#real convo between them Btw
frenchfishx · 10 months
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turtleraccoonsoup · 6 months
guy and summer from the Minecraft books are in a qpr i said so
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polyklok · 1 year
When they’re down bad
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Dethklok and their massive, throbbing crush. You can interpret this as and xReader, xOC, or even towards each other idk I don’t make the rules.
Nathan Explosion
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Unlike the other members, Nathan has had experience with actual girlfriends (rather than just flings) before, and so can identify the difference between attraction and actual romantic interest pretty quickly.
But he’s still a total idiot about it. He basically hasn’t developed his flirting style since high school; he hasn’t needed to. He’s famous! So, he just sorta forces himself into their attention all the time. He purposely bumps into them, asks to borrow random things, always stands or sits next to them. He just wants to constantly be around them.
He tries to start conversations too but, my god, he’s so awkward! They’ll be sitting in silence together and he just shouts “MAN, THIS WEATHER IS CRAZY.” While it’s been perfectly sunny for three days straight. BTW, he’s always yelling around his crush. It’s partly because he’s nervous, partly because he’s trying to assert his “dominance” (he doesn’t have any)
He tries to drop not-so-subtle hints about his feelings. Like, there will be a couple in public, clearly on a very romantic, cheesy date and he’ll be like “THAT LOOKS FUN, WE SHOULD DO THAT SOMETIME” to his crush. Or if there’s a kissing scene in a movie, he squeezes their hand or something. Just, out of the blue.
In general, he’s pretty obvious and is sort of a disaster, but it’s cute and oddly charming. 7/10 because I suddenly decided I’m ranking them
Pickles The Drummer
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If Nathan was a disaster, he’s the end of the world
He desperately tries to play himself up in front of his crush, specifically trying to seem more classy and sophisticated, which are two things Pickles is not. He’s the kind of guy to try to be suave and lean up against a wall and then immediately eat shit, falling to the floor.
He likes to talk around his crush but never to his crush, ya’know? Like, if they are in a room, he’ll speak all loudly to a group about how cool he is and all the things he’s done. But in a one-on-one convo, he’s literally shaking and sweating and nodding along like his brain isn’t in full panic mode (it is). Because he physically can stand how gorgeous his crush is and how obsessed he is with them.
He’ll probably try to drink more than usual to calm his nerves, but it really makes it worse. Cause now he’s a bumbling idiot who’s only talking about how ‘damn pretty’ they are and threatening to get into a fight with the bartender.
Eventually, he does calm down. And he gets to be his natural, funny and relaxed self around them. His heart still flutters, but the anxiety doesn’t consume him like it used to and he has a real conversation with his crush and it feels like he’s falling in love all over again.
Like in most situations, Pickles is kinda a wreck. But he needs time and the right amount of booze to be a pretty great guy, 6/10
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
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Sound the fucking alarms because this Swedish whore has himself a crush. Seriously though, the realization hits him like a fucking truck. He’s just like, wow this person is hot and I like spending time with them and they have a great personality and they’re funny and they make me feel nice and HOLY FUCK
He gets so pissed. Like, genuine anger at himself and them and everyone else in the world because something is wrong. He can’t bring himself to take it out on them, so he just always scoffs and ignores them for weeks on end. But the whole time, they’re in his head. He feels all warm and fuzzy in more places than just his dick for once.
Eventually, he stops being just a baby and gives them a weird, half-assed apology his ego is still fragile, ok?! And starts flirting. Hard. Constantly praising their body and making unsubtle sexual innuendos, it’s the only thing he really knows how to do in this situation. God forbid they giggle or flirt back, because his face is gonna turn completely red and he’ll need to excuse himself for a 10-minute freak out.
Skwisgaar just feels so many strong emotions, and these new, affectionate ones are just kicking his ass. There’s a good chance that he gives up because he just can’t handle it. But, he might just persist and slowly open up and let them in.
He’s pretty much a noob for these sorts of things. He’s a sex god, not a Prince Charming. 3/10
Toki Wartooth
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Toki is actually more passive when it comes to romantic feelings than you would expect; he can accept potential love interests as friends very easily. But once someone has embedded themselves in his brain as more than just a groupie or a good friend, my man is COMPLETELY ride or die
Doesn’t make any effort to hide it either. He gets all giggly around them, biting his lip, twirling his hair, kicking his feet. He’s seriously smitten and everyone can tell, including the crush. He won’t deny it either, “Of course I’s likes them! Who wouldn’ts?”
His wooing methods are completely cheesy as well. Like, leaving a large, lovey-dovey gift basket on their doorstep or writing awful poetry for them completely in Norwegian. In fact, he’s pretty much always getting them little gifts and they’re all genuine, even the stereotypical ones.
He also gets very, very touchy. Greeting them with hugs and holding hands and even little surprise kisses. He knows that they’re not technically dating, but he still sees them as his one and only, so he already begins cementing himself as their partner.
Although, if they don’t show any interest back, he’ll stop after a week or so simply because he gets bored easily. I’m not gonna sit her and act like he doesn’t have the patience of a four-year-old.
Man goes all in with his flirting but it fizzes out very quickly. 7/10
William Murderface
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I was wrong about Pickles; THIS is the ultimate disaster. Poor guy really can’t take it, he’s so flustered and anxious and a bit furious at the whole situation. William is so fueled by hatred and hostility that he can’t fathom the fact that he genuinely likes someone and craves their love. For him, it feels like he’s gonna die without them and yet he refuses to go within a foot of them.
Most of the time, he just stares at them with his angry look on his face. If they ask what’s wrong, he just mumbles and walks away. But really, he gets so excited that they talked to him, even though he immediately fucked it up.
Maybe with some time, he can find a slightly better way to deal with his intense feelings. He mostly just needs to learn to relax and have some confidence, but those are both things he has never been good at. But, if he does manage do to so and have a conversation with them…it’s still pretty bad. He’ll stutter and stumble, walking on eggshells because he knows that he has a tendency to say stupid shit.
