#really inspired by sam smith
omgthatdress · 5 months
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Really disappointed Sam Smith didn't do more, given their recent commitment to over-the-top drag-inspired looks. They should be eating this up!
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itsgrimeytime · 6 months
I Told You Now (Part Two) || Rick Grimes (TWD) × gn!reader
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
Part 1
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Inspiration: I've Told You Now by Sam Smith or "But what the hell, why do you think I come 'round here on my free will? Wasting all my precious time... Oh, the truth spills out and oh I...I've told you now."
Summary: You were in love with Rick, not that he knew. You weren't sure you were ever going to tell him. What could you say, you loved the kids and didn't want to lose them too. It was too risky. But finding out he was chasing after some married woman was just the last straw.
TWs: avoidance, a little bit of crying, not really unrequited love, and a teeny-tiny bit of angst (with a happy ending).
[[A/N: The song hits, totally worth this little two-parter. A happy ending!!! Finally. Enjoy :)) ]]
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You were avoiding him, as long as you physically could.
Which was apparently a long time. A month, maybe. You weren't keeping count.
You aren't sure how it spread, but suddenly, everyone was a buffer. Maggie had started it, offering to take Judith to you from Rick, and it had just spiraled. He couldn't get a foot in front of your house, someone was always in the way -even Daryl had leaned up against your porch once, shaking his head. Rick had been particularly disheartened that time.
You saw him throughout Alexandria, sometimes watching him out of your window -even as he tried to come talk to you.
Since then, he seemed to be rougher around the edges. Blue eyes heavy with hair messy and hardly wearing his uniform anymore. Sometimes, if you paid enough attention, you could see the bags under his eyes get heavier. You wondered if he had been sleeping, and had asked Maggie. She didn't know, but the two of you could gather the truth.
Never with Jessie. You'd never seen him with Jessie. Not since that day, you weren't sure exactly why.
Was he afraid that it'd hurt your feelings? He'd already done that, why be afraid to now?
You weren't even sure what he wanted to say to you. Sorry? That was too much work just to apologize. He'd been trying since about a week after your confession, every day since then. Had he truly just wanted to apologize?
If not that, then what?
You really had no idea.
"Are you ready?" Maggie asked, poking her head through your front door.
You pursed your lips, straightening your shirt in the mirror ever-so-slightly, "Why is she doing this again?"
She being Deanna. She'd been trying to throw dinners where the whole community came for... togetherness, or something. This had been the first time everyone agreed to it. The divide was exhausting, and everyone wanted to try something new.
You weren't exactly pumped, to say the least.
Rick was going to be there, and while you had been adjusting to his absence, you weren't handling it well. You still loved him as much as you did a month ago, it hadn't stopped. You thought it would've stopped by now-
Then again, something lasting years wasn't just going to vanish in a month, was it?
"You know why," Maggie replied, watching you shift a few things about your appearance, "-she's been drillin' it into our heads for months."
That she had.
"Yeah, yeah," you agreed, making your way to her side, "-let's just get this over with."
That led you to here, as you sipped on a drink and leaned against a wall. It was a little like you were in college and had come to a party without any of your friends. Except you were surrounded by friends.
Carol had even come up to you a few minutes ago, holding your shoulders and looking at you the way she always did now (something a little like pity), "You alright?"
You had shooed her away, telling her to enjoy the dinner, that you were fine-
And you were. Kinda.
You kept feeling his eyes on you, just watching you -maybe waiting for you to make a move. Or maybe he was just looking to look. Maybe, your mind treacherously thought, he missed you.
You swallowed the rest of your drink at that thought. Silencing your mind, that's enough.
Placing your glass on the table just to your left, you peered along the crowd. Everyone was mingling, groups pinched off and chattering. You weren't sure what about, maybe just their experiences within the apocalypse? It was surely depressing though, so-
Maggie had initially told you to stick by her side, but she and Glenn were too much; cute, really, but not helpful to your situation. You had the spare thought to join Daryl, he was in his own little corner, but you thought it best to leave him be. Everybody needed their alone time, especially him.
So, with that thought, you left your glass on the table and decided to head home. You debated telling Maggie that you were, but the crowd that separated the two of you was not worth it. You thought you saw Deanna in the mix somewhere, and you really did not want to deal with her right now.
You slipped out of the door in silence.
You hadn't really thought that he would see you duck out, that he might be inclined to follow you. You should have.
The night was chilly, sunsetting, eerily quiet, and you suddenly had the thought you were the first to leave. You wouldn't be surprised, to be fair; you were there for about an hour after the actual dinner. Socializing was the main point of it all, why would anyone leave early?
Whatever, there was always the next one.
You slowly made your way down the stairs, feet padding along the wood and then down onto the road; you weren't in a rush. In fact, the street was kind of peaceful when silent, and the sunset really was beautiful. Made you feel a little like you weren't in the apocalypse, despite the low groans you could hear outside the fence. You stopped for a second to see it, the pinks and oranges dusting along the sky.
Then, there was a creak like the wood of a porch step under someone's feet.
You let out a heavy breath, of course.
You weren't scared then, somehow. It made your chest hurt, yeah, but you'd expected it eventually. You couldn't avoid him forever.
"Hey, Rick," you spoke into the chilly air, not moving or turning to face him.
It seemed to startle him -you heard the footsteps stop in their place for a moment. You crossed your legs then, sitting on the street -watching the sunset with a renewed focus.
You knew your clothes were getting dirty, but somehow, you had laundry. And you were kind of used to dirty clothes, it made you feel a little less alien here. It had been a while since you got here, but you still felt... odd. Out of place.
Now, though, as you sat and watched the sky, you felt at home. Human.
You heard his footsteps start up again -his slow gait ringing familiar in your head, all the way up until he was right beside you. Wordlessly, he sat down.
His woodsy smell was the first thing you noted, seeping into your nose -there was something in you that felt like you could never forget it. And then you just felt his presence, he sat close enough that you could feel his body heat -your elbows would bump if your hands weren't sat in your lap. Finally, you felt his eyes bore into your side -flicking back and forth from you to the sky.
"It's pretty, isn't it?"
Rick seemed to think about it for a second, and you felt like his eyes were still on you, "Yeah, it is."
"Makes me feel human again," you responded, honestly, "-I used to wait to watch the sunrise some nights. Makes me feel like I'm there again."
His eyes moved to the sky then, and out of the corner of your eye, you looked at him. He was wearing a white button-up, the first few undone and his hair wasn't as messy. You mindlessly wondered if he'd made an effort for the dinner, or maybe he'd just... gotten over it all.
A string of your heart snapped at the thought, stinging your chest.
"When I was a kid," he suddenly started, words low and mumbly (but maybe it was just the accent), "-used to go out on my roof when I couldn't sleep, watch the sunrise. Momma 'ated me for it."
You laughed a little, and almost immediately his eyes were back on you -scattering along the side of your face. It felt like your heart was in your throat, and if you hadn't confessed already, you felt like you might've done it then.
"What do you want to say?" you asked, heavy, and curious. It felt right to say it.
"What?" he questioned, "-To you?"
"Yeah," you inhaled a breath, turning to him -you'd forgotten what it had felt like to hold his eye contact, "-you keep coming back. That... That can't be as simple as an apology."
Rick hummed, seemingly taking you in a moment.
"Unless," you recanted -a little overwhelmed at the attention, "-it was. I guess I don't know."
He took your words in stride, eyes glazing back over onto the sky. Yours followed them, tracing over the wispy clouds -the colors were fading to darkness, and it wouldn't be long until it was over.
"'S been a shitty month," he finally said.
You laughed a little, and you could see his lips quirked up out of the corner of your eye. You had missed him, a lot. Why couldn't you be friends again?
"God, Rick, I'm in fucking love with you!"
Right. Your heart twisted in your chest -you mindlessly put a hand over it like you were protecting it somehow. You felt Rick's eyes follow the motion.
"Ya mind if we talk inside? 'Think we got some company."
Your eyes trailed back to the house, Deanna's, and sure enough, Daryl sat outside -leaning against the wall. Maggie was looking out the window, unabashedly; you had the thought that she had sent Daryl to check it out.
Daryl looked at you then, offering.
You shook your head, mouthing silently, 'I'm okay'.
He didn't wait a moment, turning back into the house -nursing a drink close to his chest. Rick watched the movement just as you did, Maggie's green eyes still blinking at you -intently, a little like she was trying to read you.
You turned back to the sky, Daryl would tell her.
"Yeah," you answered, finally -taking a long, deep breath, "-we can do that."
You'd decided your house, it was closer than his and he seemed to want you to be comfortable. You weren't sure you could be around him, not now, but the thought was nice. As soon as you slipped into the door, you pulled your shoes off -placing them by the door.
"Shoes off," you insisted.
Rick mindlessly followed the instruction, laughing a little as he slipped off his boots, "'S a little bossy, ain't it?"
You rolled your eyes, a smile biting at your lips, "You mop my floor and then we'll talk, Grimes."
Leisurely walking through your house, you made your way to the living room -a bit routinely. You'd liked having a house, but it was kind of empty. Lonely. All the houses had two floors, extra bedrooms, and it was just... you. The Grimes's household felt much nicer, rooms filled and smiling faces.
You liked being there. You missed it.
Without hesitating, you threw yourself onto the couch -landing in your typical spot. None of the other seats were really used, it made something in your chest twist.
Rick followed, sitting beside you, but leaving enough room for you to turn sideways -leaning against the arm. The pillow was even in the right spot, you guessed he could tell it was your favorite spot. Anyone could really.
Even still, he was smiling at you (practically lying down) in a way you'd never seen before. Something new. Your curiosity bit your tongue, but you refused to ask; he had enough to say, you figured a look, a smile, didn't matter.
"Ya comfortable?" He chuckled -a little teasingly.
"This is my own home," you replied -playfully, "-I'll sit however I want, Grimes."
He threw his hands up into a mock surrender, pushing himself to lay the same way -he sat up enough to still look at you.
It kinda warmed your heart to see someone else, Rick especially, on the other side of the couch. He mirrored your own stance, and something in you believed that to be special, very special.
He was still smiling at you in that same way, it made you almost furrow your eyebrows. You couldn't read it, and that was something you really weren't used to. You could usually tell by the twitch of his nose if he was upset, you'd just... known him. But this, you'd never seen this before.
You opened your mouth to ask, but Rick beat you to it.
"'S really comfortable," he mumbled, "-I'll give it to ya."
"Thank you," you cheered with a smile of your own.
You could almost imagine that it was before, and your confession hadn't happened. Just you and Rick. This moment would have been a quiet one, maybe after Judith went down for a nap. That was usually when you and Rick spent the most time together, tiny little moments in his home. But, it wasn't one of those and you knew that.
You were looking up at the ceiling -eyes smoothing across the blank space, distracting yourself, "Rick?"
He hummed in response.
"Why are you here?"
There was a silence then, and you felt him shift. You peeked over at him and saw him fully sat up -facing you, and closer than before. Something in you said to follow the movement so you did. You were sure if you hadn't, he would've asked you to.
Something about this was very serious. Or at least he thought so.
He sighed, looking down at his hands and fidgeting with them. You'd seen the habit a few times, rarely though, and you wondered why exactly he was doing it now.
"'S been a really shitty month," he repeated, a little with a laugh -something in you said it wasn't a joke.
You paused, debating your words -looking at him, and deciding on a little whisper, "Yeah, I know."
He looked up at that, blue eyes matching yours. A little like he hadn't expected it. Like maybe he thought you were doing well, healing. He couldn't have been more wrong, and something in you wanted to tell him that. That you had missed him like a limb, that you still loved him so much, that you were probably never going to get over him. No matter how hard you tried.
Your lips stayed sealed shut.
