#real time location tracking app
bytecipher01 · 2 years
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Find Nearby Places by Real Time Location Tracking App 
As we live in a world of mobile apps, there are some solutions available to help you with the amazing feature of finding locations nearby by real time location tracking app LocAR. Explore the comprehensive elements of the best location finder apps that help you in various ways. 
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the-trans-dragon · 9 months
What if they didn't put ads every 3 posts. Three posts between ads, literally. Not even counting the ad for Tumblr Live.
Also what if tumblr didn't know what city Im in. I do not want my location tracked or stored anywhere unless I give explicit ongoing permission, like with my GPS app that I allow to track me only when the app is open, and then it deletes the data (allegedly) when I stop giving permission.
#ugh i do SO much to try to keep my location private. i use an android with all the tracking things Off (except for my weather app#which is a highly specific app that does NOTHING except provide weather; and i have the location turned Off so it doesnt even know where i#live). my tumblr email is not connected to any real life stuff because i made it when i was very closeted and made a new email and password#for it and never linked them to anything else. i have bare minimum apps. i use firefox and duckduckgo.#for shits sake i use a small barely-known map app because any Map App that has had large success under capitalism is inevitably going to#start selling private info or working with a cheap security system designed to allow quiet data leaks.#i guess i use gmail and gphotos but my phone doesnt HAVE a native Photo App. i have to use one i download and im too damn skittish to try#i guess i did get netflix recently....sigh.... i figured they WERENT tracking me because they email me EVERY TIME I USE NETFLIX to alert me#that OHHHH A NEW DEVICE IS USING NETFLIX AAAAA WHAT IF ITS AGAINST NETFLIX POLICY OH NOOOO. so i figured they didnt have a way to ID me.#UGH. CAN I PLEASE EXIST WITHOUT BEING MONITORED FOR FIVE SECONDS. can i please access Social Media which is a shitty substitute for actual#human connection but its the best i have--without someone noting my location and then trying to sell me things??? can i please watch film???#i cant go to a theater because my region does NOT believe in covid and not even medical staff attending Very Ill Patients wear masks anymore#stupid fucking homophobic transphobic anti-vax society has made it too dangerous for me to access most Not-Online forms of enrichment. and i#cant even use the Internet (a magnificent ASTONISHING human creation) without being tracked and advertised to.#ugh..#humanity is just so cool and brave and kind and amazing and yet we have taxes and advertisment IDs and traffic and medicine shortages.#its not like the ads even work. even when it shows me stuff i DO want. i cant fucking afford things. i already have spent too much money on#things that i dont need like Good Food and Entertainment and Juice. ugh....okay i do need food and liquids....Good food even. my body cant#survive on College Foods like it could in the past. And i might literally die if i dont buy juice...#and i guess its really really really heartwarming to have good entertainment to take breaks from all the stress.... its not like i havent l#..... like im so frugal. thank god my partners encourage me to buy myself things. i have been so much healthier since giving in and buying#Non-Water drinks instead of just Chronically Drinking Less Than A Bottle Of Water A Day. my partners are so good and sweet 😓 i shouldnt be#upset with myself for letting them convince me to take care of myself. that isnt fair to them or me so i will stop doing that now.#my faith in humanity is mostly just knowing that my partners exist. theyre so sweet. if people like them exist--then i have faith in humanty#no pressure lol. they are both so good and perfect regardless of how much energy they have to spare for Being Good. they are just inherently#very dear and good to me and for me. but just because i have faith in humanity doesnt mean im gonna stop complaining the whole time!!!!!! i#will whine about the bad stuff forever!!!! and BITE IT if i ever get the chance. but i will complain until the bothersome things go away.#if i complain my whole life with no results then...! so be it. i will whine and it will be art somehow.#sorenhoots
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bellbunny12 · 4 months
Introducing our Bus Tracker App, the ultimate solution for hassle-free commuting! With real-time tracking, detailed route information, and intuitive navigation features, our app revolutionizes your daily travel experience. Say goodbye to long waits and uncertainty – stay informed about bus arrivals, departures, and delays right at your fingertips. Whether you're a regular commuter or an occasional traveler, our Bus Tracker App ensures you're always on time and in control of your journey. Download now and enjoy smoother, more efficient travels!
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codewareltd · 11 months
Track Your Bus Location | Real-Time Bus Location Tracking
The Codeware Bus Tracker is an advanced system that revolutionizes transportation booking. Using GPS technology, it offers real-time bus tracking through a user-friendly mobile app. Commuters can access live bus locations, estimated arrival times, and set personalized alerts. Transit authorities benefit from data analytics to improve operational efficiency. The system enhances passenger safety, reduces environmental impact, and includes accessibility features.
By streamlining the travel experience and promoting sustainable transportation, the Codeware Bus Tracker is a game-changer for modern urban commuting.
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Also passengers can track buses in real-time and provide valuable feedback, leading to continuous system improvements for a better travel experience.
With our Bus Tracking features, you can track your buses’ whereabouts instantly, guide your drivers accordingly, help your passengers track bus locations, and do so much more.
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vervelogicjpr · 2 years
10 Best Real-Time Location Tracking Apps 2022
10 Best Real-Time Location Tracking Apps 2022. let’s jump to our ultimate list of GPS location tracking apps and find out their best features.
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Read - 10 Best Real-Time Location Tracking Apps 2022
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robfinancialtip · 6 months
🐾 Welcome back, everyone! Join Robert on his 60-day journey with the incredible Halo Collar 3 in this must-watch review. As a proud dog owner, Robert shares how this futuristic Halo Collar has become a game-changer for the safety and training of his furry friend, Jameson.
🌐 The virtual fence feature is a protective bubble, ensuring Jameson's safety during outdoor adventures. Robert emphasizes the user-friendly Halo app, likening it to having a personal dog trainer in your pocket.
🎮 The Halo Collar 3 is more than just a collar—it's an essential tool for any dog owner who prioritizes their pet's safety and training. Robert showcases how the precision GPS, active GPS antenna, and innovative technology have elevated their adventures, allowing Jameson to roam freely with remarkable precision.
🛣️ Living near a busy road, Robert highlights how the collar's virtual fence has prevented Jameson from wandering into potentially dangerous areas. The upgraded GPS provides peace of mind, allowing Robert to easily locate Jameson even in remote areas.
🔋 The collar's durability, sleek design, and long-lasting battery life impress Robert. He emphasizes the simplicity of charging the collar overnight, ensuring it's ready for another day of exciting activities.