Even if the relationship doesn’t ever go anywhere, there’s a very good chance he’ll be this nervous around them for months, possibly years. If his crush manages to get the message and starts encouraging his ‘advances’, it’ll still be a while until he’s anything less than a wreck.
Someone please help Murderface, he’s dying out here. 2/10
Btw I wrote this last night and am posting it without much proofreading so sorry if it’s awful
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hungnitan · 5 months
Penacony TB 2.2 Impression
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A bit story summary, here I am after 2.1 having wild imagination what if Churin become AE temporary members but it change into Boothill and made Danheng traumatized and Black Swan (in the end it's just a dream lol).
Unexpectedly we found Argenti in Penacony and then again making us suprise with sudden battling him ! But wow I think hoyo needs another arc/event story to explain Argenti power scale, just how stonk he is can entered nihility and get out alive...
After finish 2.2 I kinda get the reasons we still not getting any info regarding playable Sunday. Additionaly, it explain the reasons why Robin interview with Owlbert came out weeks faster... Now I wondering why Robin gameplay focused on FuA support
Honorable mention scene :
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We have three different answer of "why we sleep ?" question and it's really mirroring their personality. Tired of living version from Churin, tired with reality from Sunday and have a hope of humanity from Trailblazer.
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Here we are, Welt having a homesick and mention warriors (valkryie) from his home, btw S rank tier is basically their best groupie (lol)
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As we expected, SAM is initial and sounds near gundam (lol) but I didn't expect even Firefly isn't a real name...
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Remember a male voicing the story summary at finishing part ? It sounds like a boy (if I delulu it's near Heizou voice so yeah boy lol) so maybe it's him... I kinda want to know his VA~
Edit : in the end, it's Lyney (Hiro Shimono) not Heizou, I'm pretty near I guess 🤣
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Jade Churin convo talking about his fate as stonehearts, the conclusion could between cut or promotion. But from my finding about Diamond personality so far, I think he's very leniant to "worth to invest" people. From Churin character story, he sounds so sure Churin gonna make profits later. Even Topaz big failure only get her one rank down because he saw she gonna make contribution in next project (Penacony). If somehow he get a cut too I don't think Churin screentime finish only at Penacony arc~ the reason mostly like if you're a screenwriter there's no way you gonna throw all the times for world building you made so meticilous for one person easily...
Overall not the best but it's pretty good, a big twist made me "HUH !?" once or twice (lol) and good change of pace too after 2.1 with Churin's dark past aside the fact some problem still not finish like what's happens with Penacony stellaron, the main antagonist basically running away and throw all blame to Sunday, Boothill searching for Oswaldo (eh moreless around his past I'm sure) and question from 2.1 that still unanswered in this version, IPC move on Penacony. Well with the epilogue finished like that I'm really sure IPC will make their move in TB next version.
From my personal opinion TB 2.2 isn't that interesting, maybe I read too many speculation before but most of them are right like Ena deep rooted on Penacony, Acheron real name eh is this even hidden lol, old man from Acheron convo means her reasons coming to Penacony (it's predictable after read halfway).
In the end, what's the problem with button Sparkle keep distributing ?
Additionaly we have "another date" with Firefly and she's just dying again this time off screen lol... and she said she's got one more dying later ? hmmm... well yeah she's cute but it's just too absurd, I can't even make any reaction about it, the things I spout after heard she dying again is just "oh she dying again huh...? Oh well she's gonna revive later anyway". Not lowering reader expectation on Firefly but isn't she just too streotype anime tragic cutie girl ? If not because of stellaron hunter + SAM too proper voice I could skip her banner easily. But she should have another chance in next version, let's see if she can turn around all my low expectation on her...
If I gonna be honest she will leave a big impression if she's dying for real at 2.3 plus I heard something like Sunday as stellaron member on future but...let's see~
So yeah I'm more eager with next version TB !
But you know what, with Penacony TB more into nameless and we all know Oswaldo is one of them... can I hope for IPC arc ? To tell the truth, I'm very curious with him and Diamond !
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aliennazero · 1 year
Thinking about why Kishibe and Yoshida Hirofumi is likely to be blood related (father-son) and not just senior/junior because of these small interractions.
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I don't think Captain "I am the best devil hunterᕦ⁠(⁠ ⁠⊡⁠ ⁠益⁠ ⁠⊡⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕤ" Kishibe would let a random emokid1125 he met in a high-risk mission to basically call him an "old boomer" even as a joke.
I'm certain there's familiarity between them.
That's why Kishibe is sure about Yoshida's ability and competence when it comes to devil hunting, to have the potential to be better than him. Even though this comment also can be seen as chit-chat convos between them to make the situation more relaxed.
(Let's be real the entire casts have been through a lot in this arc in the span of like 4 hours—I also like the interpretation of this scene to be played as distraction for Yoshida because he need to kill a lot of "doll people" in the background to prevent more people turning into another dolls—IMO his character is actually kind of altruistic like Kishibe but it's a topic for another discussion).
That's why they talk more "casually" when there's only them two. They have so much trust in each other to talk about their distrust towards Makima and do commentary to the whole chaotic situations. Octopus Devil also seems okay with Kishibe and that's why it let him sit down on top of it just like Yoshida.
That kind of interractions doesn't make sense if it's truly the first time they met each other. Especially for the latter reasonings.
"They could just be senior/junior then. There's no need for them to be blood related. We had seen Kishibe put trust on his disciples like Himeno, Aki, even Denji and Power. So why it can't be the same case for Yoshida?"
Because Yoshida start his Devil Hunter carrier as private Devil Hunter, he join Public Safety later on after International Assassin Arc and before part 2. Meanwhile Kishibe is from Public Safety since the start, and one of his job is to train PS's new recruits.
Public Safety and Private DH is a different work environment. It makes no sense for Kishibe to spend time with this random private devil hunter if not because they're already related in some way.