"'Ve had a lotta time to think," he murmured, eyes back onto his hands, "-ever since your... ever since ya told me."
Your eyes remained on him, patiently. Something in you itched to stop his fidgeting -pull his hands apart (maybe intertwine them), you resisted it.
"It... It started wit' an apology," he explained, now looking at you -eyes scanning along your face, "-it really did. I felt like shit for doin' 'at to you. An' I still do. I just..."
Your eyes darted between his -his eyes intense and focused like he wanted you to listen. So, you did.
"I thought I could talk to ya, when I dropped off Judith, tell ya then-" he ran a hand through his hair, "-but Maggie came to get 'er. And I thought maybe ya just needed a lil' time."
You nearly apologized because of the look in his eyes -the desperation. How long had he felt like that? Guilt twisted in your stomach.
"I gave ya a week," he continued, "-'Thought I could try now, maybe you'd wanna listen. But then..."
He looked at you.
"Well, ya already know."
You did. It spilled out before you could stop it.
"I'm sorry," you blurted, "-about all of them. I never... They just started doing it, and I... I didn't stop them-"
Your words fell short, as his hand went to hold yours -a small little embrace of comfort.
"Ya don't 'ave to do 'at," he breathed, something settling in his eyes (they kept darting to your held hands), "-you were hurtin'. I get it, really."
He seemed a little guilty, maybe about your feelings. He didn't have to be, it wasn't his fault. You were in love with him, how could he control that? You almost told him that, but he started talking again before you could.
"The longer I went without ya," he swallowed, eyes hesitant on yours, "-the more... the more I was thinkin'. Feelin'."
You wanted to soothe him, guilt creeping up your skin but it wasn't the time.
"I was tryna to understand it. Maybe, see where I had somehow missed that you... See the signs, I guess. Instead, I-" he bit his lip, "-I started just missin' ya."
His eyes were dusted with tears now, and your heart felt heavy in your chest. You still loved him, and you didn't want him to cry-
"I didn't kno' the extent, until," he looked down, wiping at his eyes, "-until time kept passin' by. I kept not seein' ya, and it just kept gettin' worse-"
You squeezed his hand once, solidly. He seemed to falter at that, like he'd forgotten; his thumb thoughtfully rubbed against your skin.
"You gotta believe me when I say-" he looked at you -straight in the eyes, "-it felt like a piece of me was gone. I felt like... like somethin' in me was missin'."
Your eyes were starting to get blurry.
"I didn't realize how much I was... used to ya," he swallowed, sniffling, "-and it just felt like this big, empty space. I kept lookin' at the couch, where you sat, and it just... it wasn't right. It wasn't supposed to be empty."
"Rick," you whispered out -he didn't listen.
"And the more I thought about it, the more I..." he let out a breath, tears rolling down his cheeks, "-the more I realized I wanted ya there."
You pressed your lips together, trying not to cry, but you could feel the spill of tears from your eyes. Slow little trickle down your cheek.
"Y/N, I-" he started, a little desperately, "-I realized somethin' in 'at month."
You almost asked what, but he cut you off.
"I love you," he echoed out -a little like he didn't expect a response, "-I can't... I can't tell ya when it started or why I didn't realize it, but I-"
You felt a sob rack through your throat, something new lighting up your chest -you knew what that look was now. God, you knew what that look was now.
"-When I was sittin' there, by myself. I just kept thinkin' 'bout you. When I met ya, when you met Carl, when you met Judith, seein' you with 'em, you in my house like ya belonged there, you do is the thing, you do."
"Rick," it bubbled up your throat, as you tried to wipe at your eyes.
Instead, he used his free hand, thumb rubbing back and forth -holding your face like you were something so precious. Were you? Precious to him?
He was looking at you that way again, "I'm just a fuckin' dumbass, and didn't realize it then."
You laughed a little then, it was a little weepy but Rick didn't seem to mind. He smiled big and bright at the noise like it was all he ever wanted to hear.
He paused for a moment, before getting more serious, "I kno' it's been a month, an' you've been tryin' to get over me. But I..."
You watched him for a moment, waiting.
"I hope you 'aven't," he finished, "-I really hope ya 'aven't because now 'at I've realized it. There's nothing more I want in my life-"
You couldn't help it then, moving your hands to cup his face -slight stubble making your palms tingle, "I haven't, I haven't. I tried, but it just... It wouldn't go away, no matter how hard I tried-"
He didn't let you finish your thought, practically leaping forward to connect his lips to yours. You were stunned for a second, before pushing forward -pressing your fingertips into his skin. It was a little salty, and a little desperate, but it was right. Everything felt right.
Something in your chest mended, healed, right then and there. As he kissed you like he needed it, like he'd been waiting forever, you felt a piece of yourself slot back into place.
You pulled back, taking a deep breath through your lungs (that kinda sounded a little like a sob), and smiling. You felt like you'd never smiled as big as you had then.
"I love you too," you expressed, fingertips still holding him, cradling him.
Rick only grinned brighter, letting out a sigh of relief -you felt your heart quicken in your chest, "Thank god."
You laughed fully then, eyes not leaving his -a twinkle shined in his, something new, something happy. You wanted to learn them all now, know him totally and completely.
You kissed a few more times before Rick seemed to be happy with it -quick presses of the lips. It made you giggle, and that would make him kiss you again. It felt neverending but you didn't mind.
He pulled back though, your hands falling from his face -instead, he placed his palm against your cheek, and you leaned into it. Smiling, he just looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. And you thought for a spare moment maybe you were.
Pretty quickly, you settled into his side -arm coming to wrap around you. His fingertips danced along your upper arm, as you nestled your head into his shoulder -as close as possible. You had a hand laid on his chest, and you could feel the thrum of his heartbeat under his skin; it made your head a little woozy.
"Wanna know somethin'?" He hummed, and you could feel the timber in his chest.
"Hmm?" You responded, eyes heavy from just being near him, being so warm.
"Carl said he was gonna kick my ass if I didn't tell ya soon," he revealed -a telling smile in his tone.
You laughed, a little in disbelief, "Really?"
"Yeah," he ran his fingers leisurely along your back, "-kid knew before I did. 'Just think, Dad.' And everyday 'at went by he kept lookin' at me like a disappointed momma. I could actually see a lil' of her in 'im-"
You laughed even louder, fidgeting with the buttons of his shirt (not enough to get them undone).
"Threatened to tell ya 'imself if I didn't," he mumbled out, a little low in tone like he didn't want to break the feeling of this moment.
"Oh," you yawned, "-I believe him. You raised one hell of a kid, Grimes."
You could feel him look down at you, so you looked up at him -a breath away. You had the initial urge to kiss him, but you'd gotten enough of that, already.
He looked at you so fondly, with a tiny smile on his lips, "Ya tired, sweetheart?"
Something in you fluttered at the name, but you expected plenty more to come. You supposed you'd get used to it.
"How could you tell?" you quipped -wiping at your eyes.
He slid a hand down the side of your face -smoothing along your skin carefully as if you were delicate. Maybe a little like a flower, and he was marveling at the beauty.
"You wanna sleep at mine?"
You blinked, slowly -a bit in shock, "Really?"
"Yeah," he smiled, something soft in his tone, "-I'd actually prefer it, so... Don't make me beg ya."
"I don't know," you teased, "-That's pretty tempting."
He didn't say anything back for a moment. Eyes languidly smoothing over your face, like he was thinking. Like he had something else to say, or maybe he was coming up with one.
It came out in a gust of words.
"What if ya just stayed?"
"Where?" you asked, tilting your head slightly to look at him better.
"Wit' me," he answered, a little casually, "-wit' the kids. In the house."
You laughed, a little in shock, "Rick... be serious."
"I am," he confirmed, his hand suddenly stopping on your back, "-I want ya there. You belong there. And I think, if ya don't-"
You waited.
"-I might 'ave to beg."
You laughed again, playfully tapping your chin, "That might be a sight to see, Grimes."
"You gonna make me beg?" he asked with a quirk of a smile, moving suddenly, "-'Cause I'll do it-"
"Rick-" you laughed again, watching him helplessly, as he made his way to the ground.
Before you could blink, he was on his knees infront of you -hands clasped together and his elbows resting on your knees.
"Rick, you don't have to-"
"Please, move in wit' me," he interrupted, eyes set solidly on yours -he was very much serious, "-I ain't gonna waste any more time, I want ya wit' me."
"You really don't have to beg," you grinned.
"Well, I am," he chuckled a little, "-so what are you sayin'?"
"Rick," you looked at him, solidly settling your eyes on his, "-it's not even a question. But yes, I'll move in with you."
He grinned brighter then, eyes sparkling in that special way you'd gotten used to by now.
"Good," he finally said, "-'cause I was gonna drag ya outta the house myself, if ya sa-"
"I'd like to see you try," you teased, and there was a little glint in his eye -mischievous.
And if he carried you through the streets of Alexandria in the middle of the night -both laughing like you couldn't stop... that was between the two of you.
Well, and Daryl who stood out on his porch -watching the two of you scamper into the night.
"Fuckin' finally."
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l0vem41l · 28 days
the passenger princess playlists
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited, probably ooc, self-indulgent because we have fun here, author's taste in music is utter shit 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. these stupid parasites that keep infecting my brain aka bruce wayne,clark kent, jason todd, tim drake, and stephanie brown
author's note: THEY ARE THE PASSENGER PRINCESS!!!! WHY???? because if i projected my music taste on the reader insert we would have many issues. im not THAT self indulgent w/ my stuff i say, posting hcs of character's music tastes based on my own
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you decide that it's time to show how much you trust them.
"hey," you mutter, eyes still on the road, fingers absentmindedly drumming on the wheel. "...you can have the aux cord, by the way."
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▸ BRUCE doesn't even take it at first. he usually prefers to drive in complete silence himself, so he lets you handle the music. he's pretty nonchalant about what you play, indifferent to most music as long as it doesn't make his ears bleed.
the first time he takes the offer and plays something he personally enjoys, it's pretty straightforward: his main genres are classical, jazz, and dad rock. like... a lot of dad rock. he can read the room er, car?? well enough to know that the classical and jazz songs he listens to aren't exactly driving playlist material. and yes something in the way by nirvana will be played battison i fucking love you
BRUCE's songs include: ♡ she sells sanctuary by the cult ♡ something in the way by nirvana ♡ 1979 by the smashing pumpkins
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▸ CLARK is more than happy to share his music! he's always been excited to hear whatever you jam out to and is pretty open to different genres. he definitely finds favorites of his that match the energy of your car playlists. doesn't wanna play anything that's too much of a bummer though, mainly because driving with you has such good vibes!!! he can't ruin that :( unless your in some sorta mood to be upset. then he's got some stuff aka a lot of elliot smith and jeff buckley
he finds a lot to love in all sorts of genres. it's a mix of stuff that he grew up listening to with his parents, stuff that he found on his own from artists he enjoys, and stuff you introduced him to. his music taste is just a mosaic of love for the people around him.
CLARK's songs include: ♡ it's been a long, long time by harry james and his orchestra ♡ cupid by sam cooke ♡ real love baby by father john misty
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▸ if there's someone who's going to criticize music without sharing his full music taste? it's JASON. he's actually not mean but he'll make comments which give the impression that he thinks he'd be better with the aux. like bro ask for the aux normally. REMIND HIM WHO'S HOLDING THE WHEEL. YOU BETTER PRAY THAT THE VOTERS ARE IN YOUR FAVOUR WHEN WE DRIVE INTO THIS TELEPHONE POLE
when you give him the aux privileges he's secretly overjoyed. he likes a lot of different genres, rock, metal, indie rock, some punk... but don't ruin his mood by pointing out his music taste is vaguely inspired by bruce's. or make fun of him for listening to sleep token. obviously he likes listening to chill music too— but for a drive? it's gotta be loud and fast. secretly gets happy when you like the songs he plays. the validation gives him a quiet sort of joy.