📈 The activity charts feature adds an extra layer of care, helping Robert monitor Jameson's daily activity levels and ensure he gets the exercise he needs. The collar goes beyond being a pet gadget, fostering a stronger connection between owner and pet.
📡 Robert dives into the technical aspects, explaining the reliance on over 150 satellites for accurate location tracking. The continuous location updates every second provide real-time information, reinforcing the importance of the collar in their daily lives.
🌈 With various colors available, including new orchid and sunburst options, the Halo Collar 3 is technologically advanced and customizable to match your pup's personality.
💡 In summary, Robert expresses his satisfaction with the reasonably priced Halo Collar 3, highlighting its sophisticated features, ease of use, and the endorsement of training routines by the renowned Cesar Millan. This collar has proven to be a blessing, providing for Jameson's well-being and security in ways that exceed expectations. Don't miss out on this revolutionary pet tech—watch the video to see it in action! 🐶✨
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sas-soulwriter · 9 months
Research Tips for Writing Your Book
Are you diving into the exciting world of writing and researching for your book project? Here's what you need to know to make your research journey a success:
Define Your Purpose: Before diving into research, have a clear understanding of your book's purpose and goals. Know the themes you want to explore and the message you wish to convey. This will give your research a focused direction.
Create a Research Plan: Outline the specific areas you need to research, set milestones, and establish deadlines. A well-structured research plan keeps you on track and helps you manage your time efficiently.
Use Multiple Sources: Diversify your sources. Books, academic papers, interviews, and digital resources each offer unique perspectives and insights. This diversity enriches your understanding and adds depth to your writing.
Organize Your Notes: Keep your research notes well-organized. Consider using digital tools like note-taking apps or physical notebooks with labeled sections for different topics. Efficient organization will save you time and effort later.
Fact-Check: Ensure the accuracy of your research. Verify any details that are crucial to your story or argument. Misinformation can erode your credibility and disrupt the reader's immersion.
Cite Sources Properly: Keep meticulous records of your sources and be diligent about citations. Use a recognized citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) to give credit to the authors and avoid plagiarism.
Interview Experts: Reach out to experts or people with firsthand knowledge relevant to your topic. Interviews can provide you with valuable insights, real-life experiences, and unique anecdotes to enhance your book.
Visit Relevant Places: If your book is set in a particular location, consider visiting it if possible. Experiencing the environment firsthand can help you capture its atmosphere, culture, and nuances more authentically.
Take Breaks: Research can be mentally taxing. Don't forget to take breaks to recharge and maintain a fresh perspective. Stepping away from your work can also lead to new insights and ideas.
Stay Open-Minded: Be open to unexpected discoveries during your research. Sometimes, the most profound insights come from unrelated sources or tangential information that you stumble upon while researching.
Keep a Journal: Maintain a research journal where you can jot down notes, ideas, and thoughts as they occur. This journal can serve as a valuable resource when you're writing your book.
Join Writing Communities: Connect with other writers in person or online. They can offer guidance, share their experiences, and provide emotional support when you face challenges during the research and writing process.
Revise and Refine: Don't think of research as a one-time activity. Continuously revisit and refine your research as your book evolves. New ideas or directions may emerge, and you may need to adjust your research accordingly.
Respect Copyright Laws: Understand the copyright laws applicable to your research. Ensure you have the rights to use specific materials, especially if you plan to incorporate them into your book. Obtaining permissions or licensing may be necessary.
Balance Research and Writing: While research is crucial, there comes a point where you must transition from research to writing. Avoid getting stuck in a perpetual research phase. Once you have enough information to start, begin writing and integrate research as needed in your work.
Remember that your research phase is an integral part of the creative process. It's where the foundation of your book is built, and it can be a fascinating journey in itself.But keep in mind, as you're writing your first draft, you can never know everything, never research everything. A second opinion is always good, and for that, you can ask friends, family, or even me on this blog.
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hxxsxxng · 2 days
mtl to be the best at pulling out
enhypen legal line + pulling out
disclaimer - i do not know these people in real life so this is in no way accurate and is just my opinion… SUPPORT BY REBLOGGING
most likely
jay - when i say jay has a strong pull out game, i mean it. whenever he is hitting it raw, you do not have to worry about any accidents, he’s got you covered. he will go until he is 0.1 seconds away from cumming and not a second more, and immediately shoot strings of cum all over your desired location (lol)
rest of the members below the cut!
heeseung - i feel like heeseung is very experienced in sex, but also 100% prefers to go without a condom, but also is definitely not trying to get you pregnant, but ALSO has a crippling breeding kink. its conflicts of interests really. He still wants a warm place to cum so a minute or two before he feels like he is going to finish, he pulls out and starts throat fucking you instead, for good measure. sunghoon - sunghoon on this list is started to peer into careless territory. he would definitely try his best to pull out on time but i also don’t think he would really care if he accidentally… didn’t? it just feels too good for him to have to do it all the time. jungwon - i think jungwon is similar to sunghoon in this sense. but i also ranked him lower because i think he generally has less experience. pulling out is a skill that takes time to master (im joking) but jungwon is willing to practice that skill with you as much as he needs to. sunoo - okay let’s be real. sunoo seems submissive so majority of the time he isn’t really in control or where or when he cums. it’s really up to you. maybe he won’t be allowed to cum at all. all i’m gonna say is that there have been plenty of times where he has cum inside of you and maybe there have been a few pregnancy scares. jake - bro gets lost in the sauce. he gets so lost in it that he has the app on his phone to track your ovulation so he can plan his agenda around it. he likes spoiling and spending money on his girl, meaning that he likes spending money on plan b as well. your pussy is just too good. he has no shame.
least likely
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ms-demeanor · 10 months
hiya! i love your posts on tech & the way you phrase things is so easy to understand. i'm curious if you'd be willing to talk more about turning off location data-- is is better than nothing to do that and then turn it back on for maps, or at that point does it not matter? & do you have any tips for relying less on digital maps?
I think it's worthwhile to turn it off completely and then if you have to use a mapping tool, turn it on just for that and turn it off when you're at your destination. That doesn't completely erase a phone's ability to track your location (it's still getting cell tower pings) but it's better than letting every nosy app on your phone know where you are all the time, which you should assume every app wants to do by default.
Honestly one of the ways I rely less on digital maps is by using somewhat different digital maps! OsmAnd is an open-source mapping app (that has some problems, ngl) that I can use both with location turned off and on. If I don't want to deal with the funky search on the app I can search a route in my browser and either screenshot directions or simply look at the map and get an idea of where I'm going.