++ Oh, another thing of why them being only senior/junior didn't make sense is because of this.
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They talked about school here, very family-type of chit-chat.
Later, Kishibe offers Yoshida a cigarette, then followed by forgetting about his school grade and his age (which sounded very absent father jokes btw, and to make it even better Yoshida didn't laugh at it but rather seems irritated to the point he directly called Kishibe an idiot [馬鹿 baka] LMAO).
If Kishibe and Yoshida really are just senior/junior, Yoshida won't call him by "anta" (which is a ruder version of "anata" that means you) but rather he would call him master like any other of Kishibe's students/subordinate. But nooo, he didn't hold back from showing his rudeness in front of Kishibe. He's such a little btch of a son lol, I love him.
TLDR; Kishibe and Yoshida are so deadbeat dad and his neglected emo son coded❤️ I guarantee you'll have easier times convincing other people about this than otherwise, tbh.
Anyway sorry for being insane again, I need to to let this out from my brain.
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peachjagiya · 2 months
oh my gosh..... it's just clicking to me, TaeKook's Hello Kitty plushies are their cheeky "baits" to "DO YOU WANNA COME SEE MY CAT?"
They don't have cats and those plushies are the "stand in cats" 😭🤣😭🤣
Jungkook be texting Taehyung with "Do you wanna come see my cat? 😏😏😏"
And because Taehyung gave it to him, he literally became a cat in that shoot. Wearing the cat ears and all waiting.
Tae: "So, if I don't have a cat, I AM the cat?"
JK: "Yeah.."
That's real convo between them btw. I'm sprinkling my fanfic scenario now with Tae wanting to be the cat to JK, while he gave JK the plushy so JK can cheekily text him with "Do you wanna come see my cat?😏"
And when it's Tae's turn, he just texts him with "Do you wanna see me? 😼" with a selfie of him and his cat ears 🤣🤣🤣
Hahaha. Yoongi like "there's only one cat here -ㅅ-"
Why is the phrase "stand in cats" absolutely sending me? 😂
My favourite thing about the plushie(s) is that it's a bear 🥹
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01mishchelle · 10 months
success story i’d like to share
so long story short, months ago my sp broke up with me and he told me theres someone he likes and will confess his feelings to them. so yk before knowing the whole loa thing i freaked out and i wasnt having it. but after knowing the loa (1-2 weeks after) i just kinda stopped worrying about the 3p. i assumed that he would get rejected so why tf would i worry about it?
so he went to confess his love to them. after that i didnt hear anything from them. until my other friend asked what happened with the other person. my sp said he got rejected but i still saw he was still talking to them.
time flies a bit and yesterday in a group chat we were talking about the 3p. turns out the 3p got back with their ex and my sp completely stopped talking to them.
sooooo my sp has been so nice to me (he was such an asshole to me back then) , what he does is he always talks about me while in a convo w friends, we always look at each others eyes and smile. this is literally the same thing that happened between us when we liked each other🥺
so manifestation is real u guys!!!!!!!
if i would tell a tip , just dont worry about it cuz keep in mind that the 3d is temporary. it always changes bc of ur 4d. just remember to have fun with it, really. i kinda did it my own way cuz it felt natural. btw i do get that horrible feeling whenever i feel hopeless that my ‘desire’ wasnt here. but i kept on persisting, i ask myself, why the fuck should i wait for it, when i can have it NOW? (in imagination)
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everythingrevealedpod · 6 months
Ive just listened to the latest ep of the pod, it was wonderful!! Halla's point on how parasocialiaty is defined by what it lacks, to be very insightful , ive always had a slight issue with how parasocial relationships r discussed in scholarship and the rapidly changing nature of media does not help.
when u guys were talking about how different artists develop different styles of parasocial relationships with their fans, like how the nature of a harries relationship with harry styles is in a way different from the parasocial relationship we have with matty or the relationships swifties have with taylor. And how artist actively foster these relationships so in a way they are a two-way street (please lmk if I'm misunderstanding ur points, cause I'm listening to the pod at work so I may miss some key info),
Anyway, this reminded me of a convo I had with a prof of mine, we were talking about the narrative and meta-narratives that artists (specifically singer-songwriters) present to the public (cause all famous people r presenting a narrative that's y they're famous)
I think this narrative/ meta-narrative really affects the establishment and nature of the artist/ audience parasocial relationship. I think that for an artist to be "stan-able" they must present a meta-narrative, so there is,, something MORE for the fans to know about them. For example, Ed Sheeran and Coldplay have huge fanbases and can play arenas but don't really have stans because they only present a narrative (i.e. the music/ album). Whereas artists like Harry styles and most kpop groups actively foster a parasocial relationship by presenting a narrative (i.e. the music/ album) then a meta-narrative, for harry this would be his vague allusions to queerness, for kpop groups this would be the slow reveal of their real personalities (cause a lot of kpop groups r given explicit "roles" by their management like "the cool one" "the childish one" "the leader" etc). This meta-narrative allows for dedicated fans to "know" the artist better than fan who "just" listen to the songs. Personally, i think matty presents a third kind of "post-meta- narrative" so his narrative is the album then his meta-narrative is the onstage/in-interview performance art then his post-meta-narrative is his reflection on the performance art. I think the main difference between artists who have a meta-narrative and artists who have a post-meta-narrative is that we don't know what harry styles the person thinks about "harry styles" the performance, whereas id argue that we know what matty the person thinks about "matty healy" the performance.
