#really it's probably going to happen that this blog will be focused on the cat king and natori still but
sunandsatellite · 1 year
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i’ve been thinking about lune and yuki lately but i don’t have the brain space to. verbalize. anything........
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newtthetranswriter · 9 months
I'm here to cure your bordem! o7 how are you?
What if peke J took a liking to a new neighbor that just moved in? peke J spending most of his time occupying the new neighbors time <3
How would baji and chifuyu feel or act??
Welcome to my little blog, I’m doing okay. How are you doing? Anyway you didn’t specify if you wanted headcanons or drabble so I’m gonna do a little bit of both if that's okay. Also I wrote this to be fairly platonic, I hope that’s okay. Anyway enjoy, have a good day and remember to hydrate or diedrate.
How it starts:
First off they had no clue someone just moved in, being too busy with toman and school they didn’t notice the moving truck or new name on the mail boxes.
Let’s be honest, they probably only realized someone new lived there when Chifuyu noticed Peke J was missing the first time.
Chifuyu’s first thought was that Peke just snuck out to visit Baji, but upon questioning his friend it was brought to their attention they had no clue where the cat had run off too.
Baji being the only one with a brain cell suggested looking around the complex because he had to be around there somewhere while Chifuyu had a mini meltdown thinking he had lost his cat for good.
Chifuyu would take the suggestion and start looking in the dumbest places for Peke J, the trash cans, behind a potted plant next to a random apartment door, Baji on the other hand was politely knocking on doors asking if they had seen the cat.
After about half an hour Chifuyu had slumped to the floor once again believing Peke J had run away never to be seen again. All Baji could think to do is suggest that they make missing posters for the cat.
Before Chifuyu could even nod in agreement the aforementioned cat just walked over and layed in his lap, shocking the boys.
    “Oh you must be his owner.” Said a voice that neither boy recognised. Turning to the voice, they noticed someone standing at the door to an apartment only a few doors from Chifuyu’s apartment. “Wait, are you okay, you look like you’ve been crying?”  the stranger walked over kneeling next to the blonde who just looked stunned, where the hell did you come from?
   Collecting his train of thought Baji spoke first. “Sorry about this, Chifuyu was just really worried about Peke J, I’m Keisuke Baji and the idiot on the floor is Chifuyu Matsuno” He introduced himself. Chifuyu shot Baji a glare before focusing on Peke J.
   “It’s okay, I can understand being worried about such a sweet cat. Anyway I’m Y/n Y/l/n, I just moved in a week ago. It's nice to meet you two.” You responded standing back up. “Well now that I don’t have a cat laying on all my stuff I have things to finish unpacking so I’ll see you guys around.” With that you disappeared into your apartment leaving two gang members and a cat.
   Chifuyu took that as his cue to pick up Peke J and finally get off the floor. “Who knew we had a new neighbor? Anyway bad cat, you shouldn’t be bugging strangers.” He said holding the cat like a baby. Baji just laughed at his friend, scolding the cat notorious for sneaking out. “What are you laughing at?” Chifuyu said to the grinning boy.
   Shaking his head, Baji just waved him off and headed for the stares. “You’re just stupid, anyway I’m going home now that you found your cat, bye.”
    Little did Chifuyu or Baji know this would be a regular occurrence, every few days Peke J would just disappear. Chifuyu would first go to Baji then have to go knock on your door to see if the cat had once again decided to bug you. After the fifth time he stopped bugging Baji about it, and would just ask you. 
Chifuyu’s feelings on the situation:
Again when Peke J first went missing it freaked him out, like that’s his baby and he just disappeared
But after a few times he accepted that it was just going to keep happening.
Chifuyu would also feel bad for the fact that you had to deal with his cat that would randomly escape, but after multiple conversations assuring him that it’s fine he would apologize but understood that it wasn’t bugging you
He got so used to Peke J going over to hang out with you that if there was a toman meeting or he knew a fight was coming up he would ask if you could keep an eye on Peke J until he got home.
On more than one occasion he would open his phone to see a picture of Peke J asleep somewhere in your apartment when Chifuyu could have sworn the cat was just on his bed.
Eventually he accepted that it was now a split parenting relationship, only differences is are one Peke J is a cat, two you guys aren’t together and never were, and third neither of you had control over when and where the cat wanted to stay
As Peke J spent more time at your place Chifuyu did as well slowly adding you to the mini friend group of him and Baji
Chifuyu also is 100% in support of the random pictures you send of Peke J dressed in various costumes, though his favorite was a mini Toman jacket you had either made yourself or commissioned to be made for the cat if you aren’t very crafty.
Baji’s feelings on the situation:
At first was also worried about the cat, mostly because he knew Chifuyu would lose his shit if something actually happened to Peke J
Got tired of the constant texts saying ‘have you seen Peke J’ from Chifuyu and was the one to suggest he just ask you.
Finds it funny that half the time Peke J chooses you over Chifuyu.
Baji would definitely tell the whole gang that Chifuyu now shares custody of a cat with the new person in the building
He would go with Chifuyu to pick up Peke J after Toman meetings to chat with you cause if you’re gonna be a part of the group he might as well make an effort.
When he saw the cat sized Toman jacket he nearly died laughing at it, because who in their right mind makes a biker gang jacket for a cat, he then immediately sends pictures to everyone.
Honestly he’s happy to have another friend, even if you’re not a fighter and just watch his buddy’s cat, you’re cool, so why not hang out with you sometimes.
Overall I see it starting out as Chifuyu thinking he’s bugging you and Baji just accepting that a cat has picked the newest member of the friend group.
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ryuichirou · 3 months
I do remember how Azul one of two housewardens to be top so he can literally be ship with all but Kalim. Same goes to Kalim. Now I want to see a headcanon of Azul and Kalim with the other housewardens relationship besides the mentioned like with Azul and Idia.
The fact that you keep that in mind, Anon! I myself keep forgetting about it omg, Azul, Kalim and a bunch of bottoms… and if we’re talking overblot boys, it’s just Azul and some bitches 😔 What a flower garden.
This is a fun ask. I’ll try to talk about every possible ship that isn’t usually mentioned in our blog or mentioned very briefly. Well, minus Azul/Malleus because we just talked about them a day ago lol And Azul/Riddle because we have some posts about them too.
