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bellshazes · 5 months ago
hi its me queens thief anon. just finished king of attolia. im so obsessed with this plot format . and honestly with gen and this world in general. could you elaborate on why KoA is your fave bc i honestly think i liked QoA better but im on the fence
YAYYYYYY i'm so glad you love my boy gen and the world. it's so good. it's so good. i haven't read QoA in probably actually a decade but i like KoA more than anything because:
gen is tied for my first-favorite would-have-been librarian king (shoutout to evred montrei-vayir. woulda librarian kings whose 500yr timeskip descendents [redacted for moira's pen spoilers])
costis my friend costis gen's best friend unfortunately costis. costis my enormous baby boy who's so afraid and stressed and saving lives and punching people and being so unfathomably stupid and in love with king and queen. and he's [REDACTED FUTURE SPOILERS].
attolia and relius' whole thing and then GEN and relius's whole thing. (forehead kiss made infinitely funnier now with the knowledge that relius is [redacted for ROTT spoilers].) also gen & his (living) cousins.
go back to BED eugenides. this has such good god moments. also the roof scene. which is also a top notch costis moment
the dancing scene where gen unpins attolia's hair.............................
related: the romance of wedding night arguments with thrown inkpots and lo, the transforming power of love.
honestly the main reason: i read it blind, first, before any other book. and every time i think about it or reread it i vividly relive the moment of having the erondites destruction be the bombshell that the end of the thief was but moreso, because i had seen everything leading up to that through costis' eyes, and i knew something was up, but i hadn't known gen truly until that moment and from then on i was hooked. i think KoA is a great place to start & only like 2 people have ever followed my advice bc it's certifiably insane of a thing to recommend. but that's the optimal KoA experience to me it's so special and beautiful and perfect if you get a crash course in eugenides this way. it's like every favorite trope for this genre of book wrapped up in one: trickster thief, reluctant kingship, kingship of kings (ANNUX), loyal second in command with conflicting loyalties, dynamic reversals, complete political devastation, plots beneath he plot, etc etc etc etc.
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tempestclerics · 11 months ago
[ID: a pencilled comic of Sophos. 1: “To be or not to be” - Sophos stands and leans on his shovel, looking into the distance as he works among other slaves in the fields. 2: “That is the question” - close up on his face, with a scar rising from his lip, as he looks up. 3: “Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer” - two panels, as Sophos first looks up, then seems to resolve himself, looking down with concern. 4: “The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” - suppertime in the slave quarters, with various people sitting on cots holding bowls in their laps around a cookpot. Sketchy shadows surround them except for the light of the fire. 5: “Or to take arms” - a hand, lifting a gun. 6: “Against a sea of troubles” - Sophos from behind, wearing the robes of a king and looking up at the amphitheater steps full of people 7: “And by opposing end them.” - Sophos, now from the front, wearing his robes and a determined expression. He raises both arms as he steps out of a darkened doorway, one with a gun in it and a finger on the trigger, the other hand cut off by the edge of the frame. End ID]
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Realisa onum. I make the king.
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spiderziege · 1 year ago
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kings and clocks and stories
inspired by @bellshazes Realisa Onum
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voidartisan · 1 year ago
sometimes i'll be functioning normally (for me, anyway) but then onea realia realisa onum he couldn't offend the gods with a pointed stick eddis doesn't make the same mistakes twice "war, then" i look forward to hearing of your future adventures he can bear his god a little longer i took the attolian's arm as if we were good friends so so so i clean up nicely don't i? am i insufficiently kinglike?
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mathmusicninja · 7 months ago
aslo ive been Thinking about wwac as one does. and soooo curious of how it would have been like if the boys had been raised by other uncle. specifically thinking about Lee and what if he was raised by Leonardo, cuz of the extra I read…. I wonder if cuz it’s Leonardo and considering how diff Lee is to him, and considering the whole “it’s easier for someone to recognise things about you” or something. and just wondering, if Leonardo would have ever realisaed that he had the version of himself….