I dont have a super cohesive point to end on but I do think that matty presenting a post-meta-narrative gets lost in translation when the 1975 gets exposed to wider audiences (like the swiftes) who take the red-pilled, toxic masculinity, meta-narrative Matty presents, as the end all be all.
anyways, i LOVE the pod, i hope yall keep it up and have fun doing it!!!
first off OMG HI IM JUST SEEING THIS SORRY IF YOU SENT IT A WHILE BACK! It’s Halla btw lmao. seconddddd, okay that’s a very good point you’re making about Stan-able celebrities, so to speak. Because, as we were talking, in the back of my head, I was thinking about my second favorite artist, Father John Misty, whose music is lowkey similar to the 1975 in a lot of ways. And it’s definitely shaped me as a person a lot. He’s been my top artist on Spotify wrapped stats for years. HOWEVERRR, I don’t have the same relationship to him/ his art as Matty and the 1975. I think it’s precisely because of the meta-narrative that you’re pointing to!
perhaps that’s part of what Matty has in mind when he says “feeling personally addressed.” Even little things like referencing their own earlier discography or tongue-in-cheek jokes about lyrics. “You can’t figure out a heart you were lyin’” “it’s just like I’ve lost my head.” Not to mention Notes tracks that have samples of ABIIOR in the back/ signaling the end of Music For Cars era etc. all of those things feel like building a narrative that the fan can participate in, and is likely to make you more immersed in the music and the artist. So yeah 100% I think this is a really great thought and if you don’t mind us referencing it on the next ep (it’s gonna be a part 2 of this conversation but more centered around consumerism in fan culture) I’d love to bring it up with Zoe!
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zaiban2989 · 1 year
BNHA S2 EP24 - Katsuki Bakugou: Origin
Or final exam battle: Deku/Kacchan vs. All Might.
*takes a deep breath* I have SO many fucking emotions when it comes to this episode. Honestly, I'm trying hard not to cry like the emo bitch I am right now lol Fuck... Okay. 😑 This post is going to be fucking long and all over the place and I apologize in advance.
Let me actually begin with the ending of ep23 where we have both Deku & Kacchan's voicing the preview and that fucker talks over Deku and shit, yelling "PLUS ULTRAAAA" and you hear Deku little "Traaa?" at the end, hkdmqmmsd that's so fucking funny.
Now for the real shit. Man rewatching that fight after being caught up on both s6 and the scans? Yeah, my heart can't take that stuff...😫
All Might is our top bkdk shipper, man. Apart from Aizawa, he's probably the only other adult really seeing what the relationship between Izuku and Katsuki can truly become (gotta love Aizawa for being so observant and forcing them to team up btw). That fight against AM is truly the first big step in mending their broken relationship, eh.
(my mind's a fucking whirlwind and I'm trying hard to be coherent, bear with me)
I'm thinking of something as stupid as this but... look at the distance between them here - and compare it to how it's going to be after s6 and Kats' apology? That dude has grown so fucking much and it shows even in his placement next to Izuku lmao *damn*
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We start that ep with Kats' POV and all his anger and frustration towards Deku making progress right? He's set on winning that shit on his own, refusing to cooperate and telling Deku to not follow him (yeah my dude we know you'd die if the nerd didn't follow you anymore). All in all, it's a freaking bad start when facing All Might, we even have that scene where he's yelling at Deku and Deku is yelling back "STOP YELLING! It's because you do that we can never have a normal conversation!" and boy... 😫
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Since we all know Katsuki's an overthinker (how he's been bottling shit up after 'ending All Might's career?) and that he is obsessed with the nerd, he's probably been thinking about this too, "If I start yelling we won't be able to talk" so he actually starts the convo softly during Deku vs Kacchan part2, like hello?!
Ahem. Anyways, what's also interesting is that moment where they knock each other out because they aren't working together at all. Katsuki is only thinking of charging to AM to defeat him and win while Izuku is literally too intimidated by his idol and wants to run away. They don't even think about each other and what the other is planning to do, hence the clashing. It's so great to actually see this because it brings out their cooperation (later in the episode but also in the whole series) and how they're really a fucking 'wonder duo' when they do work together. Once the relationship is on the way to being mended and they start seeing each other as rivals (see movie 2 Heroes Rising for instance), we actually see how much they're in synch, they don't even have to fucking talk to one another to understand what the other is thinking or planning next and it's just so fucking amazing man... Like really, that connection they have on the battlefield is ridiculous.🧡💚
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(sorry the fucking screen cap is hilarious lmao it's like they're lining up in the air to dance or something omfg I'm sorry rlekrjemzrmzer)
Moving on to when Deku is stuck under a fence cuz AM is an asshole djdmmds he literally just fucking broke Kats' ribs or something, the dude is puking, like what the hell...
Anyways we got Deku's flashbacks of their childhood and him fawning over Kacchan. "I always admired you for that [winning]" - and I don't know, but have you guys noticed how Izuku's memories are always about Kacchan and his admiration for him, like he'd be following him around spying on him, just watching him with stars in his eyes the whole fucking time - THIS is what's in Izuku's mind everytime he thinks of their childhood and at the opposite end what do we have? Katsuki hung on the damn river scene OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The contrasts is crazy and it holds so much meaning aaaah 😖🧡💚 I love Hori so much for this, man.
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We move to Izuku punching Kacchan in the face to save his ass and run away in an alley, literally hopping like a bunny (pyon pyon) and they have a sorta normal convo (yeah Kats is still yelling and exploding a wall but eh I call that progress). Then they face AM again and tadaaaaa we have another scene of Katsuki's crying face and WHY? Because he's fucking frustrated! When I tell you guys that dude only cries like this when he's frustrated and only in front of Deku and AM (for the record, that's up till he's accepting all of his feelings for Izu and Izu's love for him in the latest scans... *cries thinking of it*)
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I think that's also when he's slowly but surely starting to accept that yeah he's eventually going to have to cooperate with Deku, not just for this fight but in the future too. Right now it's still too raw, his inferiority complex is still too present and yeah... but we'll get there, won't we? 🧡
Anyways, Katsuki Bakugou's Physical strength appreciation moment because... Fuck, even Izuku is astonished by the weight and strength of that dude's gauntlet and Kacchan is moving around and blasting that shit like it's a piece of cake, like what?!?! 😲🔥 Hot.