Looking at the list… it’s mostly Kalim/everyone huh lol
Azul/Leona. It’s difficult to picture them this way, but if they were to miraculously end up being a couple, it will 100% be out of mutual benefit. Plus, Azul would use it to prepare his revenge because he isn’t over the whole sanding contracts thing. Leona knows that, and he fully expects Azul to try to backstab him sooner or later. It’s giving “Scott Tenorman must die”, somehow.
Azul/Vil. This relationship either would end after one hour or would survive surprisingly long. They have a lot in common whether they like it or not, but Azul is too fake for Vil’s liking, and Vil doesn’t mince his words which Azul doesn’t like because Vil isn’t as easy to bully as Idia. Still, Vil enjoys how hardworking and dedicated to self-betterment Azul is; and people in the press would probably consider them to be quite a striking couple… still, they would drive each other insane lol
Kalim/Riddle. It’s like they’re speaking different languages. It’s super difficult for them to understand each other because both of them are kind of impulsive in different ways. But when they have fun, it’s good! Riddle’s inner child really thrives around Kalim whenever he relaxes a little bit, but that always ends with Riddle being super nervous about all the rules they broke. Kalim is chaotic and irresponsible… even though Riddle really loved riding the carpet with him :( They wouldn’t break up though because Kalim would misread Riddle’s attempts at having the talk with him and understand it as something completely different. He likes Riddle a lot! If only he relaxed and had fun more often :)
Kalim/Leona. If they miraculously end up together because of how oblivious and positive Kalim is and because of how passive Leona is, they could end up dating for years… Kalim is that force that takes Leona’s sarcastic comments literally and does whatever he was being sassy about, and to Leona’s shock, somehow he ends up going along with it. How did that happen again? Maybe this is how they ended up dating.
Kalim/Vil. Even if they start out like a couple, Kalim will end up being mothered by Vil. And this isn’t the kind of overprotective and through-the-teeth mothering that Jamil does: Vil-the-mom is strict and very focused on discipline, so I think both of them would experience a cultural shock lol Vil knew things were bad, but was it that bad?... Similarly to Kalim/Riddle though, when it’s time to have fun, they enjoy each other a lot. They dance and sing and Kalim even manages to make Vil laugh… but the rest of the time it gets kind of miserable for both of them.
Kalim/Idia. I want this for Idia, to be honest. I genuinely want this for Idia. This would be such a shitshow though because Kalim has zero understanding of how Idia works; pardon me for a clichéd comparison, but it’s like putting an excited loud puppy in a room with a sheepish scaredy cat. But actually, I think Kalim is smart enough to ask Idia to teach him how to play videogames one day, and even though he would be horrible at it, he would have so much fun failing miserably that maybe… Idia’s heart would melt a little… and then instantly cringe.
Kalim/Malleus. Shameless. Well, Kalim is pretty innocent about it, but Malleus is shameless. He is very satisfied with all the attention he is getting. Everyone around them? Confused and mildly scared, wondering if Kalim even knows what’s going on between them. Kalim? Super excited to have 1000 dates with Malleus, give him all kinds of cool gifts, dance with him and feed him a lot of yummy ice cream. Malleus responds very well to this kind of treatment, so Kalim would go all-out! They would either end up being a power-couple (Kalim would still be very oblivious…) or break up after a while because while Malleus enjoys attention, Kalim just isn’t as reactive to his flirty provocations as he would’ve loved… plus he has too many friends >:(
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lonksadventures · 4 months
Hello it is I, the simp (platonically) for your fishy warlock man in the reblogs. I just wanted to say I love him. The art? Gorgeous. The character design? Stunning. Me? Asking for his hand in marriage. Me again? Also asking to pet the dragon/serpent please. I want his gender and also to hold his hand.
Um so I don't know if you have spoken about him on your blog or if you want to but if you have any information to share I would like to listen :]
OKAY anyway I hope you have a wonderful day and I look forward to hopefully more fishy boy content but also just any of your art!!
HI IM GLAD YOU LIKE HIM!! He’s from a pirate dnd campaign I play with friends :D
Oh boy time to talk about Len lore. SO Len, or Laurelen, is a fathomless warlock with amnesia who knows absolutely nothing about his past life except that he’s pretty sure the the fishy parts and scales weren’t always there. He kinda washed up on a beach and was found by an old lady who taught him how to speak common, walk around on land and how trying to bite people is considered rude. And then the party kinda kidnapped him because pirates and shenanigans happened.
Currently in the campaign he’s learned that he is in fact a warlock, and while he doesn’t know the details of his pact, knows that he’s basically merged with an ancient sea monster (also called Laurelen hmmmm) and isn’t supposed to be mucking about on land in his current incomplete form. His “patron” (said ancient sea monster) is kinda stuck as a spectral sea serpent thing that only he can see and likes to spout super helpful wisdom like “jump in the water” and “eat raw seaweed”. He is a bastard and can sometimes possess Len's body much to the concern of the party. He has been dubbed Ghost and/or the Ghost Noodle and we hate him. Len is very much against becoming a whole ass sea monster and probably losing what little piece of his mind he still had left, so is ignoring everything Ghost says and instead is focusing on trying to recover his memories and finding a way to separate his and Ghosts souls that are kinda intertwined.
When the campaign started he was a very wholesome lad with no idea what was going on but, after some time at sea with the rest of our problematic party and a spectral noodle that scream in his ear, he's learned to be more guarded with his feelings and even learned some swear words! Man is actually pretty good in a fight if you disregard his dumbass demeanour. Though he is currently struggling a bit with the morality of killing people and generally being a pirate now but he’s fiiiine. He’s very self conscious about his appearance and knows all the scales and teeth scare people so he tends to hide them with bandages and baggy clothes. (His green eye constantly looks like a swirling kaleidoscope so he tries to cover it usually)
Fun facts about Len include:
Despite having gills and being a literal fish man he is scared of the ocean/swimming and due to fun patron curse shenanigans seems to pass out in a barrel full of salt water or more. (Yes we did test how much salt water it took we were really bored).
Being able to eat a whole seagull (he was possessed at the time it doesn’t count).
Having way too many teeth.
Assuming most animals after a form of cat.
AND FINALLY is wanted by the navy for having generally bad vibes and also being a pirate I guess.