like fjfjjHFJJFJFJ for the sake of plot, the idea that he mistakes Lee for a Mikey would be soooooo. like???? going to the summer camp and finding Angie????? and going but IM Mikey. clearly one of us is the Wrong one. and okay, I was thinking EXISTENTIAL CRISIS/IDENTITY CRISIS and the fun idea that Lee had Leonardo — a version of himself — as dad who didn’t even… Recognise that in him. JJFJFKFKDK but also. I think it’s just so funny for Angie and Lee to have a MICHAENGELO FIGHT OFF !!!!! bfjdjdjJFJJDJD lmaoooooo
if lee is raised to leo in this au, i guess raphie would be by mikey which ohhhh sounds like a fun combo. tho i can’t immediately imagine how that would turn out like….
alskfjskkaks was thinking about this all day and I think what we would end up with is 3 of the rise kids show up to camp thinking their name is Mikey/Angie/Mikey Jr., and one Dee. Absolute Chaos ensues XDDDD
(Lee would be the one to figure them all out, though. He would force them all to take personaity tests and any hocus pocus mystic guru rituals he could find on the internet until he k ew without a doubt who was who almdjfjsksjfjd XD)
Thank you!! <333
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huutaasateessa · 1 year ago
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POV: oot kaikessa hiljaisuudessa tehnyt yhdistykselle tumblrin ja ruvennut postailemaan, kunnes joku tapahtumakävijä paljastaa blogin olemassaolon muille yhdistyksen jäsenille
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matiasphoto262001 · 3 months ago
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la vida es mas bella cuando realisas tus sueños con camaradas que comparten la misma meta
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equalbxz · 1 year ago
- updates -
hey beauties!
so recently i have been reading neville goddard lessons and his books and i gotta say that i feel damn good reading them. even though the way he talks he not always easy to understand, i realisae again how easy it is to actually manifest. i am also reminded of the states which i think i have fully grasped now so i ight be posting a success story soon who knows- 👀
xoxo, equalbxz
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kikotapasando · 5 months ago
Minister Maduro di Finansa ta informa: E prome Presupuesto Supletorio pa aña 2024 a keda aproba pa 12 Parlamentario
Minister Maduro di Finansa ta informa: E prome Presupuesto Supletorio pa aña 2024 a keda aproba pa 12 Parlamentario Extra entrada a wordo aloca pa yuda varios grupo den comunidad   Siman pasa diahuebs Parlamento di Aruba a trata e Ley di e prome Presupuesto Supletorio pa aña 2024 y esaki a keda aproba pa 12 Parlamentario. Den e Presupuesto Supletorio a aloca e extra entrada realisa pa crecemento…
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kapitaali · 6 months ago
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Max Stirner: Työläinen ja valtiovalta
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Valtiot eivät anna minun päästä arvooni, ja jatkavat olemassaoloaan ainoastaan arvottomuuteni kautta: ne ikuisesti haluavat saada hyötyä minusta, eli siis riistää minua, kääntävät minut tilille, kuluttavat minut loppuun, jopa niin, että vaikka heidän minusta saama hyöty koostuu ainoastaan minun tuestani proletariaatille, he haluavat minun olevan “heidän luomuksensa”.
Rutiköyhyys voidaan poistaa ainoastaan, kun minä egona tajuan oman arvoni, kun minä annan itselleni arvoa. Minun tulee nousta kapinaan edetäkseni ylöspäin maailmassa.