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(our baby is so cute and hot with his bf's gauntlet I swear 💚)
Also this episode is literally the introduction of "Win to Save" vs "Save to Win" in a way, because it focuses on Katsuki's 'Origin'. Like I said, that episode is so fucking important for Deku vs Kacchan pt2 *sigh*
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Win to save 🧡
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Save to win 💚
There are still so many things I wanna say about this ep but damn it's already way too long as is it lmao Let me just end with how AM really doesn't give a shit about injuring his students hdmqmdlq the way he fucking pushed himself to Deku and broke his fucking back? Like damn man, any normal dude could have died of just that lol
All Might ending this post with this 👇🏼💚🧡
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Now let me go cry my heart out cuz this episode fucked me up
Bonus: I forgot to add my fav scene hdlkdezmdeoe "I'm gonna send you flying!"
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panelshowsource · 8 months
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it's actually been leaked for some time, although — and not to sound whiny — any time i've posted it or just talked about it i've gotten 10+ anonymous messages telling me i'm the devil and ruining the establishment of taskmaster with my irresponsible gossiping. so i didn't post about it and deleted any of the asks/convo about the new cast, even though ofc everyone has had tonsss of thoughts about it 😅
anyways would have laid down my whole life betting john robins (one of THE most obvious future tm contestants, being such a good friend of alex's!) and joanne mcnally would be on so i feel very vindicated — and excited! — in that regard! we're gonna have a great time :)
someone sent an anon asking about people i'd bet — not who i want, but who i'd bet — would be on the show so i'll think more about that and post later this week! the series will def have more seasons so i'll try and get some guesses in heh
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OMG ME TOO her name is mabel! she's sooooooo cute ≧◡≦
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hello anon!! actually you don't need me for this, it was recently posted on tv_bunny :)
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she's great! she reminds me a lot of roisin, in that when she's not doing her semi-pre-written joke material, she's supremely good at hanging, bantering, fitting in with the vibe. i really appreciate that when it comes to panel shows particularly! but i can't say i've seen much of her standup
(wait — can i digress for a second — roisin is one of the ONLY recurring catsdown contestants who actually brings in sensible mascots that have the purpose of helping her/bringing her luck, and her presentations of them are always so hilarious and she deserves more credit for that)
+ not important but i really like her voice
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thank you for sending her well wishes <3
i appreciate the message and you weren't the only person to say this, but i think some people are only part-way informed as to her journey reclaiming her name. her intention was never to scrap the nickname shappi or stop people from calling her that; it was 1) to reconcile her experience growing up in the uk with her name and how that led to her committing to shappi as a teen, and 2) to be published, credited, and billed as shaparak in professional capacities. she has clarified many times, including here and here, that it is totally acceptable to call her shappi; people on tv & radio still call her shappi after formal introductions, like in the new wilty when everyone calls her shappi throughout the entire episode; her social media handles are still shappi; and so on. she's shaparak, but that doesn't mean she "no longer goes by shappi". there is some confusion here i think some people are taking her journey, which was lovely to follow, as rejecting shappi — but that isn't the case.
i already updated her tag to 'shaparak khorsandi' a while ago and would definitely credit her full name where necessary, but socially, colloquially, like in the quick text post i made asking people to give shappi some love, there is no disrespect in calling her that! of course, plenty of people are credited by one name and are regularly called another/a nickname, like olivia colman who is actually called sarah by her family and colly by most everyone else. she seems really happy with having done her book and her recent show under her full name, and it's been beautiful to see her come around to love shaparak as much as she has loved shappi :')
btw for anyone who doesn't know, shaparak means butterfly in farsi!
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hahahahaha that is hilarious
long story short is just that keith lemon is a disreputable character (and i mean character literally, he's not real, he's played by leigh francis!) who spends a lot of his energy shouting and oogling over boobies etc
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i think it's fair to say hating on white supremacists does bring us all together 😅
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i'm sorry i haven't seen it! but ugh tamsin greig is one of my longest-time crushes fr i actually think the friendship between her and stephen mangan is one of my roman empires. i have a list of scripted tv rewatches i plan to do this year — the thick of it, peep show, and so on, some of my faves ever — and green wing is def on the list so maybe i'll add friday night dinner!
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dinosaursatemymom · 1 year
Tw:sa, mentions of sa
TL;DR: nuance is incredibly important when discussing ships and characters. Also don't fucking make shit up, that's gross.
I just found out that some people think that Steve SA'd Nancy in s1
Btw I don't ship stncy, but this is just, no. Oml no.
I just have to say that this is definitely wild. Especially because that's, just, not what happened in the show, and trying to paint Steve as this evil assaulter who was only using Nancy for sex literally undoes his entire plot in s1 that proves he wasn't just using her for sex.
In the first scene, he pushes for more, she says no, they joke a little, and then he stops. It was clearly meant to be lighthearted. The scene where they actually do have sex, Nancy initiates it. Steve did not at any point force Nancy into having sex. Lighthearted joking about having sex is not sa. If you cannot tell the difference between lighthearted joking around and literal fucking SA then please do not say shit like this, especially if you haven't experienced SA yourself.
Like, if you wanna talk SA maybe talk about the very real violation of consent in the show by Jonathan.(ftr I have forgiven Jonathan for this, he has clearly grown since s1 I just feel it's necessary to bring up in this convo bc jncy shippers tend to just ignore that this happened) Jonathan not only violated nancy's privacy, he also violated Tommy's, Barb's, Steve's and Carol's consent in taking these pictures. They were not in a public space, he went into a private gathering and took pictures without consent. That's a violation of privacy, tommy and carol being assholes doesn't mean they should get their privacy taken. It's gross, and it's even worse when people try to excuse Jonathan's actions and say he didn't do anything wrong.
Yes, Jonathan has grown and can be forgiven for this.
But, he was not in the right for taking those pictures of them.
It's the same with Steve
No, he shouldn't have slutshamed Nancy or said those things to Jon.