ALSO DO NOT PET THE SERPENT that is Ghost and he deserves nothing. All he does is scream and be a little shit. Also I did not convey this well in my most recent art but he is way more horrifying in the campaign and also is just full of teeth. Moray eel combined with a sea snake but worse. And no one but Len can see him! :D
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Please enjoy some of the many doodles I’ve accumulated of this man over the campaign (the “human” version was him using disguise self and trying to guess what he’d look like without scales)
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dnangelic · 29 days
answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
in broadest terms, my otp will always be dai n dark with someone who sees, understands, and accepts the two as a singular unit and whom they can both hone their affections on. it's okay if it's weird or difficult for a muse to come to terms with at first, and it's okay if there's some things to work out even after the fact, but a healthy, actual full-blown & mutually reciprocated romantic relationship cannot ever happen without both sides of dai n dark being completely acknowledged. this is the sweet spot; this is both dark and daisuke happy and carefree about their transformations around someone else.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
just about anything as long as we're on the same page. one-sided crushes, hopeless, impossible romances, slowburns, complicated and complex dynamics alongside simple wholesome head over heels romances, dnangel canonically explores this with dynamics like riku and daisuke & dark and risa. just remember that due to the nature of this muse dark and daisuke are essentially already a polyamorous package to those who try to ship with them, you get two embarrassing loverboys for the price of one. in regards to toxic relationships, i do have a limit - i don't want dai or dark to ever suffer too much, and they themselves would never actively, intentionally engage in a toxic dynamic as the toxic ones (leave that to krad,) but if i think a dynamic is interesting enough and we're careful about boundaries, sure, we can talk it out. daisuke's not immune to offering his neck up to vampires or digging his heels in to hold someone back sometimes, if u know what i mean.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
daisuke's 14/15, (i usually write him at 15) while dark's appearance is that of a 16 or 17 year old, (this is static and does not change, he's 2000 yrs old,) but they're both still canonically minors so i don't really like shipping them with anyone who's even around 18. (goes without saying i won't ship them with anyone even older/adults, stop that.) a year give or take from daisuke's age is probably what i'm most comfortable with; any younger and he's willing to be an older brother figure instead, while anyone older should recognize him (yes, and dark too!) as still A Kid.
Are you selective when shipping?
somewhat. due to some pretty horrible experiences in the past, i'm not a fan of when people immediately try to push a ship onto me, especially if it's one without any prior development or character dynamic establishment. the nature of this muse demands understanding and true intimacy, if not a certain level of patience at times. it's very, very difficult to just jump into a ship with them if what you want is full-blown romance right away. if i don't feel the reciprocated grasp of my own muse is there, i'm going to lose interest real fast and the ship won't hold any personal value to me. idgaf how hot anybody thinks dark is, even if i know his design pulls in people hoping for a ship. it's low priority to me.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
what, like canonically? riku and daisuke for the healthy stuff, risa and dark for the hopeless stuff, i wouldn't mind exploring sato and daisuke a little, but that's extremely complex and i do prefer them as complicated friends/rivals/cat n mouse, cop n criminal, artist n phantom thief dichotomies <- this is already unbelievably interesting to me without any shoe-horned in romance. idk who else exists, the series already focuses on rom-com shenanigans most of the time. if it's non-canon muses, it's w/e. i don't look at charas and immediately jump to ship them with my muse.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
nope! if it develops through extended ic interaction that's perfectly fine and actually my preference as opposed to asking. feels more natural that way. i hate writing an empty romance that has no actual legitimate ic memories involved, frankly. how do u love someone u literally don't even know and all that
How often do you like to ship?
it's whatever. i leave it up to my muse, daisuke's very prone to positive feelings about others that can transform (heh) into romantic desire, but if i shipped with every single one of my followers just because they were shippable i'd be bored and disappointed tbh
Are you multiship?
i am!
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
ship idgaf.... just give me a fun dynamic or else. 💥
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
riku is soooooo good you guys she's so good. if you guys read the light novels you'd know how good she was. her relationship with daisuke is the main focus of the series, so it's natural it ends up my favorite. i don't have time to unpack all of it but basically riku's clumsy and a teenager and daisuke's clumsy and a teenager but they both like each other so much and would do anything for each other. they're so good
Finally, how does one ship with you?
write a 30 note thread with me with daisuke transforming and howling out his window that he loves you and that it's not a joke or just dark speaking and he really really loves you or write 82484248 threads where little by little daisuke falls in love and tries to muster up the right time / environment to confess or confess to daisuke first and then be gentle with him even after he starts to flounder cause he's never been confessed to before n doesn't think he'd ever be confessed to in the first place, the methods n possibilities are endless, and so i'll say the only method that DOESN'T work is trying to romance dark before daisuke. he'll turn you down very nicely or make some promise about 'next time' but that's a lie, he's stealing and eating your heart. dark's heart is daisuke's; without daisuke his quite literally doesn't exist. you can't reach dark without having something (anything) with daisuke first, so try that instead.
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supernovaa-remnant · 7 months
I heard about this Shubble person recently, I stayed out of drama as much as I could but, what happened now??? You even wrote this in one of your tags "#I really did love him a lot (parasocially)". I was busy this week so I don't know what is happening now.
I highly recommend people watch Shubble’s vod on her twitch channel (I don’t have a link but I can’t imagine it’s that difficult to find). Be mindful though as the vod does talk about abuse which is a very triggering topic, so make sure to be taking care of yourself. I’m gonna put the rest of the post under the cut, so people can easily scroll past this if they want to.
As a little summary, Shubble streamed yesterday and talked about her abusive ex. She didn’t name anyone, but she also wasn’t hiding who it was, and contrary to what some people may say, a lot of the dots being connected are stuff we know from past streams and comments from friends and not leaked info.
So, the incredibly most likely case is that it was Wilbur. I’m not gonna get into everything Shelby said because she said it on her stream, but the signs do point to Wilbur, and you’d have to reach significantly further to claim she was talking about someone else. There’s not a lot of British male ccs who have a bigger audience than her who have a history of biting people and have reason to be going on long travels (tour) where they wouldn’t see each other often.
Listen. I was a certified dreambur blog, okay? Everyone who glanced in my direction knew that I was a Wilbur fan. Everyone knows that I loved him so fucking much. But that’s not an excuse to bury my head in the sand and ignore everything, y’know?
Anyway, this is gonna be the last time I talk abt this publicly (I’m sure my friends will hear more in DMs though sorry <3), so I’m gonna throw a bit more stuff here abt my blog going forward.
I will eventually talk abt c!wilbur again. I’m still gonna write my silly little c!dreambur aus, I’ve just put them on the back burner. regardless of cc actions, I genuinely do love so many of the characters on the dsmp. I’ll probably be focused on some other fics for a while, but c!wilbur’s my cat and I don’t think he’s leaving my brain soon. I just need a little time.