JASON's songs include: ♡ knives out by radiohead ♡ goddamn these hands by the taxpayers ♡ custer by slipknot
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▸ TIM is pretentious about music, but he doesn't intend to be. he's proud of his taste to the point where he's beyond spotify wrapped and stats.fm. i firmly believe he's made his own software to track the music he's listening to and it's thorough. that being said, he really doesn't mind listening to your music. he likes giving recommendations based off of the songs you play in the car.
tim adores branching out into different genres, and the more obscure it is, the more he likes it. given, he's also into some pretty known and loved bands. car seat headrest. radiohead. slaughter beach, dog. the minute you hand him the aux, he's trying to put you on his favourites. a lot of indie. like... so much indie. and midwest emo... american football WILL be played. he also unfortunately cannot hide his love for the pinkerton album.
TIM's songs include: ♡ never meant by american football ♡ oh! starving by car seat headrest ♡ tragic girl by weezer
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▸ STEPHANIE is so cool. i've seen swiftie headcanons but guys... pop punk princess stephanie brown is too real. pop punk, alternative rock, riot grrrl— all that stuff. probably got aux privileges before you even gave her permission, she just started queuing up her songs with yours.
when she gets full control, she already has a playlist ready for the drive. it's kind of all over the place, but the vibes are great. you will go from mommy long legs to chappell roan and then to whatever recession pop artist she's into that week. steph is also a big fan of evanescence, kittie, and hole. those in specific are heavily headcanon-y but i feel like she'd appreciate them.
STEPHANIE's songs include: ♡ misery business by paramore ♡ cherry scented by jack off jill ♡ gimmie brains by bratmobile
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▸ what are you listening to? you don't know but CASS seems happy at least. when you gave her aux privileges, she didn't really know what to do. she ended up just picking her favourite songs out of your usual playlists.
eventually, she gets excited by the prospect of sharing what she usually listens to and it's... something. so here's the thing: she listens to a lot of ambient noise. like, things that people usually sleep to. you once drove around for half an hour listening to nothing but the noises of rustling leaves and chirping birds through your speakers. and she was happy.
she listens to a lot of music where there's not a lot of lyrics most of the time, but tends to listen to some of stephanie's music as well— usually the more mellow side.
CASS' songs include: ♡ relaxing tranquil day in the forest by nature sounds ♡ healing ritual by whatever, dad ♡ to violet by adrianne lenker
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part two... potentially??? lmk which character's you'd want ^_^
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— reblogs always appreciated!
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hello Mr. Gaiman! I found this at a W.H. Smiths after watching the Netflix show and I’m nearly finished it! (Btw it’s really really good!)
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Anyway, I know that lucifer was modelled after a young 1969 David Bowie, but I was wondering if anyone else in the graphic novel was modelled after any other music artist/music artists. Sorry for the bad grammar, English IS my first language, I’m just not that good at writing.
Not specifically, although the Morpheus painting on the cover of Sandman 1 was inspired by Peter Murphy (but Morpheus in the comics had already been drawn: Sam Kieth had drawn about 20 faces and I'd simply picked the one I liked best).
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scarlettjemily · 16 days
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I have a Jemily playlist on spotify and I shuffle it and write a fic inspired by the song
Song: Latch (acoustic version) - Sam Smith (suggested by @pascaleledumbo)
Pairing: Emily Prentiss/Jennifer "JJ" Jareau
Summary: Season 17 Emily and JJ finally getting married. This is their wedding day. This fic is just pure happiness, not a single thing goes wrong. It's just all love.
Word count: 2.2k
Posted on Ao3 as well
*Not my pictures*
“You’d think with it being my second wedding, I wouldn’t be so nervous,” JJ laughed, smoothing out her dress with her hands. She looked at herself in the mirror, a rush of excitement hitting her.
"Yes, but your first wedding wasn’t with Emily,” Penelope pointed out, handing JJ her bouquet. “You look so beautiful,” she gushed, looking at her best friend. She had to stop herself from crying; she couldn’t believe Emily and JJ were finally getting married after all these years.
“Hey! Don’t you start! I don’t want to ruin my makeup before I get out there.” JJ turned away from Penelope, waving the girl away.
Penelope took the most dramatic deep breath, trying to compose herself, “I think I’m okay; let’s go. We can’t keep Em waiting,” she said, ushering the bride out of the room so they could get to the wedding.
“Nervous?” Tara asked, handing a glass of whiskey to Emily. She sat down on the arm of the couch, watching as Emily took a quick sip of her drink, then placing it down so she could fix the buttons of her suit.
Emily chuckled, her shoulders shrugging. “A little, but I’m more shocked. I never thought we’d be together, let alone get married.” She picked her drink back up and turned to face Tara. “How do I look?” She asked, giving her a spin.
“You’re an absolute smoke show, Emily; you look amazing.” They both laughed and clinked their glasses together, throwing back the rest of their drinks. “Okay, the car is here; we better head off.”
Penelope held JJ’s hand as they walked up to the entrance of the little garden; she could hear soft piano music playing, which was her cue that the ceremony was about to start. She saw Rossi standing at the entrance; he smiled and held his hand out for her.
JJ felt tears well up in her eyes. “Dave, really? Am I not too old to be walked down the aisle?” She joked, trying to stop herself from getting too emotional. She was already feeling overwhelmed, in the best way possible. She just wanted to see her soon-to-be wife.
He grabbed her hand and linked his arm with hers. “Oh hush, I already walked Emily down 5 minutes ago.”
JJ couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Rossi walking the woman down the aisle. Her usual stoic self, probably struggling to compose herself and to hide how much it meant to her. “How’d she seem?” JJ asked, watching as Penelope walked around the bend of the aisle.
“She was happy, Jennifer, so unbelievably happy." Dave looked at JJ with a warm smile. He lifted her chin with his finger so she was looking at him. “Are you ready?” His smile was so comforting for JJ; he really was like a father to her. To them both.
“I’m so ready,” she beamed, walking arm in arm down the aisle. When she walked around the bend, the first thing she saw were all their friends in their seats. Granted, there weren’t a lot of people, but the most important people were there. It made it more special that way.
As soon as JJ’s eyes locked onto Emily, she felt her throat tighten. She was beautiful. The most beautiful woman she’d ever laid eyes on. There was no stopping the tears that dropped from the corner of her eyes. That was her soulmate.
She was dressed in a completely ivory suit that cinched at her waist perfectly. The wide-legged pants covered a pair of pointy white heels. Her silver hair pinned up loosely, stray curls falling around her face perfectly. It took every ounce of control JJ had to not sprint down the aisle and jump on her fiancée.
Emily had to look away for a moment to collect herself; the pure shock of seeing JJ in a wedding dress stole all the air from her lungs. She looked back and let out a quiet laugh when she saw JJ crying. She knew all too well how emotional JJ could be—a change of pace from her usual lack of emotions. Well, lack of expression, Emily felt a lot; all the time, she just compartmentalised better than most.
JJ looked radiant, walking down the aisle in an ivory dress that matched Emily’s suit perfectly. More proof the women were made for each other; they complemented one another without needing to plan a single thing. Emily’s chest felt warm when she looked at JJ; her blonde hair was loosely curled and falling over her tanned shoulders. Emily could swear that JJ’s skin was glowing under the warmth of the sun; she’d never felt more in love with the woman than she did in that moment.
JJ took the last few steps down the aisle; she gave Rossi a kiss on the cheek, whispering her thanks. She handed her bouquet to Penelope before she turned to look at her fiancée. She laughed as she began to cry again. She couldn’t control the emotions that were spilling out of her; every time she looked at Emily, she just felt so overwhelmed with joy; all she could do was laugh and cry.
Emily reached her hand out, taking a hold of JJ's hand, the other resting on her hip. “My love, you look so beautiful,” she whispered, planting a kiss on her cheek. JJ’s hand rested on Emily’s cheek, shaking her head, her eyes taking in her facial features. Something she’d done a million times before "here,” Emily said, pulling a tissue out of her jacket pocket and handing it to JJ. The small crowd of people laughed at the sight, all of them knowing what JJ was like.
“Thank you,” JJ chuckled, using the tissue to dab her cheeks. “I just can’t believe we’re finally here,” she said, still not believing that they were about to get married. Emily agreed, giving JJ’s hand a firm squeeze, not planning to let go anytime soon.
“They will both now read their vows; who would like to go first?”
The two women had a silent conversation with their eyes, deciding that JJ would start. Penelope handed her a piece of paper that had her vows written on it; she unravelled them, her hands shaking slightly. The paper was covered in her neat and precise handwriting—not a single letter out of place. Emily smiled knowingly; her paper was the complete opposite: covered with scribbles, words crossed out. It represented them perfectly.
“Emily, my Emily." JJ started, glancing at her fiancee for a moment before deciding to keep her eyes on her paper; otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to get through the vows. “I can’t believe I’m standing in front of you right now, at our wedding, about to call you my wife. You started off as my co-worker, then you quickly became a friend. Then all of a sudden you were my boss,” the crowd laughed along with Emily and JJ. “Then you finally became my girlfriend, my fiancee, and now my wife." JJ let out a shaky breath, a small tear rolling down her cheek, but she was able to continue reading through it. “After everything we’ve been through together and separately, I’m so grateful to say that you have been the most consistent thing in my life. No matter what, you were there. Always.” She used her arm to wipe her tears because she refused to let go of Emily’s hand. “You were there for me when I didn’t even know that I needed you, but I think I’ve always needed you, and I’m certain I’ve always loved you. Even if it took me a while to come to terms with it,” a soft chuckle sounded from the crowd. “But now that I’ve got you, I promise you, there’s no way I’ll ever let you go.”
Emily quickly wiped a tear from her eye as JJ finished her vows. She squeezed her hand and gave her a warm smile. “That was beautiful, darling,” she complimented. She pulled her own piece of paper out of her pocket and shook her head. “Not as neat as yours,” she admitted sheepishly. JJ gave Emily an amused look, assuring her it was okay and waiting to hear her vows.
“Jennifer, Jen, JJ, my darling, my love... I can’t keep track of all the names I call you, and I’m sure there will be a million more that I’ll come up with, seeing as you’re stuck with me for the rest of our lives,” she laughed, looking up at JJ. All the people around them seemed to disappear when Emily watched JJ giggle; she stopped for a moment, getting distracted by how beautiful she was. "God, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” she stated, practically dazed.
JJ couldn’t help herself; she planted a kiss on Emily’s cheek. “Thank you, baby,” she whispered. “Keep going,” she encouraged, giddy about what might be on the paper.
Emily let out a quick breath, concentrating on her paper again. “I truly believe I fell in love with you the first day I met you, but I thought you’d never feel the same way. So I decided that I’d have you in any capacity I could, and that was as my best friend. Now that you’re going to be my wife, I promise to always be your best friend first, to always be by your side, loving you and supporting you and annoying you just as much,” she gave JJ a quick wink before continuing. “I’m so grateful you chose me to be your wife. I wake up next to you every day, and I’m still pinching myself because I can’t believe that I get to call you mine." Emily folded the paper back up and returned it to her pocket. “I promise to love you until the day I die, and then in my next life, I promise to find you and love you again and again and again,” she croaked, her cry getting stuck in her throat.
JJ shook her head, crying at Emily’s words. She grabbed Emily’s face, not caring about the traditions of the wedding, and kissed her deeply. Emily’s hands landed on JJ’s hips as she kissed her back; there was no way she would pull away. She also didn’t care about traditions; her and JJ were by no means a traditional couple.
“Well then, you both may keep kissing the bride!”
The crowd erupted with loud cheers and continuous clapping. Both women laughed into their shared kiss, pulling each other closer, not wanting the moment to end.