But, he was in the right for being upset about the pictures and he has grown since then
All of these things are true.
What isn't true it's saying that Steve SA'd Nancy. Especially when this is used as anti stncy "evidence". That's gross. Wtf.
Don't erase the real consent and privacy violation and make one up just to defend a ship. Ew
Also Nancy deserved so much better than Jon in s1, I'm actually glad about the decision to make them get together in s2 because it gave Jon some time to grow and be less weird. I don't really like how they got together (a grown adult giving teens alcohol and telling them to have sex will never not be weird) but I digress.
JSYK this isn't rlly an anti jancy post. I think that they could be really great if they could just fucking communicate and work on their problems better.
Also I just get really annoyed when people treat ships as if they have no issues and are perfect, which tends to be a lot of peoples attitudes on jncy which has kinda turned me off from the ship itself.
So many conversations surrounding jncy and stncy lack much needed nuance, which can lead to people saying things like this as "proof" that a character/ship is bad and terrible and the worst ship ever.
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fumifooms · 10 months
HI. I loved your marchil fics and I love your lil blurbs and hcs and all you're lil thoughts on them it's beautiful and makes my heart melt. It's just seeing this lil guy and how he has all his feelings locked away in a box until marcille walks over and picks right through the lock and gets him to open up (well in a metaphorical sense-).
I KNOWW RIGHT, I love how you described it!! There’s so much fun imagery and metaphors you can do with them… They lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship, as people say
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I love their dynamic they are so romcom shaped… Speaking of romcoms I recently read Dame na watashi ni koishite kudasai/Please love me ! which has major marchil energy, I love reading it while thinking of them lmao. They banter and she infiltrates his social sphere & gets all the family gossip and also he owns a cafe and cooks her things, it’s like my coffeeshop AU but real 😭💗
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People when getting into marchil:
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Thank you for this ask! 🥺 It’s always really nice to hear things like these… I never know what to respond though so naturally I shall go overboard, handing out more marchil thoughts as per popular demand! Marchil nation is a tiny island I’m sorry for getting you invested, but also mwahahaha hahahA YES HAHAHA YESSS! Handing you these ramblings as apology
My motivation to write essays has been waning lately BUT I do have a big post about theories and facts on Chilchuck’s family planned, his wife and daughters plus some Chil’s dad and siblings, the whole package. On top of more marchil crumbs to post oof… Ideally I should also rework the first part of the marchil crumbs to make it more streamlined and dare I say convincing. Also fanart and fics which I hope to get around to finishing up… I def want to make more marchil content, but I honestly have no clue which idea to work on next… (I take requests and prompts btw~). I want to make more fluff but I also want to make more hurt/comfort, ahh dilemma
One idea I have that’s particularly relevant is a fic that I’d call Locks of Hair, about blonde hair and the key to his heart. I’d love touching on his attraction to blondes and how that might affect their relationship in a neat lil introspective oneshot like I like to make. LOCKS of hair? Being the KEY to his heart? I love the english language. There’s sorta this trope where if a character loves money has a liking for blondes it’s because like, the hair is "golden", and I’d find playing with that so funny too.
Another that really has my heart right now is Marcille’s mom visiting them to see her daughter and meet her new partner Chilchuck, and it throws them into a frenzy to prepare for it, Chil being entirely too stressed and dreading. And seeing them her mom’s eyes soften and she tells them they remind her of her and her late husband… The bittersweet pride mixed with anticipation at how her daughter has grown into someone who can accept loss, and is willing to throw all of herself into loving despite them not even having 20 years together ahead of them……. I think about marchil proposals and marriage a lot. Hey hey did you know that in Japan "I want to drink your miso soup every day" is a way to propose, because that’s so Dungeon Meshi. The way proposals are so meaningful with these two because it truly is like "i want to give my lifetime to you, knowing all that it entails, but I believe that it’s worth the trouble. That it’s worth it." I have so much proposal dialogue between them written up oogh they make me so emotional
You truly are a warrior for reading all I wrote about them omg, if you like these sorta convos then maybe you’d enjoy joining our dunmeshi discord! I rarely get the chance to speak with another marchil enthusiast~ We have a lot of big convos on characters and ships over there hehe, ofc no pressure though, invite link in comment just in case. I get cuteness agression over them TOOOOO I need them-shaped stress balls to squeeze in affection
-trips and falls and some of my favorite marchil moments slip out-Soulmates ❤️ (delusional)
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rui-drawsbox · 2 years
Hello again, it’s me: the menace of your inbox 😎✨🤠✨🐊✨
for curtesies sake I’ll add a read more after I write one sentence of explanation.
I’m too busy to write a fic rn but the brain worms are so intense for Magical Girl Arashi that I will instead write an outline.
I’ll probably try to write em in an episodic fashion cuz like, magical girl anime :D:D✨✨✨
Cool so episode one should serve about three functions.
show how arashi gets her powers
establish the setting and foreshadow future characters
Get the view acquainted with the tone
so here’s how I’d go about it 🥰
Scene one:
Arashi should be in class
its a normal day
a new kid joins the class, it’s Mika
she notes that there’s something odd about him but like, in a comedic way that the audience won’t initially pick up on
he shouldn’t notice her at this point, she’s still a normal girl (still a queen, slay Fr I love her)
However he doesn’t make any friends for most of class and his introduction sounded like a robotic script, also he’s sitting alone, poor murderous baby 😭
anyways she, being the queen that she is, decides to talk to him after class and she gets a whole conversation with him
He doesn’t show it very well but he is happy to have a friend and offers her a bear charm instead of actually confirming that they’re friends (he’s real standoffish at this point so think how he acted to Anzu at first in the first game but like, a bit more tame) (cuz he ain’t allowed to really have friends, he’s just supposed to keep up appearances while Shu finds what he’s after)
School goes on, Arashi has lunch with Ritsu and Leo, we get a passing convo about them going to karaoke later, Leo laments that Izumi won’t go with them and the other two just kind of give him a sad look ig. Cuz he hasn’t gone with them in a really long time cuz he’s “busy” and “not interested in childish things right now” “too much work with ballet” (he’s lying💀✨. We’ll get to that later, I am having numerous thoughts)
School goes on once again and the day ends. Arashi walks home with her friends and they all go their separate ways.
while she is walking alone she hears this awful screeching sound, like a cat that’s super upset. So she, as any good cat mom would, follows it.
she finds a little kitty that’s being chased by these creepy looking Victorian dolls. They have golden strings attached to their feet that seem to trail on the ground as they walk. She doesn’t take much note of them tho. She’s too busy grabbing that cat and getting the hell out of there.
so she takes the cat back to her house and checks the poor baby for injuries. Thankfully the kitty is fine. However, things get a bit funky. (Magic cat.)