I think cc!wilbur is someone who needs help. and I genuinely do hope he gets that help. but having mental health struggles isn’t an excuse. and I just can’t see myself engaging in his content in the foreseeable future. you’re not gonna see me post neg about him. you’re just likely not gonna see me post anything about him at all.
I’m happy to know Shubble has an amazing support system. I’m so sorry she had to go through something so horrible. I’m wishing her nothing but the best, and everyone should check out her YouTube channel!! I haven’t watched her newest video yet, but I did watch Lizzie’s pov of the collab, so I know it’s a fun concept
If people have questions that this post doesn’t answer, then I’m happy to answer them in DMs, but I don’t wanna talk abt this publicly anymore. (I reserve a right to change my mind though if I for some reason feel the need to post abt it again)
Anyway, take care of yourselves. Love is never ever wasted, okay? And all that love belongs to you. And it’s always a good thing to put more love out into the world. Never feel guilty for loving, okay? 🫂
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aroacemisha · 1 year
Listen I'm trying to be supportive of RL Belos here, but if I was Evelyn and he tried to kill me I wouldn't be ten feet near that guy and I sure as hell wouldn't allow my children near him even if he was my BIL.
Did he try to kill her while she was pregnant? Did Caleb have to stop him? Did he ever apologise/make up for it? Because even though he's better in this au he still majorly annoys me like he does in canon and I cannot find it within myself to pity him much at all.
(Was gonna say this at the end, but I think it's kinda silly to follow an AU where a character you find annoying is one of the main characters and is thus heavily focused on. It's also a little rude to come and tell someone how much you dislike a character they really enjoy, it's better to keep that on your own blog. But I digress)
Anyways, I'd like to clarify some things here/give a more detailed timeline of the dynamic.
Evelyn has met Philip before. During her initial visits to the Human Realm, she (~18 years old) pretended to be human, and she befriended Caleb (17-18 years old) - and she was on friendly terms with Philip (13-14 years old) as well, although they weren't close. The relationship went on that way for a couple years, and over that time she started to visit more frequently (originally she started at once every few weeks).
When she finally revealed she was a witch, it was only to Caleb, and both were unaware that Philip was spying on them. Upon seeing her perform real magic, Philip didn't hate her at first, he was just scared. He didn't report either of them, and didn't tell either of them that he knew Evelyn's secret, but was becoming worried that she was dangerous to Caleb.
At one point Evelyn (~22) and Caleb (21-22) were found out and Caleb was about to go on trial, but Evelyn rescued him and they ran away to the Demon Realm. Philip (~18) later followed and found them a few months later, being convinced during his search that Caleb is in danger.
He tried to attack Evelyn in that initial encounter, and she was startled for a bit, before realizing that she can handle him if she just uses magic, since he's human and doesn't have magic of his own. That was also the only time he tried to attack her in that way.
After being calmed down by Caleb and, after a very long conversation, begrudgingly agreeing to give the Demon Realm a chance (for Caleb's sake), Philip remained hostile to Evelyn for a while, but that hostility was mostly bratty child behavior, feral cat behavior (growling, etc) and passive-aggressive prayers. She found some of it funny and once wondered if her beast keeping magic would work on him.
He'd get into some arguments with her, but wouldn't try to physically fight her, in part because he knew she'd just trap him in abomination slime, vines and/or stone if he tried. Caleb's presence was an additional mitigating/soothing factor.
She also figured that if Caleb could change his beliefs after coming from the same place, Philip likely could too, and if he isn't trying to murder or attack anyone, why not give him a chance.
She knew he was only hostile due to being indoctrinated as a child to believe that witches were evil, and only attacked her due to being convinced she was a danger to Caleb, so if that belief was to be dismantled, he would probably become friendly. And it did happen, and he gradually came to accept witchkind as a whole. Realizing his own queerness also contributed to his old beliefs falling apart.
The birth of Caleb and Evelyn's child also helped soften him. By the time the child started to say their first words and learned to call him uncle, it was really pulling on his heartstrings. At that point he was already on generally friendly terms with Evelyn and was allowed to hold the kid sometimes. He was already showing hints of his protective parental traits back then with how he treated the kid, although he would only become a parent himself many decades later.
And yeah, Philip apologized for everything at multiple points during his deradicalization. As for what he did to make up for it, given Evelyn's playful personality, she probably asked him to do something silly to entertain her as an apology. He'd also help her and Caleb fix stuff that broke in their house, and he was showing early signs of his interest in engineering, as he really liked fixing mechanical things.
They ultimately ended up becoming besties, and their personalities meshed well. They only drifted apart and eventually lost touch after Caleb's death, mainly through Philip drifting away, since he blamed himself for the accident in the mines and was particularly ashamed to be around the child.
Also the reason he continued trying to build the portal door even after he accepted the Isles wasn't because he wanted to go back (he felt safer and more accepted among witches), but because he wanted to spread the truth to other humans, and hoped he could change their minds too and end witch hunting, so no witch or human is harmed by them again (this later fed into his developing belief that the realms should be united). So he wanted to fix the systemic problem as well, although his expectations for how it would go and whether it would even work were too idealized.
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓ ☽ AU masterpost ☾ ༓・*˚⁺‧͙
˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𓆩 my AUs: 𓆪
➯ drown out the noise* / twewy AU
↳✦→ vbs in the scenario of “the world ends with you” games — kohane, an, akito, and toya find themselves in a mysterious Game where losing comes with a serious price: erasure from existence
↳✦→ i do imagine this following the twewy plotline so any discussion of things happening after day 6 will get the spoiler tag, in preparation for if i ever get myself together enough to write the fic i have outlined for this au. will probably slap twewy spoilers on there too, even if it's an old game, the switch releases were fairly recent
╰┈➤ ❝ #twewy vbs au ❞ ❝ #twewy vbs au spoilers ❞
➯ to surpass the very best* / pokémon AU
↳✦→ says it on the tin. i made vbs pokémon trainers! they’re all gym challengers/battle focused. occurs in an original region with an “evil team” subplot
╰┈➤ ❝ #vbs pokémon trainers au ❞
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┆• ➵ ✩ ◛ ° others’ AUs:┊✧ ⁺
➯ @/m1kas0ra’s “akicat”
↳✦→ akito cat creature
╰┈➤ ❝ #m1kas0ra ❞
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↶*ೃ✧˚. other / more info ❃ ↷ ˊ-
⇰ i really like making AUs and already have a lot so i thought this would be nice for y’all
⇰ on that note, these are not all the aus i have. i just don’t want to add too many until there’s actually content for them
⇰ this post will be updated over time
⇰ you can make requests related to aus not mentioned here!