Se mitä tuotan, jauhoa, pellavaa tahi rautaa ja hiiltä, jotka vaivalloisesti ansaitsen maasta, ja niin edelleen, on työtäni, josta haluan saada arvoa. Mutta sitten voin pitkästi valittaa, että minulle ei makseta palkkaa tekemäni työn arvosta: maksaja ei kuuntele minua, ja valtiot samaan tapaan pitävät yllä apaattista asennetta niin pitkään, etteivät ne vain ajattelisi, että ne joutuvat “lepyttelemään” minua, etten vain päästäisi valloilleen pelättyä mahtiani. Mutta tämä “lepyttely” tulee olemaan kaikki saatavani, ja jos päähäni pilkahtaa pyytää lisää, valtiot kääntyvät minua vastaan kaikella leijonankäpälien ja kotkankynsien voimallaan: sillä ne ovat kuninkaita ja petoja, ne ovat leijona ja kotka. Jos kieltäydyn tyytymästä siihen hintaan, jonka ne ovat kiinnittäneet tavaroilleni ja työlleni, jos sen sijaan pyrin itse määrittämään omien tavaroideni hinnan, eli “maksamaan itselleni” alunperinkin, ajaudun konfliktiin tavaran ostajien kanssa. Jos yhteinen ymmärrys rauhoittaisi tämän, valtiot eivät mieluusti esittäisi vastalauseita; sillä se, miten yksilöt tulevat toimeen keskenään, ei heitä paljoakaan vaivaa, niin kauan kuin he eivät asetu valtioiden tielle. Heidän vahinko ja vaara alkaa ainoastaan, kun he eivät ole samaa mieltä, vaan, sovittelun puuttuessa, he alkavat tukistaa toisiaan. Valtiot eivät voi sietää, että ihminen on ihmisen kanssa suorassa relaatiossa; sen pitää tulla välimieheksi, sen pitää puuttua. Mitä Kristus oli, mitä pyhimykset, kirkko olivat, sellaiseksi valtiot ovat muuttuneet — nimittäin sovittelijoiksi. Se repii ihmiset irti toisistaan pannakseen itsensä heidän väliin “hengeksi”. Työläisiä, jotka pyytävät suurempaa palkkaa, kohdellaan rikollisina heti kun he haluavat sen saada aikaan. Mikä heille neuvoksi? Ilman pakkoa he eivät sitä saa, ja pakottamisessa valtiot näkevät avunpyynnön, egon määrittämän hinnan, aidon, vapaan realisaation omaisuudestaan, mitä ne eivät voi myöntää. Mitkä siis ovat työläisen vaihtoehdot? Kääntyä itseensä ja olla puhumatta mitään valtioista.
Mutta kuten tilanne on, mitä tulee aineelliseen työhöni, niin sitä se on myös älyllisen työni kanssa. Valtiot antavat minun realisoida arvoa kaikista ajatuksistani ja löytää asiakkaita niille (en saa arvoa niistä, eli juuri niin, että ne tuovat minulle kuulijoiden kunnioitusta ja muuta vastaavaa); mutta vain niin kauan kuin minun ajatukseni ovat heidänkin ajatuksia. Jos, toisaalta, minulla on ajatuksia, joita he eivät hyväksy (he menevät omia menojaan), silloin he eivät salli minun ollenkaan saada niistä arvoa, tuoda niitä vaihdettaviksi, kaupankäynnin alaisiksi. Ajatukseni ovat vapaita vain, jos ne suodaan minulle valtion armosta, jos ne ovat olemassa valtion armosta, silloin ne ovat valtion ajatuksia. Ne sallivat minun filosofoida vapaasti vain, jos osoitan olevani “valtion filosofi”; valtiota vastaan minun tulee filosofoida, ilolla, kuten ne sietävät sitä, että autan niitä niiden “puutteissa”, “edesauttaen” niitä. Näin ollen, niin kuin minulla voi olla vain valtioiden armollisesti sallima ego, joka on varustettu heidän laillisuustodistuksellaan ja poliisiluvalla, minulle ei myöskään myönnetä oikeutta saada arvoa siitä, mikä on minun, ellei tämä osoittaudu heidän omaisuudekseen, jonka he ovat antaneet minun haltuuni. Minun tapani tulee olla heidän tapojaan, muutoin he ajavat minut ahdinkoon; minun ajatukseni heidän ajatuksiaan, muutoin he tukkivat suuni.
Valtiot eivät pelkää mitään enempää kuin minun arvoani, ja mitään muuta vastaan ne eivät suojaudu, kuin joka hetkeä, joka sallii minun realisoida arvoa itsestäni. Minä olen valtioiden kuolettava vihollinen, joka aina haahuilee vaihtoehtojen välillä, joko he tai minä.
  Lähde: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/max-stirner-the-worker-and-the-govenrment
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casspurrjoybell-19 · 6 months ago
Does it Matter? - Chapter 25 - Part 2
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*Warning: Adult Content*   
The first light of dawn coming in through the window deepened the shadows on Brayan's face.
He looked sad.
"Do you think that's the right choice or is it just the one you're stuck with?"
Bug hesitated.
"I feel like it's the right choice but what I think... I don't know, sir. I used to trust it so much. I could walk down dark alleys at night and go drinking in questionable bars and I knew nothing could touch me because I would be warned."
"Doesn't seem like it's quite that reliable anymore."
"No," Bug admitted.