The cat puts a paw on her chest (like between her collar bones) and a little jewel mark appears there. Arashi is obviously very confused and concerned but the cat just purrs and meows at her.
She starts questioning the cat but like, ma’am despite the magic, that cat don’t talk. That cat meows, screams, and imitates barking noises to scare other cats. Fucking creature tbh. I love this cat.
also arashi is in her room on her bed btw, and there should be big windows by her bed, also she is on the ground floor. This is important.
so after a few minutes of questioning and getting meows for yes and shaken heads for no, the cat starts yowling and screaming and growling. So arashi is obviously very concerned.
There’s a thump on her window, the cat gets even louder.
she looks out and sees a… doll? Maybe a mannequin? It certainly looks large enough to be a mannequin. Huh, it has more of those gold strings. It’s beating on her window. Huh, wait, why is the window sliding open, FUCK!
Arashi grabs the cat and bolts while this mannequin chases her through the house. She does the smart thing and tries to call the police, there’s no response cuz the lines been cut and the service on her cell phone is out.
She tries to leave the house but each exit is being stalked by a different mannequin. So she runs to the bathroom to lock the door and hide.
(She tried to snap a photo of one of the mannequins btw, just in case she needed proof but when she looks at it later the photo will be obscured and unrecognizable so sucks to suck lmao 💀)
The cat gestures to the gem mark on her chest and tries to communicate with her to touch the mark. She does as the cat communicates and then she transforms. She gazes into the vast universe (the background from your art of her in her super magical girl form) and she sees a sword, a really pretty, majestic sword. She grasps the handle and her transformation starts.
anyways she doesn’t kickass yet, I’m sorry girlboss enjoyers, she ain’t a fighter yet, but she’s real strong and has the urge to kill to defend this kitty. So she wins, but just barely.
She also manages to avoid destroying her house in the process. So good for her. If the house was beaten up when her parents got home they would’ve had a fit.
Anyways the episode ends with her relooking all the doors and windows to her house and wondering what she got herself into with this cat. But the cat is cute so she doesn’t care. Also yes it is her cat from enstars. I love her cat so much.
That’s what I have for a possible episode one for this. I’ve got more ideas but I don’t have time rn. I’ll be back. My Izumi ideas are going crazy rn tbh. I’m gonna have a lot of fun implementing him lmao.
Also hi Rui, I hope you’re having a good day/night :D:D✨✨
my dude is your brain powered by the fukin sun or you are just a genius
anyways i can't possibly add anything to your outline. It's perfect. It was so good that even made me want to animate it and i went to search tutorials to the page i was going to use for my studies this year, and found out it was a scam HAHA
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Local high school girl adopts transferred silly man
also what do you think about Arashi, Leo and Ritsu (and sometimes Izumi?) doing dance covers every now and then, i think it would be a good excuse for when she has to outrun the dolls(?)
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fuck the twelve principles of animation, all my homies don't know what they're doing
ngl it would be a pretty horrific scenario to be in, lucky she😊!
also have you considered Arashi not knowing how the fuck a sword is used outside movies (and bc those dolls certanly look hard to break lol) and in the dispair uses it like a mf hammer? especially bc it's a real technique and it looks funny
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anyways, stars from stock wallpaper, my beloveds
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dont tell i dont know how to draw weapons i already know jsfhdkas
And Arashi just 'brushing' all that happend bc the cat is cute is the most magical-shoujo-protagonist thing that she could do lol
anyways im actually more motivated to animate than ever! my friend you just did the perfect first chapter for a series like that ajfads
good night my fellow AU enjoyer! Rui out! *explodes*
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merrysithmas · 2 years
where is Din in Mando 3???
If u follow me you all know I love Bo Katan (mostly TCW and Rebels Bo) but I can't express enough how confused I am thus far that Din's whole arc got COMPLETELY shafted this season, how he's barely in his own show and he has ZERO discernible arc at midseason ep 4. Baffling!
All his emotional beats building in season 1-2 got glossed over for focus on a secondary character (however glad I may be she is likely getting a spinoff), and how we have gotten zero substantial moments of quiet growth/bonding btw Din and Grogu - the show's two main characters - which was paramount to the show's popularity.
We also, mindbogglingly, have gotten pretty much zero substantial growth btw Din and his covert thus far - (apart from Din saving Paz's son and Paz having a son who would interact with Grogu which I predicted after ep 1). This was merely a brief interaction which was based on an action set piece rather than any real plot growth.
