#really changing colors as much as a chameleon at a rave
thenixkat · 7 months
The mangaka not being able to consistently color the not-pale characters in the series, doing the thing where folks who don't know how to color brown skin making folks grey/ashy, putting pink blush/flushed bits on characters dark enough that their skin straight up wouldn't do that if they were flushed, etc does actively track with how blegh Ambiguously Brown (TM) the actual characters' designs are
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desertfangs · 1 year
Daniel/Armand 'It was a spectacular display of devotion to the atmosphere and what the others in the smoke fogged room called 'the vibe', but you could never tell what was going to catch Armand's imagination and he looked like he was enjoying himself."
This prompt was so fun! I like how it really set a scene but still allowed me to come up with the specifics! I have no idea what you pictured but I'm curious to hear how it compares to what I ended up with.
It was a spectacular display of devotion to the atmosphere and what the others in the smoke fogged room called ‘the vibe,’ but you could never tell what was going to catch Armand's imagination and he looked like he was enjoying himself.
Armand had somehow procured a number of neon glow sticks in various colors that now adorned his neck and wrists, the colors reflected against his pale skin. One, neon blue, sat in his thick auburn hair like a crown. He leaned against a pillar, having a conversation with someone similarly adorned. 
Daniel watched him, captivated by how easily he played the part of a young college guy at an art house rave. How effortlessly he could slip into the role like a practiced actor, adapting as he got more information or the situation changed. 
He’d seen him do it a thousand times but he’d forgotten how much he enjoyed Armand being chameleon in any setting. When Armand had first suggested they come here, when the guy had handed them the flyer as they’d left the gallery, Daniel had been dubious. As a vampire, he couldn’t drink or partake in the drugs people were definitely doing in the bathrooms, at least not directly, and he wasn’t sure coming to a loud, raucous party was the thing they needed. 
Things were still a little tenuous between them. Still new. Still strange, because while it was all so familiar, so much time had passed and so much had happened. It was easy to get comfortable only to have something jar him back to the reality that their lives had been separate for a long time. And yet he’d welcomed Daniel back easily enough and, due in part to some fraught conversations they’d forced out, things mostly felt okay. Like maybe they were finally on the same page. Only took them forty years. 
But time alone was precious—Armand’s house was full of people coming and going and Lestat kept calling him to France to deal with matters of the Court, a trip Daniel sometimes accompanied him on or sometimes opted out of—and he hadn’t been thrilled to spend this night at some loud, bombastic party. 
Armand glanced over in his direction. He could no longer hear the trepidatious thoughts whirling through Daniel’s mind but he could see him running his hand through his blond hair. Armand ended his conversation and came over to him. 
He unsnapped one of the green glow sticks from around his neck and put it around Daniel’s, giving him a grand total of one, smoothing Daniel’s t-shirt against his chest. He leaned back to admire his work. 
“Do you wish to leave?” Armand asked. His amber eyes burned into him.
Daniel was surprised by the question. They’d attended countless parties together and Daniel could count on his fingers how many times Armand had ever given him such an out. “It looks like you’re having fun.” 
Armand titled his head and studied Daniel in a way that set the hair on the back of his neck on edge. “But you’re not.” 
Daniel shrugged. He’d had fun at the gallery. And he didn’t mind being here. “I like watching you.” 
Armand smiled. He took another glow stick from his wrist, this one bright orange, and took Daniel’s hand. Armand’s hand was cool against his and the touch sent tingles up Daniel’s arm. He fastened the glow stick around Daniel’s wrist and it cast orange light on his pale skin. Armand kissed the soft skin of Daniel’s wrist, almost like a blessing, before letting it drop. 
“One dance,” Armand said. “And then if you wish, we’ll leave.” 
“Yeah, okay.” 
He let Armand lead him to the dance floor, which was full of writhing, bouncing bodies, their heartbeats louder than the bass-line that thrummed in his ears as the music roared. A smoke machine pumped fog into the air and the strobe lights reflected against it, making the atmosphere surreal and neon. Armand danced elegantly in a carefree way that made Daniel’s heart ache. 
He’d missed him desperately, more than he'd even let himself realize, and seeing him like this, covered in glow sticks and dancing to the music as if nothing else mattered, really hammered that home. He thought of all the nights he’d spent in nightclubs in Rio, perfecting the art of the little drink and trying so hard to recapture the feeling that immortality had supposedly promised: an eternity unburdened. Only to find it here at this make-shift warehouse party in Soho, because eternity was empty without Armand in it. 