⇰ if you want to share an au of your own and stay on anon, feel free to leave a sign-off so i can credit you!
⇰ some of these aus may not be akito-central or may, in fact, be another character-central. as long as akito’s there it can go on this blog! if i make non-akito stuff for aus it’ll probably go on my main if you’re interested
⇰ * = name is a work in progress / may be changed
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tekdecksmtg · 2 months
Profile: TekDecksMTG - Background & Formats
I’ve been mainly posting event logs since I’ve started blogging and thought it would be good to reflect a bit on who I am as a player.
For a little background, I started playing Magic in the mid-90s with my best friend. We played a few in-store events (my only memory there was getting 2nd place in a draft), but we almost exclusively just played head-to-head at each other’s houses. This went on for a few years until we headed off to college and left the game behind.
During COVID I happened to see some cards in a store and got a hit of nostalgia. ‘Let’s buy a few packs and see what it’s like now’. I was hooked again.
A sidebar: when I was younger, I didn’t get to buy a lot of cards. My parents might get me some packs here and there but I was on my own to get what I wanted. But my friend would get a box for his birthday or Christmas, and he’d let me help him to open the packs. Now that I was able to afford my own boxes, I wanted to get that experience that I didn’t have when I was younger.
I went full in, bought tons of cards, decks, sleeves, accessories, etc. I even put together a a full video set up so that I could start playing on Spelltable.
Magic consumes a lot of my free time from an entertainment perspective. If I’m not playing in person, I might be organizing my cards, playing on Arena, watching YouTube content creators, or listening to Magic podcasts. Sometimes my engagement is more thoughtful to try to become a better player, but usually it’s more on the casual side.
Since I started playing in person, I do drafts, sealed, weekday events, leagues, store championships, and RCQs - you name it and I’ll probably at least be interested.
Read on for the formats I play, thoughts on each, and the decks I use.
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I started my reentry into Magic mainly in Commander over Spelltable. Once I got familiar with the game again and got the confidence to play in stores, I went out for a prerelease and some Commander in person at the LGS, followed by getting into Standard, Modern, and dipping into Legacy.
I’ve gravitated mainly to Modern, Standard, and Limited as my preferred formats. My Legacy deck is just a burn deck and while I did go 4-3 at a Legacy Open with it, I just find myself preferring the other formats. I haven’t busted it out in nearly a year.
Modern: I got into Modern with a Hammer Time deck. I lean more creatures/spells/tricks over combo/control. I ended up putting together Merfolk as well as Hardened Scales. I really enjoy the chess-like feeling to the format. I find there are way more lines than in a newer format and the games end up being a bit of cat and mouse. My brain is fried following a day of Modern (which I love and hate, haha). Once MH3 came out and I cracked all my packs, I put together Boros Energy and updated my Merfolk deck - though I’ve only taken Energy out. I’m also in the process of slowly putting together Colorless Eldrazi and Soul Sisters though I might scrap those plans and try to stay more focused through RCQ season.
Standard: I tended to skew my Standard decks a little more random rather than meta, though my bats deck may be high in the meta now. Prior to rotation I tried out some random decks including faeries and dinosaurs, ultimately landing on a Simic artifact deck and an Orzhov midrange deck as my primary decks. The Simic deck cleaned up at some weekday events where the meta leaned hard into mono-red aggro or the Boros Convoke decks. I took my Orzhov midrange deck to an APAC League win that qualifies me for a year-end event in a few months. Since then (as you’ll know) I’ve put together Orzhov Bats and Selesnya Rabbits decks. I think Standard is in a really healthy place right now; I run into so many different decks and strategies that all seem viable. Standard and Modern are my top two Constructed formats and it’s not close.
Limited: I really enjoy Limited and it’s in the top 3 of formats that I play when you combine Prereleases, Sealed, and Draft. While the considerations within the format differ in terms of how you build your deck, there are a couple of common reasons I gravitate towards it. There’s a puzzle to be solved either in your sealed pile or as you select cards from rotating packs. I might actually like the deck-building aspect of the format even more than playing. Then you get to experiment, playing with cards that you wouldn’t typically slap together in Constructed. Everyone is also on a bit of an ‘equal footing’ though the randomness can of course favor someone with some stronger cards.
Legacy: As mentioned, I only have a Burn deck. My hesitation with investing in a deck for this format is that the players and decks are more intimidating. I’m just not familiar enough with the format to go all-in. I find myself having to read cards more, asking about the interactions, or just agreeing with what the opponent said due to a bit of embarrassment in playing in a format I’m not familiar with. Burn is simple and while there are a few decisions to be made, it’s usually just ‘go face’. Games are over quickly and I can take a break without putting tons of brain power into an event. I enjoy that occasionally but it hasn’t fully ‘called to me’ yet.
Pioneer: I have yet to play any Pioneer, but am thinking about putting together Izzet Phoenix and/or Azorius Control. I rarely play Blue so figure maybe that could be the format where I give the color a shot.
Commander: This will probably be my most controversial section, but I’ve steered away from Commander as of late. When I first got back into the game, Commander was new to me. It branded as casual and was easily accessible on Spelltable. I enjoy the Singleton aspect in building just ‘fun’ decks with the cards I have. At my peak I had 15-20 decks, including a couple of precons, counters, voltron, goblins, landfall, angels, the list goes on. It felt like a good format for getting back into the game though I’d occasionally run into some toxic people online. Over time a couple of things happened though. First, I got more comfortable with the competitive constructed formats above. (Yes, I know there is CEDH as well but that didn’t really interest me). I liked that I could sit down and play a ton of games in the same time that I could play one Commander match, and there was a mutual understanding when entering a match of “I’m here to beat you”. Second, the politics of the game started to get to me. This ‘power level’ discussion felt like it never worked as everyone has a different idea of what it means. There would be dealing at the table and folks would get defensive or even upset if you targeted them instead of someone else. It just didn’t feel like Magic to me. It all came to a head when I had a few friends over for afternoon commander and one of the guy’s decks felt just a bit more powerful than what we were trying to do. In one particular game, we were building nice boards and getting into the strategy of the game when he all of the sudden used a combo to kill the rest of us at once. It just felt anti-climactic and incomplete. I can already hear the rebuffs: “Play more interaction”. But I just found myself not satisfied to the point of realizing that I didn’t really like this format. After that I disassembled all of my decks and now only have a bunch of precons that I’d be willing to break out in a ‘precon only’ game. This is not to sleight anyone that enjoys the format of course; to each their own - it just wasn’t for me anymore as I felt I couldn’t grow in the format and would end up disengaging from Magic, which is definitely not what I wanted.