"It still helps me from time to time but it stopped being reliable the day Hytheon was attacked. I was there with the horses and the cart, trading some of my family's goat cheese and other goods. I had no warning and I decided to stay and hide instead of abandoning the cart because I believed that if anything bad was going to happen, I'd know and now I'm a slave, so you can imagine how that went, Sir."
"It sounds like whatever force controls your visions built your trust and then set you up."
"Maybe. I've thought about it a lot and that's the most logical conclusion but it never really feels like a malicious force. Perhaps I just put too much faith into it and it's simply not as reliable as I believed. It still shows me things that won't ever happen, so clearly it's not perfect."
"You mean the dream?"
"Hmm. The dream."
"What's so impossible about the dream?"
Bug made a face.
He really didn't want to delve into this, especially not after he had so spectacularly failed at seducing Brayan.
"Does it matter, Sir?"
"I don't know, but I enjoy a good puzzle and I'd like to have all the pieces of this one if you don't mind."
Bug chewed on his lip.
"Do you want to hear the whole dream?"
"Yes, please."
Brayan lay back down on the bed, flat on his back.
With Bug squeezed in against the wall there was just enough space for the two of them but it was rather snug.
Bug wondered if perhaps Brayan would not have chosen this exact moment to get cosy again if he'd known the nature of the dream Bug was about to tell him about.
"It's always exactly the same. I'm laying on a bed in a dark room. A man has his arm around me. I can feel a rough cord around my neck and a pendant resting against my chest."
"Ah. That's why you wanted the pendant."
"Yes, although I don't know that it's the same one or even particularly similar. I never see it or touch it with my hands in the dream or vision or whatever it is."
"So far this is sounding like us, five minutes ago."
"Well, it gets different because in the dream I'm naked and I've recently had sex."
"Ah," Brayan said.
"So that's why you wanted to have sex with me."
Bug opened his mouth to deny it, then realised he wasn't so sure himself.
"Maybe subconsciously that was a part of it."
"None of this sounds very impossible so far."
"The impossible part was that I could feel that I'd recently been on the receiving end of sex with a man but there was no pain. Just a dull ache and uh... a little wetness."
"You know that is also not impossible, right? It doesn't have to hurt."
"No, I know, I mean, I've... Fraccus wasn't the first man I'd been with, sir. I had sex with men before I was a slave but after Fraccus, my body isn't the same. I don't think it would be possible for me to do that without pain anymore."
"Hmm," Brayan said.
"Was that it? Was that what was so impossible?"
"Yes, I suppose Sir but I mean, it's scarring so it's never going to heal."
"There are ways around that. What if the man had an unusually small penis?"
Bug almost laughed, although Brayan had sounded completely serious.
"Maybe, Sir but I felt stretched, just not in pain."
"Okay, fair enough. Magical healing, then. That exists."
"Nobody would waste that kind of magic on me, especially not just so that I could comfortably have sex."
"Hmm. I don't think it's quite as unlikely as you imagine."
"What do you mean? Oh," Bug said as realisation hit him.
"Is Dara a healer?"
Brayan turned his head to squint at Bug through the dim early morning light.
"Ah. Shit. I thought I was being subtler than that. That was supposed to be a secret."
"I won't tell anyone, sir. I promise."
Brayan rolled his head away to stare back at the ceiling.
"It puts the rest of us to shame, really. It should have been obvious, with the way he acts but none of us had any idea until it was practically spelled out for us."
"Really, I should have figured it out the moment you told me that he would be able to recover from that fall, Sir. I know a bit about all of the different Eth powers and how they manifest and only a healer can do that. I just wasn't thinking."
"Well, anyway, I'm not saying that he will be willing to heal you or that he'd even be able to but it seems like too much of a coincidence that the one very rare thing that could make your impossible vision possible is right here and somewhat indebted to you."
"I didn't help him. Nothing I did mattered."
"Maybe. Maybe not but either way, you put yourself in harm's way and will likely suffer consequences because you tried to help him. Getting us to him promptly isn't nothing, either, even if it wouldn't have made any difference to whether he lives or dies."
"Do you think my vision will happen, then? Do you think it's real?"
Brayan sighed.
"Again, you have to ask yourself whether you want it to be. Whether you want some mysterious force to get to decide what your future is. Seems to me that if you just decide not to wear any necklaces, that future can't come to pass."
