it out rn ⭐️ she also noticed that i had a chaetty keychain on my bag (gowon 10cm plush) so she asked if i liked gowon (see pic) ⭐️ i laughed a little, said yes! but i love all of loossemble too haha ⭐️ and she smirked and looked to gowon who was to the left of her
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it was clipped to my bag so it was like a keychain!!~
gowon 🦋💙 ⭐️if u kno me. you know i’ll act like a fool in front of gowon she is so cutie pie irl… ⭐️ but i told her that she is my bias and that i have been here for a long time and that i love her!!! she said thank you so much ~ ⭐️ i then asked her if she could draw me a tattoo! she looked kind of surprised LOL i said anything is fine any! ⭐️ she then asked me what i liked, and i told her stars moons cats bunnies ⭐️ she drew something for a second and then told me… star cat!!!! it smudged a little 😭
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^^ STAR KITTY!!!!!!!! (im so so so sad its smudged)
⭐️ i said this is super cute! thank you so much 🥹❤️ i want to try and get it soon! i’m so sad it smudged but u can still see what she was trying to do there
and that was it!!!! it moved really quickly but i had so much fun, and i was so happy to see all the girls and meet them one on one. they are so kind and i am sooooo grateful for all the opportunities i’ve had to speak with them this comeback. and thank you to saranghello in san francisco for hosting! im so happy to have seen loona in my area. my home is ur home!!! ahhhh theyre my girls forever!!!! i will always be supporting loossemble, and in turn all of loona 🥹❤️
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subtle-edge-of-rot · 2 years
Good morning sweet pea.
Thank you for your input on Vinny's first time with his partner, it serves to further me into the spiral. 🧎🏻‍♀️
Also, did you happen to get my ask about stealing Bo's hat the other day? If you did, I have even more thoughts.
I don't think I could ever get tired of running my hands on my slasher partner's skin. It looks so soft and warm, they'd have to tell me to stop touching them if they needed to get work done.
Vincent is giving me little kisses along my neck while he's rocking me back and forth under him and he just feels me wrap my arms around him and pull him even closer to me, smooshing my chest to his and running my hands along his back. A partner with the same fascination would be a menace.
Vincent most of the time will start off at a slower pace, really dragging himself in and out to feel the way you sneeze around him and that's the perfect time to touch him. You lightly squeeze along his sides, apply pressure to your hands when you feel up his back or if you're in the right position, run your hands lovingly along his stomach and chest. You get to feel how hot his skin is, knowing exactly the effect you have on him but also the way he makes you feel.
When you're cuddling against his chest on the couch too, he shouldn't be surprised to feel hands snake up the back of his shirt and rub up and down soothingly. Light pressure that makes sure you get to properly feel how soft his skin is. He'll feel like hes getting felt up half the time.
If he asks why you've been so obsessed with rubbing his back and sides he gets some one off response of "I can't keep my hands off you. I wanna touch you."
Sometimes you don't just stop there either, you guys are on the couch and you stranddle his lap like you always do. Sometimes you're sitting on his lap facing the TV other times you're facing away from it and resting your body against Vincent's. He'll naturally put his hands around your waist and feel the way you rest your head on his shoulder, unsurprised to quickly feel your hands roam his back.
They go up and down his back soothingly and then you scoot back just a smidge to allow room between you both. You ride up his shirt with one hand, resting it flat against and groping his tit. The other hand rubs carefully around his stomach, your attention obviously directed at his body at this point. You ghost little scrapes with your nails to make him shiver, running a hand along your favorite little happy trail and then sticking your hand into his sweats. It seems to surprise and fluster him every time you do it. Feeling him tense up a little and finally take his attention off the TV.
Passive touches turned immediately into palming at his dick. You give him stokes in his pants before you pull him out, clearly happy with yourself once you do. The goal is to feel him harden all the way in your hand but your pacing is different each time. Slow strokes with some squeeze to emulate one of his favorite sensations and then moving to a quicker, full length stroke that makes fapping noises between you both.
When he's fully hard you brush your thumb around the tip and give him little kisses along his jaw, almost like your pondering if you want to bring him to climax or not. Of course you do. The both of you love a good cockwarming but the need to have him moving in you is stronger than than the want to simply be filled.
You ride up your shirt to press your chest against him and then sink down on his dick, settling with a sigh next to his ear. You run your fingers through his hair when you wrap your arms around his shoulders, letting him set the pace while you cling to him.
That being said, it's up to Vincent if he wants to stop and play it off or fuck you faster when Bo walks in.
Hello my love 🖤 I hope you slept well!
I totally forgot it was in my inbox my bad, just answered it!
Anytime, you know I’ve got you fam! I love providing answers and thoughts and horny shit. Glad to help you in your spiral haha
Touch is such a powerful thing, even if it isn’t anywhere intimate. Just taking the time to run your fingers along your partner’s skin is intimacy in itself—feeling along smooth skin, scars, etc, and adoring every inch of your partner. I for one wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of my partner (especially Michael but we all know this haha).
I love the idea of being with all the Sinclair’s, so when one of them walks in on you with Vincent, they’d stop to admire the view and if invited they’d join in. So Bo walking in on you is a common occurrence. Sometimes Vincent offers to share you in these moments, and sometimes he wants to show off how many noises he can pull from you in front of his brother/“rival”.
He’d keep going, gripping your hips and upping the pace, resting his head in the crook of your neck and biting down after giving his twin a defiant look. He’s not invited for this session but he’s welcome to watch just how well Vincent fucks you on his own.
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