Personally, I drove *a lot* before mapping software was ubiquitous and my advice to relying on it less is to do that; go places without using mapping software and try to find your way around. Look up locations ahead of time either on a paper map or in your browser and figure out which way streets go and where freeway exits are and which numbers are going to be on the left or the right side of the street at your destination. Once you get into the habit of looking up directions and following them step by step instead of having a phone give them to you in real time, it becomes a lot easier to follow directions. Once you're more used to looking at maps, you'll find that it's a lot easier than it used to be to plan most of a route on your own. Once you've gotten pretty familiar with an area you'll find that you need directions for a lot less of your journey than you used to, and that you will likely be able to navigate the area you're comfortable with without a map.
Now, that's not universally true - some people have significant problems with cardinal directions and map reading the same way that I have left-right confusion and can't read clocks; it happens, not everyone can do everything. But by trying to do it at least a little bit sometimes you're likely to be a lot more comfortable in situations where you *can't* use a map, like if your phone dies or if there's an emergency that takes out the data network.
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macsimagines · 11 months
Ahhh you write for them wonderfully? You’ve gone above and beyond my expectations and I appreciate all you’ve done ♡
I hope that you’re not too busy and that I’m not pestering you too much; may i request the same Yan! Shin/Izana/Ran trio stalking their darling throughout the city on their day off? Like them following and observing as their s/o runs errands, goes to appointments, etc?
Thank you for the love and thank you for your patience with me. Ive really enjoyed writing your requests
Was devastated when you told him he couldn't go with you. "My bad Boo, but you're too distracting and I really need to get these errands done today."
He took such great offense to that. What's so distracting about constantly having a hand on your ass and his tongue in your mouth- ok. Maybe he can be a smidge attention diverting...
But its ok! He can still be with you, just in a far off corner where you can't see him. Its almost nostalgic, it's just like back in high school before you two were dating.
Loves the way you're doing your errands though. Look at his baby go, being all domestic at the grocery store. Takes pictures on his phone because its just too cute the way you read all the store labels.
You end up catching him in the frozen foods section. "Hey there, sweet thang... Come here often?" Cheesy pick up lines and his stalking aside, at least he's cute right?
What in the hell? You chew his ear off about how you never get to spend time together and how he always blows you off and now that he finally has a day set aside for you, you can't even spare him a second?
"Sorry baby, I've got a really important appointment today and I can't miss it." "Are you shittin' me? An appointment for what?" "....hair."
You must think you're real slick if you honestly believe that he'll fall for a lie like that. He knew this was gong to happen. Obviously you're planning on leaving him.
Like he'll let you walk away, its his own fault, as if you can leave him alive, he should've paid more attention to you, you're not going anywhere but in a fucking body bag, please don't go.
He follows you, he wants to catch you in the act. Did you meet someone new? Are you trying to just dip out of town while his guard is down?
Izana does catch you. At an appointment. At a maternity clinic. So you did lie, but this is a whole other monster than what he was ready for. Could this mean...
Waits outside for an hour and can't even enjoy the shocked look on your face. All he wants are answers.
"Well, Y/N?" With shaky hands and tears in your eyes you hand him a picture of an ultrasound. He can barely make out the tiny blob in the photo but suddenly he knows why you were so moody and trying to blow him off.
"I'm sor-!" Izana isn't one for PDA, but before you can get even a single apology out he's embracing you in a tight hug. This is the best possible outcome.
Well ain't this a bitch? He wakes up at the crack of dawn, 12pm, and you've already left the apartment? Only leaving a note; Enjoy your day off baby! Running errands, be back 2nite!
Bullshit! He took the day off for you, and to sleep like the dead, but mostly for you! Ran had actually planned to take you out shopping then drop by that nice restaurant you like so much for dinner.
This will not stand. Using the app he had installed on your phone, he bought it and pays the bill he can put whatever he wants on it, he tracks your location all the way to the market.
He's going to surprise you and drag you home. You can't just take off like that. Who is he supposed to spoon when you're gone? His pillow? Pathetic.
But then he sees you. So cute in your skirt and sweater, holding a basket of all that fresh produce he knows use when you make him his food. You take such good care of him.
Ran really does want to be mad but how can he when you're just an angel....
When he finally confronts you he does try hard to front like he's mad. "You could've woken me up..." he pouts. You just pat him on the head. "Big baby. Want to help me pick out some fruit? I'm thinking of making a parfait for dessert?"
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bytecipher01 · 2 years
Best Free Location Tracking App 
LocAR is a Best Free Location Tracking App and is your travel companion, yet it offers so many interesting features. With the LocAR app, you can reach your destination hassle-free and even discover new places to visit. Its most unique feature is that you don't need to enter your location every time; simply turn on your camera in any direction, and it will guide you to your desired result.
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armpirate · 2 months
Soundleasure | Choi San || CH. 16
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Pairings: Soft!San x fem!reader || Strangers to lovers, fake dating
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, online sex, ghosting
Warnings: inexperienced!San, fem!reader, masturbation, online sex, camboy, first times.
Summary: You can do whatever you please and be whoever you want on the Internet. And San knew that a little bit too well.
After finally following all the signs the universe was throwing at him, he started living a double life that no one was aware of. Everyone in his daily life knew him as Choi San, the reserved and quiet boy who wouldn't raise his voice, and would barely communicate with anyone outside of his comfort group. But only a few knew him as Soundleasure, the man with a sexy voice and a filthy mind that had their toes curling just with his narrations.
He never thought of the possibility of those two lives ever meeting, he had always tried for them to follow a parallel route and had always played safe to keep his friends from ever suspecting that side even existed. But his plans will start to crumble when he gets a little too close with one of his subscribers and she invades his real-self and altergo's universes without being able to stop it.
Y/n will not only help him to keep his secret from his circle, but will also show him there's more of Soundleasure in him than he'd like to admit. 
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Aprox. time of reading: 23 minutes
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San brushed his hands together, trying to get himself ready as he walked a bit faster when the Maps app warned him that he was closer to his destination through his earphones. Superstar by Jamelia blasted his ears as he slowly pictured Y/n in his head. He listened casually to that song on the radio the other day and he couldn't help but think of her, because the lyrics just fitted her so well. She attracted everyone in a room so effortlessly, it was almost as if she was born with it.
The music seemed to fade-out slowly as he found that route familiar for some reason.
He recognized that old banner of one of the restaurants in the area, that he used to go to whenever he met up with his father close to his workplace. It only took him a few more steps to know why he thought he knew that street so well. Classic Cruise headquarters were at the other side of the street, with that wide three floor building taking most of the space in that block. He knew that restaurant because he usually went there when his father had to double his shift for some reason.