“After you, my wife,” Emily held JJ's hand as she stepped into the car; she didn’t let go as she slid in the back seat next to her wife. “Thank you,” she aimed at the driver as he began to drive off.
JJ scooted closer to Emily, wrapping her arms around the woman as best she could. “I love you,” she hummed, smiling contentedly when Emily wrapped one arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. Emily mumbled the sentiment back, placing a series of small kisses on JJ’s forehead. “Did you have a good day?” She asked, pulling back slightly so she could look at her wife’s face.
Emily placed her finger under JJ’s chin, running the pad of her thumb across her bottom lip. “It was better than good, baby; it’s been the best day of my life,” she whispered. Her heart swelled seeing JJ’s face beam; she captured JJ’s lips in a kiss, still holding her chin. “I can’t wait to get you to the hotel,” she mumbled against her lips, clumsily kissing her at the same time.
JJ swore her body shivered at the thought of getting back to their hotel. She gave her wife one last squeeze before pulling away. “We’ve got to stop; otherwise, I won’t be able to control myself in the back of this car,” she stated under her breath, only for Emily to hear.
Emily smirked, holding JJ close to herself, letting her chin rest atop her wife’s head. "Soon, my love, we’ll be there soon,” she reassured, letting her hand rest on JJ's thigh.
JJ squealed when Emily lifted her in her arms in the traditional bridal carry. “Emily! Don’t drop me!” She laughed, holding her tightly around her neck.
Emily stepped through the door of their room and swiftly kicked it shut behind her. “I would never, baby girl; I’ve got you.” She headed down the hall into the room, aiming straight for the bed. She threw JJ onto it, chuckling at JJ’s overly dramatic squeals. Emily kicked her heels off and walked to the edge of the bed, simultaneously unbuttoning her suit jacket.
JJ giggled, hopping up on her knees and crawling over to Emily. “Let me,” she purred, pulling Emily’s jacket down her arms and throwing it to the floor. She frantically kissed her while making quick work of her blouse; she moaned deeply when Emily’s hands made their way into her hair. Pulling it tightly into a makeshift ponytail, “I love you,” she groaned as Emily pulled her hair back, beginning to kiss down JJ's neck.
“I love you too, my darling,” Emily declared against JJ's skin, her hand snaking around her back to unzip her dress. “I can’t believe you’re my wife,” she divulged, watching as JJ's dress pooled around her knees, leaving her in just her underwear. “You’re all mine,” she professed, wrapping her arms around JJ's bare waist.
JJ wrapped her arms around Emily’s neck, pressing their foreheads together. “I’m yours, Emily, forever,” she beamed, both women still basking in the shock that they each finally got to marry their best friend.
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
Ft : Ran Haitani, Wakasa Imaushi,Taiju Shiba, Rindou Haitani.
𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒅𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚'𝒔 𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒐𝒕, 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒑, 𝒅𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒚...
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Warning : Cheating on their wives ( you are the mistress) , age gap, 18+ minors DNI. This is inspired by Sam Smith's unholy, listen for better experience.
Ran Haitani :
It would be a cold day in hell to get Ran Haitani to lose control. Ran, the dangerous Yakuza, almost the Christian Gray type of scary gentleman. Impressive as getting all the mouths watering behind him, imposing, magnificent, many envied the pretty, classy, older lady waiting for him at home with a succulent dinner plate.
Many but not you.
-" shit, take it slower, angel".
Though being one of the fastest at jogging, he could not catch up with the rhythm of your hips riding his length to your outstanding pace. And it was indeed a cold day in hell.
His lavender eyes were hooded, whilst watching, mesmerized by your body, as a perfect ship riding his heat waves, rolling above him. His hands roamed around each inch of your skin, wishing he could just imprint the texture on his digits.
-" Already tired, daddy ? " The chuckle leaving your mouth made him want to pin you to the bed and simply ruin you, but then there's just your pretty face, your teasing smile, and your perfect tits facing him that had him groaning at the feeling of your walls clenching around him.
-" Tell me, can she ride you the way I do ?" You whisper against his ear, knowingly pressing your chest to his.
Ran thew his head back, shame being only water under the bridge, the memory of his greedy wife left on the front porch of your house. In a bold move, you cupped his cheeks and faced that intimidating gaze many young girls as you should fear.
-" Tell your good girl, daddy. " The desperation in your voice, along with the small moans you were trying to hide under a confident voice made his cock twitch inside you. " tell her no one can fuck you like she does, doesn't your baby girl deserve it ?"
-" Fuck " his calloused hands gripped your hips tighter, an animalistic light taking place in his hues. " No pussy's good as yours, angel. Dontcha see how hard y'get me ? "
-" missed being inside ya, so fuckin' much... That's it, princess. Show me you can take daddy's cock... Shit, better than anyone else-"
Indeed, many were envy-green seeing Ran Haitani's wife riding his Limbo on her way to the hairs saloon. But not you.
Because at the new born dawn, at the threshold of that unholy paradise that witnessed his most passionate nights, the infamous Ran Haitani would find trouble letting go of your lips.
-" Wanna stay... " He'd whisper, forehead against yours. And from the top of his early thirties, Ran would watch you steal his heartbeats again, pulling away and smiling at him.
-" can't hide anymore. I need more... More of you than just random nights-"
But you cut him off, because it's complicated, because you know better...
-" Go home, Ran. "
And you'd close the door on the deepening expression of his face, although Ran Haitani was not one to fall, although you've got that womanizer wrapped around your finger.
You close the door because that love shall remain a secret outside those walls.
Wakasa Imaushi :
He never thought he'd ever be the type to settle down, to build a home. But he was getting older, and he'd had it all, strength, glorious years, a decent job currently, and a sense of longing emptiness. Marriage came in after the first kid, so it goes.
He would not blame his wife for the lack of life in his days, Wakasa never really found excitement in other than gang fights anyway. No she really was trying, she even went as to hire a babysitter so they could go out more often, spice it up.
And the adrenaline eventually came.
Wearing short skirts and lipgloss... And God, he felt unworthy, after all his wife's efforts, a college girl almost half her age...
But you see, the babysitter's eyes were so fetching, the babysitter's touches were lingering, she was life itself, reckless, fearless, she exuded bliss and though Wakasa was an expert at hiding the undead bodies of his lust behind his bored eyes, he could not deny the goosebumps awakening his skin whenever she accidentally brush her hips against his everytime she passes by him.
Currently sitting at a fancy restaurant's table with his wife, plates nearly untouched since boredom was eating him alive, his eyes lit up along with the notification on his phone.
-" Gotta take this one " he warned his caring wife, who simply sighed and nodded.
And only behind the restroom's closed doors, Wakasa opened the message from you, feeling the heat rushing to his body and widening his eyes.
Just you, your naked body laying on his bed, only covered by his Brahman's jacket, and a beloved lollipop of him in your pretty glossy lips.
-" Holy shit-"
And as the longing flame erased an inferno of desire beneath his guts, he received an attached text.
Hope you don't mind me eating your candy, daddy.
So how was he supposed not to succumb ? Hand tightening around his shaft, pathetically cursing your name in a fancy restaurant's restroom, yearning for your heat under his cold hands.
-" this... bitch's gonna be the end of me"
Rindou Haitani
Rindou was no Sano Manjiro, no Bonten's second either. His words didn't weighed as heavy as Ran's, nor did he bring as much money as Kokonoi.
Therefore, when one of the members needed to marry a Yakuza partner's daughter to conclude some kind of truce between the two mafias and his name was thrown in suggestion, he could only nod.
Yes, even though the wife was insufferable, a primadonna, a spoiled daddy's girl, a thirty two woman with the mental age of a teen, his word again, weighed nothing.
So he took it, his job was taking most of his time anyway, and sex was not bad, things weren't as bad as they seemed, were they ?
Well until that luxurious Christmas family dinner your aunt invited you at, everything shone blinding, aristocracy and your crowd's anxiety sending you right to the closest room. It was rather empty, apart from a DJ setup that seemed interesting, and as you were checking the playlists-
-" What ya doin' here ?"
You knew him for being your aunt's new husband, in his Yves saint Laurent suit and his black shirt, purple hues and hair, an intimidating, yet another Yakuza in that twisted family.
-" I'm sorry, was just... "
-" d'you like it ?" He gestured toward the playlist on the screen, and since that small inaugurating conversation, family dinners were interesting.
You were so less than his wife... Younger, much less experienced. And so much more than her, more true, with so much more to say than the latest Balenciaga show, much more bewitching laughter and as many dangerous thoughts as him, so much more love to give...
And that's the thing about you and Rindou Haitani, a thing born from longing stares, growing in accidental touches and stolen conversations during your family gatherings.
Living in between hotel rooms and archived messages, dying a million little times once the morning comes.
-" Missed you so fucking much " he'd whisper against your lips, undressing every inch of that body he's been dreaming about.
And for the very first time, Rindou wanted the afterglow more than the sex itself, for these moments just holding you, side to side on the bed getting lost in your eyes.
-" If they knew... " You whisper, thumb over his lip.
Your two heads would be laying on a platter.
-" Don't fucking care. " He bites your thumb slightly, making you chuckle until his serious expression came back. " Would die for ya".
That's the thing about the love emerging from the other end of the table, about the legs rubbing against each other under the table, about the forbidden feelings.
They die, a million little times, and kill you along.
And he'd be on the front porch of his house, holding his unloved greedy wife against him, waving goodbye to her family.
Eyes on you, promises of never, anticipation for the next stolen moment.
And maybe that secret was meant to die behind closed doors, behind your teary eyes, behind his clenched jaw as he held you closer against his chest.
-" I can't... Can't no more..."
-" Shh, love. It's okay, I'll find a way, 'kay ? " Rindou cupped your cheeks, watching the eyes haunting his head, every night where the other women would be in his bed.
-" that's gonna ruin us and you perfectly know it... "
But his lips would find yours, a deep, excruciating heart pouring kiss.
-" And you perfectly know, for you I'd ruin myself a million fucking times."
That's the thing between those heaven cursed kisses, they are doomed, prone to hell. But at least, they cure you from stereotypical fairytales.
And inspire, in nights like that, a heroine love of adventure novels and sequels.
-" I love you " you'd whimper under him, feeling every inch of his length deliciously hitting your sweet spots.
-" Do you, m'pretty girl ?" He answered, placing kisses on your face. " Look how good you take my cock, you talk about leaving but who would I ever let fuck this pussy but me ?"
Yes, it was doomed from the beginning, and bloody in the end.
But what kept you holding into each other was the in between, purple hair tickling your neck as you lay above his sleeping body. And when the inferno would finally catch your safe haven, Rindou would hold you tight, burn with you alive.
Just as the greatest lovers died.
Damned by the God, blessed by Romeo and Juliet, praised by Bonnie and Clyde.
Taiju Shiba
God has given Taiju whatever he has been dreaming of.
A redemption, a chance to earn back his sibling's lost love, a job as a servant and preacher of god's word, and a loving christian good wife.
Taiju would have described his life as a calm, relaxing river, he liked to think the lord's ultimate gift to him was his peace of mind, yes, like sitting on the edge of that river just enjoying the bird's lullabies.
And then one day, the storm came.
And that's the thing about storms, unpredictable, destructive, devouring everything on its path.
Like the new neighbor's daughter.
That twenty something girl, and her dresses way too short for the sunday's Mass, and her damn angelic eyes where the devil found refuge behind.
At first, he thought he was just overthinking it. Those lips you seemed to only bite whenever he was around, lingering stares on him at the pulpit, he was just stupidly letting you seep under his skin.
Until the day of confessions... When he was sitting behind that perforated screen separating him from, oh please, how could he not recognize that voice ?
-" Father, I shall ask for forgiveness... "
No, no regret could be heard in your breathy voice.