"No, I want it to happen, Bray... sorry."
Brayan shook his head.
"It's fine. I don't actually care if you say my name. I was just... I don't know."
"I want it to be real more than anything. It's hard to explain. I've had that vision since I was a child. I used to call that man my husband, though I doubt that's actually the case but I've had feelings for him for so long."
"Based on what?"
"The way I felt laying in his arms. I don't experience my future thoughts or emotions when I'm in a vision. None of the mental things but there's a physical side to emotion. You can tell in a very sensory way whether or not you feel safe, for example."
"Makes sense."
"It's hard to describe what I feel when I'm with that man but I've been searching for it my whole life. I don't just want this, want him because I'm hoping for something better than the life I currently lead. It's what I've always wanted and I'm not about to give up now. I have to try to find him."
"Do you know his name? What he looks like? Anything?"
"No. It was dark. I couldn't see anything. I've heard him say my name a thousand times but he was sleepy. It might not sound much like his normal voice."
"I don't suppose it matters. Something has led you here. If it intends for you to have this thing it's promised you, I believe you'll find a way there."
Bug wanted to reach out, to touch Brayan in some way but he restrained himself.
"You really think so?"
"Yes but Bug, no love is worth what you've been through. Never forget that you are not its first priority."
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bellshazes · 8 months ago
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[bdubs voice] saison
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poliversearuba · 6 months ago
Cobardia di marca mayor den Parlamento di Aruba
Diaranson porfin Movimiento Electoral di Prehuico(MEP) a laga nan presidente tene e reunion di e ley pa matrimonion di pareha di mesun sexo. Sigur esaki no a bin sin politricks di tur banda. E prome tactica tabata e uzo di schorsing for di Hendrik Tevreden kende a warda te ora e reunion cuminsa pa e pidi un schorsing di 5 minuut.
Pero di un person cu a publicamente bisa cu e ta homophobe bo no por expect otro. Despues di e mas cu 5 minuut aki tur Parlamentario a haya chens pa duna nan discurso sea nan ta pro of contra di e ley aki. No ta tur a haci uzo di nan deber como parlamentario pa vocifera nan punto di bista. Tur sorto di argumento a bin dilanti, hopi Parlamentario aparentemente no sa kico kermen separacion di estado y religion paso e cantidad di bes cu Dios y creador a wordo menciona ta mane na misa nos tabata.
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Tin a compara ley di derecho igual cu rotonde, tin cu a compara e tratamento di ley aki cu un business plan. Imaginabo, parlamentarionan cu a wordo vota eyden a haci lo minimo pa prepara un argumento coherente. Bueno, at least nan a duna cara no manera Shailiny Tromp cu tabata na Parlamento pero a keda sin presenta y a abstene di vota riba dje sea pro of contra e ley. Paso at least Benny y Douwers a vota, cual ta nan deber. You had one job! Anyways bo por wak pa bo mes via link aki paso...
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Mientras tur esaki ta pasando Presidente di Parlmento a dicidi pa haci mal uzo di su poder pa tambe duna schorsing na granel. E falta di respet mas grandi tabata pa e publico presente. E pueblo cu e no a ni informa ora a dicidi di extende e pauze, ora a dicidi di laga parlamentarionan come, zero comunicacion. E falta di respet ora kier a cambia e reglanan pa prome biaha den historia di parlamento pa asina por purba salba cara di su coleganan di partido. Berguensa total!
Ora finalmente Marco y Tevreden a realisa cu no tin niun otro forma pa sigui stanca e reunion y nan djis mester vota, Presidente a cuminsa avisa cu reunion lo sigui. Imaginabo un presidente cu ta warda riba su coleganan di partido bise kiora pa cuminsa e reunion.Mientrastanto publico ta wak bo ta hari eynan maluzando bo poder, berguensa. In ieder geval, esnan contra e ley a purba tur manera pa abstene di vota, asta purba haci algo ilegal. Ma bon, boso lider ta un hurista berdad... pero ta con boso ta blindly follow un conseho ilegal asina? Ta paso no ta e tin cu duna cara, cu ni ora e grupo religioso a bai entrega nan firma colecta, niun di MEP no kier a duna cara corda awo cu e la realisa cu su partido ta sconde tras di homofobia. Loke por a compronde cu al parecer e tactica a blow in their face ora cu MEP su mesun Griffier a comete un error cual ta haci nan strategia di politica tradicional inuzabel. E Griffier den su rol "imparcial" claro, ni te lo crees tu.