He could only hope Y/n wasn't working there, but the location she sent him marked exactly that place as he took his phone out of the belly pocket in his black sweater.
His steps turned slower as he tried to think of how his life turned a whole different turn after his father was dumped from that company, with no other explanation other than production requiring less people to work on certain projects. That company still stayed the same, while the rest of the people that were kicked out had to completely change their way of living, only because the man in power didn't know how to handle his own business properly. And relating it to one of the things that Y/n mentioned, that man didn't change a single bit.
He was about to turn on his tracks, and change his destination again, but he thought about her. Y/n was completely different from that. Of course she came from a rich family, of course she had enough money to cut up her salary to save someone else's position, but how many people in that same situation would've done the same?
He was there for her, he wanted to see her. She was a mere agent when all that blew out, and she had no fault in the way her father managed his business. She was better than all that, and she had proved it time and time again since they talked for the first time.
As he stepped inside the big building, he met up with a tall man with a nice haircut and a trimmed beard waiting behind the counter, looking up to him over his glasses.
—Hey, I'm here to meet Y/n —he nervously informed.
—Miss Y/s, you mean?
He held back that inner huff when the man felt like correcting him. He understood him, so what was exactly the point of calling her by her username?
—Yeah, miss Y/s —San confirmed.
—May I know who's looking for her?
—Choi San —he slowly introduced himself.
—Hold on a second.
The man left him waiting, with both of his hands hanging nervously over the edge of the white counter, while the suited receptionist grabbed the phone to confirm whether she was waiting for a visit or not.
—Her secretary said there's no one under the name of Choi San on her schedule. Would you like to arrange a meeting for tomorrow, instead?
—No, look...
While raising up his finger, the man interrupted him again, paying attention to the person he was talking to on the phone rather than what he had to say.
—Yes, miss Y/s. I'll give him a badge right now —his tone completely changed as he realized Y/n was the one speaking to him at that moment.
A few minutes went by while the receptionist tried to get the badge machine to start working, until the clacking sound of heels interrupted the silent noise of the machine. He looked up curiously, finding Y/n dressed in a black tight knitted dress. Her presence instantly made the receptionist turn to her and stand straight.
She genuinely didn't care about John not letting San walk through easily, because that was exactly the point of his job. He made the first filter that assured the security of the company and those inside. That was why she didn't think of saying anything to him when she saw San at the other side of the counter.
—You should've told me you were here —she said—. Did you make the badge already? —Y/n turned to John, who shook his head.
—The machine was getting started.
—Jennifer prepared a permanent badge half an hour ago, so it should be fine —she told him—. I think Charlotte saved it somewhere with a note with my name.
—Oh, yeah. Here it is.
His colleague had saved it under the computer monitor, without telling him what it was actually about. He handed it over to San, who hung it around his neck as he started walking towards Y/n.
—Also, a new task: any bucket coming for me, feel free to send them all back. Inform Charlotte as well about it. Let's see if that person takes the hint.
After talking, she turned again to San, moving her head to encourage him to walk with her towards the stairs.
—Do you have a secret fan? —he asked first.
—More like a secret creep —she sighed—. I don't know who it is, but I have enough with worrying about everything going on in my life and the company to worry about a clown trying to tease me.
—To tease you? —San asked, confused.
—If that person was dangerous, they'd have tried something else than sending flowers with weird notes —she tried to play it cool—. If those flowers don't ever get to me, they'll end up giving up. By the way —she stopped before reaching the last step—, were you busy when I texted you?
Other than lamenting his clumsy mouth, there was nothing more interesting going on with him that morning.
—No, no.
—You didn't go to class today? —her eyebrow raised.
Through all those late night conversations they had since they met, Y/n was sure he didn't mention a single time missing a class.
—Huh? —his eyes moved from the metallic railing to his shoes, going back to her— Well...
—Was it because of yesterday? —Y/n asked again.
Was he so easy to read? She only had to dedicate one look at him to be able to tell what was wrong with him?
—I shouldn't have asked you to go for that drink —the click of her tongue interrupted his thoughts—. I didn't remember you had to be in class today.
At least that's better than having her knowing he spent the whole morning in bed, whining because of the big idiot he was.
San was confused at how she acted like that kiss never happened. She was so chill and calm, talking to him like she hadn't left his text unanswered for a whole morning, until she felt forced to speak to him; it was almost as if she was confirming what he suspected. While Y/n was doing her best at keeping her doubts and thoughts to herself. Whether she wanted to discuss it or not, she wasn't going to be the one forcing a justification out of him. She was convinced dealing with all of it was already hard enough for him to be making it even more difficult.
—Let's go to my office.
The second they both entered the common area, most of the eyes instantly turned to them. It was like they had a big spotlight pointing at them, with a neon light announcing they'd be walking through the hallways towards the office she worked in.
From behind, and fighting his inner need to look at the way her hips swayed with grace, he managed to notice how her head was raised up, letting her neck adopt the perfect straight posture. And suddenly she felt so distant and intimidating, that he even wondered if it was right to follow her up -despite her inviting him inside.
In the middle of his own anxiety levels increasing, and the fog of judgment from those around him clouded his mind, San tried to focus on what it first pushed him to text Y/n and meet up with her.
He needed to let go of all those thoughts, he wanted Y/n to know that what he said wasn't exactly what he meant. And, for that, he tried to remember Wooyoung's advice earlier that morning.
—Okay, you don't want to talk about it, but I will —the door closing behind them seemed to hit a button, having him put an end to the silence as he tried to get an explanation out of her—. I know the kiss was awful. I bet you're trying to erase it from your memory, and I can't blame you.
Y/n was surprised by how sudden he sounded out of nowhere, focused on his discourse to the point of completely forgetting about his shy aura that usually kept him from discussing things like that.
—When I said I was sorry for kissing you, I meant that I was sorry for putting you through such an uncomfortable situation for a kiss that wasn't worth it. I didn't mean that I didn't like kissing you, because I did like kissing you. It was my first kiss, and possibly the best kiss I'll ever have. But I know it wasn't your first kiss, and possibly you've had way better kisses...
Y/n pressed her lips together, trying to hold back her smile as she listened to his rant, where he barely paused to breathe. She was worried he'd act like it never happened if she didn't mention it, only for San to blow it all out while deeply looking into her eyes.
The lack of air in his lungs started to show off on the marked veins of his neck, and the way his words sounded drowned and forced as his speech went on. She could only think of one way to keep him from passing out at any moment. Holding his cheeks, she took one step towards him and linked their lips together on a soft peck that kept all the remaining words stuck in his throat.