-" But there's that man I've been thinking of."
-" That alone is not a sin, my chi-"
-" But he's married, father. " Taiju's throat felt tight, as you carried on. " His wife is so nice to me... "
Was it a coincidence that his wife knew you from every week's bible's study ? No, he shall not rush in...
-" And I feel so guilty, oh father... Can god forgive me ? "
He cleared his throat - " god is indeed-"
-" But I can't help touching myself every night thinking about him. "
A dead's silent followed, whilst he fisted his pant's fabric tighter, gulping down, damned you, damned the emerging fire in his abdomen...
-" his wife really is nice, but I think he would feel better inside me. "
He could practically hear the demons laughing as he fights the flames, he knew that had nothing to do with a confession anymore, that the tint in his pants had nothing to do with church anymore, and still he could not bring himself to stop listening...
-" Father... Oh daddy, I think I'm fucked up ".
And you'd only hear a faint whisper, but Taiju would hold his head between his hands, cursing.
-"... As I am "
God indeed gave him anything he'd ever dreamed of, why would he even think about the devil's present in front of his house that day ?
Just you, again, standing in his front porch with a cake for his wife in your hands, whilst you knew perfectly she was at the Church choir.
-" My wife's not here. " His voice already was tense, stargazing into how your clothes molded each of your curves sinfully, how every feature of you seemed sculpted by God himself.
Born from ashes of angles that Lucifer burned himself, what a wicked beauty indeed.
-" I know. " You made a step closer, and found yourself closer, lifting your chin up defiantly. And everyone in heaven in hell knew that eye battle was already lost.
Or not.
-"Goddamn... " With every inch of him sinking inside you, he discovered you were right, he indeed felt better inside you.
-" Daddy's, that's too big " you whined, wrapping your legs around his waist making him go only deeper inside you. Then you received that shut up glance from him, that scary one that had your walls clench around him.
-" Fuck " he panted. " Clenchin' on me, so hungry for my cock. Gonna ruin you so good... Stretch this pussy like I've been dying to, and you gonna take it like my pretty whore, yeah ?"
Only one time, he promised himself, then he would come back to his sacred path.
Only one more time, until he found himself fucking the neighbor's daughter more than he ever did to his wife in her own bed. Wishing death could take him away from you since nothing in life could ever have.
The cringe thing about this, is that I thought about it after I remembered my eleven years old self was the only one to know my dad was cheating on my mom lol
But well, at least it made another Tokyo revengers one shot emerge, I guess that's maybe... A good thing ?
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battydora · 2 years
A hidden passion in the Swordsmith Village (part II)
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¡ +18 content • minors don't interact !
part I: here!
content: nsfw, sub/virgin!haganezuka, fem!please! reader, blowjob (m! receiving), handjob (m! receiving), female dominance, virginity loss, vainilla sex, experienced reader, inexperienced haganezuka, hotaru's first time, pet names, “babyboy”.
inspiration song: ❝unholy❞ by sam smith ft. kim petras ♡
pairing: sub!virgin!haganezuka x fem!pleasedom! reader
note: y'all ask and i shall deliver, here's part two of my haganezuka nsfw oneshot! sorry it took so long, please enjoy i had too much fun writting this. btw don't mind my english, i'm trying to improve 😭
for @like-a-clock who asked me to tag them in part 2 –♡
Things turned tables so quick after that specific meeting with your swordsmith, that night you went to bed overly excited, memories of Hotaru coming back one after another: his face, his expressions, his movements, his moans... everything was just so spectacular to the point you were overjoyed. You couldn't wait for the next day to see how things would go, what will you two do? Will you talk about what happened or will you act fool? Will there be any tension? Another kissing session? Aah! Tomorrow's mistery was so intriguing and exciting! You almost couldn't sleep that night.
Next morning you went to his workplace and, to your and everyone's surprise, Haganezuka wasn't there at first hour as he would've been expected to, which was extremely unusual, specially coming from the black haired guy. You had a quick breakfast and took a walk around the village, mostly hoping you'd see Haganezuka anywhere around but no clues seemed to be found, so you decided to go back to his workshop and go check the second floor where he slept, that would've been the smartest thing to do in the first place but who cares.
You went upstairs and opened the sliding door of his dorm. You never thought you'd ever commit the unpolite mistake of not knocking someone's door before going in, because this wasn't only the first time you didn't, it was also because your jaw never dropped this hard in your entire life. What was inside caught you totally offguard and made your face turn bright red, a low pitched gasp left a man's mouth. Haganezuka was inside, sitting on his futon and a hand inside his pants grabbing his erected bud down there.
—WHO LET YOU COME IN!— yelled he when you suddenly appeared, his face was flushing red and his legs closing while trying to desperately cover himself from you.
—SORRY! I'M SO SORRY, HOTARU!— you yelled back, you quickly backed up and closed the door.
You rested your back on it with your face yet red, you weren't exactly embarassed but you either couldn't deny the view was striking: Hotaru's haori half open exposing one naked shoulder and a sneaky hand inside his pants. What led the man to that? Were yesterday's events the cause? Your mind couldn't stop thinking about it, did you really had that effect on him? You heard a voice coming out of the dorm a few minutes later.
—Y/n, are you still there?— Haganezuka spoke, sounding bashful.
—Yes, I am— you answered as relaxed as you could—Are you alright? Can I come in now?—
—No! Just...— he paused for a second, if you could see him, he'd be as red as a cherry —Agh, I need... help, yes, come here—
You took a deep breath and opened the door again, Haganezuka's legs were now covered with sheets, you got closer slowly and knelt next to his futon.
—Sorry, I didn't mean to interrumpt you during your... activities— you averted your gaze a little, you were shocked, you never viewed him as the type of guy who would jack off in the morning (or anytime at all).
—I was not...! Doing that!— he frowned and averted his gaze aswell —I... had a... dream, and when I woke up, I was already hard. Don't fucking dare to laugh or i'll kill you— he threatened you as he would have if you ever thought of breaking your sword, but this time he seemed like he was trying to keep his composture, your presence disturbed him for some reason.
You stared at Haganezuka in awe, you weren't sure of how you should react to not make him feel judged, he seemed startled and nervous so you needed to reasure him it was okay. You giggled a little and gave him shoulder pats.
—Don't worry, 'Taru! This is a common thing to happen, there's no shame on it— you assured.
—I know it's normal! But still...— his reply sounded unsure.
—Well, in that case, don't be bashful about it! It's your body's natural reaction after all— you made yourself quiet and looked at him, your mind flashed a dirty idea for a second —What was that dream about?—
—Why do you care?!— the man turned his head, attempting to hide the blush that took over his cheeks.
—Come on, don't get mad! I'm trying to help youuu— you said playfully leaning in to hug him by the waist —Don't be so stubborn—
—Stop!— said he but didn't push you away, in fact, he grabbed your hip with one hand, still looking away —Quit embarassing me, this still is... new for me— he grunted, calming down.
That surprised you a little, it's not so common for a man to have this experience for the very first time at the age of 37 but who were you to judge him? According to his personality, it pretty much made sense, so you took it easy because it wasn't the big deal either.
—Aw, sorry I didn't mean it— you apologized sweetely, still hugging him —Thanks for telling me anyways, it's a little hard for me to believe you've never been through this but there's nothing wrong with that, I'm no one to judge—
He looked at you sideways, looking less embarassed and calmer, it seemed like your patient and comprehensive personality encouraged him to talk this out with you without shame. Haganezuka's trust in you just grew a little bigger.
—Thanks...— the way he said it made you see he cooled down, he was way more relaxed than when you entered the room, that was a good signal —It's still erected though...— his face turned red again while grabbing tightly the sheets.
You held your chin thoughtful, it's not like you didn't know what to do, it's just that you needed to let the man know your plan and get his permission to execute it.
—I have an idea, but I need you to let me help you. Do you agree, honey?— he stared at you cautious, since yesterday, your imagination scared him a little, you could be very freaky at times.
—What are you thinking about now...—
—Nothing bad! But it'll make you feel good, I promise— a flirty smirk took place on your face.
—Mm... fine, just d-don't take too long—
You got your hands to work and moved infront of him, asking the man to politely lay down on the futon, he obeyed in silence as you uncovered his crotch being able to take a very detailed look of his penis, the size was just good for you and you smirked wider from just seeing it. Haganezuka noticed your stare and his face reddened, legs shyly closed, it was the first time someone saw him naked so this was something you expected to happen, embarassment was every virgin's first challenge.
—Don't be shy, sweety, I'll take care of that sweet cock for yours. Can you entrust me your pleasure?— you caressed his tense thighs, trying to encourage him into relaxing and enjoying the moment rather than being tense and embarassed.
Your voice was so soft and soothing, your gaze was just more than sweet and patient, it all made Haganezuka sure you weren't there to force him into anything, you were there to let him know you two could have fun together and that you could make him feel good in bed for the first time. And since the bond you and the black haired man stablished was built with several bonding and patience, he trusted you his virginity, he was willing to expose a face of his no one's ever seen and never will, only to show it to anyone else but you. He seemed to relax after your words, so you smiled, very happily for giving him the confidence he needed.
You opened his legs slowly, petting them lovingly as you reached his left knee and started kissing it, tracking soft kisses from it to his inner thigh. He got up a little just to stare at you, gulping at the sight of your face so close to his hard cock.
—May I, 'Taru?— you asked seductively.
He excitedly nodded and watched carefuly as you grabbed his solid dick and took a very first taste with a lustful lick from below. Air left his lungs, it was only one move, one fucking move needed to send thousands of vibrations from his pelvis to his stomach in less tan a second. Haganezuka gave in so quick that he laid down again, letting you do your thing as he hid his face from you. You would've laught if you had time, but now you had to give your baby what he was waiting for. You licked almost all of it a few times, you were going easy on him so he could get used to the feeling (and also because you liked hearing his little moans and whines).
—Do you like it, sweetie pie?— you asked inbetween kisses and licking.
—I... Yes, yes... please keep going— a smile painted your face as you heard him speak, feeling glad he was enjoying.
—Then get ready, this is only the beggining—
Afterwards, you got close again and introduced his cock slowly inside your mouth, using your tongue to moisten it as much a you could to make a better experience out of this. You heard an extended moan right afterwards, you could see Hotaru was feeling extremely sensitive for all the stimulation. You moved slowly at first, caressing his stomach with your hands to deepen his senses.
—Please... please, more, ah...— you felt your own stomach shrink from just hearing him beg and whine, your own pussy got wet just from it, you certainly had a domination fetish you could not deny.
And since you were willing to please, you only did what you were asked, moving your head up and down with more intensity everytime, gaining a whole album of moaning and pleading in exchange. There was a moment you felt your torax being squished by the swordsmith's legs out of pleasure. You reached a point were you could fit his cock entirely inside your mouth, making the man's whining only longer and louder, letting his domme know how good she was making him feel. Haganezuka's moans increased after a few seconds, nails digging into your head and his waist elevating a little from time to time to feel you even more. You could imagine he was close to his orgasm so you had the idea to pull apart and reach his face while grabbing his cock with your hand, stealing an exhasperation gasp from his mouth as you masturbated him.
—How's it going, sweetheart?— you asked as you smirked.
—I-I'm...! Ah! I'm so close...!—
—Oh, you are? Should I to do something about it?—
—Gah! Y-Yes! Please, I'm desperate!— he covered his eyes as he pleaded.
—That's what I thought, babyboy—
Your hand kept doing the same moves while your free hand wandered over Hotaru's lower abdomen, pressing gently on his pelvis, trying to stimulate the zone as much as possible. You heard a prolongued moan after a hot minute, you looked down and saw that viscous liquid coming out of your beloved swordsmith.
—Ou... already? You came so hard, baby— your flirty tone could tell you enjoyed every second of this moment.