It’s important to reflect on what formats energize you and gravitate towards those. Let me know in the comments which formats you enjoy and why!
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rosedeleca · 2 months
been meaning to ask if rose has any opinions on azure! 👀
Just went through your entire azure blog so here we go.
Rose bases a lot of her opinions on people on first impressions and their looks so their first thoughts are
"eyes pretty, works really well with the black hair. Boring color though, black? Do not understand how some people exist with getting the urge to buy hair dye, aren't you bored?" <-judmental little freak.
Rose still going to attempt friendship tho.the loneliness is overpowering so they're trying to collect friends like Pokemon.
After clocking azures inability to hold a conversation, rose jumps straight to info dumping about literally everything she knows. And Rose reads encyclopedias for fun so that's a lot of stuff. They start with the sky and space stuff because they always see azure staring at it.
( if azure ever happened to actually ask Rose for information on anything specific they'd fucking explode. They'd be so incredibly excited they'd probably talk about it a lot faster. Not sure if azure would ever bother though)
I like to think that Rose has made a habit of this, learn something new and immediately goes and finds azure to infodump. Rose probably wouldn't notice if azure was showing discomfort, they are way too focused on telling them the entire history of Rome or about etymology or some shit.
Rose has switched over to gifting people personally made plushies since it's easier to get away with owning then clothes that they mostly wouldn't get to wear anyway. So rose makes azure a cat, the biggest idgafuckers ever.
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taleofturtleclan · 1 year
I've been thinking about what I want to do with TurtleClan going forward. On the one hand, I really love writing the stories for all of the cats, but on the other hand, it means less frequent content. I am. Like 100+ moons ahead of the story in the actual game bc i seriously cant stop playing it. I discovered @fallenclan 's blog a few weeks ago (sorry for the ping I will remove you if you would like) and I really like the more art focused style of their blog, things can move at a much faster pace and there's a lot of opportunity for community input and development through fanfic written by followers. So with that in mind, I want to ask you guys what you'd like to see! I'm planning to continue the current format until Moon 11 at least, when some really important events happen, but after that I may change things up depending on community preference. The options are
1. TurtleClan can stay the same, updating at least once a week with occasional bonuses, lots of focus on story and characters, going through 1-2 moons every month.
2. TurtleClan changes to a hybrid story, with the overall focus being mostly on art and simple renditions of events (FallenClan's style) with a longer story piece once a month or for really important events. Would allow me to update at least twice a week except for when I do the longer stories, with some posts being multi-moon. We could probably cover at least 8 moons per real life month this way.
3. TurtleClan changes to be entirely art/community storytelling focused in the style of FallenClan. I would get rid of the longer fic posts I write almost entirely, and just give you a simple rendition of events as they occur. I would update twice a week, perhaps more eventually, and we could probably cover 10-12 moons per real life month.
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idyllic-affections · 8 months
Oh my! There seem to be a war in this blog. How interesting, wanna know what i do with wars? I fuel the flames ;)
*pulls out a power point presentation* Hi there! Today allow me to give you 3 top reasons why you should pull for Xiaoyun!
1. Xiaoyun is a good support for Xiao!
As you have said in an old post, you are a Xiao main and he has been sadly being underused (from what i see). Xiaoyun is to be said a good support for Xiao, so people will start using him more with Xiaoyun buffing him. So wouldnt you want your dear boy to have someone to give him good support? Xiaoyun is a good old friend of his and wouldnt you want to have Xiao have a friend fighthing by his side just like back when he was still with the other Five Yakshas when they were alive? Your Xiao would definitely like it (although he would probably be a bit of a tsuntsun at first)
2. Let Xiaoyun fight alongside her daughters! (Also her friends but were focusing on the family aspect first!)
While idk if you have Shenhe and Ganyu but wouldnt it be cute to have the adepti family together? Imagine Xiaoyun fighthing side by side with her daughters as they take down any foe that comes their way! With Shenhe buffing Ganyu and Xiaoyun buffing Xiao, the four of them would be unstoppable! Dont you want to have Xiaoyun see how much her daughters have grown stronger? I think she would be pretty proud of herself but that cant happen if you dont get her yk? Also lets not forget about Zhongli and Yaoyao! If Zhongli joins the team, im sure he will be reminded that he does have someone to share osmanthus wine with, even if everyone is not here. And dont you remember that Xiaoyun had taken such a liking to Yaoyao that she made Yuegui just for her, im sure Xiaoyun will be happy that Yuegui is working as intended!
3. The Mama Xiaoyun series
We all want this and you cant deny this, just like how Kaveh have his dad series, Xiaoyun will gonna have her mama series that you said will come when she is released. You also said you need to have her voicelines and such to understand her so wouldnt it be a perfect to get her to understand her character more? We need to see more cute mama Xiaoyun and [name] posts please! Also idk if im correct but im pretty sure Xiaoyun is a better parent than Arle (please dont kill me bc i havent played the Fontaine Archon Quest yet but from what i’ve seen, Arle is too sus of a parent that i just have mixed feelings about her)
And that is the end of my presentation, thank you for listening and i hope you make the right choice :)
- 😼 Anon
(Ok but jokes aside, pull her if you really want to. If you think you could grind more primogems for Arle, then go ahead, if you dont think you can, then dont since you could always wait for Xiaoyun’s rerun. As to quote a certain stellaron hunter, “When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret”)
(Also I love your Huohuo younger sibling post, glad to know you expanded on the idea)
xianyun would buff my team IN GENERAL and she can be built as a healer.... which means..... if i WANTED to...... i could remove kokomi (she's mainly only there to heal my xiao during his burst) and restructure my team entirely........ AND xianyun's healing is based off of her attack....... which means she can do DamageTM and heal simultaneously.......... and her healing follows the on field character...... oughgh. it's like xianyun was designed specifically to target ME *head in hands*
i don't acually have shenhe, ganyu, or zhongli haha. only yaoyao! i was going to pull for zhongli but i don't like shielders much. they would all be so cute together though you're right fr i won't deny that
no you're right LMAOOOO arlecchino is actually a very bad father. i just like to pretend she's not 😇 i believe she DOES genuinely care about her children, but she also grooms them into being blindly loyal to her and the house of the hearth family. So. yeahhh....... xianyun is DEFINITELY a better parent than she is........