A man approached Armand, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. Daniel continued dancing but kept an eye on them. The man handed Armand a sheet of something that looked like pink tabs. Drugs of some sort. Armand nodded and slipped the drugs into the pocket of his jeans. 
He danced back to Daniel and put his arms around him. 
“You saving those for later?” Daniel teased, fingers brushing his pants pocket.
Armand smiled widely, viciously, and Daniel’s pulse raced. He pressed himself against Daniel, lips at his ear, and said, “He’s laced them with poison.” Armand nodded to the man who'd given him the goods, who was now moving through the crowd, back toward the exit. “I think perhaps we’ve found dinner.” 
Daniel grinned at him as Armand took his hand and led him through the throngs of revelers in pursuit of their new-found victim. 
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atamascolily · 4 years
lily liveblogs Star Trek:TNG 1x11 - “Haven”
aka the “Troi has an arranged marriage” episode.
we get to see Riker smirking as he watches two attractive women in togas play the harp. Oh, Riker.
creepiest message ever for troi: a silvery mask attached to a literal talking cube. Quoth Troi: Oh fuck no.
I don't blame her for being upset; I'm disturbed myself. 
the creepy message box opens up, spilling jewels all over the transporter, and Troi has to inform the oblivious Riker about her upcoming arranged marriage that she very clearly hates
(Item: I cannot tell what is up with her relationship with Riker because the show has given us very little information to date, but I cannot imagine any scenario where this wouldn't be awkward and embarrassing.)
(Left to my own devices, I assume that Troi pegged Riker on the regular and she was the one who broke up with him, but I suspect the writers thought it was the other way around, lol. but it's pretty clear that Riker is dtf aliens and Troi is half-Betazed, so... *shrug*.)
Troi tries to explain her situation to Picard while Riker is mansplaining in the background. RIKER PLEASE CONTROL YOURSELF.  
All Picard wants to know is if Troi is gonna be sticking around or if he's going to have to find a new counselor, lol.
Troi tells him she won't be staying, and Picard is very clearly disappointed and trying to make the best of it, and you can just SEE the moment where Riker realizes he's still in love with Troi and goes all soft, and it's rather endearing.
(For the record, I mock Riker relentlessly, he's often an asshole, and I hate how the writers keep writing him so he's Always in the Right / expect us to identify with him, but I do enjoy him as a character most of the time.)
Riker leans casually against the wall not looking at Troi LOL. He doesn't have to because she can read his emotions.
Troi: "don't ruin your career for me,"
Riker: "babe, but I wanna"
troi: "how ‘bout no"
 Riker: "okay, then, guess I'll die"
troi: how 'bout you stop being a dramatic bitch and dance at my wedding?”
Deanna's future in-laws arrive OH THE SPACE FASHION LOL
her fiance Wyatt is human (???) gives her a "chameleon rose" that changes color with her moods, I am SURE we will be seeing more of this magic mood ring flower later as a plot point, but 10/10 excellent gift.
(his sweater game is pretty good, Wesley Crusher should take notes)
Troi calls her mother "eccentric" which is a massive understatement
her mom's first act is to scold her for not using telepathy and to make Picard carry her luggage even though she knows he's the captain
(okay, so Troi is half-Betazed, and her MOM is the Betazed and her dad is human? for some reason I thought it was the other way around but w/e)
the other dude with the elder Troi is her valet, so that makes her snub to Picard even worse, and Troi puts her foot down in the corridor
(love how both geordi and data look at that and agree "not gonna touch that shit")
The fact that Troi's mother is such a raving narcissist makes me love Troi so much more. Like, I already loved her, but this just takes it to the next level.
pretty sure the dude playing the valet is the same guy who was the time traveler in "Where No Man Has Gone Before", lol
picard: please accept our humbly awful '70s space future accommodations
I don't know what color white is on a Mood Rose, but that rose has been pure white ever since Lwaxana Troi showed up
Lwaxana Troi believes in radical honesty, which actually puts her roughly on par with Data in terms of social skills, ironically enough.
Troi, who is a professional diplomat, is like, Mom, please, fuck no, humans are complicated, okay?
"Failure to communicate is inherently hostile" - wow, that's this show's philosophy in a nutshell, isn't it?
I love Electorine, the leader of Haven (the planet they’re orbiting) - she looks like how I imagine a grown-up Ozma of Oz
So Troi's fiance is human? I'm so confused about the politics here, especially when Lwaxana is such a snob about Betazed superiority. 
Troi tries to console Wyatt by saying "I'll only be half as annoying" as a Betazoid/my mother. He doesn't laugh, but I think she meant it to be funny? I LOVE YOU TROI.