But the man was too stunned to speak didn't respond, this confused you. You stared back at him, Hotaru was covering his eyes, you leaned over to move his hands and messy hair out of the way just to find he was crying while breathing heavily. You got shocked, you never made a partner cry before, was he okay?
—Hey, are you okay?— you asked while caresing his left cheek.
—That was... ah... amazing...— he couldn't even speak correctly, you left him out of air.
You smiled softly before giving him a sweet peck on the lips, you were so glad he enjoyed this moment with you.
—I'm glad, darling. I guess I left you too tired for a second round— you sighed and shrugged your shoulders, the poor guy just lost his virginity and was too exhausted to give you some pleasure, but you were okay with that, now you can ask for sexual encounters if Hotaru wanted to.
You stood up and looked for a tissue, you wouldn't be able to leave him all messed up over his futon, that would be cruel, so you got back to a little more recovered Haganezuka and started whipping his cum from his tummy. You suddenly felt his hand grab your arm firmly yet gently, you looked up just to encounter a very determined glare.
—Let's do it again— your mind went blank, did you hear correctly?
—Pardon?— you said, a little numb yet, it's not like you didn't want to, but you thought maybe he was too tired for another round, you maybe underestimated him.
—I said let's do it again, I'm not tired— his face turned red once again but his expression remained.
This was interesting, for the very first time, Haganezuka Hotaru would not be working at first light as everyone would originally expect, he would stay in bed with you, exploring this new world of dirty and lustful desires.
⋆°• .·
thanks for reading!
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twopoppies · 8 months
Haven’t seen anyone post these yet so wanted to contribute! I went to London for the first time in September and got to see ‘The Trousers’ in person at the Design Museum. Great exhibit. The artists’ statement was really interesting esp. considering a lot of what we discuss around here re. Section 28. Sorry for the shocking quality, the images were in pull-out drawers and the angle with the lights was really difficult.
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Oh, that’s really lovely that you were able to see all of that in person! I’m so intrigued by Steven Stokey-Daley’s aesthetic and inspiration for his collections. It’s all very British and very queer and I just love that Harry’s a small part of the exhibit and the company, as well.
For anyone who can’t see it, the placard reads:
“The University of Westminster’s Fashion studio overlooks the playing field at Harrow, a boarding school for boys. Steven Stokey-Daley commented, “It was so far off my culture, coming from an ex-council estate in Liverpool. I was almost looking at them anthropologically.” He decided on ‘queering the British public school system’ as a theme for his graduation show, making Oxford bags, dressing gowns and coats topped with straw boaters, all from upcycled fabrics or fabric donated by Alexander McQueen. The trousers on display were later worn by Harry Styles for his video for ‘Golden’. SS Daley’s installation of blue and white plates includes the quote, “The inalienable right” — his subversion of a 1967 quote from Margaret Thatcher, which led up to the passing of the notorious Section 28 law banning the promotion of homosexuality in public schools.”
For anyone interested in checking the exhibit out, here are the details.
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Highlights include the swan dress controversially worn by Björk at the 2001 Oscars, Harry Styles’ Steven Stokey Daley outfit from his video for ‘Golden’, and Sam Smith's inflatable latex suit by HARRI from this year’s BRIT Awards. Collections and work by JW Anderson, Wales Bonner, Erdem, Molly Goddard, Christopher Kane, Simone Rocha, Russell Sage, and many more.
For anyone not familiar with SS Daley, here is his website.
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Run Away With Me
Summary: He can’t let go.
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female Reader
Word Count: 852
Warnings: None
Beta: @princessmisery666
Inspired by: Runaway by The Corrs
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A formidable plaid and denim-clad form fills the entrance as the door behind you crashes open, slamming against the wall with a loud splinter of paneling. You hadn’t really expected to see him here, but a swirl of anticipation sweeps through you. His large hand pushes back the hair that falls in his face, and you scold yourself for wishing those fingers were tangled in your hair instead.
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“Don’t do it.” His chest heaves, his eyes focused.
The deep husk sends your pulse racing, but you keep your tone deadpan, “You weren’t invited, Winchester,” glaring at his reflection in the mirror in front of you. “What are you doing here?”
His glance to your left tells you who the instigator of this intrusion is. The hard stare that matches yours when your eyes meet in the mirror again sends a shiver down your spine. Not keen on trying to decipher the reaction, you’re grateful he doesn’t give you the opportunity. 
“He won’t make you happy.”
Fury rises, and you huff in disbelief as you turn to face him. “I haven’t seen you in over a year. You have no idea who or what makes me happy now.” You know it’s a lie, but bitingly add, “You barely knew then.”
“That’s not true.” His tone is sure, a smugness in his features.
The air in the room feels heavier, the tension growing as you silently stare each other down. Jody decides to make her escape, squeezing your arm and smiling, coaxing in that familiar mom voice, “Give him a chance. Listen to what he has to say.”
“I will talk to you later,” you huff but return the smile before she walks toward Sam. She pats his arm, and he nods, giving her a brief smile as he steps aside to let her pass. 
His eyes rake over you, a gleam in their depths. “You look beautiful.”
He says it with such heartfelt sincerity that a tiny fissure forms in the wall you’ve built up as you snap, “Why are you here?”
“I missed you. Missed us.” 
Grimacing, you wave a hand down your body. “I’m a little busy right now.”
“About that,” he sneers, “you’re making a mistake. He doesn’t know you the way I do.”
Unable to stop yourself, you scoff, “Like I said, you know nothing.” 
You refuse to let him see that you’ve been having doubts, that you’d been caught up in a whirlwind, never letting you touch the ground to get your bearings. Just before he came bursting in, you’d been talking to Jody about calling the entire thing off.
Ignoring your interruption, his eyes narrow, “I know that under that lace and satin, you’re wearing your favorite Converse, the red ones. There’s a garter on your left thigh, but your Smith & Wesson CSX is strapped to your right.” 
Well, damn!
He takes a step closer. “Does he know what you used to do? Have you told him why you wake up screaming? That the nightmares are memories?” The corners of his mouth curl up, eyebrows lifting as he accurately perceives that you haven’t. “So, what, you’re already lying to him?”
“It’s not a l-”
“An omission?” he interjects, and you want to smack the arrogance from his face.
“I left for a reason.” He begins to slowly circle you like prey. Each spiral brings him closer. He has something to get off his chest and evidently plans to stay until he does. “Tell me what you have to say, then leave.”
“You don’t belong with him.”
He stops behind you, and with each inhale, the soft, worn cotton of his shirt brushes against the bare flesh of your back. Turning you both toward the mirror, he rests his hands on the curves of your shoulders, eyes boring into your reflection. “I tried to let you go. To forget about you and move on, but it was impossible. Your scent lingered in my room for months. I found a pair of panties in the laundry, the blue silk ones I would use to keep you quiet. The first-edition book you bought me for my birthday still sits on the bedside table.”
A hand wraps around your neck with gentle pressure while the other runs down your side, tapping the holstered gun when his fingers reach it. “See, I know you.”
Swallowing thickly, you stare at him, breath labored. You couldn’t form words even if you knew what to say.
Unexpectedly, everything in him shifts. The hand at your neck loosens to rest on your collarbone, and the fingers on your thigh are now a gentle pressure against your hip. “I’m sorry for hurting you. For not being there when you needed me. I came here,” uncertainty briefly swims in darkened irises for the first time since he bulldozed his way in, “to ask for a second chance.”
Your heart flutters like butterfly wings as you mutter in disbelief, “I’ll never stop.”
“What?” The word is filled with swagger, swaddled in uncertainty.
“Falling in love with you.”
Fingers denting into your skin, he growls. “Run away with me.”
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Dean's Version
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Tagging some of my Sam peeps:
@thinkinghardhardlythinking @calaofnoldor @wayward-and-worn @princessmisery666
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temperedink · 6 days
red + silver | a nessian playlist
I have a Google doc where I put all my fic ideas and collect song titles for fic inspiration, and I had a TON of Nessian-inspired songs--so why not do a playlist for @nessianweek Day 3 - Symphony?
I don't feel like this is a wildly romantic playlist--though it has its moments--but I wanted to tell Nessian's story (from ACOWAR to HOFAS) in songs that reflect the complicated and messy nature of their dynamic, plus their love and their bond.
Hozier - Francesca
If someone asked me at the end / I'd tell them, "Put me back in it," darlin' / I would do it again / If I could hold you for a minute, darlin' / I'd go through it again
Tove Lo - Habits (Stay High)
Spend my days locked in a haze / Trying to forget you, babe, I fall back down / Gotta stay high all my life to forget I'm missing you
Saint Levant f. Playyard - I Guess
I know you've been thinking of us / While you living it up, while you living it up, baby / You said it was never enough and now you're thinking of us in the club
Whitehorse - I'm on Fire
I got a bad desire / Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire
Teddy Swims - Lose Control
Problem is I want your body like a fiend, like a bad habit / Bad habit's hard to break when I'm with you / Yeah, I know, I could do it on my own, but I want /That real full moon black magic and it takes two
Steven Rodriguez - Shackles
If looks could kill I'd be a dead man, you see / But I would never wish to be set free
Hozier - Movement
When you move / I can recall something that's gone from me / When you move / Honey, I'm put in awe of something so flawed and free
Taylor Swift - Dancing with Our Hands Tied
And say, say that we got it / I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted
Florence + the Machine - Dream Girl Evil
Oh, come and get me / Drag me out, destroy me / I've been expecting you, I'm ready / Deliver me that bad news, baby
Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man
But it was not your fault but mine / And it was your heart on the line / I really fucked it up this time / Didn't I, my dear?
Garbage - Why Do You Love Me
Now I've held back a wealth of shit / I think I'm gonna choke / I'm standing in the shadows / With the words stuck in my throat / Does it really come as a surprise / When I tell you I don't feel good
CIL - Try
And people get quiet when you reach for their hand / You say it's no use, they won't try for you / And if you won't try too / Then, baby, try, try, try for me
Sam Smith - Fire on Fire
But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms / 'Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me / And look in my eyes / You are perfection, my only direction
Shoshana Bean and Cynthia Erivo - I Did Something Bad
They got their pitchforks and proof / Their receipts and reasons / They're burning all the witches even if you aren't one / So light me up, light me up / Light me up, go ahead and light me up
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hawkland · 4 months
I am home from spnnj2024, I am exhausted but my heart is full!
I didn't get to see any panels with working the vendors area but I did get to chat a bit with DJ, Tamoh and Richard (who remembered us unprompted from MomentoCon, which was sweet!), got some AMAZING photo ops I'm gonna scan to share tomorrow, went to Misha's insane "Good Idea" show, got picked by Sam Smith to go up and an idiot of myself during karaoke, and saw a bunch of folks I know including meeting another author I've done art for (bodyandsoul, who got to go home with the original painting that inspired our DCRB collab!)
I'm actually a little freaked out over how well my art and merch went over. I actually sold I think 13-14 original paintings? (I need to check receipts) And tons of cards and prints and basically all the tote bags I had. I heard so many wonderful comments about my work that I'm actually a little emotional about it now. IDK how to explain except it's been a long road fighting imposter syndrome and never really having much success with my art until I landed here. With inspiration that's just clicked for me and for all the issues SPN fandom may have, there's a real support and love for fan artists that means a lot.
Anyway. I'm definitely going to be doing more of the circuit after this. I'm taking what I learned about what people were interested in and see how I can work on more of that along with keeping up with bang art and such! I'm thinking I might do Indianapolis in August as I'll have enough time to work on stuff for it through the summer, or if not then DC for sure. Beyond that I'll figure out what works in the schedule.
Now I need to try to unwind enough to sleep.