His eyes instantly closed at the gentle touch of her lips on his, letting himself go by how intimidating and warm it felt. He moved his lips first, sucking on her lower lip to deepen the kiss. Although his muscles didn't take long to tense, making his body stiff again, when he was drowned back to the reality that that wasn't the best place to do things like those.
She looked up at him confused as San moved back, breaking the kiss.
As she looked down to one of his hands, she noticed his index finger pointing behind her to the people that were pretending to be back to work as soon as she moved to look over her shoulder.
Those damned glass walls.
When she looked back at San, she could notice a soft blush forming on the upper part of his cheeks.
—Why so red? —she giggled.
—I'm not —he shyly smiled, looking down as he touched his face to feel the warmer spots against the reverse of his digits.
—So you were actually worried about me not liking the kiss?
As she walked past him, she could feel his senses completely neutralized by the sweet scent that radiated from her. Her eyes were comprehensive as he followed her gaze, but her pose was so tempting while supporting the weight of her body on the edge of her desk.
—Why? —he frowned at her question, trying to think of an answer.
—Just be honest. I want to know why you thought like that —she shrugged.
—I was nervous, I let myself go with the impulse although I wasn't ready for it. I mean —he closed his eyes momentarily to settle his thoughts—, I was ready, but I wasn't ready to be at your level.
—My level? —she scoffed.
—You kiss so well, and I just... I just looked like a fish flopping around.
—San, it was your first kiss, what did you think I expected? —although she tried to hold back those giggles, all efforts were in vain— We aren't born and know how to do those things. It's something that needs practice. Like the way you express yourself through texts —she joked—. I thought all morning that you regretted it.
—No. Of course not. I just thought you were disappointed last night.
—Oh, you should also improve those body language readings as well —she mumbled, grimacing at his words—. Wait, is it because I kissed you on the cheek instead of the lips when I dropped you off?
And San finally saw some sense in the way he overreacted. Of course it was that. The first thought that crossed his mind as soon as he laid on the bed was that, if she had liked the kiss, she'd have kissed him back in the car, instead of going for his cheek.
—San —she whined, face palming her forehead—. Okay. Let's be direct with each other from now on, and I'll start by making it clear for you: I liked it, a lot. Because it was you. No disappointments, no regrets. I just kissed you on the cheek because it felt less invasive. I know you're shy, and I thought that maybe a goodbye kiss on the lips would've made you uncomfortable.
If she was already his ideal woman through texts, meeting her in real life made him believe he had won the lottery. She respected his space and rhythm, and she tried to adapt to his pace. She was clear and comprehensive with him, and it actually made him wonder how many others would be so lucky to meet someone like that.
—Is that so? —his lips puckered while the corners lifted slightly.
Y/n scoffed again, shaking her head in disbelief at how easily it was for Sun to get flustered at the same time his cheeks lighted up again.
—Quit that smile —she pointed at him—. Look at how fast we would've solved things out if you just had called me last night with this.
San nodded, but he still smiled through his efforts to keep a straight face.
—Was this why you wanted to meet up?
—Yeah. Also —he scratched his nape—, one of my friends' girlfriends is planning a trip to Cape Cod this weekend, and they wanted you to join. I know we said we wouldn't do it again —he tried to be careful with his words—, but Meghan, she's Yeosang's girlfriend by the way —he added, as if that extra information was needed—, thought it'd be a good idea to have you there, too.
—Yeah, about that... —Y/n started— I need a favor from you.
—We're planning an event, and I kinda said you'd come with me —she shrugged as she innocently smiled.
—An event?
—I'm sorry, I just got carried on by the asshole of Tim, and said you'd attend with me. It's okay, you don't have to do that. I know last time was too much.
—No, I can do that —he nodded—. I can do that if you want me to be there.
—Are you sure?
Last time it was more lighthearted than what those events tended to be, and she knew the pressure that San already was on during that barbeque.
—I'll just prepare better for my role as an engineer in Vancouver. There will be no flaws this time —he chuckled—. Would you... I mean, just if you want... Do you want us to have dinner together?
Y/n then realized the time it was. It was still early to have dinner, but she didn't want him to go so early. He came all the way from his house to her office just because she told him to meet up.
—Can you hang on for thirty minutes? I need to finish up some documents.
When she first told him to meet up, her schedule was completely clear. But suddenly her email was flooded with requests of reports that needed to be handed before she left.
—Yeah, sure —he nodded, walking around nervously.
As she tapped on her computer, her eyes went up to him, smiling while he wandered around the room with his hands inside the pockets of his jeans. It was impressive how any style suited him, to the point of having her gushing over him. Until his clumsiness kicked in. His face grimaced, momentarily scared, when he almost dropped something from the shelf that was over the couch, making her silently laugh as she focused back on the screen.
San's eyes uncontrollably fell on her every few seconds, moving away quickly before she could notice it, but enough to appreciate how delicate her features seemed whenever she was concentrating on something.
They were playing tag with one another, until their eyes coincidentally moved to each other at the same time, ending with both of them moving their gazes away while smiling.
Two knocks on her door broke all that silly game, having her aiming her eyes at her father stepping inside her office.
—Am I bothering you?
—Hmm no —she shook her head.
—I'll be leaving earlier today, so just send those reports to the head of administration, and put me on cc —he explained—. Your mother prepared me roasted ribs.
And right when he was about to start salivating, he found San looking curiously at them after looking around his daughter's office.
—Oh, San. I didn't know you were here.
Harry walked over to him to greet him, but somehow it felt different to the other two times. Anxiety and nervousness were replaced by some type of distrust and discomfort that Y/n couldn't ignore. It was different from the other times, where he was visibly nervous by the situation itself. Now it clearly seemed like his discomfort was due to her father.
—Do you want to come over for dinner?
—Actually —Y/n interrupted, before San felt forced to reject the offer—, we already had plans.
—Okay, then —he greeted, heading to the door—. Have fun —he winked at his daughter one last time before stepping out of the office.
Y/n saw San sitting again on the couch, slowly going back to his calm and relaxed persona whenever he was around her. Although she wasn't going to ask him about it right in that moment, it was something to leave it better when they were in a more intimate space.
He took the bag with food from her hand so she'd be able to reach for her keys, earning a sweet smile from her before she started walking to her door again. He waited for her to step inside first, despite knowing the way inside her house after being there before.
—Do you mind if I get changed? —she turned to him, getting San to slowly shake his head— You can sit wherever you want: the dinner table, the couch... up to you.
And just like she told him, he did. San looked around first, trying to choose the right place, and ended up walking towards the coffee table in front of her long couch. Not shortly after she was back with him, wearing a pair of baggy pants and an oversized t-shirt, whose edge danced on her lap when she happily trotted to where he was.