(tbh i was probably always going to pull for xianyun. i can't even lie haha--i would see her banner and i would NOT be able to resist. she's just designed perfectly for my team and i love her character. there's no telling if i would actually like arlecchino's playstyle, even if she does become playable. i would probably still pull for her, but it helps when i like the playstyle AND the character.
also, i'm glad you like the huohuo post!!!! she is very dear to me <3)
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captainderyn · 1 year
18, 20, 26; fic writer asks? :3
Thank you for the asks sorry it took six billion years to get to <3
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
A fun fact about me is that I hate naming fics ;--;. Titles are the bane of my existence. Any title you see of mine was forcibly yanked out of my sad little head by sheer force of "I WANT TO SHARE THIS".
The real answer: after I write fics lol. It is very rare for me to have a title before I go to post on tumblr or AO3 and more often than not the titles are a one or two word thing that are relevant to the plot (see the oh so creative Misfire where Garrus misfires, and Dog Tags where Ryn is...you guessed it, given 'Garrus'' (her) dog tags).
Occasionally I have what I consider a stroke of genius such as And They Were Couchmates aka a play on the iconic vine, or Under the Party Tree which was just a sweet and call back for those who followed along with my first LOTRO fictober.
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Thematically, over the years, my fics have become a lot more hopeful and generally gear towards having a happy ending. In The Olde Days (about age 16-18) my fics explored a lot of pretty dark, heavy stuff as I inevitably worked through The Angst of Teens and needed an outlet for whatever the hell was going on in my brain. Nowadays I find I write a lot more happiness in dispersed with my angst, which is often plot driven.
Similarly, I've keyed in on the fact that what I write is often a reflection of what is going on internally for me at the time. Misfire was written when I was going through a lot and as such Ryn also happens to be Going Through A Lot.
But other than that, I like to write a LOT of very tightly character focused stuff. I don't tend to do a lot of sweeping plots, its a lot of character interactions. For better or for worse.
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Oooh hm...that is a good question. Does referencing my OLD Fanfiction.net Warrior Cats x LOTR crack fic oneshots count (no you can't find them on the internet)? I know a lot of people want to hide the stuff they wrote at like 12 but I still think that's pretty damn funny.
Lol no, uhm, I am super pulling a blank on this one. For sheer "why did you write this, Deryn" purposes, probably Little Victories because I never engaged with making contact for Check, Please ever again despite really enjoying the series (which I reread last month after not reading it since 2019). And the whole reason I wrote the fic was out of spite because the person who introduced me to it angry vague-blogged about me listing it as a fandom I'd do commissions for despite them introducing me to it (???). So I mentally, at 18, said "fuck you I'll give you something to be mad about"...and for the longest time it was my highest kudos/views/comments fic.
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*Patch Notes 8/22/23*
A lot has happened. Many improvements have been been made that probably deserve their own posts. Did a lot of back sliding, attempts at recovery, and more back sliding. Also kept forgetting this blog existed.
Clean and organized apartment
Time and suitable environment to focus on art
Being caught up enough on responsibilities and housework that I can feel comfortable spending time on video games and anime
Making a less stressful environment for my cats
Time for and Accessibility of Proper Nutrition
Get to bed earlier
Get up when my alarm goes off
Toying with the idea of setting up an online shop for like stickers and junk
Stuff Done Yesterday & Today:
Clean and organized apartment
Stacked the white boards and cork boards that have been floating around the apartment since I moved in neatly behind the recliner in the living room. I won't have to move them again unless I'm (finally) putting them up.
Made progress cleaning in kitchen
Made progress cleaning in study
Slapped a label saying "SPARE PARTS" on a drawer of a plastic storage unit in my basement so, once I find where they are, all the little baggies of spare hardware/accessories/parts for various appliances and pieces of furniture (THAT I HAVE BEEN SO GOOOD AT LABELNG. WHERE ARE THEY?!) will have a home. Baggies Found: 5/??
Slapped a "MANUALS" label on another drawer so now I have a place for them too
Arranged the shelving units in the basement so I can actually see and access shit easily
Time and suitable environment to focus on art
Cleared off the folding table that's been piled with papers and junk for 6 months
Cleared off my desk
Cleared off most the floor of my study
Drew plans for a U-Shaped desk that I think would help. Not sure if I'm going for it. Won't have a chance to build it until late September anyway.
My current desk has a riser shelf that I took off a while ago, thinking it would give me more useable space (it did not). I have a worklight I bought at goodwill a couple weeks ago that I intended to use for a workbench I'm most likely not going to build. It just fits under the riser, but its power cord comes out the center of the back, which puts it at odds with the riser support bar. So I drilled a hole in the riser support bar. I don't think the bits I have are meant to be used on metal, but I got it to work somehow. And after some hack-sawing and filing, and some more hack sawing and filing because I didn't account for the nut at the base of the power cord, it works pretty well!
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Rearranged my furniture a bit. Trying an L-shaped desk set up
Being caught up enough on responsibilities and housework that I can feel comfortable spending time on video games and anime
Put on an episode of anime while eating lunch
Finally tumbled and folded the sheets that have been in the dryer for, like, two weeks
Washed a load of darks
Making a Less Stressful Environnment for my Cats
Cleared floor space in living room, kitchen and study
Moved chair I was going to donate back into kitchen so they can sit with me instead of me moving them off my chair
Making effort to clean/rearrange things in a calmer fashion so Maou freaks out less
Time for and Accessibility of Proper Nutrition
Washed a shit ton of dishes, focusing on the takeout containers I use for ready-made meals
Cleaned the fridge out. Got rid of food that had gone bad (oh god it was gross) and washed off spills
Made a start on organizing cabinets so I can find the dishes and containers need when i need them.
Cooked rice, chicken, and vegetables and arranged them in microwavable containers so I can h eat them quick later
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Get to bed earlier
Brought in water bottles from car and stocked under bed
Put empty water bottles in recycling
Cleared a bunch of stuff that's been covering the floor for ages
Moved my headboard power strip to the other side so I can have my white noise machine and bed lamp closer to my head
Get up when my alarm goes off
Set up an anime I really want to rewatch on DVD player in kitchen, so I can watch it while eating breakfast. Hoping this motivates me to get ouut of bed.
Logged into Crunchyroll on android box for the same reason. Looking for HiDive password.