He wants to know if she can read his thoughts, she says no, but maybe we'll get there, and then she almost spills the beans about Riker, but catches herself at the last possible moment
to his credit, dude picks up on that right away and asks "Do I have competition?"
Troi says NO, but we all know that's a lie.
Turns out Dude also has issues: he's been hearing voices/seeing the face of a woman his entire life, and he just assumed it was Troi because aliens are Like That, am I right?
Picard to his personal journal: am I biased? I'm pretty sure I'm not and this is a legit disaster in the making.
oh hey, there's a strange vessel approaching the planet to investigate, so time for another conference!
(ngl: I realize the conference room scenes are unpopular but I personally love them even though they generally do not work on multiple levels from a writing/viewing perspective)  
turns out the ship is full of plague and heavy-handed metaphors about the nature of humanity
Lwaxana Troi causes a scene at the cocktail party quarreling with her future in-laws, and both Troi and Riker are in their own personal hells
data looks like he could use some popcorn
Love Troi in her non-work outfit here
Data tries to chat up the silent valet about his drinking habits, with hilariously awkward results
Lwaxana has a pet Tradescantia vine that starts crawling on one of the in-laws and Riker has Had Enough
Everyone is appalled to learn that nudism is mandatory at Betazed weddings.
Troi screams at everyone and storms out and Tasha is amused.
Data believes the proper study of mankind is man: "Could you continue the petty bickering? I find it so intriguing."
awww, riker is brooding in the holodeck, lol
(why does Troi always have to be the adult in this relationship?)
So "Imzadi" is confirmed to mean "my beloved" and Troi asks if they're beyond that now, and Riker's all jealous and defensive, and... surely they have polyamory in the 24th century??
Rikers like "I'm an all or nothing guy," which, okay, fair. BUT WHY THE HELL DID YOU TWO BREAK UP THEN, I'M SO CONFUSED? Did Troi break up with you because she thought it was interfering with your career (not sure how that tracks but whatever)? Or did Riker instigate the break-up? (In which case, I have less sympathy because he shot himself in the foot there! GROW UP, YOU FOOL, GROW UP)
Wyatt the Betrothed shows up and is like, "oh, hey, your loss" to Riker, which just made me roll my eyes.
Riker responds by stalking off in a dignified huff, lol SO EMOTIONALLY MATURE, Y'ALL.
meanwhile, the plague ship approaches *jaws theme*
turns out the woman in wyatt's drawings is on the ship, although I admit I would not have made that connection if Troi hadn't pointed it out
Wyatt goes to ask Lwaxana for relationship advice, which goes about as well as you'd expect it would.
he decides to break quarantine and transport over to the plague ship because HIS SECRET DREAM WOMAN IS REAL (and also he's a doctor and this is his life dream to cure the plague)
the ship is decorated with portraits of Wyatt at various ages which is totally not creepy at all
so anyway, that's that!
Lwaxana concludes by flirting with Riker, much to his amusement and Troi's annoyance
it turns out the valet could talk this whole time, he just... didn't want to before now? Or maybe he's come to understand humans better enough to communicate on their level... or just really liked the wet bar at the reception
(oh, and I was totally wrong, that color-changing rose was just a space macguffin that didn't go anywhere, sigh)
at least we'll always have the vine-pet-creature-thing!
I still don’t understand why this episode is called “Haven,” the planet has almost literally nothing to do with anything and nobody even goes there.
so this episode has a lot going for it! lots of fun character moments, even if I’m still confused as hell about a lot of things the show should have explained.
am I entertained? oh, absolutely.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Best Spider-Man: Miles Morales Suits and How to Unlock Them
Spider-Man: Miles Morales is finally here and, if you didn’t already read our review, it’s certainly worth the wait.
While Miles Morales retains the incredible writing, fantastic controls, and clever open-world design that made Marvel’s Spider-Man a hit, one of the game’s most surprising draws remains its extensive collection of unlockable suits that pay tribute to Spider-Man‘s long comic book history.
Pretty much every suit in the game is worth unlocking and wearing, but we’ve picked the 10 best suits you need to get your hands on as soon as possible. Here are the suits as well as how to unlock them in the game:
S.T.R.I.K.E. Suit
How to Unlock: 
Reach Level 10, Collect 16 Activity Tokens, Find 2 Tech Parts
Why It’s One of the Best Suits:
This suit’s ability to increase your Venom Power regeneration as your health drops is useful in certain situations, but this is really a style selection. I love this suit’s giant gauntlets and slightly mismatched components. This suit is reminiscent of how your character in a RPG would look towards the endgame when you’re just collecting everything with the best stats and aren’t too concerned about everything matching perfectly.