—Are you hungry? —he chuckled.
—Very —she sat next to him—. I ate earlier today because I had a meeting at my usual lunch time. I could've gone later, but it sits wrong with my body whenever I do. It's weird.
—I've only had a plate of pasta before going to the gym —he commented, taking the food out of the bags.
—Oh, so you went to the gym —she asked, picking one of her french fries—. Did you do it on purpose before coming to see me?
San instantly had that nervous expression again, moving his lips to speak, but without a single word coming out of them.
—What did you do? —Y/n asked, smiling maliciously while ignoring her own teasing.
—It was back and arms day.
—I can't believe you don't get hit on there —Y/n mentioned, biting on her burger.
—I do —he nodded—. I mean, it's not something that happens every day, but it's happened. Let's just say you need a Doctorate in patience with me —he mumbled, unwrapping his burger.
—What are you talking about? It's not that bad —she assured him—. With a Bachelor's degree it's alright —Y/n stopped to change the tone again—. I don't think it's that bad.
—Because you're different —San reached for a napkin when he spotted the bit of mayonnaise in the corner of her lips—. You'd see the weirdest thing, and you'd still find its positive side.
While he was right, he was missing something important, and it was how powerful his aura was despite him not being aware of it. And it was there again, as he leaned over her a bit to clean off her mouth while looking directly at it, her whole body froze for him, and he still believed he didn't have that power.
—Maybe the one who doesn't have good eyesight it's you —he replied back —. I only pay attention to things that are worth it. So if that weird thing got my attention at first, it's good enough already. If I think it's cute, then it's over the top. So do with that information what you want —as she was to look out for ketchup, her tongue clicked when she didn't find any—. They didn't add ketchup.
—Do you have?
—Yeah, in the fridge.
She remembered it's one of the few things she had there specifically because of that.
Y/n was going to stop him, but San was already midway when she realized. She paid for the food, and made extra effort to make him feel comfortable. The least he could do was try hard to make her feel better.
As he opened the fridge, he first looked for the sauce, but his eyes got stuck in the small boxes he only managed to see from afar. It looked like some type of medication, although he couldn't really tell what it was by its name alone. He went back to her quickly though, trying to remember the name as he grabbed the bottle, with the thought of searching it up later.
—Thank you —she smiled widely at him—. I was thinking... Earlier this afternoon, you looked so serious when seeing my dad, did something happen?
Of course he was so obvious that Y/n could tell. He completely forgot she was an ace while reading people's body language.
—I was just nervous.
—Because of a man that could end me with a snap of a finger? Yes —he lied.
—And you think I'd allow him to do that to you? —she challenged him, taking one french fry with ketchup on its tip to her lips.
—Are you my guardian? —he laughed.
—Of course I am! You look tough and big, and you're way taller, but I'll protect you.
Being around Y/n was always a good experience for San. Although he didn't know her for long, she always managed to make him feel in a safe place, like he was with anyone else from his group of friends.
It could be that they didn't have a lot of things in common, but they always managed to build a long conversation around those topics. And, even if it wasn't about one of their mutual interests, they both made it seem like it was. It was all so fluid and easy, that both of them felt like they were back to when they started speaking through long phone calls. It was all that again, but better because he was able to see the way her eyes lit up and she was able to appreciate the way his dimples deepened as his smile got wider.
—And I remember my dad told me to just stop taking taekwondo lessons. He was the one who encouraged me to go, until I broke someone's nose.
—I bet that little shit deserved it —she shook her head.
—A little bit, yeah.
Y/n found him attractive already, but nothing beated the way he looked when he was just being himself, completely relaxed and talkative. Not only because he radiated confidence like that, but it was also precious for her. He wasn't the type to be open like that with a lot of people, but he was like that with her. And it made her think how all that patience was completely worth it if she was going to see him like that.
—What? —he smiled shyly, noticing the way her eyes scanned all over his face.
—We said we would be honest and direct with each other, right?
San nodded, unsure of where that comment was coming from.
—I really want to kiss you right now —she admitted.
—I want to be really honest, too. I'm dying to kiss you, too.
Her fingers caressing the pecks on his neck, combined with that happy smile, made some part of his brain tickle, and he was ready to deal with that sensation increasing its feeling.
Her lips felt so addictive the two times she kissed him, but it didn't feel like that night. Something was urging him to hold her closer with his hands on her waist, and never let go until their lips were swollen and they both felt dizzy.
—Just follow me, okay? —she whispered, breaking the kiss just to link their lips together again after he nodded.
She controlled the way he moved by imposing her movements, moving her head to find the right angle, tasting each bit of skin, just getting him used to her. Some of the first times San found himself kissing blindly where he wasn't supposed to, aiming sometimes in the air, until he got used to her slow pace, feeling all of his hairs rising whenever he got a taste of her inner lip.
Y/n broke the kiss again, looking at him under her eyelashes, and noticing how thick and heavy his eyelids seemed as he tried to look at her.
—I'll add a bit of tongue, alright?
San waited for her lips to cover his again, but instead he only felt her slowly rubbing them against his. The tip of her tongue traced the line of his lower lip so gently that he thought his spine would melt at any moment. Instinctively, his lips parted and Y/n took that invitation freely, sliding the tip inside and rubbing it against his. His reaction was hidden behind the need to want more and focus on what she was doing to learn from it, and mirror it.
She took it slow, she was patient, Y/n just wanted him to feel comfortable before going on. She always waited for him to move, and imitate what she did, before she continued.
Their lips popped loudly when they broke apart for the first time, and that sound alone started waking up something in him. Blinded by her, he moved forward, feeling a perfectly marked pain in his frontal teeth as he moved way too fast, ending up hitting against hers.
—Oh my god, I'm sorry —he mumbled, seeing her forcibly moving back due to pain.
—It's okay —her hand covered his wrist, trying to help him take it easy—. Let's go for it again.
He did exactly what Y/n did, he imitated everything he felt, playing with his fingers on the fold on the side of her t-shirt. Her hand, still on his wrist, tried to appease him, while the hand on his neck moved up to his cheek to rub her thumb on his skin.
The kiss was still sloppy, despite being slow, but damn wasn't it making her go crazy every time his tongue rubbed on hers. She wasn't able to control her gasps, just like he gave up a few times by airing out some of his groans whenever her fingers digged on his scalp.
She wanted to kiss him until he got it perfect, and she genuinely didn't mind if they spent hours like that. But he stopped before she could even think of making it real, covering every corner of her mouth with small kisses before he looked at her.