Toying with the idea of setting up an online shop for like stickers and junk
Made a vague plan. Most of it depends on me actually neatly finishing art on purpose. Im good at making art. Finishing art neatly and on purpose are my weak points (My strong point is bullshit that looks pretty good). Should probably revisit this idea when I'm further along with "Time and suitable environment to focus on art"
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fjorn-wanders · 2 years
Fjorn Returns
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(I'm definitely not that cool...)
I've been wandering for a while, so I should probably reintroduce myself. If you're only here for pretty pictures, you can skip this post; but if you want to know more about me and what I'll be posting now that I'm back to this burrow, read on:
For starters, I joined Tumblr back in 2015 (though I started this particular blog in 2017). I go by Fjorn, but I'm (probably) better known as @fjorn-the-skald on Tumblr still. My priorities have shifted (a lot happened...), so I've 'retired' from academia. A part of me mourns that, but I still think my current course in life is for the best. Feel free to send an ask if you want to know more about why I stepped away from that path.
Even if I'm not an active academic anymore, though, you can still read my Master's thesis here: Weaponizing Ordinary Objects: Women, Masculine Performance, and the Anxieties of Men in Medieval Iceland. I'm biased, but it's not a bad read (hopefully).
So what is Fjorn now, if not a skald?
I'm actually still a storyteller, but instead of sharing educational content I'm focusing on my creative ambitions, namely a fantasy manga/graphic novel series. Here's a preview:
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This post would get too long if I summarized that project here (but feel free to ask me about it). The world it takes place in, Älthren, is backed by roughly 500 pages of handwritten lore. If anything, that's where my 'academic' brain is dwelling these days. If you like northern-European and east-Asian cultures, you'll probably enjoy it. The prologue and 1st chapter will be free to read, so please give it a chance if you happen to see it later.
The rest of this post will just be a bullet-point summary of my interests, so feel free to skip it (but many thanks for reading this far!):
I'm not a Norse pagan anymore, but I'm still spiritual and revere nature. I kind of wander around with whatever feels right, but I'm particularly drawn to land-spirits. Even if I'm not a proper pagan, though, I don't mind being part of friendly, open communities.
I'm an otaku, which means I really enjoy reading manga, light novels, and watching anime. I'm currently obsessing over Vinland Saga. If you're on MAL (my anime list), you can find me here.
I've always been an artist, even longer than I was a historian. I used to paint with oils, but now I mostly work digitally using Procreate on my iPad Pro.
I have a very floofy cat (and she's gotten pretty needy lately).
I love tea, but I've recently started drinking coffee (I prefer it cold, though, so I usually drink cold brew).
I used to run a tea shop (The Northern Herbalist) on Etsy.
I studied Icelandic in Iceland (Ísajörður) for 3 weeks, but...I don't remember much of the language because I stopped practicing.
I'm trying to learn Japanese and may move there someday.
I proposed to my fiancée in Ireland. We've been together for 12 years this November.
My educational website didn't work out (thanks to burnout, priorities shifting, and harmful situations...), but I've been working on getting into the UI/UX field. It seems random, but considering my passion for art and that I used to run a website (where I enjoyed ensuring everything worked well and looked pretty), it's not too surprising. Sometimes it bothers me that I'm not doing history, but life is hard.
I think that's enough for this post. Probably more than anyone actually wants/needs to know, but I want to emphasize that I'm a messy person with conflicting interests. That means I won't only be posting/talking about Norse stuff. I will, but not always. It's a big part of me, but not all of me. Many thanks for accepting that!
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selchwife · 1 year
this is not really relevant to the subject matter of this blog but this is kind of the place i usually feel more comfortable being weird and emotional so ✌️
for whatever reason today my mind got back on system discourse and i ended up checking out the tag. Super relieved that i no longer interact with that kind of dead end community and subject matter where it’s just the same like 12 people having the same highly charged stressful arguments in perpetuity.
it’s honestly stressful for me to even think about as subject matter bc every part of it is so fraught (this is one reason i have a pretty hard line about no endo stuff anywhere near me). it’s hard enough to have DID & come to terms with that on its own in totally like psych and trauma-focused spaces; it gets even harder when you are also exposed to a community that has something superficially similar to your issue except to them it’s fun and positive and your conflicts about your disability are entirely due to an internalized -ism vis a vis plural identity rather than like. bc your disability causes you suffering by the nature of the thing.
and i’ve definitely cooled down on it a lot now that i’m away from it. like, obviously everyone has the right to live and identify in ways i don’t get. there’s nothing wrong with claiming an experience that other people may not understand or believe. i think the only wrong part is when medical misinformation comes into the picture and when people with such identities try to pull CDDs into that umbrella (bc some people are ok with this but some are really not) or try to push themselves/that stuff into spaces solely for CDDs.
and i know some complexities arise bc some people with CDDs also have some investment in this stuff or feel they’re both but like. To me that’s why it’s important not to “cross the beams.” and i admittedly have a huge grudge bc for a long time I did not have access to good information about what was happening to me — the only explanations i could come up with were either like, tulpa/soulbonding shit or schizophrenia, neither of which were true and neither of which served to do anything but prolong the amount of time i didn’t have any way to tackle the real problem. which was that i was traumatized and didn’t recognize it or remember all of what happened.
it’s frustrating to me that it comes down to this idea of like, sort of a “who’s valid” thing for so many people. i don’t care whether non-trauma systems (and i don’t like this use of the term system, due to its basis in medical language, but that cat is way out of the bag) are Valid and ultimately can’t speak to that. not my job to dictate others’ experiences, hope they live their lives happily & safely. but the way they interact with plural identity is not particularly helpful or safe when applied to me as a traumatized person with a medical condition, and my conflicts and shame around my experience make it very fraught for me to even see this wildly disparate outlook in practice, so sharing spaces is just not safe. and on top of that, in the past these communities have in part contributed to further denial and confusion for me in providing this sort of “buffer” that allowed me to cling to that explanation. which is not entirely on them, but it was damaging enough that i need entirely away from it so that i can center myself in what is healthy & pertinent and not, like, denial of the problem.
it’s all pointless to mention anyway bc no matter what anyone says this particular discourse will probably keep going until the sun burns itself out, and as long as i simply don’t look at it and avoid spaces in which it’s likely to come up it pretty much ceases to be relevant to my life (i’m glad I got out!). but god sometimes the whole thing is frustrating to remember. what an absolute hellish mire. what a nightmare for everyone on every side, but ESPECIALLY for the people involved who are heavily traumatized.
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