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palettepainter · 5 months
Have some random Zoot cousins headcannons cuz I'm bored and I have no clue when or how to show these headcannons off
-So semi inspired by the 2015 show, because I love the idea of Sam getting dorky crushes on people who are total opposites to him, but I think the idea of Sam having a small crush on Zephyr is cute. Zephyr is outgoing, confident, classy, chilled and flirty, most of which Sam isn't. This probably happens long after Zephyr left Muppets Tonight to persue her own career, but before her and Clifford got back together. Zephyr has no idea Sam had a crush on her because his flirting is so stiff/awkward that she never understood he was flirting (or trying to)
-Happens after the events of Hired Sparky, but Liv learns to speak a few different languages after she starts working with the band. She already knows how to speak bits of Portuguese and Cuban Spanish, but after working at the studio for a few months she picks up Swedish to try and speak with Chef better. He gives her tips over her lunch break
-Liv is terrified witless of heights. She can more or less handle airplanes, since she knows she's safe within the plane, but if she was to do something like rock climbing she'd politely, and very insistently decline
-I can't remember the name of the video, but the Mayhem did a guess the song by it's lyric video, and there's one part where Zoot is sleeping against Teeth. It's super cute! So I like to think that all the Zoot cousins will instinctively lean against a surface or person when they're especially sleepy
-Raph does modelling at a local art school, he's very body comfortable, advocate for denim shorts and crop tops
-Penny, Raph and Zoot are the only cousins who smoke (though Penny doesn't smoke anything other cigarettes and only when she's especially stressed). Laser tried a cigarette once from peer pressure and coughed for ten minutes, he's never touched one since. Zephyr and Liv have never smoked in their lives
-I have no idea when I'm going to get the chance to show these off since they're so random, but I made full names for the cousins, they might change later:
Olivia (Liv) Mayfield Grayson / Zephyr Francine Smith / Raph Lopes Riberio / Penny Colette Hernandez / Gavin (Laser) Matthias Hernandez
-Penny and Laser are the only cousins to grow up with a single parent, their dad. Nothing bad happened to their mother, their father and her were just never married before they where born
-Laser is the one who gives peoples the most nicknames
-As well as being a DJ who plays a lot at gigs, Laser knows how to play the bass and drums. He taught Penny how to play the drums when she was in her late teens to help her try and channel her anger on something creative. Penny these days doesn't really play so much anymore but she can still drum out a decent solo
-Due to his job that requires him to play a lot at raves and night clubs, both very noisy environments, and his time when he was learning how to play the drums, Laser's hearing can be pretty bad at times. It's not so bad that he's deaf, but it's not as sharp as it was before he became a DJ
-All the Zoot cousins have a weird power that they can't explain. Zoot's we've seen in Muppets Mayhem but as for the others, Liv has "Spidey sense", though she's somewhat oblivious to it. Whenever she dodges something she otherwise wouldn't have seen coming she kinda blacks out and goes on auto pilot, before blinking back to reality. Zephyr has the ability to censor swears by standing near people who happen to be swearing, a little black box appears over their mouth with a pairing beep and everything. Lasers power is Onomatopoeia, he can make comical 'BAM/YEAH/BOOM's appear behind him like a comic (if anyone points this out Laser plays dumb cuz he finds it funny). Penny is a telepath and can talk to people in their head. And Raph can teleport, like Liv this is also something he's kind of unaware of. Sometimes he'll fall asleep on the sofa, and find himself in his bed when he wakes up, or he'll think about food, blink, and then he'll be in the kitchen. Raph, as well as the rest of the cousins, have learnt to not question their bizarre powers
-All of the cousins are flexible. Liv took up gymnastics as a hobby during school, she picks it back up again when she starts working with the Muppets. Laser knows how to break dance so naturally he's got to have a lot of upper body strength and know how to do sudden flips and spins. Zephyr is a dance teacher and so does routine stretches for warm ups before and after her classes. Raph does yoga and meditation as a hobby. Penny tried meditation for a bit but found out boxing was a better stress reliever for her, she does stretches as warm ups
-There aren't many people on the Muppets which the Zoot cousins hate, but Penny isn't too found of Rizzo and Pepe
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itsgrimeytime · 6 months
I Told You Now || Rick Grimes (TWD) x gn!reader
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
Part 2
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Inspiration: I've Told You Now by Sam Smith or "But what the hell, why do you think I come 'round here on my free will? Wasting all my precious time... Oh, the truth spills out and oh I...I've told you now."
Summary: You were in love with Rick, not that he knew. You weren't sure you were ever going to tell him. What could you say, you loved the kids and didn't want to lose them too. It was too risky. But finding out he was chasing after some married woman was just the last straw.
TWs: angst, jealousy, yelling, anger, crying, cursing, mention of fainting, not really unrequited love (you just don't know that yet) and vague references to infidelity (Jessie to her husband).
[[A/N: This song came up on my old playlist, and let me tell ya... I had some thoughts. This might be a two-parter, we shall see. Enjoy <3]]
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"Hey, Mags," you hummed -Judith bouncing on your hip, "-where's Rick? I've been trying to find him all da-"
Maggie froze for a second, and you stilled -tightening your grip on Judith. Was there danger? Was everything okay? Your eyes swung around to see if there was anything unusual, anything dangerous-
Your eyes caught on something.
It was Rick, wearing his constable uniform (which you blindly noted suited him really well), and talking to a woman. You knew her name, Jessie, he'd talked about her before -said her husband was a real piece of shit. Everyone within Alexandria apparently knew that, but Rick was the only one to do anything about it.
At the time, you thought it was heroic of him, something Rick would do.
But now...
Your eyes skimmed across his face, across the intent of his blue eyes. There was something there, something you knew. You're not sure if it's the way he stood, or the smooth smile slipped onto his lips, or the way he looked down when he laughed at her -whatever she said, but-
"Why don't you just come inside?"
You barely heard it, something in your chest sinking -heavy. Your heart was pounding in your chest, it felt like every breath took everything out of your lungs, like your whole world was teetering on an edge. And Rick Grimes held it in his hands.
And he was... he was throwing it around, he wasn't even careful-
"Y/N," she continued, and you could hear her but there was something in you that couldn't move.
How long had this been happening? A married woman, really?
You knew her husband was terrible, scum of the Earth-
"Y/N," she warned, gently.
But her?
Why hadn't he ever told you? Why did you ever think that it was different now?
What were you to him? Just a goddamn babysitter?
The hope that had gathered up in your chest was snuffed out, just like the crumbling of your heart. You'd always knew it would come to this, you just weren't ready.
"Y/N," she stressed -trying to gain your focus, "-come on-"
Something in your stomach twisted, sour.
Tossing like a tide, you swayed in place. Your head was getting fuzzy and your eyes were bleary. Your ears felt like they were stuffed, all the voices so far away-
You took a languid blink.
With a breath, you pushed Judith into Maggie's arms -ensuring her safety. And with that, your knees buckled underneath you.
You fell to the ground.
You remember hearing Maggie scream, hearing the rush of footsteps -slapping along the ground. You remember hearing him then too, but something in you soured -you tried so hard to block it out. Ignore it.
"What the hell happened?"
It made your head pound again, made your brain swim. You squeezed your eyes closed like it would bring you some relief, anything-
"Y/N?" A voice offered, you recognized it to be Maggie's, "-are you awake?"
You shifted ever so slightly, eyes blinking open. The first thing you noticed was the bandage along your head, had you hit your head? Your fingers shifted to touch it-
Maggie grabbed your wrist, stopping the motion, "That'll hurt. You hit your head when you... Doctor says it might give you some headaches for a while."
You realized then, you were in a bed -distinctly not yours. You knew the woody smell anywhere, your eyes darted along the nightstands, almost to confirm -an old picture of him, Lori, and Carl. Something in you winced, and not because of your head.
"Told 'im to give us a minute," she revealed, "-I said you'd want to be in your own house, but he insisted."
The apology went unsaid.
"'S okay," you slurred a little, you weren't sure if it was from the pain or the sleep, "-not your fault, Maggie."
"Still," she echoed -something in her protective, "-I won't leave 'im alone with you, I promise."
You laughed a little, "Grimes is gonna do it anyway, we both know that. Hell, maybe I'll finally tell him."
"Because of..."
It again went unsaid, you weren't sure you could say it out loud either.
"How-" you cleared your throat, "-Do you know how long...?"
Maggie sighed -picking at the white comforter, "A few weeks at most, me and Glenn only caught onto it that long. But I don't... I don't know."
"How can I be so pissed-" you cried -tears burning the backs of your eyes, "-I don't deserve to be pissed. How would he even know?"
"Y/N, you can be pissed," she interrupted, wrapped your hands into hers, "-It's not just you. Everyone thought- You aren't delusional. He was... There was something."
"Apparently not," you retorted -bluntly.
"Don't," she frowned, getting something to wipe at your eyes, "-Don't do that to yourself, you couldn't have known better."
"I should've known better," you echoed out -sniffling, "-I'm so stupid. I told myself to n-"
The door swung open.
Rick stood there -less composed than you saw him before. You inwardly flinched at the notion of... before. His hair was a bit unruly like he'd been running his hands through it -he did that when he was worried. You knew that. His jacket (constable jacket) was tossed off, a frown creased on his lips and worry on his brow. He looked at you -unflinchingly.
"I thought I 'eard ya cryin'," he spoke, seemingly to confirm to himself, "-does it hurt? Do I need to go get some medicine? Doc said-"
"No," you interrupted -plainly, wiping at your eyes, "-I'm fine, Rick. Actually-"
You pulled yourself out from under the comforter, sitting up and scooting to the edge of the bed. It felt like you were suffocating in here -all you could smell was him, all you could see was him, all you could feel was him. It wasn't fair.
You needed some air, like now.
"-I'm gonna go home," you finished, looking to Maggie to help you get onto your feet (you were still a little dizzy).
"You can't-" he seemed to respond, in disbelief, "-You ain't supposed to be alone, right now. Doc said-"
"I'll go to Maggie's then," you offered -grabbing your shoes which were placed neatly by the bed. Something in you stung that he had thought to do that for you.
"Why?" He asked -genuine.
You wordlessly walked through the door past him -Maggie trailing you. You padded down the hallway, cursing the familiar walls -the baby toys scattered in the corner, the picture frames hung up on the wall, and the little trinkets from his time on the road.
"You'll tell me if the kids need me, yeah?" You spoke, finally -hand turning the doorknob.
"Will ya just talk to me?"
You stuttered in your step, you could feel Maggie behind you. Your heart twisting in your chest, you just wanted to go. But something in you stopped; god, you loved him so much. It wasn't fair.
"Fine," you answered -clipped, "-Maggie, give us a minute? I'll be over in a few."
She looked at you a moment, trying to see if she should leave maybe. Eyes darting over your face, reading your eyes -she seemed to be satisfied, "Okay."
You spun to Rick, taking a deep breath in through your nose.
"What do you want to talk about, Rick?"
He laughed -in disbelief, you could tell, "What do I wanna talk 'bout? Seriously? Like you don't know?"
You stared at him -wordlessly.
"Y/N," he started -stepping toward you, you almost immediately stepped back and he noticed, "-you fuckin' fainted, you're hurt. We don't even know why and now-"
"I know why," you interrupted.
He seemed to look at you in curiosity, "Why?"
"Haven't been eating," you lied with the ease of the wind.
He seemed to process that a second -concern flitting through his face before settling somewhere else, "'At's bullshit."
"How do you know-"
"You ate dinner at mine last night," he explained, "-an' ya cleaned your plate."
"Look Rick," you mended, "-I really don't want to talk about it."
"Why?" He offered, and he stepped forward -you stepped back, "-and now you're... you're avoidin' me? What the hell happened? You were fine, yesterday-"
"Can we not get into this right now?" You interrupted again, "-My head hurts like hell, and I just want to go and rest, like I imagine I was told to do."