Both of their lips were shiny, coated with each other's saliva, and parted as they tried to recover some of the air that left their lungs.
—Did I pass the test?
—Hmm, I won't mind giving you some extra classes —she joked, licking her lips.
—We should leave those extra classes for another day though. I think I should get home now.
And he was afraid that, if he kept falling into Y/n's trap, he'd fall into something that it'd be difficult for him to escape. And he didn't want to make her uncomfortable with the consequences of those kisses.
—Is everything okay?
—Yeah, just that... You kiss so well, and you're so tempting, that I doubt I'll be able to control my body if we keep on like this. And I don't mean it in the wrong way —he quickly corrected himself—. I'm not going to force you into anything, that's exactly why I'm leaving. Not —he sighed— not because of that.
Y/n snorted as she saw him struggling with his words, trying to explain to her what was going on, but being careful with his words so as not to hurt her.
—Are you laughing? —he tilted his head.
—No —she tried to lie—, just a bit. But not of you, I promise.
—I'm just trying to say that I was getting hard, but I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.
—I guessed so —she nodded.
He was just looking at her surprised by the way those words just came out of his mouth.
The fact that he was so honest and straight to the point, with no fake excuses, made her laugh. But it was most definitely excitement over seeing him more comfortable around her than the words themselves. She probably would've just shrugged it off at a man being decent towards her -which wasn't exactly the case in her dating life, but with San she appreciated it a bit more because she knew where she was coming from.
Holding his cheeks, she planted a peck on his lips so he'd just stop overthinking and ranting until running out of air.
It was alright. Those things happened.
—I'll take the keys —she let him know.
—You always drive me home, I'll get there by myself —he assured her.
—You sure?
—Hmm —he nodded—. I'll send you a text when I get home.
It was like an impulse, something that got from his inner self and he wasn't able to control. He didn't kiss her lips or her cheek, his lips fell on her forehead. And Y/n was sure that certainly felt way more intimate and close than any other make out session. Such a small gesture had her cheeks burning up, and her smile drawing across her face.
And that smile was something he kept thinking of after he arrived home, that smile was the only thing in his head as he got changed and laid in his bed. And it only felt right that Y/n was the one taking control of each one of his thoughts after that evening, only clouded by one quick thought that made him frown.
Exiting their chat, he opened the navigator, typing each one of the letters that were written in those boxes.
Copaxone: is thought to modify immune processes believed to be responsible for activating MS.. It's not clear how glatiramer acetate (Copaxone or Brabio) works. It seems to kill the immune cells that attack the coating (myelin) around nerves in your brain and spinal cord. You inject it under your skin once a day or, at a higher dose, three times a week.
Y/n was sick?
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bellbunny12 · 6 months
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robfinancialtip · 3 months
Introducing the latest innovation in pet safety: the NEW HALO COLLAR 3. Elevating the standards of GPS dog fences and trackers, this groundbreaking device is poised to transform the way you safeguard your furry companion. Explore the exciting enhancements packed into the HALO COLLAR 3:
✅ Enhanced PrecisionGPS(™) Technology ✅ Advanced Active GPS Antenna ✅ Extended 24-Hour Battery Life ✅ Seamless Auto-connectivity to Any Cellular Network Worldwide ✅ Innovative Perfect Fit System ✅ Convenient Magnetic Charging Port ✅ Vibrant New Colors: Orchid and Sunburst
Discover all the essential details about the HALO COLLAR 3. What sets it apart? How does the GPS dog fence function? How accurate is its tracking system? Uncover these answers and more as we delve into the comprehensive features of this remarkable device.
With the HALO COLLAR 3, bid farewell to conventional fences and constant monitoring of your pet's whereabouts. This state-of-the-art collar harnesses real-time GPS technology to establish an invisible yet highly effective containment boundary. Say goodbye to cumbersome installations and physical barriers limiting your pet's freedom!
Powered by cutting-edge Global Navigation Satellite Systems tracking technology, the HALO SYSTEM delivers unparalleled location accuracy, comparable to the latest advancements in autonomous vehicles and drones. In fact, the HALO COLLAR's geolocation feature rivals that of leading smartphones, ensuring pinpoint accuracy within a few feet. Plus, with nightly satellite data downloads, your pet's GPS location is instantly precise the moment they step outside.
A standout feature of the HALO COLLAR 3 is its customizable virtual boundaries via the intuitive mobile app. Create secure zones for your pet and receive immediate alerts if they venture beyond these designated areas. Stay seamlessly connected to your furry friend, providing peace of mind and assurance of their safety.
Experience the epitome of tracking prowess with the HALO COLLAR 3. Monitor your pet's real-time location on the app's map, facilitating swift retrieval in case they wander off. Track their movements, access historical data, and receive boundary breach alerts—all with unmatched precision.
This groundbreaking feature effortlessly connects to the strongest and fastest cellular signal worldwide, at no additional cost.
Rest assured, the HALO COLLAR 3 prioritizes your pet's comfort and safety. Waterproof, durable, and ergonomically designed for a secure fit, it ensures uninterrupted adventures with its extended battery life—20% more than its predecessor, the HALO 2+ dog collar.
With upgraded features and advanced technology, the HALO COLLAR 3 offers unparalleled value at the same price as the HALO 2+. Experience the future of pet safety today with the HALO COLLAR 3.
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blindbeta · 2 years
Hello! In the fantasy story I'm writing, one of the main characters is blind. He uses a cane to navigate - and he's also a magitech engineer, with a lot of leeway for personal projects. So without worrying about magic limitations and such, what do you feel would be fun ways to magically improve a cane's function that won't disrupt something else that's necessary for it? Anything you definitely don't want to see?
Enhancing Canes With Magic
One idea I have is to research the WeWalk cane. TheBlindLife has some videos on it here and here. The website can be found here. Maybe it could serve as inspiration.
In the videos, Sam from TheBlindLife demonstrates a Smart white cane that pairs with a smart phone. It has a bulky white handle with a speaker and light on it, but is otherwise similar to other folding canes. In the second video, Sam reveals WeWalk has partnered with Ambutech to improve the cane’s design and rolling marshmallow tip. Sam demonstrates using the cane, which vibrates when detecting obstacles. He demonstrates the accessible app that pairs with the cane to allow for navigation to listed nearby restaurants and public transportation using an accessible map, clock directions, and progress tracking. The cane has a speaker on it, which is sometimes hard to hear. It can be paired with headphones.