2099 Suit
How to Unlock:
Reach Level 12, Collect 14 Activity Tokens, Find 3 Tech Parts
Why It’s One of the Best Suits:
It’s hard not to love this tribute to the Spider-Man 2099 series, but this suit also unlocks a handy mod that reduces the effect of Venom suppression weapons. Those are some of the most annoying obstacles in the game, so I recommend unlocking this suit for both its functionality and how good it looks. 
Into the Spider-Verse Suit
How to Unlock: 
Reach Level 13, Collect 18 Activity Tokens, Find 4 Tech Parts
Why It’s One of the Best Suits:
While I was always going to love any suit that pays homage to arguably the best Spider-Man movie ever, this suit is so much more than a simple tribute. The Into the Spider-Verse Suit even changes Miles’ animations so that his movements mimic the animation style of the Into the Spider-Verse movie. It’s an impressive feat of design that comes complete with comic-book-esque word bubbles that appear during action sequences. 
Winter Suit
How to Unlock: 
Complete the “We’ve Got a Lead” Side Mission 
Why It’s One of the Best Suits:
While you don’t earn any suit mods with this one, the Winter Suit’s style should be more than enough incentive to unlock it. I love imagining Miles putting on his hat, earmuffs, scarf, and long socks before heading out to save the city. Even better, the scarf is independently animated, which means it’s constantly moving as you swing and fight. This is a great suit that matches the game’s wintertime aesthetic.
2020 Suit
How to Unlock: 
Finish all Spider-Training Challenges and complete the Final Test Side Mission
Why It’s One of the Best Suits:
You’re not going to earn this one until later in the game, but the effort is worth it. Again, this suit doesn’t unlock any mods, but it does include some impressive LED displays in the helmet and chest. This suit basically turns you into a one (Spider) man party who swings around the city defeating evil en route to a warehouse rave. 
Programmable Matter Suit
How to Unlock: 
Finish all Underground Hideouts and Roxxon Labs, complete the Matter Up Side Mission
Why It’s One of the Best Suits:
The look of this suit is a bit hard to explain without seeing it in motion, but it basically utilizes a chameleon-like effect that never fails to impress as you watch it subtly reflect your environment. It’s basically a built-in way to show off the PS5’s ray tracing capabilities, and it even comes complete with unique takedown animations. 
Purple Reign Suit
How to Unlock: 
Complete all Sound Samples and finish the Back to the Beginning Side Mission
Why It’s One of the Best Suits:
The name alone earns this suit a few style points, but it’s really Purple Reign’s various references to the Prowler that make it one of Miles’ best outfits. You’ve got to love that green and purple color combo, and there are even little claws built into the design of the suit’s gloves. This suit also unlocks the handy Redeemer mod which replenishes a gadget ammo slot for every stealth takedown you perform. 
Bodega Cat Suit
How to Unlock: 
Finish the main story and complete the Cat’s Pajamas side mission. 
Why It’s One of the Best Suits:
We’ve talked extensively about our love for the Bodega Cat suit (and how Spider-Man the Cat even has his own unique attack animations), so let’s instead focus on how to unlock it. When you’re playing the game, be sure to keep an eye out for the Cat’s Pajamas side mission. After finishing that and beating the campaign, you’ll be prompted to return to the bodega where you can unlock Miles’ coolest outfit. 
Homemade Suit
How to Unlock: 
Reach Level 5, Earn 8 Activity Tokens, Find 1 Tech Part
Why It’s One of the Best Suits:
This suit’s DIY aesthetic certainly isn’t lacking in charm (it looks like something that you’d throw together for Halloween and fondly remember forever), but it’s actually this suit’s mod that puts it over-the-top. The Power Pitcher mod increases the damage of thrown objects, which proves to be surprisingly handy for some of the earlier fights in the game.
The End Suit
How to Unlock: 
Reach Level 11, Earn 16 Activity Tokens, Find 2 Tech Part
Why It’s One of the Best Suits:
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
This (roughly) midgame suit will surely break hearts with its urban camo pants and Banksy-esque vibes. The pants alone will leave you wondering when we’re going to just get a Spider-Man Zubaz outfit. The End’s mod, Steady Focus, also proves to be surprisingly handy as it slows the drain rate of your camo when you’re not moving. That makes it much easier to navigate some of the more frustrating stealth sequences. 
The post Best Spider-Man: Miles Morales Suits and How to Unlock Them appeared first on Den of Geek.
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