Rick leveled a look at you, "Why not 'ere? Why Maggie's? You're always 'round 'ere anyway-"
It slipped out before you could think about it -venomous, "And why do you think that is?"
He stuttered to a stop, "What?"
Regret spilled into your stomach, "Rick, let's not get into this. Seriously. I'm tired-"
"No, no," he echoed, "-you brought it up. What do ya mean? What are you talkin' 'bout?"
"I can't," you swallowed, tears burning the backs of your eyes, "-Rick, not now, okay?"
He looked at you surfing over your eyes, insistent, "Why are you 'round 'ere so often?"
"I thought it was 'cause ya loved the kids," he listed, "-or 'cause we were friends. But you... 'Ere's another reason."
"Rick, I don't want to."
"Want to what?" He asked, something in his voice teetering, "-Tell me? Talk to me? We used to know everythin' 'bout each other, and now you're sayin'-"
Something in you snapped. You don't know if it was his tone, or the words, or the implication that you had been lying to him while he was so truthful to you-
"God, Rick," you nearly shouted, "-I'm in fucking love with you!"
Rick froze -unmoving. You couldn't even tell if he was breathing.
"Are you happy now?"
He didn't say a word.
"So, yeah. I have been lying to you," you hissed, "-if you wanted to put it that way. If you wanted to say that I'm an asshole for protecting myself, then yeah, I am."
Rick was much different in his stance now -gentle like you'd run at his first motion toward you, eyes flickering between so many things, "Y/N..."
"No," you spoke -steely, "-I'm not. We're not doing this. I already know..."
Your words trailed off, and you swallowed -pushing down the tears. You weren't going to cry now.
"I saw you with Jessie, okay?" you explained -something in your voice softer, fragile, hurt, "-So I know. It's why I fainted. I just... I wasn't expecting it."
"Y/N, I never-"
"Seriously, Rick," you nearly begged -your voice cracking, "-I know. You don't need to drag this out longer. Did you not hear me the first time?"
His mouth snapped shut, even though he looked like he had a lot to say. Words urging to be uttered from his lips. But he didn't say anything, maybe out of respect to you. You were grateful.
"I'll be back by later to see the kids," you echoed out -something in your voice hollow.
"Will ya just let me-"
"Just let me know when Judith's up, okay?" You interrupted, deflecting, "-I said I'd watch her today."
And with a final look (maybe your last ever full look at him), you walked out the door.
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just-sarah--things · 1 year
Alex and Henry fic prompt:
Henry references having shagged other famous boys. Once he’s been publicly outed the press and fan accounts become pretty convinced he was once secretively involved with a pop star and some of his most famous songs about love, heartbreak and sex were inspired by Henry. Alex gets self conscious listening to the old songs that are more explicit about what people assume is Henry’s body and sex life thinking that this pop star was a better lover than Alex himself because Henry is the only man he’s really been with. Alex says Henry is the best sex he’s ever had but isn’t sure if the same is true for Henry with him
Here we go... I tried my best and I Hope you Enjoy. Feel free to send Feed back, more requests, reblogs, likes, and shares. Sweet Creature
“Once unsuccessfully” These words have been floating around Alex’s head since the moment Henry had said them, and now Alex was finally ready to find out who.
“Hen, just tell me already.” Alex begs “Does it really matter Alex?” “No” he huffs “But I am curious” Alex looks at Henry with a big grin. This gets Henry to look up from his book, “Alex all that matters is that I love you and you are my life now.” “What if I guess.” Alex proposes Henry rolls his eyes and returns to his book “Sam Smith” “Robbie Williams” “Tom Daley” “James Blunt” “Lewis Gibson” Henry keeps his eyes focused on his book but continues to shake his head no that is until “Harry Styles” Henry Looks up and is frozen in place, he can’t believe that Alex actually started guessing and guessing correctly nonetheless. “No Fucking way” Alex mutters “It doesn't really matter Alex.” Henry States returning to his book. They spend the rest of the night lazing around the brownstone. Henry reading away and Alex trying to study but his mind can only focus on one thing. His Henry with Harry Styles. The next morning Alex wakes up earlier than Henry and decides he needs a run to clear his head. He mindlessly scrolls through Spotify to listen to during his run. His thumb lingers over the “This is Harry Styles” Playlist he hits shuffle and starts his run. He listens to the first couple songs without really thinking about it, that is until the song Golden starts playing . And when the lyric “I know that you're scared because hearts get broken”  blares through his airpods. He knows this is about his Henry, or should he say Harry’s Henry. Alex shakes this thought and continues to run. Before he knows it he is listening to the lyrics again and hears the song Kiwi and can’t help but think about Henry and the lyric “and all the boys saying they were into such a pretty face on a pretty neck… hard candy dripping on me till my feet are wet, and now he’s all over me…” and the next song that plays only makes Alex more self conscious about his performances in bed. Only Angel is now playing and he can only Imagine Mr. Styles writing the lyric “That he's gonna be an angel, just you wait and see
When it turns out he's a devil in between the sheets And there's nothing he can do about it.” Alex has had it with this Harry Styles Bullshit. He is running as fast as  he can back to the brownstone. Just as he is coming up the walkway to the house one last song catches his attention. Falling now floats softly through his ears as he takes a seat on the front stoop. The opening lyric stops him dead in his tracks. “I'm in my bed, And you're not here, And there's no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands.” And in that instant Alex realizes that Mr. Styles cheated on Henry, Sweet Perfect Loving Henry, his Henry. And while some of his insecurities slip away because he knows he will never want anyone but Henry and if he did change his mind he would never in a million years think about cheating on him. When Alex walks in he sees Henry is up, already reading his book and sipping on some tea. Alex gives him a kiss on the head and mutters something about running to clear his head and that he needs to shower. Henry decides not to ask to join him and just nods in agreement knowing he will be back soon. Soon turns into ten minutes, then twenty, then thirty, forty five and at the Hour mark Henry goes to investigate. When he walks in the bedroom he sees Alex blankly staring at the ceiling and dried tears on his cheeks, and he knows something is bothering Alex but he isn't sure how to breach the subject. At first he leans in the doorway fiddling with his ring just waiting to see if Alex will notice his presence. When he doesn't Henry clears his voice and Alex is startled to see him there. Alex is Confused all over again. How can someone as wonderful as Henry go from being with (dating? he wonders) Harry Styles to just Alex plain old Alex. 
“Hi” Henry finally mutters, breaking the silence between each of them. 
“I think we need to talk,” Henry says. Alex just nods because what can he say. How can he compete with him?“I have a feeling I know what's on your mind but, can you please let me in that beautiful head of yours?” “How are you even satisfied with me? I hardly knew who I was when our relationship started let alone know what I was doing in our bedroom. How can I compete with someone who called you a devil in the sheets. How do you want plain old Alex when you can have a world famous pop sensation or anyone for that matter.” “Oh Alex, You are not just some plain old Alex. You are Alex Clairmont-Diaz, a mouthful, but you are mine and I wouldn’t change a thing.” “But-” Alex starts “No buts, I am flattered you think those songs are about me, and maybe they are but I only know for a fact that one of them is.” “Is it-” “I walked in on him, he was with someone else.” Henry finishes “Baby, I am so sorry.” “That’s what makes you more than just Alex, you have honesty, honor, and integrity. And to me that means more than what any super star can provide. Plus you are the best I’ve ever been with.” “How so?” Alex questions “It's different when you are with someone you love and someone that loves you back.”
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bookscandlesnbts · 11 months
I've a doubt. In the comments every US army saying they nor locals care about artist's sexuality and queer concept they put out. Make sense as there are multiple queer artists who are so successful in west. Whole world was singing 'unholy' by a non binary person lol. If it's catchy enough not even conservative country fans gives af about artist sexuality or gender imo. So how this narrative of JK chose het image to enter western market make sense ? He could get exactly the same results by staying to his authentic self isn't it ? Isn't it just a narrative made by shippers to convince themselves that he's still queer even if he's doing het songs to keep their ship floating? 🤔🤔 I really don't have a problem if he was queer but any excuses given doesn't make sense regarding his choices. Atp the only sensible explanation I can think of is that he's het, it's his choice to portray himself in this concept, it's him choosing to sing about het sex back to back, he agreed to having female lead actress in all his chapter 2 mvs. He kinda confirmed it by saying it wants to show different sides of HIMSELF. So maybe that's what it is.. simple 🤷‍♀️
I’m tired of explaining myself. This is the last ask I’m going to answer of this kind because y’all don’t read my other responses, and these asks are boring.
Idk what planet you are on but Unholy was not well received by any means. Sam Smith was hated on for the outfit they chose to perform in, and these accepting Christian conservatives that you claim will listen to anything hated the song, hated Sam’s peformance, thought it was devil music, hated Kim Petras because she’s a trans woman, and only deemed it acceptable when they could change their lyrics to fit around the god they believe in.
Sex still sells period. And specifically heterosexual sex. Fans do care. The market does care. The majority of major songs if they are about sex are hetereosexual sex.
Jungkook didn’t “choose” this image. Pay attention to what he has said about this album and what Bang PD said too. It almost didn’t happen. Jungkook had nothing written and no inspiration. He needed to release a solo album for chapter 2 so he and Bang PD shopped for songs. Songs in English from 🛴. Those are the facts. He’s portraying the image that fits those songs and the western market. If the songs are hetero, he has the look with his muscles and tattoos to pull it off. This has nothing to do with shipping. I’m not creating a narrative because I don’t want to accept JK being hetero because doing his job shows nothing about his sexuality. I’ve been screaming since this started that singing songs with “girl” and “she” does not change someone’s queer sexuality.
The biggest issue I have with this ask and what I always have with these asks is WHAT CHOICE DOES JUNGKOOK HAVE. Seriously. If he is a queer artist, he is Korean. He lives in a very homophobic country (re their inhumane military laws) He doesn’t have the freedom to go all Sam Smith and Troye Sivan in his music even if he is making English songs for the Western Market. Did you even see Troye’s music video for One of Your Girls?!?! You are acting like Jungkook could dress in drag and give a man a lap dance if he wanted to but because he isn’t that means he doesn’t want to. How damn ignorant can you be. He’s Korean and they are paying attention to his music too!! Jimin couldn’t even have his male dancers touching him for Like Crazy when he performed at any of his Korean stages!!!!!!! WAKE. UP.
It’s so stupid how you can throw away a whole decade of Jungkook showing 0 interest in women but having very blantant sexual tension with his bandmate over the course of his career. But suddenly a song written by a western producer and a female lead in a music video here and there makes him heterosexual? Respectfully, stay the fuck off my blog. Any ask from here on out with this same shit narrative is getting blocked. Let this be your warning.
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dyemelikeasunset · 11 months
Which artists inspire your art? And what kind of music do you listen to for your art inspo? I love all of your work btw <3
thank you 🥹🥹
Character designers that really inspire me are Kinu Nishimura, Afu Chan, Elliot Alfredius, and Edayan
Manga artists I really like are Ai Yazawa, CLAMP (2000s era), Yuhki Kamatani, and Gido Amagakure
Fashion designers I like are Mary Katrantzou, Gareth Pugh, Rein Vollenga, and admittedly Jeremy Scott 😂
Some fine artists that inspire by are Egon Schiele and Emil Almazora
And with music, I like a very wide variety of genres, but I do gravitate towards rnb, rock, post rock, and prog rock the most! But I have to admit I don't have a big library of music artists I listen to regularly bc I really like to do deep dives into full discographies and song lyrics/meanings, so new artists can be intimidating for me!
Some of my favorite artists are SZA, Young the Giant, Sam Smith, Dance Gavin Dance, Zayn, and Andrew Belle
I've been getting really into the band Muna, and re-igniting my love for Chris Daughtry lately too LMAO
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