A good magically engineered cane should still locate obstacles, shorelines, and provide tactile feedback about the ground and objects with which the cane comes into contact. It should also act as an identifier for blind people, so that others know they can’t see and aren’t going to get out of the way. It should fold or not fold according to preference. It should offer vibration feedback, audio feedback, and be light enough to carry. TheBlindLife lists a con of the WeWalk, which is that it is heavy. I also think the handle is too bulky, the voice is too hard to hear, and the vibration alert for obstacles could get tiring and confusing. Keeping these in mind may help avoid similar issues in your fictional cane. A good cane should allow one to interact with obstacles, rather than avoid them.
As long as it does what it is supposed to do in our world, the cane can be magically improved in many different ways. Some ideas I have include:
1. Something that allows stickers to stay without falling off. I have posted about stickers on the blog before and how they are fine to add to a cane. However, the rounded surface of the cane makes it difficult to keep them on.
2. Canes that are instantly customizable in color and visual design would be fun.
3. Canes that have the option of lighting up in the dark (which the WeWalk cane has), both for extra visibility at night and possibly for flashlight purposes for those with residual vision. It should be customizable and easily controlled for those with light sensitivity and so those without light perception don’t accidentally leave it on all the time.
4. Cane tips that adapt to the environment and needs of the blind person. For example, according to the landscape, a blind person may carry different cane tips with them, such a Dakota disk, to navigate more easily. A cane tip that transforms with magic would make it easier on blind characters who don’t have, can’t afford, or forget extra cane tips when they go out.
5. Customizable vibration control would be useful for those who have joint pain or sensitivity to tactile sensations. While some vibration may be necessary, a magic cane that allows for customization in this area could be useful. It is certainly not something we have much chance to change in the real world.
6. A landmark tracker and finder could be useful for specific landmarks people want to remember. These are usually done through observation and route memorization, but it is also possible to make notes of landmarks someone wants to remember. I’m not sure how a land mark tracker would work and I’m thinking one would need a way to store individual routes, but it could be a fun idea for when one is just starting to learn a route or just learning cane skills. Or possibly someone with memory difficulties.
7. Detection for objects at head height or objects that are otherwise above ground. Unfortunately, canes can only detect objects near ground level. I’m not sure if the WeWalk can detect objects above the ground, but it would be nice for a magic to do so, perhaps using a different alert system. This might allow blind characters to avoid objects like tree branches, equipment out in the open, etc. This can also be somewhat accomplished with a Sunu Band, it would be nice to have a cane that serves this function as well.
As for what I don’t want in a magically enhanced cane, I feel that as long as it does what a cane is supposed to do, it’s good. I think most of the problems center around no cane at all or canes doubling as weapons. Or objects, such as umbrellas or swords, used as canes instead of actual canes. One thing I would advice against is creating canes that give sight or allow for any visual feedback the blind person wouldn’t otherwise have already. The person using the cane should still use adaptive techniques rather than having magic erase their blindness.
If anyone has any other suggestions of what they do and don’t want, feel free to share them.
This has been cross-posted on WordPress.
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Cat Magnus if someone tries to take Alec away (yes, i realize i just called Alec a snack that was very smart of my subconscious)
Tumblr media
Did you update your tumblr app btw? They added a read more button!
i have not updated my phone (lets be real, saeth normally does that for me because the update alerts come when i'm busy and then i never remember they came) but thank you because now i'll try to remember that
also your subconscious is brilliant! and correct
oh 100% that is Magnus with Alec
i don't even know if this was a prompt but here we go because i love this verse so much and magnus was not happy to wake up and find his skittles missing... i mean alec
<3 lumine
Alec wakes to warm softness and he rumbles, almost curling deeper into the fur around him before he realizes he’s hungry.
It’s the work of a thought to shrink to the size of a ferret and he wriggles his way past the large paws that were holding him close. Magnus shifts in his sleep, whiskers twitching and paws tightening on the empty space where Alec was.
Alec waits a moment, admiring the markings of Magnus’ coat before he pulls himself away and follows his senses to the roof.  He flies up the stairs and while Alec could simply go through the door, he whistles to it until it unlocks and then goes through.
Alec can’t keep Magnus if he doesn’t prove he can protect Magnus’ nest and while Alec normally takes things to his hoard, it won’t be the first hoard he’s built around a priceless treasure.  Alec will miss sleeping in the singing fire opal caves that he claimed over a hundred years ago, but he’s sure he can eventually take Magnus there.
Once he figures out how to convince the warlock to ride him of course. Portals don’t work in the caves and Alec’s magic and intent have made the caves impossible for anyone else to find or navigate, even other dragons.
With a sigh of contentment, Alec fishes out a last mouthful of the freshly formed koi crystals.
It’s enough to sate him for now and while he likes Magnus, the magic of the roof of the roof is created all from him and Alec is too content to move.  Instead, he stretched himself out in the large gazebo made of willows and he slowly lets himself grow until he fills it and then he shuts his eyes.
Magnus wakes because his paws are empty and half asleep, he blindly reaches out and finds nothing but emptiness. It’s with a snarl of outrage — at himself and falling asleep — that he wakes completely and throws his magic out.  It’s hard to pinpoint if a dragon has gone through his wards, but Magnus can certainly find out if he’s still nearby.
He is back on the roof and Magnus should be fondly amused, but he won’t be happy until he has his little dragon back under his watch.
The roof is open, petals and leaves on the staircase and Magnus chuffs, using magic to shut it as he stalks carefully through the garden.  If Alexander is simply hungry then Magnus will have to ensure he has easier things for his little dragon to snack on. Magnus is hardly going to suffer losing his little treasure every time Alexander gets peckish.
Magnus can’t pinpoint his location, can only feel that his presence is within the bounds of Magnus’ own magic and it’s only that knowledge that keeps Magnus from slipping into a feral rage. 
The koi pond has been raided but is empty and the water Alexander tracked has already dried.  Magnus created a dimensional space on his roof, and he nearly regrets it now, when he gets to the tangle of his garden that he’s neglected for… a few years.
He stalks through the thick foliage, wild with the magic that nourishes it, and it isn’t until he steps on something long and sinuous that he pauses.
When he looks down, paws kneading curiously, it’s to find a long, tapered and scaled black tail.  It’s far larger than anything Magnus has seen so far and he’s instantly curious as he follows the tail. 
There he finds Alexander, several feet away from where his tail has coiled around a warm rock.  He’s nearly twice the size Magnus is and he’s on his back, belly exposed to the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves that form the roof.
Magnus shifts before he can think anything of it, reaching out to pet over the matte and gorgeous scales that are his dragon’s skin. 
“I’m going to have to keep a very close eye on you,” Magnus murmurs as he admires Alexander’s form.  “A very close watch.”
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