Awo nan a hayanan mes obliga di vota. Claro e weso di lomba mester a keda atras den un reunion paso Presidente a get gepikeerd ora e la wak 24ora den tribune y out of no where pidi schorsing di mei ora prome cu votacion. Mi ta bisabo noh, you just had to be there to believe it.
Al final e voto a keda 10-10, un empate door di falta di curashi pa sikiera vota y un empate door di falta di integridad pa tene bo mes na loke pa bai eleccion cu ne.
Pa conclui Parlamentario Gunn a bin cu e argumento cu a resona asta cerca e homophobes den tribune: "Si bo no ta muri mi morto, no biba mi bida!"
Anyways Alexa play Zyon ft Buleria - Bohama "nan ta anti-gay pero mishi mucha jong pa nan ta okay."
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truly-morgan · 1 year ago
[Pre-slash, prison routine]
JoseTou | Mob Psycho 100 30-12-2022
Slow and maybe just implied JoseTou where Toichiro slowly notices the way a routine is taking place now that he's stuck in prison after his failed attack.
Sometimes it's hard telling how much time has gone by when he has no reference for it in his repetitive and bland days
He can tell one week has gone by when his wife comes to see him on the visitation time he's allowed (which he earned for being nice and not causing problems). She comes every week and she talks about how things are going out there for her. Tell him how Shou's is doing when he tries to get some news about his son. He'd like to see him and try to be a better dad, but he has to be patient and let Shou come to him if he wishes to.
He can tell a month has gone by when Serizawa comes to see him (which he has to be honest, he is surprised the man is allowed to do so). But it's nice seeing a rather familiar face, even if the familiar face has to be the man he took advantage of. although it is good to hear about all the progress the man is doing in his studies and how he has been doing better socially since he started working with that strange blonde man and works to use his power to help people properly.
Maybe his cell doesn't have a window to the outside, so he cannot really tell how much time is passing in a day. But he slowly starts to be able to find out around when it is when he's being brought his food, although it is only vague guessing.
Then it's when Joseph comes to visit him, be it because he's the one stuck to somehow bring his food or because he has work for him to do.
But slowly the man starts to visit him more often, always at the same time.
Every two days at around 7 pm, Joseph comes to see him ("because I'm bored") the first couple of times they only talk about work and such, since Toichiro isn't really sure why the man comes to see him outside of what is needed.
But then they slowly get more comfortable around each other. He wouldn't say he's friends with the man, but it's nice company to have compared to the cold four walls of his cell and a far more entertaining pass time than doing exercise and reading the handful of books he's allowed to keep in his room.
Sometimes they only talk and get on each other's nerves, other times Joseph brings a pack of cards and they play whatever seems more interesting at the moment.
Then one Monday morning a new part of the routine adds to this, where Joseph is the one coming with the shaving tools (since he's not allowed to do it himself). It's bothersome to be chained down to make sure "he doesn't try anything", but he'll give that if it means he can get rid of his annoying small beard (feels weird to keep when he was always well shaved before).
And slowly the visit comes more regularly, and he finds himself expecting the man. He surprises himself with how disappointed he feels when Joseph doesn't come to visit him at the usual time because he has work to do. He wouldn't have thought he'd expect those visits so much.
okay, I have to admit I'm not sure where I'm going with this. Just like the idea of a routine setting in Toichiro's sad life in prison and Joseph slowly becoming a very important part of it. Where he's nearly more disappointed not to see the man when he would usually come than when his wife doesn't visit him for one week because of reasons. Where he slowly grows more attached to the man as he's very slowly allowed to see some facet of the man through those times in his cell or when they are both away on a work he's been assigned to.
Also, I dunno why, this all nearly started with that shaving part. But the intimacy of the moment, both quiet as Toichiro let him shave him, somehow trusting that he won't nick him or just try to harm him when he's basically unable to do much about it
maybe sitting on something lower than Joseph does, head tilted upward as he closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling of hands working on his skin, maybe the realisation that he's grown a little starved for touches. He was never one to necessarily seek for it, but it's different from before where he still could get some contact if he wanted to, where now he's all by himself most of the time and no one touches him either. So having Joseph so openly touch him is nice, not commenting on the way fingers linger on his skin for longer than needed caressing the freshly shaved jaw and cheeks of the man.