There's been... no philosophical conversations between he and the armorer, HE DIDNT EVEN REMEMBER THE LIVING WATERS AT ALL lol, no one in his clan has questions about Mandalore????? he didnt see the Mythosaur, Grogu didn't do anything of note spiritually in the mines, no convos with anyone about what he's been doing since being exiled (or people avoiding it to show it's a weird topic for them).
and for all the show's defacto focus on Kryze this season our main character Din rarely says more than one offhanded word to her at a time, indicating no real narrative purpose of fostering any burgeoning clan cooperation there. she interacts far more with Grogu.
if anything the show avoids conversation between them as I predict she is set to depart for her own spinoff and they don't want too many restricting ties with The Mandalorian.
as always, I enjoy Filoni as a writer (TCW was a masterpiece) and I have to give him credit for offering some more substance in ep 4 with a covert-based mission and showing us some insight into the clan training, eating traditions etc. but yeah, crumbs.
it's all been VERY strange, fellas
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myshredda · 2 years
Hi! Thinking about Yellow's family in the job episode. While his relationship with Claire probably isn't a very loving one as you've pointed out (and I've fallen in love with aroace Yellow) he clearly loved Janice and being a dad. Does Yellow still get these vague feelings of missing someone? I really love the idea of Pink, upon some reflection, deciding she isn't one for a maternal role, at least not for a long time. She gives Yellow a baby doll she has, and he has this weird feeling he can't describe. Some sort of repressed, mournful love. ❤️🍰 P.S. Signing off as Chubby Red Anon is the funniest thing to me, I can say whatever and then it's like "oh btw red man chonk"
No exactly, like him and Claire obviously weren't made to last, but I really did love his interactions between him and Janice (and Janice has THEE cutest character design of all time) I really would love for Yellow and Claire just to be friends because they were kind of sweet together, but Yellow was obviously masking and copying everything the other employees did to fit in to the job, so it's not even like they got to know the 'real' version of each other, and it's debatable if Claire/Dunkin/Andy even HAVE 'real' identities or if they're just slaves to the job, like all they ever talk about is the job. The only thing we know about any of their outside lives is that Andy has a kid and he like lasagna more than said kid (which is very hilarious I cannot lie). It's just so interesting to have them interact with other characters that aren't one of the trio OR a teacher like. Are Claire/Dunkin/Andy other 'students'? Are they teachers too? Who knows!
As for Yellow, when the trio is sucked out of the simulation and finally deposited back in their house he only mentions two things "My Hand! My child..." which is like. SO sad. (and Red's only sad about his missing weight gain, so that's very on brand for us lshfljdfgljs) so he may have feelings of missing something very important to him. He also really strikes me as the type of kid that would play with dolls, and Pink is definitely not into baby dolls in the traditional sense (she likes plushies, just not the ones that are meant to simulate raising a baby) so it would be incredibly sweet if she passed off any toys that were too reminiscent of motherhood to Yellow and he just smothers the thing with love. Sad as fuck really, but also sweet.
And yeah the best part of these interactions is the underling thread that we both love imagining that big red beast is quite chubby, adds a certain je ne sais quoi a little bit of spice to the convo ❤️💗💖
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
Hi hello that new story is rotating at rapid speeds. For once Grian is the one who doesn’t remember? I ADORE that. Scar being Fate is so so cool. Of course he would be the one holding them together while watching them fall apart. It just works.
And Mumbo knows? Did you specify how he knows? I was too in shock about Scar trying not to let their strings break and being literal Fate. How many times has Scar had to explain this to Grian? How many times has he not remembered? What made this time different for him to WANT to be reminded?? So few words have sparked so many questions. I am so here for this au.
Yeeeees I really wanted to play on the idea of Grian Knowing about the Life Games and change the rules - Like. He's still a Watcher - but I'm thinking in this au, if it weren't for SCAR huh, huh, he WOULD only be Watching the Life Games. Scar [And, Mumbo] have an incompatible set of....idk. Godliness???????? Magic????/ And it overrides Grian's Watcher abilities methinks. I'm still ironing that one out. Also poor Scar, someone get this man a cookie, he's desperately holding everyone together [Well - him and Cub, I imagine the Vex thing also being a cover up for disappearing for long stretches of time to Fix Strings{which, btw, I think they only mend them for a certain amount of time or for a number of tears EXCEPT for Grian and Scar and Mumbo bc the man can be a little be selfish and desperately cling onto his soulmates if he wants to}]
So here's what I'm thinking with Mumbo [And Xisuma and Etho] - they are a trio called colloquially as the Brothers of the Void - they themselves don't have a name, but if Scar upkeeps the strings of fate, they upkeep all forms of the Void - The End, the Overworld, the Nether, and this sort of between lives that Scar maintains, along with the afterlife. Mumbo specifically is the Overworld and the realm Fate occupies [which is how and why redscape is already A Thing.]. Xisuma is the End and Etho is the Nether I think, and I think one controls the afterlife and maybe one controls the like. Before??? Life???? idk man I'm spinning them in a salad spinner rn.
Scar and Grian don't have this convo EVERY time Grian dies, I imagine most deaths are pretty mundane because like, hermitcraft as a server [Which, this world is sort of The Game Minecraft but not. Like, they respawn? But its not like a game. Its like they just die and wake back up usually, even Scar or Mumbo. Different servers and worlds are just different universe bubbles people can travel between,,,somehow?] but Grian's participation in the Life Games as the Creator of them is...maybe in direct defiance of Fate itself thanks to Scar. Grian made them to feed his Watcher powers maybe?? and like yes he KNOWS that its Bad to kill/watch his friends die but he has to do something or he'll....idk fade out of existence???? And Scar, being mildly grumpy at having to participate maybe dragged Grian into it himself and so I think every death in the Life Games holds this sort of weight to it. Where Grian wakes up in this place he doesn't belong and won't remember and then flickers back to respawning like he's supposed to. Except - he never remembers, and Scar isn't usually there at the same time, so it's only maybe...once or twice? They've crossed each other's paths. Maybe the last death in every life game. Like maybe Scar waited for him in 3rd life and uhhh im ngl i do not remember the order in which they died in last life it's been a minute B U T regardless.
The thing that's different, I think, is watch Scar literally for their bond back fron the brink, watching him mend it, weave the fibers back together, force them to hold strong, refuse to lose Grian like this. Because, idk, I don't know about you but if I watched the dude who I definitely have a deep and profound love for I was just soulbonded to fight to keep our REAL soulbond together I would absolutely be like "find me and tell me".
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