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spiderziege · 4 months ago
hi!! hello!!!!!! for the ask game:
whats your favourite dessert(or food)? do you read fics? if so, whats one you really like? and how do you texture your drawings? theyre so beautiful <3
favorite dessert is probably brownies? im not actually a huge fan of chocolate unless its used in baking tbh. also baklava, i love baklava
i read fics sometimes, but not super often tbh. i usually prefer character study stuff, or generally more canon compliant fics. i think my favorite is still Realisa Onum. i would also recommend the newest traffic zine, all the fics in there are incredible (my personal favs are Mightier than the Sword (p118), Before the Screaming Starts (p64) and Enter: the End? (p137))
i use two things to texture, on is the grain brush (also from the True Grit Texture Supply sample pack), the other is a paper texture overlay (i have multiple different ones there, you can find a bunch that are free to use on google :) i usually darken it a bit and then put the layer to linear light and 10-20% opacity
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voidartisan · 2 years ago
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I posted 744 times in 2022
That's 744 more posts than 2021!
281 posts created (38%)
463 posts reblogged (62%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 543 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#star wars - 240 posts
#sw - 239 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 114 posts
#tcw - 91 posts
#the clone wars - 91 posts
#talking into the void - 61 posts
#anakin skywalker - 52 posts
#satine kryze - 30 posts
#ahsoka tano - 24 posts
#the queen's thief - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#ever since i came up with this i’ve had a concept for a drawing with the ‘onum realia’ ‘realisa onum’ phrases floating around in my brain
My Top Posts in 2022:
Not to rant about the Jedi as a family again, but it always makes me so happy to think about the smallest younglings insisting on being picked up and as a result, honored, experienced jedi masters having conversations about Very Important Jedi Matters with toddlers hugging their necks and older younglings being delighted that there are jedi from species big enought to keep picking them up almost until they become padawans, and padawans helping escort younglings to ilum and helping teach initiate classes and the younger padawans gathering around the senior padawans to hear all about the adventures they just had on an off world mission and young jedi knights taking on their first padawans being terrified they'll mess something up because this isn't just a class, this kid is now their responsibility. This is their kid now and being comforted and guided by older knights and masters and old grizzled masters taking on apprentices as young as seven and loving them with their whole hearts and younglings seeing a knight or a master or a senior padawan and just knowing that that's going to be their master and creche masters who wave to their initiates who have become padawans as they walk past in the hallway and asking them to step in and help with a class and archivists who encourage their curiosity and help them navigate the temple archives and all the jedi who don't even recognize that lost-looking kid in the corridor but still stop and ask them if they need help or directions and yeah.
917 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
Rewatching the prequels this week was NOT supposed to make me emotional about the jedi order but it was just the way obi-wan walked into the youngling's class and they all paused and said hello and yoda used it as a teaching moment and took the kid's answer seriously and gently poked fun at obi and the fact that jedi masters go by their last names with politicians and dignitaries but all the other jedi including the padawans and the younglings call them by their first names and how when the temple was attacked the younglings ran to the council chambers to find the wisest most powerful members of the order to help them fully believing they would find protection and instructions-
2,024 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
nothing will ever be able to top the fact that Loid proposed to Yor with a pull ring from a grenade. it's literally the best choice anyone could have made when writing that. nothing could be more appropriate and yet completely unhinged out of context.
2,074 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
Obi-Wan learns very quickly that the best way to restrain Anakin when he’s about to run off is to just. Grab his padawan by the neck of his robes and press him against his side so that he can’t get away. Anakin’s too tall and strong for it to work by the time he’s sixteen or so, but his instinct is still to grab the reckless small person and hug them when they need to be stopped.
He doesn’t even give it a second thought when he does it to Ahsoka about three weeks after she enters the picture. She freezes immediately, unsure if she’s supposed to fight back and Anakin laughs so hard he almost falls over.
2,455 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think the Jedi council should have at least considered sending obi-wan over to Dooku to be like “yes hello I am here for sith training” just to see what would happen
26,015 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
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